Stratford upon Avon
Welcome to Stratford upon Avon High School, a Mathematics and Computing Specialist School in Stratford upon Avon. This prospectus aims to give you an insight into the life of Stratford upon Avon High School. It is an exciting and vibrant place in which to learn. We set high standards in all that we do, and we expect the best from our students and our staff. We have clear values by which we try to live, and we base our work on trust, co-operation, fairness, honesty and a belief in the unique worth of each individual. The needs, aspirations and safety of each individual child are very important. Our aim is to provide the very best learning experiences for all our students so that they achieve their full potential and are well prepared for independence and adulthood. We celebrate our considerable success. Indeed our GCSE and A level results, our superb Higher Education and career entry records, our outstanding sporting and artistic and musical achievements reflect the hard work, enthusiasm, talent and passion of students and staff. The information contained in this Prospectus will give a window into our thriving, successful and caring community. However, nothing can replace actually seeing the school at work, and you are most welcome to visit. Appointments can be made by contacting Mrs Carole Briggs, my PA, at the school. David R. Williams, Headteacher
“Pupils enjoy school life and have a positive attitude to learning”. Ofsted 2008
student progress Settling in When students join us in Year 7, they will already have met the Head of Year (Pupil Development Leader) and other key staff in a series of primary visits. They may also have visited the High school for one of our primary liaison sessions – perhaps an E-Mission, Technology lessons, athletics or other sports events, the annual Maths Quiz, or Gifted and Talented days. In addition, parents will have met their child’s tutor at New Intake Evening, and every student attends an Induction Day in late June / early July.
Learning Opportunities Our curriculum is broad, balanced and personalised to the needs of each individual, so that all students can work to their strengths and enjoy their learning. It embraces the academic, pre-vocational and vocational, plus enhancement options ranging from Young Enterprise to Duke of Edinburgh, from Sports Leader to First Aid training, and much more. Of course there is a core curriculum that all follow, but there are opportunities to take exams when ready, then to embark on the next course of study, along with enhancements and interest areas. Our students consistently obtain excellent grades at GCSE, and a high proportion of our own students remain in the Sixth Form at Stratford High. Here their independence is encouraged, within the secure and caring environment which is our hallmark. Our course offer covers a wide range of subjects, due to our partnership with the other Stratford Sixth Forms. This collaboration works to the benefit of all Stratford sixth form students, by creating a larger pool of course options. The Sixth Form is not only about preparing students for examination and entry to Universities and Higher Education, important though that is. We also offer a full programme of enhancement. Not only does the programme develop our students’ confidence and stature, but it strengthens their University applications. Further details can be found in our separate Sixth Form Prospectus.
‘’Pupils enjoy school life and have a positive attitude to learning.’’ Ofsted 2008 ‘’Arrangements for monitoring and improving the quality of teaching and learning are very good. Good practice is extensively shared both within and between departments.’’ Ofsted 2008
Good teaching provides pace and challenge and creates a culture where students can develop their understanding and approach to learning in confidence. The quality of our teaching is matched by our superb facilities inside and outside the classroom, along with excellent pastoral support, which together make for a vibrant and high-achieving learning community. Young people at our school achieve excellent standards, not only in GCSE, vocationally-based and A level exams, but in other activities where their talents can be developed. The school prides itself on celebrating achievement. We recognise that achievement, whether academic, musical or sporting, is something to be proud of and something in which the whole school can and does share. Look out for reports in the local press of our students’ success in the arts, performance, sport, charity, community work and academia. And when you visit the school, look out for our displays of students’ work
Homework and Extended Learning Projects Students are expected to do extension work or homework. It will often be set well in advance of the submission date as a deliberate policy in order that students learn to organise their time effectively. Increasingly they undertake extended projects in order to deepen their learning and understanding.
Trips, Visits and Extra-Curricular As a large school, we pride ourselves on being able to offer a wide range of opportunities beyond those of the main curriculum. There will be a number of occasions when your child is offered the chance of a residential experience, living and working with a group under professional supervision, gaining new perspectives on life, being stretched and tested while taking on new challenges. Every year there are trips to all corners of the earth, as well as UK trips, days out, local visits to theatres and galleries. We run school-based clubs and activities of enormous scope and variety at lunchtimes and before and after school - there really is something to appeal to everyone.
‘’ Staff, pupils and students in the sixth form are rightly proud of their school, which provides a safe and supportive learning environment and has good resources.’’ Ofsted 2008
The school is active in forming strong links with the local community, businesses, universities and other schools. Collaborative partnerships with other schools enable us to offer a richer choice, whether it be A levels, diplomas, or other enhancement experiences. We believe that the community offers a rich resource which we use to increase learning opportunities for our young people.
The school provides Extended Services and has a range of superb resources available to the students, parents, local residents, clubs, societies and businesses outside school hours. Stratford Community Sports Centre is on our campus, and managed by the school. Please telephone the School on 268051 or the Sports Centre on 267661 to ask for further details.
Our partnership with you is of the highest value. We place particular emphasis on developing and maintaining a positive relationship through our regular newsletter, events in school, and regular opportunities for parents to meet with form tutors, subject teachers, and pastoral staff. We ask parents to uphold the correct wearing of the school uniform, so that students are excellent ambassadors for the school. See the insert for the current uniform list and supplier details. Also, every Monday evening in term-time, the Headteacher holds a “Surgery” when he is available to see parents. Appointments can be made in advance, but are not essential. All students and their parents are expected to sign a Home School Agreement when they start in Year 7.
Pupil Assessment and Contact with Parents
Regular opportunities are planned for parent-school contact, including parent contact evenings plus regular written records of your child’s performance and effort such as interim assessments and subject reports. Parent contact evenings are many and varied, and range from the traditional Parents’ Evenings to Option Choice information evenings, and from ‘Into the Sixth Form’ to Information sessions for Work Experience, Careers, School Visits, E-Safety etc. We operate a programme of target setting for all students and their parents including focus days when we invite parents into school. The High School aims to provide a complete picture of each student’s achievements by using a variety of assessment methods, including selfassessment, which is a great confidence builder. Parents are always welcome in school – we value our partnership.
‘’ Pupils contribute to the school community well and the local community benefits from a range of extended services offered at the school and by the positive contribution that pupils make.’’ Ofsted 2008
Opportunities and Support for all “It is the intention of this school to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to develop to their maximum potential, whatever their racial origins or sex, in order that they can take their place in a pluralist society.’’ Stratford High School is a well-ordered, hardworking and caring community where students are valued as individuals and treated as young adults. The wellbeing of students is of paramount importance, and we are proud of our pastoral and guidance structure. We aim to deal with any worries parents and students may have in a thorough and sensitive way. We operate a whole school approach to special needs, believing this to be the most effective way to foster the development of all our pupils. The school follows the SEN Code of Practice and the special needs policy of the Local Authority.
Every Child Matters It is important to us to educate and prepare the child for life, and we take seriously the five aspects of the government’s Every Child Matters agenda: be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, and achieve economic wellbeing. For instance
Students have access to wholesome food at reasonable prices. each have a locker where they leave bags and possessions, removing the need to carry heavy bags around school. have year-group designated toilets, generally close to their locker. have easy access to fresh water. have their own Student Services Reception, a focal point for support and information. have access to counselling and more formal guidance if required and can call upon a very experienced pastoral support team. are encouraged to contribute to decision making through membership of the Student Council. get involved in sustainability education and events such as ‘’Green Britain Day’’, enterprise days, charity events, sports leaders awards. keep safe by learning safe and appropriate behaviour – and benefit from security measures such as visitor signing-in, CCTV monitoring, staff id badges, door access systems.
‘’Pupils settle quickly into the school routine and report that they feel safe. They know where to go if they have a problem and are confident that staff will listen and help.’’ Ofsted 2008 ‘’The development of skills which contribute to pupils’ future economic well-being is outstanding.’’ Ofsted 2008
The world doesn’t stand still, and nor can we. Your sons and daughters will take their place in a modern 21st century society, and we strive to equip them for whatever that may bring. As a specialist school, and a member of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT), we have Mathematics and ICT as an integral part of school life, and play a key role in preparing students for the digital age. Our work-related learning provision is very well-regarded, covering careers advice and diagnostic assessments, work experience support, enterprise education, and links with local colleges providing work placements and extension courses after school. We take seriously our role as an accredited Healthy School, and our success as an Eco School, both for the kudos it gives to the school, and most importantly for what it brings to student development. Our superb building and grounds, opened in 2002, incorporating all weather sports pitches and athletics track, continue to develop with later additions of a Sixth Form Centre, additional Drama studio, fitness suite, and wonderful mezzanine extension to our Learning Resource Centre at the heart of the school. Stratford upon Avon High School is truly a 21st century school for 21st century students.
While the prospectus gives a flavour of the range of activities which are the hallmark of a busy, successful school, this leaflet highlights just a few of the recent experiences our young people have been involved in, both inside and outside school. Our students are encouraged to be involved in a huge range of activities, from sport to music, for the arts to charitable enterprises. Here is some of the evidence!
Stratford High’s Indoor Athletics Team recently became the first ever South Warwickshire and Warwickshire County Indoor Sportshall Athletics Champions for 2009. Stratford High School was the proud host of the South Warwickshire Schools “Sporting Gifted and Talented Day”, hosting over 110 Year 7, 8 and 9 local students for SHS and other schools. Stratford High School and Stratford Rowing Club were the proud recipients of the trophy for School/Club links at the recent ‘County Celebration of Sport’ held at Coventry’s Ricoh Stadium. Stratford High’s Cross Country Team did it again with a fabulous showing in the recent County Championships held at Abbey Fields in Kenilworth! Highlights of the event included the Girls Junior team (Years 8 and 9) winning their race, with the team of Zoe Chandler, Molly White, Lydia Mee and Courtney Smith finishing a fabulous 1st, 6th, 13th and 49th respectively. Zoe and Molly were selected to represent Warwickshire at the National Championships. Stratford High School pupil, Harry White of year 9, has been selected to play for Warwickshire County Schools FA team. Stratford High student Conor Guest continued his run of success by coming first in both the junior discus and shot putt events at county level, going on to the National English Schools’ Championships in Sheffield. Conor is currently age-ranked 2nd in the UK for Shot Putt. Stratford High’s year 9 Basketball team won the South Warwickshire Championships in a hard fought final against Shipston High School The school is participating in the Comenius project, focused on ‘Migration – A Moving Story’, and this year has been able to send pupils (along with staff) to schools in Poland and Sicily as part of the project. Along with Penair School in Cornwall and schools in Italy, Germany and Spain, our involvement will continue into 2010 with a visit to Spain, and a hosted event in Stratford. Stratford High Student Lottie Pennington recently took part in a World Record, breaking the USA’s record for the most drummers playing full kits together! The event took place at the NIA in Birmingham in July, where Lottie was photographed with many famous drummers and even appeared on TV! On top of this, she managed to raise over £200 for the MS society. Stratford High School is pleased to announce that its status as a specialist Mathematics and Computing school has been renewed. This has been achieved after the school surpassed its targets set by the government which included improved links with primary schools as well as GCSE pass rates. Four Sixth formers received Gold awards for a project entered in the Engineering Education Scheme, in collaboration with local business, MPS. They designed and tested a ventilation system for their common room in order to improve air flow and environmental comfort levels in the room. The scheme itself also involved an intensive four day residential course at Birmingham University. Our annual Art Exhibition was a particular success in 2009, as shown in the local press. It consisted of GCSE and A-Level coursework and test pieces and was open to parents, staff and pupils. The artwork demonstrated a range of styles and each piece selected represented the viewpoint of the individual artist, from landscapes and portraiture through to abstracts and pop art.
Pupils and staff produced their Summer Showcase; a medley of music, drama, song and dance. The performers were all aged 11-14 and the degree of confidence and talent exhibited on stage was outstanding.
This year our “Battle of the Bands” was better than ever with bands like, Crystal Jeff, The Real People, Nuclear Misfits, May Contain Nuts, Comedies & Tragedies and the return of last year’s winners Moons of Jupiter. There were also solo performances from Katherine Abbott and a superb guitar solo by Callum Marshall. Year 7 students were given an insight into the different aspects of space exploration during a ‘Space Week’ in July. The space theme was integrated into their lessons for the whole week and included designing and launching rockets in their science lessons as well as an opportunity to model the solar system on a grand scale. During food tech, they were given an opportunity to sample the delights of space food, in mathematics, they designed flying objects and in PE they got to throw UFOs (otherwise known as frisbees)! There was also a real treat for the end of last term when staff organised for a special meeting with a bunch of invertebrates! In a one and a half hour sessions students of all age groups were given the opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the most amazing and diverse creatures on earth. The fantastic collection of moths, butterflies, beetles and insects were brought along courtesy ‘Paradisea’, an educational business that specialises in the links between the national curriculum and the study of invertebrates. Stratford High’s year 8 pupils were congratulated by British Telecom on their ‘communication’ achievements recently when they came into the school assembly. All the pupils had completed 7 modules in their PSE classes on communication which had been provided through BT’s Education programme which is kindly offered free of charge to schools. In a series of activities organised by LRC Manager and the English department, author Mary Hooper visited to talk about her new book ‘Newes from the Dead’, Chris Ryan gave an insight into the world of the SAS, and World Book Day was celebrated. We participated again in the Carnegie Book Awards. Theatre visits included Artyfacts with an adaptation of ‘Of Mice & Men’ by John Steinbeck, and the Drama Department has also taken time to mark the 90th anniversary of the death of a World War One soldier whose story has become woven into the framework of many of the pupils’ schooling. Working with the RSC and Filter Theatre has provided our Year 8 students not only with a physical and sensory treat but also with a new outlook on Shakespeare. The workshop and performance have encouraged students to follow his language and to realise that Shakespeare's work is approachable. We are involved in an exciting Drama project with the Courtyard Theatre – look out for details in the press. Stratford High School was selected to host 10 Japanese students aged 15/16 from the Osaka Kuniei Senior High School of Japan. The girls took part in a six week visit towards the end of 2008 and spent their afternoons attending lessons with fellow Year 9 students as well as being allocated ‘buddies’ from Year 9, with whom they have been in contact. In fact, the visit was so successful that it was repeated in 2009, and may now become an annual event. As part of Stratford High’s Pupil Learning and Development programme all sixth form students attended a Young Drivers Safety Session. The Sixth Form team was inspired to arrange an inaugural ‘Languages Day’ in response to the ideas brought forward from the Whole School Council To mark our ongoing links with Stratford-based design and engineering company Morgan Professional Services (MPS), an IT suite at the school has been named the MPS Suite and has been officially opened by MPS design and operations director Enzo Adamo. The school has introduced a new A level course in Film Studies, for students interested in making and discussing film. In summer 2009, a group of students took part in the World Challenge to Iceland – and another group are planning their World Challenge adventure in Costa Rica, in summer 2010. A range of educational visits takes place through the year across all subject areas. We are fortunate to operate a hardship fund, courtesy of the Town Trust, from which we can provide support to unwaged families and those on income support, to enable students to participate in curricular trips and visits.
Our students are expected to be excellent ambassadors for the school – both in behaviour and in appearance, and to wear full school uniform. Any pupil not appropriately dressed may be asked to return home to change or be provided with a suitable alternative to wear that day in school. GIRLS AND BOYS Navy blue blazer with badge Tie – Navy blue/silver – broad diagonal stripes Navy blue outdoor coat e.g. anorak (no hooded sweatshirts) Black shoes (not trainers). (Names should be clearly marked on all garments) GIRLS Mid-grey skirt (mid to dark grey). The skirt to be A-line, pleated or straight designed to sit just above the knee. Skirts of an
elasticated/stretchy material are not acceptable.
Mid-grey trousers specified styles from approved suppliers as listed. White long-sleeved blouse with school tie Mid-grey V necked jumper – long sleeved or sleeveless if required Plain ankle socks (white or black) or tights (white/black/navy/ grey/natural) BOYS Mid-grey trousers (mid to dark grey). No Corduroy. White long sleeved shirt with school tie Mid-grey V necked jumper – long sleeved or sleeveless if required Grey socks. SCHOOL UNIFORM SUPPLIERS The Governors have chosen a uniform which can be purchased from a wide variety of local stores. The list below gives just some of the shops who stock the High School Uniform. Schoolwear at British Home Stores plc Schoolwear at Marks & Spencer Stores National Schoolwear Centres, 3-4 Bulls Head Yard, Alcester, Tel: 01789 400344 Roundabout, 3 The Precinct, Wellesbourne, Tel: 01789 840253 NB: Ties and blazer badges can only be purchased from school PHYSICAL EDUCATION KIT Stratford High School produces and sells its own PE kit, compulsory for all students in Year 7. Kit colours are Navy Blue and White and most items are labelled with the school logo. PE kit will be on display in various sizes at the New Parents’ evening on 5th July 2010. All items will be available to order, with delivery at the start of term in September. N.B: Names should be clearly marked on all garments GIRLS PE (Compulsory Kit)
Optional Additional Items
White polo shirt with collar (logo) Navy blue shorts (logo) Navy blue games socks (logo)
Navy Blue Track suit jacket (logo) Navy Blue Track suit bottoms (logo) Navy Blue winter hat (logo)
Rugby shirt (Navy blue with white) Trainers BOYS PE (Compulsory Kit) White polo shirt with collar (logo) Navy blue shorts (logo) Navy blue games socks (logo) Rugby shirt (Navy blue with white) Trainers
Optional Additional Items Navy Blue Track suit jacket (logo) Navy Blue Track suit bottoms (logo) Navy Blue winter hat (logo) Football boots Shin pads
GOVERNORS Our Governors meet six times per year as a full governing body and have a number of different committees, each meeting every half term immediately prior to the meetings of the full Governing Body. Annual Governor elections take place each October when any vacancies will be filled. At September 2009, members of the governing body are:Parent Governors Christopher Barton Sharon Walpole Mike Raynes Vince Herbert Rod Witton Mardi Widdowson
LA Tim Bailey Susan Bateman Michael Brain Sheila Sandle Clerk Sarah Seccombe
Community Trevor Honychurch Richard Williams Robert Williams Beryl Downing Ian Heggie
Staff David Williams (Head) Jennie Roche Graham Richardson-Smith Michael Clarke Anita Douglas (associate)
ADMISSIONS POLICY From September 2010 for Community Secondary Schools the admission criteria are, in order of priority: 1) Children living in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, a local authority (under section 22 of the Children Act 1989) 2) Children living in the priority area given in the booklet who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission 3) Other pupils living in the priority area 4) Children living outside the priority area who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission 5) Other children living outside the priority area Within these criteria, first priority is given in order of distance between the child’s home and the school (shortest distance = highest priority). Distance will be calculated by the straight line measurement from the applicant’s home address to the centre point (“centroid”) of the preferred school. All measurements are subject to pre-positional accuracy and changes. This applies equally to those living inside and outside the County’s boundary (the priority area is as defined in the Admissions booklet). Definitions Sibling, brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission, to include the sixth form: Brother or sister (including halfbrother or half-sister, adopted, step brother or step sister) living at the same home address as the child applying for the place. A sibling connection will not be accepted if the original place was obtained using fraudulent or false information. Home Address: Where the child normally resides/sleeps when s/he attends schools. Addresses involved in child minding arrangements (professional or with relatives) are excluded. Where a school place is allocated on the basis of an address which is subsequently found to be different from the child’s home address, that place is liable to be withdrawn. What happens when a child lives between two addresses? When a child lives with both mother and father at separate addresses, the address used for allocating school places would be where the child sleeps for the majority of the school week (for example if a child is resident with mother Monday-Thursday and with father FridaySunday the mother’s address would be used as the child’s normal place of residence).
There were 484 total preferences in 2009 for the 265 available places.
Admissions Arrangements – LA Maintained Non-Selective Schools Parents of children in their last year at local primary schools will be asked during the Autumn Term to indicate which secondary schools they would like their children to attend in the following year. Parents of children attending other schools or any parent seeking impartial and independent advice should contact the School Transfer Co-ordinator, Saltisford Park Office, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL for further information; tel: 01926 742211, email: The closing date for applications for September 2010 admission for children living in Warwickshire is 23rd October 2009. This date is issued by the Local Authority. If you live in Warwickshire and your child is due to transfer to secondary school in September 2010 it is possible for you to apply online at For further information please contact school admissions on 01926 742037 / 742047. ATTENDANCE
Family holidays should be avoided in term time. They may be regarded as unauthorised absence because we consider that a break in study and assessment can seriously damage a student’s prospects. We ask that parents inform the school well in advance if they intend to remove a child from school in term time, and be aware of the implications of doing so Attendance 2008/9 – taken from the most recent statutory DCSF return May 2009 Number of 11-16s on roll for at least one session 1190 Number of pupil sessions 136816 % of authorised absences 6.41% % of unauthorised absences 1.71% HOME SCHOOL AGREEMENT (this is a compressed version of the actual agreement ) Mission Statement: Within the context of a secure and purposeful environment and partnership with parents and others, we will provide high quality teaching and a wide range of learning opportunities. We will develop the potential of each individual and will encourage students to view learning as a lifelong experience.
We will (The School)
care for your son/daughter’s safety and happiness and foster an approach of mutual respect; ensure that your son/daughter achieves his/her full potential as a valued member of the school community; provide a balanced curriculum and meet the needs of your son/daughter; achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility; contact you if there is a problem with attendance or punctuality; share with you, your son/daughter’s successes and achievements; contact you promptly with any concerns or problems that affect your son/daughter’s work or behaviour; arrange parents’ evenings during which progress can be discussed with you; keep you informed about school activities through the weekly newsletter, letters home and notes about special events.
see that my son/daughter goes to school regularly, on time and properly equipped notify school of reasons for any absence let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my son/daughter ‘s work or behaviour; support the School’s policies and guidelines for behaviour and uniform support my son/daughter in homework and other opportunities for learning at home; attend parents’ evening and discussions about my son/daughter’s progress; take an active interest in my son/daughter’s life at the school.
attend school regularly and on time; bring all the equipment I need every day; wear the school uniform and be tidy in appearance; do all my classwork and homework as well as I can; be polite, helpful and respect others by following the school’s Code of Behaviour; keep the school free from litter and graffiti.
We will (The Parents)
I will (The Pupil)
Signatures Parent: Print Name:
For the school: Print Name:
Date: Pupil: Print Name:
SCHOOL TERM AND HOLIDAY DATES The following dates have been set by the county for 2009/2011. confirmed once finalised, and will be published on our website.
Please treat them as provisional.
2009-10 to 18 Dec 30 Oct
from 7 Sept 25 Oct
The 2010-2011 dates will be
2010-2011 (provisional) to 17 Dec 29 Oct
Autumn term Half-term
from 8 Sept 26 Oct
Spring term Half-term
5 Jan 15 Feb
26 March 19 Feb
5 Jan 21 Feb
13 April 25 Feb
Summer term Half-term
12 April 31 May
23 July 4 June
27 April 30 May
22 July 3 June
Target setting and closure days for 2010-11 tbc later – see website SEN AND DISABILITY PROVISION INFORMATION
Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities: For pupils transferring from primary schools, the PDL for Year 7 and the Learning Support Co-ordinator meet with the relevant primary staff to discuss how the needs of individual pupils with disabilities have been met in the school environment, and assess any anticipated difficulties. Pupils and their parents are met in school and a visit or series of visits are arranged for the pupils during the summer term prior to Year 7 For pupils transferring into other year groups, visits to school with parents to meet year staff and learning support staff are arranged. Pupils’ needs and how they will be met are discussed and the pupils are given the opportunity to meet other students and spend some time getting to know the school as appropriate.
Details of steps to prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils: Stratford High School prides itself on being an inclusive school. Pupils with disabilities thrive and take an active part in all aspects of school life: they represent the school through sporting and community involvement; they achieve well academically; their achievements are recognised and celebrated through our awards evenings; they represent their forms on the school council; they attend a range of extra-curricular activities and residential visits; they establish friendships which extend beyond the school.
Details of existing facilities to assist access to the school by pupils with disabilities: Stratford High School’s buildings are only seven years old and were designed and built to facilitate full access. There are two lifts, access at the ground is level, and there is a full range of escape chairs for use by wheelchair users and anyone with limited mobility.
The accessibility plan (required under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995) covering future policies for increasing access to the school by pupils with disabilities: The accessibility plan is an organic document, which describes measures to ensure that all pupils with a disability have access to the full curriculum and range of activities. Further details of this and the school’s Disability Equality Statement and Plan are available from Mark Watts, Inclusion Leader.
Information about the implementation of the governing body’s policy on pupils with special educational needs and any changes to the policy during the last year: The governing body’s policy on pupils with special educational needs gives details of the ways in which the learning support department and the wider school acts to ensure that pupils’ additional needs are effectively met. This policy is available on the school’s website.
EXAMINATION HEADLINES Keystage 3 Teacher Assessment 2009 (percentages)
English Maths Science Dis W
School National School National School National
W 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 1 0 1
Disapplied Working towards
3 0 5 1 5 0 5 EP Abs
4 11 17 7 14 8 17
5 36 38 15 24 32 33
6 40 29 36 28 53 29
7 13 9 23 21 8 13
8 0 0 18 7 0 0
EP 0 0 0 0 0 0
obtaining grade A B C 12.8 20.6 33.0 11.6 25.4 32.6 11.7 21.9 32.8 12.8 23.0 26.7 10.3 15.8 23.4
D 20.6 21.0 17.5 26.2 27.2
5+ 89 76 92 79 92 76
Dis 0 0 0 0 0 0
Abs 0 1 0 0 0 1
Exceptional Performance Absent
Five Year summary – GCSE and A level % Passes at GCSE over 5 years Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Candidate entries 2186 1958 1990 1969 1492
% at each grade A*/A B C 22.2 22.0 25.6 17.4 21.0 31.3 23.0 20.9 29.5 9.0 15.8 27.0 9.9 18.6 32.4
% Passes at A Level Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
No. of entries 218 138 137 187 184
E 11.0 9.4 14.6 9.6 17.9
Overall pass rate 98 100 98 98 95
GCSE Examination Results 2009 (for pupils born between 01/09/92 and 31.8.1993) Subject Art Biology Business Studies Catering Chemistry Child Development Drama English English Literature Food Technology French Geography German Graphic Products History ICT Mathematics Music Physics Polish RE Resistant Materials Science double Science single Sport & PE Studies Statistics Textiles Technology
A* 1 4 0 0 4 3 0 7 8 3 1 7 0 2 10 7 13 0 4 1 37 2 7 2 1 1 0
A 3 9 3 3 6 0 11 28 55 5 3 20 5 6 22 37 23 4 6 1 37 3 32 15 9 10 5
B 17 12 4 4 9 5 28 64 59 8 0 9 4 5 13 30 38 4 8 0 37 10 41 30 9 24 8
C 25 24 7 7 6 1 10 55 27 6 4 23 3 7 18 45 64 3 5 0 26 5 54 40 12 77 5
D 10 14 4 0 0 1 7 52 13 6 2 8 4 1 6 15 45 3 2 0 26 4 26 31 12 29 4
E 3 7 1 0 0 0 1 19 8 0 2 12 2 1 7 9 25 0 0 0 17 9 11 24 4 31 5
F 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 4 0 1 1 1 0 0 6 2 14 0 0 0 6 1 5 12 0 14 0
G 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 6 0 1 3 0 6 0
U 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 4 0 2 3 0 5 0
X 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 62 71 35 14 25 10 58 229 171 29 14 81 18 23 84 149 230 14 25 2 198 34 179 160 47 197 27
Total % of total
125 5.7
361 16.5
480 22
559 25.6
325 14.9
198 9.1
72 3.3
25 1.1
23 1.1
7 0.3
Please note: The above table does not include the exam results in ALAN (Numeracy and Literacy), vocational subjects, CopE, and Xtend courses, which are followed by many of our students in addition to their GCSE courses A Level Examination results (pupils born after 01/09/90 only) Subject Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Drama Economics English English Literature French Geography German History ICT Mathematics Physics Product Design Psychology Sport & PE Studies Statistics Total % of total
1 0 0 0 1 2 4 5 0 5 0 5 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 28 12.8
1 2 2 2 6 3 5 4 0 3 1 6 1 2 0 0 1 6 0 45 20.6
2 8 5 6 6 3 7 8 1 10 1 3 1 0 0 3 1 3 4 72 33.0
2 5 2 2 1 0 4 5 0 6 1 1 2 2 3 6 3 0 0 45 20.6
3 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 5 3 1 1 2 3 0 0 24 11
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 1.8
9 15 9 13 14 8 20 24 1 27 3 20 7 7 6 11 9 10 5 218
Pass Rate % 100 100 100 85 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 89 100 80
STUDENT DESTINATIONS VI form leavers (%) University
Gap Year / University 2010
Employment with Training Other
(rounded to 1 decimal place – as a result, not all will add to 100%)
Complaints Procedure Under the Section 23 of the Education Reform Act 1988 there is an approved procedure for the dealing with complaints about the actions of governing bodies and the LA in respect of the school curriculum and related matters including religious education and collective worship. If you have a concern or query you should contact the school so that the matter can be discussed with the Head Teacher and the relevant member of staff. It is expected that the majority of questions and anxieties can be dealt with in this way. If complaints can not be resolved, then the formal procedures involving Governors and the LA can be invoked. Copies of the formal procedure are available on request from the school or Shire Hall.
Stratford High School Alcester Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 9DH Telephone: 01789 268051 email: web: