5 minute read
The Chaplain
Truly a labour of love
A life in the day of the Strathallan Chaplain
THIS HAS BEEN ANOTHER AMAZING YEAR FOR I thank all those who were willing to stand at the front and CHAPLAINCY AT STRATHALLAN. It is the fourth express their views in front of the whole school — a daunting full year of my reign and has been exciting and prospect but an opportunity to capture the attention of life-affirming at times and challenging and difficult everyone as they sit supportively listening and smiling at others. Nonetheless it has always been rewarding This academic year will always be remembered for the and fulfilling. I sense increasingly that Chapel and death of Alistair Jeynes-Ellis suddenly in November. Alistair Chaplaincy is even more central and integral to the for me will always be remembered for that big smile, the everyday life of the school.” warmth of welcome and the cheeky mischievous grin. He
We began the year with a weekly analysis of the will be missed by the whole school but particularly his values that underpin the school — kindness, respect, friends in Lower Sixth in Ruthven and of course by his family. humility, honesty, hard work, excellence. Over all The funeral took place at the school in Chapel which was of these, the single greatest attribute which is in many ways Whilst many things will change throughout the culmination of all others one’s Strathallan career, there will always be is that of love, an attitude and the constant and comforting presence of Rev’s outlook in life that is loving to joyous preaching on a Wednesday morning. the very core. In a varied and Rev attempts to appeal to and demand sometimes eccentric approach, respect for the majority of all religious callings we examined all these values — – which is no doubt an admirable feat. The sometimes using guest speakers often bold jokes and references are the first and sometimes the experiences thing you notice but on closer inspection there of pupils themselves. This was an is so much more. He does so with sensitivity, area of increasing development humour and understanding, which is probably in our Chapel services with the the greatest lesson of all. use of more pupils to discuss Francis Y, UV1 topics such as women’s rights in Mexico, the holocaust, climate change — some of the appropriate, poignant and in many ways the perfect location biggest and most important issues for young people for a wonderful send off for such a memorable boy. His today. friends in Ruthven and from his Ski Club paid emotional,
I would also like to thank Mr Gallier for speaking so humorous and heartfelt tributes alongside a wonderful movingly of his experiences whilst serving as a Colonel rock band performance and a specially written piano piece in the British Army at our Remembrance Sunday by his friend Alex W. The highlight for me was the bravery service. Pupils and staff alike have been prominent in of his mum Allison in standing up to address the huge many of our Chapel ‘moments’ this year and hopefully congregation — truly inspirational. For me in my four years at this trend will continue. Strathallan this was one of the hardest and most emotional of times, but having now completed weddings, baptisms, confirmations and now a funeral, I see Chapel fundamentally as the central place for the whole range of human emotion to be expressed in the Strathallan community and the place of ritual for life events. The sadness of Alistair’s funeral for the school was in many ways balanced alongside the wonderful reaction of the whole community in supporting each other and the family. Staff were amazing in how they quietly helped each other and the pupils through a most difficult moment — truly expressing and embodying a spirit and attitude of love. Christmas was difficult in the circumstances for many but we had a wonderful end of year Carol Service in St. John’s
“Perhaps this year will be remembered most by me as the year in which Chapel finally became more accessible, more ‘normal’ to visit, more ‘demystified’, more of a place for quiet prayers and short memorial services — in short more of a central special place at the heart of Strathallan not just geographically but mentally and spiritually and symbolically. It remains my great privilege to minister to this exciting and varied and questioning and intriguing flock. Truly a labour of love.”
for the second year which was again a great success and this dovetailed with our alumni services, our atmospheric candlelight service involving Riley and the community and of course our instantly forgettable staff nativity/panto which may, despite the attentions of Mr Foster to encourage our acting skills, have finally seen its last performance!
The New Year dawned with coronavirus on the horizon and yet Chapel continued apace with a superb week of activities and talks from Christians in Sport for which I thank Mr Banda once more this year for his organisation and enthusiasm. New candidates have emerged for baptism and confirmation and we hope to pick this up in the new academic year — preparation continued online which was a first for me! The Big Questions group which has been meeting consistently for the past four years has now finally all grown up and will be leaving school. This is the end of an era in some ways and a group I will miss more than they realise. The circle of life must continue…maybe there will be a new group next year?
Need more Rev in your life? Visit our YouTube channel where you can watch all of this term’s services whenever you like. https://youtu.be/KeT1Xriu_qM Chapel, to me, serves as many things; a time and place to express my love of God, to reflect, learn and commune. Rev’s funny yet, thought-provoking, sermons always keep us all listening and we have come to associate that period together as the time ‘to ponder something more’.
Muna N, UV1
Chapel has a very special place in my heart. It is where I decided to get baptised after being a Christian for my entire life. I knew I always wanted to get baptised but I never knew when or where until I met Rev. My baptism at Strath was definitely one of a kind and something that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Rev has the kindest, most genuine soul and always knows how to light up the room with his humour (and food). It has been an honour being Chapel Prefect for the past year.