Searching lives

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Searching lives

By María Luisa González Campos Carlos Gómez Castro Karol Sánchez Mora Olman Alvarado Rodríguez (13, 16,17, 18)

Professor: Mónica Bradley

Lara Johnson is an astronaut. She is about starting a trip to discover new worlds in space. She must decide which is going to be her partner in this adventure. Sitting in front of her computer solving difficult calculations to travel to space, Lara remembered that day when her parents got her to a camp where she would see the stars closely for the first time using a telescope. She always looked up and wondered if there is anything else beyond the sky that she sees every day, she looked through the telescope and was so happy with the view that slowly appeared in front of her eyes, those lights at night became circles with colors and shapes never seen before, her father explained that those circles are planets and they are far away from us, at that moment she decided that when she was older she would study the universe and travel as far as she could to see those planets that her father told, when she grew up succeeded and was the best astronaut in the class. She promised her father that she will travel to space very soon. - I'm sure you will, my love - answered her dad. But to successfully complete the trip the perfect partner must be chosen, with motivation and knowledge to allow them to travel in peace.


During the years at the University she worked with a super computer that the engineering colleagues built with the purpose of using it in space travel, capable of taking care of all the components of the space vehicle that would be the home of the astronauts during their voyage and they called it “Sheldon” and Lara understood that it would be the perfect partner to travel with her. But Lara has another option, the famous experienced biologist and researcher Dr. Parker. She knows him in a conference some years ago and she was impressed with his knowledge about space world and interesting personality. With Sheldon, Lara has unlimited access to information and automatic pilot. But it doesn’t have knowledge of the new world’s ecosystem. Sheldon has a super space map. Lara was responsible to put all the information needed for the adventure and the company gave her unlimited access to the information that contains everything they knew about the Universe, but what the computer did not know is the possible ecosystem of the new planet because they only had a very diffuse idea about what they would find when they arrived. But Sheldon had a star map in his files so for that reason there is no problem. Dr. Parker is a handsome biologist and researcher. Lara knew that he is one of the best around the world in science. She has a partner with a lot of experience in this kind of research. Dr. Parker was a one of the pioneer to participate in the space program for the past 20 years. He research about new planets around the galaxy and he will be able to understand and interpret the new world’s ecosystems.

If you decided to choose Sheldon, the super intelligent computer, turn to page 3. If you decided to choose Dr. Parker, the experienced biologist and researcher, turn to page 8.


The trip starts. After months of journey, the battery of Sheldon is low, and the systems failure. The system reboot was necessary that include lose all information and the space map. Lara chose to continue the mission. “Travel logbook, month 80: I can't find a solar system that can recharge my ship, so I’m having a loss of energy. I don’t know how much could I survive in this conditions” Lara wrote. By this moment the battery of the ship is critical, the oxygen system is compromised and she needs to turn off all the systems and stay just with the necessary, losing the map and all the information related to her trip. This could ruin the mission and represent a risk for her life so she needs to take a hard decision: continue with her mission waiting that the ship can find some source of energy and all the systems can be restored, or abort the mission and go back to Earth following back the route that she traced.

If you choose to continue with the mission, turn to page 5. If you choose to continue to abort the mission, turn to page 4.


Lara decided to go back and preserve her life. Finally after a long travel back home she landed safely, but feeling sad and failed knowing that she was the only option to save humanity and she couldn’t make it.



She decided to continue, and fortunately after two days traveling without a specific route she sees a Sun closest enough to charge her ship, and after the charging all the systems where fine and she can continue with her trip. After several months of travel, Lara finally reaches the planet system Trappist-1. - “We found it!! We found it!” said Sheldon. - “Do we found Tatooine Sheldon?” She asks. - “Yes Lara, finally we did it!” said Sheldon It is the most beautiful place that she had ever been before. Based on computer readings this planet is perfect for human life. She became immediately shocked by the presence of two stars surrounded by seven enormous planets. But one of the planets catches her attention because his turquoise oceans and green, yellow and red look-like continents. She looks through the window and sees a planet that looks like Earth a lot -”it is so beautiful, just like Earth looks like before all those wars” she thought. She landed and discovered a pristine new world full of life, rich oceans and exotic animals and plants. After exploring a little she found some humans who took her with their leader. They spoke a lot! They had a lot of information to share, but in some point Lara discovered that what was happening to Earth in this moment was provoked by the same humans that she were trying to save, and that same thing happened to the inhabitants of that planet. She was so confused… What happen if she brings all human being and this planet ends in the same way that Earth? Or she could stay there and live in peace with that people and never go back to Earth.

If you choose to stay, turn to page 6. If you choose to go back to Earth, turn to page 7.



She talks with the leader and explain him what she was thinking about bringing there all the survivors in Earth, and explain him all her fears about it. He tells her that she can stay in the Tatooine living with them.



After thinking about it a few days she decided to go back to Earth. She followed the route that she traced already and arrived safely to Earth. She gives to the directors of the mission all the information that she could obtain and they started to send people to Tatooine as soon as possible.



Lara and Dr. Parker prepare the start of the trip. They hope a successful trip for the future of the humanity. They joint in this adventure with the same objectives. The trip starts. Some weeks after, Lara notices in Dr. Parker something different. She needs to decide if investigate what happened or wait for more information.

If you choose to investigate what happened, turn to page 9. If you choose to wait for more information, turn to page 10.


Lara observed all movements of Dr. Parker and she discovers that he has a new travel plan. He wants to lead the trip to other places in space for continue his research and he uses Lara’s mission to Tatooine for make it. He has a route to X45, a small satellite with some resources similar to Earth. The Dr. Parker’s information is not verified, he has old maps and outdated data of other space explorers. With tricks and incorrect information, Dr. Parker cheats Lara and he traces a route to the satellite and he takes control of the ship. Lara thinks it is too late to change the route. Lara waits to can return to the original plan after they visit X45 and they obtain the information that Dr. Parker wants, but then to the some days in course of the satellite, then they was trapped by a black hole.



Something happens with Dr. Parker. After they start the trip, Dr. Parker starts to review obsessively his maps and old notes. He writes in walls of the ship and he changes information in the systems. He argues with Lara about the mission and the possibilities of success. He thinks in fatalist results and tragedies of the mission. He became insane and he is aggressive with her. She knocks him to block his attacks. Lara decided to place him in a cryogenic machine. He is sleeping connected to this equipment to maintain him alive. She has to take control of spaceship and continues the trip.

Turn to next page.


After several months of travel, Lara finally reaches the planet system Trappist-1. She became immediately shocked by the presence of two stars surrounded by seven enormous planets. But one of the planets catches her attention because his turquoise oceans and green, yellow and red look-like continents: Tatooine. She landed and discovered a pristine new world full of life, rich oceans and exotic animals and plants. But there's no human or any kind of intelligent life form, that's the reason why this is an extremely special planet. She never felt like this before, she was in front of outstanding totally new kind of nature. She only wants to cry by the emotion of the indescribable happiness that she felt. She decided to go back to the Earth, she was in front of what she, and the humanity as well, was looking for. But before depart she needs to collect all the information about this new planet. And here is the question, should Lara return to the Earth?

If you decided to stay, and never come back to the Earth, turn to next page. If you decided to return to the Earth, turn to page 13.


This place is so special to let it be destroyed by humanity, no again, no like the Earth.



After several months of travel across the space, she was finally one day away from the Earth... she almost reach her goal! Everything seemed to be good, no more adventures, no more challenges. She was happy, she can barely remember the difficulties during the trip, at the end, and all the obstacles will be worth it. But this could never be more distanced from what she thinks. She was passing through the asteroid ring in the middle of the solar system and suddenly one of them hit the spaceship. Everything becomes crazy: this is a real mess! She thought. The spaceship energy system is already damaged, and there's no more energy to maintain all the spaceship functions working. One last challenge‌

If you choose to complete her mission but not her commitment, turn to page 14. If you choose to complete her mission, turn to page 15.


At the end, she was not really sure about the presence of human society in Tatooine. She knew that this is going to be the end of a pristine planet. She knew that his friend, Dr. Parker, never forgive if she allow the destruction of a new planet by humans. It was an easy decision to her, disconnect the computer to keep him alive and lose all the information about Tatooine. Humanity destroys a precious planet once, but not twice. And after all, she does what she wanted since the first time that she saw Tatooine: maintain it safe from the humans.



She was in a pursuit of hope for humanity, a new home, a new beginning. She decided to disconnect Dr. Parker in order to keep all the information about Tatooine safe. She saw how her friend during the trip loose his energy, she saw him die. The computer is still working and keeping all the information that humanity needs to have a new home. One last goodbye to Dr. Parker, she let him abandoned in the middle of the solar system. At the end, she needs to complete her commitment to save humanity. She becomes a hero and now she would be able to return to the Earth. She completes her mission, but lost her friend. The rest is another history.



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