Defense Communities September/October 2010

Page 1


The Magazine of Military Housing, Lodging & Lifestyles

communities September/October 2010

PHMA on Facebook and Twitter Page 6

Furnishing Tips Page 52

Also Inside: Privatization Updates Page 25

Military housing and lodging managers help curb utility usage

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CONTENTS Privatization Updates

25 SPECIAL SECTION: energy conservation

12 Shedding New Light on Older Buildings

Four valuable tips help residents control lighting and therefore curb electricity use on a daily basis. By Andy Wakefield

16 Close Watch on Energy Savings

Utility metering programs help educate service members and families about responsible energy use. By Ivan Bolden

Please send your articles for Defense Communities to Birgitt Seymour at NEXT EDITORIAL DEADLINE: January/February: November 5

20 Smarter


Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI) introduce technology-based strategies for driving down energy usage. By John Scragg

23 Honing Energy-

Saving Strategies

Automated technology solutions, including systems that use radio frequency and online capabilities, offer military installations another choice in utility management. By David Nowak


Barracks Innovations Two construction projects aim for state-of-the-art and sustainable living environments for single soldiers. By Ted G. Fery, AIA, LEED AP, and Erich E. Reichle, PE

30 Privatized Lodging Progressions

Here are the latest updates from the Privatized Army Lodging (PAL) program—and a look at how staffing strategies are supporting soldiers and families. By Barbara Sincere

34 Managing a UPH Family

Marne Point residents at Fort Stewart, Georgia, enjoy a special relationship with the housing team that feels more like family. By Tom Jenkins

38 Partnering for the Long Term

Residents of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, benefit from the “one team” mentality between housing and lodging managers and their privatesector counterparts. By Dawn Davis-Spector, CPM (HMO)

40 Comfort and Caring

2  Defense Communities

Privatization progress at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, makes a big difference to a soldier injured in Iraq. By Cindy Gersch


The Magazine of Military Housing, Lodging & Lifestyles

September | October 2010 u Volume 21, Number 5 u

42 Historic Innovations

At Hawaii’s Hickam Air Force Base, homes from the 1930s receive muchneeded restoration and rehabilitation, including a former NCO Club that’s now a community center. By Bryan Flower

FEATURES 46 Building a Benefits Hub

Here’s how the Tidewater Military Family Services Council (TMFSC), based in southern Virginia, is pooling resources to help support service members and families. By Susan Burns, CSEP

48 Community Based Recovery

In Millington, Tennessee, Naval Support Activity Mid-South quickly recovers from flood damage, thanks to a community’s combined efforts. By Greg Hoener

50 In Support of Warrior Families

An outdoor equipment and weapons manufacturer makes a $100,000 donation to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Adapted from a press release

52 Inviting Form and Function

Just the right furnishings selections can help make a shared space inviting and resistent to wear and tear. By Michael Zusman

54 Keeping Close to Nature Using wood in furniture manufacturing offers responsible and sustainable practices. By Jace Dawson

56 Breathing Easier

Check out these tips for curbing indoor air allergens and making homes and common areas healthier places to live and work. By Ron Uecker

DEPARTMENTS 4 President’s Message PHMA President Del Eulberg addresses this issue’s special section on sustainable strategies in military housing and lodging. n

6 Association News PHMA is now on Facebook and Twitter, another strategy to extend the association’s reach and connect with members.

communities A Publication of the Pro­fes­sion­al Hous­ing Man­age­ment Association Publisher Editor Managing Editor Art Director

Debra J. Stratton Birgitt Seymour Marlene L. Hendrickson Janelle Welch

Publishing Offices Stratton Publishing & Mar­ket­ing Inc. 5285 Shawnee Road, Suite 510 Alexandria, VA 22312-2334 703/914-9200; fax 703/914-6777 Advertising Sales Manager Alison Bashian Stratton Publishing & Marketing Inc. 800/335-7500; fax 440/232-0398 Editorial Office 544 Windspirit Circle, Prescott, AZ 86303 928/771-9826 phmadefensecommunities@ PHMA Office 154 Fort Evans Road, NE, Leesburg, VA 20176 703/771-1888; fax 703/771-0299 Executive Director Jon R. Moore


58 Chapter News n Royal Chapter #63 members enjoy a field trip with local school children.

59 Military Marketplace n Check out this go-to resource to find companies that provide products and services to the military housing and lodging industry.

61 PHMA Corporate

Defense Communities (ISSN #1088-9000 USPS #004-502) is pub­lished bi­month­ly by Stratton Pub­lish­ing & Mar­ket­ing Inc., 5285 Shawnee Road, Suite 510, Alexandria, VA 22312-2334, for the Pro­fes­sion­al Hous­ing Man­age­ment As­so­ci­a­tion, 154 Fort Evans Road, NE, Leesburg, VA 20176. PHMA mem­bers re­ceive this pub­li­ca­tion at the an­nu­al sub­scrip­tion rate of $30. Nonmembers’ annual sub­scrip­tion rate is $100. Send sub­ scription re­quests to Defense Communities at PHMA. Periodi­ cals post­age paid at Leesburg, VA, and ad­di­tion­al mail­ing offices. Defense Communities, ©2010, Pro­fes­sion­al Hous­ing Management As­so­ci­a­tion. All rights re­served. All con­tents of this pub­li­ca­tion are pro­tect­ed by copy­right; how­ev­er, they may be re­pro­duced in whole or in part with prior ap­prov­al of the publisher. Prior to photocopying items for educational classroom, internal, or personal use, or to request rights to republish an article, please request re­print permission from Editor, Defense Communities, phmadefensecommunities@ Unless otherwise stated, ar­ti­cles and ed­i­to­ri­als express the views of their au­thors and not nec­es­sar­i­ly those of PHMA, the editors, or the pub­lish­er. An­nounce­ments and ad­ver­ tise­ments in this pub­li­ca­tion for prod­ucts and ser­vic­es do not im­ply the en­dorse­ment of PHMA or any of its members or staff. Postmaster: Send subscription/address changes to: Defense Communities, 154 Fort Evans Road, NE, Leesburg, VA 20176 or e-mail:

Sustaining Members

62 Advertising Index

ABOUT THE COVER This issue of Defense Communities showcases the latest strategies for conserving energy usage—from enhanced lighting control to utility metering. See the special section starting on page 12.

Defense Communities magazine is designed to keep those who operate and manage the whole spectrum of military housing and facilities maintenance informed on the industry’s latest technology, products, and services. It provides a forum for members to share lessons learned, news and events, and training opportunities and updates.

September | October 2010  3

P res i de n t’s M ess age

Being Part of the Sustainable Solution By Del Eulberg, Major General (Ret.), USAF


ummer has come to a close, kids are back to school, and everyone is beginning to focus on cooler weather and the upcoming holidays. We’re also relieved that our utility bills have gone down because our air conditioners aren’t running all the time. But we know it will only be a short while before we have to turn on our heating systems. This cycle continues every year. After a while, it becomes part of what you expect and you plan accordingly; it’s just an accepted routine. However, I believe those days are gone or nearing an end. A utility bill is not just a utility bill; it is a reflection of how we as individuals and as a nation use energy. Some would disagree and say that green living is just a fad and will all go away when the price of oil goes down. The logic behind that argument is founded on our response to the energy crisis back in the early 1970s. Ultimately, that experience did not fundamentally change how we think about energy or our habits. The difference today is the clear and unmistakable connection between energy and our economy, national security, and environment. We understand that energy not only impacts our individual pocketbooks and organizational budgets but also influences our national economy to include jobs, our global competitiveness, and the need to build a green manufacturing base.

Environmental security The second major change in how we think about energy pertains to our national security. It is no secret that the stability of the Middle East is critical for our national security, which provides the foundation for a reliable, globally competitive source of energy for the international economy. The third shift in how we think about energy has to do with our direct impact on the environment. How we produce, distribute, and use energy is linked to our environment. Global warming and green house gasses and the oil spill in the Gulf and its impact on wildlife are two examples. The convergence of economics, security, and the environment around energy is what is different about how we all think about the utility bill. These three key linkages have forever changed how we think of energy and our own personal responsibilities, as well as our future and that of future generations.

4  Defense Communities

The key questions for all of us are how are we doing, and are we doing all we can? We are making real progress and have a number of great examples in each branch of the services, but we can do more.

Strategic solutions From my vantage point, I have seen some common keys to success: 1) Our energy sustainability strategy must focus on three critical areas: energy demand, energy supply, and, most importantly, the cultural (or people) side of the equation. Any strategy must address all three aspects to be successful. 2) Sustainability must be clearly identified as a critical success factor at every phase of a new construction project or renovation—from planning, design, and construction, and, throughout the operations and maintenance phase. 3) We must stay current on new methods and technologies in the market but should not be “captured” by them. The latest technologies typically address one aspect of the solution, but we must stay focused on the whole lifecycle. 4) We have to “double down” on our efforts to communicate with each other, and share experiences, good and bad; we are in this together. 5) We must show leadership. Never be afraid to ask questions and challenge the “process.” Take the lead and invite yourself to planning meetings; you are on the front line and understand the customers and challenges.

Global responsibilities We all can make a difference when it comes to energy, and it is our duty to make the best effort every day. The suggestions above apply to all of us—planners, designers, builders, maintenance staffs, and most importantly our housing and lodging professionals at every level. When it comes to energy, it boils down to this: If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Thanks again for your dedication and commitment to our men and women in uniform and their families! God bless. n Del Eulberg is Managing Director, Infrastructure Programs, for Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. General Eulberg retired from the Air Force in 2009 as The Civil Engineer, HQ USAF, where he was responsible for installation support for 166 installations worldwide.



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PHMA Extends Its Online Reach Join the association on Facebook and Twitter


HMA has joined the ranks of every military service, most businesses, and associations—and maybe even your Great Aunt Mildred—by becoming an active participant on social networking sites. The association recently launched a Facebook page and Twitter handle. The mission of PHMA has always been focused on contributing toward better quality housing for our service members and their families. The commitment of PHMA members is continuously strengthened through training, improved professionalism, and communication and networking with peers throughout the services and private sector. Social networking sites allow the association’s global membership to reach out around the world and instantly connect with military housing professionals. PHMA invites individual and corporate sustaining members to join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter and join our growing online community. n

Join PHMA on Facebook: Follow PHMA on Twitter:


PHMA Certification Opportunities! PHMA offers many certifications to members at all stages in their Military Housing Careers Become a Defense Housing Manager—Level 1 or a Defense Housing Professional—Level 2. We also offer Certified Defense Asset Manager and Certified Defense Referral Specialist. PHMA has partnered with MHLI to offer Certification programs for Certified Defense Privatization Manager—CDPM™ and Certified Defense Unaccompanied Housing Manager.

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LEARN MORE TODAY! | WWW.PHMA.COM 6  Defense Communities


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September | October 2010  7


PHMA Member Among Award Recipients By Deb Mercurio


TG Rick Lynch, Commanding General of the Installation Management Command, has announced winners for the 2009 Directorate of Public Works Annual Awards. Among the award recipients is PHMA Member Pamela Hirota. “The annual Army Directorate of Public Works Program provides leaders an opportunity to recognize individuals and organizations who demonstrate excellence in support to Readiness, Soldiers, Families, and Civilians through the management and execution of the installation public works and real property missions,” says Lynch. Garrisons submitted nominations to IMCOM Region staff, who evaluated nomination packages. Honorees in eight categories were selected, with six individuals and two organizations being named for outstanding contributions to the command’s mission. Honorees are: • William Sanders, US Army Garrison, Fort Belvoir, VA, William Gribble Directorate Public Works Executive of the Year

8  Defense Communities

• Daniel Hong, US Army Garrison Camp Red Cloud, Korea, DPW Engineering and Planning Executive of the Year • Gerhard Spuhler, US Army Garrison Kaiserslautern, Germany, DPW Business Management Executive of the Year • Pamela Hirota, US Army Garrison Hawaii, DPW Housing Executive of the Year, a PHMA member • Monica Stephenson, US Army Garrison Fort Bragg, NC, DPW Operations and Maintenance Executive of the Year • Paul Wirt, US Army Garrison Fort Bragg, NC, DPW Garrison Support Executive of the Year • Savannah District, US Army Corps of Engineers (nominated by Fort Bragg and Fort Benning), DPW Installation Support Program of the Year • Total Maintenance Stuttgart, TMS (nominated by USAG Stuttgart), DPW Support Contractor of the Year. n Deb Mercurio is a staff member of IMCOM Public Affairs Office. Reach her at (703) 602-0810.

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PHMA Bylaws Update By Elijah “Wilkie” Wilkerson


he PHMA Board approved several changes to the Bylaws in 2008, including a reduction in the number of membership-elected Board members—from 12 to eight. This change reflects the strengthening of PHMA as a staff-driven organization with appropriate Board oversight. This action is being accomplished by attrition; the terms of four Board members will expire at the end of this year. The following Board member terms will expire: • Joyce VanSlyke, Army • Alice Gladden, Private Sector • Walt Kelly, Private Sector • Connie Lotfi, Air Force We thank them for their unparalleled service to PHMA, our members, and the service members and families we serve.The remaining eight elected members of the PHMA Board are; terms expiring in 2012: • Charlie Williams, Private Sector • John Busca, Air Force

• Barbara Sincere, Army • Shelia Schwartz, Air Force Terms expiring in 2014: • Darlene McCoy, Marine Corps • Barry Scribner, Private Sector • Linda Cruz, Navy • Suzanne Harrison, Army In view of the new Bylaws structure, there will be no election of Board members this year. The positions of President, Executive Vice President, and Council Members are two-year terms and will expire this year. These positions are elected by the Board members, and this action will be accomplished prior to the 2011 Professional Development Seminar in New Orleans. n Elijah “Wilkie” Wilkerson, USA (Ret.), is Executive Vice President of PHMA. Reach him at

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S P E C I A L S E C T I O N : energy conservation

Shedding New Light

on Older Buildings Retrofit strategies that curb electricity use help reduce expenses and environmental effects By Andy Wakefield


tatistics about electricity use by the US Department of Defense are rather startling. For example, the Defense Department’s electricity use would supply enough electricity to power more than 2.6 million average American homes. In electricity consumption, it would rank 58th in the world, using slightly less than Denmark and slightly more than Syria. Lighting is a major contributor to this electricity use because it is often the single largest consumer of electricity in buildings. Studies of private-sector commercial buildings show that electricity accounts for 38 percent of the electric bill—more than cooling, heating, and equipment. If you walk around the average building, you’ll see why: The lights are too bright, they’re on for too long, and they illuminate vacant spaces. To control total energy costs, military housing and lodging managers would see immediate results by addressing lighting strategies.

Take control of lighting Often, the root of high costs is outdated lighting design that lacks flexible lighting control management tools that help minimize electricity use. The solution is an energy-saving retrofit using lighting control technology that may not have been available when the building was constructed. Georgian College in Barrie, Ontario, Canada, reduced its lighting bill by 70 percent ($137,000 annually) with a lighting retrofit. The college’s lighting system was nearly 25 years 12  Defense Communities

old and represented technology and deployment that was characteristic of its time. Jeff Choma, Georgian College’s manager of mechanical and electrical systems, oversaw the project. “We really took the time to select the best technology for our campus,” he says, adding that after reviewing several products, the college went with a versatile and user-friendly solution. The school hired electrical contractors to retrofit the fixtures and add communication wire where needed. Existing wiring was used whenever possible. Once the wiring was in place, a system of daylight sensors, occupancy/vacancy sensors, and in-wall controls were installed, all of which could be easily programmed by school staff. The results and benefits were immediate. Daylight sensors in windowed areas dimmed fixtures to take advantage of daylight. The system directs fixtures throughout these rooms to react to commands from the daylight sensor as a group. The school is using combinations of daylight and occupancy/vacancy sensors in more than 500 areas. As a result, Georgian College is saving more than 70 percent in energy costs over the previous lighting systems. The school is paying off its renovation loan with the savings.

Save energy and money Depending on the investment, housing managers can expect to reduce lighting costs by 20 to 60 percent by using a light-

Strategies for Lighting Control Each of these lighting control strategies can be built upon a previously installed strategy, allowing the total lighting control system to suit any space and budget. These are examples of ways to retrofit lighting control solutions one room at a time. 1. Replace switches with dimmers. A stand-alone solution is the simplest and most cost-effective way to retrofit for energy savings. A facility manager simply replaces the switches with dimmers. Using the dimmers for tuning and high-end trim will typically reduce electricity use by 20 percent in every space. The stand-alone solution for fluorescent lights is to replace switches with dimmers and replace switching ballasts with dimming ballasts. Fluorescent dimming ballasts are generally more efficient and cost-effective than switching ballasts. The typical payback period is less than three years. 2. Install occupancy/vacancy sensors. The addition of occupancy/vacancy sensors can save another 15 percent in a stand-alone system. Sensors turn off lights completely when a room is unoccupied. Wireless occupancy/ vacancy sensors are ideal for retrofit applications because they require no re-wiring. Installation is easy, by simply attaching the sensor on the ceiling and replacing the on/ off switch with a matching dimmer. With dimmers and occupancy/vacancy sensors, standalone systems can cut electricity costs by 35 percent in each retrofitted space. Stand-alone system retrofits yield electricity savings for individual rooms, but multiple rooms containing these controls cannot be tied together and operated as a single system. 3. Consider going digital. To retrofit a fluorescent lighting system that requires more complex energy-saving strategies, start with a digital dimming ballast. Digital dimming ballasts provide a flexible, scalable foundation for lighting control systems that can deliver electricity savings of more than 50 percent. Using digitally addressable ballasts allows light fixtures to be directly networked with time clocks, occupancy/ vacancy sensors, daylight sensors, wall controls, handheld remote lighting controls, and window shades to create a total light management system. Additionally, digital dimming ballasts can be easily reconfigured as spaces change. 4. Control sunlight with sensors. A combination of dimming ballasts, daylight sensors, and automated window treatments can maintain the optimum light level for each space in a facility and effectively use the available ambient light to save energy and improve occupant comfort. Electrical lights automatically dim when enough daylight is available. Harvesting daylight with dimming ballasts, daylight sensors, and automated window treatments main-

tains overall light levels and maximizes the use of free sunlight. In addition, sheer window shades automatically close to reduce glare and solar heat gain while maintaining the view.

September | October 2010 13

S P E C I A L S E C T I O N : energy conservation

ing system like the one at Georgian College. Additionally, lower lighting costs translate directly to lower HVAC costs. With less heat from the lights, there is less need for air conditioning. The rule of thumb is that for every three watts of lighting cut, a housing manager can reduce HVAC needs by one watt. Lighting control systems employ a variety of strategies to save electricity use. These strategies and the resulting cost savings compound as each strategy is added to the overall lighting control system. This allows housing managers to build a total lighting control system gradually by employing one strategy at a time to suit any space and any budget. Dimming is the easiest way to cut lighting costs. Dimmers can easily reduce electricity usage from 15 to 20 percent through high-end trim, lightlevel tuning, and personal light control. High-end trimming sets the maxi-

The rule of thumb is that for every three watts of lighting cut, a housing manager can reduce HVAC needs by one watt. mum light level for each space. For example, the human eye can barely distinguish between a light level of 100 percent and a light level of 80 percent. Dimming lights to 80 percent reduces energy use by about 20 percent while keeping light levels comfortable for the human eye. Light-level tuning sets the appropri-

ate light level for each space. Typical lighting levels in office spaces are much higher than necessary, which is often due to large, outdated banks of overhead lights that were installed before the widespread adoption of computers. Using high-end trim in addition to dimming lights in home office spaces, for example, minimizes glare from computer screens and creates a more comfortable lighting environment for the human eye. Even when high-end trim is used, many offices choose to dim the lights even further to minimize glare on computer screens.

Empower energy users Personal light control lets individuals control energy consumption using remote-control units that affect specific areas of the home. For example, in a home office space, a resident may choose to dim the light level using a remote-control unit to lower the lights directly above the desk, and in the kitch-

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en, the task lights can be slightly brighter. Studies show that giving people direct control over their own lights can reduce electricity use by at least 10 percent. Occupancy/vacancy sensing automatically turns off lights after occupants leave a room or space. On average, occupancy/vacancy sensors can reduce lighting electricity use by 15 percent. Depending on the use and size of a space, sensors can save electricity use by as much as 60 percent. Daylight harvesting automatically dims electric lights when enough daylight is present. Daylight harvesting can save an additional 15 percent in lighting electricity costs in buildings with many windows or skylights. With continuous dimming ballasts, daylight sensors start to dim the lights as soon as daylight is sensed in the space, thereby immediately saving energy. Controllable window shades serve a dual purpose to let daylight in and keep excess heat and cold out. For total control of the visual environment, shades can open and close automatically at different times of the day to harvest daylight and reduce HVAC costs by as much as 30 percent.

Scheduling can reduce lighting costs by an additional 10 percent. An energy-saving retrofit can save 35 percent of electricity costs immediately after installation. (See “Strategies for Lighting Control� on page 13.) By employing a scalable lighting control solution to residential buildings, mili-

tary housing and lodging managers can better control their lighting costs and help reduce overall energy use. n Andy Wakefield is Government Business Development Director for Lutron Electronics. For more information, contact Leanne Hanson at

React to energy demands Demand response/load shedding reduces the overall lighting load at times when electricity costs are the highest. Many utility companies offer incentives to customers who are willing to reduce their electricity use during peak demand periods, i.e., during normal office hours when residents are at work, overnight hours, or holiday hours. Scheduling will automatically dim or turn lights off at certain times of the day. Although large residential buildings with many occupants operate on 24-hour schedules, most of the common areas are thinly populated during normal office hours, overnight hours, and holiday hours. With scheduling, a housing manager does not have to depend on the last person that leaves a common area of the building to turn off the lights. The housing manager can use scheduling to automatically dim or turn off lights at appropriate times. September | October 2010 15

S P E C I A L S E C T I O N : energy conservation

Close Watch on Energy Savings Soldiers and families in a utility metering program curb bills and help benefit the environment By Ivan Bolden


n 1996, Congress passed the Military Housing Privatization Initiative (MHPI), which authorized the services to privatize installation family housing. Two years later, the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) issued additional guidance mandating that service members in privatized housing must be responsible for the utilities they consume. This was done in an effort to be better and more informed stewards of our nation’s energy resources, to ensure viability of our projects, and to create sustainable environments. This was a huge culture change for service members living in government housing. Traditionally, residents were not responsible for utility payments or the consequences of elevated energy use. Since 2002, the Army has done its due diligence to implement the OSD guidance and monitor the effects on individual families.

Effective communications A systematic approach has been a critical foundation for success. First and foremost, the Army has worked hard to educate and inform residents, helping them understand the program’s purpose, the process, and the inherent benefits. We’ve been able to accomplish this through various mediums. Getting the word out to residents—at installation town hall meetings, Family Readiness Group meetings, and in-processing centers—has proven invaluable, as has the use of less formal presentations, including informational welcome packets, appliance magnets, and light switch covers. 16  Defense Communities

Another critical piece: training resources for those in direct support roles, including asset managers at the installation level and utility experts working with local partners. Finally, the Army strives to keep the utility monitoring and payments program visible to senior leaders—members of Congress, Army senior leaders, and their spouses—so that they understand the initiative and take the opportunity to keep it viable. In other words, we maintain a consistent “drum beat” about the program.

Strategic implementation The Residential Communities Initiative (RCI) began live billing in September 2006 at five Army installations— Fort Carson, Colorado; Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Meade, Maryland; Fort Lewis, Washington; and Fort Campbell, Kentucky—but only after a year-long period of mock billing. Mock billing allows the privatization partner to generate bills based on actual usage, ensuring the metering system and all components function properly. Tracking actual usage helps establish energy consumption baselines in accordance with Department of Energy guidelines. These guidelines take into account such factors as historical usage patterns; the house’s age, size, and building materials; type and age of installed appliances and heating/cooling systems; and climate averaged over a 30-year period. Additionally, a buffer of up to 5 percent is added to a resident’s baseline to ensure fairness. Residents that



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S P E C I A L S E C T I O N : energy conservation

require additional consumption due to Exceptional Family Members requirements are also considered. All newly constructed or renovated privatized homes receive Energy Star appliances, as well as energy-saving windows and insulation. Residents receive statements as a part of their own education process, but do not pay during mock billing. As the program has matured over recent years, so has the art of “right-sizing” mock billing periods. In locations where annual temperatures are not subject to significant fluctuation, the mock billing period can be abridged. However, in areas with larger temperature vacillation, the period is extended to fully capture the climate’s extremes, without being so long as to extend beyond the average occupancy period. It’s a balancing act, managed by the privatization partners with assistance from the Public-Private Initiatives Division.

Usage incentives Once residents enter live billing, they pay only the electrical usage above their established baseline. Those whose energy consumption exceeds their baseline are required to pay the difference, however; those who stay below the baseline earn a credit or rebate. To date, roughly one third of residents exceed the energy baseline each month and thus pay the difference, while about the same number stay within the baseline, meaning they neither pay a bill nor receive a rebate. The remaining






one third receive refunds each month as a result of belowbaseline energy consumption. This ability to profit from more efficient living, coupled with creative marketing and pride in ownership, translates to healthy competition for residents and, more importantly, big energy savings for the installation. There are currently more than 41,000 families in the program. To date, these residents and their families have saved the Army more than $36 million and the overall energy consumption rate has dropped by about 14 percent. Dollars saved from greener living are reinvested into the project, not retained as profit. Service members and families reap the benefits in the form of improvements and upgrades that the privatization partner leverages, further ensuring a firstclass quality of life. The Army has long strived to be a good steward of resources and this program encourages residents of privatized housing to do the same. Long term, the goal is to ensure we use our nation’s energy wisely and continue to provide the highest quality housing possible for service members and their families.n Ivan Bolden is the Chief, Public-Private Initiatives Division, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, Installation Management. Reach him at





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18  Defense Communities



FY 2011

MHLI Training Opportunities

Visit MHLI.ORG and Register Today!

1ST QUARTER 7–16 Sep 10 14–17 Sept 10 20–24 Sep 10 20–24 Sep 10 5–7 Oct 10 2–5 Nov 10 8–12 Nov 10 15–19 Nov 10 7–16 Dec 10 13 –17 Dec 10

PVT 600/600A: CDPM™ Level 1 & 2 (Combined Course) FSBP II: Intro to SSH and Furnishings Management Level 2 (NISH Only) PVT 600B: CDPM™ Level 3 CS 100/103: Foundations of Customer Service & Effective Communications FSBP I: Intro to SSH and Furnishings Management Level 1 (NISH Only) FSBP II: Intro to SSH and Furnishings Management Level 2 (NISH Only) HSO 100/200: Housing Services Office (Combined Course) UPH 503: CDUHM Level 1 PVT 600/600A: CDPM™ Levels 1 & 2 (Combined Course) UPH 503A: CDUHM Level 2

Fort Lee, VA Vienna,VA Fort Belvoir, VA Locations TBD, Germany Vienna,VA Vienna,VA Hunter Army Airfield, GA Fort Sam Houston, TX Nellis AFB, NV Fort Lee, VA

PDS Pre Week CS 100/103/104: Customer Service Series (Combined Course) PVT 600B: CDPM™ Level 3 FAC 303/306: Facilities Management/Housing Inspector (Combined Course) HRS 300: Housing Referral Advance Studies UPH 503: CDUHM Level 1 PVT 600/600A: CDPM™ Levels 1 & 2 (Combined Course)

New Orleans, LA Tampa, FL Fort Lewis, WA Fort Lewis, WA Fort Bliss, TX Fort Irwin, CA Fort Carson, CO

PVT 600B: CDPM™ Level 3 UPH 503A: CDUHM Level 2 HSO 100/200: Housing Services Office (Combined Course) PVT 600A: CDPM™ Level 2 UPH 503: CDUHM Level 1 PVT 600B: CDPM™ Level 3 UPH 503A: CDUHM Level 2 HRS 300: Housing Referral Advance Studies CS 100/103/104: Customer Service Series (Combined Course) MGT 401/403: Management Training Series (Combined Course) UPH 503: CDUHM Level 1 PVT 600A/600B: CDPM™ Levels 2 & 3 (Combined Course) UPH 503A: CDUHM Level 2

Lackland AFB Fort Hood, TX Fort Rucker, AL Germany Fort Leavenworth, KS Fort Lee, VA Fort Campbell, KY Fort Sam Houston, TX Schofield Barracks, HI Fort Lewis, WA Tampa, FL Fort Bliss, TX Tampa, FL

2ND QUARTER 10–14 Jan 11 14–18 Feb 11 28 Feb–4 Mar 11 7–11 Mar 11 7–11 Mar 11 14–18 Mar 11 21–25 Mar 11

3RD QUARTER 4–8 Apr 11 11–15 Apr 11 25–29 Apr 11 2–6 May 11 2–6 May 11 9–13 May 11 16–20 May 11 30 May–3 Jun 6–10 Jun 11 13–17 Jun 11 13–17 Jun 11 21–30 Jun 11 20–24 Jun 11

IMPORTANT UPDATES FOR AIR FORCE STUDENTS: The Air Force is now centrally funding certain course tuitions. All Air Force students must submit their nominations through the AFIT Web site at The Air Force POCs are Felicia Davis 937-255-5654 x 3522, or Jeffrey Kallas 937-255-5654 ext 3584, FOR ARMY STUDENTS: NO ARMY STUDENT MAY REGISTER FOR AN MHLI CLASS WITHOUT APPROVAL BY MEGAN PURKEY. OACSIM will not centrally fund any additional FY10 tuition requests. However, Army Students may be eligible for ACTEDS funding. Please contact Megan Purkey (, 703.601.0715) for more information. FOR NISH STUDENTS: For NISH students interested in registering for NISH Only courses, please use the following link for additional information and registration forms:

NOTES: Visit our Web site at MHLI.ORG often for updated information on scheduling of all courses. Customization of current courses or development of other courses is available. Contact the Training Director responsible for your specialty via the MHLI Web site ( All RCI courses are for Army RCI Staff and RCI Project Partners Only!

S P E C I A L S E C T I O N : energy conservation

Smarter Conservation The latest technologies mean consumers can help drive down energy usage more effectively than ever before By John Scragg


veryone has a role to play in conserving our scarce natural resources, and by being good stewards of the environment, we can have positive effects on the environment and reap economic benefits. To this end, the Department of Defense (DoD) has established the Resident Responsibility for Utilities Program and set forth an objective to drive down energy usage through incentive-based conservation. Privatized housing builders and management companies are utilizing modern Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI) to meet these objectives. AMI networks vary in scale and complexity per implementation, but here is what a typical AMI implementation would look like in a privatized housing community—broken out into an AMI network’s three layers.

Power at the base The “power layer” is the base layer of the AMI network and it’s where you’ll find today’s most advanced metering devices. An advanced meter is a classification of meter that has the capability to record basic consumption measurement and one that also includes some form of automated meter reading functionality. For the DoD Utilities Program to be effective, each unit within a property must be individually metered, read, and billed. It is neither practical nor economical to have manual meter readings on a military installation as the cost to employ a meter reader is prohibitive for a single location and the geographical distance between multiple properties 20  Defense Communities

limits the ability to scale or share the cost among multiple sites. This is where Automated Meter Reading (AMR) becomes essential. AMR is the technology of automatically collecting consumption data from the metering device and transferring that data to a centralized system for further processing. Initial AMR solutions were comprised of one-way systems that transmitted usage data from the meter but that could not receive any input in return. The newest generations of AMR systems offer two-way radio communication to further extend the capabilities of these meters and make it possible for Meter Data Management (MDM) companies to offer additional services. Two-way systems also have advanced diagnostic capabilities and provide the MDM with the ability to “call in” and access the meter for troubleshooting or programming purposes. AMR devices capable of two-way communication provide significant improvements

What is AMI? Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI) is a set of technologies that overlay the energy distribution network with an information system to provide data transparency, increased network reliability, and reduced energy costs. The technology that makes up an AMI network is expressed conceptually in three layers, with each layer providing services to each of the other two layers.

over their predecessors. Additionally, the overall meter health and reliability of the AMI network is more effectively managed under this newer technology.

Communications in the middle The power layer of the AMI is both tangible and highly visible; however, it is the unseen communication layer that allows data exchange. The communication layer includes radio frequencies, transmission ranges, and bandwidth, as well as open versus proprietary protocols. While the components that make up the communication layer are not physically visible, they are equally necessary to the overall function of the network, making it possible for the two primary audiences: MDM companies and residents. Each audience has significantly different target platforms and uses for the data. MDM companies typically have large systems and database servers that receive consumption data in large quantities for producing reports, bills, and energy management analysis. These transmissions contain large volumes of data and are likely to travel over a significant distance before reaching the back-end systems of the MDM. For this reason, the collection and transportation of data is typically performed on a closed, consolidated, and propriety communication channel, such as a phone line. Residents will normally utilize AMI data through information portals or through in-home display devices. Residential

Consumer-focused applications and devices are the newest entry in the AMI toolset and a great way to drive energy conservation.

September | October 2010 21

S P E C I A L S E C T I O N : energy conservation

users typically require data on a smaller scale and are delivered through small, local networks such as Personal Area Networks (PAN), Home Area Networks (HAN), and Neighborhood Area Networks (NAN). Like most consumer markets, the AMI devices available to residents are numerous and constantly evolving. Due to this wide spectrum of available devices, the demand for timely data, and the need to stay current with the rapidly evolving nature of this market, a common protocol for inter-device communication is required.

Information is tops

Today’s consumers are technologically savvy and have come to expect products and services that not only will reduce costs but will do so in an environmentally conscious manner.

The information layer is comprised of components responsible for making use of the data from the power layer of the AMI. The data at this layer becomes functional information because it’s provided to the user within a recognizable context. For example, a tick from an electric meter becomes a kilowatt hour and, when combined with a given rate, becomes an energy charge. Without the context, that tick registered by the meter has no value to the resident; however, applying context to the data gives it meaning. Providing significance for the consumer is the purpose of the devices and applications in the information layer. Billing applications and services are critical components within the information layer because they affect the overall effectiveness of the conservation incentives described in the DoD Resident Responsibility for Utilities Program. Regardless of how a home is constructed, conservation is primarily realized when those residing in the home choose to incorporate energysaving habits into their daily lives. This is why the financial reward for conservation, and the charges for over-usage, are both applied directly to the resident. 22  Defense Communities

model: a model in which residents have the option to log onto a Web site and retrieve information on demand. The newest applications in this area include personal hardware devices and web portals based on a push model: a model where the resident subscribes, or opts in, and has information periodically made available through any number of communication methods. The most advanced devices available today are interactive personal hardware devices. In addition to integrating with the AMI network to provide information directly to the resident, they can also accept input and take action based on that information, directly impacting the resident’s usage.

Conservation statements presented to residents provide another equally significant opportunity: consumer education. Informing residents about their usage and providing charts that summarize their consumption over time allows them to analyze trends and their usage patterns. Also, with the DoD Utility Program, they can see where they stand in comparison to others within their profile category. Consumer-focused applications and devices are the newest entry in the AMI toolset and a great way to drive conservation. The earliest of these applications were primarily online portals based on a pull

Benefits realized

Advanced meters improve system reliability and drive down the expense of operating a large network of meters. Communication standards and protocols allow for a scalable and “future-proof” means of exchanging the data at the head of the AMI network. Furthermore, information devices and applications help residents manage and understand their usage and ultimately maximize their conservation efforts. Today’s consumers are technologically savvy and have come to expect products and services that not only will reduce costs but will do so in an environmentally conscious manner. This expectation, as well as a streamlined utility management process and reduction in expenditures, is met through the latest advancements in utility metering, billing services, and information portals. As technology progresses, the DoD Utility Program and the future of utility management will evolve as well. n John Scragg is Vice President, Client Services, ista North America. Reach him at

S P E C I A L S E C T I O N : energy conservation

Honing EnergySaving Strategies Technology and systems integration give military installations a bevy of utility management choices By David Nowak


s the focus worldwide continues to shift toward a greener mindset, the US government is placing stricter guidelines on energy conservation closer to home, specifically targeting the Department of Defense. According to the American Forces Press Service, the Defense Department is working hard—and is on track—to reduce energy consumption on military bases up to 34 percent by 2020. Since more than $3.8 billion is spent annually to power military installations nationwide, it makes sense that reducing energy costs on military bases is an area of interest in nationwide energy conservation plans. Despite the military’s best efforts to ensure conservation techniques, however, military bases often are too large and diverse to enforce such strict regulations. With a mix of private residential housing, group housing, offices, health-care facilities, credit unions, and retail establishments, it’s similar to enforcing energy conservation practices on a small town or, even more difficult, for residents and students on a college campus.

Focus on consumption To combat consumption, military bases have focused their efforts on certain areas of high energy usage, specifically lodging and single service member housing. To help battle high costs and the imperfect nature of residents, military bases are being charged to look at other methods of energy conservation, including new forms of technology. One valid option to consider is energy management solutions that use automated technology to reduce energy usage and ensure

residents’ comfort, centralizing control by taking the power out of residents’ hands and putting it in the hands of operators at military bases. (However, see other articles in this Special Section for additional viewpoints.) One such solution is based on intelligent energy management technology, which determines room occupancy to optimize air conditioning and heating runtime. This tool can be integrated into an existing security system, which helps reduce overhead costs on installation. However, with the ability to operate independently of the base’s current security solution, or integrated on the current wireless network, it offers the most convenient way for military bases to reduce energy costs related to air conditioning/heating runtime and ensure residents’ comfort. Operating in standalone mode, the system detects a resident’s presence through a motion sensor, which uses radio frequency (RF)-online capabilities to communicate with the room’s thermostat. The system will automatically change the temperature settings to conserve energy when a resident is away, and by communicating with the system’s other devices, the intelligent thermostat will adjust to the resident’s desired temperature settings on his or her return. Additionally, by offering a complete and smooth integration of locks, safes, and thermostat on the same wireless platform, the system offers even more benefits for military bases. On the same level as the stand-alone system, this advanced technology determines when a resident enters the home using a keycard to inform the thermostat to adjust the temperature. With the additional capabilities of the wireless September | October 2010 23

S P E C I A L S E C T I O N : energy conservation

platform, the system also updates the base on A/C runtime and occupancy statuses, and offers event notifications such as maintenance alarms, low-battery warnings, and real-time feedback on the entire property.

Defense Communities Tabs on energy use Salsbury Industries Often a source of some of the highest levels of energy usage on bases, military housing is a consistent obstacle for energy conservation efforts based on the temporary nature of its resi-

Runs in: Jan/Feb, May/June, Sep/Oct

dents and the lack of accountability for individual residents. With most bases still operating on the dated method of “master-metering,” residents do not pay bills based on their individual energy usage, but instead pay a portion of the total energy usage on the base. Since residents are not charged additional costs based on their own consumption, they don’t pay less if they use less energy and there is no incentive for reducing individual energy costs. Based on this master-metering method of energy usage, there is likely to be no noticeable change in costs for residents when a conservation strategy is in place. However, since residents are usually stationed at bases on a temporary basis, often when a base does achieve a breakthrough in consumption practices, it will lose a portion of its residents and have to start the entire process over to educate the base’s new additions. While bases across the country and other parts of the world are furiously working to meet the expectations of new energy conservation regulations, there is no way to guarantee a successful outcome given the unpredictability of human nature. But by adding new energy management solutions—such as the integration of energy and security—to current energy conservation methods on military bases, military personnel are able to take the guesswork out of the equation to ensure even more savings. n

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David Nowak is the Director of EMS Sales and Business Development at VingCard Elsafe. Reach him at dnowak@vcegroup. com.

| PRI V A T I Z A T I O N U P D A T E S |

Barracks Innovations

Construction projects at Georgia’s Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield meet sustainability standards and offer high-quality living By Ted G. Fery, AIA, LEED AP, and Erich E. Reichle, PE


n April 2010, construction was completed on two new barracks facilities: the Echelons Above Brigade (EAB) barracks complex at Fort Stewart, GA, and the barracks complex Phase IV at Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, GA. VOA served as Subcontractor/Prime AE and Architect of Record for both projects, under contract with Prime Contract Holder and General Contractor, Sauer Inc., of Jacksonville, FL, and provided full architectural, interior design, and sustainable design services for a body of work totaling $43.82 million. Both projects are expected to achieve LEED Silver status, having incorporated green strategies using sustainable techniques and materials. The overall design objective for the projects was to provide state-of-the-art living environments with individual privacy in a campus setting. Exterior architectural style is in keeping with the existing barracks facilities at both locations, with careful site planning focused on creating a campus-like pedestrian area connecting new buildings with the previous building phases.

Fort Stewart Barracks The Fort Stewart EAB barracks complex consists of four 48-person (17,372-square-foot) barracks buildings. Each building features 24 1+1 modules, offering a maximum of 506 square feet of living space with two sleeping rooms and a shared kitchen and bath. “The design solution is consistent with design and construction practices used for the civilian sector apartment projects,” says Thuan Swindler, PE, Project Engineer for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, Fort Stewart Resident Office. “The aim is to provide a high-quality living environment that is sustain-

Rendering of EAB Barracks at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Courtesy of VOA Associates Incorporated, Orlando, FL.

able, energy efficient, and aesthetically pleasing.” The exterior architectural theme is in keeping with the earlier barracks and the Fort Stewart Installation Design Guide. Characterized as “Southern Living Station of Choice,” the style is reminiscent of the Southern Colonial Revival style, incorporating stately features such as porticos, verandas, columns, low-pitched hip or gable roofs, and regular fenestration patterns, paired with a red and beige brick veneer façade that is consistent with the surrounding buildings. A three-story limit per structure keeps a human scale that is underscored with the addition of dormers and gable roof endings and symmetrical window patterns. A recent design initiative at Fort Stewart implements prominent building entrances for all new construction. The September | October 2010 25

| PR I V A T I Z A T I O N U P D A T E S |

Spotlight on Sustainability Sustainable design concepts and principles can be applied to any facility type under any cost constraints; however, for the barracks projects at Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield, the design-build team incorporated sustainability initiatives relating to the following issues: • Increased energy conservation and efficiency • Increased use of renewable energy resources • Reduction or elimination of toxic and harmful substances in facilities and their surrounding environments • Improvements to interior and exterior environments leading to increased productivity and better health • Efficient use of resource and materials, especially water • Selection of materials and products based on their life-cycle environmental impact • Increased use of materials and products with recycled content • Recycling of construction waste and building materials after demolition • Reduction in harmful waste products produced during construction • Facility maintenance and operational practices that reduce or eliminate harmful effects on people and the natural environment. The critical key to accomplishing the above initiatives is an integral design approach, where the evaluation of any building element, material, or system is not viewed solely on the basis of its own isolated merit and cost, but is designed and then appraised as an integrated part of the entire facility. Under an integrated design approach, specific materials or systems within a facility may have higher first costs, but these are balanced by lower first costs for other components of the design and/or reduced maintenance and operating costs. The goal is to design a facility for which overall quality is higher, life-cycle costs are lower, sustainability concepts and principles are incorporated to the greatest extent possible, and first costs are held to the original budget amounts.

design emphasis creates a definitive sense of entry appropriate to the size and importance of the building. In accordance with this standard, each building within the new complex features a single, white classical style exterior column placed at the stairwells, thus referencing the colonial style while lending continuity among the newest structures on the installation.

Hunter Army Airfield Barracks Once again, sustainability and highquality living environments were top design objectives at the new, Phase IV Hunter Army Airfield barracks complex, which consists of two three-story (28,998-square-foot) 26  Defense Communities

72-person barracks and one three-story (20,163-square-foot) 48-person barracks. The architectural style is in keeping with the earlier barracks and Hunter Army Airfield Installation Design Guide. Building materials were chosen based upon life-cycle costs, maintenance requirements, availability, color, and texture, as well as visual compatibility of the surrounding buildings. The exterior materials palette utilizes red brick veneer walls and off-white stucco/EIFS accents that are consistent with the adjacent existing barracks buildings, and the standing seam, medium red, metal roofing system matches that of other recently con-

structed buildings in the vicinity of the site. As with Fort Stewart, the Hunter facilities feature 1+1 room modules. “Our primary concern with interior floor plans speaks to the importance of addressing the relationship between the modules and the building’s common and support spaces,” says Joshua Stuckey, Project Engineer for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, Hunter Army Airfield Resident Office. “These relationships must be fully understood and the design must take a holistic approach to create a fully integrated facility that allows for privacy and a high quality of living environment.” Each module features a separate entry and individual HVAC thermostat for choice of heating and cooling, with a shared service area/kitchen/dining space with a microwave/refrigerator combination. The modules feature a single, common bath/shower and toilet area, a double lavatory, two medicine cabinets, and separate, lockable closets in each private bedroom. Each of the two 72-person barracks includes designated common spaces that are centrally located on each floor, including laundry facilities.

Common construction issues The overall scheduling challenge was to construct seven three-story structures at two military bases that are 30 miles apart in 12 months. Conventional construction would have taken too long and been vulnerable to weather delays. For both projects, Sauer’s response to the challenge was to enlist the assistance of Simcon Construction, a shell contractor based out of Central Florida that utilizes the Patented SimWall panelized construction method. SimWall™ is a manufactured structural tilt-up, pre-cast panel system that combines the strength of concrete and steel to form a solid, lightweight composite panel system, ready for in-wall MEP (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) rough and subsequent drywall. The factory pre-fabricated panel construction allowed the bulk of the structural shell to be completed without weather considerations and ahead of foundation work.

The company’s involvement at the onset of the design process allowed the design and construction teams to coordinate the building footprint so that its engineers’ development of the project’s specific design calculations could be completed while site construction began. After confirming all government and code requirements were met, factory manufacturing of SimWall™ panels began during foundation activities. Panels arrived on site a few days prior to activity start and were erected at the rate of one floor each week. The economy of the Simcon construction process allowed the original project schedule to be reduced by an average of 20 weeks on each project. At Hunter, the requirement of additional contract work (above and beyond the construction of the new structures) compounded the scheduling issues. This involved relocating the parking lot and adjacent roadway away from the new 48-man barracks site to comply with the minimum 82-foot ATFP (Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection) setback distance, and the demolition of an existing vehicle maintenance facility to make room for the two new 72-man barracks.

Close up on systems The building’s envelope, mechanical, and electrical systems are designed and constructed in compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004. Strict attention was paid to the building envelope of both facilities to maximize energy efficiency and minimize heat gain and loss. The roof/ceiling contains at least R-30 insulation and the building walls contain at least R-13 insulation, with the building envelope designed and constructed to minimize air leakage to and from the occupied spaces for better condensation and infiltration control. High-performance, low-E, multi-paned, tinted glazing was used in thermal-broken aluminum framing for the window glazing systems for enhanced energy efficiency. One of the challenges inherent in determining energy efficiency and air quality in both projects involved meeting new requirements for testing air leakage. The project specifications

required laboratory testing standards of ASTM E-2178, which tests air-barrier materials for air leakage, and ASTM E-779 or E-1827, which tests the completed building. This process, called barrier testing, is typically accomplished with the use of a blower door that pressurizes a building, or specific area of the building, allowing for mea-

surement of the air leakage. The air barrier system chosen for these projects is based on a fully adhered fluid-applied vapor permeable air-barrier system applied to the exterior side of the exterior wall and under the drainable EIFS finish material or masonry veneer. The wall systems are sealed air tight to the existing founda-

©2010 ista North America. All rights reserved.

We outrank our competition, not only in the field of managing your residents' utility bills, but in teaching them how to conserve energy, too.

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September | October 2010 27

| PR I V A T I Z A T I O N U P D A T E S | tion system at the base and extend up and over the parapets at the top for lowslope roofs and connect with the roof underlayment for sloping metal roofs. Compatible roof underlayment/air barrier materials were applied to the top of the roof deck over the new R-30 insulation while lapping the wall air barrier system at the back side of the existing parapet or soffit at roof overhangs. All openings in the floors between, floor-to-floor and ceiling-to-attic for all pipe, duct, conduit, etc., penetrations are sealed air tight. All ceiling/ attic and wall-to-roof details are tightly sealed with expanding Class A closedcell foam or similar fill material.

Outdoor planning At both barracks locations, a network of barrier-free sidewalks, separated from but connected to vehicular circulation systems, allows safe, convenient, and comfortable pedestrian circulation between all appropriate project elements. All parking areas and all facility

entrance/exits are served by sidewalks providing direct convenient access to the main entrance of each building. Pedestrian directional/informational signs are provided as required to effectively communicate locations of facilities in relation to each other. New vehicular pavements were designed to interface with the existing roadway systems to allow for safe, convenient vehicle operations. Parking facilities have been conveniently located, to the maximum extent possible, meeting all ATFP stand-off requirements, immediately surrounding the barracks complex. The new POV parking lots provide the required handicapped spaces, and all handicapped parking areas and associated means of access to the barracks meet ADA accessibility guidelines for accessible parking spaces. Landscaping challenges at both sites involved amending the fact that there were very few existing trees or shrubs. A comprehensive, coordinated land-

scape design consisted of lawn, ground cover, trees, shrubs, perennials, and ornamental grasses, providing a quality, cost-effective, and visually appealing landscape program that enhances the overall development and complies with applicable ATFP requirements. The design includes trees and plants that are drought tolerant and compatible with the climate zone. Planting selections follow xeriscape principles. All disturbed areas not paved or landscaped were grassed. In lieu of permanent landscape irrigation systems, temporary irrigation or watering systems will be implemented until the new plants and sod have generated well stabilized root systems capable of tapping natural ground waters. n Ted G. Fery, AIA, LEED AP, is Principal, VOA Associates Incorporated, Orlando, Florida. Reach him at Erich E. Reichle, PE, is Design Build Manager, Sauer Incorporated. Reach him at

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| PRI V A T I Z A T I O N U P D A T E S |

Privatized Lodging Progressions

The Army’s PAL program has already had a major impact on the lodging experience for soldiers and their families By Barbara Sincere


ast year the Army lodging system accommodated approximately 4.5 million room nights sold in CONUS. More than 90 percent of the room nights were sold to official travelers, including soldiers in training, personnel conducting government business while on temporary duty, and military families undergoing a permanent change of station. For military personnel on orders, staying in Army lodging was mandatory, while for others it offered an inexpensive and convenient location for an overnight stay. Most lodging facilities, however, were found not to meet the Army’s quality standards. This resulted in the decision to privatize the lodging inventory to: leverage the operational cash flow to secure private debt to upgrade and replace the hotels; provide long-term sustainment funds; offer rates to official travelers at a significant discount compared to the local per diem rate; and provide the guests with the high level of service and amenities associated with private-sector brand name hotels. The Privatized Army Lodging (PAL) program offers increased service levels, improved facilities, affordable rates, and on-post convenience.

Launching point After years of planning, performing due diligence, negotiating business terms, and completing all of the legal agreements, Army lodging at 10 installations (3,219 rooms) was conveyed to a private owner, Rest Easy, LLC, in August 2009. Rest Easy has hired InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) to serve as the hotel operator and Actus Lend Lease 30  Defense Communities

Within the first few months of privatization, the barbecue area at Tripler got an upgrade, a new breakfast area was created from a storeroom at Fort Sam Houston, and Fort Polk’s guesthouse (pictured above) received a Holiday Inn Express makeover.

to oversee the development and construction activities. The project closed with $132.5 million in private-sector proceeds to execute an initial two-year Life Safety and Critical Repair (LSCR) phase of work, focusing primarily on renovations. This two-year phase of work was based on the lender’s requirement that all life-safety deficiencies and commercial law and code non-compliance issues be cured—despite the facilities having been grandfathered by the Army. The lenders also required that the facilities’ critical infrastructure (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) systems be repaired. Therefore, much of the renovation work being accomplished during the first two-year phase of development is actually “behind the walls.” However, the good news is that at least 933 rooms will be converted to Holiday Inn Express hotels within these first two years. Once these renovations are complete, the portfolio will be refinanced to achieve a projected end-state of approximately 4,000 hotel rooms, of which half will be newly built. The new facilities will be branded as either Candlewood or Staybridge Suites while the majority of the renovated facilities will be converted to Holiday Inn Express hotels. The first Holiday Inn Express hotel was scheduled to open at Fort Polk, LA, in August of this year.

Increased amenities IHG has very specific brand standards that must be met before the Holiday Inn sign can be installed. IHG amenities include fitness areas, business centers, swimming pools, playgrounds, sports courts, and healing gardens. Service offerings include free highspeed Internet access, local calls, guest laundry, DVD library, weekly barbecue social gatherings, and daily breakfast service. Additional services include loyalty rewards points through IHG’s Priority Club Rewards program, easy room reservation tools such as the IHG Web site, www.ihgarmyhotels. com, and worldwide central reservation call centers. Further, IHG provides pet-safe and pet-friendly hotel

PAL’s Staffing Side

The Army’s PAL program began in 2004, and like most new and innovative programs, a number of challenges had to be conquered to complete the first phase of privatization. The No. 1 challenge when privatizing Army lodging at the first 10 installations was to ensure all 700 Army lodging employees were informed and considered in the transition. It’s important to mention that the former and current employees of the Army’s lodging program have done an incredible job in the area of customer service. The privatization of Army lodging was never about the customer service provided by Army lodging employees, it was simply about improving the “bricks and sticks.” During the privatization transition, Army lodging employees were considered and treated by the new hotelier (InterContinental Hotels Group) as a valuable and critical asset to be retained. In fact, all former Army lodging employees were given the right of first interview for positions with IHG. Seven of the 10 general managers; 85 percent of the department heads; and 65 percent of line employees were hired by IHG. Also, all Army lodging employees joining the IHG team had their years of service with Army lodging honored by IHG as if they had been IHG employees, in terms of benefits and seniority.

rooms at on-post hotels. So, how is IHG doing? IHG uses an independent third-party guest satisfaction survey program administered by Market Matrix Corporation across all of its 4,300 hotels. The respondents are randomly selected and they score their overall satisfaction using a five-tier response scale. The Army has approved this third-party survey process for use at the privatized on-post hotels and reviews the results with the hotelier to ensure guests are satisfied. To-date, the results show a very favorable “commendable” rating for IHG despite the fact that the scores were collected during a period of largely unimproved facilities and on-going service enhancements.

Occupancy at the private hotels has also been very strong. This is an especially important indicator of success given that Rest Easy hotels are no longer government quarters and official travelers have the option to stay in any hotel (subject to their travel orders and regulations). With renovations ongoing, IHG is working diligently to expeditiously improve the guest experience for official travelers to ensure customers will keep coming back. Net operating income (NOI) is reflective of the portfolio’s ability to efficiently manage operating expenses and generate funds to pay debt service and sustain the facilities over the long term. Since the transfer of ownership and operations, the portfolio has outSeptember | October 2010 31


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Planning has already begun for the next phase of the PAL program, which is the transfer of ownership and operations at 11 additional installations. So, what are the lessons learned that need to be documented and implemented as we move forward? The biggest lesson learned is: Communicate, communicate, communicate—both early in the process and with all stakeholders, but especially the hard-working and dedicated employees of Army lodging at installations. Also, in advance of privatization, the Army must present a realistic timeline for execution and the major milestones to complete the transaction. There will always be “naysayers” regarding the privatization of lodging, family housing, and even utility systems. However, no one can argue that leveraging the Department of the Army’s resources and assets with private-sector debt and expertise has not been beneficial. The new owner, Rest Easy, has a great amount of flexibility in adopting best business practices most suitable to achieve efficient operations. Regarding the development scope of work, the Army was an active participant in the decision-making process of how to best use the source of funds and determine what facilities and associated scope of work were priorities. The initial two-year development period for this first group will realize $86 million in long overdue improvements of facilities that have served as temporary homes to soldiers and their families for decades—with many more improvements on the horizon. The financial plan also allows Rest Easy to maintain the facilities in the future. It is the financial success of the PAL program that truly sets it apart from programs of the past. n Barbara Sincere is Program Manager, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing). Reach her at


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| PRI V A T I Z A T I O N U P D A T E S |

Managing a UPH Family Single soldiers at Fort Stewart, Georgia, get much-needed support as residents of Marne Point By Tom Jenkins


ny successful military housing community manager knows that creating a true home for our service men and women goes far beyond the construction of high-quality homes and neighborhood amenities, and the maintenance and management of those communities. While the physical well-being of residents is always a top priority, ensuring quality of life for service members means much more. Where it really starts to gain meaning is through the attention to detail and the little things that go into taking care of the emotional well-being of residents—addressing those everyday comforts that are often overlooked. Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH) communities carry a unique set of opportunities and challenges, particularly when those single soldiers are deployed. Without family members behind to take care of their homes, possessions, and other personal matters, single service members are left to make all of these arrangements without a family support system. In these communities, customer service and attention to detail take on a whole new meaning. And for soldiers living at Marne Point, the UPH housing community at Fort Stewart, Georgia, there is always “Mama Deb.”

First-person experience To the single service members living at Marne Point, Resident Specialist Debbi Gaitten is more commonly known by one of her many nicknames, all of which center around that central theme: Mom. In addition to Mama Deb, or Mama D, there is Marne Point Mom, Resident Mom, and 34  Defense Communities

the list goes on. What it comes down to is that Gaitten has essentially adopted all of the soldiers as her own children, and she takes care of them. Her residents come first. A former military wife of 21 years and mother of three, Gaitten knows what it’s like to move from place to place and live away from your friends and family. It may be this background that makes her the epitome of superior resident service. Having employees who have served in the military or lived a military lifestyle equates to an environment of people who fully understand the day-to-day needs of our service members, down to the smallest detail. On top of the larger elements that go into managing a community, such as housing, facilities, and other amenities, she realizes that it is the little things that often go a long way to making residents feel comfortable. “I never think of it as something special I’m doing, I’m just taking care of our soldiers,” says Gaitten. “We try to make it so it really is like home so they know they don’t have to feel alone when they’re here. When they need something that they might depend on from a family member or close friend, I want them to know that they do have that in me, and not just in me, but in all of the staff here.” Gaitten, her husband Mike, and their three children— Kayne, Kylie, and Kaleb—have all gotten to know the residents. The younger Gaittens have accompanied residents fishing, horseback riding, and kayaking, and on more than one occasion, the family has hosted soldiers for Thanksgiving and Christmas. “Many of our soldiers have lived in apartments all their

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life and they tell us they’ve never had an experience like they have here, where someone is truly looking out for them,” says Gaitten. “The little things we do can be really big to them, and we really don’t think it’s a big deal,” she says. “We’re just doing what we should be doing for the people that serve our country.”

Attention to detail Beyond the practical, Gaitten makes sure to keep tabs on how her residents are doing personally. She checks in when she hasn’t heard from them in a while, and keeps in touch regularly with 10 deployed soldiers. She still gets e-mail from soldiers who have moved out, and even corresponds with the mothers of several residents. “The goal is to just make it as comfortable for them as it can be, and to make sure they always know they have someone to whom to turn.” This long-lasting bond is a testament to the caring service that Gaitten offers to every single resident, and how

“The little things we do can be really big to them, and we really don’t think it’s a big deal. We’re just doing what we should be doing for the people that serve our country.” —Debbi Gaitten, Resident Specialist, Fort Stewart, GA

much it means to them to feel that someone is looking out for them. Gaitten knows almost every resident by name, apartment number, and even what car they drive. “I have a great memory. As my husband says, it’s a blessing for me and a curse for him! But the soldiers like that I really know them. If I haven’t seen them for a while, they’ll come in and test my memory, say, ‘I bet you don’t know my name.’ But I always do,” says Gaitten.

And what goes around comes around. The soldiers look out for her, too. “On one occasion, I was very sick, and for some reason the next day everyone knew, and when they didn’t see my car they were asking where I was, if I was OK, if I had gone to the doctor,” recalls Gaitten. “One resident came and brought me a Gatorade to ‘keep my electrolytes up’ and another brought me chicken soup.” It is this genuine care for her residents that has instilled such a family mentality throughout the community. Residents and staff come together in both good times and bad, having sendoffs for departing service members, mourning together over losing a loved one, and planning barbecues and home-cooked meals for the residents. And it goes both ways. The residents have adopted Mama Deb just as she has adopted them. n Tom Jenkins is Marne Point Community Manager at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Reach him at

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36  Defense Communities





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| PRI V A T I Z A T I O N U P D A T E S |

Partnering for the Long Term Housing professionals at Nellis AFB in Nevada hit a successful stride with their private-sector counterparts By Dawn Davis-Spector, CPM (HMO)


ven though privatization has been around for more than 10 years, we continue to find new and exciting ways to improve the partnerships between government employees and private partner employees. And it’s really not that hard to find new ways to improve the relationship when you look at common concerns—residents, structure of the homes, and financial sustainability. Privatization partnerships haven’t always been smooth sailing, but military housing and lodging managers and their counterparts have worked hard to achieve today’s successes. At Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, for example, the housing team has implemented a strategy aimed at showing residents and installation leadership that the public-private partnership is effectively at work.

One team, one objective When housing and lodging professionals and privatization partners work together on any project or task, they all follow an established set of guidelines. Meetings at first took place weekly, but now biweekly meetings are sufficient. More specifically, a strategic working relationship based on the three Ts—trust, transparency, and team goals—is what drives success at Nellis AFB. You can’t have a true partnership without mutual trust and respect. This takes time and is only established by making a firm commitment to work through issues together; it doesn’t just happen. Likewise, transparency supports building and maintaining the trust through open and honest communication. Lastly, team goals bring the partnership together because individually we are dedicated to the 38  Defense Communities

ultimate goal of serving and supporting our Air Force families. One example is our commitment to continuous communication by implementing a policy that states, whenever a challenge arises, the Housing Management Office (HMO) and Privatization Office (PO) work it together without delay.

Effective crisis management On many occasions, our partnership and ability to act swiftly have proven successful when Air Force families faced a crisis. For example, the housing team has been able to accommodate families in need of immediate move-ins because of fires, foreclosures, or medical or family emergencies. During regular partner meetings, immediate and longterm issues are more swiftly resolved with input from everyone. We always remember to address issues head-on, listen to concerns completely, and really “peel back the onion” when talking about something complex. Even after 10 years, it’s still important to get to the root of any problem. Recently the HMO hosted a two-day management workshop offered to the HMO/PO staff and other related personnel. This event was sponsored by the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) and facilitated by Professor Jack Gaffney. This is one of many examples of partnering efforts to ensure the partnership continues to grow and remain effective despite continuous change. n Dawn Davis-Spector is the Capital Asset Element Branch Chief at Nellis AFB, Nevada. Reach her at dawn.davis-spector@nellis.


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September | October 2010 39

| PRI V A T I Z A T I O N U P D A T E S |

Comfort and Caring A soldier injured in Iraq says privatized lodging improvements have helped her recovery By Cindy Gersch


sk Lt. Lorraine Thomas Brown her idea of a good lodging experience and you will get a pretty quick and definitive answer: “Comfortable beds and friendly staff.” And Lt. Brown should know. After being severely injured in Iraq, she was transferred to Fort Sam Houston in Texas to undergo medical treatment. She’s been living at the Powless Guest House, an on-post lodging facility, ever since. In the nearly two years she’s spent at Powless, Lt. Brown has seen some significant changes. “When I first arrived here in October 2008, I had just returned from Iraq and was in a lot of pain. I was looking for a comfortable, safe place to stay while recuperating,” she explains. “I arrived at the Powless Guest House and was a little bit discouraged after seeing the accommodations. The hotel felt old and the bed wasn’t comfortable for me. The location was good and I knew it was the best place for me to be at the time, but it didn’t feel like home to me.” It was this type of feedback that led to the Privatization of Army Lodging (PAL) program, a public-private venture established as a means for revitalizing on-post transient housing facilities. The program just recently celebrated its one-year anniversary. In August 2009, Actus Lend Lease assumed ownership of more than 3,200 hotel rooms located across the PAL program’s first 10 U.S. Army installations, including Fort Sam Houston. (See “Privatized Lodging Progressions” on page 30.) When the PAL program launched one year ago, Actus Lend Lease immediately began evaluating the current state of all hotel buildings, identifying changes that needed to be made right away to ensure guests were comfortable and safe, while capitalizing on IHG’s expertise in hotel operations. “It was a paradigm shift when IHG took over operations at the Powless Guest House,” says Lt. Brown. “Really, almost overnight I saw some pretty big improvements—improvements that I was excited to see.”

40  Defense Communities

Lt. Lorraine Thomas Brown says she appreciates the recent lodging upgrades at Fort Sam Houston, TX.

Detailed improvements In the past year, significant improvements and changes have taken place across these first 10 PAL installations, including more than 3,000 new IHG-branded bedding and linen packages, nearly 2,500 new flat-screen televisions, nearly 3,000 new showerheads, shower rods, and curtains, new laundry equipment, new paint, flooring and carpeting, front desk and lobby upgrades, and new landscaping. Large-scale improvements have also come to fruition in the form of upgrades and renovations to bring several of the hotels up to the standards required for operating under IHG’s Holiday Inn Express brand. The first Holiday Inn Express on a military installation was just opened at Fort Polk in August 2010, with others planned to follow soon.

One of the most important improvements for Lt. Brown, however, was the more than 2,000 new mattresses that are now in many of the hotel rooms, including hers. “I have so many injuries from being hurt in Iraq and I was having a really hard time sleeping on the older, worn-out mattresses. In fact, when I first arrived here, I was sleeping on a recliner because I just couldn’t get comfortable. But that is no longer the case. My new bed is so comfortable that I am actually resting better than I have in years and I don’t wake up as sore, which is such a good thing.” Guests are also now enjoying courtesy shuttles that take them to various places on post, free breakfast, and weekly socials and barbecues that give them the opportunity to get to know one another during their stays. Changes that aren’t as visible to Lt. Brown and other guests, but are definitely just as important, are the safety improvements. During the past year, the hotels have received fire alarm system replacements, and guardrail and railing repairs have been made. New exit lighting and signs were also added, and new electronic door locks were installed. “I feel really safe and comfortable here. It’s not only because of the physical changes that have taken place, but also because of the staff members who work day-in and dayout to make me feel so comfortable,” says Lt. Brown. “After IHG took over, things changed. I actually met with Sarge

(Teresa Colatarci, General Manager at Powless House) and explained my concerns. She listened to me and we came up with a game plan on how I could feel more comfortable and safe here. I really feel like I have built a relationship with her, and she is now part of my family.”

Comfort of home That is the goal of the PAL program: to make sure guests are comfortable, safe, and happy. And as the program continues, more and more guests will be able to enjoy the amenities available under both the current and future improvement plans of the program. “I have definitely seen a lot of changes here at the Powless Guest House in the time that I have been here,” concludes Lt. Brown. “And while I am excited for the improvements to continue, I will more than likely be home back in Arkansas soon, and will miss out on them. I have to tell you it will be a bittersweet day when I say goodbye to the Powless. The staff here has become my family, and this room really has become my home away from home, and it is a home I will surely miss.” If you would like to learn more about IHG Army Hotels or make a reservation at one of these 10 installations, go to or call 877/711-TEAM. n Cindy Gersch is Marketing Director, Actus Lend Lease. Reach her at

September | October 2010 41

| PRI V A T I Z A T I O N U P D A T E S |


Innovations Rehabilitated homes at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, give neighborhoods new life By Bryan Flower


magine living in a neighborhood where tropical breezes sway lush trees lining the wide boulevards that radiate in unique patterns, a place where the homes and surroundings provide a relaxing setting away from work. Further, imagine this neighborhood being recognized for its history, unique design, and distinctive architecture by being part of a National Register Historic District. This vision is an everyday reality when you step into Hickam Communities at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii. As part of a Military Privatization Housing Initiative (MPHI) project. Hickman Communities owner, Actus Lend Lease, a private partner, became steward to one of the largest historic districts in the nation to come under privatization. This stewardship presented the partner with the unique and rewarding challenge of restoring and rehabilitating these homes.

History lesson Back in 1935, a new airfield known as Hickam Field was designed and built under the direction of CPT Howard B. Nurse. He envisioned a neighborhood plan that respected both the rank and organization of the Army Air Corps and also incorporated modern planning methods and an architecture that reflected regional influences. CPT Nurse used a Beaux-Arts-inspired plan to achieve his innovative vision, with areas distinctly delineated for administration, aviation functions, and housing. This plan used broad boulevards radiating from primary axis points 42  Defense Communities

that led to human-scaled streets. The yards were expansive, with lush vegetation allowing the homes to become a refuge from the work areas. The 623 homes themselves were a reflection of what is commonly called “Hawaiian Regional,” mixed with elements of early 20th-century popular architectural styles. After more than 70 years, CPT Nurse’s original vision still remains intact, particularly with the original base neighborhood design. Actus Lend Lease has continued to preserve CPT Nurse’s vision with an innovative approach to maintaining the neighborhood through restoration and rehabilitation.

Strategic restoration Generally speaking, restoration means to bring something back to a specific point in time, to make a building— houses, in this case—look like it did at a specific point in its past. Actus is restoring one of each house type back to its original appearance. There are 24 different house types within the neighborhood. Restoration requires the removal of later additions, modern appearing flooring, counters, bathrooms, and the like. These are replaced with reproduction fixtures and finishes. Original material is retained. The remaining homes of each type are being rehabilitated. The process of rehabilitating a home essentially means extending its life through alteration that maintains the home’s overall historic character, features, and unique historic elements. Examples of rehabilitations undertaken by the private partner include the conversion of some duplexes into

Restoration and rehabilitation provide a unique opportunity for creating sustainable developments. September | October 2010 43

single-family homes, minor alterations of the floor, and construction of historically compatible additions. Central air conditioning will be installed in all of the homes in a manner that does not detract from the historic nature of the homes. All the restoration and rehabilitation work follows governmental guidelines known as the Secretary of the Interior Standards. The standards provide general guidance on how to identify historic elements and features and what types of alterations can occur. Further aiding in

the project is the partnership with the Air Force and the State Historic Preservation Office, The National Trust for Historic Preservation, National Parks Service, and the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation. All these agencies participate in the development of the plans and ensure that all work performed is appropriate for historic buildings.

Community pride Another project in the historic neighborhood was the rehabilitation of the former NCO Club. The club was built in

Restoration and rehabilitation projects—such as the ones pictured here at Hickham Air Force Base, Oahu, Hawaii—provide a unique opportunity for creating sustainable developments. 44  Defense Communities

1941 and closed in 2003. The rehabilitation project included removal of all additions and restoration of the exterior to its former glory. The interior has been modified for use as a community center with large entertainment spaces, fitness center, and an amphitheater for outdoor entertainment. The rehabilitation of the former NCO club creates a local gathering spot that is within walking distance of every part of the neighborhood. Restoration and rehabilitation projects provide a unique opportunity for creating sustainable developments. Existing material is used wherever possible, thus limiting waste. Furthermore, they use sustainable and environmentally safe products and materials whenever possible. While much of sustainability focuses on the tangible restoration and rehabilitation, it also provides a powerful, intangible form of sustainability: community pride. n Bryan Flower is a Historic Preservation Specialist with Actus Lend Lease. Reach him at

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| FEA T U R E |

Building a Benefits Hub A multi-agency collaboration in Virginia pools resources for service members and families By Susan Burns, CSEP


here are dozens of organizations and hundreds of programs in any geographical region devoted to supporting the needs of military families. When these agencies connect their resources with a central network, the results can be a powerful collaboration. In southern Virginia, the Tidewater Military Family services. Council (TMFSC) is one such example. Founded in 2008 by Lincoln Military Housing, TMFSC represents three dozen organizations in the Hampton Roads area, including representatives from all five branches of service and all three local privatized housing providers. The council’s mission is to connect organizations that assist military families so TMFSC members can help promote each other’s programs, thus widening the marketing reach and total participants.

benefits the families who reside in privatized housing because customer service representatives in Hampton Roads now have more resources available when families are in need of information or a referral. Every month, membership grows because military organizations in the area are so diverse, yet previously lacked a central hub for communicating with each other and sharing their wealth of resources. TMFSC hopes that other military regions will use this collaboration as a model of what can be achieved. Most of the programs offered by council members are free to military families. The TMFSC Web site,, features a searchable list of TMFSC members and a calendar of programs available for families from any branch of service.

Collaborative results

In October 2010, TMFSC will host the Military Family Festival at the Military Aviation Museum during the region’s Fleet Week celebration. Along with family-friendly activities, such as a vintage WWII air show, the event will provide a stress-free environment for military families to access information about the hundreds of programs offered by TMFSC organizations. TMFSC hopes this will become an annual tradition that will help educate the military community about TMFSC, attract more TMFSC members, and create more sponsorship opportunities. n

TMFSC members also collaborate to form their own partnerships and extend their own resources. One example would be the extension of the Armed Services YMCA’s bread distribution program to the Coast Guard community via contacts made at TMFSC. In another instance, Fleet & Family Support Center representatives connected with Lincoln Military Housing to create regional career resource fairs for Navy teens and spouses. Member organizations also include Virginia Wounded Warriors, USO, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, MWR, Tricare, Army One Source, Military Newspapers of Virginia, Operation Homefront, Marine Corps Community Services, and others. The networking that happens at TMFSC meetings directly 46  Defense Communities

Celebratory strategy

Susan Burns, CSEP, is the National Family Affairs Advocate for Lincoln Military Housing and Chairperson of TMFSC. Reach her at

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September | October 2010 47

| FEA T U R E |

CommunityBased Recovery Naval Support Activity Mid-South in Millington, Tennessee, quickly recovers from flood damage thanks to combined efforts By Greg Hoener


eoman First Class Michelle Dewitt stood in the rain, her clothes soaked, desperately hoping to be reunited with her two children. Finally, after three heart-wrenching hours, her children stepped off the bus that had just arrived. On May 1, 2010, the Dewitt family was one of hundreds of families affected by severe rains and flash flooding at Naval Support Activity Mid-South, home to the Navy’s Human Resources Center of Excellence in Millington, Tennessee. Thanks to some good luck and the teamwork of the Navy, Red Cross, FEMA, Forest City Military Communities (the PPV housing partner on base), and countless others who came together to help and support their neighbors and friends, there were no serious injuries. That day, heavy rains overnight had

48  Defense Communities

caused minor flooding at NSA MidSouth. Approximately 15 homes had been flooded. Yet all was relatively stable until that afternoon, when a levy to the north of the base was breached. Dewitt, who lived on base in Forest City housing, had dropped off her kids at a neighbor’s house and went out to run some errands. When she returned, the streets were flooded up to the cars’ windows. Forest City Military Communities’ Jamie Seehafer, General Manager for the Navy Midwest region, described the sudden flooding. “The families were in their homes eating lunch, and suddenly a wall of water three to four feet high came through the housing, all at once.” The water was so strong it knocked over relief vehicles already on the scene. People in boats began pulling people out of their homes. As Seehafer

puts it, “It was the flash flood you can’t imagine would happen in Millington, Tennessee.”

Emergency response Dewitt was stopped by relief officials from getting to her neighbor’s house to pick up her children. Her husband, Rick, was on post at his job with Hanna Security. Blocked from getting to her children, she made her way toward her house, wading through waist-deep water to rescue her two dogs. The family’s beloved labrador retriever and chihuahua were penned in the kitchen, with the little one fighting to keep its head above water. A rescue worker, who had unsuccessfully tried to prevent Dewitt from entering the house, helped her and her dogs to safety. Almost immediately after the floods hit, residents were evacuated to a com-

munity gym, which would be used as a staging point throughout the relief efforts. The Navy kicked into high gear, making sure everyone was safe and had food and water. Back at the gym, Dewitt waited for her children to arrive. Finally, her two children stepped off a bus in front of the gym, reuniting a family torn apart by rushing waters. Once everyone was accounted for, Forest City’s attention turned to where the families would stay that night. Navy Public Affairs Officer David Crenshaw thought families would be staying the night at the gym. With many associates on vacation or paid time off, Resident Services Specialist Gina Graves was able to put almost a third of the 252 families into lodging for that night. Seehafer praised Graves’ efforts, saying, “Here’s this one employee who comes in the middle of a flood, and she is risking life and limb to make sure these families are secure. It really demonstrates our core values and why we do what we do for our military families.” Within hours, private partner associates from other properties and the corporate office began arriving to aid in the relief efforts. “From a private partner perspective, it’s seamless,” Seehafer says. “We’re here working as if we’re part of the military. And that has been the key—the communication, the cooperation, and the alignment of the goal— to get these families back in housing.”

Rapid recovery The Dewitt family was one of the hardest hit, losing almost everything they had. “Everything was in disarray,” Dewitt says. The water line on the walls was four feet high. Furniture, clothes, photos, and important documents were all ruined. In the rush to save her dogs and reunite with her children, Michelle didn’t have time to grab any of their belongings. But in those tragic moments, the community stepped up when it was needed most. Residents in non-affected areas, both military and civilian, distributed food, clothing, and water to those in need. As relief efforts continued, affected

families needed information updates as quickly as possible. A Family Assistance Center became a one-stop shop for information, supported by representatives from Forest City, the Red Cross, and other groups, along with counselors and chaplains. Away from his work computer and constantly on-the-go, Crenshaw turned to NSA Mid-South’s Facebook and Twitter pages to share the latest pictures and updates. “After the flooding began, our Facebook page went from having 875 fans to more than 3,000 fans, so the residents made it clear that’s where they were looking for information,” he says. Seehafer gave Crenshaw information throughout the day to post online. Both social networks were updated whenever new information was available. The Mid-South Facebook page gave the families a place to ask questions and connect with other families. “People lost everything. You have a situation where they have nothing left. They need information and they need it now,” Seehafer says. “And having someone available to do that has been the key to our success.” As relief efforts continued, crews worked night and day to get folks back on their feet, back into homes, and back to normal. Within three weeks, 105 families had on-base lodging.

Back to normal Alliant, the NSA Mid-South renter’s insurance provider, had the first claims checks to families by May 12, only a week after the claims were submitted. Disaster recovery specialists from Belfor USA coordinated and performed much of the restoration work, partnering with Forest City’s maintenance staff to fix the water damage as quickly as possible. Within three weeks of the flood, crews resurrected 68 homes that were in bad condition and made them livable again, working such long hours that a typical week-long job was completed in only two days. “These heroic families are dedicated to protecting us against loss of life or assets,” says Patty Cosman, Senior Vice President with Alliant. “In

their time of need we are proud that we can respond immediately, ease their stress, and replace what they have lost.” Brandon Johnson, Project Manager for Forest City Military Communities, described the massive rebuilding efforts, which are still underway. “We hauled away more than 230 30-yard dumpsters full of debris. And not counting the countless hours of the Navy and Forest City, folks have

“We’re here working as if we’re part of the military. And that has been the key— the communication, the cooperation, and the alignment of the goal—to get these families back in housing.” —Jamie Seehafer, Forest City Military Communities

worked to bring things back to normal, our local contractors have spent 40,000 man-hours getting things back into shape,” he explains. Forest City and Navy officials celebrated the progress they had made by late June with an open house and VIP showing of a home that was once ravaged by the flood. “This thing was packed with damaged goods sitting in up to four feet of water,” Forest City’s Johnson says. “Most everything now, less the structure itself, is brand new.” With a few families choosing to wait for damaged homes to be renovated, it was Forest City’s goal to have everyone back in permanent housing before the Fourth of July holiday. On Friday, July 2, the remaining families were handed the keys to their permanent homes. n Greg Hoener is Senior Writer, Forest City Corporate Communication. Reach him at September | October 2010 49

| FEA T U R E |

In Support of Warrior Families Adapted from a Press Release


utdoor equipment and weapons manufacturer GLOCK, Inc. has made a $100,000 donation to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF). The com-

pany made the presentation during the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC) in June. During the past five years, GLOCK has donated $500,000 to SOWF, a


non-profit organization providing college educations to the surviving children of Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps special operations personnel killed in combat or training. Accepting the donation from GLOCK Vice President Josh Dorsey was Colonel John T. Carney Jr., SOWF President, and Taniya Wright, whose father, James Wright, died in a training accident in 1987 while serving with Army Special Forces. SOWF donations covered Taniya’s expenses at the University of South Florida, allowing her to concentrate on her studies. She graduated in 2006 with a degree in mass communications and now works as an associate producer at the NBC affiliate in Tampa. GLOCK donates more than $500,000 each year to causes that benefit those who put themselves in harm’s way to defend the freedom that Americans enjoy. n For more information, contact Shelly Decker at

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Do you have news or story ideas you’d like to share with Defense Communities readers? E-mail Editor Birgitt Seymour at phmadefensecommunities@




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| FEA T U R E |

Inviting Form and Function Applicability and value are key when furnishing Unaccompanied Personnel Housing facilities By Michael Zusman


odging facilities and Unaccompanied Personnel Housing serve a dynamic community of individuals who endure high-powered day-to-day lifestyles and regroup in the comfort of their living quarters at day’s end. Precision-engineered and stylish furniture, made with the user in mind, can turn temporary housing into a home without sacrificing form or function. Facilities are consistently looking for furniture and wall protection solutions that offer value: instant aesthetics, durability, and affordability. Whether contemporary, traditional, or transitional, identifying a facility’s style and specifying long-lasting, multifaceted pieces stretches budgets and provides long-term ROI for every project.

Durable goods Any military housing administrator can relate to heavy-use environments and their need for superior furniture and wall protection functionality. While wood furniture takes a beating and shows signs of wear even before its first full year of use, alternative polymer-based products meet the need for antimicrobial surfaces and are resistant to scuffs, scratches, and water damage. These qualities allow for repair in seconds and require little to no maintenance while thriving on the simplest cleaning regimens. The Officers Club at Hickam Air Force Base in Oahu, Hawaii, is a good example of remodeling to enhance the lifespan and multi-functionality of a space. This bustling campus featured a dining hall in need of a facelift. New furniture changed the Officers Club’s ambience from caf52  Defense Communities

Hickam Officers Club at Hickam Air Force Base, Oahu, Hawaii.

eteria-feel to restaurant-style with the durability and easy maintenance for such a heavy-use space. Visitors and officers alike have been impressed with the transformation and staff is pleased with the amazing easy-cleaning and upkeep

of the new furniture. Similarly, at The Inn at Schofield Barracks in Wahiawa, Hawaii, polymer-based products stole the show in a major dining room renovation. Coordinating stylish dining chairs and pedestal tables created an eye-catching space for staff, officers, and guests, welcoming them not just to eat but to unwind and dine. Asking for staff or user input can create excitement when determining future purchases. For example, sharing a chair with military personnel and staff will allow the community to experience first-hand the durability and strength of the product and offer feedback. Allowing them to choose between styles will generate good will when the redesign is completed, making them more likely to utilize the space moving forward.

Space and frequency Sometimes space limitations or floor plans drive a decision. First identifying the needs of a space and figuring out

Furniture Selection Tips Selecting durable yet stylish furniture, fabrics, and hardware options is the key to success. • Look for products that require little to no maintenance and thrive on the simplest cleaning solutions yet look stunning while providing comfort. • Determining the facility’s style, whether traditional or contemporary—or somewhere between the two, transitional—goes a long way in establishing a facility’s overall look and feel by incorporating this style throughout. • Ask for staff or user input when determining future purchases. Share a chair with staff and military personnel to allow the community to experience firsthand the usability of the piece and offer feedback for their space. • Developing strategic goals for planning integrated spaces, furniture arrangements, or custom solutions can maximize efficiency and improve quality of life for staff and military personnel.

users and frequency of use goes a long way in determining an appropriate solution. Then, integrating the room style and maximizing space efficiency with products like built-in corner units or custom headwalls can make all the difference in personnel housing and lodging facilities. Solutions for facilities that cannot settle for out-of-the-

box furniture and wall protection set the precedent for innovative, custom design. This level of customization proves that design and user needs can synthesize for solutions that change the lives of personnel and staff. n Michael Zusman is the CEO of Kwalu. Reach him at



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September | October 2010 53

| FEA T U R E |

Keeping Close to Nature Using wood in furniture manufacturing offers responsible and sustainable practices By Jace Dawson


articularly these days, there is much conversation about the carbon footprint each of us leaves on the environment. Many industries are making an effort to lessen their imprints by adjusting manufacturing techniques and buying habits, and by educating their workforce. Additionally, eco-friendly products are popping up everywhere. One of the largest industries to influence the earth’s health is the building industry. Not only does a building take up raw space, it consumes large quantities of energy and creates waste. The imprint does not stop there; it continues into the interior of the structure in the form of appliances, heating/cooling systems, lighting, and furniture. Blockhouse, like other quality furniture manufacturers in the military housing and lodging market, has made it a company goal to be as environmentally friendly as possible—choosing to build furniture that is meant to last for several decades versus several years. Furniture within a commercial building covers approxi-

mately 50 to 65 percent of the usable space. Although the media does not generally target it, furniture plays a vital role in our everyday life, as well as impacts our environment on many levels. According to the EPA, approximately 9 million tons of landfill waste is furniture, the majority being metal and plastic. Out of the three most used materials for furniture—wood, metal, and plastic—wood has the fastest decomposing time. Instead of taking 700 years to decompose like aluminum, or never decomposing like some plastics, wood will return to the environment in as few as five months depending on the thickness.

Nature’s take on manufacturing The forestry industry, as a whole, has embraced the practice of responsible harvesting. These efforts have not only been supported, but validated, by a group of scientists, such as New Zealand botanist Dr. Wink Sutton. These scientists claim the amount of live timber existing today is equivalent

Trees for Health Young trees need more energy to grow than older trees. They absorb more carbon dioxide and release more oxygen, as well as provide a more favorable canopy for healthy undergrowth and wildlife existence. In one year, a single deciduous tree will absorb approximately 0.3 tons of carbon dioxide, filter the air of pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide, clean the soil in a process called phytoremediation, and produce approximately 260 pounds of oxygen.

54  Defense Communities

to that of a century ago. Dr. Sutton’s view is based on the fact that approximately 85 percent of today’s forests are privately owned and maintained. Understand that to a wood producer, trees are no different than tomato plants to a farmer, and without ample care and cultivation, the cycle of reproduction will not occur, and they will be out of business. The media particularly targets hardwood producers, as they do not directly replant their land; nature does. According to Dean Alanko of Allegheny Wood Products, nature’s replanting process of the eastern American hardwoods is far superior to anything humans can do, and there are facts to prove it. Alanko points out that according to US Forest data, the growth to removable ratio is at 2.29 percent, which means today’s Appalachian Hardwood Forest region is producing more timber than is being harvested. “Once harvested, the regeneration of forested land, whether through natural regeneration or replanting, continues the resource renewal cycle unlike other building products that are made from nonrenewable natural resources such as petroleum, aluminum, and steel,” Alanko explains.

Advocates for the environment Given the research and data, it becomes clear that using wood in furniture manufacturing is among the most energy-efficient processes available. Furniture manufacturers that are making the environment a priority will use only locally grown hardwood from SmartWood participants, recycled steel, and fabrics made of recycled yarns and foam that does not contain PBDEs. They also have the option of applying UV epoxy clear coating to furniture in a manner that releases zero emissions into the atmosphere. But is buying and using environmentally friendly furniture enough? Phillip Smith of PS Interior Design in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, says it’s certainly a good start. “Anytime a designer can contribute back to the

environment by the products they choose or the way they design it is like icing on a cake. We all—designers, builders, and architects—work toward the optimum goal—satisfying the customer’s needs. If we can do this successfully and keep the environment in

mind, we have achieved our goal at its highest.” n Jace Dawson, a freelance writer and designer, provided this article on behalf of Blockhouse. Reach her at jacedesign@

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September | October 2010 55

| FEA T U R E |

Breathing Easier Simple strategies can significantly curb indoor air allergens and help create healthier places to live and work By Ron Uecker


h-choo, ah-choo, ah-choo! Welcome to my home! Sound familiar? If so, then you’re one of millions who suffer from those unseen allergens lurking within the walls of your home, just waiting to make your life miserable the moment you enter. Your home could be located anywhere in the world. In Europe or in Asia, you could experience the same issues you deal with stateside. There are some differences, however. Most housing facilities overseas feature concrete floors, walls, and ceilings. “Stick-built” homes are not the norm. Additionally, heating systems primarily are powered by circulating hot water—unlike the gas-fired, forced-air furnaces in the United States. And in Europe, central air conditioning usually is reserved for public buildings. In homes, windows and fans are the primary source for “air conditioning.” But any of these systems has the potential to harbor allergens. Here’s a look at how to curb the presence of allergens in housing and lodging facilities, and help educate residents so they may feel more comfortable in their surroundings.

Allergens at the source What causes indoor air problems? The primary causes for air pollution within a home are sources that release gasses or particles into the air. Inadequate ventilation can increase indoor pollutant levels by not bringing in enough outdoor air to dilute emissions from indoor sources, and by not carrying indoor air pollutants out of your home. High tempera56  Defense Communities

ture and humidity levels can also increase concentrations of some pollutants. There are many sources of indoor air pollution in any home. These include combustion sources such as tobacco products and wood-burning heating devices or candles, building materials, and furnishings as diverse as wet or damp carpet, mold, cabinetry or furniture made of certain pressed wood products, products for household cleaning and maintenance, personal care, or hobbies, and outdoor sources such as pesticides and other outdoor air pollution. Some sources, such as building materials, furnishings, mold, and household products like air fresheners, release pollutants more or less continuously. Other sources release pollutants intermittently. These include smoking, the use of unvented stoves or space heaters, the use of solvents in cleaning and hobby activities, the use of paint strippers in redecorating activities, and the use of cleaning products and pesticides in housekeeping. High pollutant concentrations can remain in the air for long periods after these activities. If too little outdoor air enters your home, pollutants accumulate to levels that can and will pose health and comfort issues. Buildings often are designed and constructed to minimize the amount of outdoor air that can “leak” into

and out of your home, but that also contributes to higher pollutant levels. Outdoor air enters and leaves a house by: infiltration—through openings, joints, cracks in walls, floors and ceilings, and around windows and doors; natural infiltration—through opened windows and doors; and mechanical ventilation—air handling systems that use fans and duct work to continuously remove indoor air and distribute filtered/outdoor air to strategic points throughout your home. When there is little infiltration, natural ventilation, or mechanical ventilation, the air exchange rate is low and pollutant levels can increase. And that’s where you, the resident, can minimize your health risk simply by providing adequate natural ventilation.

Assessment and strategy The first step for you to judge whether your home has or could develop indoor air problems is to identify potential sources of indoor air pollution. Although the presence of such sources does not necessarily mean that you have an indoor air quality problem, being aware of the type and number of potential sources is an important step toward assessing the air quality in your home. The second step in deciding whether your home may have poor indoor air quality is to look at your lifestyle and activities. Human activities can be significant sources of indoor air pollution. Finally, look for signs of problems with the ventilation in your home. Signs that can indicate your home may not have enough ventilation include moisture condensation on windows, window ledges, or walls, smelly or stuffy air, and areas where books, shoes, or other items become moldy. Molds are a part of the natural environment. Outdoors, molds play a part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees, but indoors, mold growth should be and can be avoided. We suggest three basic strategies to improve your indoor air quality. The first is to eliminate individual sources of pollution or to reduce their emissions. In many cases, source control is also the most cost-efficient approach to protecting your air quality. These include stopping smoking/discouraging smoking in and around your home. Environmental tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke) is a mixture of smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar, and smoke exhaled by the smoker. It is a complex mixture of over 4,000 compounds, more than 40 of which are known to cause cancer and many of which are strong irritants. Also, controlling biological contaminants, i.e., bacteria, molds, mildew, viruses, animal dander and cat saliva, house dust mites, cockroaches, and pollen, will lower your risk. By controlling the relative humidity level in your home between 30 and 50 percent and maintaining an ambient temperature of 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, you can minimize the growth of most biological contaminants. House dust mites, the source of one of the most powerful biological allergens, grow in damp, warm environments.

Household exposures Chemicals also play an active part in our day-to-day lives. Exposure to household chemicals can be reduced by prop-

erly disposing of partially full, opened containers; gasses can even leak from closed containers, and disposing of them will help lower concentrations of organic chemicals in your home. Be sure that chemical materials not only are stored in a well-ventilated area but are also safely out of reach of children and pets. If you use products only occasionally or seasonally, such as paints, paint strippers, or gasoline for mowers/garden equipment, buy only as much as you will use at that time. Then there is no need to store these potentially hazardous items. Another chemical known to be prominent in your home is formaldehyde, a common chemical used by industry to manufacture building materials and numerous household products. It is also a by-product of combustion (tobacco burning) and certain natural processes. It may be present in substantial concentrations both indoors and outdoors. Sources in your home include household cleaning products and pressed wood products such as cabinets, furniture, shelving, and carpet. Before purchasing furniture, carpet, or drapery, we suggest you ask about the formaldehyde content. Maintaining a moderate temperature and humidity level, along with providing for adequate ventilation, will help reduce formaldehyde emissions.

Valuable ventilation The second and very important step to lowering the concentrations of indoor air pollutants is to increase the amount of outdoor air coming indoors. Homes should be ventilated for at least 30 minutes each day, and cross ventilation is necessary. Ensure interior doors are open along with windows on opposing sides of your home. Also, keep your bathroom door closed during showers and baths. If you have an exhaust fan, it should be turned on. If there is no exhaust fan, the window should be ajar to let the moist air out. Dry wet surfaces immediately following your shower. Ensure all your furniture is away from your wall; four to six inches is the minimum required to ensure air flow around your personal property. The last step is to utilize air cleaners. Air cleaners include commercially engineered products, which range from relatively inexpensive table-top models to sophisticated and expensive whole-house systems. Houseplants or “natural” air cleaners are also becoming recognized as viable products. There is significant publicity that suggests that houseplants have been shown to reduce levels of some chemicals. Keep in mind, though, that over-watered houseplants may promote the growth of mold/ mildew, which can affect allergic individuals. For most indoor air quality problems in your home, source control, in combination with proper ventilation techniques, is the most effective solution. Be aware of the chemicals you have within your home. Properly care for those products and be cognizant of what you are utilizing and what you purchase/bring into your home. Remember, indoor air quality is a risk you can control. n Ron Uecker is a member of the PHMA Barbarossa Chapter and on the staff of the ASAF FE at Ramstein AFB, Germany. Reach him at September | October 2010 57


Children had the opportunity to interview the firefighters and have their picture taken with “Sparky the Fire Dawg.”

Service and Learning Royal Chapter #63 members and local children enjoy a fire station field trip By Vivienne Spittles


n February, the PHMA Royal Chapter #63 hosted a trip to the RAF Lakenheath Fire Station. The guests were from Look Norfolk, a local organization that serves visually impaired children who live in the surrounding area. The children participated in a tour of the fire station, which included trying on the fire gear and climbing onto the trucks. After the tour, guests and hosts enjoyed a barbecue lunch cooked and served by the Royal Chapter members, with Dave Ketchum as head chef. Next, the firefighters put on a special presentation that emulated an emergency. They sounded the alarm, drove the fire trucks around the block, and then used hoses to put out a fake fire. It was an amazing display, particularly for the children and their helpers. At the end of the day, each child received a T-shirt and a bag of goodies. Participants also had the opportunity to

58  Defense Communities

interview the firefighters and have their picture taken with “Sparky the Fire Dawg.” The PHMA members who participated in this special day include Lani Waikiki, Kathy Ferrell, Dave Ketchum, Ian Lancaster, Bev Uter, Viv Spittles, Lisa Hall, Sarah Wright, and Sandra Hyett. Also participating were 48 CES members, including Sarah Watson, Debbie Vigar, and Debra Westervelt. It was an important and memorable day. Thanks to everyone who participated, particularly the RAF Lakenheath firefighters, who received a letter of thanks for their time and hospitality. n Vivienne Spittles is the Royal Chapter Treasurer and the Administrative Officer for Asset Management at Lakenheath AFB, England. Reach her at vivienne.spittles.gbr@lakenheath.

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60  Defense Communities

PHMA Corporate Sustaining Members uuListings denote PHMA PLATINUM Members. Acrylic Tub & Wall Liners Bath Fitter Kevin Neville 102 Evergreen Drive Springfield, TN 37172 877/395-2284; fax 866/472-3504 E-mail:

APPLIANCES ABSOCOLD Corporation Tim McCullum P.O. Box 1545 Richmond, IN 47375 800/843-3714; fax 765/935-3450 E-mail: Alliance Laundry Systems Jamie Zafke Shepard Street, P.O. Box 990 Ripon, WI 54971 920/748-1671; fax 920/748-1720 E-mail: Allied Contract Inc. Dawn Bradford 124 N. Peoria Avenue Tulsa, OK 74120 918/556-1241; fax 918/556-1245 E-mail: uCapitol Supply David Ostan 1000 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 452 Sunrise, FL 33323 888/485-5001 x5919; fax 954/907-0770 E-mail: Web site: Elmbrook Corporate Services Saunders Bohan 1133 Ivy Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757/333-1229 E-mail: uHD Supply Facilities Maintenance Cynde Beedle 10641 Scripps Summit Court San Diego, CA 92131 858/831-2171; fax 858/831-2497 E-mail: Web site: uuIntirion/MicroFridge Benjamin Otte 10 Walpole Park South Walpole, MA 02081 800/994-0165 x2663; fax 508/660-9242 E-mail: Web site: Kenyon International Inc. Suzanne Owens 8 Heritage Park Road P.O. Box 925 Clinton, CT 06413 860/664-4906; fax 860/664-4907 E-mail: M Rentals, Inc. Mamie Salazar-Harper 10910 Montana Avenue #A El Paso, TX 79936 915/775-1155; fax 915/532-4771 E-mail: Pioneering Technology Corp. Laird Comber 220 Britannia Road E. Mississauga, ON L4Z156 905/712-2061; fax 905/712-3833 E-mail: uThe Home Depot Lyn Alvarado 5481 W. Waters Avenue Tampa, FL 33634 813/806-3170; fax 888/806-0119 E-mail: Web site:

ART WHOLESALERS Artline Wholesalers Puneet Bhasin 10 Howard Street Hicksville, NY 11801 800/678-6540; fax 516/931-5735 E-mail:

uListings denote PHMA GOLD Members.

Athletic, Playground, & recreational surfacing Surface America, Inc. James Dobmeier P.O. Box 157 Williamsville, NY 14231 800/999-0555; fax 716/632-8324 E-mail:

BAr code asset tracking BarTracks Benjamin A. Saltzer 2892 Collier Avenue San Diego, CA 92116 619/282-3211; fax 619/282-0108 E-mail:

BARRACKS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE SYNCADD Systems, Inc. John Jaquess 1833 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite 1000 Honolulu, HI 96815 808/941-8286; fax 808/941-7173 E-mail:

BATH PRODUCTS Eggrock, Inc. Lisa Lanzilotti 265 Foster Street Littleton, MA 01460 978/952-8800 E-mail: Swanstone Corp. Robbin Mabery 515 Olive Street, Suite 1800 St. Louis, MO 63101 314/231-8148 x3225; fax 314/231-8185 E-mail:

BEDROOM & LOUNGE FURNISHINGS uADM International Gary Raphael 5565 North Elston Avenue Chicago, IL 60630-1314 773/774-2400; fax 773/774-2099 E-mail: Web site: uuBlockhouse Contract Furniture Company Steve Perko 3285 Farmtrail Road York, PA 17406 717/764-5555; fax 717/767-8939 E-mail: Web site: uInova Jerry Blackwell 685 West End Avenue New York, NY 10025 212/932-0366; fax 212/932-1447 E-mail: uSealy Contract Tom Tervo One Office Parkway Trinity, NC 27370 336/861-3596; fax 336/861-4045 E-mail: Web site: uValley Forge Fabrics, Inc. Jeff Taragano 2981 Gateway Drive Pompano Beach, FL 33069 954/971-1776; fax 954/968-1775 E-mail: Web site:

BUILDING PRODUCTS American Direct Procurement Byron Whetstone 11000 Lakeview Avenue Lenexa, KS 66219 913/677-5588; fax 913/677-5576 E-mail: DuPont Surfaces and Building Innovations Steve Lewis 4417 Lancaster Pike, CRP 721 Wilmington, DE 19805 800/436-6072 E-mail:

Norandex Building Materials Distribution, Inc. Thomas Tomaselli 300 Executive Parkway West, Suite 100 Hudson, OH 44236 330/656-8807; fax 866/586-0861 E-mail: uThe Home Depot Lyn Alvarado 5481 W. Waters Avenue Tampa, FL 33634 813/806-3170; fax 888/806-0119 E-mail: Web site: uWilsonart International Richard Wylie 2400 Wilson Place Temple, TX 76503-6110 972/523-1027; fax 254/207-8199 E-mail: Web site:

Cabinetry Leedo JP Campione 10707 Corporate Drive, Suite 250 Stafford, TX 77477 281/201-0900; fax 281/325-0272 E-mail: MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc. Steve Whalen One MasterBrand Cabinets Drive Jasper, IN 47546 812/482-2527; fax 812/482-9872 E-mail:

Call Tracking uCallSource Laura Bavetz 31280 Oak Crest Drive Westlake Village, CA 91361 818/673-4779; fax 888/299-0182 E-mail: Web site:

Carpeting InterfaceFLOR Jennifer Kelly 1503 Orchard Hill Road LaGrange, GA 30240 706/812-6150; fax 706/884-6146 E-mail:

CLEANING & SANITIZING S&Y Trading Corporation Yohanan Berlinerblaw 2200 North Federal Hwy., Suite 229C Boca Raton, FL 33431 561/395-4333 or 800/309-3393; fax 561/395-4303 E-mail:

Code Compliance Services uBureau Veritas Van Tran 1000 Jupiter Road, Suite 800 Plano, TX 75074 800/906-7199; fax 800/910-8284 E-mail: Web site:

COMPACT KITCHENS Dwyer Products Toni Pahl 1226 Michael Drive, Suite F Wood Dale, IL 60191 630/741-7900; fax 630/741-7974 E-mail:

COMPENSATION uuCEL & Associates Inc.

Kelley Calderon 12121 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 204 Los Angeles, CA 90025 310/571-3113; fax 310/571-3117 E-mail: Web site:

September | October 2010 61

PHMA Corporate Sustaining Members CONSTRUCTION uuHunt Military Communities

Richard Theroux 4401 N. Mesa El Paso, TX 79902 915/298-0479; fax 915/298-0478 E-mail: Web site:

CONSTRUCTION CONSULTING & ENGINEERING SERVICES uBureau Veritas Van Tran 1000 Jupiter Road, Suite 800 Plano, TX 75074 800/906-7199; fax 800/910-8284 E-mail: Web site:

CONSULTANTS uuBooz Allen Hamilton

John Stowers 700 N St. Mary’s, Suite 700 San Antonio, TX 78205 210/244-4200; fax 210/244-4206 E-mail: Web site: uuMHLI Jon Moore 154 Fort Evans Road, NE Leesburg, VA 20175 703/771-0055; fax 703/771-0299 E-mail: Web site:

CONTRACTORs GFS Group David Alcorn Box L Hagatna, Guam 96932 671/646-8437; fax 671/646-6097 E-mail:

SAB Co. David C. Bland III 4101 East Irvington Road Tucson, AZ 85714 520/750-6277; fax 520/750-6659 E-mail:

Countertops Oldcastle Surfaces, Inc. Mark Nelson 1400 W. Marietta Street NW Atlanta, GA 30318 404/355-3108; fax 404/355-7893 E-mail: uWilsonart International Richard Wylie 2400 Wilson Place Temple, TX 76503-6110 972/523-1027; fax 254/207-8199 E-mail: Web site:

DEBT COLLECTION FOR MILITARY HOUSING Hunter Warfield John Bechtold 3111 West MLK Boulevard, 2nd Floor Tampa, FL 33607 888/486-8927; fax 813/283-4498 E-mail:

DEVELOPERS uuActus Lend Lease

Charles Parker 1801 West End Avenue, Suite 1700 Nashville, TN 37203 615/324-8800; fax 615/963-2686 E-mail: Web site:

America First Communities Niles Andersen One Burlington Place 1004 Farnam, Suite 400 Omaha, NE 68102 402/930-3013; fax 402/930-3047 E-mail: uuBalfour Beatty Communities Chris Williams 10 Campus Boulevard Newtown Square, PA 19073 610/355-8000; fax 610/335-8201 E-mail: Web site: uClark Realty Cleve Johnson 4401 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600 Arlington, VA 22203 703/294-4500; fax 703/294-4650 E-mail: Web site: uuHunt Military Communities Richard Theroux 4401 N. Mesa El Paso, TX 79902 915/298-0479; fax 915/298-0478 E-mail: Web site: uuLincoln Military Housing Sam Merrick 3360 Murray Ridge San Diego, CA 92123 858/874-8100; fax 858/874-3259 E-mail: Web site: uuMichaels Military Housing Ronald Hansen 3 E. Stow Road P.O. Box 994 Marlton, NJ 08053 856/355-1539; fax 856/355-1547 E-mail: Web site:

Advertising Index Company, Contact


Web Site


ADM International, Inc., Gary Raphael

773/ 774-2400


Balfour Beatty Communities, Kathy Grim



Blockhouse, Randy Duffer



Capitol Supply, Harry Steinman



Cort Furniture Rental, Peggy Moore



Davey Commercial Grounds Management, George Gaumer

800/447-1667 x 268


Foliot Furniture, Jan Hines

800-545-5575 x 310


HD Supply Facilities Maintenance, Lauree Dutton McGrady



Home Depot Government Solutions, Lyn Alvarado



Ista-North American, Bill Kirk



Kaba Multihousing & Institutional, LaShawnda Robinson



Kenyon International, Inc., Suzanne Owens



KLN Steel Products, Kris Benson



Landscape Structures, Megan Andrada



Microfridge Inc., Benjamin Otte



MilitaryByOwner Advertising, Dave Gran



Mincey Marble Manufacturing, Inc., Donna Mincey



Picerne Military Housing, Bill Mulvey



Salsbury Industries, Ricardo Alva



Softbrands, David Purcell



Swan Corporation, Jonathan Fore



The Refinishing Touch, Mario Insenga



This End Up Furniture Company, Fabio Ruberto



Trinity Furniture, Jorge Lagueruela



University Loft Company, James Jannetides



Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Customer Service



Yardi, Spencer Stewart



62  Defense Communities

PHMA Corporate Sustaining Members

uuPicerne Military Housing Bill Mulvey 1405 South County Trail, Suite 530 East Greenwich, RI 02818 401/228-2800; fax 401/228-2899 E-mail: Web site: uUnited Communities, LLC Mike Haydinger 78 East Main Street Marlton, NJ 08053 856/985-1777; fax 856/985-2445 E-mail: Web site:

uuPicerne Military Housing Bill Mulvey 1405 South County Trail, Suite 530 East Greenwich, RI 02818 401/228-2800; fax 401/228-2899 E-mail: Web site: uUnited Communities, LLC Mike Haydinger 78 E. Main Street Marlton, NJ 08053 856/985-1777; fax 856/985-2445 E-mail: Web site:



Chris Williams 10 Campus Boulevard Newtown Square, PA 19073 610/355-8000; fax 610/335-8201 E-mail: Web site: uuForest City Angelo Pimpas 50 Public Square, Suite 1200 Cleveland, OH 44113 216/621-6060; fax 216/263-4800 E-mail: Web site: uuLincoln Military Housing Sam Merrick 3360 Murray Ridge San Diego, CA 92123 858/874-8100; fax 858/874-3259 E-mail: Web site:

uADM International Gary Raphael 5565 North Elston Avenue Chicago, IL 60630-1314 773/774-2400; fax 773/774-2099 E-mail: Web site: Casson Art Carolyn Smart P.O. Box 4187 Martinsville, VA 24115 276/638-1450; fax 276/638-3877 E-mail: Contract Décor Inc. Marc Stewart 72-184 N. Shore Street Thousand Palms, CA 92276 760/343-4444; fax 760/343-4441 E-mail:

Mill Distributors Inc. Thomas Wieder 45 Aurora Industrial Parkway Aurora, OH 44202 800/322-6555; fax 330/995-9207 E-mail: RMP Associates Rhonda Pearson 2208 Newcastle Street Brunswick, GA 31520-8737 912/280-0773; fax 912/280-0595 E-mail: Southwest Décor Edd Ligendza 3645 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, TX 78201 800/880-5701 x18; fax 210/732-9347 E-mail: Thomas W. Raftery Inc. Gary Rigoletti 1055 Broad Street Hartford, CT 06106 860/278-9870; fax 860/278-9873 E-mail: uValley Forge Fabrics, Inc. Jeff Taragano 2981 Gateway Drive Pompano Beach, FL 33069 954/971-1776; fax 954/968-1775 E-mail: Web site:

EDUCATIONAL Institute of Real Estate Management Nancye J. Kirk 430 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611-4090 312/329-6010; fax 312/410-7910 E-mail:

Reach the military and civilian decision makers who have the buying power authority worldwide. A D V ERTISE IN

Defense Communities For more information, contact Alison Bashian at 800/335-7500;; Fax: 440/232-0398.

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Defense Communities? Ask about our   reprint services!

Contact Marlene Hendrickson at 703/914-9200 ext. 24;

September | October 2010 63

PHMA Corporate Sustaining Members

uuMHLI Jon Moore 154 Fort Evans Road, NE Leesburg, VA 20175 703/771-0055; fax 703/771-0299 E-mail: Web site:

Electronic Locks uKaba Multihousing & Institutional Fred Crum 31750 Sherman Avenue Madison Heights, MI 48071 877/272-3565; fax 248/583-3228 E-mail: Web site:

ENERGY-EFFICIENT PRODUCTS USI Green Energy, LLC Raman Malhotra 960 Bridle Path Road Allentown, PA 18103 610/439-2122; fax 610/439-8242 E-mail:

Fabrics Mayer Fabrics Richard Mayer 321 S. Alabama Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 800/428-4415; fax 317/267-2629 E-mail: uValley Forge Fabrics, Inc. Jeff Taragano 2981 Gateway Drive Pompano Beach, FL 33069 954/971-1776; fax 954/968-1775 E-mail: Web site:

FAUCETS Moen, Incorporated David Ricci 7 Pointe Circle Jackson, NJ 08527 973/220-7859; fax 732/367-9215 E-mail:

FLOORING uAmtico International Philip Hughes 66 Perimeter Center East Atlanta, GA 30346 937/829-8316; fax 404/267-1901 E-mail: Web site: uCBC America Dale Carson 1813 Augusta Boulevard Fairfield, OH 45014 631/835-0275; fax 631/864-8151 E-mail: Web site: uCMA Inc. Paul Snyder 8425 Progress Drive, Suite BB Frederick, MD 21701 240/215-9700; fax 240/215-9721 E-mail: Web site: Commercial Carpets of America, Inc. Sharon Johnson 430 South Pickett Street Alexandria, VA 22304 703/370-0000; fax 703/823-8335 E-mail: Continental Flooring Company Diane Conti 9319 N. 94th Way, Suite 1000 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 480/949-8509 or 800/825-1221; fax 480/945-2603 E-mail: DEHCO/CAST Products Patrick Phillips 58263 Charlotte Avenue Elkhart, IN 46517 574/294-2684; fax 574/296-7564 E-mail:

64  Defense Communities

FloorExpo William Graham Howerton 811 Livingston Court, Suite A Marietta, GA 30067 770/528-4740; fax 770/424-1988 E-mail: GFC, Inc. Eugene Hartley 3816 Binz-Engleman, B-125 San Antonio, TX 78219 210/651-5002; fax 210/651-6910 E-mail: uMohawk Ind Seth Arnold 508 E. Morris Street P.O. Box 1448 Dalton, GA 30722 706/272-4912 E-mail: Web site: Shaw Contract Group Jeff Manley P.O. Box 2128 Dalton, GA 30722 706/275-2423; fax 706/428-3393 E-mail: uSherwin-Williams Bill Rafie 101 Prospect Avenue, 10 Midland Cleveland, OH 44115 216/515-4313; fax 216/566-1392 E-mail: Web site: uWilsonart International Richard Wylie 2400 Wilson Place Temple, TX 76503-6110 972/523-1027; fax 254/207-8199 E-mail: Web site:

FURNITURE Adden Furniture Inc. Linda Kane 26 Jackson Street Lowell, MA 01852 800/625-3876; fax 978/453-1449 E-mail: uADM International Gary Raphael 5565 North Elston Avenue Chicago, IL 60630-1314 773/774-2400; fax 773/774-2099 E-mail: Web site: uAVTEQ, Inc. Angelina Kerr 1151 Empire Central Dallas, TX 75247 214/905-9001; fax 214/905-9666 E-mail: Web site: uuBlockhouse Contract Furniture Company Steve Perko 3285 Farmtrail Road York, PA 17406 717/764-5555; fax 717/767-8939 E-mail: Web site: uCapitol Supply David Ostan 1000 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 452 Sunrise, FL 33323 888/485-5001 x5919; fax 954/907-0770 E-mail: Web site:

uCMA Inc. Paul Snyder 8425 Progress Drive, Suite BB Frederick, MD 21701 240/215-9700; fax 240/215-9721 E-mail: Web site: uCORT Furniture Rental Peggy Moore 801 Hampton Park Boulevard Capitol Heights, MD 20743 888/472-2678; fax 301/333-3530 E-mail: Web site: uDCI Inc. Henry Kober 265 S. Main Street Lisbon, NH 03585 800/552-8286; fax 803/838-6826 E-mail: Web site: uDehler Manufacturing Inc./Three Mountain Mike Gittinger 5801 W. Dickens Chicago, IL 60639 800/624-9101; fax 773/637-5042 E-mail: Web site: Foliot Furniture, Inc. Dana Rios 721 Boul Roland Gabriel St. Jerome, QC J7Y4C1 450/565-6659 x309; fax 450/565-8932 E-mail: uFurniture By Thurston/Three Mountain Mike Gittinger 12250 Charles Drive Grass Valley, CA 95945 530/272-4331; fax 530/272-4962 E-mail: Web site: GSA Integrated Workplace Acquisition Center Dan McAneney 20 North 8th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 215/446-5094; fax 215/446-5115 E-mail: uHD Supply Facilities Maintenance Cynde Beedle 10641 Scripps Summit Court San Diego, CA 92131 858/831-2171; fax 858/831-2497 E-mail: Web site: uInova Jerry Blackwell 685 West End Avenue New York, NY 10025 212/932-1447; fax 212/932-1447 E-mail: Integra, Inc. Chandra Putnam P.O. Box M Walworth, WI 53184 800/235-0234; fax 262/275-3614 E-mail: John Savoy & Son Inc. David Kratzer P.O. Box 248 300 Howard Street Montoursville, PA 17754 570/368-2424; fax 570/368-3280 E-mail: KJL-Letts Design, Inc. Debra Joyce 2733 Via Orange Way, Suite 103 Spring Valley, CA 91978 619/464-8010; fax 619/464-8016 E-mail: uKLN Steel Products Company/Three Mountain Mike Gittinger P.O. Box 34690 San Antonio, TX 78265-4690 800/624-9101; fax 210/227-4047 E-mail: Web site:

PHMA Corporate Sustaining Members

Kloppenberg Bryan Clark 2267 W. Oxford Avenue Englewood, CO 80110 303/761-1615; fax 303/789-1741 E-mail: uMarvin J. Perry and Associates Malcolm Wilson 4101 Howard Avenue Kensington, MD 20895-2495 301/564-1112; fax 301/564-1076 E-mail: Web site: Marvin J. Perry, Inc. Skip Yeager 10563 Metropolitan Avenue Kensington, MD 20895 301/949-1301 x12; fax 301/949-1304 E-mail: ModuForm, Inc. Darlene Bailey 172 Industrial Road Fitchburg, MA 01420-0004 800/221-6638; fax 978/345-0188 E-mail: New England Woodcraft Peter Osborne 481 North Street P.O. Box 165 Forest Dale, VT 05745 802/247-8211; fax 802/247-8042 E-mail: Old Dominion Wood Products Sherri Stilwell 800 Craddock Street Lynchburg, VA 24501 800/245-6382; fax 434/845-7614 E-mail: Rodco-Brandt Juergen Richter P.O. Box 270 Mansfield, TX 76063 817/477-4118; fax 817/477-4728 E-mail: Sauder Manufacturing Company Steve Britton 930 West Barre Road Archbold, OH 43502 800/777-5055; fax 260/627-6496 E-mail: This End Up Furniture Co., Inc. Janet Costin P.O. Box 5410 Sanford, NC 27331 919/774-7474; fax 919/776-2173 E-mail: uThomasville Furniture Carole Snider 401 East Main Street Thomasville, NC 27360 336/476-2175; fax 336/472-4057 E-mail: Web site: uTrade Products Corporation Allyn Richert 12124 Pope’s Head Road Fairfax, VA 22030 888/352-3580; fax 703/502-9399 E-mail: Web site: Transformations Furniture Jaret Wieland 16840 State Road 37 Harlan, IN 46743 260/657-5527; fax 260/657-5691 E-mail: Trinity Furniture Inc. Jorge Lagueruela P.O. Box 150 Trinity, NC 27370 336/472-6660; fax 336/475-0037 E-mail: uUniversity Loft James Jannetides 433 E. Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 317/631-5433; fax 317/631-1516 E-mail: Web site:

Crowning Touch Installations Richard Tyner 1801 S. Myers Street Oceanside, CA 92054 760/224-4555; fax 888/881-1370 x3 E-mail:

uuMichaels Military Housing Ronald Hansen 3 E. Stow Road Marlton, NJ 08053 856/355-1539; fax 856/355-1547 E-mail: Web site:


Housing Referral Systems


The Refinishing Touch Roberta Bernhardt 9350 Industrial Trace Alpharetta, GA 30004 770/642-4169; fax 770/475-4782 E-mail:

Runzheimer International Kraig Rodenbeck 1 Runzheimer Parkway Waterford, WI 53185 262/971-2312; fax 262/971-2373 E-mail:

Government Meeting Planning uuMHLI


Jon Moore 154 Fort Evans Road, NE Leesburg, VA 20175 703/771-0055; fax 703/771-0299 E-mail: Web site:

Government Services uNorthrop Grumman Technical Services Joe Munter 1235 South Clark Street 10th Floor, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202 703/604-4469 E-mail: Web site:

Green Building Compliance uBureau Veritas Van Tran 1000 Jupiter Road, Suite 800 Plano, TX 75074 800/906-7199; fax 800/910-8284 E-mail: Web site:

GROUNDS MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT uDavey Commercial Grounds Management Blane Pshigoda P.O. Box 75563 Colorado Springs, CO 80970 719/638-1210; fax 719/638-1233 E-mail: Web site: Turf Design Lawn and Landscaping Adam Breidenthal P.O. Box 860303 Shawnee, KS 66286 913/764-6531; fax 913/764-0647 E-mail:

GUEST AMENITIES American Hotel Register Company Jen Fournier 100 S. Milwaukee Avenue Vernon Hills, IL 60061 800/766-6676 x4409; fax 847/743-6409 E-mail:

HOUSEHOLD & QUARTERS FURNITURE uRT London Gerard Barry 1642 Broadway NW Grand Rapids, MI 49505 877/613-2012; fax 616/364-1131 E-mail: Web site:

HousING PRIVATIZATION uuBalfour Beatty Communities

Chris Williams 10 Campus Boulevard Newtown Square, PA 19073 610/355-8000; fax 610/335-8201 E-mail: Web site: uLincoln Military Housing Sam Merrick 3360 Murray Ridge San Diego, CA 92123 858/874-8100; fax 858/874-8137 E-mail: Web site:

uAlliant Insurance Services, Inc. Patty Cosman 1050 Wilshire Drive, Suite 210 Troy, MI 48084 248/205-2934; fax 248/203-7510 E-mail: Web site: CRES Insurance Services Dave Miller 15373 Innovation Drive, Suite 250 San Diego, CA 92128 800/880-2747; fax 858/618-1655 E-mail:

Key Control uKaba Multihousing & Institutional Fred Crum 31750 Sherman Avenue Madison Heights, MI 48071 877/272-3565; fax 248/583-3228 E-mail: Web site: KeyTrak, Inc. Jordan Dent 200 Quality Circle College Station, TX 77845 879/595-2600; fax 979/595-2717 E-mail:

LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT Brickman Group Tom Davis 9250 Rumsey Road, Suite 200 Columbia, MD 21045 443/766-1397; fax 410/992-0943 E-mail: uDavey Commercial Grounds Management Blane Pshigoda P.O. Box 75563 Colorado Springs, CO 80970 719/638-1210; fax 719/638-1233 E-mail: Web site: Mainscape, Inc. Craig Brooks 13418 Britton Park Road Fishers, IN 46038 317/577-3155; fax 317/577-3161 E-mail: Multi Family Services, LLC Phil White 1701 Hazelwood Drive Marietta, GA 30067 770/509-0456; fax 770/234-6351 E-mail: Munie Greencare Professionals Nancy Nekola 1000 Milburn School Road Caseyville, IL 62232 618/624-5005; fax 618/632-5475 E-mail: uTidewater Landscape Management, Inc. Jimmy Deloach P.O. Box 7571 Garden City, GA 31418 912/966-7391; fax 912/966-7395 E-mail: Web site:

September | October 2010 65

PHMA Corporate Sustaining Members Yardmaster Kurt Kluznik 1447 N. Ridge Road Painesville, OH 44077 440/357-8400 x144; fax 440/357-1624 E-mail:


PHMA International Officers & Board *Major General Del Eulberg, USAF (Ret.) President *Elijah “Wilkie” Wilkerson, USA (Ret.) Executive Vice President *Alice Gladden, USAF (Ret.) Secretary *Barry Scribner, Private Sector Treasurer *Darlene McCoy, USMC Chairperson for Chapter Operations *Jon R. Moore, PHMA Executive Director M embers at L arge

John Busca, USAF Linda Cruz, Navy Suzanne Harrison, USA Walt Kelly, Private Sector Connie Lotfi, USAF Sheila Schwartz, USAF Barbara Sincere, USA Joyce VanSlyke, USA Charlie Williams, Private Sector *Indicates Executive Council Members

P H M A M ISSI O N Contributing toward better quality housing for military members and their families by: u raising the level of housing proficiency and professionalism u improving communications and networking u offering education, training, and certification, and u recognizing and awarding housing professionalism. 66  Defense Communities

Arkansas Lamp Manufacturing Co. Ed Carr 1701 S. 28th Street Van Buren, AR 72956 479/474-0876; fax 479/474-9007 E-mail: Epiphany Lighting Jim Shaw 2805 S. Shiloh Road Garland, TX 75041 972/276-3800; fax 972/276-9838 E-mail:

LINENS A-1 Textiles Carol Moran P.O. Box 5259 Chatsworth, CA 91313 800/351-1819; fax 800/453-0952 E-mail:

Lodging & Hospitality GSA, FAS Greater Southwest Acquisition Center Cheryl Allen 819 Taylor Street, Room 7QSAA Fort Worth, TX 76102 817/674-2310; fax 817/574-2689 E-mail:

MAINTENANCE United Laboratories, Inc. Eric Frazier 320 37th Avenue St. Charles, IL 60174 630/377-0900; fax 630/762-7377 E-mail: Windsor Industries Leean Bradburn 1351 W. Stanford Avenue Englewood, CO 80110 303/762-1800 x206 or 800/444-7654 x206; fax 303/865-2807 E-mail:


L C Industries David Henderson 4500 Emperor Boulevard P.O. Box 13629 Durham, NC 27709 919/596-8277; fax 919/598-1179 E-mail: uLions Volunteer Blind Industries, Inc. Eric Carpenter 758 West Morris Boulevard Morristown, TN 37813 423/586-3922; fax 423/586-1479 E-mail: Web site: Paramount Industrial Cos., Inc. Richard Diamonstein 1112 Kingwood Avenue Norfolk, VA 23502 757/855-3321; fax 757/855-2029 E-mail: uSealy Contract Tom Tervo One Office Parkway Trinity, NC 27370 336/861-3596; fax 336/861-4045 E-mail: Web site: uSimmons Bedding Company Mike Ryan One Concourse Parkway, Suite 800 Atlanta, GA 30328 770/206-2734; fax 770/206-2750 E-mail: Web site: Winston-Salem Industries for the Blind John Trenholm 7730 North Point Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27106 336/759-0551; fax 336/759-0990 E-mail:

MORTGAGE SERVICES uWells Fargo Home Mortgage David Gibbons 2701 Wells Fargo Way Minneapolis, MN 55408 612/312-4363; fax 612/312-4390 E-mail: Web site:

Multipurpose Ball fields

Wilmar Industries, Inc. Michael Brooks 6426 Harbor Mist Missouri City, TX 77459 800/345-3000; fax 832/618-1669 E-mail:

uABC team Playgrounds GmbH Rainer Kronbach P.O. Box 255 Ransback Baumbach GE 56222 0049 7161 929530; fax 0049 7161 929532 E-mail: Web site:


Paints and Coatings

uHD Supply Facilities Maintenance Cynde Beedle 10641 Scripps Summit Court San Diego, CA 92131 858/831-2171; fax 858/831-2497 E-mail: Web site: Lowe’s Companies Michael Watkins 1000 Lowe’s Boulevard Mooresville, NC 28117 704/758-1000; fax 336/217-2761 E-mail: uThe Home Depot Lyn Alvarado 5481 W. Waters Avenue Tampa, FL 33634 813/806-3170; fax 888/806-0119 E-mail: Web site:

MATTRESSES uAmerican MFG, Inc. Dale Reynolds P.O. Box 1048 Athens, TN 37371 423/745-1512; fax 423/745-2772 E-mail: Web site:

PPG Industries – Pittsburgh Paints – Porter Paints Dan Passinault 2701 Timberglen Drive Wexford, PA 15090 412/302-3873; fax 724/935-7855 E-mail: uSherwin-Williams Bill Rafie 101 Prospect Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 216/515-4313; fax 216/566-1392 E-mail: Web site:

PaYMENT PROCESSING SERVICES uMilitary Assistance Co. Rick Boswell P.O. Box 1270 Elizabethtown, KY 42702 270/706-6220; fax 877/237-7960 E-mail: Web site:

PEST CONTROL BedBug Central Robert Di Joseph 351 Lawrence Station Road Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 877/411-1142; fax 609/799-3859 E-mail:

PHMA Corporate Sustaining Members PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT uABC TEAM Playgrounds GmbH Rainer Kronbach P.O. Box 255 Ransbach-Baumbach GE 56222 0049 7161 929530; fax 0049 7161 929532 E-mail: Web site: Vortex Aquatic Structures John Mejia 328 Avro Street Pointe-Claire, Quebec, H9R 5W5 Canada 514/694-3868; fax 514/335-5413 E-mail:

Plumbing/HVAC HD Supply Plumbing/HVAC Ken Ward 4815 West Buckskin Trail Phoenix, AZ 85083 623/362-8575; fax 866/521-9195 E-mail:

Portable Moving & Storage Containers PODS Enterprises, Inc. Cherlyne Rouse 5585 Rio Vista Drive Clearwater, FL 33760 727/538-6418; fax 727/532-2660 E-mail:

PRivatized military houing Boyer Hill Military Housing Mark Pace 4049B Cambridge Loop Hill Air Force Base, UT 84056 801/784-5600; fax 801/784-5602 E-mail:


Charles McKenzie 724 S. Shelmore Boulevard, Suite 100 Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 843/849-1122; fax 843/849-0595 E-mail: Web site: uuForest City Angelo Pimpas 50 Public Square, Suite 1200 Cleveland, OH 44113 216/621-6060; fax 216/263-4800 E-mail: Web site: uuHunt Military Communities Richard Theroux 4401 North Mesa El Paso, TX 79902 915/298-0479; fax 915/298-0478 E-mail: Web site: uuLincoln Military Housing Sam Merrick 3360 Murray Ridge San Diego, CA 92123 858/874-8100; fax 858/874-3259 E-mail: Web site: uuMichaels Military Housing Ronald Hansen 3 E. Stow Road Marlton, NJ 08053 856/355-1539; fax 856/355-1547 E-mail: Web site: uNew Orleans Navy Housing LLC Brian May 8027 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70809 225/924-4828; fax 225/924-4945 E-mail: Web site: uuPicerne Military Housing Bill Mulvey 1405 South County Trail, Suite 530 East Greenwich, RI 02818 401/228-2800; fax 401/228-2899 E-mail: Web site:

uUnited Communities, LLC Mike Haydinger 78 East Main Street Marlton, NJ 08053 856/985-1777; fax 856/985-2445 E-mail: Web site: uWinnResidential-Military Housing Services Patrick Appleby 6 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Boston, MA 02109 617/239-4590; fax 617/239-4482 E-mail: Web site:

REAL ESTATE SERVICES, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, RELOCATION Carrsun Company Phil Carroll 3355 S. Arlington Ave., Suite B Indianapolis, IN 46203 317/784-2341; fax 371/788-7604 E-mail: uCORT Furniture Rental Peggy Moore 801 Hampton Park Boulevard Capitol Heights, MD 20743 888/472-2678; fax 301/333-3530 E-mail: Web site: Equity Residential Properties Clancy Weaver 1953 Gallows Road, Suite 340 Vienna, VA 22182 703/714-1650 x1635; fax 703/288-3046 E-mail: uuForest City Angelo Pimpas 50 Public Square #1200 Cleveland, OH 44113 216/621-6060; fax 216/263-4800 E-mail: Web site: uuMilitaryByOwner Advertising, Inc. David Gran 129 Lupine Drive Stafford, VA 22556 866/604-9126; fax 540/752-1591 E-mail: Web site: uuPinnacle, an American Management

Services Company

Mike Rouen 2801 Alaskan Way, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98121 206/215-9700; fax 206/215-9777 E-mail: Web site: uWinnResidential-Military Housing Services Patrick Appleby 6 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Boston, MA 02109 617/239-4590; fax 617/239-4482 E-mail: Web site:

RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT uABC Team Playgrounds GmbH Rainer Kronbach P.O. Box 255 Ransbach Baumbach GE 56222 0049 7161 929530; fax 0049 7161 929532 E-mail: Web site: uCreative Outdoor Designs Inc. Grace Keller P.O. Box 300 Ballentine, SC 29002 803/732-3620; fax 803/732-9210 E-mail: Web site: GameTime Matt Meeks P.O. Box 680121 150 PlayCore Drive SE Fort Payne, AL 35967 800/235-2440; fax 256/997-5438 E-mail:

Kidstuff Playsystems, Inc. Richard Hagelberg 5400 Miller Avenue Gary, IN 46403 800/255-0153; fax 219/938-3340 E-mail: PlayMart Inc. Chris St. John 170 Allens Way Somerset, KY 43501 800/437-5297; fax 606/678-0911 E-mail:

SECURITY & SAFETY PRODUCTS CorKey Control Systems, Inc. Robin Walin 1535 Bayshore Highway Burlingame, CA 94010 800/622-2239; fax 650/692-9410 E-mail: uKaba Multihousing & Institutional Fred Crum 31750 Sherman Avenue Madison Heights, MI 48071 877/272-3565; fax 248/583-3228 E-mail: Web site: Onity, Inc. Suzanne Child 2232 Northmont Parkway Duluth, GA 30096 678/512-8039; fax 678/512-7565 E-mail: Stanley Security Solutions Jeff Huggins 112 Rivendell Court Mt. Holly, NC 28120 980/721-3536; fax 704/827-0149 E-mail: Wooster Products Inc. Chuck Hess P.O. Box 896 Wooster, OH 44691 800/321-4936; fax 330/262-4151

SHADE SYSTEMS Shade Systems, Inc. Steve Wilson 4150 S.W. 19 Street Ocala, FL 34474 352/237-0135; fax 352/237-2256 E-mail:

SHOWER BASES u Mincey Marble Mfg., Inc. Donna Mincey P.O. Box 2381 Gainesville, GA 30503 770/532-0451; fax 770/531-0935 E-mail: Web site:

SOFTWARE Infor-(SoftBrands) Sara Wilson 13560 Morris Road, Suite 4100 Alpharetta, GA 30004 864/422-5310; fax 864/422-5000 E-mail: uuRealPage Stacey Blackwell 4000 International Parkway Carrollton, TX 75007 972/820-3015; fax 972/820-3383 Web site: uuYardi Systems Brigitta Eggleston 430 South Fairview Goleta, CA 93117 805/699-2040 x424; fax 805/699-2041 E-mail: Web site:

Solar energy products Hannah Solar, LLC Peter Marte 2135 Defoor Hills Road, SE, Suite M Atlanta, GA 30318 404/609-7005; fax 404/609-7655 E-mail:

September | October 2010 67




uSherwin-Williams Bill Rafie 101 Prospect Avenue, 10 Midland Cleveland, OH 44115 216/515-4313; fax 216/566-1392 E-mail: Web site:

uCallSource Laura Bavetz 31280 Oak Crest Drive Westlake Village, CA 91361 818/673-4779; fax 888/299-0182 E-mail: Web site:

u AVTEQ, Inc. Angelina Kerr 1151 Empire Central Dallas, TX 75247 214/905-9001; fax 214/905-9666 E-mail: Web site:


tub and shower surrounds


uMincey Marble Mfg., Inc. Donna Mincey P.O. Box 2381 Gainesville, GA 30503 770/532-0451; fax 770/531-0935 E-mail: Web site:

Temporary Quarters


uCORT Furniture Rental Peggy Moore 801 Hampton Park Boulevard Capitol Heights, MD 20743 888/472-2678; fax 301/333-3530 E-mail: Web site: M Rentals Mamie Salazar Harper 10910 Montana Avenue, #A El Paso, TX 79936 915/775-1155; fax 915/772-8304 E-mail:

uRT London Gerard Barry 1642 Broadway NW Grand Rapids, MI 49505 877/613-2012; fax 616/364-1131 E-mail: Web site:

Fibreworks Sean Voyles 2417 Data Drive Louisville, KY 40299 866/459-4976; fax 502/271-5954 E-mail: John Wayne Construction G.S.A. Division Wayne Griner 1520 NW 65th Avenue, Suite 5 Plantation, FL 33313 954/584-8160; fax 954/584-8161 E-mail:

Kelley Calderon 12121 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 204 Los Angeles, CA 90025 310/571-3113; fax 310/571-3117 E-mail: Web site:


SaniGLAZE International, LLC Joel Mitchell P.O. Box 37209 Jacksonville, FL 32236 800/874-5554; fax 904/366-2690 E-mail:

ista North America Bill Kirk 3655 Northpoint Pkwy., Suite 450 Alpharetta, GA 30005 325/895-8839; fax 770/396-8656 E-mail: Minol, L.P. Tiffany Busch 15280 Addison Road, Suite 100 Addison, TX 75001 972/386-6611 x133; fax 877/791-4775 E-mail:


vanity tops

DynaTouch Paul Stahl 9901 Broadway, Suite 115 San Antonio, TX 78217 210/828-8343; fax 210/828-6640 E-mail:

uMincey Marble Mfg., Inc. Donna Mincey P.O. Box 2381 Gainesville, GA 30503 770/532-0451; fax 770/531-0935 E-mail: Web site:

Tile & Grout Maintenance/Restoration

WHOLE ROOM PACKAGES uRT London Gerard Barry 1642 Broadway NW Grand Rapids, MI 49505 877/613-2012; fax 616/364-1131 E-mail: Web site:

WINDOW TREATMENTS Custom Interiors and Supply Co., Inc. Gary Jones 501 Industrial Road Paris, TN 38242 731/644-7000; fax 731/644-7001 E-mail:


Defense Communities


HMA’s next writer could be you. We’re looking for housing and lodging professionals who want to advance the industry by writing an article for Defense Communities magazine, written for military and civilian housing professionals and managers. Remember, we strive to represent all the services in each issue! Do you have an article or article idea that: u Helps other housing and lodging professionals in managing the housing of military members and their families; u Provides information on the latest equipment, products, supplies, and services in facilities management; u Contains information about lodging and permanent-party unaccompanied personnel housing; u Explains new technologies, especially those that are energy efficient; u Shares details about private-sector housing;

68  Defense Communities

u Communicates lessons learned or a case study that solved a problem, handled a new challenge, or gained a professional edge; or u Shares awards, special events, chapter news, or training updates? If you do, then your next step is to e-mail the editor. Simply e-mail your idea or manuscript in Word format to Author Guidelines Here are a few guidelines to get you started. (The editor will provide more detailed guidelines if desired.) u E-mail your idea or your manuscript of 800 to 1,500 words to the editor at phmadefense Include complete contact information—name, phone number, address, e-mail, title, activity/installation, and any other biographical information you feel is appropriate.

u Include sidebars of tips, pointers, lists of resources, and so on, as well as charts and graphs. u Send high-resolution digital images (at least 300 dpi at full size) on a CD or via e-mail to the editor, who can also provide guidelines for digital images. u Make sure your article is not promotional in nature, but takes a how-to, practical approach or straightforward reporting style. We can’t accept articles that are disguised product releases. Authors may identify specific products or services but must mention them sparingly within an article of broader content. u Check our editorial calendar on www. to see which topics are planned for particular issues. By the same token, don’t feel constrained by the topics listed in the calendar.



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