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The Bonfire
Kicking off Homecoming Week
The first activity during homecoming week was the Tailgate/Bonfire that happened Monday, September 13th. Students and staff enjoyed tasty snacks provided by the Girls Tennis team who was serving sweet treats and drinks. HOSA served freshly popcorn along with drinks. Both were fundraising for their own sport/club.
The Bonfire is a Homecoming tradition that only happens at SHS!
The car smash is a freshmen fundraisers
Interview with Student Council
Sponsor: Mrs. Fernstrom D: How are you feeling before the event starts this evening?
F: I’m pretty excited. This year the way the calendar worked out, usually we end homecoming week with the bonfire but we’re using this to kick it off. So I think it’s pretty exciting to announce Homecoming court tonight Homecoming is the favorite time of year for a lot of students so I’m just glad that we have these opportunities where we can get together and show our Sabre Pride.
I also had time to interview Junior, Stacy Boschan, a first timer at the bonfire.
D: What are you looking forward to tonight?
B: I am looking forward to helping people, getting the word out about HOSA, and bringing in a lot of fundraising to our club because we definitely need it for this year. I am also looking forward to having fun.
D: How do you feel being involved in these events again after the whole lockdown caused by COVID?:
F: I’m so excited to be back out here with the students, I know they really missed it last year and I know that
Seniors out enjoying the fire!
Class Color Day Seniors always ready to show pride for the class of 2022!
Black & Gold Day
Mrs. Marker shows off her Sabre Pride with her forever plus one, JT
Spirit Days
Tie Dye Day Ms. Allen goes all out from head to toe!
Monday, Sabres rolled out of bed right into school with their best PJs.
Broadway Day
Many students dressed to show off Hamilton, a recent favorite.