It’s My Time! Reclaim Your Dreams and Master Your Health, Wealth, and Freedom
Author: Salsabila Al-Harby
Presented by:
JAMES MACNEIL & LES BROWNLink to full anthology as published on Amazon:
Editing Contributions: Daphne Taylor Street
with Street Media and Publishing
Photos & Design: Kim Sabate and Evelyn Bailey
Publisher: iLoveBooks, Canada
Copyright © 2022 James MacNeil
All rights reserved.
This book is dedicated to all of the contributing authors for their courage, vulnerability, and for sharing their wisdom with us all. Most importantly, this book is dedicated to you our readers may you continue following your biggest dreams, manifesting your DreamLife,
Dear Reader,
Welcome to "It's My Time! Reclaim Your Dreams and Master Your Health, Wealth and Freedom," featuring my "Guru Dad'' Les Brown and 12 outstanding thought-leaders. On these pages, we have curated specialized knowledge, captivating stories and success processes of these leading authorities in subjects that range from the life-altering power of forgiveness, creating a high vibration mindset, healing from deep despair, and how to manifest your purpose-driven DreamLife.
In this publication we are featuring the chapter entitled: BECOMINGIRREPLACEABLE AT WORKby Salsabila Al-Harby.
Each chapter in this anthology is authored by a subject matter expert who has revealed their palpable personal stories demonstrating great courage, vulnerability, and wisdom. They each have also included their blueprints and specific action steps anyone can take to harness the fullness of these insights. These stories are designed to provide both illuminating insight and a shortcut for anyone on their personal self-discovery and empowerment journey.
Knowing that you will find yourself particularly impacted by these experts, each author has provided a brief bio and a way to connect with them for more information on coaching and other services they may offer. Additionally, if you are a subject-matter expert, coach, and/or thought leader, and you would like to have your story published in a future Guru Gold book, please go now to and complete our simple questionnaire.
Please dig into this life transforming feast we call, It's My Time!
James MacNeil Pure Spiritual Intelligence, Author DreamLife Community, Founder GuruGaggle, CEO | iLoveBooksLES
Les BrownHave you been hungry before? If you are anything like me, I tell it to everyone around me, I’m Hungry! The announcement is not for my mere sake of me speaking out loud, but it is for everyone around me to think of something for me to eat immediately. It becomes a priority and nothing matters until I get what I want.
When you are hungry, everything about you shifts. Your mood becomes irritated, the only thing you can think about is finding a fix for the hunger problem, and you are not satisfied until you get something to fill you up. Modern folks call it being hangry, because you are angry and have a sense of urgency about yourself until you are no longer hungry.
As a young boy who grew up in poverty, I know the feeling of hunger all too well. I watched my mother skip meals for myself and my adopted siblings countless times as we all feasted on small, strategically measured portions of food. Sometimes my empty and growling stomach at night would serve as bedtime tunes putting me to sleep quickly so that I could avoid the misery and agitation of experiencing hunger pangs.
Then there were other times I’d lay awake with an undying craving for something. I did not know what that something was, but I knew there was something, somewhere that could solve my hunger problem. Pacing the floor, I could not rest until I looked everywhere, opened every closed door, and told anyone willing to listen, I am Hungry for more. My pain of unfulfillment and restlessness turned into purpose and my purpose positioned me to prosper to lead a life that has impacted so many only by the grace of God.
If you want to achieve your dream, conquer a new goal, or do something outside of your comfort zone, YOU GOTTA BE HUNGRY! Being hungry means pursuing your passion with a sense of urgency, being unstoppable, and never giving up. Imagine how much we would achieve if we had the same focus and energy we had if we were trying to fill our stomachs. You have the skillset to alter your life by redirecting your energy in different ways. Think about it, no one has ever had to coach you on what to do when you are physically hungry…you instinctively know how to solve it, and you do, otherwise, you would be uncomfortable and eventually die a slow and agonizing death.
I’d like your permission to ask you a personal question; what keeps you up at night? Sure, sometimes it is stress, bills, worry, and more, but what vision have you had for yourself that brought you a sense of wonder and happiness, yet, due to life or a sense of defeat and perhaps a series of failures that you have not pursued it?
I use a formula that is simple and easy to follow. This along with other practices has helped me spring into action and get results for my life…
H-Hope-Never lose hope. Humans can live 40 days without food, four days without water, and four minutes without air, but without hope, you are trapped by despair. Yes, your life will experience trouble, heartache, and pain, but hope gets you to a place where joy and happiness resides. Find a place of hopefulness to see the possibilities in life and not just the problems. Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present. John Maxwell.
U-Unstoppable-You must create an unstoppable spirit about yourself. Learn to make NO your vitamin. In fact, every time I received a rejection, I was excited, why? Because I knew I was closer to a yes and a breakthrough. Develop a spirit of unrelenting persistence, patience, and purpose. Once clear on your purpose, in spite of challenges, you will find yourself firm and steady in pursuit of your dream. You will be unstoppable indeed.
N-Now-Do it now. Many times, we make the assumption that we have plenty of time to pursue our goals. Procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God will give you a chance in the future to do something you are called to do now. What small steps can you take now? Maybe it is making a list of accountability partners to keep you focused. Or perhaps it is writing out a business plan, whatever it is, begin…not on Monday, New Year’s Day, or your birthday, but now…begin now!
G-Grateful-I will warn you, the moment you say yes to something new, life’s challenges and distractions will do everything possible to throw you off of your game. Smile and be grateful, why, because you know you are on the right track. Life’s troubles do not follow folks who are not going to
make a difference in their lives, communities, or the world. I can attest, when you say yes, cancer may strike, your family may fall apart, and you will feel like giving up, but having the spirit of gratefulness even when turmoil is at hand will confuse life’s problems. Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more?
R-Results-Is it working? Are you making a difference? Are you being honest with yourself and your impact? This may be one of the hardest, most difficult points to articulate. I would often say, even a broken clock is correct at least twice a day, but if there is a better way or a more cost-effective method that can save you money, stress, and time, then you may have to consider doing a shift. We know, you cannot see the picture when you are in the frame, and if you are not seeing positive results, it does not mean you are a failure, it just means your method may need an adjustment in order to get maximum results.
Y-You-No one can do you but you. Imagine if you will, being on your deathbed – and standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life. And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book. And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying we came to you, and only you could have given us life! Now we must die with you forever. The question is – if you die today what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?
The world is waiting on you. Stay HUNGRY and pursue your greatness like never before. See you at the top!
As a renowned author, speaker, television and radio personality, Les Brown has risen to national prominence by inspiring others to shake off mediocrity and live up to their full potential. With no formal education beyond high school, Les has distinguished himself as an international authority on harnessing human potential.
Born a twin in low-income Liberty City in Miami, Florida, Les and his twin brother were adopted when they were six weeks old by Miss Mamie Brown. As a single woman with a big heart, Miss Brown had very little education or financial means. With young Les’ inattention to school work, his restless energy, and the failure of his teachers to recognize his potential, Les was misdiagnosed as educable mentally retarded Suffering for years by the label and the stigma, Les was nevertheless driven by his passion to learn and his hunger to achieve his goal as a radio disc jockey
In a humorous twist of fate and cunning, Les rose from a hip-talkin’ morning DJ to a broadcast manager; from voracious reader to author; from community activist to community leader; from political commentator to
three-term state legislator; from a banquet and nightclub emcee to a premier keynote speaker for Fortune 100 companies.
Award-Winning International Speaker & Television Host
In 1986, Les entered the public speaking arena on a full-time basis and formed his own company, Les Brown Enterprises, Inc. Aimed at individuals and organizations, the company provides motivational products, personal development programs, speaker development workshops, keynote presentations and interactive business trainings
In 1989, Les received the National Speakers Association's highest honor: The Council of Peers Award for Excellence (CPAE). In addition, he was selected one of the World's Top Five Speakers in 1992 by Toastmasters International and became the recipient of the Golden Gavel Award.
Commencing in 1990 and recording the first in a series of six PBS specials, Les launched You Deserve which was awarded a Chicago-area Emmy. It became the leading fundraiser for pledges to PBS stations nationwide.
In 1993, Les became the host of his own nationally syndicated daily television talk show, The Les Brown Show, in which he focused on solutions to the day’s challenges rather than the problems.
Bestselling Author & Radio Personality
Recognized internationally, Les is the author of four bestselling books: Up Thoughts for Down Times, Live Your Dreams, and It’s Not Over Until You Win and, Fight for Your Dreams.
A leading authority in understanding and stimulating human potential, Les’ electric and powerful delivery, stage presence and personal insights have built his international brand of “It’s Possible.” Les' customized presentation is driven by his approach to each unique audience Before he gives a speech, he builds a speech The end result is that Les teaches and inspires each audience to new levels of awareness and achievement.
For more information, contact ARISE BY VNP 954-724-0900 –
James MacNeilRead those words again slowly, “Everything is Perfect and Everything is Improving!” and ask yourself, could this be true? Your brain wants to reject it in light of hatred, war, and suffering. “Everything is Perfect and Everything is Improving!” is a mantra and a “koan.” A koan is a paradoxical riddle designed to, when meditated upon, invoke enlightenment. I invite you to expand your consciousness and reconsider your perspective on the meaning of life and the meaning of the universe because, according to Max Planck, the originator of Quantum Theory, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
The “problem” with the traditional perspective on our world, our sciences, our religions, and ourselves is a “problem mindset.” We have approximately 10,000 religions, countless spiritual belief structures, and innumerable sciences and they all have this fatal flaw in common: they assume the “problem mindset.” Who says sunshine is better than rain, more money is better than less money, and a life of ease is better than one with drama and trauma? The rain dancers, the happy poor, and those who have transformed themselves through difficulties into positive world change agents would suggest that this universe exists with the “Yin Yang” duality that allows every blessing to be a curse and every curse to be a blessing. The only real problem, therefore, is not in the world but in our judgment of the world and of ourselves producing a fundamental state of discontent. Judgment causes separation psychologically and spiritually. The most commonly used Greek word for “sin” in the Bible is “hamartia” which means
“separation.” The problem mindset is one of judgment, which causes separation from DivineLove, other people, and our higher selves.
Welcome to my monstrously reduced and absolutely audacious explanation of the universe, the spirit world, and the purpose for this existential experience we call life, which is my attempt to prove that Everything is Perfect and Everything is Improving, including YOU.
Let's begin at the beginning! Our quest as a species to understand ourselves, our universe, and the spiritual realm began with Astronomy and Astrology.
What we now call “Astronomy” is the first of the sciences appearing in the earliest records of our history, from Ancient Mesopotamia, India, Egypt, Greece, and China. In these ancient worlds, astronomy and astrology were one a single, unified approach to explaining the universe. There was no distinction between what we now refer to as science and spirituality.
As the abundance of theories and frameworks expanded in each region of the world, these streams of thought split like a major river into countless streams when researchers would expand on one element thereby building it into its own distinct body of thought producing various sciences, spiritual traditions, and religions. These divisions with specialized knowledge and focus dramatically increased efficiency, depth, and development. From these origins we now have the aforementioned religions, spiritual belief structures, ancient traditions, and varieties of sciences.
Each science, religion, and spiritual stream brings its unique treasures to the whole. The Age of Enlightenment in the 17th century and the Scientific Revolution of the 18th Century drove an important wedge between science and religion creating what Stephen Jay Gould called "Nonoverlapping Magisteria" (or NOMA) that is, two distinct realms of inquiry, investigation, and authority, one focusing on facts and the other on values. This division between science and spirituality was the best thing that could have happened for our scientific progress. Until then, it was too easy for scientists to hide behind the “God” answer to all remaining mysteries. The separation demanded deeper scientific understanding by removing the “God of the Gaps” option (that is, appealing to God as the explanation wherever and whenever there is a gap in our scientific knowledge). Each religion and spiritual stream, by seeing itself as The Truth,
forced them to seek the answers to everything within their unique framework and belief system
When finite minds seek to understand infinite mysteries, they will likely appear to disagree. Disagreement, or perceived disagreement, provides the opportunity for next-level understanding, and that excites me greatly. Sadly, these sciences and spiritual traditions have been built in the “problem mindset” which causes judgment and separation and therefore perceives differing perspectives as threats and justification for aggressive disputes with an “either-or” binary position rather than a “yes, and” inclusive position.
We, as individuals and as a species, are on the same team, and we can lovingly and openly bring our gifts of insights and perspectives to the whole and openly and curiously learn from each other. We unlock the vault of infinite knowledge when we seek the truth in love and speak the truth in love.
The idea of a “Unified Field Theory” is an exciting quest to fully understand the power of the universe. A group of scientists began attempting to formulate what they called The Unified Field theory in 1912, and they were soon joined by Albert Einstein. In physics, there are believed to be four fundamental forces in the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear. At the time of this writing, there are physicists who speculate the existence of a fifth force called “quintessence” (remember this word). When a force is described by a mathematical formula, the formula representing the force is referred to as a “field.” The unified field theory, therefore, is a quest to create a master mathematical formula that describes all forces in the universe. Albert Einstein’s proposed Unified Field Theory, which was a marriage of The Theory of General Relativity and Electromagnetism, has been generally concluded as unsuccessful. Unified Field Theory has given rise to many attempts to produce a grand unified theory including String Theory and M-Theory and, most notably, The Theory of Everything which seeks to merge Einstein's Theory of General Relativity and Max Planck's Theory of Quantum Mechanics. At this time, The Theory of Everything has yet to be proven successful.
My assertion is that any theory of “everything,” to be complete and successful, must include the spiritual/metaphysical dimension (the prefix
“meta” in the word metaphysical means that which exists before, after, and/or beyond the physical world).
When the human quest for understanding began, there was an assumption that everything was connected from the basic elements of the universe to the human soul and the spiritual realm. Albert Einstein, founder of the Theory of General Relativity, and Max Planck, the founder of Quantum Mechanics, agree.
Albert Einstein believed in the existence of a divine force that permeates and rules the universe. He felt understanding this force, however, was “too vast for our limited minds.” When asked what he believed about God, Einstein stated, “We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations.”
Max Planck (the founder of Quantum Mechanics) stated, "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
The spirit world is both transcendent and immanent which means it exists beyond the parameters of time, space, and matter, and at the same time, it penetrates and permeates the entire physical universe. The spirit world created the universe including time, space, and matter.
Our understanding of matter, all that physically exists, started with the classical elements of water, earth, fire, and air. There were many deep, rich, insightful, and lasting efforts to uncover and understand a “fifth element” or “quintessence” (still more to come on this).
The quest to understand “what’s that made of?” finally produced the periodic table in 1869. Scientists have identified 118 elements, made up of atoms which are made of a nucleus, protons, and electrons.
Thirty-one years later, in 1900, Max Planck went even smaller to the subatomic level and birthed Quantum Theory. The word “quanta” means “how much?” The question Planck was asking and answering was “what is
the minimum amount of energy that could be gained or lost by an atom?” Planck named this minimum amount the “quanta” (plural of quantum). For example, one photon of light carries exactly one quantum of energy.
According to Wikipedia, we now have the following subatomic elementary particles:
“Six ‘flavors’ of quarks: up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top; Six types of leptons: electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tau, tau neutrino; Twelve gauge bosons: the photon of electromagnetism, the three W and Z bosons of the weak force, and the eight gluons of the strong force; and The Higgs boson.”
Thus, humankind moved from believing in four elements (earth, wind, water, and fire) to five elements (adding quintessence) to 118 elements (the periodic table) while also observing that these elements are all really just made up of the same three atomic elements (protons, neutrons, and electrons), and then we discovered numerous subatomic particles.
Nevertheless, behind it all, something is constant…
Einstein’s most famous formula, E = mc2, fundamentally asserts that energy and matter are interchangeable as they are different forms of the same thing. All matter is made up of atoms and subatomic waves and particles which, according to Einstein and quantum mechanics, are all made up of energy. These subatomic particles and subatomic waves are better defined as “energetic occurrences.” These energetic occurrences are the building blocks of every atom which are the building blocks of every element. Therefore, Einstein and the scientific community, in general, have concluded that everything is energy.
The Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics agrees that the universe is made up of energy. This energy is subdivided into 27% dark matter, 68% dark energy (the term “dark” means it's currently unobservable and thereby unavailable for research and study), and 5% “visible” matter and energy. The universe is made up of energy, some in physical form and some not, some observable and some not.
The fact that our greatest astrophysicists are currently only able to observe 5% of the known universe is a helpful reminder that humility, curiosity, and openness are the only reasonable postures for this discussion.
Quantum physics has produced over one hundred years of truly shocking experiments and conclusions to date which reveal, amongst many things, that energy, the building block of the universe, is a spiritual substance. To support this conclusion, I will refer to just two of these incredible discoveries:
1. “The Quantum Leap” The term “quantum leap” refers to the occurrence when an electron, while circling the atom within what is called a shell (consistent circle) transitions to another shell with no movement and no time lost, simply disappears from one location and reappears without delay in another location, thereby transcending the rules of time, space, and matter understood in classical, Newtonian physics. Although the term “miracle” is generally associated with metaphysics, this miracle occurs within the realm of quantum physics at the subatomic level.
2. “Quantum Entanglement” The term “quantum entanglement” refers to a physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of subatomic particles comes into contact in a way such that the quantum states of these particles become, in a way, as one. When these entangled particles are separated, even by a large distance, the actions of either one is instantly mirrored by the other. This discovery was vehemently challenged by Einstein because it appeared to violate his conclusion that nothing moves faster than the speed of light, yet these entangled subatomic particles appeared to be communicating faster than light. The conclusion is that they are not “communicating,” but they are, in a sense, one entangled particle existing in two locations, thereby transcending the laws of time, space, and matter. Einstein called quantum entanglement “spooky action at a distance.”
These subatomic particles, made of energy and behaving outside of the rules of classical physics and the Newtonian laws of time, space, and matter, reveal that the energy, that which makes up this entire universe and everything in it, including you, is a metaphysical, or spiritual, substance
Traditional theism holds that God is the life and love-giving benevolent force that created the universe. While he may continue to interact
with it, he remains clearly distinct from it. This has been the most traditional and familiar concept of theology.
Pantheism is the belief system with which Albert Einstein most aligned. Pantheism (literally, all-God-ism) holds that physical reality and divinity are one, that everything in the universe is part of an all-present divine benevolent force, a “universal substance, material as well as intelligence, that fashions all things that exist out of its own essence,” or put simply, God is the universe. The fact that the universe is made of energy and energy is a spiritual substance clearly supports this concept.
Panentheism (literally, all-in-God-ism) holds that God is the universe and transcends it. Panentheism embraces the traditional concepts of theism, which hold that God created the universe and exists beyond the parameters of it, as well as pantheism, which sees God as the universe. This may be seen as a new idea, based on the latest insights of quantum physics, but ideas of panentheism appear in various forms in most religions and sects, including Sikhism, Hinduism, Sanamahism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
“Anybodywhohasbeenseriouslyengagedinscientificworkofany kindrealizesthatovertheentrancetothegatesofthetempleof science are written the words: ‘Ye must have faith.’”
Max Planck Founder of Quantum PhysicsThe scientific community generally agrees that the universe is made up of energy. Quantum physics has proven that energy is a metaphysical substance. World religions generally agree that the universe is made up of a divine substance, benevolent and loving force, or God. It’s therefore reasonable to conclude that the entire universe is made up of a life-giving, spiritual substance. Some call this Qi, Chi, Ki, Prana, Pneuma, Mana, Lüng, Ruah, Vital Energy, Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Brahman, the Tau, the Almighty, the Holy Spirit, DivineLove, or simply, God.
What connects this physical world, made up of a spiritual substance, to the spiritual world? This physical time/space experience can be viewed as a temporal dimension, a construct, a temporary manifestation within the spirit world. The question, therefore, is, how can we become more fully
awakened to the spirit world, the metaphysical reality, and all its dimensions while experiencing this time/space existence? This awakened state is known in spiritual traditions as Enlightenment, Entire Sanctification, Regeneration, Spirit-baptism, Spirit-filling, Moksha, or Wu.
What can we know about the ever-present, yet generally undetectable, spiritual dimensions?
Quintessence, literally meaning “the fifth element,” has been used to describe everything that didn't fit within the elemental categories of air, earth, water, and fire and quickly became the word to describe the spiritual world. The word aether, meaning “pure air,” became synonymous with quintessence both in spiritual and scientific applications. (Aether was also the name of a god in Greek mythology.) The term aether was used in scientific application to “fill in spaces” where scientific understanding was incomplete, including the substance that filled the vacuums of space to allow light to travel which they called a “luminiferous aether.” The belief in this luminiferous aether continued until disproved in 1920 with the help of quantum physics which revealed that photons have both wave and particle functions.
The primary use of the terms aether and quintessence now describe an ever-present, yet undetected, set of spiritual realms, dimensions, or heavens. This idea of a multi-dimensional reality with spiritual planes and unseen realms reappears throughout spiritual history in various forms and various faith traditions. These spiritual planes are called “Akasha” in traditional Indian cosmology, “Ku” within Japanese Godai tradition, and “The Heavens” from ancient Mesopotamia religions along with the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The number of planes, dimensions, heavens, or levels of spiritual consciousness is quite varied as are their descriptions with the most common number being seven.
Here’s a brief introduction to two of these dimensions that will unlock your Perfect DreamLife:
1. Pure consciousness, the quantum field, the unified field (spiritual use of the term, not the Einstein version), atman, quintessence, the aether is where we go when we transcend this time/space egoic experience through deep relaxed meditation. Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “When you can become no body, no one, no thing, nowhere in no time, you become pure consciousness. This is the door to the quantum field.” The creator of Transcendental Meditation (TM), Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, said, “The unified field is fundamentally a field of consciousness. The field is known as atman, meaning ‘pure consciousness,’ or ‘self,’ since the unified field constitutes the deepest reality and hence the true identity of everything in nature.”
2. Collective consciousness, the astral plane, akasha, or the Akashic record according to Theosophy, “the Akashic record is a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.” Computers and mobile phones today enjoy virtually limitless access to supercomputers and the storehouse of human history and understanding. These devices are called “thin-clients” meaning that they do not require the storage capacity or computer power to accomplish what requires monstrous storage and supercomputing by freely accessing these supercomputers around the world. In a similar and sexier way, we have access to connect to all living things from all time as well as infinite wealth, wisdom, and power.
Based on this monstrously reduced overview of science, religion, and the spiritual traditions from the beginning of recorded history up to and including the most recent insights of quantum mechanics and the spiritual interpretation of those insights, we can form some conclusions.
The spiritual traditions and religions generally agree that the universe was created by, and is governed by, a benevolent life-giving energy often referred to as “God,” herein referred to as DivineLove, and that divine energy transcends time, space, and matter. The scientific community generally agrees that the universe and everything in it is made up of energy. Quantum mechanics has proven that this energy transcends time, space, and matter. Therefore, I feel it’s reasonable and obvious to conclude that science's “universal energy,” which transcends time, space, and matter, is the same “DivineLove” energy of religion and spiritual traditions. Religions and spiritual traditions have committed to mastering methods of connectingg with DivineLove and the multidimensional spirit world, through meditation and prayer. They teach us that we can achieve states they call enlightenment, awakening, entire sanctification, regeneration, spirit-baptism, spirit-filling, Moksha, or Wu, referring to the moment or process by which we accept that we are spiritual beings currently existing in this physical form and we choose to reconnect with DivineLove.
The next reasonable question is, why? Why was this universe created? Why were we created? What’s the purpose for our ability to connect to DivineLove and have infinite wealth, wisdom, and power flow to us and through us?
We are spiritual beings living in physical form. I believe the curious case of consciousness is sufficient to suggest, if not prove, that we are spiritual beings. In all our scientific quest for understanding, including neurosciences, we have yet to solve the mysteries surrounding our consciousness. We don’t know where it comes from, where it begins, or where it resides.
Our consciousness appears to be able to jump the timeline and foresee things which we later refer to as experiencing “deja vú,” and we “know things” we have never experienced or have never been taught. The spirit world transcends time, space, and matter. Therefore, jumping the timeline alone would strongly support the conclusion that we are spiritual beings.
The Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 B.C.E.) was the first to summarize the primary problem confronting anyone who wants to believe in a good and loving God. His framing of the problem has become known as the Epicurean Dilemma. Here’s a rough glimpse at his reasoning:
Most God-believers want to believe in a God who is both allpowerful and all-loving, but how can this belief fit with the world we experience all around us? Our world is filled with hate, crime, violence, and all kinds of evil and suffering. If God is all-powerful (“God is great”), he must have the power to do what he wants, and if God is all-loving (“God is good”), he must want to eradicate evil and suffering. So, why does evil exist?
The error of the Epicurean Dilemma is the presupposition that this universe, this time/space experience, is God’s Divine Masterpiece, the best God can do. That is, the Epicurean Dilemma begins with the assumption that this universe is God’s best; either we accept it as his Masterpiece, or we reject it as a failed experiment. However, the foundational assumption is wrong. This time/space experience is not the Divine Masterpiece but the Divine Master Plan en route to the Divine Masterpiece.
“Youarenota physicalbeing having a spiritualexperience, youarea spiritualbeing having a physicalexperience!”
Wearenotexperiencing theDivineMasterpiece but rather the Divine Master Plan!
DivineLove in Ancient Greek is agape, and the Judeo-Christian wisdom literature asserts that God is agape. Agape is defined as a creative, life-giving, need-free, unconditional, and deliberate striving for the other's greatest benefit. Just like intimate love between humans produces new life and then forges a new bond of care and nurture for that new life, the nature of DivineLove is to create life and then care for its creation. The purpose, therefore, for this time/space experience is Love. We are created by Love for love. We’re created not simply to exist but to live in a loving relationship with the Divine.
For love to be pure, all parties must freely choose to be in the loving relationship. This universal time/space experience exists with all its complex beauty and tragedy for you, me, and all of us to choose to join DivineLove in the Divine Masterpiece. The terms enlightenment, awakening, and being born-again refer to the process of accepting our reconnection to DivineLove.
Lastly, if this entire time/space experience is simply a cosmic dating process for us to reconnect to DivineLove, why, after the moment of awakening, do we continue to exist here?
The purpose of this universal time/space experience is to provide us an opportunity to freely choose to connect, or reconnect, with DivineLove. This (re)connection opens the way for many miracles in the individual’s life, including the unveiling of one’s life’s purpose.
Let me illustrate by sharing my personal experience with my DivineLove connection.
When I, at the age of 20, experienced a spiritual awakening, my life trajectory completely changed. I came from a challenging background with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), due to childhood trauma. (As an interesting sidenote, I misspelled almost every single word in the previous sentence.) I couldn’t speak in sentences until I was 9 years-old, when I was mercifully sent to a special education speech coach in school. I was functionally illiterate until I was 21 years-old and I still have no college or university degrees. As a child I experienced drama and trauma including being beaten, hung, and almost drowned. I was
suicidally depressed when my awakening occurred. I found healing, purpose, and a miraculous life through what I now call Pure Spiritual Intelligence.
As my heart opened to love and healing and my eyes opened to seemingly limitless possibilities, I was overtaken by the desire to share the love. I wanted everyone to experience what I had experienced. I was transformed from a desperate and hopeless person to an abundant person with an uncontrollable compulsion to positively impact the world around me. My state of abundance at 20 years old wasn’t financial but something else. The abundant mentality activates altruism and thereby, by serving greatly, eventually produces the abundant reality in various forms. In fact, the word “deserve” literally means “from service.” When we serve greatly, we naturally “deserve greatly.”
With this in mind, friendly people have more friends; the farmer who plants more seeds will likely enjoy a greater harvest, and so it follows that the secret of success in the marketplace is to profitably solve problems because as we serve greatly, we naturally “deserve greatly.”
The wisdom literature of various faiths promises that when we are reconnected with DivineLove, we will experience, express, and expand love, joy, and peace. As we master our connection and our uniquely gifted service, infinite wealth, wisdom, and power begin to flow to us and through us in various forms, and we become DivineLove Ambassadors and world changers.
If you’ve ever felt like you were made for more than the life you’ve experienced, if you know that there’s more to you than this world has seen, you already have a sense of your true nature, purpose, and calling. When reconnected to DivineLove, the past is redeemed; disabilities are transformed into superpowers, and every tragedy turns into triumph by DivineLove using these experiences to fully unlock our ability to touch the world in ways we otherwise couldn’t.
Some people, it seems to me, live in a perpetual state of discontent and will only be happy if everything in their life becomes perfect. The truth is that nothing truly improves until an individual shifts their mind and mood to accept it’s already perfect because “happiness” is the miracle elixir. In my thirty years of helping people unlock their financial freedom, for instance, I have witnessed repeatedly that money doesn’t make you happy; “happy” makes you money.
Aristotle taught us, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” In the original Greek, the
word translated as “end” is “telos.” The Greek word telos is often translated as “perfect” as in “Be ye therefore perfect (telos) as your Heavenly Father (God) is perfect (telos).” Telos is used to describe something flawless and “perfectly complete,” and it’s also used to describe “the perfect path” toward that completion. Aristotle used the word telos to say happiness is the meaning and purpose of life; it's the perfect path to the perfect life. Happiness is achieved in the state of present peace and nonresistance which occurs naturally when we are in a state of gratitude for all that is already ours. This is the antithesis of the “problem mindset” that has skewed our scientific and spiritual research. When we choose to focus on what we have, what we know, and what we can do, alone and in community, we become part of the ongoing master plan en route to the masterpiece, free from the fears and frustrations, the fight and flight that flow inexorably from the “Problem Mindset.”
The REAL Theory of Everything is that Everything is Perfect and Everything is Improving.
James MacNeil Pure Spiritual Intelligence, Author DreamLife Community, FounderJames is a 30-year veteran world-class speaker, thought leader, consultant and international bestselling author. James helps you live your best possible life as your best possible self through Pure Spiritual Intelligence, Verbal Aikido and his Wealthy World-Changer Workshops. James is raising up million dollar gurus all over the world teaching from his experience working with the world most powerful banks, international law enforcement agencies and sharing the stage with the worlds most respected authorities including his “Guru Dad” Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma, Bob Proctor, Grant Cardone, Jack Canfield, Mel Robbins, Steve Forbes, Eric Thomas and Sir Richard Branson
Becoming Irreplaceable At Work
BECOMING IRREPLACEABLE AT WORK From Invisible to Irreplaceable
Salsabila “Sally” AlHarbyTwenty years ago, my manager called me and a colleague of mine into his office. We were worried! We had no idea why we would be in trouble. He sat us down in the guest seating with the sofa and coffee table, not the chairs in front of the desk where people in trouble sit. We were even more confused.
He said, “I just want to share with you both that you are indispensable.” English is my second language. I wasn't sure what the word “indispensable” meant, so he followed with, “You have added so much value, and I respect you for that.”
This scene is deeply imprinted in my mind and treasured in my memories. I remind myself of this moment every time I face a challenge, and I have not looked back. My goal in every career and every challenge is to be irreplaceable. There is a feeling of triumph and confidence in being told one is irreplaceable, and we all are. We just need to tap into the traits that make us irreplaceable. This chapter is a blueprint of how to do it.
I started working as an apprentice in 1990. The Gulf War started, and many families traveled to the other side of the country including mine. As we entered school break, the apprenticeship program stopped for a week, so my work paused. Additionally, the government said all schools would stop for
six months due to the conflict, so I thought I was part of that. But my uncle who worked in the same company as I did got a call from work 10 days later, and he called my mother telling her, “If your daughter doesn't return to work, she will be fired from the company.”
I panicked. I tried to find a way back to work, but since I had moved to the other side of the country because of the war, it was not an easy journey. There were no airplanes available. The airports were closed, and no one was going to take me on a ride for 16 hours to a war zone! I managed to take a special flight via the company. They had this small airplane that I had to ride. I returned to the warzone where my home was, and I reported to the training center. I was confused, and I was terrified. I was asking myself why? Why do I have to be here? I started questioning myself. Was I that important? Am I going to make a difference? And why do I have to go through this?
I had to go to class every day, and I had to take a taxi. To be able to take a taxi, I had to walk for 15 minutes, and I was afraid. The walk was from the training center to a relative's house, and I was terrified. All the sirens were sounding off all day and night; the missile sirens blasted off at any time sirens of immense danger, sirens of war. I felt nearly paralyzed. It seemed so unfair that I had to go to this empty house and wait for the taxi or for my ride to arrive to go back home where there was no one most of the time until my father would arrive from his remote work area late at night.
It was like living in a nightmare. I was performing these routines through intense anxiety, wrapped in fear, and I’d listen to sirens throughout the day and sleep with sirens blaring every night. There was never a reprieve. I never felt safe. None of us did though some blocked it out or hid their fear better than others.
Some of my friends’ relatives died during this time, not because of the missiles though some missiles hit different areas but because of being struck by fear when they’d hear the sirens while they were driving or because they were wearing the masks the wrong way.
Of course, I would ask myself: Is it worth it? Shouldn’t I just resign right now and go back to where I was, outside of the war zone? Or should I live through the challenge?
My father was in the military, and he was living this challenge. My other friends were all with their families, but here it was just me and my father. With him at work much of the time, it was often just me. My mom, my sister, and the rest of my family were all on the other side of the country. I felt like there was no one there for me I was lonely and very afraid. I lived through this and slept through cold, horrifying nights all alone. At 20 years old, I needed to make a decision: should I flee, resign from my job, and return to my family on the other side of the country, or do I fully commit to where I am right now and all that making this commitment entails?
As I grappled with making this decision, I realized that I must be important at work, or they wouldn't have called me back in. There must be a place for me. There must be a plan for me. So, I decided to stay and commit to the challenges I was facing, to move through fear and to create ways to cope in the midst of extreme danger and loneliness.
Throughout our lives, we all are called to face many fears which, if nothing else, serve to teach us that as hard as things can get, it will be okay. One thing I learned was that I will do my job no matter what the challenges are. What about you? What about the challenges you have faced in your life? Most people will never be called to work in a war zone, but no matter your circumstances, the obstacles you are challenged to overcome, and the fears you face, you can find your strengths. You will discover the courage and a force within you that you never realized you had. You can overcome.
I’d encourage you to take out your journal and list the challenges you have overcome throughout your life, and where you found your strengths in those situations. List the first five that come to mind, and then describe the source of strength you used to get through. What was your motivation? Why did you work so hard?
On my first week of work, I had a friend who was Saudi working with me. Unlike me, she was born and raised in the States, so her English was better than her Arabic. One day, my American colleague and this friend were talking, and I was trying to tell them that I had pain in my body. I had pain in my stomach, but I didn't know how to say it or describe it, so I said, “I am painful.” They couldn't stop laughing. I had something important to communicate, and I didn’t have the right words. I swore at that moment I would fix that and build my English language skills.
To do this, I asked my Arabic friend to only speak in English with me and asked my American friend to give me a new word every day to add to my vocabulary. When I went home, I watched the news and sitcoms on TV. For every new word I heard, I would look it up and add it to my vocabulary. The most daunting thing I did was speak in English while I was still learning. I spoke to everyone I could and asked for help. I let myself make mistakes and not only take in corrections but take them with cheer and a desire for more learning. I read everything in front of me: brochures, operation manuals, and billboards. On top of vocabulary, I learned nuance and subtext. I took in etiquette from all the different worlds of communication within one language. I had no idea then that in twenty years I would have colleagues requesting that I be the one to proofread their emails. Learning a language is only one skill of many in being a good communicator,
but I was working diligently on this first step. As I was building my language skills, I continued to make sure I was understood, that I was heard, and that others felt understood by me.
I kept looking for other areas where I could improve. Every time I faced a challenge, there was a new skill to learn. I used skills that I already had and wove them into this new skill and added it to my tool kit for the next challenge.
What skills are you lacking, and how are you going to improve them?
We all encounter situations that push us out of our comfort zone, and that is so we build new muscles and develop new aptitudes. When you are out of your comfort zone, keep going and push through the uncomfortable parts. With enough practice, even the most difficult areas to conquer become comfortable in time. The new skills you acquire will be with you for life, so don’t give up just because it gets difficult. Few things worth doing come easily.
When I started on-the-job training, I had teachers and trainers from around the globe. I looked up to my trainers; I would dream of being in their place teaching the group, but I was afraid this dream was impossible. You may feel as I did, fearing my dream was too far away to achieve, but it was also too loud in my spirit to ignore. I wanted to add value and touch lives. How was I going to be the people I saw before me, influencing others, being of service, being indispensable? The simple answer was that I had a vision, and that’s all I needed to begin. I wrote that vision down, and I worked to become the person I saw in that vision. The challenge is having the selfawareness to grow into the person I saw in my mind’s eye that I could be.
Years later, after so much self-doubt and overcoming personal obstacles, the dream unfolded and became true. I became a dental assistant trainer. That opened doors for me to be a trainer of other topics and subjects from customer service to leadership. I am now the person I envisioned that I could become, but it wasn’t a fast path, nor was it easy.
Speaking on stage to educate and inspire people was always a dream, but I could not share my message without effective public speaking skills and communicating stories and ideas well. I wanted to be an effective public speaker, not just a good public speaker, so I joined a group for public speaking and leadership skills called Toastmasters. In seventeen wonderful
years, that community helped me write my speeches, assisted with research, and allowed me to take on leadership and speaking roles within the events. I started getting noticed, and I was selected to be a trainer because of that. I was also able to have my TEDx Talk through Toastmasters. I was selected because of the skills I showed; one thing led to another other, and I was on stage! After that, I was selected by The Obtainer Online Global Magazine as a column writer. Then I was called to be a keynote speaker for them. I haven’t stopped since.
Public speaking has opened many doors for me not only in my career but also outside of my company. It has enabled me to explore new opportunities beyond my current career and allowed me to explore all new avenues of growth. Public speaking and communication skills are one of the most valuable soft skills to help you advance in your career. When I learned that fact, I launched a new Toastmasters club in my organization to help fellow employees develop their skills, too.
Joining communities that can help you practice and enhance your public speaking skills is one great step that can help you advance your career. Effective public speaking means getting your message across and getting the response you want, as well as enhancing your confidence, organization skills, and research skills. Master the stage and you can master any challenge.
I started as a shy introvert, but I was so interested in learning and growing that I attended every professional and social event held by the organization. I raised my hand and asked questions even though I was shy. I would actually come and sit up front to see and hear better and also to be seen and heard better. This is, in fact, a rare occurrence. Simply being front and center and present can make you stand out though I was shy, I was determined.
Most of these events were free and on weekends. I realized that many preferred the weekend fun over learning and focusing on personal growth because people really love their comfort zone, but I’m different. I feel so uncomfortable if I miss an opportunity of learning from the greats, as visiting professors came to teach us the latest inventions and ideas. It was confusing to me as I realized that I was different from most. I asked myself, Am I doing the right thing? Will these events and learning even benefit me?
Somehow it felt right. On the other hand, when the organization held social events and fun activities, everyone showed up for those. Most of my peers participated, except for girls from my country due to cultural boundaries. I would actually tell my family it’s a work event whether it’s a conference or a fun day. I’d say that it’s work, and that made it easier for me
to take part in these social events. When I’d go, I’d look different. I’d dress differently, but I enjoyed what came with these events. I got the chance to talk casually with the management at my company and peers who I never interacted with before. I met new people who, years later, became good friends, people I would have never met or known if it wasn’t for those events. People who became my advisors when I had questions and supporters when I needed help along with those who kept meeting me at conferences with similar interests, these people became my cheerleaders when I needed a good word to reach management. Learning how to build relations through networking is an extremely valuable trait that will help you in the long run. I started to explore new opportunities, and this helped me not just know people but to be known by others. It's not so much about who you know, but it's also about who knows you. Who can be your champion, and who knows your skills? It's about building your personal brand, the way you present yourself, and the way you add value developing a personal network of strong supporters can change everything for the better. Please take out your journal again, and list events you can attend within your organization or just those within your reach that you can suggest to your team or organization with the aim of increasing your opportunity to network or build new relationships that serve you. I love how Porter Gale emphasizes the importance of connections in his book Your Network Is Your Net Worth
Of course, no matter how well we work toward our plan, life throws surprises at us. As I went through my career, years later as a trainer, I had one of those surprises: management closed down the training program. We had no idea what would become of us. We did not know if or where we would be relocated. Meanwhile, trainers left, and those of us who remained were taking on twice as much work. After a time, I noticed that I was taking on the more research-laden courses even though I was not the most experienced. At first, I took it in stride. Over time, I started to wonder if my supervisor understood what she was doing, but I didn’t want to complain. I was lucky to still have this job, right? So, I said nothing and kept pushing myself.
At that time, I was living with my family, so on weekends I would travel with them or attend family events. At home, we all shared a family computer. This was long ago, at a time when laptops were too expensive for everyone to have, but I had so much extra work. How was I going to get it done? I finally found a family member who let me borrow a very old, slow laptop, but I didn’t care how old and slow it was. I was a professional woman
with a laptop! I didn’t sleep on weekends. I spent time with family, lugging my books and laptop, so at night when everyone was asleep, I could work.
I was proud of what I accomplished. When the day arrived to show my presentations, I had rich content, engaging activities, and questionnaires. A colleague proudly showed me her six slides. Mine had sixty slides!
After my presentation to the dental assistants, a dentist asked to see the presentation. After poring over it, he was amazed. In exchange for resource books which I didn’t have access to for my future trainings, he borrowed my presentation for his trainings to doctors.
A week later, another dentist came to me. This time, it was the head of all general dentists asking, “I saw your presentation. Did you do that?” I said yes. He asked again, wide-eyed, “Did you create that presentation?” I said, “Yes, I did create that presentation.” Then, his exuberance startled me. “I admire you!”
My work was not wasted! I made connections that last to this day and moved up the ladder because I took on a challenge that showed I fit in a higher space than I was in at the time.
Was it fair that I was given a lion’s share of the difficult projects? Maybe. But I was able to bring myself up to that level instead of complaining that it was too much for me.
Along with being ready for a challenge, I was ready for change. Change is inevitable, and I learned that when I returned to my office after a nice vacation leave. As I walked to my office and opened the door, there was another person sitting there. They had my office as their own! Where was my office? In the past, we were two instructors sharing each office. My office mate was a dentist from the Philippines, but she had a university background while I had on-the-job training. Someone thought to test my skills and knowledge and see if I would still perform well if they separated us. I was moved all the way to the other side of the building. I opened the door, and it was so small; if the chair was moved from the desk, one could not open the door. I felt so disrespected. It was embarrassing. It was unfair.
I was already building resiliency from the last challenge, so I decided to make the unfair fair. The first thing I did was decorate that closet and make it look like a nice cozy office. I added shelves and placed my books. Every time someone came in, I said, “Welcome to my office. It can only take one person, so let’s go somewhere to meet.” I made a plan; I did more presentations, more trainings, and kept building my network.
Then, I got creative about my office. The environmental building inspector came to check on the building, so I asked if he would measure my office and check if it is an acceptable office size. He immediately measured and stormed off. He went to the manager and said, ‘This is a housekeeping closet!” An immediate management decision was made to provide me with
an office that meets the requirements and standards. Now, I have a huge office.
When you feel that situations are unfair, resilience is your friend. Stay calm, stay true to your goal, and look for the positive. Embrace the struggle and find opportunity instead of seeing a punishment.
Being a brand is an often misunderstood part of creating your path. Your brand is how you show up, in the good times and the difficult times. It is your action and reaction. It is your attitude, your behavior, how you follow through, and how you handle your mistakes. Think of someone you admire and respect and ask yourself: What is their brand? What do they stand for? What makes them unique? Is it the way they talk or the value they bring? Now, ask yourself those same questions and find your brand. Once you have found your brand, stay true to it. The way you do one thing is the way you do everything.
To be irreplaceable, your brand is the most important asset that will speak about you: your experiences, skills, and your presence at work, in public, and on social media. When you take on a challenge, do so with your brand in mind. Bring the value you want to be known for, and be consistent in reinforcing what you stand for in your career and personal life. Here are some tips to strengthen your brand:
1. Say yes to opportunities. One way to build your brand is to explore new challenges that will move you from where you are and what people currently see to the bigger and better skills and capabilities that will enhance your brand. Get involved in new ventures that will shed light on your skills and help you talk about the work you do confidently. Fear of challenge is not your friend if you want to build a brand that stands out.
2. Give a speech or presentation whenever the opportunity arises. Take every opportunity to present at events big or small. It is one great way of building your professional reputation as a subject matter expert. Public speaking can be a challenge for many, but building that skill is one of the best ways to show who you are and what you can do.
3. Make networking part of your career must-dos. Having the right connections can serve you vastly when you need information and support. Find the right people to brainstorm with. Networking is
not just passing out your business card. It is about impactful relations where people know you and the value you add. This will build you a reputation that goes a long way in your career.
4. Be engaged in meetings, sharing ideas, and asking questions. Lift up the person trying to add value and work with them in finding solutions.
5. Share information openly and genuinely; information is available everywhere, so do not be precious with it. Show what you know with your credibility and your own personal flair. This will position you as an expert who is genuine and supportive.
Keep learning, researching, and asking questions all focused on your brand. Add value wherever you go with your brand in mind. Your brand is what makes you irreplaceable, so act accordingly.
Becoming irreplaceable takes a lot of work and there are highs and lows in the journey. To stay consistently on your path, find a cheerleader. A cheerleader is someone who will champion you and will give you confidence by reminding you of your worth and amplifying your achievements. Your cheerleader will not only tell you how irreplaceable you are, but they will also spread the word to others. Many of us shy from the spotlight and avoid showing our strengths in fear of seeming braggy or egotistical. That is exactly why a cheerleader at work is one of the most valuable connections for your growth. Find that person who believes in you. They are there. You’ll find them in meetings as that person who backs up your idea and makes sure you are heard.
When you find this cheerleader, share with them your successes, your projects, and seek advice. They will be your support when you are going in for that raise or promotion but also when you feel down and need a pep talk. In return, pay it forward; be their cheerleader, and be someone else’s cheerleader, too. Create an environment around you where others feel irreplaceable, and you will find your cheerleaders grow.
People believe that achievement will speak for itself, but the truth is that it is hard to get management to recognize your achievements. When I started working as a dental assistant, no one had my back. I was quiet and shy until I had the interview for the trainer position. When I interviewed for this dream position, I told them all of my skills and talents. I went over work milestones, but I wasn’t ready. The position went to someone else, but one
of the supervisors chased me down the hall and said that even though I didn’t get that position, I would get it in time. She became my cheerleader and helped me get that position the next time. Do not be silent. Be your own cheerleader until you find your cheerleader and work together to lift each other up.
You probably heard this many times: “You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with.” This quote is attributed to the motivational speaker Jim Rohn. I personally took this into consideration when I started working, but it is easy to join groups that don’t align with your values because you don’t want to be left out. We spend many hours at work, and we need company. However, I prioritized being around people who I wanted to be, and it paid off in so many ways.
I started being careful when I saw how some of my colleagues were spending more time with co-workers having coffee and chatting than working. I saw unnecessary absenteeism from co-workers who may be fun and charming but were not serious about their jobs. I decided to take a step back and really think about what my goal was, when I wanted to achieve it, and what my brand was. When I got clear, I started approaching those who raised me up and didn’t pull me down. I started hanging out with friends who cared about their work, the organization, and about their co-workers. We lifted each other up in healthy ways.
I started spending more time with my trainers and senior nurses. These were genuine connections where I learned how to add value and be appreciated. Knowing that your connections can instill purpose in you, it is worth the work to invite the right people into your work life.
President John F. Kennedy was visiting NASA headquarters for the first time in 1961. While touring the facility, he introduced himself to a janitor who was mopping the floor and asked him what he did at NASA. “I’m helping put a man on the moon!”
The janitor understood the vision and his irreplaceable part in it. His purpose was woven into his presence. What is your purpose? Grab new opportunities with that purpose and vision in mind. Choose your friends according to that purpose and vision. Communicate to be visible and connected. When you leave, leave a legacy you can be proud of.
While I was growing, learning, and doing what I believed was right for me, the time has flown. I showed up, took the challenges while I wiped my tears, allowed myself to make mistakes, shared my passions and successes with advocates, and chose whom I spent time with. It helped me take the stage. It empowered me to build my brand. I am irreplaceable. You are irreplaceable. Feel the sense of self that comes when you align your actions with your vision.
Salsabila Al-Harby, Trainer, bestselling author, and a Motivational Speaker. A Saudi Arab Women with thirty-two years of experience in a Saudi global and diverse corporation, works as an HR Generalist, Employee Engagement Champion and Trainer. Started as a Dental Assistant, and promoted to be a Dental Assistants trainer, with several specialized training certifications, She Certified healthcare professionals, and even engineers. Salsabila is a Distinguished Toastmaster, a Motivational speaker, and writer, she held many posts in public and professional organizations. Winner of several public speaking awards, and was granted the (Best individual Performance) Award by the Obtainer Global Magazine 2013. A Column Writer of several articles for the Obtainer Global Magazine, and a Keynote speaker in several local and global conferences. She Delivered a TEDx Talk, and presented for various corporate conferences, nonprofit organizations and local universities. Her passion is to help women rise to their best potential.
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