9 minute read
What connects this physical world, made up of a spiritual substance, to the spiritual world? This physical time/space experience can be viewed as a temporal dimension, a construct, a temporary manifestation within the spirit world. The question, therefore, is, how can we become more fully awakened to the spirit world, the metaphysical reality, and all its dimensions while experiencing this time/space existence? This awakened state is known in spiritual traditions as Enlightenment, Entire Sanctification, Regeneration, Spirit-baptism, Spirit-filling, Moksha, or Wu.
What can we know about the ever-present, yet generally undetectable, spiritual dimensions?
Quintessence, literally meaning “the fifth element,” has been used to describe everything that didn't fit within the elemental categories of air, earth, water, and fire and quickly became the word to describe the spiritual world. The word aether, meaning “pure air,” became synonymous with quintessence both in spiritual and scientific applications. (Aether was also the name of a god in Greek mythology.) The term aether was used in scientific application to “fill in spaces” where scientific understanding was incomplete, including the substance that filled the vacuums of space to allow light to travel which they called a “luminiferous aether.” The belief in this luminiferous aether continued until disproved in 1920 with the help of quantum physics which revealed that photons have both wave and particle functions.
The primary use of the terms aether and quintessence now describe an ever-present, yet undetected, set of spiritual realms, dimensions, or heavens. This idea of a multi-dimensional reality with spiritual planes and unseen realms reappears throughout spiritual history in various forms and various faith traditions. These spiritual planes are called “Akasha” in traditional Indian cosmology, “Ku” within Japanese Godai tradition, and “The Heavens” from ancient Mesopotamia religions along with the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The number of planes, dimensions, heavens, or levels of spiritual consciousness is quite varied as are their descriptions with the most common number being seven.
Here’s a brief introduction to two of these dimensions that will unlock your Perfect DreamLife:
1. Pure consciousness, the quantum field, the unified field (spiritual use of the term, not the Einstein version), atman, quintessence, the aether is where we go when we transcend this time/space egoic experience through deep relaxed meditation. Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “When you can become no body, no one, no thing, nowhere in no time, you become pure consciousness. This is the door to the quantum field.” The creator of Transcendental Meditation (TM), Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, said, “The unified field is fundamentally a field of consciousness. The field is known as atman, meaning ‘pure consciousness,’ or ‘self,’ since the unified field constitutes the deepest reality and hence the true identity of everything in nature.”
2. Collective consciousness, the astral plane, akasha, or the Akashic record according to Theosophy, “the Akashic record is a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.” Computers and mobile phones today enjoy virtually limitless access to supercomputers and the storehouse of human history and understanding. These devices are called “thin-clients” meaning that they do not require the storage capacity or computer power to accomplish what requires monstrous storage and supercomputing by freely accessing these supercomputers around the world. In a similar and sexier way, we have access to connect to all living things from all time as well as infinite wealth, wisdom, and power.
Based on this monstrously reduced overview of science, religion, and the spiritual traditions from the beginning of recorded history up to and including the most recent insights of quantum mechanics and the spiritual interpretation of those insights, we can form some conclusions.
The spiritual traditions and religions generally agree that the universe was created by, and is governed by, a benevolent life-giving energy often referred to as “God,” herein referred to as DivineLove, and that divine energy transcends time, space, and matter. The scientific community generally agrees that the universe and everything in it is made up of energy. Quantum mechanics has proven that this energy transcends time, space, and matter. Therefore, I feel it’s reasonable and obvious to conclude that science's “universal energy,” which transcends time, space, and matter, is the same “DivineLove” energy of religion and spiritual traditions.
Religions and spiritual traditions have committed to mastering methods of connectingg with DivineLove and the multidimensional spirit world, through meditation and prayer. They teach us that we can achieve states they call enlightenment, awakening, entire sanctification, regeneration, spirit-baptism, spirit-filling, Moksha, or Wu, referring to the moment or process by which we accept that we are spiritual beings currently existing in this physical form and we choose to reconnect with DivineLove.
The next reasonable question is, why? Why was this universe created? Why were we created? What’s the purpose for our ability to connect to DivineLove and have infinite wealth, wisdom, and power flow to us and through us?
Our Spiritual Identity
We are spiritual beings living in physical form. I believe the curious case of consciousness is sufficient to suggest, if not prove, that we are spiritual beings. In all our scientific quest for understanding, including neurosciences, we have yet to solve the mysteries surrounding our consciousness. We don’t know where it comes from, where it begins, or where it resides.
Our consciousness appears to be able to jump the timeline and foresee things which we later refer to as experiencing “deja vú,” and we “know things” we have never experienced or have never been taught. The spirit world transcends time, space, and matter. Therefore, jumping the timeline alone would strongly support the conclusion that we are spiritual beings.
“You are not a physical being having a spiritual experience, you are a spiritual being having a physical experience!”
Dr. Wayne Dyer
The Master Plan
The Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 B.C.E.) was the first to summarize the primary problem confronting anyone who wants to believe in a good and loving God. His framing of the problem has become known as the Epicurean Dilemma. Here’s a rough glimpse at his reasoning:
Most God-believers want to believe in a God who is both allpowerful and all-loving, but how can this belief fit with the world we experience all around us? Our world is filled with hate, crime, violence, and all kinds of evil and suffering. If God is all-powerful (“God is great”), he must have the power to do what he wants, and if God is all-loving (“God is good”), he must want to eradicate evil and suffering. So, why does evil exist?
The error of the Epicurean Dilemma is the presupposition that this universe, this time/space experience, is God’s Divine Masterpiece, the best God can do. That is, the Epicurean Dilemma begins with the assumption that this universe is God’s best; either we accept it as his Masterpiece, or we reject it as a failed experiment. However, the foundational assumption is wrong. This time/space experience is not the Divine Masterpiece but the Divine Master Plan en route to the Divine Masterpiece.
We are not experiencing the Divine Masterpiece but rather the Divine Master Plan!
DivineLove in Ancient Greek is agape, and the Judeo-Christian wisdom literature asserts that God is agape. Agape is defined as a creative, life-giving, need-free, unconditional, and deliberate striving for the other's greatest benefit. Just like intimate love between humans produces new life and then forges a new bond of care and nurture for that new life, the nature of DivineLove is to create life and then care for its creation. The purpose, therefore, for this time/space experience is Love. We are created by Love for love. We’re created not simply to exist but to live in a loving relationship with the Divine.
For love to be pure, all parties must freely choose to be in the loving relationship. This universal time/space experience exists with all its complex beauty and tragedy for you, me, and all of us to choose to join DivineLove in the Divine Masterpiece. The terms enlightenment, awakening, and being born-again refer to the process of accepting our reconnection to DivineLove.
Lastly, if this entire time/space experience is simply a cosmic dating process for us to reconnect to DivineLove, why, after the moment of awakening, do we continue to exist here?
The purpose of this universal time/space experience is to provide us an opportunity to freely choose to connect, or reconnect, with DivineLove. This (re)connection opens the way for many miracles in the individual’s life, including the unveiling of one’s life’s purpose.
Let me illustrate by sharing my personal experience with my DivineLove connection.
When I, at the age of 20, experienced a spiritual awakening, my life trajectory completely changed. I came from a challenging background with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), due to childhood trauma. (As an interesting sidenote, I misspelled almost every single word in the previous sentence.) I couldn’t speak in sentences until I was 9 years-old, when I was mercifully sent to a special education speech coach in school. I was functionally illiterate until I was 21 years-old and I still have no college or university degrees. As a child I experienced drama and trauma including being beaten, hung, and almost drowned. I was suicidally depressed when my awakening occurred. I found healing, purpose, and a miraculous life through what I now call Pure Spiritual Intelligence.
As my heart opened to love and healing and my eyes opened to seemingly limitless possibilities, I was overtaken by the desire to share the love. I wanted everyone to experience what I had experienced. I was transformed from a desperate and hopeless person to an abundant person with an uncontrollable compulsion to positively impact the world around me. My state of abundance at 20 years old wasn’t financial but something else. The abundant mentality activates altruism and thereby, by serving greatly, eventually produces the abundant reality in various forms. In fact, the word “deserve” literally means “from service.” When we serve greatly, we naturally “deserve greatly.”
With this in mind, friendly people have more friends; the farmer who plants more seeds will likely enjoy a greater harvest, and so it follows that the secret of success in the marketplace is to profitably solve problems because as we serve greatly, we naturally “deserve greatly.”
The wisdom literature of various faiths promises that when we are reconnected with DivineLove, we will experience, express, and expand love, joy, and peace. As we master our connection and our uniquely gifted service, infinite wealth, wisdom, and power begin to flow to us and through us in various forms, and we become DivineLove Ambassadors and world changers.
If you’ve ever felt like you were made for more than the life you’ve experienced, if you know that there’s more to you than this world has seen, you already have a sense of your true nature, purpose, and calling. When reconnected to DivineLove, the past is redeemed; disabilities are transformed into superpowers, and every tragedy turns into triumph by DivineLove using these experiences to fully unlock our ability to touch the world in ways we otherwise couldn’t.
Some people, it seems to me, live in a perpetual state of discontent and will only be happy if everything in their life becomes perfect. The truth is that nothing truly improves until an individual shifts their mind and mood to accept it’s already perfect because “happiness” is the miracle elixir. In my thirty years of helping people unlock their financial freedom, for instance, I have witnessed repeatedly that money doesn’t make you happy; “happy” makes you money
Aristotle taught us, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” In the original Greek, the word translated as “end” is “telos.” The Greek word telos is often translated as “perfect” as in “Be ye therefore perfect (telos) as your Heavenly Father (God) is perfect (telos).” Telos is used to describe something flawless and “perfectly complete,” and it’s also used to describe “the perfect path” toward that completion. Aristotle used the word telos to say happiness is the meaning and purpose of life; it's the perfect path to the perfect life.
Happiness is achieved in the state of present peace and nonresistance which occurs naturally when we are in a state of gratitude for all that is already ours. This is the antithesis of the “problem mindset” that has skewed our scientific and spiritual research. When we choose to focus on what we have, what we know, and what we can do, alone and in community, we become part of the ongoing master plan en route to the masterpiece, free from the fears and frustrations, the fight and flight that flow inexorably from the “Problem Mindset.”
The REAL Theory of Everything is that Everything is Perfect and Everything is Improving.