2 minute read

The Earth Does

The Earth Does

Can You? Can you breathe without oxygen from trees….. Can you remain grounded without gravity….. Can you be fed without the seasons to cause seeds to sprout and grow…. Can you feel at peace without breathing in a glorious sunrise or sunset… Can you sit at the rivers’ edge, or stand before a mighty ocean and escape the healing of the soul…… Can you fully comprehend that our human form is completely made up of the earth’s elements….. Can you smile in happiness without nature’s visions to invigorate your soul….. Can you change the direction of the wind or the rain…. Can you carve the cliffs and the mountains into tapestries of magnificence just as the elements do….. Can you delight in earthly sounds if the species of the earth are rendered extinct…. Can you dwell in the succulent taste of natures’ endless supply of produce if the land is rendered barren….. Can you truly appreciate that we are the visitors to planet earth…. Can you acknowledge the magnitude of the earth’s ability to regrow, re-plenish and sustain consistently without let up….. Can you guarantee that the sun will rise and set, that the rain will fall, and the snow will melt…. Can you see the perfect host, the infinite barer of life’s amazing gifts that sustain, enhance and create new life….. Can you not behold your greatest teacher before you…. Can you experience timeless infinity as the earth does….. Can you die and be re-born as a forest is destroyed by fire, only to emerge and devour the decay with new life……


Can you feel the pulse of the earth beating within the chambers of your heart and the blood coursing through your veins….. Can you truly understand that “dust you are and to dust you will return” whilst the earth remains….. Can you maintain the earth’s atmosphere….. Can you keep its core at the perfect temperature….. Can you hold the earth in its orbit around the sun…. Can you…. Can you survive without the earth, as it can and has without you…. Can you make a difference before it is too late…. Can you give more love to your thoughts and actions toward our earthly home…. Can you demonstrate being the perfect tenant for a perfect landlord…. Can you finally see that we are the earth …. and …. The Earth is us…..

CATALYST POETRY by Mandy E. Robinson

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