1 minute read
Uncertainty of Life
Uncertainty of Life
Is there pain and turmoil inside? Truths from which you cannot hide. Are you hopeless? Has your river run dry? Are you burdened so heavily bearing down? Is it death?
Has the sun died, leaving dark foreboding clouds that make you frown? Are you tossed and turned, cast away with nowhere to abide? Is it life, problems, yourself, from which you must hide?
Which way must you look? Is it wisdom you seek? Can it be found within the pages of a book? Where are the answers to feeling so bleak?
Can you sleep, or has the peace gone? Is it a shell of emptiness adrift on on a wave. Where is the life that in time has shone?
Are you seen or perceived as deep within a shadow? Lurking sultrily in anguish, will there be a tomorrow? Were you born of love or sent from hell? Tyranny, neglect, enslaved, Are these the things upon which you must dwell?
Pale horse, dark rider has loosed its chains upon me the insider.