1 minute read
La Bella Donna
La Bella Donna
She has the passion carved into her soul, The dance weaves and winds through her blood. Her body moves and sways to the rythym, Cascading like raindrops it drives her hard.
On fire to rise and free to fall, Watch her glide she has it all. Electrifying aura envelops her movements, A tilt of her head, a flick of her hair.
Her arms caress the summit of a mountain, Descending in form woven in motion. Always returning to the core of the dance, Her smile twirls with the flare of her skirt.
Her legs strike out in unbridled perfection, Reigned in by the need of deep desire. An exhibitionist with such great flare, There’s nothing on the dance floor that she wouldn’t dare!
Her curves, her lines smooth and seductive, Perfumed and sensual her muscles impel. Mesmerising her every watcher, beguiling and unforgiving, Light on her feet, heavy in her artistry. La Bella Donna The dance is her music, The music IS her dance!