1 minute read
Awakened in a hot sweat, heavy air beating and plunging down by lungs Flailing arms attempt to disperse the mass to no avail. My body’s core heats, my body’s core heats Taking all prisoners.
Blood cells erupt into frantic movement We must cool the core, we must….. Water droplets attempt to fall from my skin eager to assist the cool down. They evaporate into the mass, the mass has no intention of allowing life saving aid!
I dream of cold icy water trickling into my mouth touching every crevas, permeating my soul, The sun beats down, my body bears down. The oasis is only of my mind, Oxygen has depleted. Alvioli pockets sag….. empty of fortitude.
Consciousness is seeping away, There is no relief in sight. The mind hallucinates The heart cannot withstand, Baked in the harshness of an arid, cold and empty land.