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Quantum physics has produced over one hundred years of truly shocking experiments and conclusions to date which reveal, amongst many things, that energy, the building block of the universe, is a spiritual substance. To support this conclusion, I will refer to just two of these incredible discoveries:
1. “The Quantum Leap” The term “quantum leap” refers to the occurrence when an electron, while circling the atom within what is called a shell (consistent circle) transitions to another shell with no movement and no time lost, simply disappears from one location and reappears without delay in another location, thereby transcending the rules of time, space, and matter understood in classical, Newtonian physics. Although the term “miracle” is generally associated with metaphysics, this miracle occurs within the realm of quantum physics at the subatomic level.
2. “Quantum Entanglement” The term “quantum entanglement” refers to a physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of subatomic particles comes into contact in a way such that the quantum states of these particles become, in a way, as one. When these entangled particles are separated, even by a large distance, the actions of either one is instantly mirrored by the other. This discovery was vehemently challenged by Einstein because it appeared to violate his conclusion that nothing moves faster than the speed of light, yet these entangled subatomic particles appeared to be communicating faster than light. The conclusion is that they are not “communicating,” but they are, in a sense, one entangled particle existing in two locations, thereby transcending the laws of time, space, and matter. Einstein called quantum entanglement “spooky action at a distance.”
These subatomic particles, made of energy and behaving outside of the rules of classical physics and the Newtonian laws of time, space, and matter, reveal that the energy, that which makes up this entire universe and everything in it, including you, is a metaphysical, or spiritual, substance
Traditional theism holds that God is the life and love-giving benevolent force that created the universe. While he may continue to interact with it, he remains clearly distinct from it. This has been the most traditional and familiar concept of theology.
Pantheism is the belief system with which Albert Einstein most aligned. Pantheism (literally, all-God-ism) holds that physical reality and divinity are one, that everything in the universe is part of an all-present divine benevolent force, a “universal substance, material as well as intelligence, that fashions all things that exist out of its own essence,” or put simply, God is the universe. The fact that the universe is made of energy and energy is a spiritual substance clearly supports this concept.
Panentheism (literally, all-in-God-ism) holds that God is the universe and transcends it. Panentheism embraces the traditional concepts of theism, which hold that God created the universe and exists beyond the parameters of it, as well as pantheism, which sees God as the universe. This may be seen as a new idea, based on the latest insights of quantum physics, but ideas of panentheism appear in various forms in most religions and sects, including Sikhism, Hinduism, Sanamahism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
“Anybodywhohasbeenseriouslyengagedinscientificworkofany kindrealizesthatovertheentrancetothegatesofthetempleof science are written the words: ‘Ye must have faith.’”
Max Planck Founder of Quantum Physics
The scientific community generally agrees that the universe is made up of energy. Quantum physics has proven that energy is a metaphysical substance. World religions generally agree that the universe is made up of a divine substance, benevolent and loving force, or God. It’s therefore reasonable to conclude that the entire universe is made up of a life-giving, spiritual substance. Some call this Qi, Chi, Ki, Prana, Pneuma, Mana, Lüng, Ruah, Vital Energy, Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Brahman, the Tau, the Almighty, the Holy Spirit, DivineLove, or simply, God.