Street Photography 2011

Page 1

Erwin Rademaker (1966, The Netherlands) lives in Breda with his wife, Marloes, and is the father of three sons. He works at the Port of Rotterdam as an infrastructure developer and is founder and co-owner of two companies. He has also written and (co-)published several books. “I have never experienced something more addictive than street photography. Capturing the ordinary life on streets is what I love to do the most, no matter where, no matter when. I always take my gear with me when I have to travel, whether it’s for work, short breaks or vacation.” Erwin developed the concept for this book and asked Anders, Greg, Louise and Umberto to join him in this project. Erwin is a new kid on the block; he just started to photograph street scenes in 2010.

Greg Schmigel (1969, United States of America) lives in Arnold, Maryland, with his wife, Suzy, and their two boxers, Brooklyn and Arthur. Considered one of the early pioneers in the movement of mobile photography, Greg uses an iPhone as his main camera of choice to take quick, candid shots of everyday moments - the lives of people and strangers that he encounters on the street or in public places. Greg’s work finds beauty in the simple aspects of life, in the faces of strangers, the shadows or reflections of everyday people, or even in the smile on the face of a passing child. He believes that 90 percent of photography is about what the photographer sees. The choice of camera makes up the rest. “I am not an iPhoneographer. I am a street photographer who uses the iPhone as the camera of choice.”

Louise Fryer (1963, United Kingdom) lives in south east England with her partner and two of her three children. “I first got into photography in May 2009. After spending some time experimenting in various areas, I found that the subject that interested me the most was street photography. Since January 2011, I have been seriously concentrating on this area. For me, what makes street photography different is that each photo is so unique - life and people are constantly changing. I have always been more interested in photographing the people in the streets, and lately, I am drawn more to street portraiture. I try to capture sensitivity and feeling in my photographs. My inspiration comes from the people I see, my own empathy and feelings toward them. I feel a connection with some of the people I photograph due to my work and my life experiences.” Umberto Verdoliva (1961, Italy) was born in Castellammare di Stabia (Naples) and currently lives in Treviso. He has a degree in urban planning and works with a large international construction company. Photography is Umberto’s passion, his way of expressing his love for humanity by capturing the very simple moments of life. He has won numerous competitions and awards in photography. His major works are “Cities of Mind” (from which photographs that appear in this book were taken), in which light and shadows are the elements that highlight the people; “Prisoner Of Privacy;” “The Privacy Act;” and his the latest work, “Bi, Double, Twin,” a visual quest for double-mirror elements and situations in the street. Umberto’s outstanding personal style earned him an invitation to become a member of, an international portal featuring some of the best examples of contemporary street photography.

Street Photography 2011 by Anders Rörgren - Erwin Rademaker - Greg Schmigel - Louise Fryer - Umberto Verdoliva

Anders Rörgren (1972, Sweden) lives in Malmö with his wife, Tina, and is the father of one son and one daughter. Anders works as an eCommerce Business Development Manager. “It started a couple of years ago when I began to travel a lot in my work. More and more, I would use my spare time in the evenings and during travel for street photography. I really like this way of shooting because it truly captures the moment. What you see is what you get, and it’s not possible to change or alter the elements you have in front of you. When I look for subjects for my pictures, I usually look for interesting persons and characters, be it because of their beauty, ugliness, attitude, style, etc. When it comes to capturing situations, I prefer a clean composition with few elements, often supported by the rule of thirds and the golden proportion - even though a centered picture comes along every now and then.” Anders has been photographing since 1987.

Contact information Anders Rรถrgren Twitter: @gottfrid Flickr: Facebook: Erwin Rademaker Flickr: Facebook: Greg Schmigel Twitter: @justwhatisee Flickr: Instagram: @justwhatisee Web site: Louise Fryer Twitter: @LouiseFryerSP Flickr: Facebook: Web site: Umberto Verdoliva Flickr: Facebook: Web site: Colophon Concept: Erwin Rademaker Photographs: Anders Rรถrgren, Erwin Rademaker, Greg Schmigel, Louise Fryer and Umberto Verdoliva Design: Marco van Lith, Studio Coot - Breda - The Netherlands Print: Drukkerij West-Brabant - Breda - The Netherlands Publisher: TriremeBIT - Breda - The Netherlands First print: August 2011 Copyright The intellectual property and copyright of a photograph belongs to the original and rightful owner of that particular picture. No part of this publication may be copied and/or distributed without the permission of the original and rightful owner. In the index on the last pages of this book you will find out who shot the specific photographs. All rights reserved. ISBN number 978-90-817825-0-0

This book is dedicated to Vivian Maier.

























































Page 1 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 2 Umbrella Shadow - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 3 Halleujah! - Paddington, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 4 We’re One But We’re Not The Same - Rome Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 5 Concrete Ballerina Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 6 Commute Nirvana Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 19 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 20 Confusion - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 21 Remote Control - Breda Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 22 Black Cat - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 23 Three Dudes On A Bench Amsterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 24 The Good Woman - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 7 Three Carabinieri And A Ferrari - San Marino Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 8 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 9 Little Big Man - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 10 Juice Master - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 11 Meat Market: J Baczynsky Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 12 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 25 Until It Says ‘Click’ - Delft Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 26 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 27 XXL - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 28 Past By - San Francisco Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 29 Portier Of Cool San Francisco Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 30 Shadow Needed - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 13 The Long Journey Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 14 Raindrops Kept Falling On Her Head Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 15 Half Eight - Basel Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 16 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 17 The Smile - San Francisco Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 18 Like An Angel - Chicago Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 31 Dog Fight - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 32 When We Were Young Rotterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 33 The Art Of Smoking - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 34 Walking The Sidewalk New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 35 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 36 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 1 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 2 Umbrella Shadow - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 3 Halleujah! - Paddington, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 4 We’re One But We’re Not The Same - Rome Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 5 Concrete Ballerina Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 6 Commute Nirvana Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 19 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 20 Confusion - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 21 Remote Control - Breda Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 22 Black Cat - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 23 Three Dudes On A Bench Amsterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 24 The Good Woman - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 7 Three Carabinieri And A Ferrari - San Marino Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 8 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 9 Little Big Man - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 10 Juice Master - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 11 Meat Market: J Baczynsky Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 12 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 25 Until It Says ‘Click’ - Delft Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 26 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 27 XXL - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 28 Past By - San Francisco Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 29 Portier Of Cool San Francisco Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 30 Shadow Needed - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 13 The Long Journey Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 14 Raindrops Kept Falling On Her Head Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 15 Half Eight - Basel Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 16 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 17 The Smile - San Francisco Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 18 Like An Angel - Chicago Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 31 Dog Fight - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 32 When We Were Young Rotterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 33 The Art Of Smoking - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 34 Walking The Sidewalk New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 35 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 36 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 37 Window Cleaner - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 38 Walking In Irish Rain - Dublin Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 39 Smoke Break - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 40 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 41 Love Poison - Paris Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 42 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 55 Swiss Lady - Basel Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 56 Here Comes The Rain Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 57 Gun Control Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 58 2D Eye Contact - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 59 An Empty Chair - Lier Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 60 So Long, Boys! Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 43 714 - Porto Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 44 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 45 As She Just Couldn’t Choose Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 46 Precious - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 47 Blank - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 48 The Spy - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 61 Feeling The Cold Leicester Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 62 Slow Night - Basel Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 63 Sam McCloud Revisited Rotterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 64 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 65 Followed By The Hulk Dublin Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 66 Freedom - Holborn, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 49 McRussian - New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 50 It’s A Long Way Home Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 51 Marilyn Revisited - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 52 Unknown. No Name Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 53 Have Seen It All - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 54 Little Dog - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 67 Taksim Girl - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 68 Looking Out. Looking In. Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 69 If Time Could Stand Still Tenterden Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 70 I Shall Fill My Songs With Joy & Laughter - London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 71 Invisible - Aldwych, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 72 Love Is Colour Blind - Gay Pride Parade, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 37 Window Cleaner - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 38 Walking In Irish Rain - Dublin Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 39 Smoke Break - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 40 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 41 Love Poison - Paris Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 42 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 55 Swiss Lady - Basel Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 56 Here Comes The Rain Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 57 Gun Control Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 58 2D Eye Contact - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 59 An Empty Chair - Lier Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 60 So Long, Boys! Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 43 714 - Porto Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 44 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 45 As She Just Couldn’t Choose Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 46 Precious - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 47 Blank - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 48 The Spy - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 61 Feeling The Cold Leicester Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 62 Slow Night - Basel Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 63 Sam McCloud Revisited Rotterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 64 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 65 Followed By The Hulk Dublin Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 66 Freedom - Holborn, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 49 McRussian - New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 50 It’s A Long Way Home Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 51 Marilyn Revisited - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 52 Unknown. No Name Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 53 Have Seen It All - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 54 Little Dog - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 67 Taksim Girl - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 68 Looking Out. Looking In. Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 69 If Time Could Stand Still Tenterden Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 70 I Shall Fill My Songs With Joy & Laughter - London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 71 Invisible - Aldwych, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 72 Love Is Colour Blind - Gay Pride Parade, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 73 Reflecting - Aldwych, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 74 Fallen - Piccadily, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 75 Seconds - Camden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 76 Wall Street Cowboys - New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 77 Dreamer - Soho, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 78 Distractions - Camden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 91 Not Long Now - Camden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 92 Mirrored Entrance - Dublin Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 93 Untitled - Trafalgar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 94 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 95 Shopping With Friends Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 96 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 79 Spring Ride - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 80 Shades Of Grey - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 81 See You There! - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 82 Eat You Up - Camden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 83 Morning Reflections - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 84 Backlight Boys - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 97 Shooting Back - Paris Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 98 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 99 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 100 GT Players Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 101 Syncronised Walkers Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 102 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 85 KO E Kiss - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 86 10 Seconds - Marble Arch, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 87 The Long Goodbye - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 88 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 89 Time To Sit & Stare - Trafalgar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 90 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 103 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 104 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 105 Cry For Help - Marble Arch, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 106 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 107 Exercise. Walk. Run. Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 108 Lindema(ns), Lower East Side, NYC Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 73 Reflecting - Aldwych, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 74 Fallen - Piccadily, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 75 Seconds - Camden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 76 Wall Street Cowboys - New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 77 Dreamer - Soho, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 78 Distractions - Camden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 91 Not Long Now - Camden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 92 Mirrored Entrance - Dublin Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 93 Untitled - Trafalgar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 94 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 95 Shopping With Friends Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 96 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 79 Spring Ride - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 80 Shades Of Grey - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 81 See You There! - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 82 Eat You Up - Camden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 83 Morning Reflections - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 84 Backlight Boys - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 97 Shooting Back - Paris Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 98 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 99 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 100 GT Players Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 101 Syncronised Walkers Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 102 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 85 KO E Kiss - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 86 10 Seconds - Marble Arch, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 87 The Long Goodbye - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 88 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 89 Time To Sit & Stare - Trafalgar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 90 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 103 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 104 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 105 Cry For Help - Marble Arch, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 106 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 107 Exercise. Walk. Run. Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 108 Lindema(ns), Lower East Side, NYC Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 109 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 110 The Woman At Market Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 111 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 112 The Bird Lady - St Leonards Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 113 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 114 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 127 Taxi Driver - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 128 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 129 Covered - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 130 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 131 On Patrol - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 132 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 115 Blowout - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 116 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 117 You Make It Look So Easy Hyde Park, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 118 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 119 The Stranger In New York City Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 120 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 133 O’Connel Street - Dublin Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 134 Technical Knock Out Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 135 Subway Triptych, NYC Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 136 Isn’t She? Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 137 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 138 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 121 Girl Talk - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 122 The Hat Is Off - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 123 Mohammed - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 124 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 125 Blue Gloves Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 126 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 139 Hailing Beauty Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 140 Birds Flyin’ High, You Know What I Mean Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 141 Do Not Look At This Photograph Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 142 Brooklyn Girls Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 143 Just Off Broadway Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 144 Big Stripes For A Little Dog Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 109 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 110 The Woman At Market Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 111 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 112 The Bird Lady - St Leonards Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 113 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 114 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 127 Taxi Driver - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 128 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 129 Covered - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 130 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 131 On Patrol - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 132 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 115 Blowout - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 116 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 117 You Make It Look So Easy Hyde Park, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 118 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 119 The Stranger In New York City Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 120 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 133 O’Connel Street - Dublin Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 134 Technical Knock Out Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 135 Subway Triptych, NYC Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 136 Isn’t She? Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 137 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 138 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 121 Girl Talk - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 122 The Hat Is Off - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 123 Mohammed - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 124 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 125 Blue Gloves Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 126 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 139 Hailing Beauty Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 140 Birds Flyin’ High, You Know What I Mean Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 141 Do Not Look At This Photograph Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 142 Brooklyn Girls Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 143 Just Off Broadway Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 144 Big Stripes For A Little Dog Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 145 One Way Or Another Charing Cross, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 146 Followed - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rรถrgren

Page 147 Entering Into Darkness Basel Photo by Anders Rรถrgren

Page 148 Close. A World Apart. Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rรถrgren

Page 149 Big Hair Day In Chinatown Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 150 I Cannot Afford To Love New York City Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 163 Another Time, Another Place Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 164 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 165 Jack Frost Nipping At His Nose Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 166 The Pale Beauty Of Broadway Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 167 Night Shift Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 168 The Cook: More From Chinatown Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 151 My Obsession - Bexhill On Sea, East Sussex Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 152 Salvador Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 153 He Is Why (I Love NYC) Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 154 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 155 Sleeping Away The Day Hatton Garden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 156 The Woman Who Stared In Reflection Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 169 Late Night At The Burger Joint Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 170 Keeping Dad Dry - Trafalgar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 171 The Morning Vendor On Broadway Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 172 Down To Zero - Trafagar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 173 Descent - Piccadily, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 174 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 157 Talk Of The Town - Regent Street, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 158 Spring Prayers - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rรถrgren

Page 159 The Stranger Passing On Broadway Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 160 Beford Avenue, Brooklyn Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 161 Two And A Half Men Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 162 Last Rabbi To Brooklyn Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 175 Mental! - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 176 Drop Off Packages Here New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 177 I Scream.You Scream. Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 178 The Woman And The Mannequins Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 179 A Dude, His Girlfriend And His Chevy - New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 180 Keep On Dancing Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 145 One Way Or Another Charing Cross, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 146 Followed - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rรถrgren

Page 147 Entering Into Darkness Basel Photo by Anders Rรถrgren

Page 148 Close. A World Apart. Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rรถrgren

Page 149 Big Hair Day In Chinatown Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 150 I Cannot Afford To Love New York City Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 163 Another Time, Another Place Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 164 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 165 Jack Frost Nipping At His Nose Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 166 The Pale Beauty Of Broadway Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 167 Night Shift Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 168 The Cook: More From Chinatown Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 151 My Obsession - Bexhill On Sea, East Sussex Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 152 Salvador Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 153 He Is Why (I Love NYC) Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 154 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 155 Sleeping Away The Day Hatton Garden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 156 The Woman Who Stared In Reflection Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 169 Late Night At The Burger Joint Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 170 Keeping Dad Dry - Trafalgar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 171 The Morning Vendor On Broadway Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 172 Down To Zero - Trafagar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 173 Descent - Piccadily, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 174 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 157 Talk Of The Town - Regent Street, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 158 Spring Prayers - Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rรถrgren

Page 159 The Stranger Passing On Broadway Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 160 Beford Avenue, Brooklyn Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 161 Two And A Half Men Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 162 Last Rabbi To Brooklyn Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 175 Mental! - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 176 Drop Off Packages Here New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 177 I Scream.You Scream. Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 178 The Woman And The Mannequins Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 179 A Dude, His Girlfriend And His Chevy - New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 180 Keep On Dancing Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 181 Mom Is Stupid - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 182 The Quick Glance Of A Passing Woman Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 183 The Headless Booksalesman Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 184 The Man Who Road His Bicycle In A New York City Snow Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 185 In Her Own World (Again) Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 186 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 199 High Heels Mother Amsterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 200 Well, That’s One Euro, My Little Friend - Rotterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 201 Parallels Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 202 The Boy At The Meat Market Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 203 Listening In Style - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 204 Backstreet Lady - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 187 Alternative Chair - Rotterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 188 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 189 Morning Coffee - Porto Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 190 The Young Man And His Bowtie Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 191 Something Angelic Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 192 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 205 Five People And A Dog Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 206 The Old Rabbi And His Keeper Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 207 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 208 Walk In The Park - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 209 Walk On - Charing Cross, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 210 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 193 Siamo Solo - Rome Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 194 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 195 Alien Price Attack - Lier Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 196 Respect - New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 197 The Stranger Watching Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 198 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 211 Nail Inspection - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 212 Hot In The City - Soho, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 213 Gerry Weber - Munich Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 214 1664 - Trafalgar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 215 Haughty - Breda Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 216 This Is The Reflection Of A Dying Breed Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 181 Mom Is Stupid - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 182 The Quick Glance Of A Passing Woman Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 183 The Headless Booksalesman Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 184 The Man Who Road His Bicycle In A New York City Snow Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 185 In Her Own World (Again) Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 186 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 199 High Heels Mother Amsterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 200 Well, That’s One Euro, My Little Friend - Rotterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 201 Parallels Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 202 The Boy At The Meat Market Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 203 Listening In Style - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 204 Backstreet Lady - Istanbul Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 187 Alternative Chair - Rotterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 188 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 189 Morning Coffee - Porto Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 190 The Young Man And His Bowtie Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 191 Something Angelic Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 192 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 205 Five People And A Dog Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 206 The Old Rabbi And His Keeper Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 207 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 208 Walk In The Park - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 209 Walk On - Charing Cross, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 210 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 193 Siamo Solo - Rome Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 194 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 195 Alien Price Attack - Lier Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 196 Respect - New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 197 The Stranger Watching Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 198 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 211 Nail Inspection - Brussels Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 212 Hot In The City - Soho, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 213 Gerry Weber - Munich Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 214 1664 - Trafalgar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 215 Haughty - Breda Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 216 This Is The Reflection Of A Dying Breed Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 217 Divided - Trafalgar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 218 The Bookmaker - Rome Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 219 The Way We Stand Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 220 She Is Why (I Love NYC) Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 221 With The Sunlight At His Side Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 222 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 235 Peeping - Dordrecht Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 236 Souvlaki (Coming Soon) Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 237 Kiss It Better - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 238 Smoking Mannequin New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 239 She Smiled At Him But He Just Walked By - Delft Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 240 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 223 Camouflaged At Spagna Rome Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 224 Pondered In Silence Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 225 Just The Two Of Us - Dublin Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 226 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 227 Joris Ivens’ Fanfare Revisited Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 228 Me Facing Right You Facing Left - New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 241 Staring At The Sun - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 242 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 243 The Umbrella Man - Munich Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 244 Second Guess - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 245 If I Close My Eyes - Convent Garden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 246 Three Business Men In A Hurry - Amsterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 229 It’s My Lucky Day - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 230 Three Bags Full - Hastings Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 231 Ninety Degrees Right-Angled Amsterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 232 Just A Thought - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 233 Hmmmm - Quebec Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 234 On The Catwalk - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 247 Love & Laughter - Piccadily, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 248 The Streets Of Brescia Brescia Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 249 To Be Young Again - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 250 The Waiting Line - Aldwych, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 217 Divided - Trafalgar Square, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 218 The Bookmaker - Rome Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 219 The Way We Stand Copenhagen Photo by Anders Rörgren

Page 220 She Is Why (I Love NYC) Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 221 With The Sunlight At His Side Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 222 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 235 Peeping - Dordrecht Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 236 Souvlaki (Coming Soon) Photo by Greg Schmigel

Page 237 Kiss It Better - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 238 Smoking Mannequin New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 239 She Smiled At Him But He Just Walked By - Delft Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 240 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 223 Camouflaged At Spagna Rome Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 224 Pondered In Silence Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 225 Just The Two Of Us - Dublin Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 226 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 227 Joris Ivens’ Fanfare Revisited Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 228 Me Facing Right You Facing Left - New York Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 241 Staring At The Sun - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 242 Untitled Photo by Umberto Verdoliva

Page 243 The Umbrella Man - Munich Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 244 Second Guess - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 245 If I Close My Eyes - Convent Garden, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 246 Three Business Men In A Hurry - Amsterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 229 It’s My Lucky Day - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 230 Three Bags Full - Hastings Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 231 Ninety Degrees Right-Angled Amsterdam Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 232 Just A Thought - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 233 Hmmmm - Quebec Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 234 On The Catwalk - Antwerp Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 247 Love & Laughter - Piccadily, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 248 The Streets Of Brescia Brescia Photo by Erwin Rademaker

Page 249 To Be Young Again - Brighton Photo by Louise Fryer

Page 250 The Waiting Line - Aldwych, London Photo by Louise Fryer

Erwin Rademaker (1966, The Netherlands) lives in Breda with his wife, Marloes, and is the father of three sons. He works at the Port of Rotterdam as an infrastructure developer and is founder and co-owner of two companies. He has also written and (co-)published several books. “I have never experienced something more addictive than street photography. Capturing the ordinary life on streets is what I love to do the most, no matter where, no matter when. I always take my gear with me when I have to travel, whether it’s for work, short breaks or vacation.” Erwin developed the concept for this book and asked Anders, Greg, Louise and Umberto to join him in this project. Erwin is a new kid on the block; he just started to photograph street scenes in 2010.

Greg Schmigel (1969, United States of America) lives in Arnold, Maryland, with his wife, Suzy, and their two boxers, Brooklyn and Arthur. Considered one of the early pioneers in the movement of mobile photography, Greg uses an iPhone as his main camera of choice to take quick, candid shots of everyday moments - the lives of people and strangers that he encounters on the street or in public places. Greg’s work finds beauty in the simple aspects of life, in the faces of strangers, the shadows or reflections of everyday people, or even in the smile on the face of a passing child. He believes that 90 percent of photography is about what the photographer sees. The choice of camera makes up the rest. “I am not an iPhoneographer. I am a street photographer who uses the iPhone as the camera of choice.”

Louise Fryer (1963, United Kingdom) lives in south east England with her partner and two of her three children. “I first got into photography in May 2009. After spending some time experimenting in various areas, I found that the subject that interested me the most was street photography. Since January 2011, I have been seriously concentrating on this area. For me, what makes street photography different is that each photo is so unique - life and people are constantly changing. I have always been more interested in photographing the people in the streets, and lately, I am drawn more to street portraiture. I try to capture sensitivity and feeling in my photographs. My inspiration comes from the people I see, my own empathy and feelings toward them. I feel a connection with some of the people I photograph due to my work and my life experiences.” Umberto Verdoliva (1961, Italy) was born in Castellammare di Stabia (Naples) and currently lives in Treviso. He has a degree in urban planning and works with a large international construction company. Photography is Umberto’s passion, his way of expressing his love for humanity by capturing the very simple moments of life. He has won numerous competitions and awards in photography. His major works are “Cities of Mind” (from which photographs that appear in this book were taken), in which light and shadows are the elements that highlight the people; “Prisoner Of Privacy;” “The Privacy Act;” and his the latest work, “Bi, Double, Twin,” a visual quest for double-mirror elements and situations in the street. Umberto’s outstanding personal style earned him an invitation to become a member of, an international portal featuring some of the best examples of contemporary street photography.

Street Photography 2011 by Anders Rörgren - Erwin Rademaker - Greg Schmigel - Louise Fryer - Umberto Verdoliva

Anders Rörgren (1972, Sweden) lives in Malmö with his wife, Tina, and is the father of one son and one daughter. Anders works as an eCommerce Business Development Manager. “It started a couple of years ago when I began to travel a lot in my work. More and more, I would use my spare time in the evenings and during travel for street photography. I really like this way of shooting because it truly captures the moment. What you see is what you get, and it’s not possible to change or alter the elements you have in front of you. When I look for subjects for my pictures, I usually look for interesting persons and characters, be it because of their beauty, ugliness, attitude, style, etc. When it comes to capturing situations, I prefer a clean composition with few elements, often supported by the rule of thirds and the golden proportion - even though a centered picture comes along every now and then.” Anders has been photographing since 1987.

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