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Open letter

Open letter


The dream



Love can be a strange thing, you see. It'll make you dream of better days. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of these things — that every man is created equal, and nobody's better than me just because they learned something in a book. I too can read, you see, reading is fundamental for everyone. We see the signs of our young children living the dream but there's still so much heartache and pain. Life isn’t the same as those days standing up for justice with a king. If you believe every man was created equal and nobody knows the time or the date, you will become a memory in someone's mind. Like brother King said — I tried to help someone with all my imperfections as a Black man who loves the dream that we shall overcome someday, and we as a people will get to the promised land. What will be our final fate on this Earth? We dream of heaven someday to see those who have passed away before us. I smiled at the sun. Some say it's just a giant spinning top and when will it pop and unite with the moon? It can't be too soon — February, March, April, May; I live to see the dream become a reality. Little Black boys and white boys holding hands, free at last, to live in peace, love and blessings and the mercy of the Lord.

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