Streetsmart Business Marketing Success Toolkit

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The Tools, The Strategies and the Journey For a Complete Business And Lifestyle Transformation

How to Create

Financial and Lifestyle Freedom for Business Owners Within 3-5 Years or Less with StreetSmart Business

Are you in control of your business or is it in control of you?


Ruin to Rockin’

Inside p3


A Message from Ian Marsh, CEO StreetSmart Business School



About Ian Marsh



Are You in Control of Your Business or is it in Control of You?

p13 >

p15 >

StreetSmart Business Success Club

Even If You’re Cashflow Challenged Right Now, the Streetsmart Business Success Club is Priced to Ensure Every Business Owner Has the Right Tools to Get Back On Track.. FAST!

StreetSmart Business Mastery 12 Month Live Training

How Would You Like to Tap Into the Success Secrets of a Mentor Who Has Created HUNDREDS of MILLIONS in Revenue for SME’s Around Australia and Can do the Same for You?

p20 >

StreetSmart Shock and Awe Lead Generation System

Imagine What Would Happen if You Had a Reliable, Predictable, Affordable Lead Generation System in Your Business that You Could Turn On And Off Like a Tap?

p26 >

StreetSmart Million Dollar Business Makeover

p30 >

StreetSmart Business Advisor Program

p36 >

StreetSmart Centurion Coaching (Limited to 4 Businesses Per Year)

p38 >

re You the Sort of Business Owner Most Likely to Benefit from Working with A StreetSmart Business School...

If You Want One-On-One Coaching, and an Expert Team Composing Your Perfect Marketing Approach for Maximum Results, the Million Dollar Makeover Program Could Be Right For You. Would You Like a 6 or 7 Figure Income as a Highly Paid, In -Demand Business Consultant or Coach? Imagine What You Could Accomplish Working One-On-One With a Business Coach Who’s Created 5 Multi-Million Dollar Businesses & Helped His Clients Generate Hundreds of Millions In Revenue?

p40 > 2

What to do Next...

A Message From Ian Marsh

A message from Ian Marsh, CEO, StreetSmart Business School

Hello, my name is Ian Marsh and I’m proud to introduce you to StreetSmart Business School and our range of transformative business solutions.

So what’s so smart about StreetSmart? Over the last 16 years StreetSmart’s environment and business tools have helped thousands of business owners live better, more rewarding and financially stronger business lives. If you own (or are about to own) a small to medium sized business and want to operate it more effectively, more efficiently, and more profitably, then you’ve come to the right place. StreetSmart Business School is... A PLACE WHERE traditional thinking and beliefs about succeeding in business are challenged by controversial concepts and later shaped into stream-lined money making solutions. A PLACE WHERE your biggest frustration can be flipped upside down and turned into a cash cow opportunity in just a single conversation… A PLACE WHERE we can transform businesses… and more importantly people into finely tuned and well oiled money-making machines! A PLACE WHERE business owners can learn from a “Real-Time-Tested” teacher having personally built over 5 multi-million dollar businesses of my own and helped thousands of clients achieve their own business success ... which is GREAT news for you, because it proves that everything I teach is completely 100% duplicable! Meaning you can do it too! Understand this, your business isn’t different. The question is: DO YOU HAVE A BURNING DESIRE TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS, WEALTH AND HAPPINESS and are you prepared to take the action necessary to fulfill your dreams? In most businesses there’s more money left lying on the table than there is being picked up and deposited in the bank! Don’t make the same mistake as most business owners make; being chained to a business you can’t escape from and working long hours for little money. But it’s not your fault, there are better ways. And it all starts here.... Thank you for taking the time to read this booklet. I hope you’ll find the information to follow interesting and hopefully “possibility expanding” as you begin or continue your business transformation from ordinary to extraordinary and reap the career satisfaction and financial independence your efforts deserve. To your business success,

Ian Marsh CEO, StreetSmart Business School


About Ian Marsh

Ian Marsh

CEO, StreetSmart Business School WOULD you like to learn from a mentor WHO'S NOT ONLY built 5 multi-million dollar businesses of his own... BUT helped THOUSANDS OF OTHER ONCE DISILLUSIONED BUSINESS OWNERS lead better business lives as well? Ian Marsh committed to spend his life helping other Business Owners improve their lives after three desperate requests from a business owner called Jeremy Young who was about to lose everything he possessed.... his business, his house and his marriage. After helping to save Jeremy’s business and witnessing the positive effect it had on his life, it became obvious to Ian that many entrepreneurs simply did not know the core success principles needed to not only survive, but thrive in business today.

massive theft of time and material in the company. (He blames no one but himself because he allowed it to happen by not facing his Inconvenient truths) •

Furthermore, they also did not realise what they were truly capable of and the type of lifestyle that awaited them if they just faced some inconvenient truths and committed themselves to achieving their dreams. •


Ian is someone who works with businesses every single day and finds hidden, overlooked profits they didn’t even know existed. He is not a Harvard trained, MBA holding academic. He has gone through the school of hard knocks and experienced nearly every high and low you could have in business. Starting as an electrician and refrigeration mechanic he has become a massive student of StreetSmart Business School principles.

From June 1999 until 2004 Ian built and grew Marsh Air-conditioning P/L into a $12,000,000 a year business.

WHOOPS! December 2005 he had the rug pulled out from under him and went bankrupt due to a

In January 2006 Ian built a new company and within 8 months was doing a turnover of $8,000,000 P.A. Not only that, he implemented a simple, yet little-known-system that slashed staff’s sickies (just 5 out of 30 staff ). and theft by staff zeroed down to nothing. (Marsh Marketing P/L). In March 2006 Ian launched a website called which became one of Australia’s first drop-shipping websites and one of the most successful of its kind doing $1,200,000 a year in sales. He sold it for a huge pay day to another company (this is the goal that he has for many of his students as this is where the real money is made).

November 2006 saw him selling Marsh Air for a BIG profit with four companies itching to purchase it … the bidding wars began, upping the price as they fought to buy the business.

In March 2007 Ian helped Jeremy save his Business, his house and his relationship and committed

to doing this full time due to the powerful feeling he had of having such a positive effect on someone’s life. •

In May 2007 he authored “How Any Tradesman Can Build A Million Dollar Business In 24 months Or Less By A Tradesman Who Has Done It Three Times”.

December 2007 saw Ian win the “Rebellious Marketer on the Year” awarded at Magnetic Marketing ceremonies in Perth.

In March 2009 Ian and his family move to Perth to build the StreetSmart Business School organisation and help Entrepreneurs create their dream business and lifestyle and ...

In two and a half years of joining the organisation, Ian helped triple the size and profitability of StreetSmart which is now one of the most results orientated coaching organisations in the Southern Hemisphere.

Ian has now gone on to generate over $70 million in his companies and hundreds of millions for his students! Today, thousands of business owners thank StreetSmart for improving both their business and their lifestyles.


Are You In Control Of Your Business Or Does It Control You?

Are you in control of your business or does it control you? You are only one decision away from a totally different life. A decision that has already transformed the lives (and profits) of other everyday business owners – will you be next?


Are You In Control Of Your Business Or Does It Control You?

If you feel like the proverbial hamster on the wheel… running furiously in your business but not getting anywhere fast, then you're not alone and it's probably not your fault. You see far too many small business owners today are worn out physically, emotionally and financially. It goes something like this… I feel isolated and under pressure all the time with no obvious solutions.

remember the last time you were fully “present” with family or friends, and really enjoyed yourself.

I can’t remember the last time I had a full day off without thinking about work.

As for hobbies, looking after your health or going away for a long weekend… forget it.

I’m exhausted much of the time just trying to get it all done.

Or maybe you just feel “down”. Far too many people are trapped in businesses that are not fulfilling and are driving them crazy. Or if they do enjoy what they do, they’re not sufficiently rewarded for the time, experience and expertise they put into them.

Everything costs a LOT. Government red tape frustrates me and sucks my time. Staff, staff… bloody staff! Getting and keeping new clients is so hard these days. Everything changes so fast I just can’t seem to keep up. I have trouble balancing sales with capacity. Growth just seems like more work and more time I don’t have. I can’t see a way out or what options to take to move forward. Sound familiar? For a good number of small and medium business owners the fun went out of work a long time ago. In fact, if you’re like many, you probably can’t even

Or perhaps you’re at that frustrating crossroads point: your business is growing and you’re in control but you need help to take it to the next level and really ramp things up so you can enjoy the success you just know is out there waiting for you. If any of these scenarios resonated with you, keep reading because there is a clearer, easier way forward. No matter where you are at right now, one thing is absolutely 100% certain and crystal clear: MORE WORK, LONGER HOURS IS NO SOLUTION! What is, then? Well, for those who’ve joined the StreetSmart community their lives are now radically different. One simple decision, made by countless ordinary business owners, has seen their lives transformed


Are You In Control Of Your Business Or Does It Control You?

from one of stress, anxiety and money problems to one where they’ve won back their life and fallen in love with their work all over again.

They’ve gone from “slave” to their business to “master” of their lives. You’ll see in these pages countless examples of such transformation stories. To explain… StreetSmart is a “high end” environment unlike any other in this country. It’s been called THE meeting place for SERIOUS entrepreneurs (the ‘gunna do this’ and ‘get round-to-it’ fence sitters naturally stay away, but the people truly wanting to create their dream lifestyle are attracted to this school like a beacon). It’s a place where deals are done and joint ventures secured. Many describe the StreetSmart experience as like stepping through a “portal” most business owners don’t even know exists… where the rules are different AND … where ordinary folk achieve extraordinary results at lightning speed. StreetSmart challenges the “traditional” thinking and concepts which got you to where you are today and has been responsible for helping create arguably more “financially free” everyday business owners than any other environment they know of. Participants report game changing results from


often radical and sometimes controversial marketing solutions which create massive income in record time. Just by joining a high end community like this a certain magic happens. You quickly regain your enthusiasm. Because you’re surrounded by like-minded positive people you get inspired and the ideas start to flow again. When you share your challenges you find many others have experienced the same and worked their way through to the other side. Their advice is invaluable because it shortcuts the learning process. Secondary benefits also emerge over time… members report the fun returning to their business. Or a boost in their leadership ability. Or a rediscovery of work-life balance. Many even return to long lost hobbies or become fitter and healthier. New friendships are formed and suddenly the loneliness and isolation many small business owners often feel simply melts away. Having a sounding board to bounce ideas off and help you look at problems from different angles does wonders for your confidence... and results. Who knows, you could even be the next entrepreneur to have the “Frustratingly Beautiful” experience of waking up one day wondering “where the money has been hiding all these lean years”!!

Are You In Control Of Your Business Or Does It Control You?



SITUATION Grant and Ali Halupka came to Streetsmart in 2011 at a time when South Australia was in drought and the sales of their shed building company were in sharp decline. They could not leave the business or it would cease to operate. WHAT HAPPENED For the first year Ali and Danny were challenged by the ideas of actually doing marketing to get business for their company. In fact, they nearly quit after one year because the knowledge was so foreign to them , but as they were walking out of the Business School they saw our USP

“Achieving financial and lifestyle freedom for serious business owners in 3-5 years or less.” They decided they had only given it one year so that was not a fair effort and they turned around and sat back down in our Business School . In the next 90 days it was as if a light switch had been turned on. They implemented one of our most powerful lead generation systems called a “Shock and Awe”(see p20) They put our customer relationship systems in place. They learned how to write compelling copy so that they could create compelling offers.

online solution and finally, as we wish with all of our students, they became true ‘Masters of Business’. RESULT Ali and Danny Halupka have now been Streetsmart Students for over 4 years. They take long weekends every couple of months. They regularly have holidays and leave the management team to run the company. Their business has has grown well over 500% from when they first arrived at Streetsmart. Ali and Danny Halupka

They executed an effective


Are You In Control Of Your Business Or Does It Control You?

In this environment getting rich slow is NOT a virtue… AND… there’s NOTHING sinister about getting rich quickly! No one argues being in business for yourself is easy. But it doesn’t have to be the impossible dream you may feel it is now. If you’re serious about taking your business to the next

level, want solutions to customer acquisition, staffing or profitability problems, or you want to structure your business ready for your big payday sale then StreetSmart is for you. Our clients read like a who’s who of business elite. In fact, over the last 8 years alone we’ve helped more than 2,536 business owners.

If you feel it’s time to go from slave to master where you are in control and loving what you do again, then all it takes is one simple decision to follow these three steps...

1 2 3

Take the short self-assessment quiz on the next page to see where you are “at” in your business Keep reading to hear from business owners just like you that turned their businesses around FAST and the StreetSmart specialised services they used to get them there





We have had about a 91% growth. We just put that down to StreetSmart’s marketing systems We met StreetSmart in December 2005. With their help we were able to relaunch our new company and using strategies they provided, we doubled our sales within 18 months to our customer group. Our new approach also allowed us to win over major corporate customers with some worth over half a million dollars a month. We now have a very viable business, and a process


that we’re now safe to licence to other engine reconditioners throughout Australia. It has been an incredible jouney and within 3 years we have had about a 91% growth. We are putting on 5 new customers per day. We put that down to StreetSmart’s marketing systems and the way they teach. The information they have given us has just been sensational, and we just can’t thank them enough.

Carl Smith & Mark Selbst, GKIC Marketers of the Year 2010

Myth Busting Checklist

Myth busting checklist Are you living the dream or simply dreaming? Ask yourself these questions to see if you need to rethink your small business goals. Are you truly happy and fulfilled in the work you’re presently engaged in?



Are you earning what you are truly worth and working the hours you want to work rather than the hours someone else tells you you have to work?



Are you living the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of and are entitled to because of the skills you’ve developed and the price you’ve paid?











Have you found the opportunity that will take care of you and your family for the rest of your life, including your retirement years? Have you accepted the fact that things “are what they are” and that you’re “okay” with your present situation and that things will somehow work out over the long haul? Do you have an ‘end goal’ in mind for your business and a set plan on how to get there?

Can you leave your business at any time and for any length of time without worrying that things may fall apart?

If you answered NO to more than three of the questions above, then you probably already realise you may have fallen into this trap... but you don’t have to stay there! Far too many people are trapped in businesses that are not fulfilling and are driving them crazy. Or if they do enjoy what they do, they’re not sufficiently rewarded for the time, experience and expertise they put into them. StreetSmart Business School has helped create more first generation millionaires than arguable any other coaching organisation in Australia, and they can help you to.



How StreetSmart Can Help You

HOW StreetSmart CAN HELP YOU We’ve helped over 2,500 business owners rekindle their passion for business, streamline their operations, develop systems, fine tune their marketing and turn their business into the success story they always knew it could be. Make this the year for true change! Make it different.

WANT TO GET STARTED? CALL TODAY ON 1300 881 671 TO FIND OUT HOW TO PUT AN END TO BUSINESS UNCERTAINTY AND TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCES, YOUR FUTURE AND YOUR LIFESTYLE TODAY! Or to learn more, keep reading to discover a ‘Street Smart’ range of industry leading, business solution products designed on the front line especially for small and medium business owners.


StreetSmart Business Success Club


StreetSmart Business Mastery Live 12 Month Training


StreetSmart Shock and Awe Lead Generation System


StreetSmart Million Dollar Business Makeover


StreetSmart Business Advisor Program


StreetSmart Centurion Coaching


StreetSmart Business Success Club

Streetsmart business success club

Even If You’re Cashflow Challenged Right Now, the Streetsmart Business Success Club is Priced to Ensure Every Business Owner Has the Right Tools to Get Back On Track.. FAST! Your first step to achieving financial and lifestyle freedom in 3-5 years or less in your business...


StreetSmart Business Success Club

Would you like the step by step road map that has helped over 2,500 business owners take their business to the next level... even if cashflow is tight right now? Delivered to your doorstep bi-monthly, the StreetSmart Business Success Club will take you on business development journey through structured training modules delivered in both written and DVD formats in easy to implement bite sized chunks. It has been deliberately priced to ensure every business owner has the tools they need to move their business forward and get their cashflow back on track. You will receive:

Valued at

StreetPress Magazine & Success Module Workbook Filled with practical and PROVEN ideas and strategies that will help you grow your business. Inside StreetPress you will find your ‘Success Club’ module workbook helping you nail a key transformational business process.


Success Training Module DVD To accompany your workbook, this training $197 DVD steps out the module strategies in real time with real life examples for maximum benefit. Accountability Call This will ensure you actually implement the knowledge you receive


Hour of Power ‘Ask Ian’ Q & A With Ian Marsh Join a live webinar to ask Ian any pressing questions about your business and the current training module.


EXTRA BONUS #1: One Day Business Mastery Live Training where you will learn ideas and strategies that could potentially add $1000’s to your bottom line. (Clients pay $997 p/mth to be part of this powerful environment)


EXTRA BONUS #2: A Business Acceleration Call where, if you have a viable operating business, one of my ‘Business Growth Consultants’ will uncover at least $30,000 of hidden profits



YOU PAY just $97.00 per month

What to do next... To find out more about the StreetSmart Business Success Club or enrol today phone 1300 881 671 or email 14

StreetSmart Business Mastery


How Would You Like to Tap Into the Success Secrets of a Mentor Who Has Created HUNDREDS of MILLIONS in Revenue for SME’s Around Australia? Are you ready for a ‘no risk’ MASSIVE boost to your business protected by our industry leading DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE?


StreetSmart Business Mastery

Would you like to learn how to implement the same cutting edge business success principles which took Perth Furniture Store Owner Fiona Steddy from $6 million to $ $12 million, Steve Taylor and Dan Rushton at Christchurch Removals from $$800K to $3.85 million and Patio Builder Dean McKain from $40,000 per mth online to OVER $240,000 per mth? Now you can, plus if you don’t make back 5 x your investment in the training, we will give you DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK which means you can learn at NO RISK. I’m that confident, if you apply yourself like other business owners have before you, you’ll experience the same incredible results. This could be the answer you’ve been looking for. * Have you ever wished you automatically knew how to analyse your competition, create marketing campaigns that attract prospects to you without having to spend a fortune on advertising, how to keep a customer longer and how to provide such an amazing customer experience that referrals will just start flooding in? Business Mastery covers this and much more. It’s fair to say that the relative success of your business will have a huge impact on your future income and happiness... which is why it’s so important to keep evolving your organisation and developing your personal skill set. ... but the reality is: MOST business owners do not commit to constant improvement. In fact: > Only 39% of small businesses make a profit and of those only 44% of business owners hope to expand their business within the next year > T he average income of most small business owners is between $50k-$80k and yet the average hours are close to 70 hours a week > Over 80% of small-business owners do not set goals > 7 7% of small-business owners have not met the majority of their dreams What’s even more disturbing is that 81% of Australian small business owners plan to retire in the next 10 years and 75% of them have no exit strategy.


If you’re part of these worrying statistics, then it’s time to get concerned, because it really could leave your business, and future, in ruins. The good news is… there’s still time to do something about it! For a comparatively small investment per month our industry leading Business Mastery Program has been designed to offer the key to complete financial freedom. So if you have a burning desire to make more money right now, you believe in a g ood old-fashioned work ethic to make it happen, and you are teachable, self-reliant and positive …then keep reading. No matter what industry you’re in, what level of skill you have, or where your business is at right now, you’ll learn to implement the cutting edge success principles, which have taken thousands of Australian businesses from ordinary to extraordinary. Why it pays to become a master of your business... > Over the years the StreetSmart Business Mastery Program has helped hundreds of business owners achieve financial freedom in 3 to 5 years or less > I t has taught business owners how to build powerful relationships with clients so they turn into lifelong advocates

* Qualifying Conditions Apply

> It has ensured that clients will eagerly refer others to you if you if you have the correct systems in place > It has ensured you’re the only logical choice for your product or service regardless of price >

It has helped regular business owners possess the world’s most powerful money making skills which took Perth furniture store owner Fiona Steddy from $6 million to $12 million, Steve Taylor and Dan Rushton at Christchurch Removals from $1 million to $2.5 million and patio builder Dean McKain from $40,000 per month online to $240,000 per month!

Just imagine if your competitor enrols and gets this information… it would be like them getting the “keys to the kingdom”! Don’t get caught out like Larry Geltch of Homemakers Lifestyle on the Sunshine Coast (in his own words): “When I walked in to StreetSmart it made me realise I didn’t have an exit strategy and I was of retirement age. In 15 months with the company I’ve been able to double my business and reach my goal of employing a manager and walking out 4 years early.” No matter what industry you’re in, what your level of skill, or where your business is ‘at’ right now, StreetSmart Business Mastery can help to take you to financial and lifestyle freedom in 3 – 5 years or less.



It just takes a recipe and if you follow the recipe you will get a result! When you said that we were doing ok, we probably weren’t doing ok. Me personally, I was driving twice a week away from my family. I didn’t really have a business I had a job.We were very sceptical at the start, it was ‘this was a lot of money’ but very quickly we were like ‘what can we buy’ ... we knew the concepts and what we were hearing was perfect. We have a strong marketing aspect. When I first joined Streetsmart I thought it was all about marketing, everything was about marketing and if I get this marketing thing right it would excel me to riches sort of thing, once we started the coaching program with you Ian, I thought we have to get all the backend stuff right as well. We had 28-30 staff doing a million dollars worth of trading - now $2.5 million dollars. Nothing happens overnight, it takes time and it just takes a recipe and if you follow the recipe you will get results. My biggest thing is to set goals and we do as we are told. Dan & Steve, Christchurch Removals, NZ

Isn’t it time you met your full potential? What to do next...

To find out more about the StreetSmart Business Mastery 12 Month Training Course phone 1300 881 671 or email


StreetSmart Business Mastery

After 15 years of very expensive experience, we have created what I believe is the most powerful business growth program in existence. If you implement the strategies in our system religiously you will achieve results you never thought were even possible. In fact, I GUARANTEE it! Ian Marsh

CEO Streetsmart Business School

The StreetSmart Business Mastery 12 Month Training Course Includes: An updated 174 page ‘Your Business Success Manual’ 8 Business Training Sessions per Year. Meeting in most states in a mastermind environment for half day workshops you will learn the StreetSmart way of doing business. 12 Months Attendance at StreetSmart Business School. Imagine learning from Business Masters such as past keynotes Gina Rinehart, Rodney Adler (love him or hate him, he had some very painful lessons to share about FAI - his strategies that got him to the top and the life lessons he learned by going to jail) and Margaret Court to name a few. Be in the room as they share their wisdom on how to improve your business and your life. If you have ever asked staff to do tasks and been frustrated that they have never been actioned then get ready to solve this PROBLEM. Your productivity is about to improve 10 fold with access to one of the most advanced business software systems ever created - KPI Dashboard. Monthly Board Meeting with a Certified Business Advisors. Imagine having a Certified Business Advisor (who only achieve certification when they help a business owner achieve at least a 30% improvement in their business) work with you on a monthly basis to help you stay on track. Each month, you can join a Q&A with Ian Marsh for an hour by webinar to ask any question you like. (This access would normally cost you $500 per hour). You will become a member of the StreetSmart Business Success Club where bi-monthly you will receive StreetSmart strategies, case studies and a 30 minute StreetSmart training DVD delivered to your door on the critical systems to put into your business to succeed.

About StreetSmart Business School Meeting three times per year around Australia. StreetSmart Business School is the environment that has created arguably more millionaires and multi-millionaires than any other organisation! Where the “Who’s Who” of entrepreneurs gather and openly share their million dollar ideas. It is a place where traditional thinking and beliefs about succeeding in business are challenged by controversial concepts and later shaped into stream-line money making solutions. It is a place where your biggest frustration can be flipped upside down and turned into a cash cow opportunity in just one single conversation. This is your opportunity to learn from a ‘Real-Time-Tested’ Guru who has bought more business (sometimes neglected and almost lifeless) and injected radical & controversial marketing strategies and then flipped them for a mind-blowing profit in record time. 18

StreetSmart Business Mastery


From 150 to 5000 website hits a month Hi folks, it’s Scott from Wardrobe Choice. I have a wardrobe design and installation company on the Sunshine Coast. About 4 months ago, I handed the SEO for my website over to Streetsmart. At that time I was only getting around 150 hits if I was lucky. Now that really wasn’t doing anything for the office phones or for sales as you can imagine. Dismal point. Within 4 months, we are now getting 5000 plus hits a month on the website. It is an amazing result and put me on page 1 with the big boys. A great place to be, feels great. The phones are running a lot hotter in the office for wardrobes and shelving. It’s now not worrying about how we are going to get the work in but more how are we going to get the work done. We actually now have too much work, it’s an amazing result in just 4 months and I’m so blown away. Thanks so much to those from Streetsmart. I am dumbfounded, this is an amazing result, I highly recommend you guys, true professionals. Scott Dunbar, Wardrobe Choice, Sunshine Coast

Following advice from Streetsmart Advisors we have managed to increase our conversion rate to over 90% and our average sale price has gone up to around about 80% Hi I am Sophie from the Clean Team. We have been with Streetsmart for about 4 months and been in business 15 years. We have learned so much in 4 months more than we have in 15 years. Following advice from Streetsmart Advisors we have managed to increase our conversion rate to over 90% and our average sale price has gone up to around about 80%. We are more than happy with everything we are learning. It is amazing, our business just keeps growing and evolving. Sophie - Clean Team

From $0 to $250k a month

Doubled the service that I offer which is vending machines and tripled the income Hi my names Sharon Coats and I have been a customer of Streetsmart for a few months now. In that time I have turned my business around, the things I have learned from Streetsmart have allowed me to improve my customer service and actually improve the bottom line of my business. I have actually doubled the service that I offer which is vending machines and tripled the income from what I have learned from Streetsmart. Sharon Coats, Melbourne

I think it’s fair to say he saved our business and saved our marriage and probably saved our life as well! At the time our business was struggling a little bit, we were going backwards. Sometimes between thousands of dollars a month and looked like we were going to be in strife. Along came StreetSmart and we quickly ascended into his coaching program and a little over 12 months later things are just so much brighter for us now. Our business is in the black, it’s hard to imagine exactly what we used to do before using StreetSmart’s stuff introduced so many different strategies and plans into our business making it stronger and stronger. I think it’s fair to say he saved our business and saved our marriage and probably saved our life as well. We definitely owe it to StreetSmart and their coaching. Brian and Cathy Parker

Hi I am Jason Fisher. I came to Streetsmart as a struggling electrician. StreetSmart niched me into Solar Power. Within 3 months I went from a start-up company from turnover of $0 to $250k a month despite the fact I knew little or nothing about marketing. Jason Fisher

...bottom line has gone up by at least 50% Ever since I’ve been a part of StreetSmart’s environment I have been an absolute learning machine. I have changed the name, I have changed the profile, I’m looking to go national, my whole ideas have been changed my business turnover by more than 25%. And the bottom line which I am more interested in, has gone up by at least 50% which is what makes me happy and I know if I wasn’t part of StreetSmart’s environment I wouldn’t have made it happen so thanks mate. Garth Lewis

Gone from turning over $800k per year to $4 million per year! I have two businesses called Rural Kit Homes and Fix Price Granny Flats in Sydney. I met StreetSmart 3.5 years ago and did the Million Dollar Makeover. Since then my business has completely changed. We’ve gone from turning over $800k per year to $4 million per year. We are branded as the expert in Sydney in our market and left our competitors left for dead. The whole process through StreetSmart has been completely life changing and I couldn’t recommend highly enough. It will change your life. Greg Messer, Rural Kit Homes and Fix Price Granny Flats


StreetSmart Shock and Awe


What Would Happen if You Had a Reliable, Predictable, Affordable Lead Generation System in Your Business that You Could Turn On And Off Like a Tap? The ‘Shock and Awe’ Lead Generation System is arguably one of the most powerful prospect magnets every created. It is a ‘game-changer’ in the way your business can uncover, introduce and convert new customers. A jam-packed, multi-media indoctrination package, it produces ‘ready to buy’ customers with every concern addressed and every question answered. Before even speaking with your prospects for the first time they will have already been ‘blown away’ by your stand-out service and be positioned ready to buy.

Learn how the Shock and Awe system transformed a local Perth Business



StreetSmart Shock and Awe

Bernie Kroczek, Bernie Kroczek Real Estate

The inspiring true story of how an everyday Perth businessman, in one of today’s least trusted professions, was able to build a multi-million dollar business thanks to this easy marketing system. According to a survey published in the Sydney Morning Herald recently, those selling real estate are in the third LEAST trusted of professions. How is it then that one honest man has been able to ethically build a multi-million dollar business and turn around the tide of today’s cynical and difficult marketplace? It’s true… the number one barrier to any sale, and therefore business success today, is trust. Unless you do something different. Meet Bernie Kroczek, who in just a few short years, has transformed his local real-estate business and openly owes a lot of his success to the Shock and Awe system.

“I’ve had people sign up with us just on the basis of reading my Shock and Awe, it’s that powerful. It paves the way for you, it gets rid of major objections and you get qualified buyers wanting to do business with you. It’s a top quality product and no one else is doing anything like this so you’re going to stand out from the crowd immediately! As they say, first impressions are everything and this is the epitome of first impressions.” The ‘Shock and Awe’ is a multi-media marketing system created by StreetSmart Business School that everyday business owners like Bernie can have completely “done for them”, customised and delivered for immediate implementation. Why has it been so successful? When a Shock and Awe Pack arrives in your prospects’ hands it is so much more than they expected. It


StreetSmart Shock and Awe

immediately builds authority, credibility and celebrity. You can be assured this tool with blow your fiercest competitor out of the water. The secret of the system is that it takes into account people’s different learning styles. Your prospect gets your sales message in written form, via a carefully structured interview with you as the expert, and by using a professionally constructed website.

The diagram on the following page shows how the Shock and Awe System works and why it is so successful. While your competitors are out there selling, usually at the lowest price, with a Shock and Awe system working for you, you are no longer seen as the uninvited pest. It changes the dynamic so you are the trusted guest who earns the right to ask for the sale. “When people get the Shock and Awe half your work is done,” says Bernie from Total Property Management.

In this day and age, positioning is everything and with your Shock and Awe pack, you are placed at the top of your niche.

Bernie said he loved the fact it was all done for you by the StreetSmart team and professionally produced which really helps with your positioning.

Bernie is in the real estate space but the best news of all is that there is almost no industry where the ‘Shock and Awe’ cannot be used.

“It’s a top quality product and no one else is doing anything like this so you’re going to stand out from the crowd immediately,” he said. And does it help build trust?

Industries the Shock and Awe works beautifully in:

“As they say, first impressions are everything and this is the epitome of first impressions.” The whole process takes approximately three months.

> Building and construction > Solar > Services such property management and maintenance

> Health and Beauty Coaching > Real Estate > Property Management > Automotive > Logistics > Finance and Financial Services > Franchising > Removals > Promotions > Air Conditioning > Tourism > Event Management > Engineering > Security Services


Plus many more

You will then have proven, high converting lead generation devices, a stunning website, professional 7-step sales brochure, recorded “radio interview” which positions you as the expert and complete follow up online and offline system. All that’s left for you to do is implement and put the system to work. By the time the prospect has finished reading the pack they are already predisposed to buy. It is the closest thing business owners today, in this untrusting world, get to having their own “ultimate” salesperson who doesn’t have to be paid every week. So what does Bernie Kroczek have to say to anyone contemplating using this done-for-you sales system? “Get one and your business will go forward, no problems whatsoever.”

If you want to change the sales dynamic for your business and create authority, trust and even celebrity BEFORE the sale is even made, then like Steve and Bernie, consider the Shock and Awe system.

StreetSmart Shock and Awe

*printing not included


StreetSmart Shock and Awe

Here’s what’s included in the StreetSmart Shock and Awe System:


The “Shock and Awe” System is a Complete Game-Changer

Initial breakthrough phone call where your businesses ‘Big Idea’ will be uncovered to ensure your Shock and Awe is as targeted as possible to connect with your prospects Hard hitting, highly responsive ‘ugly ad’ style lead generation advert for maximum attention and conversion Additional lead generation items for magazine, newspaper or direct mail advertising including an advertorial and authentic style tear sheet 1800 phone message script to take all the guess work out of leaving an effective recorded message to encourage prospects to leave their details for further contact Professionally written and optimally designed Shock and Awe landing page to encourage maximum conversions generated from your lead generation materials 3 step email follow-up sequence to ensure those that request your Shock and Awe are kept up to date with your offer and keep you top of mind through their research phase. PLUS.... your complete ‘Shock and Awe Income Explosion’ package in soft copy including professional copywriting and graphic design plus a recorded interview supplied as downloadable MP3 to be converted to Audio CD.*

What to do next... To find out more about the StreetSmart Shock and Awe Sytem phone:

1300 881 671

or email


It moves the customer dynamic - from mistrusted “sales” to lead generation

It positions YOU and your business as an authority because the customer has come to you... PLUS, you give them, for FREE, a multi-media pack which is so much more than they expected

You then are ideally placed to go to the client as the AUTHORITY because they have come to you. You also now give them the information they requested which is way more than they ever expected and a cut above what even your fiercest competitor is doing

Because you have helped them as the authority, the invited guest, not the pest... you have earned the right to ask for the sale... yes you now come from a position of strength.

Your offer is seen, believed and given careful consideration

The prospect naturally transitions into a client

For prospects who don’t buy immediately you let the system do the work via online and offline

StreetSmart Shock and Awe


“OUR WEBSITE SALES WENT FROM $40,000 TO $240,000 PER MONTH� ONE STOP PATIO SHOP, WESTERN AUSTRALIA SITUATION Dean Mckain came to Streetsmart when the GFC was starting to hit. He was concerned that his business might be affected badly by what was coming. After doing an audit of the business it was obvious that the staff had no buy in to the business. They were not taking the owners requests seriously, the sales conversions were low, there were huge call back and labour and material costs that were way over budget and as a result profitability was poor. Ian Marsh recognised the symptoms because he owned a large airconditioning company in the past and a similar situation had occurred in his business. Streetsmart recommended that before he starts to spend money on marketing and getting more business coming in the door, he should create a standard and a minimum performance expectation that the team had to adhere to.

In addition to this Dean McKain went through the Streetsmart Business Advisor training where he learned the Streetsmart consulting skills and created the ability to look at his company from a consultants perspective rather than a Business Owners perspective. We created an effective website and online marketing system. We created powerful guarantees. He made a stand on the standards that he wanted from his installations and would not accept inferior work from his staff any longer. We developed a Shock and Awe marketing system for the Business.

Due to Deans commitment to quality and service his reputation quickly spread and within less than a year he was recognised as one of the leading Patio businesses in the whole of Perth. His warranty work and call backs dropped to negligible levels. He only allowed the very best staff to work for him, and over the next 6 months became one of the most sought after Patio business in Perth booked out for months in advance. In addition to this, his profitability improved dramatically and finally, due to the skills he learned as a Business Advisor, he now buys, builds and sells businesses that he buys for less than market value, improves them and sells them for very big paydays.

RESULT After the initial launch of the website his sales went from $40,000 per month to $240,000 per month.

Dean McKain


StreetSmart Million Dollar Makeover


Would You Like a ‘Done With You System’ to Double Your Profits and Systemise Your Business Ready For Sale? If you want one-on-one coaching, and an expert team developing systems and helping you create a profitable, scaleable, saleable business instead of a glorified job then the Million Dollar Makeover Program could be right for you.*

* Limited places available each year. 26

StreetSmart Million Dollar Makeover

Imagine this… you’ve been in business for 15 years. You’re a recognised market leader who is in fact the largest company of its type in the country. Life is good, and based on all your predictions, with all the hard work you’ve put in, you’re set for your best year ever… then all of a sudden, BANG, the banks step in, change the rules and give you and 5,999 others in your industry just 4 weeks to sell or close your doors. How would you feel?

For Roger Stuart, then the owner of Forex Group, it was devastating. ““I felt empty, numb, I thought, “this is it”. After 15 years and all that work, it ends like this with one change,” he said. “Worse still we employed 16 people and my first thoughts were how I was going to look after my staff, then how was I going to look after my clients and then the big one, how was I going to look after ourselves. It’s an awful position to be in,” Roger said.

managed to split the business and sold a piece to each of our competitors who wanted to grow and stop others growing,” Roger said.

Why one succeeds when others fall over so easily When so many businesses folded almost overnight, how is it one stands out and is able to find a solution amongst the industry wreckage? The answer lies in what Roger does now.

Panic or get a job…

New beginnings

“I even contemplated walking away and getting a job but as anyone who’s been in business knows, the thought of a j-o-b is just painful.”

“We’ve become a marketing business. All we do is put all the prospects out there who used to be our customers together with the companies that used to be our competitors,” Roger said.

Forex Group had, for over a decade, provided foreign currency exchange services for import/export businesses. Then, the ones who controlled the money, the banks, decided they would no longer provide accounts and services. “We had already decided to sell but not for two or three years so being given four weeks was one scary experience,” he said. “Lucky for us we were able to sell to our biggest competitors, international banks that were not doing what the Australian banks were doing or affected by them.

“I still pinch myself a little because this is now so much easier and more fun because we now never have to deal with the customer, we don’t have to worry about the regulators and all the licensing fees and we still make good money from commissions from the clients we send their way.” What made the difference… “This is all thanks to Ian Marsh and the Million Dollar Makeover program we were doing.” Roger said one of the key principles taught to him by StreetSmart was to always think ahead and consider “what’s next”.

“We didn’t have much time to feel sorry for ourselves and

“One of the biggest reasons businesses fail is they do not have an affordable, reliable, predictable lead generation system for their business.” Ian Marsh

CEO Streetsmart Business School


StreetSmart Million Dollar Makeover

“We had put a lot of the marketing systems in place and thanks to all we had been learning we had a million ideas around direct response and the science of marketing. All the fear we had at the initial shock quickly disappeared. “We’ve turned what could easily have been a disaster, and was for many, into a great triumph and we’re much happier now,” he said. Regrets…

What about regrets?

Surely going through a massive upheaval like that leaves a dark impression on you? “Really, I only have two regrets: one that we weren’t with StreetSmart five years ago, and two, that as scary as it was, I wish this had happened a few years ago!” Roger said. “Putting all the methods in place as we were taught to do gave us the ideas, skills and confidence to start our new business. It was a blessing in disguise and StreetSmart really was our lifesaver.”

Advice for current business owners

Roger Stuart

Having been through a perfect storm and survived, what advice has Roger got for fellow business owners? “Simple. Work on being a marketer. It’s the most important skill you can have because when you learn it you can never be broke. We are living proof of the truth of this.” Imagine what your life would be like if you had a systemised business that did not control your life and had a lead generation system that you could turn on and off at will? The Million Dollar Business Makeover solves that problem by us doing 90% of the work for you.

The Million Dollar Business Makeover was designed after seeing the need for a done-with-you solution for busy business owners. If you’re wanting to dramatically increase the value of your company then the Million Dollar Business Makeover is for you. If you want to double your profits and systemise your business ready for sale, then the Million Dollar Business Makeover program is for you.


StreetSmart Million Dollar Makeover

Here’s a summary of what you will receive when you enrol in the StreetSmart Million Dollar Makeover

Confidential Business Audit delving inside your core business to discover its strengths and weaknesses Strategic Planning with Ian Marsh Creation of a Dynamic Business Plan The Ultimate Shock And Awe Customer Conversion Income Explosion System or Our Unique, Streetsmart Autopilot Systemisation System (SASS) that will have your business systems and processes operating tighter than the space shuttles airlocks You will have access to operations software so precise and easy to understand that even your grandmother could open the software and start running your business We will create an effective online presence and lead generation system for you to ensure leads start being generated in a reliable, predictable manner Keep Your Progress on Track Using KPI Dashboard Management Software Fortnightly Accountability Coaching with a Certified Business Advisor where they will work with you, project manage your business development, help you remove any obstacles and assist you in implementing new StreetSmart strategies in your business 6 x Locked Door Full Day Mastermind Sessions directly following Business School. You will spend the day with Ian Marsh master-minding and workshopping cutting edge business solutions into your business to help you achieve your goals more easily and at speed 16 x ‘Google Hangout’ Group Q&A Sessions - You will have access to Ian Marsh’s treasure trove of knowledge to ask any business solution related questions 2 Years Membership to ‘Streetsmart Business School’ where you can learn from true Masters of Business, meet other successful business owners and build life long friendships with the other forward thinking Business Owners 2 Years Membership to ‘Streetsmart Business Mastery Monthly Coaching’ where you will implement the things you are learning along with other Business Owners to make sure you get things done... (INSTEAD OF JUST THINKING ABOUT THEM!) Entry to ‘Outstanding Business Of The Year’ and the chance to win a holiday of a lifetime staying in Ians 5 star apartment in Orlando Florida (just 10 minutes from Disney World) for you and a partner. Get ready for a fantastic holiday!!

What to do next.... To find out more about StreetSmart Million Dollar Business Makeover or request an application form, please phone 1300 881 671 or email


StreetSmart Business Advisor Program


Would You Like a 6 or 7 Figure Income as a Highly Paid, In -Demand Business Consultant or Coach? Ruin to Rockin’ How everyday people like you smashed through their fears to create a life most only ever dream about (and how you can too!)


StreetSmart Business Advisor Program

Success and transformation stories to warm the heart of every entrepreneur…

According data by Gallup*, only 13 percent of people claim to be truly “engaged” or emotionally invested – and therefore happy - in their work. Shocking news, especially for a country as wealthy, free and privileged as Australia. What then does it take to be really happy in your work? It’s not an easy question to answer but vitally important to every person. Because it doesn’t matter which way you look at it, your work, what you spend most of your day doing has an enormous impact on your self-worth, how you relate to friends and family, and your overall life happiness. It’s true, this life can be anything you want it to be as long as you’ve got the right thought process, the right knowledge AND you take the right actions. And it doesn’t matter where you are “at” right now – it is possible to change everything in your life as these stories show… IRENE SCOTT – World leading Bridge Engineer turned entrepreneur who fought back from massive theft in her company to live her dream life Background: Corporate world engineer (and still is) who managed 35 people and spoke at international conferences Aim: Help as many people as possible

SCOTT KILPATRICK – Widely regarded as one of Central Queensland’s premier builders and sought after coach Background: Veteran of the building industry who owns one of the ‘big names’ in his region. Was personally invited by then Prime Minister John Howard to run for a Central Queensland seat at the 2007 election Aim: Help his community and family of 6 the best way he can Ruin: Foray into politics resulted in him taking his eye off the ball. Solvent, vibrant company went to $750,000 in debt and the brink of foreclosure… admitted to even making the “final decision” to get away from the heartbreak and embarrassment of not being able to provide for his family Rockin’: Realised he was the biggest stumbling block to his success. Learnt new ways to run his business which resulted in a complete turnaround. Recently bought 3 islands in Vanuatu and is developing a major resort on the main island. Is also a sought after coach to small business owners SAFFRON QUANTRELL – Single mum who went from struggling to super star business coach Background: Single Mother who was left to raise her son and keep a roof over their head, struggling to get by for 8 years.

Ruin: Purchased a blueberry farm (with some 50 staff ) as a hobby; suffered huge losses when one client “bought” half the harvest only to leave the country without paying; next day partner suffered a major heart attack

Aim: To provide a better life for her son and buy her dream home.

Rockin’: Learnt the right way to run and market a business. To prove it, she recently purchased a canvas business in Melbourne which she runs under management from her Sydney base while still working as an engineer and coaching her private business clients to success. The canvas business has doubled its turnover in just 5 months!

Rockin: Saffron approached Ian and asked to be trained as an Advisor. After some initial hesitation from Ian to take her on due to the responsibility of her becoming successful and raising her family, he accepted her into the program.

* employees-responsible-engagement.aspx

Ruin: After emmigrating from England, and divorcing her husband Saffron was left with no family or support.

Within three months Saffron had created her own successful consulting business helping her clients achieve 200 -300% improvements in their companies in the Port Stephens area of NSW, more than doubling her existing income in the process.


StreetSmart Business Advisor Program

What made the difference to these “everyday” business owners? They had the courage to take a leap and invest in themselves by enrolling in the world-class StreetSmart Business Advisor Training. Not only did this change their businesses; it changed their lives as well. So… ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY IN YOUR WORK? Because what we do each and every day has an enormous impact on our self-worth, confidence and how we relate to our families, friends and even ourselves. So if you aren’t 100% satisfied with your “lot” in life then only you can change it. If things haven’t changed in your life, what are you prepared to do to make them change? You see life’s too darn short… regret is a terrible emotion to live with. Most people endure their position in life because they simply don’t know how to change. THE GOOD NEWS… Many savvy business owners have already decided to do what it takes to change their lives by completing the world-class StreetSmart Business Advisor Training Program. Will you be next?

How to Create a 7-Figure Income in Your Dream NEW CAREER as a Respected Business Development Consultant Would you like to join an elite group of business owners that have created hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits for not only their clients, but for themselves? Are you...

> Interested in earning a 6 – 7 figure income? > The sort of person who gains satisfaction out of helping others succeed? > The owner (now or in the past) of your own business OR had “high level” management experience? > Have a burning desire to become financially free and live a lifestyle you are truly proud of?

If you are sick of the mundane, want a new challenge and enjoy the satisfaction and rewards of helping others create outrageously successful businesses and lives….then take the next step towards fulfilling your ultimate goals - TODAY

What to do next... To find out more about the StreetSmart Business Advisor Training Program phone 1300 881 671 or email

Streetsmart Consulting Success Blueprint 1


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Just a few of the success tools included with your Million Dollar Makeover

StreetSmart Business Advisor Program

Here’s a summary of what you will receive when you become a StreetSmart Business Advisor OR StreetSmart ‘Certified’ Business Advisor Start your advisor program with 6 days of intensive training at a luxury resort in Fiji or Thailand Including 6 nights accommodation. Learn our unique system for finding, converting and helping business owners achieve

massive success over six days in a locked down location in Fiji or Thailand including a lock down day to process your new knowledge and create an action plan for moving forward. Ian will work with you personally to help you formulate your action plan to move forward in your new career.




Resource Library

Containing the best copywriting training, marketing skills, 21+ kgs of ‘HOW TO’ material you can refer to continuously

Acquisition System

Our actual lead generation systems that we give to you to get qualified leads streaming into your new business

Conversion System

We teach you and provide you with the actual templates that allow you to never have to sell your services. Your prospects will actually ask to be your client.

Conversion Weapon

Our Competitive Intelligence Report (many of our advisors exceed 70% conversions with this powerful tool)

StreetSmart Manuals

Including: Sales Letters; Space Ads; Postcards; Press Releases & Promotions


Including: Business Growth Calculator & No Selling Presentation

Advisor Discounts

Receive a substantial discount on all trainings and products

Webinar Training

Regular webinar training to keep you on track in achieving your goals

Franchised StreetSmart Business Advisor

The ‘Instant Results System’ including: 10 Ways To Generate More Leads; Results System

63 Ways To Boost Conversion Rates; 53 Ways To Increase The Size Of Customer Transactions; 68 Ways Of Increasing Profit Margins; 55 Ways Of Increasing Frequency Of Purchases; 38 Ways To Increase The Number Of Years A Customer Does Business With You; 57 Ways Of Getting More Referrals

StreetSmart Business School

1 year FREE membership to Business School

Bonus Acceleration Workshops

3 Additional 1 Day Advisor Training Workshops focusing on honing specific advisor skills

Customers for Life Book

White Label Rights to your very own pre-written marketing book. The ultimate tool to position you as an expert in your niche

KPI Software

Our Systematic Consulting Software that analyses the weak points and helps develop your strategic plan for structuring a business ready for sale

StreetSmart Apprenticeship

You may have the opportunity to coach and be paid very well by helping Streetsmart Students utilise Streetsmart Business Systems. The perfect apprenticeship. (You MUST qualify to this privilege)

Paid Consulting

Be paid for running & managing StreetSmart Business Mastery Workshops 8 times a year (Franchisee’s can earn up to $5,000 for conducting half day workshops, although this is in no way a prediction or guarantee

Business Promotion

Your services will be actively promoted through the central StreetSmart website and have sales made on your behalf for your coaching clients


We will help you create a StreetSmart Business Mastermind, manage and coach the students in your group

Lead Generation

We will help you set up a StreetSmart Online Lead Generation System for your area. This will greatly assist in growing your local reputation


StreetSmart Business Advisor Program

Here’s a look at what you will experience over your 6 days

intensive training...

DAY 1: FIND A CLIENT! We are going to clearly explain the consulting world. We are going to prove beyond any doubt that you can earn a 6 or 7 figure income with minimal overhead, and... we are going to show you the world’s most powerful lead generation systems so that you can easily get leads for your new business. DAY 2: CONVERT A CLIENT. I will teach you the most powerful non-selling sales system on the planet. Many advisors report over a 70% conversion rate when using this process. In fact, most advisors report that the prospects actually ask them if they can help them improve their business. DAY 3 & 4: HELPING A CLIENT. We teach you the mechanical process to take someone through to improve their company in a systematic manner. Our business growth system has created hundreds of amazing success stories, and all of them are because we use a proven system to help them achieve their success. DAY 5: GOAL SETTING. We teach you the power of using software to set goals, hold people accountable and hit targets. We will also work on your mindset to remove blockages that may be holding you back from your own success.

DAY 6: THIS IS LOCKDOWN TIME. Rather than send you off with this information, and risk life getting in the way, we are going to get you to start creating your plans. You will spend time doing the things that need to be done to start to build your consultancy so that you have absolute clarity on how to create the business and the lifestyle you want to achieve.

Is it any wonder the StreetSmart Business Advisor Training is considered the most comprehensive, results oriented business consultant training in existence. 34

StreetSmart Business Advisor Program



Within 3 months I have tripled the investment I made with Streetsmart to become an Advisor. Not only has my existing horse training business had the most profitable months of all time, but I have my coaching clients and am actually being paid for helping them. This is so much fun. Thank you Ian

VINCENT BASS The experience was unbelievable, I am a professional Corporate trainer and deal with some very large organisations. I consider myself at the top of my game. But, after doing the four day intensive training with Ian on the Gold Coast, in the first day it showed me how Ito put an additional $200,000.00 into my own company let alone what I am about to do for my own clients. Truly amazing.


MATT BUCHEL I still can’t believe it! I did what Ian told me and had a client paying me $60,000.00 for my services, and I didn’t even see him in person!




CHRIS AND CHRISTINE VERNON The skills that I have acquired have not only helped me assist other business owners become successful, but, the benefits to my own business have been extraordinary. Chris completed an MBA in his early years, but the strategies that you learn as a StreetSmart Advisor really give you the practical, step by step processes and ability to transform businesses.

Ian, I cannot thank you enough for revealing your business and marketing secrets to me in your consulting program. Within 14 days I had a high paying client using your conversion system. Simply amazing. Thank you again


StreetSmart Centurion Coaching


Imagine What You Could Accomplish Working OneOn-One With a Business Coach that Has Created 5 Multi-Million Dollar Businesses & Helped His Clients Generate Hundreds of Millions in Revenue?


StreetSmart Centurion Coaching

Business, like most things in life, takes work if you want success, right? Though the savvy operators NEVER try to figure it all out for themselves. These sharp tools look for ways to leverage off those who have walked the same path as them but have succeeded to greater levels than they have.

If you want success in the new economy, it is more important than ever to have a mentor or coach. Top athletes have coaches. Most successful business owners do as well. The legendary Warren Buffet has said the certificate he keeps most proudly on his office wall does not relate to his educational achievements, or accountancy or finance but rather a course he did with Dale Carnegie early in his career. Dale Carnegie came to fame for the classic book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. Buffet counts what he learned from Carnegie as being pivotal to his success. Sir Richard Branson, when he founded Virgin Atlantic offering cut-price flights all over Europe, turned to one of his mentors in Sir Freddie Laker. Laker was the man who in 1977 founded Laker Skytrain, the first low-fare long-haul airline to offer flights between London and New York. Branson was going into the budget airline business cold so he went to someone who had “been there before him” to get the necessary skills, advice and training. And don’t assume it is just high flyers who benefit from an extra set of eyes guiding them. Ordinary, everyday business owners do as well. Take for example Mark Lewis from Bunbury in WA. He bought the family business and while he wasn’t struggling, he has gone onto massive success: “I’ve become a learning machine and I’ve changed my company’s name, changed it’s profile and changed my ideas. I’m looking at going national. My turnover is up 25% but what I’m really happy about is my profit has increased by at least 50%. If I wasn’t part of StreetSmart Business School this wouldn’t have happened.” Mark Lewis, WeatherSafe, Bunbury, WA. And even business owners who are really “hurting” can experience massive turn around as Cathy and Brian Parker from Tabitinga at Coffs Harbour did: “Being in the tourism industry we were severely affected by the down turn and the changes to the Aussie dollar.

We were in dire straights but thanks to us seeking out the advice of an expert we’ve not only saved our business and grown it 150% in a very short space of time, we are now looking to pass on our new found confidence and skills to other business owners.” Cathy and Brian Parker, Tabitinga, Coffs Harbour, NSW. What a coach or mentor does is short-cut your path to success. If they have walked the same path you are walking then chances are their “fresh eyes” help you see things from a different perspective. A coach will also be able to draw on their years of experience and give you virtually instant solutions it could otherwise take days, weeks or even months to figure out on your own. In this day and age there is no excuse for “going it alone” because there are many coaches out there, you just have to find the right one for YOU. The StreetSmart Centurion Program combines the full power of the StreetSmart Business School team to create a complete ‘Done For You’ marketing system ready to deploy into your business. Ian Marsh only works with 4 private clients at a time who are referred to as ‘Centurions’ and are part of Ian’s inner sanctum. Every Centurion that has followed Ian’s advice to the letter has achieved from 200% - 1500% improvements in their business. Along with personal coaching, the Centurion program includes a selection of StreetSmart products including: PP The Business Mastery Training Program PP StreetSmart Business School attendance To find out if Centurion Coaching is right for you call 1300 881 671


What to Do Next

Are You a Type of Business Owner Most Likely to Benefit from Working with StreetSmart Business School...

How do your business skills rate? Are you just surviving or are you prospering? Have you taken the necessary steps to “bullet proof” your business against our rapidly changing times? Or have you survived “on luck” or the “ignorance of your competitors” so far and you really don’t know what’s around the corner? I have seen first hand the horror stories of businesses failing and shared the unfortunate business owner’s pain. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are certain things you can do (should be doing!) to protect yourself. During the creation of 5 multi-million dollar business and a lot of expensive experience I have learnt, analysed, understood and developed certain success habits, marketing methodologies, certain processes and sales techniques that you to will need to master if you hope to survive in business today - not just to survive, but to structure your business so that it can run without you, become a cash machine that is profitable, saleable and scaleable! I believe nearly anyone can have a million dollar or even multi million-dollar payday if they just learn and apply these principles! Well, we’re about to find out exactly what your level of skill is! Take the quiz that follows. It is a simple “self assessment” style of quiz designed to give you a clear indication of “how you rate”. So read the following scenario and then complete the questions that follow to see if the Streetsmart environment is the right place for you!

SCENARIO You have been in business for at least 2 years, you employ some staff, your salary is lucky to pay the bills and each week you are concerned about making payroll. You have hit a certain turnover but you cannot seem to break through. Your day seems to be taken up with STUFF and you are not even sure what the STUFF is. All you know is that you spend most of your time putting out fires and answering questions from your staff. There seem to be a lot of customer complaints and try as you might, you cannot keep your overheads down to reasonable levels so the profits keep reducing. You cannot remember the last time you went on a holiday with your family or even had a weekend away with your spouse to show them how much you love them. You see your competitor go from strength to strength and try as you might, you cannot seem to break free of the challenges that keep reoccurring in your life. You are starting to lose the passion and excitement you had for your business because it is sucking the very life out of you.

Now answer the questions on the following page and see if you belong in the Streetsmart Environment....


What to Do Next

How StreetSmart are you? 1.

Your Response

If you see an idea or strategy that has worked for others and makes sense. You are an action taker and keen to learn these new skills and apply them in your own business



2. You are fed up with the same problems reoccurring in your business. You are taught how to implement simple systems in your company to eliminate this. Would you learn and apply these systems?



3. You discover new ways of marketing and making sales in business that has created hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for those that have implemented them. Would you be willing to step outside your comfort zone to apply them in your business?



4. You have been working at least 60 hours a week to run your business. You learn new productivity skills that can increase your effectiveness by 500%. Would you learn and apply them to your life?






6. You have been consumed by your business and not had a chance to let those you love know how much they mean to you. You realise that all the money in the world means nothing if you have no one to share it with. You learn new skills to keep your relationship strong and energised, Are you willing to apply them?



7. You learn that by applying systems and processes to your business it can actually run without you and in the process multiply its sale value by five times or more. Would you be willing to do what it takes to have a profitable, saleable, scaleable business?




You are surrounded by multi-millionaires in business that have one goal - to help you become more successful in your business. Are you willing to be coachable and accept that if they are at least 5 times more successful than you in a certain area, you will listen and apply their advice to your company?




You have proven experts in wealth teaching you proven strategies on how to achieve 3, 4 even 5 times higher returns on your savings than you receive from a bank. Would you let your money start working as hard as you do to provide for your future lifestyle?



Your health has suffered because you have been focused on improving and growing your business. You learn some simple steps that even the busiest person has time to implement. Would you apply them so that you can perform better at work?

Your Results: Number of ‘YES’ Responses Number of ‘NO’ Responses

So how did you go? Have you added up your ‘yes’ scores and your ‘no’ scores and written them in the boxes above? Then turn the page to see how you went.


What to Do Next

If you largely answered yes to these questions then you are perfect for StreetSmart and you have the right mindset for true success. Call us on 1300 881 671 to discuss how we can help you. If you mainly answered no to these questions then this may explain why your business is not performing to your expectations.

“After working with thousands of Business Owners over many years, I believe 90% of your success comes from the quality of your thought processes. The other 10% comes from strategies and tactics that you will learn over time.” If you believe something will work your probably right! If you believe something will not work you are also probably right.


The Next Step.... Are you serious about your business and financial future but not sure how to go about it? To learn more about how StreetSmart Business School can help take your business success to the next level contact us today by phoning 1300 881 671 or email




SITUATION Glen and Shaye Michaelides were partners in one of Perths largest four wheel drive modification shops. They grew during the mining boom and were highly sought after by the major motor dealers in W.A to modify the vehicles that were purchased by the mining companies to meet safety standards. For nearly 10 years they did not have to worry about work because they largely called the shots and the dealers danced to their tune.

business that was designed to do a million dollars a month of work with all of the overheads that that entails, and within 2 months their business had dropped by around 40% and they were haemorrhaging money each month. Ian Marsh consulted personally with them and took a look at the dynamics that were occurring in the business due to the sudden change of events. The partners were fighting continuously, there was major theft occurring and the morale of the staff was at an all time low.

Ian convinced Glen to become a celebrity in his own niche. A new customer relationship system was developed. An automated follow up process was created. Their online website was rebuilt using Streetsmart philosophies. Critical KPI’s were created and monitored, staff accountability systems were put in place and a complete ultimate marketing strategy was created to position Glen as the Ultimate choice. RESULT

Glen and Shaye recently reported Ian Marsh advised the owners that that they had so many leads they had difficulty keeping up with the only way Streetsmart could them. They have a continuous stay involved was if there was of online enquiries. They only one owner in the business, In business there really is only ways youofcanstream make more money: have created a staff morale due three to the massive difference However, the owners saw the rarely seen in business. Glen perspectives that both owners 1. Get more customers writing on the wall in regard to has difficulty walking down the had of how the business should the mining industry and came to street without being recognised operate. Ian navigated a semi 2. Get your customers to spend more money withbuy youout and then the Streetsmart for help. and most importantly. They amicable operate their business based on real work began. 3. Get your customers to spend of timethe ultimate in service At first their was no massivemore money with you over a longer period providing urgency to implementing He convinced Glen that they and relationships, not being the changes as the owners felt needed to live into their name cheapest and nastiest kid on the they had time on their side to of being the Ultimate four wheel block. Which ofrestructure these three are you doing? should the business. driveYou organisation. Anybe staffdoing all three! Glen and Shaye have now member that did not live by the You see if the owner shop in the above scenario had a system in place that accomplishes all three of these However, in of thethe words of Glen created the Ultimate Four Wheel new high standards was removed. Michaelides “It was likeopened a tap turned goals it wouldn’t matter who up next door or across the road. Drive Transformation Business in off.” A complete restructuring of the Australia! business was developed to fit Glen and Shaye Michaelides All of a sudden, the owners had a the new market demands and Due to the massive demand for their services the business grew to a $12 million dollar turnover and approx. 60 staff.

So which one would I recommend? Obviously the only one that accomplishes any of the three goals is number 7... creating a customer loyalty program (increasing your prices would chase away loyal customers, doing nothing


Need More Customers? Need More Leads? Need to Optimise Your Business? Need to Systemise Your Business? StreetSmart Business School can help. We’ve helped thousands of business owners take the right ACTION to transform their businesses into effective, streamlined, profit centered machines. All it takes is the RIGHT kind of action, like it did for Carl Smith and Mark Selbst from All Head Services in Melbourne: “A change in government regulations almost destroyed our business but thanks to the right guidance from the team at StreetSmart we doubled sales within 18 months and were putting on five new buying clients a week for a 91% growth in two years.”

They have since cashed out for a massive payday! To find out how StreetSmart Business School can help you take the right ACTION to get your business back on track phone 1300 881 671 or email




I really send a big thank you to Ian.



SSM has made it, for the first time in our lives, my wife and I are able to have time off! Hello my name is Scott Kilpatrick and I have a company called Affordable Quality Homes and I wanted to send you this email to say thank you. I know nobody has asked me to send this, I guess this is called a testimonial I suppose. I just wanted to say thank you to the SSM advisors. Its made a massive change, not only are we running profitably, extremely profitably with our systems but SSM has made it, for the first time in our lives, my wife and I are able to have time off. In fact the company now runs effectively and profitably without us and for me that is all its about so thank thank you thank you to SSM advisors and my coach who has been with me every step of the way to see this happen. Scott Kilpatrick, Affordable Quality Homes

Hello I would like to say a big thank you to Ian Marsh. 3 months ago I was ready to walk away from my business I was so disheartened. I didn’t know what to do next. Ian has taken me by the hand and with his guidance and support, has helped me become reenergised and reinvigorated about saving my business to a point where it’s ready for sale. It’s helped with my relationships as well as they were also suffering from the stress. I really send a big thankyou to Ian for what he has done and the help he has given me and the brightness of future he has shown me so thank you Ian and I wish you all the best. Sue Hudson



Quarter of our normal yearly income in just one week. Hi my name is Mick Hawes and I have a company called My Life and we have been coached by Ian Marsh for the last few months. The last week we have been able to use Ian’s ideas and earn a quarter of our normal yearly income in just one week. What’s really exciting about that is we did it pretty badly in the beginning because we were just learning but I am so excited about the future because doing it that badly and getting such an awesome result is just tremendously exciting, so watch out when we get it correct so thanks StreetSmart. Mick Hawes, My Life


StreetSmart Business School is a business success organisation that has been created to provide a guaranteed mechanical process for entrepreneurs and business owners to achieve financial and lifestyle freedom in three to five years or less. The processes that have been developed are a complete ‘done with you’ business and marketing solutions that are the result of Ian Marsh building 5 multi-million dollar companies and putting those Streetsmart Philosophies into one of the most comprehensive results oriented Business and Lifestyle transformation programs in existence today. StreetSmart’s unique business solutions also incorporate an educational process so that not only do Business Owners receive the most powerful online and offline lead generation systems and conversion systems, but they are on a continuous journey of structuring their business ready for the ultimate buyer, within three to five years.

“I firmly believe that nearly anyone can achieve the financial and lifestyle freedom they desire if they are willing to face their Inconvenient Truths, take 100% responsibility for their situation, seek guidance from an expert at least 5 times more successful thAn them in thE particular area they need to improve, develop a plan to fix the problem and then take the right actions to resolve their issues.” Ian Marsh


CEO Streetsmart Business School

1300 881 671 mail: PO Box 3630, Helensvale Town Centre QLD 4212

© All Rights Reserved 2016 StreetSmart Marketing International Pty Ltd T/A StreetSmart Business School

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