2 minute read
Danny Davis
I’ve been with StreetWise 27, 28 years.
What’s been the milestone with me, it has taught me how to sell. Being with StreetWise, I’ve met a few people that I’ve gotten jobs with. I used to work for a window and door company. I met this particular person at White Sox Park. I got the job by working with him. I learned how to sell doors and windows and I was actually good at it.
It’s gotten me to be able to be dependent on myself and not anyone else. It taught me how to work hard and never give up what I am trying to do. It gives me a push as far as making what I am supposed to do. I’ve seen a lot of changes with the magazine. It used to be just a newspaper, but now it’s a bright, shiny magazine. The prices have went up but it does help.
At the beginning, it was kind of hard, but the more I worked at It, I got better and better. It’s called what you said, making perfection, get your spiel, your sales pitch together. Just work on it, and make it better and better and better. Before you know it, that’s your spiel, and it works.
July 29 - August 1, 2010
StreetWise co-hosted the annual North American Street Paper Association conference in Chicago with DePaul Community Service Association, the McCormick Foundation, and the Ethics and Journalism Foundation, with 81 attendees from 24 street papers across the U.S. and Canada. StreetWise won an award for Best Feature for “Chicago’s Latino Homeless: Providing their own Sanctuary,” written by intern Brenna Daldorph.
May 21, 2011
StreetWise swept the 70th annual Mate E. Palmer Awards of the Illinois Woman’s Press Association, winning 11 awards,
September 1, 2011
StreetWise relocates to its new offices in Uptown. StreetWise occupies 3,600 square feet in the historic McJunkin Building located at 4554 N. Broadway.
April 7, 2011
Breakfast with Mayor Daley, hosted by Northern Trust Bank and the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce in honor of StreetWise.
July 1, 2011
StreetWise relaunches meals program in partnership with The Salvation Army, Panera Bread and the Greater Chicago Food Depository - the StreetWise Cafe is reborn!