1 minute readSudokufrom February 17 - 23, 2020by StreetWise_CHINext ArticleCelebrating #VendorWeekMore articles from this publication:Celebrating #VendorWeek1minpage 15Goodman Theatre's Education fundraiser features Sean Hayes of 'Will & Grace'3minpage 13Lightfoot Appoints Diverse Members to Culture Council3minpage 12Lyric Opera Surveys Parents for 'Blue' Coming in June2minpage 12Chicago Leads the Fight for Food Justice by Building Innovative Local Food Ecosystems13minpages 7-11Celebrating Black History Month in Sports3minpages 6-7Calendar8minpages 4-5How StreetWise Works1minpage 14Crossword2minpage 14Show moreThis article is from:February 17 - 23, 2020