3 minute read
Attending A White Sox Game
from July 12 - 18, 2023
Vendor Russell Adams chats with Patrick Edwards about attending a White Sox game.
Patrick: StreetWise and, specifically, you SportsWise readers, we got to go to our first live sporting event of the year, and it was amazing.
Russ: And, Pat, you know as well as I do how our last Sox game together went: 6-0 bad guys after one inning—not cool at all.
Patrick: That was horrible. Especially because we were so happy sitting down with our large, packed-with-goodness nachos and beverages.
Russ: Well, at least we ended up scoring a run in the late innings—right?
Patrick: Right. So, White Sox versus the Texas Rangers— June 20—what went down?
Russ: Well, to begin with, there was an unfortunate incident outside of the ballpark before the game began. A car came blasting down the street—with the police in hot pursuit.
Patrick: Sounds like a movie!
Russ: Well, I didn’t see it, but I heard about it from someone who heard about it from someone else. I have since read—that one of the four victims who were injured in this attempted hit & run, was knocked into the air and landed headfirst in the runaway car’s sunroof. Now, that’s scary.
Patrick: That is. I can’t imagine how that must’ve felt. I mean, someone just run me over and, now, I’m upside down in his car, looking at him look at me. And, hopefully, that’s all he’s doing!
Russ: That could’ve ended so much worse with so many people out there.
Patrick: Good point. All right, so despite the rerouting this incident caused on folks getting into the park, we got in—thanks to you and your homeboy letting me butt the Gate-5 line—and it kicked off quick and in a hurry.
Russ: Before we even got to our seats, the Sox scored the first two runs of the game. Then, Texas tied it up in their half of the 5th inning, but, then, the Sox scored two in their half and regained that 2-point lead.
Patrick: Then all hell broke loose: Texas scored four runs in two innings to go back up two.
Russ: Man, straight rollercoaster! Talk about enjoying a game. Well, not quite at that moment, but you get me.
Patrick: (Laughter.) I do.
Russ: Worst thing about that wasn’t that we were losing; it was that the fans seemed out of it. That they gave up.
Patrick: Unfortunately, the thing that gets me about the Sox game is that the fans don’t give enough cheer. Don’t help motivate the team, know what I mean? To cheer as loud when the team is down and need us as when the call is overturned, and we’re in the lead is where it’s at.
Russ: Agreed. But, yeah, to Texas fans: Cry in your beer! Game over: White Sox 7-6.
Game Testimony
Vendor A. Allen
I’m glad I made it. The game was good, intense, and exciting throughout. When the umps overturned that controversial play at the plate, leading to the Sox going ahead, I couldn’t believe it. Once the Rangers went down in the top of the ninth, it was over. I knew I would sleep well that night.
StreetWise Contributor Charles Eberhart
To begin with, I feel major relief that we were able to win the game. It wasn’t looking good, but I—and my StreetWise family—cheered on our White Sox, and they didn’t disappoint. Listen, I know we can’t win 'em all…but it’s nice to be there when they do.