3 minute read
COVID-19 is still a threat, what next?
from March 8 - 14, 2021
Vendors Russ Adams, John Hagan and Donald Morris chat about the world of sports with Executive Assistant Patrick Edwards.
John: Hello, everyone. And welcome to SportsWise! So, today we’re speaking about COVID-19 and how we feel primarily about the current sports environment. Fellas, I would like to kick this off. I believe that, since COVID-19 vaccines are now being rolled out to first responders, the elderly, and the most vulnerable of our society, it’s time to reopen sporting events, concerts, and, even, in-person SportsWise regularly. Why wait until the COVID-19 positivity rate is at 0 before we open everything back up?
Donald: Well, for me, at the moment, I believe we’re still in a heckuva tough position. I feel as if we’re not getting everything we need in regard to the information behind the vaccines or, even, information about all of the various coronavirus strains. There’s much we don’t know and understand, and that’s troubling to me.
Russ: I have heard a lil’ something about all of these different strains coming out and it is a bit scary.
Patrick: I know, right? Well, I think that, at the moment, I’m okay with things holding as-is. I mean, as much as I want to go to a White Sox or Cubs game, I’m not willing to sacrifice my or anyone else’s health just to see a live fly-out…or a home run. It’s not that serious. I personally believe our local leadership has been doing a pretty good job in helping to bring our levels back down, and this is despite many still not believing in the whole wearing-a-mask thing.
John: I feel we know more now than we did back in March 2020. Most important to me is that the recovery rate after contracting COVID-19 is 99.7%. Now, not saying it’s not still out there, but with the vaccines being distributed to those most at-risk of not recovering, and those who do come down with the illness being asymptomatic or experiencing very mild symptoms, why shouldn’t everything be reopened. I mean, at the very least, we could reopen 50% and move quickly toward 100% soon.
Russ: Like I’ve said a few times before, I’ve become used to the no-fans audience. As much as I want to see a live game, I am perfectly happy chilling in the crib, watching the game on my widescreen TV with a cold one to my right, and my sociallydistanced fellas to the left. I, honestly, forget the “fans” aren’t even in the stands.
Patrick: I’m the same way. Midway through the second half, the cameras will roll past a big-head dude on a video screen in one of the seats, and I’ll remember what’s going on.
Donald: What does scare me about all of this the most is all of these strains popping up. First, there was the UK version, and now, an African version is here, so let’s see what that’s going to do. But, in the meantime, perhaps it is best to keep things shut down to a point.
Patrick: No, exactly. Maybe our numbers don’t go down if the governor and the mayor don’t have us on restrictions.
Russ: True.
John: I disagree. I think what they’re doing—the mayor and the governor—isn’t working and is unhealthy.
Russ: I would agree with you, John, if the numbers weren’t slowing and the positivity rate was still near or over, say, 10.0, but because that’s not the case, I have to lean on what those two are doing, as well as those practicing safe measure, as helping us get out of this mess.
Donald: Right on.