1 minute readSudokufrom September 14 - 20, 2020by StreetWise_CHINext ArticleStreetWise Announces the '20 Most Inspiring Chicagoans' of 2020More articles from this publication:StreetWise Announces the '20 Most Inspiring Chicagoans' of 20203minpage 14Uptown's Voice of the People partners with Preservation of Affordable Housing4minpage 13Activist recalls life as gangbanger in cabrini-green in new book4minpage 12Katy Perry is Learning to Smile Once More9minpages 8-11Racial Injustice and the Professional Athlete3minpage 6ARTS & (HOME) ENTERTAINMENT RECOMMENDATIONS7minpages 4-5How StreetWise Works1minpage 15Crossword2minpage 15This article is from:September 14 - 20, 2020