In the Selárdalur valley, near Vopnafjörður on the north-east coast, runs the Selá, a bewitching rocky fast flowing spring fed river that is renowned for being one of the very best salmon rivers in Iceland. The river´s source is at Selárbotnar on the southern slopes of the Botnafjallgarður mountains from where it runs to the sea. The catchment area is about 750 km². Until 1968 salmon could only get as far as Selárfoss, 7 km upstream from the sea. In that year a fish ladder was installed in the waterfall which allowed fish access to a total of 28 km of river all the way up to Efrifoss. Since then salmon have colonised this new habitat and the population has grown year by year. In 2010 a salmon ladder was built in Efrifoss, which allows the salmon access to a further 15 km of river upstream. With so much water now accessible to salmon the fishing covers 135 named pools on the river. In recent years the average catch each summer has been in excess of 2,000 salmon, with a record catch of 2,740 made in 2006. Catch-and-release is widely practised and each season sees 75% to 80% of the catch returned to the river. Selá fishes six to nine rods per day (depending on the time of year) who are provided with full service accommodation at the luxurious new lodge Fossgerði, built in 2012.
FISHING GUIDE – SELÁ Copyright © Árni Geir Pálsson 2014 Published by Blóðberg ehf. Text, design, layout, drawings and photos by Árni Geir Pálsson English translation Gunnar Thorsteinsson All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Introduction: This fishing guide is based on the analysis of information from the Selá catch records from 2009 to 2011. From this we try to present a picture of the most productive pools during that period. The drawings are not to scale, or necessarily in proportion, and are intended only to illustrate landmarks and the main fish-holding areas. Fishing statistics are compiled from the Selá catch records and from the Institute of Freshwater Fisheries of Iceland. We also sought the opinion and advice of experienced anglers and guides who have fished Selá for many years. An attempt was made to identify likely locations of the salmon and the best way to present a fly to fish in these lies. It is impossible to take into account things like changes to the river bed that lead to once productive pools becoming poor, and vice versa. Water levels change by the day, week and throughout the season so fish will move from area to area to suit their needs and may not always be found in the places we describe here. Then the angler´s only aid is his cunning and common sense!
Catch and release: In 2011 about 80% of the salmon caught in the Selá were released. This was an increase of 10% compared to previous seasons.
Average catch pr. day each week (2009-2011):
5. Narri This pool is by the southern pillar supporting the new road bridge that crosses the lower river. The pool was thought to be affected when the bridge was built, but in recent seasons it has been increasingly common to find fish lying above and below the pillar, especially in early summer. Fish can lie on the north side of the pillar and for a considerable way down alongside it. It is easier to fish from the north bank by wading across the stream from the flood wall onto the gravel island in the middle of the river. The main current runs to the north of the pillar. When a fish takes it is important to keep a good hold and not let it run downstream beyond the pillar where disaster could be waiting.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 115
Snaelda - German
8. Brúarbreiða Below the old road bridge is Brúarbreiða, one of the best pools on the river. It is here where the Hvammsá tributary enters the Selá on the north bank. In this pool, which is pretty extensive, there are salmon in the lies all summer long. The pool can be fished from either bank: from the north bank start just above the confluence and then wade in the Hvammsá current and cast beyond where the rivers´currents meet; along the south bank there are boulders and pots where salmon can lie. On the first run down from the south bank it is best not to wade but to fish from the bank and cover the water close to the shore. Salmon run up Hvammsá for about 200 metres so it is sometimes worth having a cast there.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 77
21. Djúpibotn neðri Neðri Djúpibotn, or Lower Deep Bottom, is a long, deep pool where salmon rest after they have run up the heavy rapids that lie below. This is a challenging, but fun spot to fish. The salmon can lie all along and across the pool and are often found at the edges of the pool. It can be a tricky place to fish, especially if a fish snatches the fly and decides to hurry downstream to the tail of the pool. This is when deep wading anglers can be in trouble if they have to chase after the salmon that is disappearing into the rapids below.
In late July of 2009 a hen salmon and a cock salmon were caught in Neðri-Djúpibotn, both 98 cm long and believed to be well over 20 pounds.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 57
22. DjĂşpibotn efri When approaching Efri DjĂşpibotn from the north bank it is often easy to scan the pool from the edge of the high bank. Fish lie in front of a big submerged rock that lies towards the tail of the pool. Often salmon are also found beneath the cliff on the south bank of the pool. Anglers should be very careful on arriving at this pool. If they rush directly to the bank they risk disturbing fish lying close in and therefore their chances. On the north bank you go up above a cliff, let it shelter you and cast from there. The current is very smooth here and often the fish can be seen taking the fly.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 52
23. Klettahylur Klettahylur is one of the nethermost pools in the canyon and has a very steep descent if fishing from the north bank. It is a very entertaining spot to fish, starting with a deep gorge in the neck of the pool which flows into channels that run either side of the large submerged boulder. The salmon that lie in front of the boulder are easily covered, and fish are also found in the channel on the south side of the rocks; fish will also be found in the holes and pots on the topside of the boulder. In the channel running along the north side fish are mostly found towards the tail of the run. This pool is ideal for hitched tubes, but casts must be made straight and long in order to get the tube to skate over the mirror areas.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 43
24. Neðri sundlaugarhylur Lower Sundlaugarhylur is not as generous as the upper pool, but there is always hope of a salmon there. Near the head of the pool the river flows through a deep channel, which becomes shallower towards the tail. Usually there isn´t much hope of a fish in the upper section, but where some stones protrude from the water on the south bank is a good taking place. From the north bank a ridge pushes out into the river and salmon often lie on the downstream side. This lie can be covered from either bank.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 14
Silver Sheep
25. Sundlaugarbreiða Sundlaugarbreiða is one of the better pools on the river. To reach the main lie the angler has to wade out to a mossy slab on the edge of the stream along the south bank. This is what the locals call “going to the carpet.” It is also common for fish to lie very close to the north bank, where a tiny stream falls over a small ridge on the bank, below which is a small patch of gravel where a taking fish will often be found. It is advisable to approach this spot very carefully to avoid being seen by the salmon. Once this area has been covered continue to lengthen line until the “carpet” out in the middle is covered.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 45
Green but
26. Efri sundlaugarhylur Efri Sundlaugharhylur is a good pool with a steady, smooth current. Near the tail on the north bank low cliffs protrude into the river and is where salmon often lie in the calm water. If anglers walk on top of the grassy bank on the north bank the fish will spot them easily. Therefore it is better to approach the head of the pool from well above to avoid spooking the fish. Fish can also lie by the gravel bank on the south bank. Approach this lie with caution too as the water is very glassy. It would be wise to avoid wading here, and when taking the first casts over the pool it is best to stay well back on the gravel shore.
In the end of August 2010 a 104 cm cock was caught in EfriSundlaugarhylur. According to the IFF scale the fish was 11,2 kilograms and the second biggest salmon caught in the river that year.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 117
28. Fossbreiða Fossbreiða is considered by many to be the most beautiful pool on Selá. The flat area is always full of salmon and where fish are often seen showing. Up on the south bank three rocks rise out of the water and is where fish lie all summer long. One has to wade a little to cover these rocks and great care should be taken as there are deep channels to fall into. Throughout the pool there are shelves of rock protruding into the stream from both banks. Below the mid flats two shelves converge to form the spot known as Hliðið, or The Gate. On the lowest part of Fossbreiða, on the north bank, there is a small channel in which fish lie. Anglers should be extremely careful there because the fish lie along the edge of the stream close to the gravel bank.
In mid September 2011 a 101 cm long cock was caught on the Fossbreiða after a long and hard battle between fish and angler.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 62
30. Fosshylur Below the waterfall is the pool that bears its name, Fosshylur, and a great many salmon are caught there each summer. When nearing the pool from the north bank you come to the edge of a cliff that drops into the pool. By crawling carefully to its edge you get a good view over the whole pool. Salmon lie all around the boulders in the tail of the pool. Fishing from the north bank you wade along the gravel bar. Begin fishing with a short cast to cover the water in front of you, then gradually lengthen your line to cover the whole pool. Remember to fish the stream that runs down the edge of the gravel bar you are standing on as fish will often be found lying along the drop off. When fishing from the south bank you go up above a big rock under the cliff and wade out beyond the rock. Fish can be found close to the bank, especially in the riffles farther down.
In September 2009 the biggest fish from the river that year was caught in this pool. It was a 104 cm long cock and two years later a 105 cm fish was caught there, also the biggest fish from the river that year.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 216
36. Bjarnahylur Bjarnahylur, or Bear Pool, is famed for producing big salmon and is often the most productive pool of the season. In 2002 Bjarnahylur produced a fish of 114 cm, estimated 27 to 28 lbs. The pool is about 200 metres long and has lies from its head to the very tail. You fish from the gravel bank on the north shore, but the main taking area is by the cliff on the south bank. Make sure you cast as close as you can to the base of the cliff, then mend the line to slow the fly as it begins to fish. It can also be good to cast across the stream and then strip line fast. But, as mentioned earlier, salmon can be lying on the very edge of the pool´s tail so it is advisable to fish a couple of extra casts down into the rough water of the tailout.
Average fishing pr. fishingday In 2010 two 105 cm salmon were caught in the SelĂĄ, one of them in Bjarnarhylur in late August.
Average catch pr. year: 128
38. Leynisbreiรฐa Leynisbreiรฐa is a long, wide pool but has no great depth. When the water is low not many fish will hold there, but in high water it is often teeming with fish. Salmon can lie anywhere from the stream where the water runs from Leynir (the pool above) into the pool, right down to the tail. Near the head of the pool there is a big rock on the south bank and fish often lie 3 to 4 metres out from it. Salmon can be found all along the main body of the pool. It is safe to wade out a good distance out from the gravel bank but anglers should be aware of the rough bed of large stones, which have been known to send the unwary for a swim in the past!
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 43
40. Rauรฐhylur Rauรฐhylur, Red Pool, is a well known spot that is named for the colour of the cliff that runs along the south bank. The pool is fished from the coarse gravel on the north bank. The water is rather deep and fast and to fish it well a long cast close to the opposite bank is required. Down below, where a finger of the bank protrudes into the river the current becomes slower. At the tail of the stream fish often lie along the south bank. The best area is by a scree near the tail of the pool and the two rock shelves below it. You can also find fish around the rocks off the north bank down in the tail.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 62
41. Stekkur Stekkur is an exquisite spot on the river, and often holds many salmon. The pool is split into two parts and fished from the gravel bank on the north side. Salmon lie all along the south bank, right down into the tail. It is advisable to walk to the pool along the top of the bank, rather than along the shore which might spook the fish. Below the pool is a channel in the stream where fish also lie. Here it is best to cast a long line and then mend it to slow the fly. Stekkur is an ideal pool for a hitched tube, which are often taken violently!
In the end of July 2010 a 100 cm long cock was caught in Stekkur and in August the year after the pool gave a 98 cm long cock.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 49
42. Bryggjur In the upper part you stand on the north bank and make long casts to the opposite side where the stream flows under a low cliff beneath which the salmon lie. It can be difficult to get a good drift on the fly due to the current in the deep water near the bank. In the lower part you have to wade out in order to reach the south bank with your fly, but take care because the stones are round and slippery (like greased cannon balls!). The main stream flows between two rocks and it is in this slower current where the fish lie. Big salmon have also been taken where the river meanders over to the north side. Sometimes anglers wade over and above this spot to fish it from the south bank.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 29
44. Leifsstaรฐahylur To reach this pool you drive down past the farmhouse at Leifsstaรฐir. The pool is split into two sections. The upper part begins beneath a cliff on the south bank where salmon lie among the rocks strung down the pool. Shelves of bedrock causing white water divide the pool. Here you wade as far as you can onto the shelf from where you cover as much of the stream as possible as you work your way down to the tail of the pool. If fishing from the south bank make sure to fish the upper section thoroughly before moving down to the lower section. This is because you are likely to spook fish in the upper section when walking along the south bank. In recent years a few 20 lbs+ salmon have been caught in Leifsstaรฐahylur.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 47
47. Réttarhylur Réttarhylur is beautiful, comfortable to fish and fishes well from either bank. The river swings to the left and flows beneath a high rocky bank. You start fishing immediately below the rapids at the head of the pool and cover it by casting into the stream and letting the fly come round to your bank. On the north side there´s a submerged shelf with a good taking lie just upstream and out from it. You fish downstream to a rock near the south bank. Many anglers fish this pool from the south bank after wading across below the pool and then walking up to start by the big rocks at the head. In high water there can be fish below the main part of the pool and this is best fished from the north bank.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Late in August 2009 a 102 cm cock was caught in Réttarhylur. Average catch pr. year: 61
50. Skipahylur Skipahylur is an extensive and mighty pool. There are cliffs on both sides of the river and the remains of the old footbridge are found halfway down the pool. The pool has many fish holding areas and most anglers begin fishing from the north bank by wading out to the rocks at the head and then cast close to the foot of the cliffs on the opposite side. All the water should be covered so it is a case of cast, step, cast all the way down to the tail. Salmon can be found throughout the length of the pool. The lower half of the pool can be fished from the south bank, from the end of the cliff to the tail. In the summer of 2012 Skipahylur produced a fish of 109 cm, estimated 30 lbs, taken on a small hitch tube fished on a 12 lb tippet.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 88
52. Vífilsfljót This pool is said to be the mirror image of Bjarnarhylur. You begin by casting above the stream that flows into the pool on the north bank. The pool is about 200 metres long and it contains lies throughout its length. It is usually fished from the gravels on the south bank with casts made to the foot of the cliffs on the opposite side and then a mend to slow the drift. But again salmon can lie right on the lip of the tail, so anglers are advised to make a couple of extra casts and fish their fly into the rough water when reaching the tail of the pool.
Average fishing pr. fishingday In the end of July 2009 a 99 cm cock was caught in Vífilsfljót.
Average catch pr. year: 56
53. Stapahylur This pool is fished from the gravel beach on the north bank, where a little wading is needed in order to cover the lies on the far side. In the autumn fish can be found at the top of the white water where the river runs along the Stapi. Usually salmon can be found anywhere in the pool right into the tail. The ford to Vilfilsfljรณt is in the shallows below Stapahylur. Although not the most generous pool on the Selรก it is always worth a cast when on the way to Vilfilsfljรณt.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 15
61. Langistrengur When anglers come to this pool they drive down the side of a small stream that falls into the lower part of the pool. Langistrengur is especially generous in the latter part of the season. The whole pool is covered by wading down the gravel bank on the north side of the river. Many anglers will fish Langistrengur then walk up to Dimmihylur.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 20
62. Dimmihylur In Dimmihylur you wade to a boulder beneath the cliff on the north bank. Salmon are found the length of the pool but those at the head can be difficult to cover; the best way to show them a fly is to cast upstream to the lies and strip the fly back downstream. The rest of the pool is fished by fishing down and across right into the tail.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 19
65. GĂşsti Some say the pool is shaped like a frying pan. In the neck the river falls into a big pot, and where it runs out of the pot is the handle, where the fishing begins. At the top of the channel there are often many salmon holding in the glide that comes out of the pot. Salmon can also lie by the ledge of rock along the north bank, and are found right down to the tail. The pool can be covered from either bank, but if going to fish from the south bank make sure to wade across below the tail of the pool.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 15
Green but
74. Arnarhylur You fish Arnarhylur, Eagle Pool, from the north bank after walking up to the rock with a red scree. The river cascades along the foot of a cliff and in the autumn fish can be found right up in the white water at the top of the pool. Usually the fish are found in the shallower water beneath the cliff. You wade out from the red scree and cast towards the south bank. As you progress down the pool it is advisable to gradually cut back towards the bank as the fish can be lying on your side in the flat above the tail.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 28
Sun Ray Shadow
81. Gljúfurbreiða Gljúfurbreiða is a beautiful spot set in a shrub covered canyon. The river flows in a splendid glide throughout its length where anglers wade along the edge of a ledge and cast towards the south bank. Salmon lie all along the edge of the channel on the far side, which should be fished down to the tail. This is not one of the more productive pools on the river, which makes it a worthy challenge to lure one of its salmon to your fly.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 11
Haugur – hitch tubes
95. Krรณkur Above this pool Selรก flows through a wide, deep canyon. Where the river emerges from the canyon it shallows up and spreads out to form Krรณkur, where often many fish can be spotted from the rocks above. It can be fished from either bank, but many find it better to wade across the tail and fish from the south bank. Begin by casting across the pool at the top, by the rocks. Gradually lengthen your casts and cover the whole pool right down to the tail.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 77
97. Bragð This pool is divided into many parts but has two main channels running through it. It is important to fish it from the north bank, and wading is not advised. Many fish the near channel first, all the way down and letting the fly come right in to the bank on each cast as the fish can lie close in. Then go back to the top of the pool and cover the channel on the far side of the pool, taking care to mend the line and manage the fly´s speed.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 12
98. Hamarshylur As the pool´s name suggests the river flows beneath a cliff here. The water is very deep by the cliff in the upper part, where salmon can be found lying among the big rocks. Farther down the pool becomes shallower and there are channels where fish hold. It can be a challenge to fish the fly slowly enough in the often turbulent water. It is worth spending time here for Hamarshylur usually holds many good salmon, often with a scattering of stonkers amongst them. Above Hamarshylur there is another deep spot that often holds fish. Here you stand on a big rock and cast carefully to the fish. Some find that a fly stripped over these fish can be very effective.
Average fishing pr. fishingday On July 20th 2010 a 100 cm long cock was caught in Hamarshylur.
Average catch pr. year: 26
107. Stórafljót Stórafljót, or Big River, is aptly named for here the Selá spreads out into a lovely wide pool. It is fished in two parts from the north bank. First you fish an area of the lower pool covering the near side of the river. You wade out a little and cover the shallows close to the bank and finish off by casting into the mirrors found around the big rock where the river splits around a small island. On the second run down the pool go back to the head, wade out enough to be able to cast to the far bank and thus fish the channel down to the tail.
In the beginning of August 2010 a 105 cm cock was caught in Stórafljót, one of the two biggest fish from the river that year.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 23
120. Efri foss You park your car in the parking lot by the salmon ladder then wade over the ledges above the ladder. The first lie is in the channel just out from the gravel bank. Go out to the big square rock sticking out of the water and fish along the edge of the near channel until you reach the gravel bank. From this gravel bank wade upstream on the gravel spit until you get to where the small stream flows over the cliff on the north bank. Cast your fly as close as possible to the foot of the cliffs opposite and fish the channel right down to the tail. The fish can be found anywhere along the channel and it pays to try a few different flies here.
Efrifoss used to be the uppermost fishing spot on the Selรก, but in 2009 a salmon ladder was built beside the falls. Now salmon run up the river on the heath above the falls.
Average fishing pr. fishingday Average catch pr. year: 46
Explanations: Name and number of fishing spot
A drawing showing the topography of a fishing spot. The flow of the river is downpage.
Banks standing out
A short description of the topography of the fishing spot and reflections on how best to fish it.
Cast direction White water
The deepest parts of the fishing spot Submerged banks
A picture of the fishing spot, usually from above. Red arrows and lines show the casting direction and black lines show hiking paths.
Angler‘s walking direction Protruding rocks Lies
Submerged rocks
Favorable flies or other significant facts.
A chart showing the catch from the fishing spot in recent years. The fishing season is divided into seven two week long periods.
Grassy banks