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The Power of a Press Release

When you open up Strictly Business, you'll likely fl ip to a page of our news section as it takes up the majority of the magazine. If you're a business owner or in a leadership position within your organization and you're NOT utilizing press releases for when you have an exciting announcement to share, I'm addressing this month's Letter from the President to you. It's time to stop missing out on such an easy and effective way to promote your company!

When I say exciting announcement, I mean everything from a milestone anniversary to bringing someone new onto your team. Other great examples of a newsworthy announcement include:

• New website • Rebranding • Expansion • New location • New community partnership • Upcoming event/event recap • Receiving an award or recognition • Being selected to speak at an event • Completing a training/workshop • Introducing a new product or service • and much more! If your business or organization did any of these things in the past year, ask yourself what you did to let the community know. These are signifi cant events, and they should be celebrated as such! That's what a press release helps accomplish. Even if you don't feel like something is that big of a deal, you can still leverage most of the moves you make to keep your audience captivated.

In my opinion, personnel announcements especially bring value to a company. Not only do they connect faces with company names, they make an employee feel valued. It's something they can take to friends and family, point to, and say, "Hey, that's me!" A great example of one of our clients in Lincoln that does a wonderful job of this is Luxury Landscape (shout out to Ken and Jackie!). Whenever they bring on a new crew member, they tell us about it so we can run a press release to welcome them to the team. These are individuals who have probably never been featured in a magazine before, so it's a really cool opportunity to put them in the limelight. We also often hear from our clients that when they run a press release in Strictly Business, they'll get texts and calls from their loved ones and colleagues expressing congratulations. I can't tell you how many parents and grandparents have stopped by the offi ce to pick up extra copies of the magazine.

I know that not every organization has someone on the team to carry out press writing. Many business owners either don't have the time or they don't have the skill set. This is why so many businesses appreciate their partnership with us. We help them turn their little things into big things by writing about it and sharing it in our news section—in print and online. Our team touches base with all our clients each month to see if they have anything they could announce. Even if we don't hear back via email, we do our best to keep up with our clients online and on social media to see if they are posting about anything that could qualify as a newsworthy press release. If needed, our goal is to do as much of the legwork as possible before fi nal approval from the client to make it an easy process on them.

When you partner with Strictly Business, you are partnering with a team that makes it our job to celebrate you and your team. I think that makes us pretty unique as an advertising tool. Our advertisers get a free press release each month as a part of their campaign, and the professional writing is free as well. We publish press releases for our clients in print, online on our website, and on the major social media channels. This is how we take our client's marketing dollar as far as it can go.

“Press releases allow you to leverage the moves your business makes, big or small, to keep your audience captivated.”

Let Strictly Business help you lock in your status as THE EXPERT in your industry, utilizing print, the internet, and social media. Find out how by contacting Paige at (402) 466-3330.



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Business Personnel 27 32

Nonprofi t Health


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Midwest Geriatrics AOI Corporation Energy Studio


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Senior Health Commercial Remodeling

Hannah Diane Dillon


Editor/Operations Hannah Hundley - Editor@StrictlyBusinessOmaha.com Writer Diane Gumaer - Offi ce@StrictlyBusinessOmaha.com Art Director Dillon Crawford - Design@StrictlyBusinessOmaha.com


President/Sales Paige Zutavern - Paige@StrictlyBusinessOmaha.com Publisher/Founder/Accounting Shayne Zutavern - SZutavern@yahoo.com

STRICTLY BUSINESS is not responsible for unsolicited material. All rights to submission, including letters, will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to our unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially or creatively, unless otherwise negotiated with the author. Nothing may be printed in whole or part without the written permission of the publisher. The publication of any advertisement in STRICTLY BUSINESS is not an endorsement of the advertiser or of the products or services advertised.


Industry Leading Training. For Tomorrow’s Smart Buildings, Today!

It’s been 15 years since Control Depot (controldepotinc.com) Control Depot (controldepotinc.com) opened its doors as the fi rst dedicated building automation controls distributor in our area. Since that time, we’ve grown and evolved into the premier controls distributor in the Midwest and a leader in building technology solutions. You may ask…”What is building automation?” Simply put, a building automation system provides control of the HVAC, lighting, and safety systems in a building. The more familiar terms for many are “Smart Building” or “Smart Home” and it is also synonymous with the term Internet of Things (IoT). Control Depot provides innovative, cost-eff ective solutions and designs across the entire spectrum of building types in both the commercial and residential markets. Whether your needs are basic replacement components or a fully-integrated solution, our team provides the expertise, technologies, and support you need to get the job done right. Our overall goal is to provide you with systems that ensure comfort, provide safety, enhance your overall productivity, and save you energy and money through effi ciency. That is what you can expect when working with Control Depot. Control Depot partners with the leading suppliers of building technologies in order to provide our customers the best products available. As a Honeywell Authorized Systems Distributor, Control Depot off ers a full line of Honeywell commercial and residential products to fulfi ll any HVAC controls or security needs. From a simple residential thermostat to a complex web-based building automation system, we support and stock the Honeywell parts you need. As a Belimo Platinum Distributor, Control Depot carries a complete line of Belimo actuators, valves, and sensors. Belimo is a global leader in the commercial HVAC components market with a strong commitment to quality and value in all of their product off erings. In 2017, Control Depot was named the Honeywell Analytics “Manning” Refrigeration gas detection National Master Distributor. This distinction comes as a result of Control Depot’s position in the refrigeration gas detection market on a national level due to the addition of experts in this particular area. The large amount of on-hand stock, training, and service off erings, along with 40+ years of industry experience, are all reasons why Control Depot is excelling in the refrigeration gas detection market. In addition, Control Depot off ers top quality products from suppliers such as EasyIO, Viconics, Tridium, Honeywell Analytics (including BW and Rae), Lutron, ACI, Siemens, eGauge, Millenial Net, and many, many more. In 2016, Control Depot University was launched with the focused intent of providing high-quality HVAC controls education. We understand that in the controls industry, a company’s employees are its greatest asset. As such, we off er many distinctive and specialized training classes that allow our contractor partners to create a technically strong and more productive group of employees. Control Depot has partnered with Tridium, Honeywell Analytics, and EasyIO to become authorized training centers for their specifi c products. We also host a wide range of product-specifi c classes, from controllers to VFDs, and have several general HVAC classes available as well. At Control Depot, our customer base consists of Controls contractors, Mechanical and Electrical contractors, and Institutional end-users. Control Depot’s overriding purpose is to help our clients create comfortable, effi cient, and safe building environments. Our team of qualifi ed and experienced employees strives to provide a personal touch to each customer by combining a friendly and knowledgeable store experience with an inventory that rivals the largest retailers. At Control Depot, we don’t just sell you products, we sell you solutions. Our customer base is constantly growing and diversifying as customers locally, regionally, and nationally experience the high level of personalized service our customers receive at Control Depot.

ControlDepotInc.com | 402.934.0078 9304 G Ct, Omaha, NE 68127



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