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Kutija za alat i različiti ulošci


Za: L-Boxx 238

L-Boxx 374

Prednosti za korisnike  Organizovan

transport električnih alata bez napora  Pojedinačno podešavanje, velika fleksibilnost

ToolBox 2.608.438.105

Primer 1

Internal | MKP3-PAD M. Schietinger | 13.03.2013 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.

Kutija za alat i različiti ulošci


Za: Prednosti za korisnike  Organizovan


Uložak 1 2.608.438.092

Uložak 2 2.608.438.093

Uložak za pribor 2.608.438.102

Uložak za pribor Portal LED 2.608.438.103

transport električnih alata bez napora  Pojedinačno podešavanje, velika fleksibilnost

Uložak Za GSR 14,4 / 18 V-LI 2.608.438.104

Internal | MKP3-PAD M. Schietinger | 13.03.2013 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.

Kutija za alat i različiti ulošci


Za: Prednosti za korisnike  Organizovan


Uložak L-Boxx GAS 35/55 Pribor 2.608.438.091

Uložak GBH 18 V-LI/ V-EC 2.608.438.094

Uložak GST 18 V-LI 2.608.438.096

Uložak GWS 18 V-LI 2.608.438.098

transport električnih alata bez napora  Pojedinačno podešavanje, velika fleksibilnost

Internal | MKP3-PAD M. Schietinger | 13.03.2013 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.

Kutija za alat i različiti ulošci

“half” Ulošci za kutiju za alat

2608438092 – Uložak 1 za Toolbox i L-Boxx: GSB 18-2-Li, GSR 14,4-2-Li, GDS 18 V-Li, GDR 14,4 V-Li, GDX 18 V-Li-dyn

2608438093 – Uložak 2 za Toolbox i L-Boxx: GSB 18 V-Li, GSR 14,4 V-Li, GDR 18-Li-L, GDR 18-Li-XL, GDX 18 V-EC-BEU


Internal | MKP3-PAD M. Schietinger | 13.03.2013 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.

Kutija za alat i različiti ulošci

“half” Ulošci za kutiju za alat

26084380102 – Uložak za pribor za kutiju za alat i L-Boxx: Transport pribora u kutiji za alat

2608438103 – Uložak za pribor za kutiju za alat i L-Boxx: Za PortalLED, transport pribora u kutiji za alat


Internal | MKP3-PAD M. Schietinger | 13.03.2013 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.

Kutija za alat i različiti ulošci

“half” Ulošci za kutiju za alat

26084380104 – Uložak za kutiju za alat i L-Boxx: GSR 14,4/ 18 V-LI, GSB 14,4/ 18 V-LI, GDR 14.4/ 18 LI


Internal | MKP3-PAD M. Schietinger | 13.03.2013 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.

Kutija za alat i različiti ulošci

“half” Ulošci za kutiju za alat

2608438091 – Uložak L-Boxx Pribor za GAS 35 i GAS 55 2 608 000 573 2 608 000 575 2 608 000 585 1 609 390 478 2 607 000 165 2 607 432 039

Nastavak antistatički Hromirana cev Stezni prsten za alat Višenamenska mlaznica Mlaznica za procepe Mokra filterska kesa

2608438094 – Uložak L-Boxx GBH 18 V-LI / GBH 18 V-EC


Internal | MKP3-PAD M. Schietinger | 13.03.2013 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.

Kutija za alat i različiti ulošci

“half” Ulošci za kutiju za alat

2608438096 – Uložak L-Boxx GST 18 V-LI

2608438098 – Uložak L-Boxx GWS 18 V-LI


Internal | MKP3-PAD M. Schietinger | 13.03.2013 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.

Kutija za alat i različiti ulošci




Kataloški broj

EAN kod

Uložak za kutiju za alat 1



Uložak za kutiju za alat 2



Uložak za pribor za GAS 35/55



Uložak GBH 18 V-LI / GBH 18 V-EC



Uložak GST 18 V-LI



Uložak GWS 18 V-LI



Uložak za pribor



Uložak za pribor PortaLED



Uložak za GSR 14,4 / 18 V-LI, GSB 14,4 / 18 V-LI, GDR 14,4 / 18-L



Kutija za alat za L-Boxx 238 i 374



Cene i kataloške brojeve proizvoda možete naći u Excel-u

Internal | MKP3-PAD M. Schietinger | 13.03.2013 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.

Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet

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