5 minute read
How I Being a Woman! LOVE
Throughout history, we have observed significant changes in women’s societal standing. My friend’s grandmother was not allowed to have a credit card in her name, and at the same age, her granddaughter was able to tour law schools. The majority of my relatives got married directly after high school or college, and the college experience I’ve come to know is devoid of commitment. The list could go on forever, but the bottom line is it is less common to see a June Cleaver in the media than it is to see an Annalise Keating.
Women in contemporary Western society are less susceptible to falling victim to strict gender roles, a feat made possible through the feminist movement: women’s suffrage, access to education, division of labor within and outside the home, and equitable pay with men, to name a few. Thanks to the efforts of Betty Friedan, bell hooks, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and countless others, women are afforded the ability to decide their futures independently and confidently. While the aspiration to have children and focus on parenthood applies to some women today, it is comforting to know that these are choices they can make rather than a fate they must accept.
Gender roles are undoubtedly more fluid today than they were in previous decades - an incredible gift in many respects. Having the ability to pursue a career I am passionate about, keep a last name I am proud of, and even run in the Boston Marathon are all decisions I would not be able to make if the restrictions against women still applied today.

Those who identify as a woman are all too aware of the fact that despite the significant strides that have been made, discrimination based on sex and gender is alive and well today - and likely always will be.
Last year, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which recognized the right to an abortion, in a 6-3 ruling. The cost of feminine hygiene products is on the rise. In the workplace, women still earn less from a financial standpoint than their male counterparts. In addition, workplace harassment contributes to a slew of other challenges such as mental health conditions, the existence of the glass ceiling, and disempowerment in one’s capabilities.
Feminism is the effort to ensure women and every individual are afforded the same rights and freedoms as those who inherently possess societal privilege, free from discrimination based on gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation. There is still progress to be made- but we must be encouraged by the fact that the efforts of the aforementioned feminist icons and the ones to come are not in vain. As we approach significant milestones in our lives and demonstrate our right to decide our future, we must reflect upon how different life for women in Western society looks than it would have been fifty years ago. It is with that perspective that we can truly resonate with the sentiment ‘How I love being a woman!’

Stop asking others for directions to places they’ve never been.
There is truth in the sentiment that the most powerful of individuals are those who do not require validation from anyone. They know their own mind, and they are confident in their ability. There is no such thing as a threshold for an individual’s authenticity or one’s selfassurance- it simply does not exist. The concept itself is, naturally, abstract, for the possession of such strength begins and ends with one’s mind, and it is left to us to utilize this tool as we deem appropriate. If there is one thing we must remember, let it be this: what we give power to has power over us.
With each day that we navigate, judgment is an inevitable element of our existence. To say that we are free of unwarranted critique from those who observe our behavior would encourage a belief in such a falsehood, and there is simply nothing to gain from lying to ourselves. Instead, find catharsis in the fact that judgment is inescapable- this notion should serve as a motivator to be unapologetic in our self-expression. Take into consideration the pang of regret that we experience when reflecting upon missed opportunities and understand that, whether it be out of fear of judgment or avoidance of hearing the word “no”, the possibility of experiencing something great was abandoned. To go about each day yearning for reassurance from others is to relinquish our capacity to live for the most important person- ourselves.
By abandoning the notion that we must seek external validation, we develop such a captivating presence that fills the rooms we walk through, catches the attention of the people we see in passing, and instills confidence within ourselves, unlike anything we’ve ever come to know. There is no need for our hands to be held as we decide to step outside of our comfort zone, to take risks, for we were capable of instilling such a change all along. Our perspective serves as the landscape around which our reality revolves. It is often the case that we do not recognize, ever, that our decisions need not be confirmed by those around us, or that we are capable of individualistic change, or that we would ultimately like ourselves, even just a little bit more, when we stop paying attention to everyone else.
Such logic is not devoid of all reason, for it is not to say that we must act without regard for others. Rather, we must seek a more meaningful understanding of ourselves, of our existence, as opposed to finding purpose on a surface level. Living to please others may make us more well-liked; however, we are often suppressing our capacity to articulate our thoughts with confidence in doing so. There are far too many mediocre things in life, and we must not let ourselves be one of them. Authenticity, especially in a society defined by an innate desire to impress others, and to keep up with the times, is difficult to come by. Those who live unapologetically demonstrate a level of genuineness that we should all aspire to reach. They listen to others without interrupting, speak without hesitation, and offer assistance without the expectation of a reward.
Ultimately, we are going to be judged by others for the decisions that we make and the words we speak, so it is in our best interest to pursue what gives us purpose. We must not give the potential critiques of others the power to define our human experience, for we will never find authenticity in others’ perspectives. There is never, under any circumstance, a reason that we should apologize for the emotions we feel, the things we long for, or our desire to put ourselves first. Let this serve as a reminder that it is perfectly okay to be selfish at times. And remember, what we give power to has power over us.
Shoot Staffers: Tabitha
Labrato, Abby Marcil
Beauty: Emma
Model: Sarah Kwara
Photography: Abby

The number thirteen is a polarizing, mystical, powerful number. It means different things in different contexts, but one thing is for certain: symbolically, it is strong. There is a concealed magic to it that communicates intense bad luck, or astonishing good fortune, depending on the perspective of the individual who encounters it. The angel number thirteen is indicative of new beginnings, hope, guidance, and peace: referencing death but ultimately pointing toward rebirth. While powerful on its own, the number thirteen draws much of its power from the numbers 1 and 3 individually. 1 signifying newness and birth, and 3 representing hope, wisdom, balance, and positivity. The merger of these two numbers is guaranteed to make something that stands apart from the rest, a number so commanding that people can’t help but feel it’s meaningful in some way, shape, or form.