1 minute read
I am 19. I had already won. Or so I thought.
“It’s time to find a job,” they say.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“I’m only 19.”
“Exactly,” they respond.
“You’re already 19.”
But what if I dream of being something like a doctor or an investment banker?
What if my dream career is one that society has given a mandatory timeline on the process of discernment?
Today, 19-year-olds have to decide right now whether or not they want to attend medical school because they need to start studying, or plan for a gap year later on to catch up.
But no one takes a gap year after college anymore, right?
Better start studying.
Today, 19-year-olds have to decide right now which company they want to work at for the rest of their lives because the best banks recruit in the spring of sophomore year.
If you don’t recruit now, how will you get an offer?