Unbalanced sleep wake cycle contribute to dementia, study

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Unbalanced Sleep-wake Cycle Contribute to Dementia, Study

Adults who experience frequent sleep loss in their daily routine have a greater risk of developing dementia in older age, a study confirms. Sleep is the most important biological component to live a quality lifestyle, i.e. people with a balanced sleep-wake cycle have a better health and memory. On the other hand, insomnia and other sleep disorders contribute to a number of health problems. People buy strong sleeping pills in the UK, the US and other locations around the globe to deal with severe and persistent signs of insomnia and other sleep disorders. Poor Sleep Quality Linked to Low Levels of Oxygen Researchers of the National Sleep Foundation say people who experience frequent sleep problems or sleep interruptions during the night have low levels of oxygen in the blood. Oxygenated blood transfers essential nutrients and other important components throughout the body. In addition, oxygen in the blood transfers important data and information from temporary storage to permanent storage in the brain. Frequent sleep loss or sleep interruptions linked to memory loss and other memory-related disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease in the people. Many studies have linked insomnia and other sleep disorders to dementia and other memory problems in the people, the researchers of the National Sleep Foundation say that unbalanced sleep-wake cycle in the adults at a younger age linked to severe signs of dementia in older age.

More so, sleep disorders and insomnia contribute to a number of other physical, psychological and neurological health disorders, such as hypertension, heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, anxiety, stress, depression, gastrointestinal problems and Alzheimer’s disease. People who buy strong sleeping pills in the UK and the US have a balanced sleep-wake cycle, i.e. they fall asleep easily and stay asleep longer during the night. Choose a registered online pharmacy, like the Strong Sleeping Pills UK to buy genuine and strong sleeping pills in the UK, the US and other locations across the globe at cheap prices and maximum discounts.

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