Structure2010 Program Guide

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Structure 2010 is back for the third year, and for the first time it’s a two-day event. The shift to cloud computing isn’t sudden or surprising, but like most new technologies, it has suddenly become obvious. Cloud computing has brought new challenges to light as it has emerged — and with new challenges come new opportunities. To navigate this complex tectonic shift, it’s important to take the long view of how these challenges and opportunities will evolve. To help you understand this complex market, we have brought together some of the sharpest minds in the industry — folks who can see around the corners and predict the future. VMWare CEO Paul Maritz, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, Akamai CEO Paul Sagan, and CA CTO Dr. Donald Ferguson are some of more than 100 speakers who are here to paint their pictures of the future for you, giving you insights into the next three years of cloud computing, and what comes next. From cloudonomics to next-generation server architectures to big data and the new new broadband networks, we are going to explore some of the most pressing issues facing the Internet infrastructure and cloud computing industry. Want to know what’s ahead? Come listen to Nick McKeown, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Faculty Director of the Clean Slate Program at Stanford University, who will talk about reinventing the core Internet technologies. Innovative thinking comes from challenging our assumptions. And that is the theme of our Structure conference this year. As actor Alan Alda put it succinctly:

“ Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in awhile, or the light won’t come in.”

I hope you will join us in finding the way forward and creating a path for others to follow. On behalf of my team and this year’s sponsors, I want to thank you for honoring us with your time and lavishing us with your attention. Let Structure 2010 begin!


Om Malik Founder, GigaOM


Complexity & Opportunities.

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5/20/10 12:32 AM

7:30 AM


8:30 AM



Joe Weinman, Strategy and Business Development VP, AT&T


Stacey Higginbotham, Staff Writer, GigaOM Om Malik, Founder, GigaOM

8:40 AM

Cloudonomics: The Value of the Cloud


Joe Weinman, Strategy and Business Development VP, AT&T


Eric Berridge, Principal and Co-Founder, Bluewolf William Forrest, Principal, McKinsey and Company John Hagel, Director and Co-Chairman, Center for the Edge, Deloitte Consulting LLP James Staten, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research Joseph Tobolski, Senior Executive, Accenture

9:20 AM

Storage and the Cloud

he most important question to ask about the cloud is: why? Does it reduce cost, improve collaboration, speed T the real-time enterprise, increase enterprise agility? And if so, in which scenarios? What are the implications for architectures, ecosystem trends and private/public/hybrid alternatives? In this panel, moderated by the creator of the term “cloudonomics,” we engage leading thinkers about the value structure of the cloud for business.

One of the earliest areas to be impacted by cloud computing was storage, the disruption of which continues today. Stacey Higginbotham talks with the man behind the cloud computing initiatives of EMC – which many view as the 800-pound gorilla of the storage space – about the impact its efforts will have on the cloud storage landscape.


Stacey Higginbotham, Staff Writer, GigaOM


Harel Kodesh, President, Cloud Infrastructure Business, EMC Corporation

9:40 AM

The State of the Cloud Address

Werner Vogels helped to elevate the cloud computing industry into the mainstream when his team at Amazon launched EC2 and S3 a few years back. We asked Werner to deliver a very special “State of the Cloud” address in which he talks about where Amazon sees cloud computing currently and where he plans to take the industry next.


Werner Vogels, CTO and VP, Amazon

10:10 AM


Spiceworks Workshop – Conference Room 1, Level 2 Building and Marketing Cloud Services to Reach 5 Million SMB IT Pros IT Pros in the world’s SMBs control the adoption of cloud services for nearly 200 million employees. Fully tapping this multi-billion dollar opportunity requires a simpler approach to managing and distributing cloud services. Learn how Spiceworks and Rackspace have teamed to bring the cloud into the daily workflow of IT pros worldwide.


Jay Hallberg, Co-Founder and VP Marketing, Spiceworks


Bill Boebel, CTO, Rackspace Email & Apps Billy Cox, Director, Cloud Strategy, Intel Tabrez Syed, Director, Product and Platform, Spiceworks Tom Thaddeus, Sales Director, Rackspace Email & Apps


Day 1: Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Tilera Workshop – Conference Room 2, Level 2 How can you fit 10,000 general purpose cores in a rack? X86 processors roadmap provides incremental improvements. Is 50% improvement in compute per watt enough? To get an order of magnitude better performance, at the same power footprint, new thinking is required. Join us for a presentation on Tilera’s new architecture and how it solves today’s power and cost issues.


Ihab Bishara, Director of Cloud Computing Products, Tilera

Intel Workshop – Conference Room 3, Level 2 Building Clouds: Key Lessons from Intel Cloud Builder program and IT@Intel It is challenging enough to stand up a cloud. Intel Cloud Builder can help. It is yet another level of challenge to operate at large scale. Intel IT is currently operating about 100,000 servers worldwide. Come hear the lessons learned from designing, building, and operating clouds in the Intel Cloud Builder program and from Intel IT about how a mature IT organization can transition from a traditional infrastructure to a cloud-based infrastructure.


Billy Cox, Director, Cloud Software Strategy, Intel Chris Peters, Manager, Intel IT

10:50 AM

The First Step to ROI: Analytics and Management Layers

“ You cannot manage what you cannot measure” – or so the saying goes. That’s especially true when it comes to investing in the cloud. In order to understand both the ROI and the performance of the deployment, the cloud client has to turn to reporting and management layers. In this session we talk to leading technology providers about the conflict between providing operators with the correct decision-making tools vs. creating policy-driven, intelligent infrastructure.


Sebastian Stadil, CEO, Scalr


William “Skip” Bacon, VP of Products and CTO, Virtual Instruments Michael A. Jackson, Co-Founder, President, and COO, Adaptive Computing Jagan Jagannathan, Founder and CTO, Xangati Alex Polvi, CEO and Co-Founder, Cloudkick Javier Soltero, CTO for Management Products, SpringSource

11:30 AM

Hitting Reset: Reinventing Core Internet Technologies

The Internet was designed to survive a cold war nuclear apocalypse. That was in 1970. In 2010, the infrastructure of the Internet is being strained by, among other things, clouds and their thirsty customers. In this talk Professor Nick McKeown of Stanford University presents the radical new technologies being created by his team that promise to create an Internet that will serve us well into the future.


Nick McKeown, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Stanford University

11:50 AM

KEYNOTE Hello, Cloud 2


Om Malik, Founder, GigaOM


Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO,

LUNCH (OPTIONAL WORKSHOPS) Workshop – Conference Room 1, Level 2 Developing Social Enterprise Apps with Salesforce Chatter and Finally, it’s easy to build business apps that are as collaborative and easy to use as social networking sites like Facebook. Thanks to the brand-new Salesforce Chatter, any cloud app built on can include social features like feeds, profiles, and status updates – all without writing any new code. Learn how your development projects can embrace the new world of collaborative business cloud apps.


Ariel Kelman, VP, Product Marketing,

CDNetworks Workshop – Conference Room 2, Level 2 Accelerating the Cloud – Application Acceleration Solutions Promise Significant Performance Improvements for SaaS Providers With the Software as a Service industry forecasted to reach $14B by 2013, the inherent delays and performance problems caused by Internet latency and congestion are proving to be a significant problem for companies looking to deliver mission-critical web-based initiatives online, especially over long distances. Find out how application acceleration solutions can help SaaS providers and enterprises dramatically increase the speed and performance of web-based applications, leading to increased productivity, lower operating costs, and improved end-user experience.


Rich Day, CTO, CDNetworks

AMD Workshop – Conference Room 3, Level 2 Does Your Cloud Cluster go to 11? AMD’s Margaret Lewis will lead a “Chalk Talk” about the challenges and opportunities that companies need to consider when building out or revamping a cloud cluster.


Margaret Lewis, Director, Software Solutions, AMD

1:20 PM

Evolving x86 for the Cloud

AMD is developing products that leverage GPU and x86 CPU capabilities from desktops to power large clouds. We will sit down with Rick Bergman, who heads up all of AMD’s processor and computing platforms initiatives, to talk to him about the continuing evolution of the x86 architecture and its place in cloud computing’s future.


Stacey Higginbotham, Staff Writer, GigaOM


Rick Bergman, SVP, AMD

1:40 PM

KEYNOTE At the Base of the Clouds

Paul Maritz, who was a member of the 5-person executive team that built Microsoft, now heads up VMware, a critical catalyst of the cloud revolution. Om Malik sits down with the CEO to talk about his vision of cloud computing and where he will steer VMware’s ambitions in the marketplace.


Om Malik, Founder, GigaOM


Paul Maritz, President and CEO, VMware


12:20 PM


2:10 PM

What Comes After the Blade? Architectures for the Cloud

The more we deploy the cloud, the more we are realizing how many of our initial assumptions about it were wrong – notably that commodity boxes could power the cloud. But in fact, most blade architectures were designed to be general purpose computers, not the foundations of cloud computing. In this panel we assemble some leading startups and big iron providers to talk about how what’s in the data center needs to change.


Stacey Higginbotham, Staff Writer, GigaOM


Anant Agarwal, Co-Founder and CTO, Tilera Ian Ferguson, Director, Enterprise and Embedded Solutions, ARM Gary Lauterbach, CTO, SeaMicro Jeffrey Layton, Enterprise Technologist for HPC, Dell James Watters, Senior Manager, vCloud Solutions, VMware

2:50 PM

The Exascale Grail

Many of the technologies and practices for webscale computing and cloud computing originated in the world of High Performance Computing (HPC), which is now looking to meet the challenges of exascale computing. We bring together some of the leading scientists and thought leaders of the HPC world to find out what problems big infrastructure operators can expect to be faced with and how they can solve them.


Jason Hoffman, CTO, Joyent


Dave Fellinger, CTO, DataDirect Networks Chris Kemp, CIO, NASA Ames John West, Special Assistant for Computation Strategy, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center

3:15 PM


Peer 1 Hosting Workshop – Conference Room 1, Level 2 Location Matters: How Geography Impacts Your Cloud Infrastructure It is becoming clear to early cloud pioneers that where you store your data and where your compute is vastly affects your performance. With data approaching the Petabyte scale the costs of in network and out of network transfers can end up creating cost shock when the bill arrives. In this panel of customers, practitioners and technologists we delve into the issues facing wide area deployments and the strategies they are using to defeat limitations and cost.


Dave Asprey, Entrepreneur in Residence, Trinity Ventures


Yang Cao, CTO, TokBox Roger Bodamer, SVP Product and Engineering, 10Gen Robert Miggins, SVP Business Development, PEER 1 Hosting Sinclair Schuller, CEO, Apprenda

Terremark Workshop – Conference Room 2, Level 2 Parting the Clouds - Evaluating Clouds and Cloud Providers for the Enterprise Go beyond the marketing hype, and learn how differences in architecture, infrastructure, security and design can significantly impact your ability to take advantage of the cost-effectiveness and agility of infrastructure-as-a-service without compromise to availability, performance and compliance. Learn how leading enterprises are utilizing the power and flexibility of enterprise cloud computing architecture.


Chris Drumgoole, VP of Sales Engineering, Terremark


Yousef Khalidi, Distinguished Engineer, Windows Azure, Microsoft

3:55 PM

Venture Catalysts: The VC Panel on Infrastructure Technology

As Silicon Valley emerges from the most recent economic downturn, it’s focused on the huge opportunity that the cloud migration is presenting. We talk to some of the Valley’s leading venture capitalists about where they’re investing their money and what areas of technology they think will be ripest for entrepreneurs and technologists to serve.


Lawrence Aragon, Editor-in-Chief, Venture Capital Journal and Private Equity Week


Satish Dharmaraj, Partner, Redpoint Ventures Promod Haque, Managing Partner, Norwest Venture Partners Ping Li, Partner, Accel Partners Michael Skok, General Partner, North Bridge Venture Partners Glenn Solomon, Partner, GGV Capital

4:35 PM GigaOM Pro Ask the Analyst: The Road Ahead for the Cloud Over the past two years, the world of enterprise computing, mobile and data have been pulled into the orbit of

cloud computing as the term has gone from buzzword to household word. If this incredible pace continues, where will the cloud be in another 3-5 years? Our GigaOM Pro panel of analysts will tell you not only how they expect cloud computing will change but the resulting impact such change will have on business as they answer questions from the audience and GigaOM Pro subscribers.


Mike Wolf, VP Research, GigaOM Pro


Derrick Harris, Infrastructure Curator, GigaOM Pro Phil Hendrix, Founder and Director, immr Tom Trainer, President, Analytico

4:50 PM


We selected 11 companies that we think ave the “right stuff” to succeed in the marketplace. For company profiles, see LaunchPad page.


Lew Moorman, President, Cloud and Chief Strategy Officer, Rackspace Hosting


Navin Chaddha, Managing Director, Mayfield Fund Matthew Howard, General Partner, Norwest Venture Partners John Lee, Director, Entrepreneur Services Group, Silicon Valley Bank

5:50 PM



Microsoft Workshop – Conference Room 3, Level 2 Why the cloud? Why the Windows Azure platform? Developers today are faced with the challenge of helping IT lower costs by doing more with less. Cloud computing enables developers to play a key role in shifting the IT dynamic and driving new revenue through innovative application development. With the emergence of this computing evolution comes the need for customers to better understand the role of cloud computing, how Microsoft is addressing this space via the Windows Azure platform and how customers should be planning for the cloud, both today and for the future.


Day 2: Thursday, June 24, 2010 7:00 AM


8:00 AM



Joe Weinman, Strategy and Business Development VP, AT&T


Stacey Higginbotham, Staff Writer, GigaOM

8:05 AM

Scaling the Database in the Cloud

As we move our legacy applications to the cloud we are discovering that not all elements scale equally – in particular, legacy databases. In this panel we investigate the differing approaches taken by hot new technology startups and the options customers have when it comes to choosing between scaling legacy systems or transferring to new database platforms.


Matthew Sarrel, Executive Director, Sarrel Group


Roger Bodamer, SVP Product and Engineering, 10gen Emil Eifrem, CEO, Neo Technology Mike Hoskins, CTO and GM Integration Products, Pervasive Software Paul Mikesell, Founder and CEO, Clustrix Amit Pandey, CEO, Terracotta James Phillips, Co-Founder and CSO, NorthScale

8:45 AM

KEYNOTE Connecting the Cloud to the Enterprise

CA Technologies addresses the IT management needs of numerous Fortune 500 companies, as such its policies and decisions will hugely influence the migration and evolution of cloud services in the enterprise. Om Malik sits down to talk with Donald Ferguson, CA’s chief technology officer, to find out how the company plans to create the “cloud-connected enterprise.”


Om Malik, Founder, GigaOM


Dr. Donald Ferguson, EVP and CTO, CA Technologies

9:10 AM

Dealing With the Data Tsunami: The Big Data Panel

We’re hurtling into an era of machine-generated data and the real-time web, but the fact is, we have too much data already. So at what point will extracting knowledge from all that data no longer be cost-feasible? In this panel we ask what strategies and tactics can be implemented today in order to ensure that we are prepared for tomorrow. The panel also considers current state-of-the-art best practices in large data management, both their benefits and downsides.


Phil Hendrix, Founder and Director, immr


Amr Awadallah, CTO and Co-Founder, Cloudera Damian Black, CEO, SQLstream Hagan Hacigumus, Department Head, NEC Labs Todd Papaioannou, VP, Cloud Architecture, Yahoo! Barry Zane, CTO, ParAccel

KEYNOTE Unleashing the Business Potential of Cloud

Cloud computing has tremendous potential. The model can enable service innovation and provide a differentiated customer experience, while creating a lower IT cost structure with increased flexibility and resiliency. But there are very real challenges that enterprises need to overcome in order to scale and fully leverage this model across their businesses. Erich Clementi, IBM’s vice president of corporate strategy and general manager of Enterprise Initiatives, will sit down with Om Malik of GigaOM for a fireside chat to discuss the adoption of cloud computing, future challenges for CIOs and the implications for business model transformation.


Stacey Higginbotham, Staff Writer, GigaOM


Erich Clementi, VP, Strategy and General Manager, Enterprise Initiatives, IBM

10:20 AM


Dupont Fabros Technology Workshop – Conference Room 1, Level 2 State-of-the-Art Data Center Practices for Cloud Computing This workshop panel will bring together the practitioners behind some of the world’s most advanced data center facilities. As the function of the data center’s shifts to in-house clouds we discuss the issues they’re facing and what’s being done to address them. GigaOM Pro Analyst Tom Trainer moderates this workshop, which is brought to you through the generosity of Dupont Fabros Technology.


Mike Wolf, VP Research, GigaOM Pro


Hossein Fateh, CEO, Dupont Fabros Technology

Bluewolf Workshop – Conference Room 2, Level 2 Sustaining Cloud Value Post Go-Live You’re in the cloud - now what? How do you continue the value of the cloud? Time and time again, companies implement cloud technologies and see a decline in user adoption and overall effectiveness. That is about to change. Hear agile pioneers offer battle-tested tips on creating scalable programs and sustainable profits.


Jesse Endo, Director, Bluewolf Beyond, Bluewolf


Jeffrey Lane, Senior Manager, Coverity

Zeus Technology Workshop – Conference Room 3, Level 2 Best Practices for Fast, Secure, and Available Application Delivery Across Physical, Virtual, and Cloud Environments Learn how to increase web application speed, security, and availability with the Zeus Elastic Application Delivery Platform. Find out how Zeus customers have been able to use cloud infrastructure to automatically burst application capacity at peak times, manage application delivery across hybrid physical data center and cloud environments from a single point, and minimize the cost of application infrastructure.


Kosten Metreweli, CMO, Zeus Technology

11:00 AM

Pushing the Cloud to the Edge

The cloud products Akamai unveiled at Structure 2009 pre-empted the needs of the market, as they were the result of the company pushing compute and storage services to the edges of the network in order to provide the best cloud performance. Om Malik sits down with President and CEO Paul Sagan to talk about what’s happened in the year since what Akamai is doing to further shape the future of the cloud.


Om Malik, Founder, GigaOM


Paul Sagan, President and CEO, Akamai


9:50 AM


11:20 AM

Fatter and Faster: Reducing Latency and Increasing Capacity on Broadband

The cloud computing revolution, in order to realize its full potential, is dependent on one key factor: high-capacity broadband. As customers deploy the cloud they are finding that they need ever-fatter pipes and lower latency than ever before. This panel investigates the perspectives from the broadband service providers and broadband technology providers.


Dave Asprey, Entrepreneur in Residence, Trinity Ventures


Mark Day, Chief Scientist, Riverbed Technology Baruch Deutsch, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Cisco Kenneth Duda, VP Software Engineering, Arista Networks Michelle Munson, President and Co-Founder, Aspera Lane Patterson, Chief Technologist, Equinix

12:00 PM

Facebook: The Demands of Webscaling

Jonathan Heiliger architects the infrastructure for one of the most demanding applications on the web: Facebook. In a fireside chat with Om Malik, he shares some insights gleaned from working at the social networking site as well as from his stewardship of the exclusive Webmonsters group, which brings together keepers of the largest webscale infrastructures in order to learn from one another. Not to be missed.


Om Malik, Founder, GigaOM


Jonathan Heiliger, VP, Technical Operations, Facebook

12:20 PM


EMC Workshop – Conference Room 1, Level 2 Supermassive Storage: Cutting Edge Practices from the Service Provider industry The Service Provider industry has some of the most mammoth and demanding requirements for provisioning cloud-based storage. Their current innovations and practices will become the common place practices for tomorrow’s F500 corporation and their data storage solutions. In this workshop we examine how EMC’s innovative Atmos solution is being used by the biggest service providers to solve their extreme storage needs and how they cope with policy management, multi-tenancy, network intrusion prevention and data federation when serving global-sized cloud customers.


Gary Orenstein, Host, The Cloud Computing Show


Christian Arangio, Product Manager, Cloud Infrastructure Group, EMC Corporation Tobias Ford, Assistant VP, Cloud, AT&T Tim Varma, VP of Product Management, PEER 1 Hosting

Joyent Workshop – Conference Room 2, Level 2 The Promise...and Reality...of the Cloud Is the cloud delivering on its promise? If not, where are its limitations? What are the best use cases for cloud deployment? Hear from one enterprise that recently moved its legacy business to the cloud, and two others that grew their businesses within it. What challenges did they face? How did they overcome them? speakerS

Rafi Jacoby, Director of Research, Context Optional David Razavi, VP of Technology, Traffic Marketplace


Barry Zane, CTO, ParAccel


Bob Goldsand, Senior Technical Alliance Manager, VMware

1:20 PM

SaaS and Open Source

What if you were to provide open source applications as a service (SaaS)? The potential low total cost of ownership and extensive customization make the premise very attractive to many customers out there. Could it be that simple? And what of the hidden costs in customization and maintenance? We ask two of the valleys most noted entrepreneurs how they are pushing ahead with a vision of free software delivered as a service and what value is provided to the customers and the coders.


Kim Polese


Larry Augustin, CEO, SugarCRM Marten Mickos, CEO, Eucalyptus Systems

1:40 PM

Guru Panel: Scaling Fast and in Real Time

We assemble a panel of some of the top innovators – and biggest infrastructure customers – in the web world to talk about their experiences pushing the boundaries of cloud computing. Core topics will include how to scale quickly, considerations that need to be made when it comes to real-time web experiences and what technologies they want to see developed.


Jonathan Heiliger, VP, Technical Operations, Facebook


Reza Hajebi, Global Infrastructure Software, Yahoo! Matthew Mengerink, VP of Customer Quality, Engineering Services and Site Operations, PayPal Tom Mornini, CTO and Co-Founder, Engine Yard Jay Parikh, Director of Engineering, Facebook Mark Williams, VP Network Operations, Zynga Game Network

2:20 PM

Rethinking the Homogenous Cloud

Many clouds are based on some uniform, consistent building block scaled out to a homogenous infrastructure. While this approach supports scalability and interoperability, it can also result in inefficiency. This presentation will highlight the tradeoffs of conventional thinking and address the implications for future technology and standards to deliver cloud computing that is open, secure and efficient.


Jason Waxman, GM, High Density Computing, Intel Corporation

2:40 PM

Working with the Hyperscale Providers, Lessons from the Cutting Edge of TCO and Innovation

Four years ago a group was formed within Dell to target the emerging hyperscale market. This group, led by Forrest Norrod soon developed into the infrastructure partner for some of the world’s largest cloud computing providers and hyperscale data center operators. Come hear what Forrest has learned working with these customers who operate at the cutting edge of efficiency and how he sees the cloud and hyperscale market evolving going forward.


Stacey Higginbotham, Staff Writer, GigaOM


Forrest Norrod, VP and GM, Server Platforms, Dell


ParAccel Workshop – Conference Room 3, Level 2 Virtualized, High Performance Strategic Analytics When your data holds hidden answers and your need to know is urgent, serious analytic power is essential. The ParAccel Analytic Database delivers near real-time answers to your toughest questions in a virtualized environment. Learn how ParAccel and VMware bust the performance-penalty myth – strategic analytics thrive virtualized.


3:00 PM


Dell Workshop – Conference Room 1, Level 2 Two Paths to the Cloud – Are You Looking for a Revolution or an Evolution? There are two complimentary paths to cloud building, evolutionary and revolutionary. One focused on infrastructure and traditional enterprise applications the other, platform focused and based on cloud-native apps. While evolutionary dominates today, is the revolutionary approach where the future lies? Come learn more about these approaches and how each can benefit you.


John Igoe, Director Cloud Software Solutions, Dell

Zuora Workshop – Conference Room 2, Level 2 Deploying Cloud Commerce: Learn How to Meter, Price, and Bill in the Cloud How do you properly monetize your cloud service offering when legacy systems cannot support the new world of pay-as-you-go, usage-based billing? Learn how EMC, Sun, and others succeeded in launching new cloud business models in record time. Based on Zuora’s platform and experience deploying cloud commerce solutions, this session will walk through multiple demos, use cases, and best practices for deploying cloud commerce.


Madhu Rao, Director, Solutions Engineering, Zuora Lew Tucker, Former CTO, Cloud Computing Business Unit, Sun Microsystems

Equinix Workshop – Conference Room 3, Level 2 Creating an Enabling Architecture for Cloud Services Having great application software and fast hardware are only half the battle. A scalable deployment architecture is equally necessary to achieve the economic and operational advantages of mainstream cloud services. This workshop explores key elements of cloud deployment architecture and calls attention to the considerations necessary for a high quality end-user experience.


Darryl Brown, Cloud and IT Services Vertical Marketing, Equinix

3:40 PM

The Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

PaaS is your choice when you need more flexibility than SaaS but do not want to manage your own infrastructure. In this panel we will investigate whether focused propositions will win out, or whether the more broad efforts aimed at the Enterprise will take the cake. Will interoperability efforts lead to their commoditization or will verticalized plays hold their premium? The panel brings together distinct viewpoints to debate these and other questions about the future viability of PaaS.


Derrick Harris, Infrastructure Curator, GigaOM Pro


Yousef Khalidi, Distinguished Engineer, Windows Azure, Microsoft Lew Moorman, President, Cloud and CSO, Rackspace Hosting Mike Piech, Senior Director, Product Marketing, Oracle Byron Sebastian, CEO, Heroku Tien Tzuo, CEO, Zuora

Hybrid Clouds – The Best of Both Worlds?

Mix together an organization’s existing infrastructure with that of a cloud service provider and you have what’s known as a hybrid cloud. But while hybrid clouds solve numerous problems – namely by mitigating risk, capital expenditure and uncertainty – are we diluting the real underlying value that each approach offers on its own?


James Urquhart, Senior Market Strategist, Cloud Computing, Cisco


Michael Crandell, CEO, RightScale Marten Mickos, CEO, Eucalyptus Systems Tom Roloff, SVP, EMC Consulting, EMC Corporation Randy Rowland, GM Managed Hosting and Cloud Computing Services, Terremark Sinclair Schuller, CEO, Apprenda

5:00 PM

Different Clouds, Different Purposes: A Taxonomy of Clouds

When web upstarts started offering cloud services, they stirred the sleeping enterprise giants and hosting companies into action as well. The buyer is now spoiled, for from the bedroom to the boardroom there is a vendor that can offer it the right cloud. But how, exactly, are they different from one another? Will they happily co-exist together? Is interoperability even desirable? Or is it a path to creating commodity and mediocrity? You decide.


Stacey Higginbotham, Staff Writer, GigaOM


Val Bercovici, Cloud Czar and Chairman of SNIA’s Cloud Storage Initiative, NetApp Joseph Crawford, Executive Director, IT Solutions, Verizon Business Carl Meadows, Senior Product Manager, Cloud Services, The Planet Shelton Shugar, SVP, Cloud Computing, Yahoo! Denoid Tucker, VP of Technology, StrataScale

5:40 PM


5:45 PM



4:20 PM


LAUNCHPAD COMPANIES Nimbula Nimbula delivers an enterprise cloud operating system that combines the flexibility, scalability and operational efficiencies of the public cloud with the control, security and trust of today’s advanced datacenters. SPEAKER: Chris Pinkham, Founder and CEO

Cloudant Offering data management, search and analytics as a cloud service, Cloudant leverages decades of “big science” experience to solve next-generation data problems. SPEAKER: Mike Miller, Founder and Chief Scientist

SolidFire SolidFire is a next-generation block storage platform for cloud computing providers and other enterprises that need scalable, reliable storage for thousands of servers. SPEAKER: Dave Wright, CEO

Datameer Founded by Hadoop veterans in 2009, Datameer’s breakthrough product, Datameer Analytics Solution, builds on the power of Hadoop to deliver easy-to-use and cost-effective big data analytics. SPEAKER: Stefan Groschupf, CTO

NorthScale NorthScale provides a new class of data management technology that scales out, enabling lower data management costs while improving scalability and performance of web applications and cloud computing environments. SPEAKER: James Phillips, Co-Founder and SVP, Products

GridCentric Infrastructure software that provides the scalability, efficiency, flexibility, and ease-of-use of next-generation cloud services. SPEAKER: Tim Smith, CEO

Nephosity Nephosity is an enterprise cloud computing solutions provider whose flagship product, “pomsets”, is a computational workflow management system for the cloud. SPEAKER: Michael Pan, Founder and CEO

CloudSwitch CloudSwitch’s innovative software appliance enables enterprises to move their existing applications to the right cloud computing environment—securely, simply and without changes. SPEAKER: Ellen Rubin, Founder and VP Products

Riptano Riptano provides professional support and services for Apache Cassandra. SPEAKER: Matt Pfeil, Co-Founder

Greenqloud Greenqloud is the world’s first truly green public compute cloud. SPEAKER: Eirikur S. Hrafnsson, CEO and Co-Founder

Zettar Zettar creates software that seamlessly integrates an enterprise’s existing applications with private and public storage clouds, enabling enterprise storage to move effortlessly to the cloud. SPEAKER: Chin Fang, Founder

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Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) is an innovative technology company dedicated to collaborating with customers and technology partners to ignite the next generation of computing and graphics solutions at work, home and play. For more information, visit

Bluewolf Bluewolf is a global pack of experts committed to partnering with clients to attain Agile Business Transformation. Only Bluewolf can bring 10 years of best practices to every project and guarantee its success. The company is distinctly positioned between classic management consultants and breakthrough technical designers. Its world-class portfolio proves its ability to match its Agile methodology with unparalleled vision. From demand generation to close, channel strategies to customer care, Bluewolf helps clients attain efficient, responsible business performance, gaining the label of tomorrow’s business standard. Bluewolf clients include Time Warner Cable, ADP, Dow Jones and Company, United Way, Chevron and more. To view client success stories, visit For more information, visit

CDNetworks CDNetworks is a top tier, full-service, global content delivery network providing technology and services that enable fast, efficient, reliable delivery of content anywhere in the world. CDNetworks offers a comprehensive suite of services and solutions for content acceleration, application acceleration, live/on-demand video streaming. CDNetworks provides comprehensive datacenter services, including hosting, IP transit, and co-location services. Some of the world’s top companies in media, entertainment, technology, retail, and online gaming rely on CDNetworks to maximize their user experience while minimizing delivery costs. With strategic points of presence deployed across 6 continents, CDNetworks provides true global coverage and unparalleled network performance backed by 24/7 personalized service and support. CDNetworks has offices in the US, Korea, China, United Kingdom, France, and Japan. For more information, visit

Dell Dell Inc. helps customers succeed by understanding their issues and needs and delivering innovative, high-value IT solutions. Dell is the infrastructure partner for the world’s largest cloud computing providers and hyperscale data center operators, offering customized systems and services from its Data Center Solutions division. Through its new Cloud Solutions and PowerEdge C systems, Dell is bringing that experience to a wider audience helping new customers build efficient and affordable cloud computing and scaled-out data center infrastructures. For more information, visit




DuPont Fabros Technology DuPont Fabros Technology, Inc. (NYSE: DFT) is a real estate investment trust (REIT) and leading owner, developer, operator and manager of wholesale data centers. The Company’s data centers are highly specialized, secure facilities used primarily by national and international technology companies to house, power and cool the computer servers that support many of their most critical business processes. DuPont Fabros Technology, Inc. is headquartered in Washington, DC. For more information, visit or call 202.728.0044.

EMC Corporation EMC provides products and services to help people and organizations around the world bring the power of their information to life through the creation of information infrastructure and virtual infrastructure. Many of EMC’s offerings in areas such as networked storage, data backup and recovery, backup management, data archiving, data protection, data deduplication, data consolidation, data replication, content management, and information security enable customers to transition to the next-generation of information management in their journey to private cloud computing. For more information, visit

Equinix Equinix, Inc. (Nasdaq: EQIX) operates International Business Exchange™ (IBX®) data centers offering businesses a place to reliably run their operations and securely exchange critical information in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Every day, without compromise, the people who control the world’s most valued information assets place their trust in us, leveraging our insight, expertise and world-class service to protect and connect what matters to them most—their information. For more information and recent news, please visit

Intel Intel is a world leader in computing innovation and has been the driving force behind the global technology revolution for more than 40 years. The company designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world’s computing devices. The microprocessor was just the beginning. Today, we’re shaping the future with life-enhancing technologies that solve real-world problems and inspire the next generation of innovators. Additional information about Intel is available at and

Joyent Joyent has been delivering web application Infrastructure as a Service since 2004, long before it was ever called Cloud Computing. With thousands of customers world-wide from rapidly growing startups to Fortune 500 customers, Joyent’s high-performance software infrastructure has been proven to be extremely stable, flexible and secure. Today, Joyent is the only true on-demand Cloud Computing solution providing enterprise customers the convenience, efficiency and scalability of cloud computing with the reliability, security and performance of fully managed, dedicated data centers. Our software enables customers to deploy and scale computing resources in minutes with a pay-per-use model buying only the necessary capacity desired. For more information, visit

ParAccel When your data holds hidden answers, your need to know is urgent, and the consequences are high, serious analytic power is essential. The ParAccel Analytic Database (PADB) delivers near-real-time answers to your toughest questions with the world’s fastest analytic database processing. ParAccel’s load and go approach, powerful query optimizer, easy deployability and linear scalability running on commodity hardware allow any organization to tap unprecedented analytic performance with skills already resident. With ultra-performance for ad hoc queries, easy adoptability and guaranteed to be Faster or Free, PADB is the market’s most accessible strategic analytics solution. Learn more during our “Virtualized, High-Performance Strategic Analytics” workshop with VMWare on 6/24 during lunch, and visit us in the Sponsor Gallery and at

Since 1999, PEER 1 Hosting has grown into one of the world’s top 5 web hosting providers. We got here by delivering the kind of exceptional service that gets noticed, and a blazing fast SuperNetwork™ backbone that always delivers on our uptime promise. Take advantage of our award-winning Managed Hosting, Dedicated Servers (through our sister company ServerBeach), Colocation, and Cloud services – all backed by 24x7 FirstCall Support™. Our customers include Plentyoffish, Wordpress, and YouTube. For more information, visit is the enterprise cloud computing company. The company’s portfolio of Salesforce CRM applications, available at, has revolutionized the ways that companies collaborate and communicate with their customers across sales, marketing and service. The company’s platform ( helps customers, partners and developers to quickly build powerful business applications to run every part of the enterprise in the cloud. Based on’s real-time, multitenant architecture, Salesforce CRM and offer the fastest path to customer success with cloud computing. For more information, visit

Spiceworks Spiceworks is transforming the way IT products & services are managed by IT professionals and marketed by technology companies. Nearly 900,000, or 20 percent, of the world’s SMB IT pros use Spiceworks’ free software and community, often called the “Facebook of IT”, to do their jobs. Over 175 technology brands including Microsoft, Intel, and Rackspace use Spiceworks’ market research, engagement, advertising and selling solutions to reach these IT pros (and their $150 billion in annual technology spend). Spiceworks unique approach to ‘social business applications’ combines business apps, crowdsourcing, social networking and community collaboration to connect the users to each other and to advertisers to simplify Everything IT. For more information, visit

Terremark Worldwide Terremark Worldwide (NASDAQ:TMRK) is a leading global provider of IT infrastructure services delivered on the industry’s most robust and advanced technology platform. Leveraging data centers in the United States, Europe and Latin America with access to massive and diverse network connectivity, Terremark delivers government and enterprise customers a comprehensive suite of managed solutions including managed hosting, colocation, disaster recovery, security, data storage and cloud computing services. Terremark’s Enterprise Cloud computing architecture delivers the agility, scale and economic benefits of cloud computing to mission-critical enterprise and Web 2.0 applications and its DigitalOps® service platform combines end-to-end systems management workflow with a comprehensive customer portal. For more information, visit

Tilera Corporation Tilera Corporation is the industry leader in highly scalable general-purpose multicore processors. Tilera’s processors are based on its breakthrough iMesh™ architecture, which enables performance scalability for up to 100 general-purpose, low power, cores on a single chip. With this revolutionary architecture, standard Linux environment, and standard GNU tools, Tilera delivers an unprecedented combination of performance and programming flexibility at a fraction of the power consumption of legacy processors. Tilera was founded in October 2004, and now provides two product families: TILE64™ processors and TILEPro™ processors, with its latest TILE-Gx family due out in late 2010. The company is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with locations in Westborough, Mass., Yokohama, Japan, Shanghai, China and Beijing. For more information, visit


PEER 1 Hosting


Windows Azure Windows Azure serves as the development, service hosting and service management environment for the Windows Azure platform. Windows Azure provides developers with on-demand compute and storage to host, scale, and manage Web applications on the Internet through Microsoft data centers. For more information, visit or stop by our booth! is the quickest, easiest way to get blogging with WordPress. It’s completely free to get started and comes with features like dozens of built-in themes, up-to-the-minute stats, 3GB of file storage and free 24/7 support. And there are great premium features available too, including domain registration, HD video support, and more. Over 10 million bloggers share their ideas with the world at When you’re ready to express yourself with your own blog, visit to see just how easy it can be to get started.

Zeus Technology Zeus software enables our customers to create, manage and deliver exceptional online services in Physical, Virtual and Cloud environments. Implementing a Zeus solution allows organizations to visualize and manipulate the flow of traffic to their web-enabled applications, thus ensuring a consistently robust web infrastructure. Coupled with the ability to deploy new online services very quickly, Zeus helps provide the competitive advantage businesses need, by making those services faster, more reliable, more secure and easier to manage. Zeus software can be deployed on industry standard hardware, virtual machines and any Cloud platform, making it the right strategic choice for today and tomorrow. For more information, visit

Zuora Zuora’s subscription billing and commerce platform changes the way subscription businesses manage and sell to customers, allowing them to bring new products to market in less time, with more flexibility and less hassle. Zuora customers are up and running within 30 to 90 days and often recognize 200% ROI within weeks. Zuora is built from the ground up by SaaS industry visionaries and veterans from, WebEx, Accenture, Google, eBay, Oracle and Vitria. Zuora customers include Reed Business Information, Coremetrics, InsideView, Marketo, Ricoh,, Xactly, HD Cloud, Cloud Central and Sun Microsystems. For more information, visit

code in the cloud…with the development technologies you already know

I Know a place that’s dIfferent, but famIlIar

With Windows Azure™, you have a flexible, on demand infrastructure that taps into all the IT resources you need. The advantages? You have the freedom to focus. With the cloud as your development platform, you can focus on what you do best: create applications, without the restrictions on performance, capacity, or deployment that come with using your own hardware rather than the cloud.

You can code in the language you choose. Windows Azure enables you to build applications in multiple languages, including .NET, PHP, and Java. You’re already equipped for the cloud. You can start developing applications for Windows Azure right away, using familiar tools such as Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008.

Find out more. See how Windows Azure can help get you coding in the cloud. Go to or visit our booth to learn more.

AboveNet AboveNet, Inc. provides high bandwidth connectivity solutions for business and carriers. Its private optical network delivers key network and IP services in and among top U.S. metro markets and globally. AboveNet’s network is widely used in demanding markets such as financial services, media, health care, retail and government. We have greater than 2.2 million fiber miles to deliver private, purpose-built networking providing end-to-end connectivity in and among top US markets and globally. For more information, visit

Aspera Aspera is the creator of next-generation transport technologies that move the world’s digital assets at maximum speed regardless of file size, transfer distance and network conditions. Based on its patented fasp™ protocol, Aspera software fully utilizes existing infrastructures to deliver the fastest, most predictable file transfer experience. Aspera’s core technology delivers unprecedented control over bandwidth, complete security and uncompromising reliability. About one thousand organizations across a variety of industries on six continents rely on Aspera software for the business-critical transport of their digital assets. For more information, visit

CloudSwitch CloudSwitch delivers the enterprise gateway to the cloud. CloudSwitch’s innovative software appliance enables enterprises to move their existing applications to the right cloud computing environment—securely, simply and without changes. With CloudSwitch, applications remain tightly integrated with enterprise data center tools and policies, and can be moved easily between different cloud environments and back into the data center based on the requirements of the business. CloudSwitch protects enterprises from the complexity, risks and potential lock-in of cloud computing, freeing them to leverage the cloud’s advantages in cost and business agility. For more information, visit

Clustrix Clustrix is the technology leader in Clustered Database Systems (CDS) for Internet-scale applications. The Clustrix CLX 4010 is a highly scalable database solution that addresses the infrastructure scalability challenges facing Internet companies, enterprises, and cloud service providers. This new solution brings to database administrators the best of both worlds: the high-performance, high-scalability of NoSQL key value stores and the relational, ACID-compliant and robust functionality of SQL–while providing drop-in interoperability with the MySQL protocol. The cost savings of utilizing the Clustrix solution are also significant – particularly when compared to the time and expense of application sharding (partitioning). The Clustrix Clustered Database System consists of three or more identical CLX 4010 appliances, each running the Sierra Clustered Database Engine. For more information, visit

DataDirect Networks DataDirect Networks, Inc. (DDN) is the data infrastructure provider for the most extreme, highest-performance, and content-intensive environments in the world. Building on heritage steeped in the data intensive environments of high performance computing and solving scalable data challenges, DDN applies leading HPC and Web storage concepts to simplify and scale-out large storage architectures. Around the world, DDN solutions power leading-edge applications, including: social networking, cloud content and gaming sites, backup and archive, IP surveillance, life sciences and grid computing. For more information, visit




DreamFace Interactive DreamFace Interactive develops and markets a revolutionary Open Source Widget Platform for creating Web and Enterprise Applications, Mashups and Business Intelligence Dashboards. DreamFace greatly reduces Time to Market and significantly lowers Total Cost of Ownership for custom application development. DreamFace empowers developers in a disciplined approach to application development through the DreamFace Studio providing high-level editors and wizards to reduce the application development cycle. DreamFace also provides Citizen Developers with the tools to quickly compose, customize and share, personalized business mashups and dashboards by reusing widget templates provided in the DreamFace Studio. Please join us on June 24 at 2:40PM on the main stage at the Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF where DreamFace Interactive will make a major announcement. For more information, visit

Engine Yard Engine Yard is the leading provider of automation technologies and services for Ruby on Rails, including AppCloud and xCloud, Engine Yard’s Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) products for web developers and web teams. Engine Yard products provide easy-to-use, automated Rails application deployment and management, with a design philosophy that allows easy migration of existing applications. Engine Yard helps development teams realize productivity gains and cost savings by eliminating the operational overhead caused by application deployment issues and managing complex infrastructures. A significant contributor to the advancement of Open Source projects, Engine Yard employs top industry experts and sponsors or directly contributes to many projects such as Ruby on Rails, JRuby and Rubinius. Headquartered in San Francisco, Calif., Engine Yard is backed by Benchmark Capital, New Enterprise Associates, and For more information, visit

Gluster Gluster is exclusively focused on simplifying the task of storing and managing the explosion of unstructured data and transforming the economics of storage. Gluster Storage Platform is an open source clustered storage solution that runs on industry standard hardware, delivering multiple times the scalability and performance of conventional storage systems at a fraction of the cost. The Gluster architecture is modular and stackable, making it extremely easy to install, customize, and manage. Gluster Storage Platform is used in a wide range of industries including digital media, healthcare, video-on-demand, internet, energy, and biotech. Gluster is privately-held and headquartered in Milpitas, California. For more information, visit

GoGrid GoGrid is the Global LEADER in Hybrid & Cloud Infrastructure. GoGrid enables sysadmins, developers, and IT professionals to create, deploy, and control free f5 load balanced cloud & dedicated servers and complex hosted virtual server networks with full root access/administrative server control including personal server images (known as MyGSIs). GoGrid server instances maintain industry standard specifications with no requirement to learn proprietary standards. Deploying GoGrid infrastructure takes minutes via a web control panel or GoGrid’s API. GoGrid delivers portal controlled servers for Windows Server 2003/2008, SQL Server, and ASP.NET, as well as multiple Linux server operating systems like RHEL and CentOS. GoGrid gives users the control of a familiar datacenter environment with the flexibility and immediate scalability of the cloud. For more information, visit

Heroku Heroku is a leading provider of cloud computing, offering a Ruby platform as a service focused on ease of use, automation, and reliability. Headquartered in San Francisco, CA, Heroku is a passionate and active supporter of Ruby technologies and cloud architecture. Heroku was designated a ‘Best Products of 2009’ by ReadWriteWeb. Heroku is funded by Y Combinator, Redpoint Ventures, Baseline Ventures,Harrison Metal Capital and Ignition Partners. Tens of thousands of developers worldwide have deployed over 60,000+ applications to Heroku. For more information, please visit and or follow Heroku on Twitter at

As a world-leading information technology company, HP applies new thinking and ideas to create more simple, valuable and trusted experiences with technology. Our focus is to continuously improve the way our customers live and work through technology products and services, form the individual consumer to the largest enterprise. For more information, visit

IBM For nearly a century, IBM has helped businesses innovate and deliver increased value. IBM helps clients solve their most pressing issues by combining forward thinking, business insight, research and industry experience with the latest interconnected technologies. As our planet is getting smarter, discover how IBM works with CIOs to leverage cloud computing to reduce costs, improve service delivery and enable business innovation. For more information, visit

LEWIS PR LEWIS PR is a global public relations firm. LEWIS combines the personal service and attention to detail of a boutique PR agency with the unmatched experience level of a global PR firm to deliver the best possible results for our clients. In addition to traditional media and analyst relations, LEWIS specializes in social media PR, SEO, digital marketing and creative services. It works with companies to implement integrated communications programs on an international scale. LEWIS works with leading and emerging brands across multiple sectors, including automotive, consumer, government, healthcare, insurance, legal, non-profit, technology and telecom. For more information, visit

Livestream Livestream is a web-based provider of services and tools that enable users to create live, streaming video channels with the rich features and functionality – 3D effects, graphics, imported video, and chat – typically found in TV production studios. Livestream’s offerings – which also include broadcast and on-demand 24x7 – enable businesses and consumers to launch content channels without incurring the high charges associated with the equipment and staff currently used to produce traditional TV. The company has attracted commercial customers from the media, entertainment and events industries as well as a huge base of consumer users. Content can be viewed on the Livestream destination or delivered to other sites via a simple icon. For more information,

Mayfield Fund Mayfield Fund is a forty year old venture capital firm with over $2.8 billion under management. Since our founding in 1969, we have raised 13 U.S. funds, one India fund, and have assisted our partners at GSR Ventures in raising three China funds. We have invested in more than 500 companies, taken more than 100 public, and nearly 100 have merged or were acquired. Our key sectors of investment include: consumer, enterprise, energy tech, communication service provider and chips and components. We invest across all stages of a company, from incubation and Series A, through growth and later stages. For more information, visit

(mt) Media Temple (mt) Media Temple, Inc. is an industry-leading, privately held, profitable web hosting and software application services company based in California. Since 1998, our company has provided businesses worldwide with reliable, professional-class network environments to host websites, email, business applications, and other rich media content. We are a friendly, accessible group of “technology agnostic” engineers, support professionals, and business developers focused on the continued financial success of our company while adding value to the services we provide. For more information, visit




Neustar NeuStar, Inc. (NYSE: NSR) solves complex communications challenges by providing innovative solutions and directory services that enable trusted communication across networks, applications and enterprises around the world. Neustar provides its UltraDNS managed DNS services to organizations that rely on the Internet for their critical business processes, applications and services. Neustar’s UltraDNS services are used by more than 3,000 enterprises and TLD infrastructure customers worldwide, and power the resolution of nearly 20 million global Internet domains. Neustar’s Webmetrics service provides collaborative performance management services for complex web ecosystems. Visit, and for more information.

Norwest Venture Partners Norwest Venture Partners (NVP) is a global venture and growth equity investment firm that manages more than $3.7 billion in capital. It has offices in Palo Alto, California, Mumbai and Bengaluru, India and Herzelia, Israel. NVP makes early to late stage venture and growth equity investments in U.S. and global companies across a wide range of sectors including: information technology, business services, financial services, infrastructure, technology enabled services and consumer. NVP has actively partnered with entrepreneurs to build great businesses for more than 49 years and has funded over 450 companies since inception. Notable investments include Airespace (acquired by Cisco Systems), Cerent (acquired by Cisco Systems), Documentum, Kace (acquired by Dell), LifeSize (acquired by Logitech), PeopleSoft, Rackspace (NYSE: RAX) and Tivoli Systems (acquired by IBM). For more information, visit

Oxygen Cloud Oxygen enables direct cloud storage adoption for enterprise end users. It provides the security and administration capabilities needed for companies and IT to manage storage and support end users. Companies can create company file networks utilizing public and private cloud storage, and users can join file networks to access, share and collaborate with anyone. Oxygen provides: transparent access to cloud storage and use of files from the desktop, automatic encryption of files in the cloud, in transmission and locally on the desktop, total visibility and control over users, data and policies for IT and multiple public and private cloud storage options. Oxygen’s beta program will be available soon. To register and learn more, please visit

Pentaho Corporation Pentaho Corporation is the commercial open source alternative for Business Intelligence (BI). Pentaho BI Suite Enterprise Edition provides comprehensive reporting, OLAP analysis, dashboards, data integration/ETL, data mining and a BI platform that have made it the world’s leading and most widely deployed commercial open source BI suite. Pentaho provides support, services, and product enhancements via an annual subscription that can lower total cost of ownership by 90% compared to proprietary BI offerings. For more information, visit

Pervasive Software Pervasive Software is a leader in data integration for the cloud, delivery of data services on the cloud, and software for processing big data on multicore servers. For more than two decades, Pervasive has helped thousands of customers manage, integrate and analyze critical data. Pervasive’s Data Integrator delivers rapid, low TCO for data migration, ETL, application integration, B2B data exchange and integration as a service. With Pervasive DataRush, developers can quickly build highly parallel, data-intensive applications that take full advantage of multicore SMP platforms—with no specialized knowledge required in any complex aspect of parallel thread execution. Robin Bloor, Chief Research Analyst and President, The Bloor Group and Founder, Bloor Research, recently cited Pervasive as one of the “10 IT Companies to Watch in 2010.” For more information, visit

RightScale is the leader in cloud computing management. Founded in 2006, RightScale offers a fully automated management platform that delivers the scalable, cost-effective, on-demand power of cloud computing, while providing complete IT control and transparency. With RightScale, you can more easily deploy and manage business-critical applications on the cloud with new levels of automation, control, and portability. To date, thousands of deployments and over one million servers have been launched on RightScale - running everything from scalable websites to complex grid applications. For more information, visit

Scality Scality has developed a massively scalable storage platform providing significantly easier application deployment at a fraction of the cost of traditional storage. Delivered as a software solution, Scality can be deployed to enable email solutions for cable and telecom operators or as a system to enable and grow cloud storage services at hosting providers or other storage-intensive services. Scality sells direct to Internet service providers, cable operators, fixed-line, mobile operators and hosting companies and through Value Added distribution channels. The company has offices in Paris, San Francisco and Tokyo. For more information, visit

ScienceLogic ScienceLogic is an enterprise software company that provides a high performance appliance-based “NOCin-a-box” architected for dynamic data centers, managed service providers, and large distributed enterprises embracing private and hybrid clouds. Its award-winning EM7 G3 solution was architected from the ground-up to manage private cloud and hybrid environments,and ScienceLogic has spent 7 years perfecting and optimizing a comprehensive integrated solution. ScienceLogic’s customers (including Cisco, AT&T, Navy, and DOD) are very impressive, representing some of the most challenging IT deployment environments worldwide. Industry Awards: Inc 500 list of Fastest Growing Private Companies, Winner – Best of Interop (Network Management), Gartner Cool Vendor in IT Operations, Deloitte Technology Fast 500. For more information, visit

Silicon Valley Bank Silicon Valley Bank is the premier commercial bank for companies in the technology, life science, venture capital/ private equity and premium wine industries. SVB provides a comprehensive suite of financing solutions, treasury management, corporate investment and international banking services to its clients worldwide. Through its focus on specialized markets and extensive knowledge of the people and business issues driving them, SVB provides a level of service and partnership that measurably impacts its clients’ success. Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Santa Clara, California, the company serves clients through 27 U.S. offices and international operations in China, India, Israel and the United Kingdom. Silicon Valley Bank is a member of SVB Financial Group (Nasdaq: SIVB), with SVB Analytics, SVB Capital, SVB Global and SVB Private Client Services. For more information, visit

SOASTA SOASTA’s mission is to ensure that today’s websites and applications are highly reliable and scalable. The company’s product, SOASTA CloudTest®, delivers performance intelligence by capturing data about all the elements that impact a website and immediately turning it into actionable information. Leveraging a unique, real-time analytic engine built exclusively for testing web and mobile applications, SOASTA CloudTest enables quality assurance and development teams to test and monitor their websites under both typical and extreme traffic conditions, at an affordable price. SOASTA CloudTest is available on-demand or as an appliance. SOASTA is privately held and headquartered in Mountain View, California. For more information, visit




StrataScale StrataScale delivers a complete suite of enterprise-class cloud and managed server hosting options to meet the IT infrastructure needs of businesses of all sizes. With full control of their entire server environments via web portal access and an advanced UI, StrataScale customers can provision, manage, and scale their compute resources in minutes from anywhere at anytime. StrataScale is committed to meeting the IT infrastructure needs of its customers by delivering faster, better, affordable hosting solutions - allowing them to be quicker, stronger, and more agile. For more information, visit

The Planet The Planet is the leading provider of On Demand IT Infrastructure solutions, hosting more than 20,000 smalland medium-size businesses and 15.7 million Web sites worldwide. Customers have the power to choose from the broadest range of hosting solutions in the industry, from dedicated servers, Managed Dedicated Servers, Northstar Managed Hosting and data center colocation, all backed by 24x7x365 support. With the best choice of servers, software tools and world-class service, backed by state-of-the-art data centers and an enterprise-class network, The Planet turns IT into a powerful competitive advantage that enables customers to grow their businesses. For additional information, visit

WSO2 WSO2 delivers WSO2 Carbon, the only complete open source enterprise middleware platform, available as straightforward server downloads or through WSO2 Stratos as PaaS in private, public, or hybrid clouds. Committed to overcoming the broad array of hurdles faced by enterprise developers and IT staff, WSO2 invests heavily in technology innovation, contributes actively to many key Apache Web services projects, and provides world-class support services. From inception through production WSO2 supports customers with architectural guidance, developer support, and long-term production support. For more information, visit

Xangati Xangati delivers an infrastructure performance management solution which enables enterprises and their cloud providers to accelerate cloud/virtualization initiatives with confidence. The Xangati solution provides comprehensive insight into all virtual machines (VMs) and anything they communicate with (applications, servers, end-users, databases, storage, networks)– whether these objects are in a conventional enterprise data center, a private cloud or a public cloud. Xangati’s unique VM-to-anything visibility is optimized to accelerate two major cloud/virtualization migration efforts: 1) mission-critical, multi-tier applications, and 2) desktops. To successfully support these efforts, the Xangati solution baselines the performance of these elements before the migration and compares it with what’s happening in their new environment. The result is a framework to ensure that business user productivity is as good or better. For additional information, visit

ENTREPRENEURS NEED MORE THAN AN INFUSION OF CAPITAL TO SUCCEED. NVP provides the business relationships that make the difference between moderate success and market leadership. The investment professionals at NVP have deep operational experience and industry knowledge, which give them a realworld insight into the business issues facing today’s companies. We all have a vested interest in making your business successful, and when you work with one investment professional at NVP, you gain the entire NVP team. NVP is a global venture and growth equity

investment firm that manages more than $3.7 billion in capital. It has offices in Palo Alto, California, Mumbai and Bangalore, India and Herzelia, Israel. NVP makes early to late stage venture and growth equity investments in U.S. and global companies across a wide range of sectors including: information technology, business services, financial services, infrastructure, technology enabled services and consumer. NVP has actively partnered with entrepreneurs to build great businesses for more than 49 years and has funded over 450 companies since inception.

Select Cloud Infrastructure and Cloud/Saas Investments

Unleash Your Data with Virtualized Strategic Analytics When your data holds hidden answers and your need to know is urgent, serious analytic power is essential. The ParAccel Analytic Database (PADB) delivers nearreal-time answers to your toughest questions with the world’s fastest analytic database processing in a virtualized environment. PADB allows any organization to tap unprecedented performance for strategic analytics including complex and ad hoc queries. Derive conclusive information within a private analytic cloud for the confidence to Know What to Do. Learn more during our “Virtualized, High-Performance Strategic Analytics� workshop with VMware on 6/24 during lunch, and visit us in the Sponsor Gallery and at

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Change happens.

Financial Standards

SAS, SPSS, SYSTAT, Statistica

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1001 10 1101 1 0010 00 1110 10 11 00 1 10 1 0 0 1001

011110001 001 10 01 111001 00 100 10 1 00

10 00 11 0 10 1011 01 0111 0 0 1


1011001001 111 01 100 1011010101


011110101 1010001100001 10111001 01011001111100



0 11 0111010 1011010 00 1010


Healthcare Applications EMR, LIS, Rx, HIS, RIS, Devices

101001 00001

110100 100011 0

10 10110 10 100 0001 1001111 111001 1100101

Universal U n niverrs rssa sal all CONNECT! CO ON EC C



011110 10111 1011 00101 10101 100010 01

100010 100111 01 1100 1100 001

Healthcare Standards HIPAA, HL7, X12, HCFA, NCPDP, etc.

100010 100111 01 1100 1100 001



10 0 10 110 100 0111110 0001 101010 11 010101

10 00 110100 0011



10 0010 11 01 0 10 1 10 0111 1 0 0 1



1 10 01 1011 0111010 1011010 00 1010


1010 01 1111 0 00 0101 11 0001 11 0 0 10 11 0 0 001



10110 100000 0010111 01 0 1

10 1




Oracle, IBM, SQL Server, Teradata, Netezza, Sybase, MySQL, Pervasive PSQL


01 10 0010010 101101101110

01 1 01 0011011010 001011011010

10 1011


1 1 01 01100 01 10101 10 11 01 00 011001

1010 10010 00 0010 01101111




0110 110001 011100010 111011 01 00 00 0

1011001001 111 01 100 1011010101


• Software for processing big data on multicore servers.


Structured, Unstructured, Flat Files, Spreadsheets



00 0111 01 0000 10 10 11

10 10111 01 01100 01 10101 10 11101


10 00

Data Files



011110 10111 1011 00101 10101 100010 01



00 01100

1 00


• Delivery of data services on the cloud.

10 1011


10110 100000 0010111 011011 1101100



01 10 1 10011010 0111 1 0101 10 0101 10 1010 0 01 1010 11 0 1 1101 00 00 10 1 0

Message Queue/ESB

0 11 011 1101 0011011010 001011011010


Other Applications

10 00 010011 0101001100



Logistics, Warehouse Management, HR, Asset Management, Supply Chain Mgt, Payroll

• Data integration for the cloud.



11 0 10 1011 01 0 1101 01 1001 10 1101 1 0010 00 1110 10 11 00 1 10 1 0 0 1001

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Churchill Club Churchill Club is the valley’s premier business and technology forum. This 23 year old non-profit has built a rep for dynamic, in-the-news programs where CEOs, up-and-coming execs and national business and thought leaders meet to discuss and debate, inform and educate, forecast and evaluate. Past speakers: Microsoft (Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer), Cisco Systems (John Chambers), Intel (Bob Noyce), John Doerr, Roger McNamee, Michael Moritz, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain. For more information, visit

NextGen NextGen Partners facilitates the building of relationships among pre-partner Venture Capitalists. With a base of over 400 members representing over 200 firms, NextGen Partners is a catalyst for understanding the complementary skill sets of other investors, sharing deal-flow, and creating high-quality syndicates. We are building the relationships of tomorrow, today. For more information, visit

OASIS OASIS is a not-for-profit consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of open standards for the global information society. The consortium produces more Web services standards than any other organization along with standards for security, e-business, and standardization efforts in the public sector and for application-specific markets. Founded in 1993, OASIS has more than 5,000 participants representing over 600 organizations and individual members in 100 countries. For more information, visit is the Web’s most comprehensive resource for cloud computing news and analysis. Learn who the key cloud players are and obtain best practices for properly utilizing and managing this technology. Stay informed through expert articles, tips, tutorials, newsletters, webcasts, white papers, and real-world case studies – all for free! For more information,

Seeking Alpha Seeking Alpha ( is the premier financial website for actionable stock market opinion and analysis. Handpicked from the world’s top blogs, money managers, financial experts and investment newsletters, Seeking Alpha publishes more than 250 articles daily. The site was named the Most Informative Website by Kiplinger’s Magazine and received Forbes Magazine’s ‘Best of the Web’ Award. For more information, visit

SIIA The Software & Information Industry Association is the principal trade association for the software and digital content industry. SIIA provides global services in government relations, business development, corporate education and intellectual property protection to the leading companies that are setting the pace for the digital age. For more information, visit

Silicon Valley Cloud Computing Group The Silicon Valley Cloud Computing Group is a network of 2000+ professionals driving cloud computing adoption inside their organizations. The group meets monthly to listen to success stories, share tips and tricks, and network with peers. For more information, visit

Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) SNIA is an industry-leading trade association chartered to advance IT technologies, standards, and education programs for IT professionals. Some 400 member companies span the global storage market, connecting the IT industry with end-to-end storage and information management solutions. As a not-for-profit association, the SNIA enables our members to develop robust solutions for storing and managing the volumes of information generated by today’s businesses. Since 1997, we have worked to bring recognition of storage issues to the IT world, making storage less complicated for the end user. As a result, the SNIA has adopted the role of industry catalyst for the devel­opment of storage solution architectures, specifications (including our latest CDMI specification for “cloud storage”) and technologies, global standards, and storage education. For more information, visit




SVASE The Silicon Valley Association of Startup Entrepreneurs (SVASE), a non-profit membership association, dedicated exclusively to helping startup entrepreneur across all technologies sectors build robust business plans, and find Venture Capital investors to fund their growing startups. Our Mission is to Empower Entrepreneurs to succeed, through exposure to best practices, great people, and opportunities to grow. For more information, visit

TechAlpha TechAlpha is a management consulting and research firm that advises clients in the applications and infrastructure sectors. Our clients include 3 of the world’s top 5 software companies, 2 of the top 10 financial sponsors, as well as early stage companies backed by Sequoia Capital, Redpoint Ventures, and Storm Ventures. For more information, visit

TiE TiE is a non-profit network of entrepreneurs and professionals founded in Silicon Valley. TiE’s focus is on generating and nurturing our next generation of entrepreneurs through mentoring, networking, and education. There are currently more than 12,000 members and over 2,500 charter members in 53 chapters across 12 countries. In addition to its flagship event, TiEcon - the largest conference for entrepreneurs, TiE offers a wide range of programs including Special Interest Groups and TiE Institute. For more information, visit

VC Taskfoce VC Taskforce is the premier “go-to” organization for investors. We address the crucial issues and concerns in the venture community and produce workshops, roundtable meetings and panel events that provide tactical and strategic insights and information for both investors and portfolio companies. For more information, visit

VentureBeat VentureBeat is a leading online innovation and technology news site for forward thinking executives and entrepreneurs. VentureBeat was recently ranked as the No. 1 business blog by PR firm Text100, and has also been selected by IDG to partner on the DEMO Conference series, where 70+ of the most compelling technology startups debut each year. VentureBeat also hosts its own conferences, such as MobileBeat and GamesBeat. For more information, visit

VLAB MIT/Stanford Venture Lab (VLAB) is a non-profit organization promoting the growth and success of high-tech entrepreneurial ventures by connecting ideas, technology and people. We provide a forum for entrepreneurs, industry experts, venture capitalists, private investors and technologists to exchange insights about how to effectively grow high-tech ventures amidst dynamic challenges. For more information, visit

The Web Host Industry Review (The Whir) The Web Host Industry Review ( has made a name for itself as the foremost authority of the Web host industry providing reliable, insightful and comprehensive news, reviews to the hosting community. TheWHIR Blogs ( provides a community of expert industry perspectives. WHIR Magazine ( also offers a business-minded, issue-driven perspective.

WITI WITI is the premiere global organization empowering women in business and technology to attain their professional goals and dreams. With a global network of smart, tech-savvy women, WITI has powerful programs and partnerships that provide connections, resources, opportunities and a supportive environment. Since 1989, WITI has delivered value to individuals, small businesses, and corporations. Build. Empower. Inspire.

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ADDRESS Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF 1675 Owens Street San Francisco, CA 94158 Phone: 866.431.UCSF

INTERNET Wireless access is available at the Mission Bay Conference Center.

BUSINESS CENTER Business Center is located on Level 4 and is open 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.

RESTROOMS Restrooms are located on Level 1 and Level 2

COAT CHECK Coat check is located on Level 2

PARKING Paid parking is available onsite.

TAXIS A short list of cab companies is below for your reference. DeSoto Cab Company 415-970-1300 Fog City Cab Company 415-282-8749 Green Cab Company 415-626-4733 Regents Cab Company 415-487-1004 Town Taxi Company 415-401-8900

BART Take the Red UCSF Shuttle from Mission Bay Community Center (Main Entrance) To the 16th Street Bart stop (in front of Burger King on NorthEast corner). The shuttle is not colored red, the signage on the shuttle says “Red”) Shuttle arrives every 15 minutes, starting at 6:15am and last departure from Mission Bay is at 7:52pm.

MUNI Third Street light rail stops at the Mission Bay UCSF Campus. For train schedules, visit

AIRPORTS San Francisco International Airport (SFO) - 25 minutes Oakland International Airport (OAK) - 45 minutes

About GigaOM Founded by award-winning journalist Om Malik, GigaOM has grown into the leading provider of online media, events and research for global technology innovators. The company is one of the most credible and insightful voices at the intersection of business and technology with its network of award-winning Web sites read by more than 4 million monthly unique visitors, Industry-leading events, including Structure, Mobilize, NewTeeVee Live, NetWork, Green:Net and Bunker Sessions, and a pioneering market research service and digital community, GigaOM Pro, which provides insider access to expert analysis on emerging technology markets. For more information, visit

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