23 minute read
Green Screen Parking Structure
By Jared Plank, P.E.
American Structurepoint, Inc. was an Award Winner for the Cummins Parking Structure project in the 2013 NCSEA Annual Excellence in Structural Engineering awards program (Category – New Buildings $10M to $30M).
Aparking structure that is aesthetically pleasing, built in a historic architecturally iconic downtown, and constructed at 63 percent of the national average cost is hard to achieve, but this is exactly what was accomplished in Columbus, Indiana. Cummins, Inc. knew it would be expanding the offices of its global corporate headquarters and adding a new parking structure in downtown Columbus. Since the city of Columbus is rated in the top ten of the most architecturally significant cities in the country, this announcement drew some concerns from local officials that a large structure may not mesh well with the existing adjacent buildings. With the help from architects and engineers of Indianapolis-based consulting firm American Structurepoint (in association with KRJDA), Cummins was able to present a plan to city officials that attracted positive attention. Their parking structure would feature a “living” exterior that promised to blend the new project into the downtown architecture. Cummins received city approval to construct their 954space, 291,300-square-foot parking structure. The parking structure was designed by American Structurepoint and built by F.A. Wilhelm Construction Co., Inc., of Indianapolis. A “green screen” on two sides of the fivestory structure is perhaps the most unique feature of this parking structure. The modular green wall system adds 7,000-square-feet of living, growing vines that take cues from the original concepts utilized in the landscape and architecture of Cummins’ nearby award-winning headquarters building. The green screen system softens the two facades and adds beauty and visual interest. It also addresses the city’s requirements that vehicles parked within not be visible from the street. The system’s galvanized steel frames create a wonderful composition and rhythm, which reflect the staccato effect of window and door openings found in many of the adjacent urban buildings. They also help filter direct sunlight and shield views of the cars from the street and adjacent buildings. Self-contained planters support long-term mass vine growth. The insulated containers feature a heat trace wire system designed to prevent root damage during cold temperatures, as well as an automatic irrigation system that detects when the growing medium is dry and provides water as needed. The community will watch the structure literally grow through the years, as its vines fill in and expand. Its appearance will constantly be changing, adding to its visual interest to those who see it develop. Cummins also desired an open, secure, and cost-effective parking structure. Openness was achieved by utilizing a moment frame lateral load resisting system in lieu of shear walls. Security was aided by providing full glass facades at each stair tower. The overall parking structure expressed its aesthetics principally through exposing structural elements and enhancing them. This approach allowed for a cost-effective and visually pleasing parking structure. Two-way, cast-in-place, post-tensioned concrete slabs form the two stair tower roofs, with the roof of the southwest stair tower cantilevering more than seven feet in all directions from a central concrete core wall. Precast concrete stairs were used in a unique manner by cantilevering from a central concrete core wall. This created a lighter, open feel to the stair tower element by reducing the size of the external structure. The effect is a gentle stepped slope wrapping around the core and a secure feeling with unobstructed penetrating exterior light. A 20-foot-tall white precast concrete trellis ties into the west elevation, matching the adjacent iconic headquarters building concrete trellis and creating an approachable, pedestrian-friendly walkway and a framework for vegetation. Adhering to sustainable design principles for the project, a post-tensioned one-way slab and beam system was chosen for its excellent performance in this aggressive environment. One of the governing design parameters was durability over time, specifically in regards to corrosion. To address this issue, American Structurepoint implemented a multi-pronged approach to maximize building life, including utilizing high-strength concrete with low water/cement ratio; epoxy coated reinforcing, additional concrete cover, post-tensioned tendon and anchorage protection, higher prestress levels to reduce cracking, smaller drainage areas and selective admixtures and sealers to inhibit corrosion. With all of these pieces considered together, the design life of the structure is significantly greater than a typical precast or mild reinforced parking structure. The overall cost of the structure came in at about $10,600 per parking space. The national average at the time of construction was around $16,700 per parking space. The design provides superior quality and durability for an exceptional price. The parking structure opened in September 2012, after only nine months of construction. It’s now literally a living part of the architectural fabric of downtown Columbus.▪
Jared Plank, P.E., is a project manager in the Structural Group at American Structurepoint, a multi-discipline engineering firm in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is also the current President of the Indiana Structural Engineers Association. Jared can be reached at JPlank@structurepoint.com.
Nominations open for NCSEA Special Awards
At the NCSEA Annual Conference each year, special awards are given to NCSEA members who have provided outstanding service and commitment to the association and to the structural engineering eld. e NCSEA Service Award is presented to an individual who has worked for the betterment of NCSEA to a degree that is beyond the norm for volunteerism. e award is given to someone who has made a clear and indisputable contribution to the organization and to the profession. e Robert Cornforth Award is presented to an individual for exceptional dedication and exemplary service to the organization and to the profession. e award is named for Robert Cornforth, a founding member of NCSEA and treasurer on its rst Board of Directors, a member of OSEA, and secretary of the Oklahoma State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. Nominations for the Robert Cornforth Award must be submitted by NCSEA Member Organizations. Last year NCSEA instituted the Sue Frey Award, established to honor the memory of one of NCSEA’s nest instructors, who passed away in May, 2013. NCSEA post2013 NCSEA Service Award honoree Greg Schindler with 2013 NCSEA president Ben Nelsonhumously recognized Sue Frey as the inaugural winner, in recognition of her genuine interest in, and extraordinary talent for, e ective instruction for practicing structural engineers. Subsequent winners of this award will be asked to present a special webinar to NCSEA members at a deeply discounted cost, as a continuing legacy to Sue Frey. e nomination form for these awards is available at www.ncsea.com, and the deadline date for nominations is July 11. Nominations are requested for all awards; however, awards are based on worthy recipients and may not be awarded each year.
NCSEA Service Award honorees 1999 Gene Corley Rawn Nelson 2000 Tim Slider 2001 Norm Scheel 2002 Fred Cowen 2004 Craig Cartwright 2006 Stephanie Young 2007 Ronald Hamburger 2008 Jon Schmidt 2009 Timothy Mays 2010 Edwin T. Huston 2011 Marc S. Barter 2012 Emile Troup Michael Tylk 2013 Greg Schindler NCSEA Cornforth Award honorees 2001 Emile Troup 2003 Ben Baer Marc S. Barter 2004 Michael Tylk 2005 Craig Barnes 2009 David Bonneville 2010 William Holmes Robert Johnson 2011 Edwin T. Huston William L. Lavicka 2012 Ronald Milmed
The nomination form is available at www.ncsea.com. The deadline is July 11. June 17, 2014 Practical Design of Complex Stability Bracing Confi guration Donald White, Ph.D., Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
July 15, 2014 Parking Garage Repairs: Identifi cation, Evaluation, the Process and the Repair David Flax, Euclid Chemical Company
July 22, 2014 DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings Jon A. Schmidt, P.E., SECB, BSCP, Director of Antiterrorism Services, Burns & McDonnell
Diamond Reviewed ese courses will award 1.5 hours of continuing education. Approved for CE credit in all 50 States through the NCSEA Diamond Review Program. Time: 10:00 AM Paci c, 11:00 AM Mountain, 12:00 PM Central, 1:00 PM Eastern. NCSEA o ers three options for registrations to NCSEA webinars: Ala Carte, Flex-Plan, and Yearly Subscription. Visit www.ncsea.com for more information or call 312-649-4600.
New Subscriber Bonus
For a limited time, new subscribers to the NCSEA individual webinar subscription plan ($750/year for unlimited NCSEA 1.5 hour live webinars) will receive one week of access to a 2014 past webinar of their choice. New subscribers may choose from the following webinars: • Kim Basham: Troubleshooting Low-Strength Concrete • Ron Hamburger: e Performance Basis of ASCE 7-10 • Bill ornton: Prying Action in the AISC Manual of Steel Construction – Historical Development and
Current Usage • Maryann Phipps: Understanding ASCE 7-10
Requirements for Seismic Design of
Nonstructural Components • Brad Davis: Floor Vibrations: Technical Background and AISC Design Guide 11, Part 1 • Brad Davis: Floor Vibrations: Technical Background and AISC Design Guide 11, Part 2 • Sam Rubenzer: Load Generators – What Exactly is My
Software Doing? • Nestor Iwankiew: Structural Fire Resistance –
Overview, Codes & Standards, Background • Bill Coulbourne: Designing Buildings for Tornadoes Don’t miss the opportunity to view a year’s worth of webinars for only $750 and see that webinar you missed earlier this year!


September 17-20 New Orleans, LA Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel
Educational Sessions will include:
Designing Buildings for Tornadoes Bill Coulborne, P.E., Director of Wind & Flood Hazard Mitigation, Applied Technology Council e presentation will use information recently developed from research and disaster assessments to illustrate how to perform wind pressure calculations for buildings that are expected to survive a tornado event. It will include the most recent thinking on how to develop wind pressures for these events and how to apply those pressures in building design, with examples to illustrate the concepts.
ACI 562 Building Code for Repair of Existing Concrete Structures Keith Kesner, Senior Associate, WDP & Associates, Chair of ACI 562, and Kevin Conroy, Senior Engineer, Raths, Raths & Johnson, Secretary, ACI 562 e presentation will describe the development of ACI 562-13, “Code Requirements for Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings” and its relationship with current building codes. Special attention will be given to the evaluation of existing concrete structures and the design of the repairs.
Wind Loads for the Practicing Structural Engineer: Code Simplifi cations and Common Mistakes Emily Guglielmo, S.E., Associate, Martin/Martin; member of ASCE 7 Committee is session focuses on generating wind loads for building structures with the practicing structural engineer in mind. It includes example problems, new code provisions, simpli ed methods, and common mistakes relating to wind loads on buildings.
The Most Common Errors in Seismic Design and How to Avoid Them Tom Heausler, P.E., S.E., Heausler Structural Engineers; member of ASCE 7 Seismic Provisions Committee e presentation will identify the most common errors that structural engineers make when doing seismic design and performing calculations. e presentation will then demonstrate the proper application of Codes and Standards so as to avoid errors and misapplications when designing in both low and high risk design categories.
Student to Practicing Engineer – Gaining Competency After the University is is a panel discussion on technical topics and practical applications not covered in college, as well as resources to increase competency. e goal is to assist and encourage the audience to create technical training programs which address the transition of a young engineer from a student to valuable team member. The NCSEA Annual Conference will feature: • Structural Engineering Education • Trade Show • Awards Banquet, including the NCSEA
Excellence in Structural Engineering
Awards and the NCSEA Special Awards
Conference Keynote: Prepare Your Practice: Why Your Strategic Plan is Doomed to Fail Kelly Riggs, founder and president of Vmax Performance Group, a business performance improvement company, is a powerful speaker and dynamic trainer in the elds of leadership, sales development and strategic planning. Kelly returns to NCSEA after his highly-rated presentation at the 2013 NCSEA Winter Leadership Forum.

2014 NCSEA Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards Highlighting the best examples of structural engineering ingenuity throughout the world ere are eight categories, and eligible projects must be substantially complete between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2013. Entries are due Friday, July 11, 2014, and awards will be presented at the NCSEA Annual Conference September 19th in New Orleans. More information and entry form available at www.ncsea.com.
The Newsletter of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE Structural Columns

Structures Congress 2015
Portland, Oregon, April 23-25, 2015 Call for Proposals
Submit your abstract and/or full session proposal today for Structures Congress 2015. SEI is currently accepting proposals for complete sessions and abstracts for individual papers to be presented at Structures Congress 2015. The Structures Congress provides a forum to advance the art, science, and practice of structural engineering.
All proposals are due June 11, 2014.
Visit the Structures Congress website for details about abstract and session proposals www.structurescongress.org.
Save the Date
December 10–12, 2015 Hyatt Regency, San Francisco
Second ATC-SEI Conference on Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings and Other Structures. Look for the Call for Proposals in Fall 2014.
Local Chapter News
SEI Maryland Chapter
The SEI Maryland Chapter has continued to undertake a full program of activities. At their April meeting they hosted a presentation on Engineering Ethics and Growing Complexities. The chapter’s May meeting will be on the topic of historic structures and the group is planning a tour of Baltimore’s Washington Monument. Recent chapter tours have included the Pennsylvania State Capitol building in Harrisburg to learn more about their remediation, the Powers Fasteners in Towson, Maryland, and a construction tour of the Horseshoe Casino in Baltimore. Visit the Maryland Chapter website at: http://ascemd.org/sei/ for more details.
Virginia Tech Graduate Student Chapter
The Virginia Tech Graduate Student Chapter has been busy scheduling multiple events for the Spring 2014 semester. The chapter has several speakers and webinars scheduled for the coming months. They are working in collaboration with other graduate and undergraduate chapters on campus. These include the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) Virginia Chapter, the Virginia Tech Geotechnical Student Organization (GSO), and the undergraduate ASCE chapter. In addition, they sent eight students to the Structures Congress, had a group attend the NASCC Steel Conference in Toronto, and are planning future conference trips. Visit the SEI website at www.asce.org/SEI to learn more. W. Gene Corley, Ph.D., P.E., NAE, F.SEI, Dist.M.ASCE, was Senior Vice President of CTL Group, in Skokie, Ill., and he served on the SEI Board of Governors from 2003-2006. Dr. Corley is most recognized in the engineering community for his work on the advancement of structural engineering design criteria, the advancement of structural engineering as a profession, and his efforts related to forensic engineering. In addition, he was vocal on separate but uniform licensure for structural engineers in an effort to distinguish, elevate the perception of, and otherwise advance the profession. A selection of Dr. Corley’s journal articles and proceedings papers is free to registered users (registration is free) and subscribers. Free access to the papers is available at http://ascelibrary.org/page/inmemorygenecorley until June 30, 2014.
Global Engineering Conference 2014
October 7–11, 2014, Panama City, Panama
ASCE and EWB-USA are marking the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Panama Canal, a remarkable engineering achievement that led ASCE to name the canal one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World in 1994. Conference highlights include program topics focusing on construction, financial, political, and engineering aspects of Giga projects. In addition, there will be tours of the Panama Canal and historical ruins of Panama City. Registration now open, for more information see the ASCE website: http://content.asce.org/conferences/annual2014/. ASCE-171 ETS2015 CONFERENCE WEB/EMAIL BANNERS
Branson, Missouri September 27- October 1
Grid Modernization – Technical Challenges & Innovative Solutions
625x352px (Institute Homepage Slideshow) Call for Abstracts Now Open ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION STRUCTURES
The conference will provide a forum for transmission and substa & SUBSTATION STRUCTURES CONFERENCE 2015 Branson, Missouri Grid Modernization – Technical Challenges & Innovative Solutions tion engineers to exchange ideas, concepts, and philosophies, Branson, Missouri | September 27- October 1 Grid Modernization – Technical Challenges & Innovative Solutions 300x75px Banner — MIRA (approved) while providing new engineers with the opportunity to learn 400x100px ASCE Weekly News Banner ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION more about the art and science specific to transmission lines and structures, substation structures, and foundation engineering. ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION STRUCTURES STRUCTURES CONFERENCE 2015 Branson, Missouri 300x75px Banner — MIRA (approved) The Conference Steering Committee is currently accepting CONFERENCE 2015 Branson, Missouri | September 27- October 1 abstracts of papers to be presented in technical sessions, with Grid Modernization – Technical Challenges & Innovative Solutions case studies strongly encouraged. A poster session format may 600x100px Email Banner also be provided. Visit the SEI website at www.asce.org/SEI for more information and to submit your proposal. All proposals
are due September 10, 2014.
Structures Congress 2014 in Boston April 3–5, 2014, was a great success with more than 1,300 attendees. Participants enjoyed 12 tracks of technical sessions, two engaging plenary sessions, exhibit hall, and multiple networking opportunities. Read the summary on the SEI website at: www.asce.org/SEI.

2014 Best of the Best at Structures Congress
Congratulations to the following winners: • Craig Barnes, P.E., F.SEI, M. ASCE, for the Best
Presentation on The Case of You Bought the Barn: What
Engineers Should Know • Wisam Kaskas, EIT, for the Best Poster on The Allowable
Stress, Load Factor, and Load and Resistance Factor
Evaluation of the Historical Swing Steel Truss Riverside-
Delanco Bridge • Peter Babaian, P.E., S.E, M. ASCE, who won the iPad
Mini prize drawing Craig’s and Wisam’s presentations were selected as most informative and well-prepared by conference attendees; they will each receive a complimentary full registration to attend Structures Congress April 23–25, 2015 in Portland, Oregon. Thanks to Walter P Moore for sponsoring the 2014 Best of the Best.

New Class of SEI Fellows
SEI welcomed 29 new fellows during the Closing Plenary session of the Structures Congress in Boston. The Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE established the SEI Fellow (F.SEI) grade of membership to recognize a select group of distinguished SEI members as leaders and mentors in the structural engineering profession. Visit the SEI website at www.asce/SEI to learn more about becoming a SEI fellow. The benefits of becoming an SEI Fellow include recognition via SEI communications and at the annual Structures Congress, along with a distinctive SEI Fellow wall plaque and pin, and use of the F.SEI designation. There is no increase in dues for the SEI Fellow member grade. SEI Fellows are invited to serve on the selection committee for future SEI Fellows. See the list of new fellows on the SEI website at www.asce\SEI. Congratulations to the 2014 SEI Student Structural Design Competition winning teams:

1st Place: California State University Fullerton Independence Tower Project
2nd Place: Villanova University Cambodia Pre-School Project

3rd Place: University of Texas – Pan American Ingenium Institute Project Each year the Student Structural Design Competition showcases excellence in undergraduate structural engineering. Student teams present their projects at the Structures Congress. The competition is generously supported by the SEI Futures Fund, which provides Structures Congress registration to the finalist teams. View the winning projects and learn more about participating in the 2015 Competition at: www.asce.org/SEI.
Five Free PDHs for ASCE and SEI Members
ASCE and SEI members are invited to select and participate in up to five ASCE On-Demand Webinars yearly and earn PDHs for each one you complete and pass – at no additional cost. Choose from a list of archived webinars for a customized education program. Receive state-of-the-practice education from your home or office. Start earning your free PDHs today at:

CASE in Point
Books for Engineers
This document has been prepared to supplement CASE’s National Practice Guidelines for the Structural Engineer of Record by defining the concept of a specialty structural engineer and the interrelation between the specialty structural engineer and the Structural Engineer of Record. CASE encourages the concept of one Structural Engineer of Record for an entire project. However, for many, if not most projects, there may be portions of the project that will be designed by different specialty structural engineers. The primary purpose of this document is to better define the relationships between the SER and the SSE, and to outline the usual duties and responsibilities related to specific trades. This is done for the benefit of the owners, the PDP, the SER, the SSE and the other members of the construction team. The goal is to help create positive coordination and cooperation among the various parties. You can purchase all CASE products at
Upcoming ACEC Online Seminars – July
If You Haven’t Planned It, You Can’t Control It – 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014; 1:30pm to 3:00pm Eastern
Project budgets, schedules, scopes of work, quality, overhead costs, resource utilization...there are literally dozens of “things” that go into running a successful practice. Too often, engineers and engineering managers take a crisis management approach to controlling those “things.” The result? Blow ups by management when expectations fall short and frustrated, confused employees who “thought” they were doing a good job. Taking the time to plan properly is an investment that cannot be overlooked, and one you’ll want to make to meet your goals and support your employees.
Defining a Winning Social Medial Channel Strategy
Tuesday, July 15, 2014; 1:30pm to 3:00pm Eastern
This webinar covers the tools and techniques to help you identify and leverage the social media channels needed to achieve your strategic goals. From editorial planning to content distribution, this webinar will review the top social media channels and how each can be used to improve viral reach and grow sales.
Who Should Attend
Attendees should include business owners, executives, sales professionals, and individuals interested in establishing themselves as the Trusted Advisor. This core topic applies to all size businesses.
So What if You Stamp or Sign it? The Meaning of Using Your Professional Seal
Wednesday, July 16, 2014; 1:30pm to 3:00pm Eastern
We’ve heard that, in some engineering and architecture firms, the rush to get a project done and move on to the next task has occasionally resulted in some design professionals perhaps not always understanding or appreciating (or remembering) all of their obligations as a licensed design professional. Affixing your seal and signature to any document, coupled with using an acronym such as “PE” in your correspondence signature lines and on business cards, really means something. Furthermore, the Owner and the public have a right to rely on your professional expertise and ethics in the exercise of your professional obligations. What should a PE do to avoid these minefields?
Creating a Social Media Policy
Wednesday, July 23, 2014; 1:30pm to 3:00pm Eastern
When it comes to social media for professional service firms, there seems to be two camps – those who fully embrace it and those that avoid it at all costs. The firms that avoid it often do so because they are afraid of the consequences. No matter what camp you fall in to, social media can’t be ignored. Your employees are using it in some way even if it isn’t a company standard. Creating a Social Media Policy focuses on the essential workflow that every firm needs to be successful when using these online tools. Having a policy in place empowers your staff to be the firm’s most publicly vocal cheerleaders while protecting the firm overall from detractors that could have an overall negative impact on the firm’s bottom line.
Getting Out? Know Your Options
Thursday, July 24, 2014; 1:30pm to 3:00pm Eastern
If you are mulling over leadership and ownership transition, your timing couldn’t better. Join Morrissey Goodale’s Nick Belitz for an exploration of exit strategies available to consulting engineering firms, including employee ownership, ESOPs, private equity, merger of equals, and firm sales. The webinar will also include a case study of an engineering firm leader weighing his options and the expected financial return the firm’s owners may expect in each given scenario.
April 27-30, a record 1,400 ACEC members attended the ACEC Annual Convention in Washington, D.C., meeting with 300 Senators, Congressmen, and Capitol Hill staffers to urge passage of long-term transportation, water/wastewater infrastructure, and energy legislation. 600-plus attended the black-tie Engineering Excellence Awards Gala, which recognized 147 preeminent engineering achievements from throughout the world. The Wacker Drive and Congress Parkway Reconstruction in Chicago, IL were honored with the 2014 Grand Conceptor Award on April 29th. The engineering work for the reconstruction project was done by TranSystems/Alfred Benesch/T.Y. Lin/Burns & McDonell/ Infrastructure Engineering/Parsons Brinckerhoff/Lochner. The award citation referred to the project as “one of the most complicated ever completed by the City of Chicago since it involves complex staging to keep 60,000 vehicles (ADT Wacker Drive), 75,700 vehicles (ADT Congress Parkway) and a staggering 150,000 pedestrians moving through the construction zone.” ACEC’s Annual Convention also marks the induction of a new ACEC Executive Committee. Richard Wells, VicePresident of Kleinfelder, succeeded Gregs Thomopulos as ACEC Chairman for 2014-2015 at the spring meeting of the ACEC Board of Directors.
CASE Summer Planning Meeting – SAVE THE DATE
The CASE Summer Planning Meeting is scheduled for August 5-6th in Chicago, IL. The night of August 5th will feature a discussion with a representative from Willis A/E practice on risk management and contracts. If you are interested in attending the roundtable/meeting, please contact CASE Executive Director Heather Talbert at htalbert@acec.org.

20th Senior Executives Institute Class Now Open for Registration
For 20 years, ACEC has offered the premier executive leadership course designed specifically for the A/E/C community – the ACEC Senior Executives Institute (SEI). SEI is an intensive 18-month program taught by recognized experts and instructors from The Brookings Institution, national universities and business consulting organizations. The classes meet for five separate four or five-day sessions. The next class, SEI Class 20, is now open for registration and will begin in September, 2014. For more information, contact Dee McKenna, Deputy Director, ACEC Business Resources & Education Department, at dmckenna@acec.org or 202-347-7474.
Follow ACEC Coalitions on Twitter – @ACECCoalitions. Become a Confident Engineering Expert Witness – June 5-6, 2014
Become A Confident Engineering Expert Witness • Earn new firm services revenue • Enhance your professional credentials • Expand personal opportunities • Qualify for recognition as an Engineering Expert Witness Gain the knowledge you need to become an effective and sought-after engineering expert witness! Engineers are often asked to serve as expert witnesses in legal proceedings – but only the prepared and prudent engineer should take on these potentially lucrative assignments. If asked, would you be ready to say yes? You will after attending Become a Confident Engineering Expert Witness! Developed exclusively for engineers, architects, and surveyors, this unique course will show you how to prepare for and successfully provide expert testimony for discovery, depositions, the witness stand, and related legal proceedings. For more information, contact Ed Bajer, ebajer@acec.org or visit www.contractscentral.org/expertwitness/index.cfm.