3 minute read
POSTEN Engineering Systems
Phone: 510-275-4750 Email: sales@postensoft.com Web: www.postensoft.com Product: POSTEN Multistory V9 Description: Now Available – V9 – With sophisticated post-tensioning algorithms, only POSTEN automatically & efficiently designs the Tendons and Rebar (no hours of fiddling with drapes). The only post-tensioned concrete software that includes design of Moment Frames, Seismic & Wind, Columns, Torsion, and Truly Sustainable Design (with automatic documentation for LEED).
Powers Fasteners
Phone: 985-807-6666 Email: jzenor@powers.com Web: www.powers.com Product: Powers Design Assist Software Description: “Strength Design” software, for designing in accordance with the IBC and ACI 318 Appendix D. Results for both cast-in-place and postinstalled mechanical and adhesive anchoring systems.
RISA Technologies
Phone: 949-951-5815 Email: info@risatech.com Web: www.risa.com Product: RISA-3D Description: RISA-3D designs and optimizes steel, concrete, masonry, wood, cold-formed steel and aluminum with a fast, intuitive interface. State of the art solvers, customizable reporting options and robust integration with other products such as RISAFloor, RISAFoundation and Revit Structure make RISA-3D the premier choice for general purpose structural analysis and design.
S-Frame Software
Phone: 203-421-4800 Email: info@s-frame.com Web: www.s-frame.com Product: S-CONCRETE™ Description: Section analysis, design and detailing tool for reinforced concrete beams, columns and walls to multiple design codes (ACI, CSA, BS, UBC). Axial load-moment interaction and moment-curvature diagrams with pre-stressing strands. Earthquake resistant design and detailing including boundary elements for shear walls.
Product: S-FRAME® Description: Easy-to-use structural modeling and analysis environment for frames, trusses, bridges, office and residential high-rises, industrial buildings, plate/shell structures, and cable structures for seismic analysis, staged construction, slab design, Direct Analysis Method, linear and nonlinear static and time history analyses, moving load analysis, buckling load evaluation and more. Product: S-PAD™ Description: Entry-level steel member design and optimization application. Simple spreadsheet-like interface to advanced code-checking capabilities and auto-design to multiple design codes (AISC, CSA, EU, BS) for strength and serviceability of columns, beams, and braces. No need to build a complete detailed model.
Standards Design Group Inc.
Phone: 800-366-5585 Email: info@standardsdesign.com Web: www.standardsdesign.com Product: Wind Loads on Structures 4 Description: WLS4 performs all the wind load computations in ASCE 7-98, 02 or 05, Section 6 and ASCE 7-10, chapters 26-31. User can “build” structures within the system. It provides basic wind speeds from a built-in version of the wind speed map(s) or allows the user to enter a wind speed.
Strand7 Pty Ltd
Phone: 252-504-2282 Email: anne@beaufort-analysis.com Web: www.strand7.com Product: Strand7 Description: Advanced, general purpose, FEA system used worldwide by engineers, designers, and analysts for a wide range of structural analysis applications. It comprises preprocessing, solvers (include linear and nonlinear static and dynamic capabilities...) and postprocessing. New features include staged construction, new solvers including quasi-static for shrinkage and creep/relaxation problems.
StrucSoft Solutions
Phone: 514-731-0008 Email: info@strucsoftsolutions.com Web: www.strucsoftsolutions.com Product: MWF Floor Description: MWF Floor module is a Metal and Wood floor framing application that supports both Stick framing and panelizing work methods. The application also supports both Platform and Balloon framing methods.
Structural Soft, LLC
Phone: 650-813-9500 Email: contact@structuralsoft.com Web: www.structuralsoft.com Product: BuildingWorx Description: BuildingWorx is the most comprehensive structural design software suite on the market for light frame wood buildings, both residential and light commercial. Receive free trial software at the website. StructurePoint
Phone: 847-966-4357 Email: info@structurepoint.org Web: www.StructurePoint.org Product: Concrete Design Software Description: Upgraded to ACI 318-11, earlier PCA concrete design program suites provides updated code provisions and user features geared for productivity and speed in designing reinforced concrete buildings and structures.
Struware, LLC
Phone: 904-302-6724 Email: email@struware.com Web: www.struware.com Product: Struware Code Search Description: Struware announces a new version of its Code Search program. The software has been updated to incorporate ASCE 7-10 and the 2012 IBC. The program will provide you with all pertinent wind, seismic, snow, live and dead loads in just minutes. Struware also offers other structural software. Demos at website.
Phone: 770-426-5105 Email: info.us@tekla.com Web: www.tekla.com Product: Tekla Structures Description: Structural engineers use Tekla to widen their role in building projects, increasing the value of structural engineering and ensuring the highestquality end results by moving from design-oriented to construction-oriented engineering.
Phone: 888-453-8358 Email: wood@weyerhaeuser.com Web: www.woodbywy.com Product: Weyerhaeuser Javelin® Design Software Description: Weyerhaeuser has added more than 30 features to Javelin design software that simplify data input, expand design capabilities, and enable wider sharing of output results. The enhancements allow users to design wood structural frames even faster and more efficiently – specifying products and tracking vertical loads from ridge to foundation.
All Resource Guides and Updates for the 2012 Editorial Calendar are now available on the website, www.STRUCTUREmag.org. Listings are provided as a courtesy. STRUCTURE® magazine is not responsible for errors.