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SEI Structural Columns
The Newsletter of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE Structural Columns
You are invited to join the events and activities of your local SEI Chapter or Structural Technical Group. Local groups offer a variety of opportunities for professional development, student and community outreach, mentoring, scholarships, networking, technical tours, etc. To connect with your local SEI Chapter or STG, visit the SEI Local Activities Division webpage at http://content.seinstitute.org/committees/local.html. If your ASCE Section or Branch doesn’t have an SEI Chapter or structural group, and would like to start one contact Suzanne Fisher at sfisher@asce.org. Some of the benefits of becoming an SEI Chapter include: • Use of SEI logo and branding • Funding for local Chair or their representative to attend
SEI Local Leadership Conference. The 2012 SEI Local
Leadership Conference will be held October 12-13, 2012 in Salt Lake City and includes main session meetings, a technical tour, a presentation on Accelerated
Bridge Construction in Utah, and on Saturday, October 13 a Post Disaster Safety Evaluations Workshop sponsored by SEI and the ASCE Committee on Critical
Infrastructure, in cooperation with the California
Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) and the
Applied Technology Council (ATC).
2011 SEI Local Leadership Conference – Tour of USACE West Closure Complex, New Orleans
• Discounted ASCE Continuing Education item sponsored by the SEI Endowment Fund • Chapter announcements published on SEI website and in SEI Update
SEI posts up-to-date errata information for our publications at www.asce.org/SEI. Click on “Publications” on our menu, and select “Errata.” If you have any errata that you would like to submit, please email it to Paul Sgambati at psgambati@asce.org.
Learning from Our Past Miami, Florida October 24-26, 2012
Professionals who design, engineer, regulate and build projects in hurricane affected regions will be welcomed to Miami, October 24-26, 2012 for the ATC-SEI Advances in Hurricane Engineering Conference. The cutting-edge technical program will focus exclusively on wind and flood design topics and bring together professionals from a number of different perspectives. Specific hurricane engineering topics include wind design using ASCE 7-10, building code changes in Florida and in the 2012 International Building Code, storm surge inundation modeling, discussion of wind pressure modeling using new wind tunnels, and more. Conference organizers recently confirmed Dr. Rick Knapp, new Director of the National Hurricane Center, as the keynote speaker in the closing plenary. Educational sessions will be given by industry luminaries such as Larry Griffis, P.E.; Chris Jones, P.E.; David Prevatt, Ph.D., P.E.; Ron Cook, Ph.D., P.E.; Scott Douglass, Ph.D., P.E.; Peter Irwin, Ph.D., PEng, and many more. Post-conference workshops and tours will also be available. Visit the conference website for more information at www.atc-sei.org/.
SEI/ASCE Student Structural Design Competition
The Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE is proud to announce the winners of the 2012 Student Structural Design Competition. These three projects were presented at a special session of the Structures 2012 Congress in Chicago, Illinois. Each year SEI sponsors this competition to recognize excellence in structural engineering education and to encourage innovation. First Place Award Winner The Villanova University Team created a design for the US Rte. 67 Corridor Project–Jerseyville Bypass Bridge. Student team members: Matthew Bandelt, Stephen Kane, Scott Albarella, John Garland, Michael Mignella, and Louis Ross, with Faculty Advisor Zeyn Uzman. Second Place Winner The University of Colorado at Denver Team project was to design the Idaho Springs Maintenance Facility. Student team members: John Pettit, Jose Cordoba, Jeff Gee, Ramon Martinez, and Jeff Felling, with Faculty Advisor Peter Marxhausen. Third Place Winner The Milwaukee School of Engineering Team project was their design of the Sweet Water Organics Vertical Farm. Student team members: Austin Meier, Mark Peterson, and Stephanie Pichotta, with Faculty Advisor Christopher Raebel. For more information about the Student Structural Design Competition and the winning projects, visit the SEI website: www.asce.org/SEI.
2013 Ammann Fellowship Call for Nominations
The O. H. Ammann Research Fellowship in Structural Engineering is awarded annually to a member of ASCE or SEI for the purpose of encouraging the creation of new knowledge in the field of structural design and construction. All members or applicants for membership are eligible. Applicants will submit a description of their research, an essay about why they chose to become a structural engineer, and their academic transcripts. This fellowship award is at least $5,000 and can be up to $10,000. The deadline for 2013 Ammann applications is November 1, 2012. For more information and to download an application visit the SEI website at http://content.seinstitute.org/inside/ammann.html.
Columbus, Ohio November 4-8, 2012
The Electrical Transmission and Substation Structures Conference is widely recognized as a one-of-a-kind conference that focuses specifically on transmission and substation structure issues to help utility engineers meet the daily challenges of today’s high-stakes energy environment. This must-attend event offers an ideal setting for learning and networking for utilities and suppliers. Visit the conference website for more information: http://content.asce.org/conferences/ets2012/index.html.
Call for 2013 SEI/ASCE Award Nominations
Nominations are being sought for the 2013 SEI and ASCE Structural Awards. The objective of the Awards program is to advance the engineering profession by emphasizing exceptionally meritorious achievement, so this is an opportunity to recognize exemplary colleagues. Nomination deadlines begin October 1, 2012 with most deadlines falling on November 1, 2012. Visit the SEI Awards and Honors page on the web at http://content.seinstitute.org/inside/honorawards.html for more information and nomination procedures.
American Society of Civil Engineering Structural Awards
Jack E. Cermak Award This award was created by the Engineering Mechanics Division/ Structural Engineering Institute to recognize achievements in the field of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics. Norman Medal and J. James R. Croes Medal The Norman and Croes Medals recognize papers that make a definitive contribution to engineering science. Shortridge Hardesty Award The Shortridge Hardesty Award may be given annually to individuals who have contributed substantially in applying fundamental results of research to the solution of practical engineering problems in the field of structural stability. Ernest E. Howard Award This award may be presented annually to a member of ASCE who has made a definite contribution to the advancement of structural engineering, either in research, planning, design, construction, or methods and materials. Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prizes Up to five Walter L. Huber prizes may be awarded each year to help stimulate research in civil engineering.The prize recognizes notable achievements in research related to civil engineering and are often seen as helping to establish careers of the top researchers in civil engineering. Moisseiff Award The Moisseiff Award recognizes a paper contributing to structural design, including applied mechanics, as well as the theoretical analysis or construction improvement of engineering structures, such as bridges and frames, of any structural material. Raymond C. Reese Research Prize The Raymond C. Reese Research Prize may be awarded to the author(s) of a paper published by ASCE that describes a notable achievement in research related to structural engineering and recommends how the results of that research (experimental and/ or analytical) can be applied to design.
Structural Engineering Institute Awards
(Contact SEI directly for more information on these awards. Visit the SEI website at www.asce.org/SEI.) Dennis L. Tewksbury Award The Tewksbury Award recognizes an individual member of the Structural Engineering Institute who has advanced the interests of SEI through innovative or visionary leadership; who has promoted the growth and visibility of SEI; who has established working relationships between SEI and other structural engineering organizations; or who has otherwise rendered valuable service to the structural engineering profession. Walter P. Moore, Jr. Award This award honors Walter P. Moore, Jr. for his dedication to technical expertise in the development of structural codes and standards. The award is made annually to a structural engineer who has demonstrated technical expertise in, and dedication to, the development of structural codes and standards. The contribution may have been in the form of papers, presentations, extensive practical experience, research, committee participation, or through other activities. Gene Wilhoite Award The Wilhoite Award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the advancement of the art and science of transmission line engineering. The SEI Technical Activities Division Awards Committee makes recommendations regarding who should receive the Gene Wilhoite award. However, they seek the opinions of the members as to which papers are meritorious. If a reader encounters a paper that s/ he believes is outstanding for any reason, please convey this information along with a statement as to why s/he considers the paper exceptional to Susan Reid at sreid@asce.org.