Spartan Magazine, Summer 2022

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Summer 2022

Honoring Our 2022 Graduates!

SNAPSHOT Senior speaker Njeri (BeJay) Mugo receives her diploma from Head of School Chris Gunnin



2 Head Lines 3

In Community

9 Honoring Our 2022 Graduates 18 8th Graders Graduate from Gunn Hall 20 Spartan Life 28 Alumni News 27

head of school Christopher L. Gunnin

chief marketing and communications officer David E. Perryman, Ph.D.

managing editor Anne Marie Becka

alumni news editor Michelle Geo Olmstead

graphic design Ellen Buckmaster, Bucko Design

contributors Liza Ayres ’14, Cynthia Bartek, Sherry Buchanan, Chris Caselli ’82, Alison Chang, Melody Harman, David E. Perryman, Ph.D., Kirsten Peterson, Steve Rogers, Terri Sheets, April Speck-Ewer, Cindy Stadulis, Eileen Wilson


Spartan magazine is published twice a year for constituents of St. Stephen’s Episcopal School. Copyright © 2022 St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

subscription information and address changes Sharon Sparlin, or 512.327.1213 x158

P H OTOS COVER: Medal winners Jael Dammann and Sophie Hawthorne at the Class of 2022’s graduation ceremony TOC: Jack Pham, Allan Tran, Jai Rapaka, Mike Chang and Fabi Garza at the International Festival; Grandparent Joanne Franey celebrates Grand Day; Science Department Chair Frank Mikan shows his appreciation for Annual Fund supporters



Summer 2022


FILLED WITH JOY By the time you read this summer 2022 issue of Spartan magazine, St. Stephen’s will have completed our 72nd school year. It was an exhilarating and exhausting year, accentuated time and time again by inspiring examples of Spartan grit, ingenuity and love

can read more about in this issue. While we have completed the majority of strategic initiatives outlined in our Spark 2023 plan, we will continue working on several in the upcoming academic year. Even as our community settles into a well-deserved summer

for one another.

break, I am already looking forward to next school year, when

I am so grateful for a spring term filled with so much joy, as our

faculty and staff to our beloved community. This fall, our boarding

students participated in a full slate of events and traditions in person and in community with faculty, staff, families, graduates and friends. These included Reunion for alumni and their families, along with Grand Day, the International Festival, the 8th-grade Big Bend Trip, 7th- and 12th-grade retreats, Gratitude on The Hill, and myriad sports competitions, fine arts

we will welcome new students and their families, as well as new students will represent 23 Texas cities, 10 states and 22 countries. Our new 6th graders are coming from 33 different schools throughout the Austin area. Our community’s diverse perspectives and varied backgrounds ultimately enrich the living and learning we all enjoy on The Hill.

performances and club activities.

I wish each of you a joyful summer full of relaxation, good health,

Our Upper School graduation for the Class of 2022 and the Middle

for an exciting new school year.

School Closing Ceremony for the Class of 2026 were highlights, as we celebrated these time-honored traditions in familiar ways side

family vacations and all the other ways you recharge to get ready

With love and prayers,

by side, face to face, hand in hand. Throughout the school year, we continued the important work of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) with MLK Day programming,

Chris Gunnin, Head of School

insightful visits with Sarah-SoonLing Blackburn, Ed.D., and the completion of our DEI strategic plan, which we will share in the coming months and begin to implement this fall. We also made significant strides in caring for creation through a number of sustainability efforts, including an exciting solar panel project you


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School


Spartan Magazine

Ryder Schmelzle pots plants outside Becker Library on Earth Day

Spartans Celebrate Earth Day


he St. Stephen’s community celebrated Earth Day on April 22 through a number of educational activities focused on sustainability and the environment. The event was organized

by 12th graders Anish Palakurthi and Devon Bell, both members of the school’s Green Goblins environmental club. “In the face of climate change, it can be easy for us to feel intimidated and paralyzed, as if we cannot do anything to help,” Palakurthi explained. “Earth Day is important and necessary because it reminds us that we can

Photography teacher Chris Caselli ’82 teaches a workshop on nature photography

do something if we choose to take the first step and push ourselves to take action.” “This year’s celebration was especially meaningful, because the past two years’ events were either canceled or held over Zoom due to the pandemic,” Bell explained. “We were so grateful to be able to come back in person and utilize St. Stephens' unique, beautiful campus.” The day started with students from all grades receiving an in-depth explanation of the climate crisis from Green Goblins Andy Li, Matthew Rowe, Bell and Palakurthi. In the afternoon, students engaged in smallgroup, hands-on activities. Malcolm Friend; and a board game with David Hailey and Michael Oberle “Middle School students engaged in outdoor activities, such as trail tours

in which participants acted as the CEO of an energy company tasked with

that taught them about the diverse ecosystem of St. Stephen’s,” Palakurthi

balancing sustainability and profit.

said. “Upper School students also participated in outdoor activities, as well as numerous academic programs focused on the environment.

“I hope these sessions helped students reflect on the vital need for global

Students were able to attend whichever sessions interested them the

action against climate change,” Bell said. “Our programming was intended

most, and these sessions were run by not only St. Stephen’s faculty and

to inspire students to think about environmental action on both individual

staff, but also current students and alumni.”

and systemic levels—from small actions we can take on a daily basis to governmental policies.

Afternoon sessions included a session on sustainable menstrual products with Kathy Rainey; nature-inspired creative writing with Andy Aceves;

“We also wanted students to think about how their many passions and

a lesson in climate activism through art with Michelle Avery; habitat

interests are related to sustainability, whether that is art, engineering,

restoration with Dean Mohlman; ways to upcycle old materials into crafts

biology or food,” she added.

with Colleen Hynes, Ph.D., and Jenneken Van Keppel, Ph.D.; nature photography with Chris Caselli ’82; handmade soap lessons with Kurt

“I hope that students were able to find a facet of environmentalism and

Oehler ’93; a lesson about the Earth's carbon cycle and surface reflectivity

climate change that they could see in their own life and relate to because

as it relates to the overall temperature of the planet with Russ Glenn;

we cannot continue to look at climate change as some abstract problem

a talk by Juan Mancias, chief of the Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe of Texas,

that will solve itself,” Palakurthi concluded. “The sooner we appreciate

about the fight for native land rights; a discussion about toxic dump sites

the nature around us and acknowledge that our behavior is what’s

and shifts in animal populations in unincorporated U.S. territories with

harming it, the sooner we can save our planet.”



Summer 2022

Campus Sustainability Enhanced with SOLAR PANEL PROGRAM

Director of Land Management Charlton Perry and Science Instructor Dean Mohlman teach students about the effects of invasive plant species


he Episcopal vision for care of creation calls for us to live “more

education. In addition to managing stewardship of our land, Perry actively

simply, humbly and gently on the Earth.” As a member school of

supports faculty interested in using the campus as an extension of their

the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, established on 370 acres in the

classrooms, a living laboratory, as he calls it.

Texas Hill Country, St. Stephen’s always has strived to be a responsible caregiver of our campus land. In fact, one of the five core values

Next the school conducted facility, energy and water audits across

underlying our school mission is to be “ethical citizens and stewards of

campus. Stadulis explained, “We wanted to see what improvements were

the planet we all share.”

needed for enhanced campus sustainability—not just in the classrooms, but in the dorms and residential houses. We gathered the data needed

Our role in safeguarding the integrity of creation was reaffirmed in the

to determine the efficiencies of our HVAC systems and appliances and to

Spark 2023 Strategic Plan, which outlined strategies for enhancing

understand our campus-wide electrical and water usage.”

our sustainability work across campus. “Our plan is three-pronged: Sustainability should be woven into our educational programming, school

We turned an important corner in the fall of 2021, when Austin Energy

culture and campus operations,” said Cindy Stadulis, chief financial and

offered special incentive programs for nonprofit organizations that

operating officer. “We need all three elements to stand strong as a leader

implement energy-saving tools and strategies and/or generate their own

in sustainability.”

renewable energy, thereby reducing their carbon footprint. St. Stephen’s saw these energy incentives as a great opportunity to deepen our school’s

A key step toward achieving the goal was taken several years ago, when

Episcopal commitment to sustain and renew the life of the Earth and began

Charlton Perry was appointed director of land management and outdoor

exploring the idea of installing solar panels. Time was of the essence, so the board and administrators worked hard to meet critical deadlines.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Spartan Magazine

“Our plan is three-pronged: Sustainability should be woven into our educational programming, school culture and campus operations. We need all three elements to stand strong as a leader in sustainability.” —CINDY STADULIS, CHIEF FINANCIAL AND OPERATING OFFICER

The school partnered with Spier Innovations, an environmental engineering

“Thanks to the city’s incentive program, coupled with the generosity of

firm specializing in sustainable energy solutions, to fulfil the requirements

our donors, we expect to begin recouping the money spent on the solar

of the incentive program. In June, Spier began installing solar paneling

panel installation and seeing a significant reduction in energy costs

in five strategic locations on campus: Bowen Fine Arts Center, Becker

immediately,” Stadulis noted. “Twenty years from now, I hope school

Library, Temple Dining Hall, Clayton Gym and the Middle School gym. Spier

members look back on this effort and see that it was a springboard for

consultants also will help develop an educational program for the school

more and more sustainable action.”

community focused on the benefits of renewable energy. The school’s dedication to caring for the planet already has led to The overall cost of the solar panel program is approximately $790,300,

numerous other environmental initiatives across campus, including

minus the incentive rebate of around $482,000. Thankfully, the out-of-

installing an electrical usage monitoring panel, replacing conventional

pocket cost difference needed to fund the project was quickly raised by

light bulbs with LEDs, changing out old HVAC systems with high-efficiency

Advancement Office staff from three key donors.

products, adding rain-monitoring sensors to campus irrigation systems, installing programmable thermostats in classrooms and offices, building

“Our community is grateful for the extraordinary generosity of donors

a rainwater management system alongside the library, replacing gasoline

who have helped fund the project, including lead donors Ann and

engine vehicles with “smart” electric vehicles, and enhancing our campus

Frederick Dure, parents of Will Dure ’19,” said April Speck-Ewer, director

recycling program. Further, the school’s operations department has

of advancement.

switched to environmentally friendly chemicals for cleaning and land maintenance.

In expressing the couple’s enthusiasm for the solar project, Frederick Dure said, “The Spark 2023 Strategic Plan spells out not only the leadership

“As a sustainability leader, St. Stephen’s will continue to focus on care

goals in sustainability and environmental stewardship, but an action plan

of creation and sustainability,” Stadulis said. “The solar panel project

for execution. The school’s environmental sensitivity and appreciation

is going to be a huge step toward more fully realizing who we are as an

date back to 1950 with founder Bishop John E. Hines. The commitment

institution. In addition to providing operating budget relief and a notable


return on investment, it is the right thing to do.”

“St. Stephen’s is walking their talk, addressing the global issue of carbon emissions, climate change and more, most notably, in their 500kW (that’s 500,000 watts) five-array installation,” Dure continued. “The leading-edge solar modules are rated at an industry high of up to 20 percent efficiency. That’s maximizing power production and return. And the economics are impressive. St. Stephen’s is on a fast track as an institutional leader in renewable energy. We are proud to play a part in the many benefits that will accrue from this awesome project.”



Summer 2022


St. Stephen's is deeply grateful to the talented and dedicated faculty members who have left an indelible mark on our school throughout their tenure on The Hill. Whether instructing students in their classrooms, mentoring boarders in the dorms or sharing a meal with us in the dining hall, the four retirees profiled here have touched our lives in unique and meaningful ways. Collectively, they have dedicated 66 years to our students and our school community.

Rick Pearson has mindfully served our Middle School students and campus community for 29 years.

Although we will miss their daily presence in our lives, we wish each retiree good health and great happiness as they embark on the next

I first came to St. Stephen’s because my sister and brother-in-law had worked

chapter of their lives.

here. The school was looking for a science teacher and someone who could introduce more technology to the Middle School. In interviews I found that the school's history, openness, friendly people and beautiful campus were too much to pass by. My first academic year at St. Stephen’s was 1993. I have taught all grades, but mostly 8th. I installed and managed the first email system in the Middle School, taught Computer Literacy and coached the Robotics team. In my second year, I co-founded the Middle School outdoor program and used kid power to build many of the trails on campus. I continued as a volunteer mountain bike coach until 2019. For many years, I was a leader for the 8th-grade Big Bend trip. My interests in

Kim Meyer has served the St. Stephen’s community as an

sustainability led me to become sustainability coordinator for several years and serve on the campus committee. More recently, I have taught 7th-grade

Upper School math teacher and dorm parent for nine years, including

Self-Science, provided mindfulness training to kids and faculty, and served on

eight years as Allen House leader.

the Middle School Health Team. A highlight of my time at St. Stephen’s has been taking students backpacking, hiking and mountain biking all over Texas

I was hired in 2013 to teach Upper School geometry and Algebra II. I also

and New Mexico.

was a climbing coach for three years, sponsor of the PawPrint animal rescue student club for four years and mountain biking coach for six years.

Throughout my tenure, St. Stephen’s has kept its dedication to learning, ethics and values. Most of our wild land has been preserved. The Chapel still does

Throughout my time on campus, I truly enjoyed the people—so friendly, caring

not have air conditioning. Aside from that, so much has changed.

and smart! But mostly I have enjoyed getting to know the international students in my dorm. To many I became their “American mom,” and that fills my heart.

I will miss my colleagues and the liveliness of the Middle School and its students. I hope that they will be at peace, even as they dedicate themselves

As for retirement, I plan to move into an RV for a few years and wander, seeing what there is to see. After a much-needed break, I will probably work part time in a national park.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

to making the world a safer, happier and more sustainable place.

Spartan Magazine

Jenny Huth, Ph.D., has been a beloved mainstay of the

Will Wofford has been a member of the science department

English department for 26 years, serving as chair the last 10.

since the fall of 2020. In addition to teaching physics, he sponsored the student Engineering Club.

I joined St. Stephen’s in 1996 as a full-time English teacher. When I interviewed, the Head of Upper School, Alan Fenton, had his dog Florence in

I retired from engineering in 2006 and then taught at a public high school

his office, and I knew this was my kind of place. I also loved the campus and

in Austin for 14 years. Cut to the pandemic year of 2020. I was ready for a

all the super-friendly people I met that day.

change. I was ready to try my hand at teaching physics using more laboratorybased investigations and hands-on projects that shift the focus away from

Being in the classroom and teaching literature to students has been my

lectures and problem-solving drills. St. Stephen's gave me that opportunity.

favorite part of being at St. Stephen’s, and it is what I will miss the most. I will also miss talking about books with teenagers and literature and life with my

I hope that I have inspired my students to be more curious about how the

colleagues. It is all about the people. St. Stephen’s is part of my heart and

natural world works, to ask the hard questions and to be confident in their

always will be.

ability to reason out the answers. I will miss being an active member of the teaching profession. I have no definite plans for retirement, but I hope to be a

Our school has worked hard to fulfill our mission through our diversity, equity

math and science tutor for first-generation college students.

and inclusion (DEI) programming. Of course, we still have work to do, but over the past several years, it has been clear that we have upped our commitment to becoming a more inclusive, equitable and supportive community. Google Classroom and the functionality of working within Google Docs has been almost revolutionary when it comes to giving students tailored and frequent feedback during the writing process. However, texting, social media and video games have made it so much harder for students to focus. My greatest hope for our students is that they do whatever it takes to maintain a love of learning new things, whether that is reading a new book, cracking a math skill or understanding someone else’s perspective. As for retirement, my husband and I plan to enjoy Austin for a while, during which time we will also visit Mexico a lot and make plans to build a home in Oaxaca. We are still in the planning stages, but sometimes that can be the most fun.

Frank Hernandez (left) headed into retirement after working on The Hill for nearly 15 years. Hernandez said he is thankful to God for guiding him to St. Stephen’s, where he has enjoyed getting to know many wonderful people. As for retirement, he plans to attend daily Mass, work on his yard's landscaping, and spend more time with his wife, daughter and granddaughter. John Smith (right) has been a Spartan for six years, including a season as a 6th-grade basketball coach. He plans to celebrate his retirement by visiting his son in Houston. His long-term plans include traveling, spending time with family, and substitute teaching/coaching basketball.



Summer 2022

THANKING OUR OUTGOING TRUSTEES Simone Talma Flowers has served on the St. Stephen's board of trustees since 2015 and on the advancement committee throughout her tenure. We are thankful to Flowers, executive director of iACT, for her thoughtful leadership and her support deepening the school’s partnership with iACT.

Carl Stuart (Drew ’92, Lindsey ’98) returned to the board of trustees in 2016. Since that time, he has been a key member of the finance committee. He also has served on the audit committee and retirement investment committee. Stuart will continue to serve on the Endowment Fund Board. He has been a committed and loyal friend of the school and the board far beyond his 12 years as a trustee.

Jose Toscano joined the board in 2016 and has served on the campus committee since 2020. Previously he served on the advancement committee. Toscano loves the school and has been committed to spreading the word of how impactful and transformational a St. Stephen’s education was for his three children, Ashley ’08, Alan ’12 and Anique ’15. Toscano is an avid Spartan cheerleader who regularly attends campus sporting events.

Jonathan Quander ’89 joined the board of trustees in 2016 and has served on the governance committee all six years of his tenure, eventually becoming co-chair and then committee chair. In 2017, he joined the executive committee as vice chair of the board. He also eagerly answered the call to serve as co-chair of the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) task force that crafted the DEI strategic plan. We are grateful to Quander for his thoughtful leadership of and love for the school, and we will miss hearing about his baking adventures!

Grant Zhu (Jasmine ’13, Laura ’19) joined the board of trustees in 2019 as our first international boarding parent trustee. During his three years, Zhu has served on the advancement committee. In spite of great logistical challenges (time zones and technology hurdles), he has made every effort to attend board meetings, particularly during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are grateful to Zhu for his dedication to St. Stephen’s.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Ben Center, Kendall Dowd, Georgia Lee, Natalie Kim, Dade Miura and Davis Wallin




Spartan Magazine


Summer 2022

On the morning of Saturday, May 21, proud parents, grandparents and special guests gathered with members of the St. Stephen’s Episcopal School community to celebrate the school’s 72nd Graduation Exercises. The Class of 2022 was welcomed to the Chapel service by Head of School Chris Gunnin and the Rev. Adam Varner ’03, Upper School chaplain. Gunnin remarked that although he has participated in numerous graduation ceremonies, he discovered himself experiencing it now “in a somewhat unfamiliar but beautiful way,” as the father of a graduate himself. “This morning I more fully understand that many, if not all of the parents here today, have spent time in the last few weeks reflecting on just how far our seniors have come,” he said. “Watching your class grow, learn, rehearse, practice, compete, perform, create, fall in love with others, and find things about yourself that you can and should love has been a blessing for all of us who have witnessed your high school experience.” “As parents, we’ve needed teachers, advisors, mentors and coaches to help you more fully understand and to more fully experience all the richness of the world,” he explained. “That’s where St. Stephen’s comes in; it’s the best place that we found as parents to match the fullness of the dreams we have for you.” “Now it’s your turn,” he said, “to discover life’s riches beyond The Hill—to build new communities at college, to find new friends and new passions. Saying farewell is not easy. You’ve made the transition, at once, harder because we love you so much and easier because you are so easy to believe in. You have proven that you are brave and eager to take on a broken and imperfect world. I have no doubt that you will make it better.” Following Gunnin at the podium was Upper School English Instructor Colleen Hynes, Ph.D., who was chosen by graduates to address them during the ceremony. “In addition to all the writing you’ve been doing during your time here at St. Stephen’s, you’ve been creating a narrative off the page,” Hynes told them. “In fact, I’d argue that every one of you, as unique individuals and by virtue of having spent half of your formative high school years surviving not just adolescence but a global pandemic and many moments when it has felt like the world was coming apart at the seams, has been living not just any bildungsroman, but your own hero’s journey.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

“You have navigated the twists and turns of these past two years with resilience and creativity,” she said. “Think of the monsters you’ve already conquered, the challenges you’ve already met and the storms you’ve already weathered. “You are the heroes: You have taken back an archetype and given it new dimension and meaning in all your beautiful, diverse individuality, unlimited by the narrow definition of who can be a hero and what is a heroic deed. You have amazed us and made us proud. … “You know that I’m not going to finish this up without talking about punctuation,” Hynes added. “Think about a semi-colon; it’s a long pause but not a full stop. That’s what this moment is, right here and right now. It’s the moment that connects the independent clause you’ve already written with the one that is to come. So pause, look at each other, at your families and friends and teachers, celebrate your hard work and your success, and then get ready to move on. “As we send you off, I want to give you this blessing from an old Irish prayer: ‘May the blessing of light be upon you. Light without, light within,’” she said. “Take that light and go out there and write your stories. We cannot wait to read them.” Following Hynes’ talk, Head of Upper School Kim Garey and the Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan, bishop suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, presented awards and diplomas. A capstone moment during the ceremony were remarks by Njeri (BeJay) Mugo ’22, who was chosen by the class to speak on their behalf. Mugo told her classmates that when preparing her speech, an old Kenyan proverb kept coming to mind: “It takes a village to raise a child.”

Spartan Magazine

“Growing up as the daughter of Kenyan immigrants, I heard this phrase day in and day out,” Mugo explained. “But what is a village? What makes it different from any other large group of people who happen to live near one another? To me, a village requires two parts. The first is a selfless population: those who have the ability to extend the reach of their gaze beyond their own experiences and into the lives of others. The second is a steadfast and resolute population: those who remain by your side in the best and the worst of times. Those who, in every action that they do, demonstrate care through devotion. “This is the work of a village: to raise up each individual into the best person that they can be,” she continued. “It is to ensure that each and every member of this senior class knows that there is an army of Spartans always fighting on their behalf. This is the work of a village: to cheer alongside seniors in their many successes, and mourn with us in our losses. This village has raised us well. “After today we will enter into the space between the closing of one door and the opening of another,” Mugo noted. “Though it is never easy to leave what we know behind, let us be filled with hope in all the exciting possibilities that our tomorrows have to offer. Let us walk in the footsteps of the Spartans who came before us and continue to build bridges for the Spartans who walk behind us.”

P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: English Instructor Colleen Hynes, Ph.D., addresses the graduating class; Head of School Chris Gunnin with daughter Ellie Gunnin; Sydney Goodman and Olivia Knox; Luke West and Luke Murphy




The graduation celebration closed with the recitation of the school prayer and a benediction by Bishop Ryan. Congratulations, graduates!


Summer 2022

Medals and Honors The Bishop John E. Hines Medal was named after the Rt. Rev. John Hines, founder of St. Stephen's Episcopal School, who was a man of extraordinary vision and bold action. The Bishop Hines Medal is awarded to the member of the graduating class who maintained the highest academic standing throughout their 11th- and 12th-grade years. The 2022 Bishop Hines Medal was presented to Jael Dammann and Sophie Hawthorne (pictured on cover). Named for the school’s first headmaster, The William Brewster Medal was established in 1960 by the St. Stephen’s faculty to recognize the 12th-grade student who made the greatest total contribution to the life of the school. The recipient is an engaged and talented student — strong across all disciplines and genuinely interested in “the life of the mind.” The 2022 Brewster Medal was presented to Sophie Hawthorne. The Dobbie Leverton Fenton Medal is awarded annually to a member of the 12th-grade class who promotes the values of social justice. This year’s Dobbie Leverton Fenton Medal was awarded to Fernando Orozco-Escamilla. The Velberta Asher Towner Award was named for a longtime member of the St. Stephen’s faculty and former chair of the fine arts department. This award is presented to two students who excelled in the performing arts. The 2022 Towner Award was presented to Arielle Sher and Ava Pennell.

P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Ava Pennell; Claire Fenton Simmonds ’93 with Fernando Orozco-Escamilla; St. Stephen's Episcopal School diplomas; Arielle Sher and Julia Padron


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Spartan Magazine

Natalie Kim

Diplomas with Honors Lucas Alcocer Channing Allen Henri Bariselle Gabby Barnett Chuhan (Bella) Cui Kendall Dowd Lukas English Xinxin (Ivy)Fan Xinyi (Ivy) Feng Asia Gaines Ariaan Ghatate Sydney Goodman Lillian Gunn Ben Hale Lucille Hancock Nicole Heyer Anna Hicks Alice Huang Ben Jones Yan (Lesley) Ke Yoonseo (Kristin) Kim Olivia Knox Georgia Lee Michelle Liang Ziyue (Jennifer) Liu Carson McCann Wilson McCann Eli Meyers Dade Miura BeJay Mugo Rekha Nitzsche Sam Palmer Hudson Quinn Gracie Ramza Sydney Rawie Kira Rosen Allie Routh John Savage Zoe Schaffer Caden Schmidt Arielle Sher Chang Shi Patrick Simmonds Ray Swartz Mikaila Ulmer Giulia Walker Davis Wallin

Cum Laude Society Channing Allen Devon Bell Bella Cui Jael Dammann Kendall Dowd Zoe Ehrlich Lukas English Ivy Fan Felix Halloran Sophie Hawthorne Nicole Heyer Alice Huang Kate Kadyan Natalie Kim Michelle Liang Carson McCann Anish Palakurthi Delaney Post Gracie Ramza Arielle Sher Carly Siverstein Ray Swartz Yolanda Zheng

Academic Leadership and Service Awards The Catherine Elliott Montgomery Prize is awarded by a committee of teachers to the 12thgrade student whose creativity, character and scholarship give promise of a contribution in history or the social sciences. The 2022 Montgomery Prize was awarded to BeJay Mugo. The Elizabeth Hughes Hoey Award in Creative Writing is awarded each year to an Upper School student who submits the best work in any area of creative writing. The 2022 Hoey Award winner was Delaney Post.

The Jan Hines Leadership Award is presented to those students who have made positive contributions to our school and worked tirelessly to make our community a better place. This year’s award was presented to Asia Gaines, Ellie Gunnin, Felix Halloran, Gabby Hoo, Autumn Houston, Kate Kadyan, Natalie Kim, BeJay Mugo, Anish Palakurthi and Ray Swartz. International Students of the Year Gabby Hoo and Rainbow Wang National Chinese Honor Society Kendall Dowd Texas Math League Award Eli Meyers, Jael Dammann and Ariaan Ghatate American Invitational Math Exam Eli Meyers and Jael Dammann Model UN Asia Gaines, Fabi Garza, Sam Palmer and Bryan Zhao The Spiritual Leadership Award Gabby Hoo Service Learning Distinction Lillian Gunn Equity and Inclusion Leadership and Service Award Cristian Dominguez, Asia Gaines, Fabi Garza,

Autumn Houston, Natalie Kim, BeJay Mugo, Anish Palakurthi and Quari Robinson

P H OTOS TOP TO BOTTOM: Oscar Humphrey and Solomon Starkes; Amanda Saunders, Zoe Ehrlich and Michelle Liang

Health Leadership Award Felix Halloran, BeJay Mugo and Delaney Post Proctor Medals Henri Bariselle, Jada Byars, Bella Cui, Mike Chang, Ivy Fan, Fabi Garza, Jerry Hao, Gabby Hoo, Kristin Kim, Seongwoo Lee, Chinyere Nosike, Fernando Orozco-Escamilla and Rainbow Wang



Devon Bell Jael Dammann Zoe Ehrlich Felix Halloran Sophie Hawthorne Kate Kadyan Natalie Kim Anish Palakurthi Delaney Post Carly Silverstein

Zhiyuan (Bryan)Zhao Qingyi (Yolanda) Zheng


Diplomas with High Honors


Summer 2022

Daniel Horton

Book Prizes English 12: Bella Cui Chinese 2: Kendall Dowd Chinese 5: Devon Bell French 4: Jael Dammann French 6: Zoe Ehrlich Latin 5: Hawkins Borer Spanish 7: Sophie Hawthorne Advanced Calculus AB: Lukas English Multivariable Analysis: Jael Dammann Statistics and Selected Topics: Grace Young Advanced Statistics: Carly Silverstein Engineering: Anish Palakurthi Social Science Seminars: Lucille Hancock Theology: Cristian Dominguez Advanced European History: Delaney Post Advanced Biology II: Nicole Heyer Advanced Chemistry II: Felix Halloran Advanced Art History: Kate Kadyan Projects in Science and Technology: Carson McCann

PHOTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Chukwudumebi (Valerie) Emioma, Chinyere Nosike and Matthew Aitchison; Ella Taylor, Ava Pennell and Rekha Nitzsche; Caden Schmidt and Sixiang (Tony) Shan; Nathalia Alvarez Rivas, Yan (Lesley) Ke, Johan Perales, Sam Palmer and Andrew Bohnsack


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Art: Aidan Castanon, Nicole Heyer, Georgia Lee, Tony Shan, Chang Shi and Ray Swartz Writing: Natalie Kim and Delaney Post

Spartan Magazine

Fine Arts Awards The Rev. Charles Abram and Virginia Sumners Music Award is presented annually to a member of the 12th-grade class who made the greatest overall contribution to music at the school. The 2022 Sumners Music Award recipient was Natalie Kim. The Anne Dewey Guerin Award is awarded each year to the member of the 12th-grade student who made the greatest contribution to the theatre program. This year, there were two winners. The Anne Dewey Guerin award was presented to Ellie Gunnin and Hudson Quinn. The Spartan Visual Arts Award is presented to a student whose work in the visual arts goes beyond technical proficiency, creativity and sustained effort. This student is on a path of self-discovery, exploring themes of the individual, the community and the ways in which art shows us truth in the world. The 2022 Spartan Visual Arts Award recipient was Ray Swartz.

P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Felix Halloran, Zach Foster, John Savage, Ben Metcalfe, Aidan Castanon and Ellis D’Arcy; Chenfei (Tina) Zhao; Lillian Gunn and Ray Swartz; Kira Rosen and Gracie Ramza



Outstanding Percussionist Grace Young Outstanding Thunder Drummer Wyatt Wilkerson Outstanding Violin Student Jerry Hao Outstanding Chamber Music Player Jael Dammann Concertmaster Award Gabby Hoo The Orchestra Director’s Award Natalie Kim The Yearbook Award Beryl Guo Technical Theatre Award Lillian Gunn and Ray Swartz Outstanding Choral Student Lucille Hancock Outstanding Vocalist Award Arielle Sher


Awards of Excellence


Summer 2022

Athletic Awards The Don Cunningham Memorial Awards are presented to a female and male Spartan who lettered in three sports in their 12th-grade year and demonstrated outstanding talent, leadership, dedication and sportsmanship. This year’s Cunningham Awards were presented to Zoe Schaffer and Cooper Nichols. The David Paschall Award was created to recognize and honor outstanding accomplishments of students in academics and athletics. To be eligible for the award, a student must earn a varsity letter during each term and maintain honor roll status during the fall and winter terms. The 2022 award recipients were Kendall Dowd, Wilson McCann, Gracie Ramza, Zoe Schaffer and Caden Schmidt. The Athletic Leadership Award is presented each year to two student-athletes who demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities throughout Upper School. The 2022 Athletic Leadership Award was presented to Kendall Dowd and Ben Center. The Academy Academic Excellence Awards recognize the outstanding accomplishments of our student-athletes, both in the classroom and on the soccer field or tennis court. To be eligible for this award, students must compete at a performance level within the St. Stephen’s athletic academies. These student-athletes must also have maintained honor roll status during the fall and winter terms. This year’s Academy Excellence Award recipients are Anish Palakurthi, Felix Halloran, Eli Meyers, Jai Rapaka and John Savage.

All SPC Award Winners Field Hockey Kendall Dowd, Zoe Schaffer Girls’ Volleyball Taylor Bernard and Marina Crownover Boys’ Basketball Ben Jones and L.D. King Girls’ Basketball Gracie Ramza Girls’ Swimming Sydney Rawie Girls’ Lacrosse Zoe Schaffer Boys’ Lacrosse Cooper Nichols and Sam Palmer Boys’ Tennis Davis Wallin

P H OTOS Athletic Director Jon McCain with Cooper Nichols; Jon McCain with Zoe Schaffer; Don Cunningham awards


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Faculty and Staff Recognition At the end of the 2021‒22 academic year, awards of excellence were presented to the following outstanding teachers and staff. Dean Mohlman, Upper School biology instructor, and Michael Oberle, Upper School mathematics instructor, were awarded the Dean H. Towner Master Teaching Chair. English instructor Jenny Huth, Ph.D., received the Upper School Teacher Excellence Award. History teacher Juan Rodriguez received the Middle School Teacher Excellence Award. Accounts Payable Manager Crystal Guerrero and Custodial Staff Member John Smith received the Staff Excellence Award.




P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Head of School Chris Gunnin, PA President Mandy Borer and Staff Excellence Award winner Crystal Guerrero; Chris Gunnin with Michael Oberle; Chris Gunnin, Middle School Teacher Excellence Award winner Juan Rodriguez and Mandy Borer; Chris Gunnin with Dean Mohlman


Summer 2022


On May 27, the St. Stephen’s community celebrated 8th-grade Spartans’ graduation from Gunn Hall and the many accomplishments of Middle School students. During the Middle School Closing Ceremony, Head of School Chris Gunnin and Head of Middle School Magnus Maccow recognized the great efforts and achievements of our students. “You have exhibited discipline and determination, kindness and goodwill, passion and energy,” Gunnin told them. “More than simply reading texts, calculating formulas or learning vocabulary, you have developed new levels of scholarship and developed a greater understanding of the world. Congratulations for reaching this exciting milestone in your academic career.” Following Gunnin’s remarks, Maccow and Middle School Dean Eileen Wilson presented an array of academic, artistic, athletic and community leadership awards. The Academic Hall of Fame Award, which is presented each year to the students who achieved High Honor Roll status every term for the three years of Middle School, was presented to Leah Deckter, Annie Ehrlich, Maya Patel, Mariana Losada Sanchez, Emma Ton and Eli Yorio. Annie Ehrlich (8th grade), Abigail Cohen (7th grade) and Shayna Meyers (6th grade) were recognized for their outstanding scholarship and for achieving Highest Academic Standing in Their Class. Named for the first head of Middle School, the Priscilla Foster Award recognizes an inspiring student leader with a can-do spirit and desire to help others. Eighth grader Sebi Creixell was awarded the 2022 Priscilla Foster Award. Elizabeth Furlong (7th grade) and Wyatt Hassibi (6th grade) were recognized with the Citizenship Award for reflecting the highest traditions and core values of our school. The Linda Douglass Spirit of Hope Award, which recognizes a student leader who exemplifies what it means to make a difference in the school community and beyond, was presented to Valeria Gonzalez Reed. The Middle School’s Spiritual Leadership Award was given to Jenna Thomas. The Anne Teel Athletics Award was presented to Eleanor Evarts, and the Hunter Paschall Athletics Award went to William Walters. P HOTO S TOP TO BOTTOM: Henry Padalecki, the Rev. Ed Thompson, Andrés Bermudez and Nadine Benson; Levi Skaistis, Valeria Gonzalez Reed, Morgan Kelly and Tristan McCain


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P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Krishna Yeada, Jonathan Akintola, Scott Kim, Ben Oehler, Jack Talarico, Rett Berger, Grant Seade and Eli Yorio; Emily Schocket, Hannah Krauss, Paulina Clark, Kate Moriarty, Maya Patel, Katie Krauss and Alana Ostadian; Chioma Mba and Kaosi Mba; Ayla Romm, Emily Schocket and Raleigh Munyon



Summer 2022

SPARTAN Life Expert in Multicultural Education Examines Campus Experiences


A highlight of her visit was the Upper School Chapel presentation on Feb. 24. Blackburn began her talk by addressing the importance of representation. She shared the story of the first time she went to a movie with a strong female Asian lead. “I burst into tears,” she said. “I often feel invisible, but looking up at her on the screen, I didn’t feel invisible anymore. I felt like I belonged.” For Blackburn, that movie was a life-changing event because she saw herself reflected back in the role of the lead character, proving that others believed Asian women could be as “fierce and awesome” as she did. “It is important for people to have access to ‘mirrors, windows and sliding glass doors’ in order to feel seen and feel as though they belong,” she explained. “Mirrors allow us to be seen and validated. Windows help us to see experiences other than our own, and sliding doors enable us to interact with people different from ourselves. That mix is needed for everyone in a community to thrive.” She noted that some people see countless reflections of themselves around them every day, while others almost never do. “Yet, those people exist in the same spaces, same communities,” she explained. “When we don’t see ourselves reflected back to us, we start to feel wrong or bad—like we don’t belong.

St. Stephen’s was pleased to welcome to campus Sarah-SoonLing Blackburn, Ed.D., teacher-educator specializing in classroom culture; histories of education, social identity and justice; diversity, equity and inclusion. Hosted by the International Office and the DEI Leadership Team, Blackburn spent Feb. 22-24 working closely with students, faculty/ administrators and parents to help evaluate the degree to which our school members feel their cultural heritage is acknowledged and honored. “We invited Dr. Blackburn to campus, in part, to help us address one of the key findings from the inclusivity audit we completed in the 2019‒20 school year,” noted Caitlin Sweetlamb, Upper School DEI co-coordinator. “In that audit, many Asian, multiracial and international students shared that DEI efforts at the school often seem focused on Black and White experiences and that attention on race tends to overshadow the needs of other identity groups within the community.” During her three-day campus visit, Blackburn attended a number of classes, presented several talks, and held separate focus groups for students and employees who self-identify as multiracial, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian American and Asian. She also led workshops for faculty/administrators and parents about advancing cultural competence.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

“For people with lots of mirrors, I encourage you to look for windows and sliding doors, as well as ways to help others feel seen and validated,” she added. “We can all help hold up mirrors for others in the way we speak, show respect and express curiosity for others. Doing so allows us to create communities that are welcoming and diverse. We all have a role in making that happen.” The DEI Leadership Team and International Office hope that Blackburn’s campus visit is just the first step in her “mini audit” of our campus culture. “Dr. Blackburn will share her findings with us and provide valuable suggestions for making our school even more inclusive and welcoming so that all students feel seen and valued,” Sweetlamb said. “Both teams continue to look for ways to better support students, educate the community on the experiences of students, and more effectively bridge the gap between international students and the broader school community. “Many thanks to everyone who invested energy and time in planning Dr. Blackburn's visit and to all who welcomed and connected with her,” she added. To learn more about affinity groups and multicultural support strategies at St. Stephen’s, please visit diversity.

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Thank You, Annual Fund! Whether it was students reuniting with teachers and friends after a long break, families attending spirited athletic events, or alumni returning for Reunion, gathering together as a community this year gave each of us the chance to delight in the people, places and experiences that make St. Stephen’s so special. We hope you enjoyed meaningful moments and created special memories that will stay with you for a lifetime. We also hope you have come to realize how critically important the Annual Fund is to sustaining the St. Stephen’s experience for all Spartans. Your gift to the Annual Fund impacts every aspect of campus life and is the most important way to support the school and our students. Gifts to the Annual Fund directly support the school’s operating budget, enabling administrators to use those funds where they are needed most—whether it be for enhanced campus safety programs, state-of-the-art classroom technologies or financial aid for qualified applicants. We are thrilled to announce that the 2021‒22 Annual Fund has been the most successful in our history. We are truly grateful for all the gifts we have received to date, as well as those we still hope to receive before our fiscal year closes on July 31. If you have not given to this year’s Annual Fund, there is no better time than today. Thank you for your support!

P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: (front) Sebastian Estep and Alexander Agrawal, (back) Peter Horton and Oscar Humphrey; Wallis Goodman, Gracie Ramza and Andy Aceves; Eileen Wilson’s 7th-grade advisory; Lauren Murphy with Alina Bunch and Leela Weisser; Isaac McAllen, Cynthia Rowland and Kamau Brame



Summer 2022

Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy St. Stephen’s annual Martin Luther King (MLK) Day event has been a bedrock of our school’s diversity programming for nearly 30 years. So when Austin experienced a surge in COVID-19 cases at the time of the early January holiday, we rescheduled rather than canceled the event. “It is difficult to imagine not celebrating and commemorating the day in the ways that we customarily do,” said Head of School Chris Gunnin. Fortunately, by April 8, students and staff were able to gather in person to commemorate King and recommit to our shared values of diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice. The special day kicked off with advisory meetings and Chapel services for both Middle School and Upper School students. Sixth- and 7th-grade students collaborated on a “Tree of Hope and Dreams” art project, then 6th graders held discussions on community justice while 7th graders watched the movie “Selma.” Eighth graders toured the Carver Museum before returning to The Hill for a discussion on urban housing and homelessness. Middle School students ended the day with separate grade reflections on their learnings from the day. After morning Chapel and advisory meetings, Upper School students watched the documentary “I’m Not a Racist, Am I?” featuring 12 teenagers from New York City who were filmed during a yearlong series of workshops on race and privilege. Following the movie, students broke into small groups to discuss the issues raised in the documentary, such as how they define racism and how it affects their daily lives. Their conversations were guided by Liza Talusan, Ph.D., an educator specializing in identity consciousness and anti-racism in schools. She was aided by school faculty who spent hours training to facilitate these sensitive subjects with our students. Special thanks go to Yvonne Adams, St. Stephen’s director of equity and inclusion, as well as Preston Achilike, Sam Davis, Juliann Johnson and Caitlin Sweetlamb, co-coordinators of equity and inclusion.

P H OTO S FROM TOP TO BOTTOM: Lerin Rosenthal, Jenna Thomas and Claire Bank; Josh Mugo, Sam Shea, Eli Sahely, Josh Goldenberg, Isaac Lin, Miles Notzon, John Peters and Taj Kumar; Director of Equity and Inclusion Yvonne Adams with Associate Director of Admission Allison Center; Zach Mendelson, L.D. King and Cooper Nichols


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Inclusion, Belonging and Trust, Well-Being, and Action. Their work was overseen by a faculty mentor, who served as a facilitator and guided each team through the ideation process. Emioma was a member of the first-place team, which proposed SafeZone, an online well-being hub for BIPOC students. In addition to an anonymous chat function that connects students with BIPOC peers, counselors and mentors, the online hub would offer tools such as calming music and guided meditations curated for students. To fund the endeavor, students proposed collaborating with BIPOC artists and auctioning non-fungible tokens (pieces of digital content known as NFTs).

Spartans Win Grants for Ideas to Foster Belonging, Inclusion in Independent Schools Two 12th-grade Spartans who conceptualized, designed and pitched solutions to support students identifying as Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) at independent schools were awarded grants to turn their ideas into reality during HackBAC, an annual social justice hackathon. Spartans Valerie Emioma and Asia Gaines were among a group of 40 students from across North America who participated in HackBAC, which is organized by the Black Alumni Collective (BAC), an advocacy group formed by five Black alumni of St. Andrew’s Episcopal School of Potomac, Md. The theme of this year’s program was “Creating More Racially Integrated and Equitable Experiences in Independent Schools that Promote Safety, Trust, Wellness and Belonging.” For HackBAC, participants were organized into eight teams. Each team was assigned to one of four tracks—Systemic

Gaines was a member of the third-place team, which proposed the Independent School Student Union (ISSU), a national student-led organization that would support BIPOC student leaders as they advocate for systemic change at their schools. ISSU would be structured with regional boards and schoolbased chapters, and provide individual students the opportunity to attend programs such as the Student Diversity Leadership Conference, hosted by the National Association of Independent Schools, if their school is unable to cover their travel or lodging expenses. On the third day of the program, students pitched their ideas to a panel of judges, who awarded monetary prizes intended to further advance the winning solutions. Emioma’s team, which included students from Colegio Merici (Mexico City, Mexico), Jesuit High School (Portland, Ore.), and St. Andrew’s Episcopal School (Potomac, Md.), received a $2,500 grant to launch SafeZone. Gaines’ team included students from Colegio Merici, St. Andrew’s and Stuart Hall School (Staunton, Va.); they received a $750 grant to launch ISSU. Congratulations to these outstanding Spartans and their teams! —kirsten peterson, assistant director of communications, black alumni collective Edited and reprinted with permission of BAC

P H OTO Valerie Emioma and Asia Gaines



Summer 2022

PHOTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Jada Byars with Sarah Todd; Henry Presnell, Gus Civins and Devlin McCormick; Ellie Ton; Thunder Drummer Caroline Nalle; Gabby Lassalle, Gemma Willy, Casey Maina and Tristan Lovell

Highlights of the 2022 International Festival: Reunion Given that the St. Stephen’s community followed strict social distancing protocols throughout the last two years, the biennial International Festival, “Reunion,” seemed particularly joyous. On Friday, April 8, school members packed the Middle School Gym to celebrate our diverse, global culture through an array of foods, performances and activities. Festival goers snacked on international treats that included Japanese sushi, Mexican churros, Vietnamese bahn mi, Chinese fried rice and lo mein, Jamaican jerk chicken, Italian cannoli, Korean spicy rice cakes, Nigerian stew and plantains, Indian samosas, French pastries, Southern fried chicken, and more. Participants also were treated to a number of musical, dance and vocal performances by their peers. The school’s Thunder Drummers offered a rousing welcome to the event, and 12th graders Fabi Garza and Andrew Bohnsack served as emcees throughout the program. Student performers included a violinist; several dance groups, including the school’s Chrysalis Dance Co.; blindfolded origami; a piano and voice duet; and a poetry slam. In addition to the many food tables, booths included several art spaces, face painting, Chinese engraving and henna tattoos. Many thanks to the International Program staff for organizing this beloved biennial event, as well as the students and staff on the planning committee.


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Grandparents Join Us on Campus for Grand Day After a two-year interruption, we were delighted to welcome grandparents and honored guests to campus for Grand Day 2022. This annual event is a chance for Spartans to share the rich academic and cultural life of our school with their grandparents and to create new memories together. Held on April 14, Grand Day kicked off with a welcome breakfast for visitors in Temple Dining Hall. Grands then attended morning classes alongside their grandchildren before gathering in Chapel for a special message from Head of School Chris Gunnin. After welcoming everyone to The Hill, Gunnin thanked parent volunteers Debbie Gonzalez and Desiree Botkin for cochairing and planning the event, as well as Annual Fund grandparent chairs Jannis and Robert Baldwin, our honorary Grand Day chairs. We greatly appreciate the 240 grandparents and friends who shared in the St. Stephen’s experience with their grandchildren. We hope each special guest discovered for themselves just how outstanding our teachers and students truly are.

P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Diane Dillard and Bode Dillard; Nancy Kessler and Maddie Davenport; Ariaan Ghatate and Gertrude Lal; Martin and Isa Foster with Kristin Williams and Asha Williams; Priya Jhaveri and Jay Amin



Summer 2022

Appreciation for Our Parent Volunteers The St. Stephen’s Parents’ Association (PA) is an integral part of the school community, helping to sustain the mission of the school through a wide array of volunteer activities. In addition to raising critical funds for the school’s Annual Fund, PA volunteers serve as grade-level class reps, host student and faculty appreciation lunches, organize parent coffees and socials, host special speakers, and organize important annual school events like Grand Day, the library book fair, international and literary festivals, and student socials. They also serve on the board of trustees, booster club, fine arts club, DEI committee, care committee, and many more meaningful programs that enhance all aspects of campus life. We appreciate your time, talents and tremendous generosity. Thank you!

P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Grand Day Co-chairs Desiree Botkin and Debbie Gonzalez; 2021‒22 PA President Mandy Borer with President-Elect Hilary Bellm; Leslie and Ben Wells; Robin Chapman, Annual Fund Director Sherry Buchanan and Jillian Leslie; Andi Yorio and Katherine Leigh; Tanima Gupta and Annual Fund Parent Chair Donna Baldwin


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Middle School Science Teacher Stacey Wink jumps for joy during the 8th-grade Big Bend trip

Eighth Graders Explore Davis Mountains and Big Bend National Park St. Stephen’s 8th graders participated in an exciting school tradition just before spring break: the annual class retreat to Big Bend National Park. Under the guidance of Charlton Perry, director of outdoor education, the intrepid Spartans hiked the Davis Mountains, paddled the Rio Grande River and camped under the stars for five nights in early March. “We couldn’t go last year because of the pandemic, so it was great to be back this year,” said Middle School Dean Eileen Wilson. “Students camped in tents and hiked daily in Big Bend, including an impressive 14-mile hike along the Southwest Rim.” Students also visited Terlingua Ghost Town and Lajitas, where “many kids got to feed the town mayor, a goat,” Perry said. “On the last evening, they camped under the stars on a clear, moonless night in Davis Mountains State Park, where you could see the Milky Way,” he added. Many thanks to the faculty and staff for making the 8th-grade retreat so fun and engaging for our students!



Summer 2022


Three Generations of Spartans Return to The Hill for Reunion From golf cart tours of campus and guided hikes along the trails, to the unveiling of the Don Cunningham Memorial Award Wall and presentations on admissions, sustainability and the West Texas trip, Reunion 2022 offered something for everyone. Three generations of Spartans made the pilgrimage back to The Hill in a weekend full of great conversations, delicious food and drink, and lots of laughter. Reunion 2022 kicked off with a state-of-the-school presentation at noon on Friday, April 1. Head of School Chris Gunnin put an innovative spin on a traditional topic by engaging participants in a game of trivia, presenting photos and posing questions to alumni before revealing updates on a variety of school activities.


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Cunningham Wall Commemorates Spartan Student-Athletes Following a Friday afternoon of campus tours, alumni gathered between the two gyms for a special presentation made possible by the vision, hard work and investment of dedicated Spartans. The Don Cunningham Memorial Award Wall is a limestone structure between the Middle School gym and Clayton Gym listing the names and class years of every recipient of the award. One-hundred and twelve student-athletes are currently displayed on the wall. The Don Cunningham Memorial Award is presented at graduation each year to a female and male student who lettered in three sports during their 12th-grade year and demonstrated outstanding talent, leadership, dedication and sportsmanship―all traits held in high regard by Don Cunningham, esteemed coach and athletic director during the early years at St. Stephen’s. Head of School Chris Gunnin welcomed the crowd assembled at the veiled wall before turning over the proceedings to Athletic Director Jon McCain. “I would like to start by thanking the Joseph-Felger family specifically for making this wall dedication a reality,” McCain said. “In many conversations with Melanie Joseph ’79 over the course of a few years, I have been reminded that St. Stephen’s remains a special place for the many Spartans who have come before us. The opportunity to recognize contributions to the Athletic Program is, obviously, very special for me.” McCain also acknowledged Coach David Paschall, who was on hand for the event. For more than 30 years, Paschall served as director of athletics, advisor, history instructor and coach of the football, basketball and baseball teams. McCain then invited two pairs of alumni siblings to assist with the unveiling of the award wall. Callie Evarts ’14 and Hadie Evarts ’13, both award recipients, shared thoughts on the significance of the award, as did Michael Joseph ’16 and Ben Joseph ’13.

P H OTOS LEFT PAGE: Mark Rowe ’88, Patricia Henna Rowe ’89, Louis Henna ’64 and Marci Henna; Mallory Boyle ’04 and Alice Nazro Nezzer ’87; Ben Chan ’95 and his girls; RIGHT PAGE (top to bottom): Athletic Director Jon McCain unveils the Don Cunningham Memorial Award Wall; Michael Joseph ’16, Ben Joseph ’13, Jon McCain, Callie Evarts ’14 and Hadie Evarts ’13; Award recipients in attendance at the unveiling event



Summer 2022

Pioneer Spartans Honor One of Their Own Alumni from the classes of 1951 to 1972 gathered in the Bowen Arts Studios Courtyard on Friday evening for the annual Pioneer Spartans Dinner. It was a chance to reminisce about their time together on The Hill, as well as to honor one of their own, Bart Wulff ’64, who received The Founders Alumni Award for Distinguished Service at the event. The Spartan Alumni Association confers the award to a person whose lifelong contribution to the school has been exemplary. In his introductory remarks, Head of School Chris Gunnin acknowledged the many ways Wulff has given back to his alma mater, serving two terms on the board of trustees, participating on the school’s long-range planning committee, supporting the Annual Fund since 1968, and advocating for the school’s science department and Residential Life program. “For the past 58 years, Bart’s support of and dedication to his alma mater have been nothing short of extraordinary,” Gunnin said. “He has shared his passion for West Texas by providing an amazing opportunity for St. Stephen’s students to experience that part of our state. As a result, generations of students and faculty members have benefitted from his generosity.”

Taste of Austin Alumni and their families gathered in the Bowen Arts Studios Courtyard on Saturday evening for a Taste of Austin dinner and the traditional Toast on The Hill by the head of school. Three generations of Spartans enjoyed a variety of culinary offerings from food trucks as diverse as P. Terry’s, Taco Baby, The Mighty Cone and Cold Cookie Company. While the adults caught up with classmates and faculty, children of alumni played games on the lawn nearby. In keeping with tradition, Head of School Chris Gunnin raised his glass to toast another successful Reunion. “To our school on the hilltop dedicated to the recovery of humans,” he said. “To the founders and early pioneers for their noble, progressive and sacred vision. To our faculty and staff for their loyalty, steadfast service and extraordinary talents. To our students past, present and future for their fierce spirits, sharp minds and compassionate hearts.” His comments were received with a hearty “Hear, Hear!” from everyone assembled in the courtyard.

PHOTO S PIONEERS (Clockwise from top left): Bart Wulff ’64, Fred Wulff and Bonnie Wulff; Head of School Chris Gunnin and Bart Wulff ’64; Dallas Baxter ’60 and Rocky McAshan ’64; Claire McKay ’71, Jack O’Quin ’67 and Karen O’Quin; TASTE OF AUSTIN (Clockwise from top): A toast to Reunion 2022; Ann Foster ’75, Lynn Hadley and Liz Foster Luczycki ’72; Alumni from the 1990s; Garrett Jester ’13 and Natalie Kuo ’12


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Presentation on West Texas Project Underscores Wulff ’s Contributions

Leadership Brunch and Spartan Alumni Leadership Award for Jonathan Quander ’89

On Saturday afternoon, alumni gathered in the Student Center Boardroom to hear Danielle Horton, science instructor and director of the West Texas Project, give a presentation about the program.

During Reunion weekend, alumni volunteer leaders and Legacy Council members were recognized for outstanding service at the annual alumni leadership brunch. During the event, Trustee Jonathan Quander ’89 was honored with the Spartan Alumni Leadership Award for his outstanding service to the school. This past year, Quander served as co-chair of the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) task force and as chair of the governance committee. Spartan Alumni Association President Patricia Henna Rowe ’89 presented the award to her fellow trustee, classmate and friend.

Twenty years ago, Spartan alumnus Bart Wulff ’64 had an idea. He thought that St. Stephen’s students would benefit from increased outdoor education. Around the same time, Science Instructor Frank Mikan had a similar vision to provide opportunities for outdoor education across all subject areas. Not long after, the West Texas Project was created, stemming from three key goals. The first goal was to provide students with opportunities to gain knowledge through hands-on research in the outdoors. The cross-curricular program would be a school-wide effort to expose students to a variety of different disciplines. Students participating in these trips to West Texas have been able to participate in a quail research project, mountain lion research and mud turtle research, as well as paleontology digs in Terlingua. The second goal was focused on building relationships with ranchers in West Texas. These connections would enable students to gain knowledge in ranching, agriculture, land management, politics and water rights.

When asked about Quander’s service, Director of Equity and Inclusion Yvonne Adams responded: “I have no shortage of fantastic things to say about Jonathan. In his work as a board member, he has challenged the school and those in positions of power to be better administrators and unapologetic advocates for diversity, equity and inclusion. He is passionate about creating spaces to include those who might not get a seat at the table. He has the unique ability to step up and step back in ways that encourage a collegial and comfortable situation regardless of who is in the room. Jonathan is committed to supporting a school community in which diversity and inclusivity is not a goal, but the norm. He has worked tirelessly to help advance DEI, and the impact of his work has been profound.”

The final goal was specifically tied to a central element of the school’s mission: service learning. Students who traveled with the school to West Texas have participated in service projects on ranches and Nature Conservancy land. Past projects have included building and clearing trails and removing barb wire fences. The students who go on these trips not only gain great knowledge and memorable experiences, butAlan theyFenton, also bond other students Jennywith Jordan Shepherd ’87,and andtheir Khazen ’87 at the on the Hill event teachers in a unique way. AvaHaidar Mouton-Johnston ’18,1980s who Lunch traveled to West Texas through the program, called it an amazing experience. “The Terlingua trip was one of my favorite things at St. Stephen's,” she said. “Having the opportunity to spend time with people outside of your regular group of friends made the trip that much more special.”

P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP RIGHT: Spartan Alumni Leadership Award recipient Jonathan Quander ’89; The Quander Family: Jonathan ’89, Arthuree, Bethel, Joe, Steve ’81 and Marty ’92; Julie Buckthal Person ’71 and Hank Ewert ’70 at the leadership event



Summer 2022

Spartan Spotlight Ann-Tyler Chote Konradi ’90

The outpouring of support for people in distress due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been nothing short of inspirational. Feeling moved by their own personal connections to Eastern Europe, AnnTyler Chote Konradi ’90 and her family joined the ranks of committed and generous volunteers. Following her time as a student at St. Stephen’s, Konradi met her husband, Brian, while studying at Rhodes College. He is also from Texas, but his family has roots in Russia, and he has relatives in Latvia with whom they regularly keep in touch. After finishing college, the couple spent a year and a half living in Russia in the wake of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Ten years later they returned to Moscow, planning to stay only two years, but staying eight. The pair raised their three daughters in Russia and tried their best to assimilate them to the culture and teach them the language. They attended Russian public schools and made countless local friends. “We really loved the country and the culture … we loved everything about it. It was an incredibly positive experience for us,” Konradi said. Even after returning to Texas in 2013, the family continued to go back and forth for work and visits with friends. During the time they lived in Russia, the country experienced economic prosperity, which lent a “hopeful and fun” atmosphere to the general population. As time went on, Konradi noted political shifts. When war broke out in Ukraine, she was unnerved. “For us, it was a real turning point,” she remarked. “It was a moment in our personal lives where we were horrified to see what was happening and trying to figure out what we could do to possibly help.”


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Given their unique connection to the region and their deep understanding of the language and culture, they traveled with their extended family to the region in March to volunteer. They had heard there was a need for translators at the borders, and through conversations with members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, they were able to establish a connection with someone in Poland. Their conversations with their contact assured them that they would indeed be a helpful addition to other humanitarian efforts taking place. Upon their arrival in Vilnius, Lithuania, they picked up the RV that served as their home for the next week. An old friend from the area gave them orange volunteer vests and explained how best to help before they gathered provisions and headed to Poland. Konradi’s group of seven began volunteering in a town called Hrebenne, situated on the border between Ukraine and Poland. Some people passed through by foot or in cars, but it was not a main crossing hub because there is no train station. The next day, they relocated to Przemyśl, a town of 60,000 people in southeastern Poland with a train station through which they estimated more than 30,000 people traveled per day. Konradi described most of the daily work as “a game of logistics.” Poland was successful in bringing resources to the people getting off the trains, but the majority of the Polish people did not speak Russian. Konradi and her family were able to fill that language gap by offering to translate: “Do you know where you are going? Are you hungry? Do you need some water? There are the bathrooms. This is how you get a SIM card for your phone. Do your children need to rest?” Their daughter, Sasha,

Spartan Magazine

PHOTO FROM FAR LEFT: Ann-Tyler Chote Konradi ’90 and family; Ann-Tyler Chote Konradi '90 and the volunteer group; Train station in Poland

who just completed her 10th-grade year at St. Stephen’s, translated for journalists and worked in the children’s room while mothers rested. Brian assisted in helping people determine where they should go. Other members of the group helped prepare food and translate. Some travelers had a plan, such as getting to friends or family in Germany or the Czech Republic, but they needed help figuring out how to get there. At least a third of the people Konradi and her family spoke with had no plan. “That was the hardest,” she noted. “Przemyśl is a small town with few places where people could stay, so they had to tell them to keep going.” Konradi could not help but consider the lasting impact of the war. “There are two parts to this crisis: people’s immediate needs like a meal, a stroller or baby diapers, but also the long-term concerns, such as where someone can settle, get a job and plan to live if they can never return to Ukraine,” she said. While the largest number of refugees were coming from Lviv, Konradi noted that “there were a number of people going the other direction,” which surprised her. She helped one group of women carry their bags to the train while they explained to her how they had been to the Czech Republic and Poland but had not been able to find a place to live or a way to make money, so they had decided to return to Ukraine. “That’s the population we really failed,” Konradi said. “They had left their homes, and now they had nowhere to land. It’s hard to imagine that this is someone’s situation.”

Before they headed to Austin, the family created a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for victims of the war and were “blown away by the generosity” of donors. They gave the total $85,580 collected through the fund to World Central Kitchen, an organization they interacted with while working in Przemyśl. World Central Kitchen had converted an old warehouse and was preparing an estimated 160,000 meals a day for refugees. The organization is still in Poland at many stations along the border and has a presence in Romania, Ukraine and Moldova. Of all her experiences, Konradi said one of the more emotional moments for her was speaking with a man in his 80s while Brian helped get his wife a new SIM card for her phone. Konradi said he was filled with sorrow about the situation: his family and friends were bombed and forced to run from their homes while the leaders of Russia and Ukraine went back and forth, neither one giving in to the other. He told her that it would be better to have a “bad peace than a good war.” Coincidentally, the words for “bad peace” and “bad world” are the same in Russian, which added to the poignancy of his comment. After volunteering for five days, the Konradi family returned to the United States, feeling “moved in so many ways.” Konradi said the older man’s comments summed up many of her emotions about the war in Ukraine, but that it will take time for her to fully process the experience. She remains committed to help as best she can from home and to maintain communication with her friends in the region. —liza ayres '14, international office assistant; chair, alumni communications, spartan alumni association board



Summer 2022

Class Notes 1951 Cliff Castle and his wife, Marjorie, continue to sell real estate in Philadelphia. Last fall, Castle attended his 65-year college reunion from Yale. He said it was wonderful to see so many classmates and feels blessed to be in good health and active. He wasn’t able to make it to the St. Stephen’s Reunion this year because of a wedding in Phoenix at the same time, but he looks forward to getting to St. Stephen’s soon.

1958 J.P. Bryan remains totally engaged with his goal of preserving Texas history at the Bryan Museum in Galveston. Aside from the collection, which is well worth a trip, the museum offers an outstanding series of talks and educational events year-round, which includes a children’s summer camp. In his free time, J.P. has been finishing his history of the Battle of San Jacinto, which is on its way to Texas A&M Press. Jeannette Schaleben Cook confessed that some aspects of the two-year pandemic (not all, of course) weren’t so bad. With fewer trips and meetings to attend,

Jeannette Schaleben Cook ’58 she escaped the plague, and was free to spend more time reading, needlepointing and painting. Now she has fun reconnecting with her granddaughters who are scattered between Purdue University, University of Colorado at Boulder and Dallas International School. Cook’s granddaughter Adelaide (mother is Courtney Cook Johnson ’86), is a Purdue Aerospace


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

“Boilermaker.” She will return to SpaceX for her second summer internship, this time at Boca Chica with the rocket! Quite a new world for this liberal arts grandmother. She noted how fun it would be for all of the grands of 1958 to know each other! Chris Hines has been doing extremely well. He moved back to Austin and has enjoyed being near family and friends. Jan Hines, his first wife, is a teacher at St. Stephen’s who has influenced many students and colleagues. Their children, Caleb and Ben, also are extremely well. Ben teaches English and coaches at St. Stephen’s. Celia Jones is the great artist of the class of 1958. Her paintings and sculptures, especially of horses, are beautifully captured images of grace and motion. Jones lives near Taos and works four days a week as a mental health counselor, an accreditation that she received after going back to school four years ago. The position allows her to devote three days to painting and enjoying the landscape of New Mexico. Sadly, she lost her son, Walter, after a lengthy illness in January. Her daughter, Pilar, passed away of cancer several years ago. Their deaths were unimaginably painful, but she said her faith in God and the love and support of her grandchildren, close friends and classmates have sustained her. Her grandson, Erich, has emerged as an outstanding skier, and she hopes this will give her something to cheer about in the days to come. Gary Morrison was a day student until his senior year, when he decided for social and academic reasons to become a full-time boarder. He thought this might be preferable to the hours spent going to and from on the school bus from Austin on a two-lane road to our remote sanctuary on The Hill. Morrison had no roommate but lived directly across the hall from J.P Bryan and Chris Hines. The duo served as surrogate roommates, sleeping in the other bed so he wouldn’t feel too alone. They all quickly became study buddies and often studied together by flashlight. Years later, Bryan and Morrison discovered they were living only four blocks from each other on the Upper Eastside of Manhattan, and Morrison had married Bryan’s cousin, Caroline Bryan Thompson. The classmates renewed their friendship with a newfound vigor and became successful golf partners in numerous tournaments in New York. Morrison, who has been living in Montana, recently lost his beloved second wife, Mary Ann. She was a golf legend, which led to her induction into the Texas Golf Hall of Fame. Many pro golfers have said that Mary Ann could have been one of the best women golfers of all time, but her four children were her top priority. Morrison worked for Allen and Co. before moving back to Texas, where he has enjoyed a productive and active life, shuttling between a home in Palm Springs, Calif., and Sarasota, Wyo.

IN HIS OWN WORDS: J.P Bryan ’58 The class of 1958 has a most interesting history to reflect on. It was the first to go from the 8th grade beginning in 1953. For me, I was the first boarding student to have completed the full five-year journey from the little boys’ dorm to the final exhilarating moment of graduation. There we stood, all 36 of us classmates who would never be as close together again as we lined up for our pictures in front of the Chapel. We had at that time an uninterrupted view across the distant hills covered with cedar and devoid of homes as far as the eye could see. The broad Colorado River with its unrelenting and silent journey to the sea framed the campus. It was a view that suggested opportunity that was unlimited and restricted only by our individual ambitions. We could embrace the slings and arrows of life prepared by the academic experience at St. Stephen’s with the obdurate resolve of the river below us. I have an opinion that we were successful in both good times and moments of stress because of the experiences and friendships gained from such a uniquely isolated community which we had come to love, if not on the day we graduated but in thoughtful reflection over time. What was taken from that place has endured. It was not just a moment in time but a lifetime. It came as much from that cross hanging in the Chapel as it did from what was learned in the classroom or experienced in the dormitory.

Spartan Magazine

John Terry and Sarah Ford Terry ’61 are doing well, living in Acton, Mass., and are looking forward to attending Terry’s 60-year MIT Reunion this spring. Several years ago, he held an auction and barbecue to sell his collection of at least 1,000 antique radios and associated equipment. The very successful sale attracted 60 to 80 buyers from across the country, plus more who placed bids online. Now he is busy writing two books. One is an anthology of early articles about radios that initially were published during the early years of the 20th century. The second book, which will probably grow to several volumes, deals with the collection he auctioned off. It will be filled with his photographs and provide descriptions of the pieces. He hopes it will become a valuable “bible” for the many people fascinated by the history of the radio.

1966 Interested in serving as the Class Representative for the Class of 1966? Contact Michelle Geo Olmstead at for more information.

1967 Phil Howard and Karen and Jack O’Quin enjoyed meeting for dinner and a visit to Rockport during spring break. The trio had a great time catching up.

1971 Walter Adams received a master’s degree in public health, his fifth postgraduate degree, on April 30. He also reported that his mother is still with them at the age of 93. Claire McKay and Hank Ewert ’70 both retired on June 1. Ewert retired from Austin College and McKay left private psychotherapy practice. They are excited to see what the next stage brings and are hoping for some time to travel. The couple would like to visit their daughter, Leslie King ’05, who lives in the Netherlands. Because of COVID-19 and other health issues, they haven’t been able to travel there yet. They also look forward to spending more time with their 4-year-old grandson, Alex, son of Suzanne King ’98, who lives in Austin. The couple recently moved from their Brentwood home to far South Austin. They reported that it’s a very different experience down there, but they are enjoying it. The couple attended Reunion Weekend and loved seeing so many classmates and friends (including some of their favorite teachers), especially those who traveled so far and whom they had not seen in a while. In April, Ewert was honored with the Lynn Caldwell Slaughter Award for Mentorship from the Texas Association of Admission Counselors. He worked at St. Stephen’s for more than 30 years as an English instructor, coach, dorm parent, film instructor and director of college counseling. McKay and

people are so talented, and they deserve to be honored for all their work and the hundreds, if not thousands, of hours spent practicing for years. Lisa loves being part of this and is proud of the effort. She plans to continue it for many years to come.

Claire McKay ’71 and Hank Ewert ’70 Ewert served as alumni co-chairs of the Annual Fund this year. Andy Fraser recently met Chloe Sharples ’11 on the set of director Christopher Nolan's upcoming movie about J. Robert Oppenheimer. In the nondisclosure agreements, he promised not to say much about the context of their roles. Both were extras, and much of their time was spent waiting around. One day Fraser and Sharples struck up a conversation, only to discover that they both graduated from St. Stephen’s. Look for them in the film at a theater near you in July. Fraser and his wife, Marguerite, recently spent a long weekend in Austin. Fraser wished he could show her what Austin and St. Stephen’s looked like during his first year on campus in 1967. He said it was a good trip, and he particularly liked seeing former teachers Don Roth, Steve Smock, Phil Hadley and Lynn Hadley. The couple also had lunch with Steve Smock and the folks from the class of 1972 who persuaded him to come to their 50th. Smock is still hilarious, and Fraser discovered that Danna Orr ’72 is too. Fraser retired in September of 2020 and attends regular discussions about math with a group of scientists in Los Alamos. Lisa Carver Collins shared that she has been following in her mother's footsteps, honoring and remembering her sister, Lauren Carver ’72, who died in a car crash during the first month of her senior year at St. Stephen’s, along with her best friend, Stephanie Rohe ’71. Collins was inspired by her mother’s love of music and young people. This inspiration led Collins to create and sponsor scholarships for high school musicians all around Oklahoma. By 1999, these scholarships evolved into the "Lauren Carver Concerto Competition" for piano, woodwind and brass, sponsored by Patricia Abney, in memory of her daughter, Lauren. This eventually transitioned into the Carver Competition for brass, harp, woodwinds and percussion. Collins said that she is proud to be able to carry on with this project that her mother started decades ago. She never thought that it would last this long, but she noted that the young

Rom Alan Roettinger is not sure what being "retired" means to everyone else, but he finally realized that he is, in fact, retired. By this, he does not mean that he has stopped engaging, working on his projects or doing what he can to keep money coming in. What it means is that he is no longer at all concerned about it bearing any particular fruit. His main objective these days is taking the time to connect with people. Whether it’s strangers, cashiers at stores, people standing in line with him or people who serve at various businesses, he has started to see them not for the role they play, but as fellow human beings. He said he tells them, in code, that he loves them because he has found that he does. The code is revealed in compliments, observations and encouragement if they seem down. He tries to make a personal connection in that brief moment. He often replies to the formulaic "have a good day" with "same to you; you deserve it!" He also enjoys letting people go in front of him in line when they seem in a hurry or impatient. When they ask, "Are you sure?" he responds that he is in no hurry and is retired. Roettinger has a part-time job in the slow food movement, teaching cooking classes to very young children in public schools in Denver. It takes him an hour to get there from his house in his idyllic small mountain town, but he said to say it's worth it is a huge understatement. His greatest source of pride lately has been his son, who has been volunteering at a World Central Kitchen facility in Poland, three miles from the Ukraine border, feeding thousands of desperate refugees. The father and son chat via WhatsApp almost daily. Roettinger reported that on his son’s first day, he was recognized by the person in charge for "setting the pace," by working fast without compromising on quality. That first day the teammates made 13,000 sandwiches. The next day, he was told he was being considered for a paid position. Chef Jose Andres, creator of World Central Kitchen, is a hero of both father and son, so it was an incredible compliment. Jim Dart reported that after almost three years under COVID-19, our 50+1 Reunion was a thrilling opportunity to see many old friends and some old teachers. Dart, Claire McKay and Hank Ewert ’70 had a mini-reunion preview several weeks earlier when they saw Will Dibrell and his wife, Ellen, during their first trip to Austin from Norway since the pandemic. Dart reported that the couple is thriving in the far north. Dart and his husband, David, have been in the South for four years since leaving New York, and Dart quit teaching at the New Jersey School of Architecture in Newark. Fulfilling a life-long dream, David has opened a flower shop in St. Francisville, La. They had been living more or less full-time in New



Summer 2022

The Class of 1982 Reunion party

Orleans, but now they divide their time in reverse, spending much more time in the country with occasional trips to the city. Dart finds himself more or less retired. He continues to pick up small jobs here and there, mostly on a pro bono basis. To his surprise, he is quite content doing so. He reported that life is pretty good. Julie Buckthal Person is living in Denver near her three grandsons. She often visits Austin and her dear friends there. She reported that life is good. Kathryn Miller Anderson reported that Reunion Weekend was a blast! She said the highlight for her was the wonderful Pioneer Spartans Dinner. The venue offered an incredibly beautiful setting, complete with a sunset and a performance from the amazing Madrigal singers. She loved visiting with friends she has known for many decades. She said that other highlights from the weekend were their two class parties. Folks returned from so far away! She wants to thank Marc Shattuck, Don Wreden, Don Roth, Phil Hadley, Lynn Hadley, Rock Urash ’72, Alex Caselli ’72, Steve Smock and Mark Burke ’72 for crossing the country by plane and car to see St. Stephen’s friends. She also wants to give a big thank you to Nancy Hart ’72, Ann Slate Gaspari ’72 and Mary Wilmer Mills ’72, who all returned for their first Reunion Weekend. Miller Anderson also reported that there were at least 65 alumni and four former teachers from 1969 to 1973 who joined their parties. Classmates laughed, cried, danced, hugged and did it all while staying “safe” with


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

COVID-19 still looming! Save the date for April 21-23 for next year’s gathering. Fred Myers ’71 already has offered his lovely yard for Reunion 2023. She added that the words written by Wendell Scott ’72 reflect how fortunate her classmates feel: “Why is Reunion so important? Why do I love all these people I so rarely see? What is it we have that no one else seems to?” Miller Anderson also received a special gift from her classmates in honor of her service as Class Representative of the Class of 1971. She has served in that role for 50 years!

1976 Nicholas Trask Palter is an architect in the San Francisco Bay area with his own firm. He specializes in residential construction. He has one daughter, Anna Palter, age 28.



The Class of 1982 gathered during Reunion Weekend in celebration of its 40-year reunion. Class Representative Wendy Naughton White did an amazing job planning a fun weekend for the 45 classmates and friends who attended.

Liz Foster Luczycki and Margot Clarke organized the 50-year reunion party that brought together the classes of 1971 and 1972.


1974 Ann McMeans retired on May 4 just short of 30 years with Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital. For the last 23+ years, she has worked in pediatric nutrition research. She has had incredible experiences and worked with wonderfully brilliant people. She was sad to leave, but it was time for her to relax, sleep in, and spend more time with family and friends around the country.

The Spartan Alumni Association would like to thank Alice Nazro Nezzer, co-chair of Reunion 2022, for planning an amazing weekend. It was a busy spring for Alice. She was appointed to serve as assistant head of school for St. Andrew’s.

1989 Jonathan Quander was honored with the Spartan Alumni Leadership Award during Reunion Weekend.

Spartan Magazine

Jonathan Quander ’89 with Patricia Henna Rowe ’89

Alumni Cherry Blossom Cruise in Washington, D.C.

1991 On Feb. 22, Leilani Valdes, M.D., and Monica Patel, M.D., ’95 talked to students as part of a science-focused career panel sponsored by Spartans Engage. Valdes is a pathologist in Victoria, Texas, and Patel is a pediatrician at Dell Children’s Hospital in Austin.


Sarafina Nance ’11

The Class of 1994 is in need of a Class Representative. If you are interested in serving, please contact Michelle Geo Olmstead at

1995 Alumni Regional Representative for Washington, D.C., Ben Chan, planned a fun Cherry Blossom Cruise for alumni in the Washington, D.C., area. Mallory Boyle ’04 and Thomas Frakes ’05 came up from San Antonio to be part of the event!


Ikard-Graulty wedding reception


The Spartan Alumni Association would like to thank co-chair of Reunion 2022, Shannon Powers Flahive for planning an amazing weekend.

Spartan brothers Thomas Cochran and Charles Cochran gathered with Leighton Donnell '56 for an outing in South Texas. It was a Spartan reunion to remember.



Will Ikard married Sarah Graulty in Gray, Maine, on Oct. 23, 2021. Among those in attendance were Stuart Tallichet ’01, Michael Hernandez ’01 and Paul Heberling ’01.

The Class of 2017 is in need of a Class Representative. Interested? Please contact Michelle Geo Olmstead at

2002 Interested in serving as the Class Representative for the Class of 2002? Contact Michelle Geo Olmstead at for more information.

2021 Elly Abikhaled and Madeleine Lucid are both firstyear students at Rice University. Lucid is studying anthropology and psychology; Abikhaled is enrolled in the pre-med program and is training to be an EMT.

Elly Abikhaled and Madeleine Lucid



In Memoriam Annabelle Williams Catterall ’52 Annabelle Williams Catterall ’52 passed away of cancer on March 14 in Dallas. Her parents brought Annabelle and her sister, Carolyn Williams Stone ’55, to Austin in 1941, when her father joined the faculty at The University of Texas and her mother began teaching at St. Stephen’s. After graduating from St. Stephen's in 1952, Catterall attended Bryn Mawr College, where she graduated magna cum laude in 1956. After working briefly in Washington, DC, she returned to Austin and married Fred W. Catterall III. The couple had three sons. The family moved to Dallas in 1962, and Catterall spent many hours volunteering with the PTA, Cub Scouts and the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation. The couple shared a love of classical music. For many years, they faithfully attended performances of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and the Dallas Opera. Catterall’s life was celebrated at a service on March 21 in Dallas. Bell Tucker Dudley Grace ’54 Bell Tucker Dudley Grace ’54 passed away peacefully on Feb. 14. After graduating from St. Stephen’s, she attended Sweet Briar, The University of Texas, and what are now A&M CC and A&M Kingsville. Dudley Grace earned an M.A. in counseling. As a counselor, she found her true passion in working with families and terminally ill patients. She married Phil Dudley and the couple raised two sons, the late Whit Dudley ’76 and Taylor Dudley ’80. Following her husband’s death, she married former St. Stephen’s teacher Dan Grace. Dudley Grace’s ashes will be interred at the Memorial Garden at St. Stephen's. A service celebrating her life will be announced at a future date. One of our Pioneer Spartans, she will be missed by many in the St. Stephen’s community. Andre Derdeyn, M.D., ’55 Andre Derdeyn ’55 passed away on Nov. 15 while taking photographs in Lovingston, Va. After graduating from St. Stephen’s, he attended Cornell University and then graduated from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He started residency training in internal medicine at Stanford University then was drafted into the U.S. Army. He served as a captain, as a general medical officer and then as psychiatrist for the 2nd Armored Division in Fort Hood, Texas, during the Vietnam War. After a residency at Duke University in adult psychiatry, followed by a fellowship in child psychiatry, Derdeyn joined the University of Virginia School of Medicine. While there, Derdeyn rose through the academic ranks to become a professor of psychiatry. For the next 20 years, he served as director of child and family services, where he had an active practice providing psychiatric care and counseling for children, adolescents and their families. Derdeyn served as director of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He was most proud of the great loves of his life. He was in love


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Summer 2022

with his wife of 60 years, Marie-Jose; his five children; his siblings and his 15 grandchildren. While celebrating his 80th birthday, Derdeyn reflected that his life had been more interesting, rewarding and loving than he ever had expected. Alice Crawford Thomas ’61 Alice Crawford Thomas ’61 passed away on Feb. 16 after a six-month illness. After graduating from St. Stephen’s, Thomas went on to study at The University of Texas in the Plan II Program. Up until the day she died, she was an avid reader and frequently attended workshops to continue to learn and gain knowledge on a variety of different topics. In 1965, she married the love of her life and best friend, Terry. After a year in Salt Lake City, they moved to Houston, where Thomas made her mark through her wide variety of talents and interests. She is remembered as a woman with boundless energy, a disarming smile, a great sense of humor and strong ideals. She is survived by her husband of 56 years, Lewis Proctor (Terry) Thomas III; her daughters, Kendall (Eric) Scheffey and Kathleen Thomas; and four grandchildren, Heston T. Scheffey, Alice J. Scheffey, Sloan L. Woodberry and J. Carson Woodberry. She is also survived by her sister, Mary Crawford (David) Wolff ’58, and her sisterin-law, Suzanne Crawford, wife of her deceased brother, Walter J Crawford Jr. ’56.

Stephen Lantrip ’67 Stephen Lantrip ’67 passed away in his sleep on Nov. 1. Lantrip spent most of his childhood living in Venezuela and Indonesia, where his father was a petroleum engineer. After graduating from St. Stephen’s, he studied at The University of Texas, where he received his B.A. in 1973. During breaks from school and in the summers, Lantrip returned to Indonesia. During one summer away from U.T., he met the love of his life, Donna, whose father also worked in Indonesia. The couple were married in 1972. After graduating from U.T., Lantrip became part of a new class of auditors who used computers to manage accounts. He thrived in this field and worked for Zale Corp. and then at the Army-Air Force Exchange Service in Dallas. Throughout his life, Lantrip was a thoughtful and creative problem-solver, which earned him the nickname “Sudoku Steve.” He loved solving the problem that stumped everyone else. After his daughter, Debbie, was born, he and Donna worked on the puzzle of parenting well together. The couple welcomed their first grandchild in 2000, and the couple planned to be the grandparents who were there for everything. His generous spirit and curious mind will be missed by all. He was honored at a service on Nov. 11 in Oklahoma City. Oliver Franklin ’79 Oliver Franklin ’79 passed away on April 4. After graduating from St. Stephen’s, Franklin earned his B.A. and M.A. from The University of Texas. Since 2012, he had served as director of the Elizabet Ney Museum.

During his 10-year tenure, he helped to transform the Ney from a humble repository for an artist’s work to an exhibition of contemporary works by female artists and a space for community members to exchange ideas. The museum staff, his family and his many friends celebrated his life in April. Paul Ratliff ’83 Paul Ratliff ’83 passed away surrounded by his family on Dec. 22 after a long illness. Ratliff will be remembered for his sense of humor and kindness. He is the brother of John Ratliff ’80 and Ben Ratliff ’88. Chase Doggett ’16 On Jan. 16, Chase Doggett ’15 passed away from a tragic hiking accident. St. Stephen’s English Instructor Colleen Hynes, Ph.D., Doggett’s advisor, described Doggett as a sharp and witty student, an excellent leader, a talented and creative performer, and an all-around outstanding individual. Doggett came to St. Stephen’s in 9th grade for the Theatre Focus Program and seamlessly made the transition to The Hill, both academically and socially. Doggett served as student body president. Their leadership could be seen in and out of the classroom. They were a faithful friend who showed empathy and kindness to all, offering support to students struggling with academic issues or those going through personal crises. It was often in these times that their sense of humor would shine and help those struggling to make it through a tough day. After graduating from St. Stephen’s, they studied at Northwestern University, graduating in 2019 with a B.A. in theater and creative writing. While at Northwestern, Doggett produced, wrote and performed for The Titanic Players, Out Da Box and Griffin’s Tale. During their time on The Hill, Doggett left an indelible impression on all the students, faculty and staff whose lives they touched, and they will be missed by many in the St. Stephen’s community.

Spartan Magazine

Alumni Class Representatives Will Brewster ’51

Shannon Powers Flahive ’96

Fred Heldenfels ’52

Gerry DeLeon '96

Edna Noel Heldenfels ’53

Elizabeth Anne Sykes Rains ’96

Michael Hines ’54

Cam Beesley ’97

Colin Phipps ’55

Jared Hockema ’98

Ellen McCorquodale Martin ’56

Becky Hollis Diffen ’99

Ruth Wilson Witten ’57

Claire Browder ’00

J.P. Bryan ’58

Aaron Albrecht ’00

Tom Romberg ’59

Katharine Bayer ’01

Pat Fatter Black ’60

Juliet Frerking ’01

Steve Jolly ’61

Brian Kaufman ’04

David Sanders ’62

Rachel Katz ’05

Julia Cauthorn ’63

Sarah Cromwell Sheppard ’06

Joiner Cartwright ’64

Selina Strasburger ’06

Arthur Wright ’64

Cole Arledge ’07

Dianne Duncan Tucker ’65

Louise McNutt Brazitis ’07

Randy Parten ’67

Amanda Kushner ’08

Robert Henderson ’68

J.J. Botha ’09

Josh Harrison ’69

Chantal Strasburger ’09

Dee Meador ’70

Carlotta Garza ’10

Kathryn Miller Anderson ’71

Omar Yaghi ’10

Darrell David ’72

Ryann Young ’10

Douglass Anderson ’73

Lindsay Redman ’11

Ann Rhodes McMeans ’74

Henry Sikes ’11

Dr. Mary L. Brandt ’75

Gray Twombly ’11

Sylvia McIntyre-Crook ’75

Alia Yaghi ’11

Dan Norton ’76

Yosua A. Husodo ’12

Robert Ettinger ’77

Helen Elizabeth Old ’12

Mark Tucker ’78

Caroline Pringle ’12

Carroll Lively Reeser ’79

Jake Politte ’12

Peter Larkam ’80

James Carter ’13

Erica Peters Stafford ’81

Annie Nordhauser ’13

Charlotte Stuckey Brigham ’81

Nathan Goldberg ’14

Wendy White Naughton ’82

Jaclyn Horton ’14

Laura Mears Mirecki ’83

Jim Old ’15

Suzanne Cantarino Pfeiffer ’84

Nick Goldreyer ’16

Libbie Walker Ansell ’85

Allie Goldreyer ’18

Chris Breckwoldt ’86

Blossom Maduafokwa ’18

Catherine Hoey Randall ’87

Andrew Yow ’18

Mark Rowe ’88

Wyatt Gill ’19

Jonathan Quander ’89

Tom Guan ’19

Joe Frisz ’90

Greta Kastner ’19

Liz Fleming Powell ’91

Chloe Lawrence ’19

Monika Powe Nelson ’92

Lucy Schmidt ’19

Davis Baldwin ’93

Sophia Waugh ’20

Catherine Cook Weiss ’94

Lizzy Jones ’20

Seth Alley ’95

Lauren Gill ’21

Ben Chan ’95

Betsy Goodrum ’21

Hawkins Li ’95 Beth Cockerham Mack ’95 Ann Strauser Palmer ’95 Rhea Benbow Thomas ’95 Meghan Alexander ’96

We are seeking Class Representatives for the classes of 1966, 1994, 2002 and 2017. If you are interested in serving, please contact Michelle Geo Olmstead at

Class Notes Submissions

We encourage alumni to share personal updates with us for Class Notes. Spartan alumni are contacted by their Class Reps several times a year for news and information. For assistance contacting your Class Rep or to submit news directly by email, please contact Michelle Geo Olmstead, director of alumni relations, at 512.327.1213 x178 or For help finding your Class Rep, please visit our Alumni webpage at Class Notes also can be submitted directly online at Select the “Stay Connected” box. We welcome high-resolution photographs with your Class Notes submission. Please send a JPG format in the largest size possible (at least 900 pixels; image 3 inches wide at 300 dpi). Please include the full names and class years of everyone pictured. Spartan magazine editors reserve the right to edit or omit any information submitted.

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Summer 2022

Pioneering Spartans: Fact or Fiction? To say that life on The Hill in the school’s early days was rugged would be an understatement. According to our Pioneer Spartans, alumni from the classes of 1951 to 1972, campus life back then was lively and surprising. These Spartans have gathered throughout the past few years for our “Crackers & Milk” socials to reveal long-held secrets and tell tall tales of school traditions, folklore and shenanigans. We decided to share some of our favorite school stories with readers and let you decide if they are indeed fact or fiction. Fact or Fiction?*

1. After lights out one evening, several boys snuck into the girls’ dorm and left a wild piglet in the bathroom. Later that night, the porcine intruder greeted a half-asleep resident; no one knows who was more scared—the student or the piglet. T F 2. The school bell that stands outside Brewster Hall is rung annually by the graduating class to mark the end of their 12thgrade year. However, in the early days, the bell was rung three times each day to call students to meals. T F 3. One night all the residents of the boys’ dorm swapped rooms with residents of the girls’ dorm in order to surprise the dorm parents who woke them for breakfast each morning. T F 4. A small single-prop airplane made an emergency landing on school grounds. The pilot was found unharmed and then cordially invited to dine with the head of school. T F 5. When the school wanted to offer rowing as an activity for students, a boat was ordered and shipped by train to downtown Austin. When it arrived, students were tasked with fetching it from the train station, carrying it to the lake and rowing it to Mansfield Dam. T F

6. As a senior prank, several students climbed through air ducts into the library and stacked huge piles of books in front of the library doors so no one could get in the doors for several weeks. T F 7. Each night before bed, following chores and study hall, boarding students would gather in the dining hall for an evening snack of saltine crackers and milk, which was considered a delicacy. T F If you have your own scuttlebutt about the school to share, please send an email to Melody Harman, director of planned giving, continues to chronicle fun and fantastic stories from our alumni. To find out which of the above statements are fact or fiction, check the answer key below.

Answer Key

1. True, boys did place a feral piglet in the girls’ bathroom; 2. False, the bell was rung throughout the day to mark the end of class periods; 3. True, rumor has it the dorm parents were surprised, but not amused; 4. True, a pilot made an emergency landing on campus and was treated to dinner; 5. False, students did collect the boat from the train station but rowed it to school, not the dam; 6. False, the library doors were blocked by the books for several days, not weeks; 7. True, crackers and milk were served every night to the delight of students.

*Any discrepancies can be attributed to boasting, exaggeration, fuzzy memories and/or the telephone game. 40

St. Stephen’s Episcopal School



St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Annual Fund 2021–22

Anyone who appreciates exceptional educational offerings, an abundance of creative arts programs, welcoming sports teams and forward-thinking student organizations truly understands that these learning and growth opportunities are both rare and impactful. Throughout the year ahead, as we gather as members of our global school family—parents and educators, classmates and teammates, alumni and friends—we hope you will delight in the discovery of how one teacher or class, project partner or roommate, student club or coach can impact the life of a Spartan for a lifetime. Please join us in making a gift to the 2021–22 Annual Fund today!


6500 St. Stephen’s Drive Austin, Texas 78746

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PARTING SHOT St. Stephen’s 8th-grade students celebrate their graduation from Gunn Hall


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