Seasons of the Spirit Issue 48

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Dear Friends,

I hope you enjoy this mid-year ministry update, highlighting the breadth and depth of our shared life at St Stephen’s Church It’s been a full year already and we’re only halfway through 2024! In the last few months, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women to the priesthood, welcomed Bishop Mark Stevenson as we confirmed or received nearly 60 parishioners, and wrapped up a very successful first year with Dogwood Preschool on campus By the time you read this, our choirs will be nearing departure for their choral pilgrimage in England, and we’ll be in the midst of launching a beautiful and accessible new website Looking ahead, we are busy planning an exciting fall schedule of programs and events for all ages

This publication which complements our fuller Seasons of the Spirit magazine is designed to convey a snapshot of the vast mission and ministry taking place within and beyond our church walls Your financial support and hands-on participation make this possible and have a sizeable impact on our congregation and community Thank you!


SO FAR IN 2024:

41 have been baptized 46 youth and adults have been confirmed

7 have been received in the Episcopal Church

4 have reaffirmed their baptismal vows

2 1 have been buried

53 have joined St. Stephen’s

In-person attendance at St. Stephen’s Church So far in 2024, our Average Sunday Attendance (in-person) is 824.

Our in-person attendance for Easter Day 2024 was 2124.

Sundays on Grove

Last fall we launched a weekly feature called “Sundays on Grove,” a brief video preview of coming events. We post it on social media channels and link it in the eSpirit each Thursday.

Sundays On Grove 61

weekly viewers (average)

Since September 2023 launch

Reels on Instagram and Facebook

Each week we post reels featuring excerpts from sermons and reflections delivered during Sunday worship These clips are designed to engage viewers in our social media feeds and encourage them to go to our website to watch the entire message So far in 2024, the average number of views is 795 per reel.

Average Sunday online viewership so far for 2024: 357 up from 350 in 2023

Highest total streaming days: Christmas Eve 2023: 925

Easter Day 2024: 1,264

Small groups

During the 2023-24 program year:

35 small groups met

18 groups were new

238+ people participated in small groups

Participants spent 350+ hours meeting in small groups

Dogwood Preschool

The first year for Dogwood Preschool in residence at St Stephen’s Church was a tremendous blessing! We are thrilled to have this excellent school on our campus, and to have young children and their families here on weekdays and for special events during the school year At least seven families who are members of St Stephen’s Church have children enrolled, the Dogwood staff includes three parishioners, and three parishioners serve as substitutes

Number of children enrolled so far for 2024-25: 103

The Parish Retreat at Shrine Mont

Children’s Ministry

In Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, our formation program for children from preschool through grade 5, about 65 children took part in 2023-24

There are 44 children registered for Vacation Bible School, taking place in July 2024

More than 50 children from age 3 through grade 5 took place in the Live Nativity in December, joined by several four-legged friends

The average Sunday attendance for the Palmer Hall service for families with young children is 100

Over 2,000 Easter eggs were donated and hidden for the Easter Egg Hunt in March 2024 The eggs were hidden throughout the grounds on the Grove Avenue side of the church and on the playground We don’t know how many were collected keep your eyes peeled!


Acolytes are young people in grades 9 through 12 who serve during worship services, processing the cross, torches, the Gospel book, and sometimes a banner and flags Acolytes also serve the intinction (dipping) cup during Holy Communion

There were 8 acolyte teams during the academic year 202324, each with 6 to 8 members

Two teams serve each Sunday, one at the 9 a m service and one at the 11:15 a m service

About 30 young people serve as acolytes at our 10 a m summer Sunday service

Acolytes also serve at special services during Holy Week, at Christmas, and at other times

Youth Ushers

Young people in grades 6 through 8 serve as ushers during the 9 a m service in the main church during the program (academic) year They welcome people to the service, hand out bulletins, and collect the offering During the program year which concluded in May, 24 youth served in this role

Youth Confirmation

During the May 5, 2024 visit by the Rt Rev E Mark Stevenson, our diocesan bishop, he confirmed 34 youth These young people had been prepared for Confirmation over the course of the academic year using My Faith, My Life, a book by Jenifer Gamber, and with guidance by Caroline Harris, our youth ministry coordinator; our clergy; and adult mentors Their preparation concluded with a retreat at Richmond Hill

Youth Ministry

Outreach and mission work continues to rebound, evolve, and grow after so many of our regular projects and partnerships had to pause or be reduced during the pandemic

Food insecurity: feeding those in need

Other outreach service includes

About 20 parishioners serving in the 2024 Rebuilding Together Richmond Day

About 25 parishioners serve with our East End partners

We're Number 1

In June 2024, Style Weekly announced that the Farmers Market @ St. Stephen’s tied for first place in their annual poll of the Best of Richmond.

Average weekly attendance so far in 2024:

January: 506

February: 566

March: 592

April: 775

May: 832

Total number of vendors: 68

Volunteers: 30

So far this year, 60 people have served in our food ministry.

People served by our grocery store/ pantry so far this year: 558 visits for 152 unique households

St Stephen’s/Feed More / DoorDash partnership: 217 households have received grocery deliveries over the past two years

The life-changing impact of ReWork Richmond

This unique initiative was founded by St Stephen’s and St Peter’s Episcopal churches, the City of Richmond’s Office of Community Wealth Building, and Challenge Discovery Projects and continues to be St Stephen’s most significant investment of outreach funding Parishioners and leaders of St Stephen’s centennial capital campaign wanted to establish a major outreach project using a tithe of the funds raised during the campaign After extensive research and discernment, as well as collaboration with St Peter’s Church in the East End and other partners, we invested in an innovative model for supporting East End adults in finding and qualifying for family-sustaining careers. Unlike many programs that place adults in hourly, low-wage jobs with little if any opportunity for growth and advancement with inadequate income that perpetuates a cycle of poverty and dependency ReWork helps 'members' (not clients) discern career paths that suit their gifts and interests, and offer potential for growth; helps them obtain education or training to qualify; and assists them in overcoming obstacles to success, such as providing donated vehicles so they have reliable transportation to and from work


These methods are truly lifechanging As ReWork celebrates its fifth anniversar y: The number of “members” enrolled since ReWork’s inception in 2019 83

The percentage of members who are employed 98

The percentage of members who are advancing on the City of Richmond’s “Crisis to Thriving” continuum 91

The number of community and employer partners 50+

for outreach Parishioners and staff organized events to raise funding for outreach above what is in the annual budget

The annual golf tournament raised $16,014 Gumbo for Good raised $3,817

Outreach grants

The vestry approved a total of $125,000 in grants recommended by the outreach grants committee for:

• Anna Julia Cooper School

• Area Congregations Together in Service


• Challenge Discovery Projects

• Communities in Schools

• CrossOver Healthcare Ministry

• Dogwood Preschool

• Full Circle Grief Center

• Greater Richmond SCAN

• Health Brigade

• Housing Families First

• LighthouseRVA

Women of St. Stephen’s Grants

The Women of St Stephen’s award grants using the proceeds from the May Fair House as well as donations and proceeds from trips and tours sponsored by the group Grants made in 2023-24 totaled $26,000 Grant applications for the coming year are due August 22

• Caring Closet

• Childhood Language Center

• CrossOver Healthcare Ministry

• Forward Foundation

• Full Circle Grief Center

• Habitat for Humanity Unity Build

• Little Hands RVA

• Peter Paul RVA

• ReEstablish Richmond

• Richmond Behavioral Health

• Pace Center

• Peter Paul

• Rebuilding Together Richmond

• Rx Partnership

• Shalom Farms

• St John’s Church Foundation

• The Healing Place

• Urban Hope

• Virginia Institute of Pastoral Care

• Virginia Supportive Housing


• Shalom Farms

• Sheltering Arms Foundation

• St Andrew’s School

• The Doorways

• The Healing Place

• The READ Center

• YWCA’s Sprout School

• St Stephen’s Food Pantry

• St Stephen’s Fruit Ministry


It has been a rich year for music ministry at St Stephen’s Church We have hosted several exquisite concerts featuring our own singers and instrumentalists, as well as musicians from the larger community and beyond

Many special events, including concerts, a chili cookoff, limeade sales at the farmers market, and more, have helped the St Stephen’s Choir and the St Stephen’s Choristers raise funds to help with their pilgrimage to sing in several churches and cathedrals in Southwest England in July 2024 This joint venture with the choir of River Road Church, Baptist, also included a trip up I-95 to lead Evensong at Washington National Cathedral, where they sang several pieces they will perform in England

The parish has also been able to hear many of these pieces during several services of Choral Eucharist on special occasions and a service of Lessons and Carols for the Feast of the Epiphany

Sanctuary, our Compline choir, continues to sing Compline on Sunday nights, drawing people including many young adults from throughout the area

In May, junior choristers received their cottas (the white garment that goes over their red robe), a symbol of their commitment and progress as members of this ensemble. Senior members of the group received service medals All are participating in the Voices for Life curriculum of the Royal School of Church Music

Attendance at concerts held at St Stephen’s Church during the 2023-24 program year just concluded 1235

St. Stephen’s Choristers membership12

Participants from St. Stephen’s choirs (parish choir and choristers) participating in the joint pilgrimage to southwest England in late July 2024 36

Amount raised through concerts and other fundraisers to support the choir pilgrimage


by Sarah Bartenstein; graphic design by Steven Longstaff; photos by Sarah Bartenstein, Dillon Gwaltney, and Kim Schmidt;

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