6 minute read
Claudia Merritt leaves a lasting legacy
A lasting impact
Claudia Merritt retires from St. Stephen’s
Ganske Briget
If the Rev. Claudia Merritt offered a class at St. Stephen’s—whether an introduction to the spiritual practice of fasting, a deep dive into the work of Amy-Jill Levine, or a Bible study—you knew to register quickly, because it was sure to fill up.
Claudia’s ability as a teacher was known and appreciated, but it was only one of her many contributions to the life of this parish. She helped establish our chapter of the Daughters of the King, a group of women whose calling is intercessory prayer; she worked closely with our healing prayer and anointing ministry; she was known for her pastoral gifts, as well as her work with parishioners making pastoral visits; she was a careful liturgical planner with an eye for detail; and she was deeply engaged in welcoming newcomers. Claudia and her husband Craig—a faithful and active St. Stephen’s parishioner—are warm and generous hosts.
In early October, Claudia told the Rev. John Rohrs that the time had come for her to retire from her work here. While John tried to dissuade her, Claudia was clear that her mind was made up. She and Craig plan to move to Philadelphia in the new year, where Craig will continue his law practice, traveling to Richmond as well as working remotely from their new home. No doubt the Diocese of Pennsylvania will want someone of Claudia’s wisdom, experience and skills for supply and interim work.
Claudia first served at St. Stephen’s during our last interim period, before the Rev. Gary Jones was called as rector. Gary asked her to return during his tenure— twice! Claudia, one of the first women ordained priest in the Episcopal Church, has led several parishes in this diocese and the dioceses of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina.
Claudia and Craig were honored at a reception following the 11:15 a.m. service on Sunday, October 23; Claudia was the celebrant at the 9, 11:15 and 5:30 p.m. services.
In a message to the parish, John wrote, “I know that many of you have deep relationships with Claudia, and that she has traveled some of life’s milestones with you. The impact that she has made here will endure.” He enlarged on this during the reception, remarking on the numerous conversations he’d had with parishioners who had experienced moments of joy and sorrow with Claudia: “I know they carry those with them,” he said, “and you carry them with you.”
Claudia responded, “I am touched by your warmth and your love. I am a different person, I am a better person and a better priest, because of each and every one of you. St. Stephen’s has been a source of life and joy for me and I will always hold that... This is a bittersweet moment…but it’s absolutely the right time to do this. This church is on the cusp of something new and wonderful. The spirit is blowing through and will guide you and John Rohrs and all the people here. Thank you.” ✤
Thank you, Mike Koschak
From February to October, long-time parishioner Mike Koschak served as interim executive director of church operations. Mike has extensive finance and management experience, including serving in a similar role in two other large Episcopal churches in the Richmond area. Mike, who holds an MBA, also spent many years in financial planning and budgeting at two law firms, McGuire Woods and Hunton & Williams.
His appointment came as parish leaders sought someone to help navigate financial and human resource issues that needed attention following the departures of several key staff members. He quickly went to work not only in these areas, but made important hires in the administrative arena: Caroline Moses, Michelle Carter, and Kitty Ball. Mike’s expertise and commitment were great gifts during the transition.
In addition to his financial and human resource expertise, Mike introduced new kinds of office fun and brought a popular companion to the office, his dog Annie.
We’ll continue to see Mike since he’s a dedicated parishioner, but we want to thank him for his work, and for postponing a longdesired retirement. ✤
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Parish Staff
To reach a staff member, call 804.288.2867 or send an email using the initial and name provided in parentheses @ststephensRVA.org. The Rev. Cate Anthony (canthony), Associate Priest Kitty Ball (kball), Administrative Assistant Sarah R. Bartenstein (sbartenstein), Director of Communication Larry Bidwell (lbidwell), Facilities Manager Michelle Carter (mcarter), Ministry Coordinator Omar Catedral (ocatedral), Sexton Diana Chou (dchou), Associate Director of Music Chris Edwards (cedwards), Director, St. Stephen’s Choir Mary Feldman (mfeldman), Executive Assistant to the Rector and Vicar Dillon Gwaltney (dgwaltney), Communications Associate/Video Producer Claire Hackley (chackley), Church Supper Coordinator Chris Holman (cholman), Sexton Jack Hotchkiss (jhotchkiss), Sexton The Rev. John Jenkins (jjenkins), Associate Priest Anna F. Jones, (ajones), Farmers Market Manager; Assistant Director of Outreach Wondell Kareem (wkareem), Sexton Caroline Moses (cmoses), Accounting Manager The Rev. John Rohrs (jrohrs), Rector The Rev. William L. Sachs (bsachs) Priest Associate Fred Staley (fstaley), Executive Director of Church Operations The Rev. William S. Stanley (wstanley), Vicar Brent te Velde (btevelde), Director of Music Ethan B. White (ewhite), Assistant for Family Ministry Our Missionaries Heidi Schmidt Monica Vega
Serving until 2/2023
Bill Armstrong Alison Fauls Barbara Massey, register Benita Miller Blair Nelsen Jim Price
Serving until 2/2024
Richard Hamrick, senior warden David Hodge Anne McElroy Penn Rogers, treasurer Martha Sherman Nancy Thompson
Serving until 2/2025
Steven Dalle Mura Jeff Johnson Andy Luke, junior warden Brenda McDowell Anne Pinion Whitney Van Der Hyde
Grateful hearts. Open hands.
Thank you to all who have made a financial commitment to support the ministries of St. Stephen’s Church in 2023. We launched our annual giving campaign in October with a participation goal: we sought to have 825 individuals or households making a pledge. Why a participation goal? Because every pledge matters. Whether you’re able to give a little or a lot, your engagement and support are crucial to the continuing vitality of this wonderful community of faith. And a healthy showing for 2023 not only means healthy ministries now, but a strong foundation for this church’s future. This year’s annual giving effort, co-chaired by John Crowder and Whitney Van Der Hyde, has focused on gratitude. There is much to be grateful for, including a new season of life for St. Stephen’s Church, with a return to so many of our beloved pre-pandemic traditions and practices, and the arrival of our wonderful new rector and his family. Grateful hearts can lead us to open our hands to others.
Have you seen the stories told by your fellow parishioners about why they are grateful for St. Stephen’s Church, and why they’re committed to keeping it strong? This series is available at ststephensRVA.org/giving-videos. If you have not made a pledge for our mission and ministry for 2023, it’s not too late. Choose any of the following methods: • Use the pledge card and reply envelope mailed to you in mid-
October or pick one up at Information Central (the large table outside the parish office) • Return your pledge card by U.S. Mail or bring it to church, where you can drop it into a black box at Information Central. • Visit ststephensRVA.org/pledge-form. Questions about your pledge? Contact Caroline Moses in the parish office, cmoses@ststephensRVA.org or 804.288.2867. ✤