Parish Call
Dear Beloved of Christ, Summer is the season of relaxed routines, outings to the shore, a long walk, gathering with family and friends. We pursue special projects and passions that normally lie fallow in other seasons. We spend more time outdoors (think barbecue, golf, or gardening) and we revel in the goodness and beauty of God’s creation. Appreciating the simple pleasures of the natural world is a sure-fire antidote to the tyranny of overly scheduled lives and interpersonal attention deficit brought on by too much screen time. We can find ourselves renewing relationships and even getting re-acquainted with ourselves! I wonder if summer might also be the perfect season to extend our visits with the Creator each day? Longer and warmer days are an invitation to brew a delicious cup of coffee and head onto the deck with Prayer Book and Bible to discover the joy of reading the Morning Office (The word “Office” comes from the Latin word opus meaning “work”). This may seem daunting at first—sounding too much like work! We often seek something exciting or exotic when it comes to prayer, but like fad diets or exercise regimens, we are disappointed when it comes to the results. On the other hand, reading the Daily Office has stood the test of time since the time of St. Benedict (6th century). Embracing the repetitive and sometimes boring nature, we will be surprised by the power of this practice of prayer to transform us. This prayer can build a capacity within us to desire God even more deeply than we could ever imagine. I had always thought that the Offices were something only said with others in church. As a pre-teen, I first learned that Morning and Evening Prayer are prayed as a devotional practice by families and individuals: I went into Miss Bigelow’s living room to receive my wages after mowing her lawn; her well worn prayer book was lying open on the mahogany secretary. I had interrupted her reading of the the Evening Office. And I learned that it was a practice that was instilled in her while a student in a boarding school and that she still maintained that practice more than a half century later. Reading the Office is at once active and contemplative. It is easily adaptable to your own particular circumstances; experiment to see what works best for you. Resources abound; familiarize yourself with the forms of daily prayer in the Book of Common Prayer, pp. 37-145. Mission St. Claire is one of many online communities that also makes this spiritual practice easily accessible ( ). Clergy, program staff, and knowledgeable parishioners at St. Thomas' would be happy to assist you in this practice, if you have questions. I hope you will take full advantage of “the good ol’ summertime” and cultivate a habit of regularly reading one or more of the Prayer Book Offices. Enjoy…and see you in church! Faithfully yours,
Paul +
SUMMER CHECK LIST WORSHIP WITH US ONLINE St. Thomas' Church streams the 10:00 AM service on the website each Sunday. Join us even when you are out of town!
INVITE A FRIEND Summer is the perfect time to invite a friend to church. The air conditioned worship spaces, iced tea gatherings, and more casual clothing help to create an inviting atmosphere to welcome people into this life-giving community of faith.Â
FIND A CHURCH WHILE AWAY FROM HOME Make a plan in advance. Locate a church near your destination.. This will increase your chances of actually going! has a church locator on the homepage or search Google to find local options.
PICK A NON-TRADITIONAL BEACH BOOK While it's fun to slip on a pair of sunglasses and lose yourself in an "easy read," consider picking a book to grow your spiritual life.
WALK THE LABYRINTH It's amazing how many members haven't walked the labyrinth located in the grove behind the church. Celebrate its tenth anniversary by finally taking that first step.
KEEP UP WITH YOUR PLEDGE The financial life of the church doesn't go on vacation. Please continue to keep up with your pledge by setting up auto drafts from your bank or setting up recurring payments at Prepaying your pledge is another way to help ensure the financial health of the congregation throughout the year.
RECTOR SEARCH UPDATE WHAT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED? O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquillity the plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which were being cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. The Book of Common Prayer, page 528
For the most up to date search information please visit, rector-search/
The Search Process began after Marek’s departure with a visit to the Vestry from The Rev. Canon Shawn Walmsley and The Rev. Canon Arlette Benoit-Joseph from the Diocesan Offices Transition Ministry. The Canons described the overall process, emphasizing that this is a unique opportunity to learn about ourselves on a path toward growth and revitalization. In November Jim Pasquerella, our Senior Warden, provided a thorough step by step presentation to the congregation during an Adult Forum in November. This presentation can still be seen on our website.
The next step was to hire The Rev. Paul Briggs to serve as our Interim Rector. The term ‘interim’ means the time period between Marek’s departure and the arrival of the person called to be our next Rector. The term ‘Interim Rector’ means that Paul will be our leader during this interim time. It also means that he is not eligible to be selected as our permanent Rector. Paul has been called to shepherd us through this time of transition, to help us see who we are now, and guide us through the changes that may be necessary in order for us to prepare for our new Rector.
Will Gillespie and Stacy Smith have been selected as chairs of the Prayer Team. They are already helping all of us stay grounded in prayer as we move through this process to discern who will be the one to lead us.
The Vestry selected Ginger Goodrich to chair the Profile Committee. This work includes planning a series of focus groups, scheduled for June, to hear from as many parishioners as possible; an all-parish survey; preparing the written Profile; and then writing the official job description. The members of the Profile Committee are Liz Butler-Rogers, Marggy Ells, Carl Jameson, John Kepner, and David Thayer.
The Vestry selected Sarah Elliott and Alan Smith as chairs of the Search Committee. Once St. Thomas’ profile has been published and applications are received, the Search Committee has been given the task to review applicants, interview candidates and discern who will be the best match for St. Thomas’ Church. The other members of the Search Committee are Roger Clark, Beverley Forde, Pem Hutchinson, Jeff Korn, Bevan Moscovici, Judy Neely, and Sally Williams.
The Vestry retained The Rev. Joanne Izzo to serve as the consultant to the Search Committee. Submitted by Alan Smith
RECTOR SEARCH FOCUS GROUPS What happens next? We talk! The first step in our Rector search is to hear from as many parishioners as possible. The resulting information will provide the core of our Parish Profile, written to help potential candidates discern if we are the congregation they are being called to serve. It is important to create an accurate and compelling picture of who we are as a church and who we are hoping to become. Please help us and plan to attend at least one of the focus group sscheduled in June so we can hear your feedback and incorporate it into both our profile and search priorities. We need to come together to share insights and answer essential questions. All age groups and viewpoints are encouraged to participate to create a robust picture of the St. Thomas' community and our future!
Saturday, June 8 8:30 -10:30 AM Sunday, June 9 9:00 -11:25 AM Wednesday, June 12 6:30 - 8:30 PM Saturday, June 15 8:30 -10:30 AM Saturday, June 22 8:30-10:30 AM Sunday, June 23 11:00 – 12:00 AM MacColl Auditorium RSVP to the office at 215.233.3970 or check your weekly email for a link.
What is the best thing about St. Thomas’ Church? What challenges does St. Thomas’ Church have? What qualities are we looking for in our next Rector? Submitted by Ginger Goodrich and Alan Smith
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1
My husband Alan’s family often jokes that his great-grandmother, Bertha, had a red phone to God. If you needed prayer for something, she was your girl. What Bertha did have was a regular time with God, in the same rocking chair, with the same well-worn Bible, morning after morning. She had a practice. Depending on your season of life your morning routine may not look as calm and contemplative. The pace and demands of our world are disordered and not conducive to supporting a regular prayer time. We often don’t have a choice as to whether we want to participate in the chaos that is life. As St. Thomas’ is well into this time of transition and searching, it is helpful to remember that, though not everything is under our control (and that is comforting in many ways), we do have the power to mold our hearts and minds to God’s will through active prayer and meditation on scripture. When the Rector search committees were being formed, Will Gillespie and I were asked to form a prayer team which would focus on ways to bring more opportunities for prayer in the spiritual life of St. Thomas’ and to personally pray for the people who are intimately involved in the search – from the committee members themselves to our new Rector, of whom we have no name or face to even imagine. Hebrews 11:1 states, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being certain of what we do not see.” Prayer is a way to sit with our swirling emotions and know that God is in our midst. Prayer is a powerful retreat from the busyness and bustle of the day – even if is just to pause and say, “Thank you, God.” Over the weeks and months we will be offering opportunities to engage in prayer and to learn some methods and practices that are perhaps new to you. Whether you want to ignite a prayer practice in your life or rekindle a practice that may be down to glowing embers, we are here for you and believe in the vital importance of regular communion with God. We welcome you to join us every Saturday morning at 8:30 in the Cheston Chapel for prayer and contemplation on scripture and also to leave a prayer request on the bulletin board outside of MacColl Auditorium. Let us know how we can help you begin or deepen a practice. My advice? Just talk with God. Pick up that red receiver. He’s waiting for your call. Submitted by Stacy Smith
A new driving ministry, WINGS ON WHEELS, has arrived at St. Thomas Church! This Ministry is available to all members who are unable to drive or who do not have access to transportation. Contact Elizabeth Lathrop for details - 215-836-4209 or
SECOND SATURDAY SALES Funding life-changing outreach partnerships through the ministry of community, faith-filled service, and fun. Maybe you’ve heard that social connections can strengthen your immune system or help you recover from an illness faster or even lengthen your life, or simply boost your mood? People who feel more connected to others are more empathic to others, more trusting and cooperative. At the Barn we strive to build community and connect people. Even our recent Preview Party (where over 220 people were fed!) we had volunteers from as far away as Atlanta helping to sell tickets and prepare the delicious dinner under the tent (thanks to Phil Anspach for his 51 pounds of gourmet baked beans that accompanied the delicious Southern Fried Chicken dinner). And there are many “small world” stories - like "a friend of a friend" who asked if we might be able help an organization that provides care for those who come to them from hospitals and arrive with nothing but a hospital gown… It turns out a volunteer’s daughter works there and was thrilled to learn the generous end of season clothing donations came from us. Or stories of generosity: only hours after the wind blew over our glass jewelry cabinet, shattering the
shelves, someone donated a new one. Coincidence? Maybe. But something good is happening at the Barn.
Last year we were able to help over 15 different organizations through grants and donations. The Barn’s mission goes beyond selling stuff; it helps sustain a community not just on our own campus but also within our local, national & global communities as well. WE NEED YOU! If you are looking for a way to volunteer in a meaningful way - the Barn is your place. Would you like to hone your culinary skills and wear a really cool apron? Come work in the Cafe on Sale Days. Contact Phil Anspach for more info: Is sorting and organizing your thing? Sort (and get first dibs on) donated treasures womens’ clothing, kids clothes, toys and Bric-A-Brac - during work days on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. Contact Anne Anspach for more info: The Men of the Barn are always looking for a few more good men to help with furniture pick ups, contact Jim Weiss:
Looking to free up some space or donate a few things? The Barn is your place! The 2019 Season continues June 8, July 13, August 10, September 14 AND 28, October 12 & November 9. Donations are accepted in the Grotto of the Barn any time through Sept 15 (except for the days right before a sale!). If you have large items to donate please email (see below) or call the church office at 215-233-3970 - we can arrange a pick up! To help reduce our dumpster/trash removal costs, please only consider donating items you would proudly give to a friend. We do NOT accept mattresses, TVs, electronics, metal file cabinets, medical supplies. You’ll enjoy sneak peeks & additional information when you follow The Barn on Facebook - search: The Barn, Instagram: thebarnsss and online: and click on The Barn. If you have any questions about how you can join in the fun or about donating, please email us: Submitted by Laura Bauder
Blessings on all those who reaffirmed their commitment to Christ through the holy milestone of Confirmation. William Pietro Bosca Erika Jeanette Bower Connor Christian Dinda Samantha Ann Fernley Seamus Patrick Golden Morgan Blanche Hellebusch MacGregor Slack Jordan Zachary Aaron Kaller Colin Manuel León Blake David Lyntton Jake Padraig McGlinchey
Sara Kathryn SoHyun Min John Patrick Morris Grace Elizabeth O'Malley Olivia Byrne Potts Philip Yeaton Richardson Jack Miller Sanderson Lucy Kay Sanderson Julianna Mary Thomas James Washington Thomas Maisie Somerby Weiss Lindsey Kate Weiler
Strengthen, O Lord, your servants with your Holy Spirit; empower them for your service; sustain them all the days of their lives. Amen. The Book of Common Prayer, page 418
Dana Toedtman, Board chair, commented that "among Shari's many accomplishments are the steady growth of the school to 125 children, the attraction and retention of an excellent staff of 17 and the opening of a very successful extended day program this year." Please save the date, October 6th, as we kick off National Episcopal Schools Celebration week when we will dedicate the new playspace in honor of Cynthia Cheston with other commendations for long time faculty and the Preschool.
Shari Petrakis celebrates ten years of ministry as the Director of St. Thomas' Preschool with members of the board
HONDURAS WATER MISSION Check out our newest Honduras Water Mission Project. This is a very small water treatment “plant” we helped build, that will need no fuel and no pumps. This is the method that the Professor from Cornell, Monroe Weber-Shirk, had created that I talked about a while back. In this system, the turbidly will be taken out of the water by adding alum, so that the solid particles [debris] will stick together, become heavy and fall into a sedimentation basin. Once the water comes out the other side, it is a lot clearer, and then the chlorine will be added in the larger, typically round holding tank (that you cannot see in the picture). The liquid chlorine can then concentrate on the “germs” rather than being wasted trying to deal with the turbidly. This system, like the water systems we have been building with Agua Para El Pueblo, functions via gravity and a simple outlay [genius, but simple once you see it] so that no fuel, or power is needed. In some systems, the treatment plant will only be needed in the heavy rainy season, when the water in the area is very turbid. The rest of the year, the water will be diverted completely or sent thru a filter for a quicker process. We were worried that as a group, the building of this “plant” would be too technical and we would not be able to pitch in as much as usual. I had seen some pictures of larger plants that were actually full-fledged buildings, built near towns with larger populations. This was built for the town of Plan de la Brea, where 190 families will benefit. By both teams working on the same site for 2 weeks, we were again able to work side by side with the villagers and get to know them, especially on lunch breaks. Some of us did heavy labor, like shoveling rock, sifting river gravel, sifting sand, mixing concrete, carrying concrete, or tamping many layers of fine river sand. Others did more of the technical work, like cutting wire, cutting re-bar, bending rebar, tying re-bar and laying brick. As usual, nothing was wasted. The paper bags the concrete came in were cut open, made flat and dunked in water to lay on the concrete while it was being cured. There was no other packaging or waste for the entire project. Everyone enjoyed this work and felt like they contributed. Now that we have learned this process, we have options for future projects. I told Jacobo I still wanted to concentrate on the remote villages that still have no water system at all, but we would also try to fund the little treatment plants for other villages. That is all for now! - Submitted by Rob Macnamara
OUTREACH FUND GRANT REQUESTS The St. Thomas’ Church Outreach Fund, established in 1987 by Bob Fernley, makes annual grants from the Fund’s income to provide seed money for new outreach programs. Many successful programs have been initiated with these grants. Grant proposals, which are due by September 1, 2019, are reviewed and recommended by the Outreach Commission and awards are announced by the Fund’s Trustees in November. Parishioners and organizations interested in submitting grant proposals should access the Church’s website for information. (MINISTRIES -> outreach -> ST.THOMAS’ OUTREACH FUND) For further information, contact Pam Serra 215-885-9626 or
A VACATION FROM CHOIR The Parish choir will take the summer off, so, surprise! You’re now part of the “summer choir.” The summer choir involves everyone who attends the 10am service - we will all raise our voices to well-known and beloved hymns and service music as the congregational choir. The Parish Choir’s vacation accomplishes two things: rest and travel flexibility for our devoted volunteer singers, and the ability to practice better stewardship with our resources during the program year. The choir will return after Labor Day. Michael Smith or our organ scholar, Aaron Patterson will be on the organ bench; this also allows us a cost savings towards substitute musicians. Thank you for your continued support of and generosity towards the music program at St. Thomas’. We seek to glorify God by providing our very best towards excellence in music and liturgy.
CHORISTER BOOT CAMP Saturday, September 7 Do you know a child who loves to sing and would like a chance to see what our program is all about? A day of fun, singing, food, singing, activities, and singing! 10am-4pm. Email Michael Smith at to RSVP.
215.233.3970 Office 610.400.3250 Pastoral Emergencies
Ministry Team Directory
Paul Briggs
Erika Bower
Phil Bower
Interim Rector Ext. 120
Children, Youth, & Family Minister Ext. 128
Facilities Staff
Adult Spiritual Formation, Outreach, Preschool, Worship, & Pastoral Care
Children, Youth, Confirmation, Preschool Chaplain, AV Tech Support, & Baptism Intake/Preparation
Emily Given Director of Engagement & Communication Ext. 126 Communications (Parish Call, E-blasts, website, Social media, signage), Stewardship, Planned Giving Welcome & Incorporation, & Database
Shari Petrakis
Lizanne Kelly Vernacchio
Parish Administrator Ext. 111 Cemetery, Funeral/Burial Arrangements,Wedding Inquiries, Business, Records, Buildings and Property, Calendar, & Facilities Rental
Michael Smith
Director of St. Thomas' Preschool Ext. 145
Minister of Music Ext. 113 msmith
Admissions, Program Administration, & Summer Camps
Music & Organs, Parish Choir, Choristers, & Worship Leaflets
Buildings & Property
Sue Kovalcik Parish Accounting & Finance Ext. 112 suek Vendor Payments, Financial Statements, Reimbursements, Contributions, Donation Receipts, & Payroll
Tim Steeves
Priest Associate Pastoral Visitation, Stephen Ministry, & Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Paul Deck Facilities Staff Buildings & Property
Lisa Lonie
Carillonneur Carillon & Summer Concerts
Don Schweiger Facilities Staff
Buildings & Property
As we enter into this season of transition, the leadership of St. Thomas' Church recognizes the need to increase communication. Here is an updated list of roles & responsibilities. We encourage you to keep the STW ministry team in your prayers & rest assured that they are here to support the important work of each member of the church. *Please direct any requests of the Facilities staff to Lizanne Kelly Vernacchio, Parish Administrator.
Rob Posner, Buildings, & Property
Not Pictured
Francis Sapienza, Property
Giuseppe Talese, Night & Weekend Sexton
St. Thomas' Church, Whitemarsh 7020 Camp Hill Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 Celebrating 320 Years of Living God's Story As Our Story
The 8:00 AM service will be held for anyone interested in an early, quiet option.