E S T. T H O M A S ’ P R E S C H O O L Our Preschool is a thriving school for 125 children, aged two through five. Operating for nearly 70 years, the school offers early-childhood education and Christian formation in the Episcopal tradition, with pastoral support for both children and parents. The school’s philosophy centers on learning through purposeful play, by way of an ageappropriate curriculum, and weekly chapel for all. Summer brings a fun-filled eight-week camp experience for over 80 children, who enjoy programs that make full use of our 48-acre campus. The school benefits from a staff of 21, active trustee Board, and supportive parent group. Our Director recently celebrated 10 years of service, and we have many faculty with over 20 years of service. The Preschool is well-known in the broader community. Many local “alumni”—parishioners and non-parishioners alike—fondly remember their own and their children’s years at the school. More information may be found at http://www.stthomaspreschoolpa.com