E TRANSITION: O U R T I M E TO L E A R N A N D G RO W The partnership with RenewalWorks in 2018 provided an important first step in preparing us for this time of transition. We learned that as a parish we are spiritually hungry, longing for ways to grow our faith, and drawn to inspiring clergy and lay leaders who are authentic in their own spiritual journeys. We recognized that we are deeply committed to serving others but we don’t always connect our actions to our beliefs. Given this information, we were ready to learn more. In June 2019, parishioners participated in small group discussions about our strengths, challenges, and hopes for our next Rector. The Vestry planned a Saturday retreat to focus on the future. Each of the Commissions wrote thoughtful descriptions of their ministry areas for this profile. We conducted an online survey to which 221 parishioners responded. All of this has allowed us to focus with greater clarity on our hopes for the future.