27/10/2011 14:57
Work List Managing Your Work List
1. Did we mention that your Work List can be exported? A simple drop down menu provides various formats for exporting including PDF, XLS and CSV.
Manage work more efficiently and effectively using Work List Filtering.
Work List Export PDF
1. Filter your Work List to display work assigned to a specific person. 2. Look at all the work due this year for that person. 3. And, look at all of the open work this year for that person.
Sample Work List PDF
Work List Menu Customize how you view work with menu driven options. 1. Right-click any work order within your list to perform numerous actions. 2. Work orders with assets provide a sub-menu, allowing quick access to the asset data.
Work List Export XLS Sample Work List Export XLS
Work List Export Menu
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Choose the type of file you want to export results to.
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