Ungalvanised Industrial Pipes form arch sections over the path creating a Secluded and Shaded walkway. This creates atmosphere and interest
Each Arch section has Inbuilt Linear Lighting that illuminates the path from above
The multi stem Acer Griseum form Strong Diverging Angles with its clear lower branches. This Contrast with the Clean Upright form of industrial pipes
The planting further supports the Contrast of Shape and Form, with the Stipa echoing the branches of the Acer and the Digitalis, the strong upright form of the pipework
Stipa gigantea planted on the edge of the main path creates a Sense of Calm as park users walk past. A Tactile plant that will last throughout the winter, its golden glow during late afternoon and evening will further enhance a feeling of Calm and Tranquillity
The repeated cloned form of the Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ reinforces the Clean Linear layout of the park. It helps divide the spaces and adds shade to the seating areas below
A Windows in the wall overlook strips of planting. These Windows give an Alternative View through the planting, the Contrasting upright Forms echoing the Acer and Pergola Pipes
A Poured Concrete Wall and Industrial Pipe Pergola dominates the central plaza, and creates a shaded seating area. The industrial feel of the feature Blends the scheme with the Surrounding Context of industrial london
Climbing plants such as Lonicera and Actindia will be planted in planting pockets on the top of the wall. These climbers will then scrabble and clothe the wall to give an air of nostalgia, Nature Reclaiming over the manmade
Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ sit in contrast to the sharp clean form of the concrete wall, while Reinforcing the simplicity of its form, with the Repeated, Cloned, Shape of the tree
Wide mixed borders of grasses, shrubs and perennials Divide The Space, creating paths with different outlooks. The Undulating Planting opens and closes to give different views across the park
Prometheus Park E-Portfolio Stuart Charles Towner B
BA Hon Garden Design Greenwich University
Executive Summery Prometheus Park was designed to solve the problems of an underused open space and help unite a divided community. The Thamesmead estate is made up by a collection of disparate elements spread over a wide area, dissected by heavy infrastructure and divided by visual and physical barriers. Further to this throughout the estate small pockets of green space have been created, further adding to the un-cohesive feel the estate provokes. Connectivity was the key to solving these problems with the redesigned park striking into the heart of the estate to the East and West, puncturing into the built up areas, reconnecting them with fingers of green space that connect with the central park. Not only does the new park connect into surrounding areas but with the levelling of the soil, visually brings the two sides of the estate together. Not wanting to totally wipe the slate clean, the major existing circulation route North - South was carefully considered so that this route was not interrupted. With a wider bridge spanning the main road that dissects the top of the park and the redesign of the circulation route through, the route would become a more accessible and safe journey. Creating a safer and more inviting route through the park would encourage local residents into the space if only to travel across it. But by encouraging this footfall through the park it would help reacquaint residents with the park, its new layout and all it now has to offer, eventually bringing them into the park using it to its maximum potential. The name Prometheus was chosen to reinforce the theme. In Greek mythology the god Prometheus brought fire down from Mount Olympus to mortal man. In doing so he claimed that all were equal, man and gods alike. This is the underlying message behind the park, the reconnection of an estate and the bringing together of a community.
Prometheus Park 1:200 Mood Board Precedent Images Stuart Charles Towner Scale N/A @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 040
Precendent Images
Context 1:2000
Masterplan Development1:500
Native and non-native deciduous trees will create Shelter-belt Planting to protect the park from Prevailing Winds
A system of feature Canals are used to Draw park users Attention into the space, distracting the eye from the tower blocks
Main Circulation Route follows existing path and circulation from north to south. Wide Walkways allow for large numbers of park users and maintenance Vehicles
As part of the new access roads Car Parks have been created. Better and more well equipped parking will allow Ease of Use for people coming from further afield
Second Play Area is designed for Children aged 5-11, allowing for children of all ages a space to play safely. All play areas have a soft play surface in bright colours
This canal stops in an Interactive Pool in the centre of the 5-11 play park. It sits alongside a formal lawn area that has been created to allow parents the option to sit and supervise their children while relaxing
Central Plaza has a mixture of soft and hard landscaping. The hard spaces will be used for Seasonal and Local Markets, with green areas used for Recreation
A new Boardwalk will extend out into South Mere Lake to integrate the lake and park together. The boardwalk will have trees planted down the centre to provide some shade and shelter
Soft Landscaping: Trees:
Native and non-native deciduous and evergreen trees will create shelterbelt planting at the NorthEast and South-West corners f the park. These will provide some protection from the prevailing winds Medium sized and smaller trees will divide the internal areas of the park providing shelter from any wind and shade from the sun. These trees further define the spaces creating a patchwork of defined areas with specific uses Pleached hedges and trees will be used to further reduce the wind across the sight while keeping the sight lines of park users open and free across the whole park
To make better use of South Mere Lake 3 canals will divide the central areas of the park. This will introduce movement, light from water reflection and a variety of new planting styles. Alongside this an interactive water feature will create a unique play area for visitors and create an area for cafĂŠ users to sit overlooking while eating
Mixed planting breaks up, divides spaces and add seasonal interest to the park
Recreational Spaces:
A variety of green spaces for multiple uses across the park. Some areas have been dedicated to dog walking, while other more highly maintained areas, are specifically for picnics or community hire
Hard Landscaping:
-0.5m +3m
Grand Steps:
Access from the bridge is via a huge set of steps, as the park has been flattened to bring both sides of the community together. Stunning views across the park and estate will be seen from here as users descend into the park
Cafe & Visitor Centre:
-0.5m +0.75m
At one of the main entrances to park sits the Visitor Centre & Cafe. This dominates the view as visitors enter the park, creating a focal point to encourage visitors. Inside is a cafe for park users and a visitor centre to find out information about the park, its history and what is has to offer.
The third feature is the outdoor theatre that joins the park with the school. This area allows the school and local community to come together in a single place for entertainment. The theatre will also be available for private hire +0.5m
Play Areas:
Play areas for multiple age ranges have been created around the park, with bright coloured safe play surfaces
New paths will be created that connect all areas of the park and strike out into the heart of the estate on either side
Existing roads will be reworked to remove ones that divide the park, creating a bigger connection between the park and its residents either side
Prometheus Park 1:500 Masterplan - Refined A new Bridge with basketball court and shops will be created to keep the park Connected to the existing Green Chain Walk
Outdoor area to be Redeveloped for Local Church with new grass areas and flexible use space
Play Area located next to the cafe cater for children 0-5. Proximity to Cafe gives the parents an opportunity to Relax while Supervising the children
Formal Entrance for Visitor Centre & CafĂŠ with Designated Parking for park users. Planting softens the view for neighbours
This Formal Flat Open Space will be dedicated to flexible use in the form of Picnics, relaxation, possible hire to Communtiy Groups for outdoor exercise like Forces Fit or Yoga
Houses have been Removed to open the park up to Encourage Community Use
Arts & Exhibition Centre is the main feature in the centre of the park. used for hosting Local, National and International art Exhibitions.
Areas of Mixed Trees will be planted in an informal way to blend the edges of the park into the surrounding area. These areas will also act as a Barrier for Noise and Wind
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:500 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 015 01
Datum +0.0m = Top of water level South Mere Lake
Masterplan 1:500
Alternative Secondary Circulation Routes give multiple directions for park users. Surfaces will be Permeable and edged with natural setts
Tree planted Bund will act as a Shelter-belt for prevailing Winds, planted with a mixture of trees for seasonal interest and coverage
Swales will be created to take excess Surface Water run off, being planted with marginal and bog plants
Main Entrance to park detailed with various size Granite Setts and paving
Industrial Pipe Pergola fea extend through a poured with shaped cut out view p inbuilt seating.
A +0.150mm
Space was further divided to add multiple routes for park users, alongside development of structures to add height
New secondary and tertiary routes were added to reinforce the inital concept and break up the area
Structures and features gained detail in the form of a pipwork pergola and arches
8. +0.500mm
+3.95mm T.W
2. 1. +0.150mm
Design Development1:200 Primary Circulation Routes are wider, with a smaller 600 x 900mm paving unit and 200-300m m wide sett edging detail
Secondary Circulation Routes are narrower with larger 900x1200mm paving units and no sett detail edges
Main Plaza with views over the canal, central seating, dining area and Multiple Childrens Play Parks
Section of canal covered by a Glass Walkway. Viewers can see the huge Industrial Outlet Pipes where the filtered water if pumped back into the canal
Secluded Seating area with views down the small canal
A +0.150mm
Alternative Secondary Circulation Routes give multiple directions for park users. Surfaces will be Permeable and edged with natural setts
Tree planted Bund will act as a Shelter-belt for prevailing Winds, planted with a mixture of trees for seasonal interest and coverage
Swales will be created to take excess Surface Water run off, being planted with marginal and bog plants
Main Entrance to park detailed with various size Granite Setts and paving
Industrial Pipe Pergola feature. Pipes extend through a poured concrete wall, with shaped cut out view ports. Also has inbuilt seating.
Feature Walls, living and concrete, with Rock Climbing handles, crawling tubes and cargo nets
Grass Path with 100 x 100 granite setts set into it, allowing Year Round Use
Large 1m wide granite blocks form seating and 3D structure of the Interactive Water Canal. Water area for paddling and play
Industrial Pipe Arches are built along main circulation routes to enhance the theme and feel of the park
Soft Landscaping: Trees:
Quercus x turneri ‘Pseudoturneri’ - 16/18 girth evergreen Turneri Oak to give strength to seasonal interest and create screening and wind shelter
Quercus Ilex - 12/14 1.5 x 1.8m panel pleach Evergeen Oak. These will give further strength to the seasonal structure and wind protection for the park
Acer Griseum - Multi stem tree planted into a prepared tree pit with underground platypus root anchor system and watering tube
A +0.150mm
Pyrus calleryana ‘Autumn Blaze’ - 14/16 girth with a 2m clear stem, planted in prepared tree pits with underground platypus root anchor system and watering tube Malus profusion - 14/16 girth with 2m clear stem, planted in prepared tree pits with underground platypus root anchor system and watering tube
Fagus sylvatica - Hedges will be planted in double staggered rows with a chain-link fence in the centre. All hedges to be maintained to a width of 1m and a maximum height of 1.5m
8. 6.
Mixed Planting - Planting areas will be a mixture of perennials for seasonal interest, along side a restrained palette of shrubs for structure
Open Areas - Grass areas will be laid to a robust commercial turf, a mixture of strong creeping red fescue, slender creeping red fescue, chewings fescue and browntop bent.
Grass Sett Path - 100 x 100mm granite setts are set into the grass to form tertiary routes, allowing alternative routes through the park at all times of the year
+3.95mm T.W
Hard Landscaping:
+3.95mm T.W
Granite Paving - 600 x 900mm Granite, flame textured slabs laid in stretcher bond, form the surface for the main plaza and primary circulation routes
Granite Setts - 100mm x random length setts form the fine detail edge to the permeable pathways and sett detail edge to the main plaza Yorkstone Setts - 300 and 200mm x random length Greenmoor rustic Yorkstone setts form the edge detail all paved areas
Pergola Wall - C20 poured concrete will form the backbone structure of the main pergola.
Pergola Structures:
Pipe Pergola: Ungalvanised steel pipes form the pergola structure. These huge pipes echo the industrial feel of Thamesmead Pipe Arches: Arches mirroring the main pipework pergola create a shaded secondary walkway off the primary circulation route
2. 1. +0.450mm
Canal: Dividing the park the feature canals provide movement and interest. The reflective quality of water helps refract and bounce light
Play Surfaces: All play parks will have soft coloured play surfaces for users safety
Prometheus Park 1:200 Design Development Primary Circulation Routes are wider, with a smaller 600 x 900mm paving unit and 200-300m m wide sett edging detail
Secondary Circulation Routes are narrower with larger 900x1200mm paving units and no sett detail edges
Main Plaza with views over the canal, central seating, dining area and Multiple Childrens Play Parks
Section of canal covered by a Glass Walkway. Viewers can see the huge Industrial Outlet Pipes where the filtered water if pumped back into the canal
Secluded Seating area with views down the small canal
Feature Seating Area along main circulation route consisting of benches set in a detailed area of paving
Ungalvanised steel Industrial Pipe Arch hangs over into canal Pumping filtered water back in.
Viewing Platform that extends out over the canal, with hardwood slat balustrade
Tree Planting in the centre of the canal to Reduce Wind movement across the site
Feature Canal with still water, circulated and filtered to keep a high water quality
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:200 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 030 0 1
Datum +0.0mm = Existing road level
Design Development Plan 1:200 Primary Circulation Routes are wider, with a smaller 600 x 900mm paving unit and 200-300m m wide sett edging detail
Secondary Circulation Routes are narrower with larger 900x1200mm paving units and no sett detail edges
Main Plaza with views over the canal, central seating, dining area and Multiple Childrens Play Parks
Section of canal covered by a Glass Walkway. Viewers can see the huge Industrial Outlet Pipes where the filtered water if pumped back into the canal
Secluded Seating area with views down the small canal
Feature Seating Area along main circulation route consisting of benches set in a detailed area of paving
Ungalvanised steel Industrial Pipe Arch hangs over into canal Pumping filtered water back in.
Viewing Platform th extends out over th canal, with hardwoo slat balustrade
small haven of Tranquility in an otherwise large expanse of hard materials
main plaza for Safe night use
be used to create scale and an Industrial Feeling
Ungalvinised Industrial Pipes form arch sections over the paths. Different size pipes will be used to create scale and an Industrial Feeling
Plants Cascade over the edges of the planting areas, Breaking up the Hard Edges of the paving
Fagus sylvatica hedging, 1m wide, divides the spaces and creates a backdrop for the planting. All hedges will be 1.5m high to allow Clear Views across the park
Secondary Circulation Routes. These routes have been created to be smaller, more Intimate Paths, surrounded by planting on both sides and have screening and wind protection with trees on either side
Pleached Quercus Ilex reinforce the Clean Linear Lines of the park. The pleached panels Slow Wind Speed across the space and will have 2m clear stem to allow Clear Views across the park
Down Lights illuminate the pathway from above creating Perfect Circles of light along the path
The Main Plaza opens out from the main circulation Plants Cascade over the of thespace planting areas, route, to form a edges wide Breaking up the Hard Edges of the paving with Inbuilt Seating. Views across the space and park are clear
Low Level Planting drifts under the multi stem Acer Griseum to give Clear Views out from the pergola walk, through the ornate and twisted stems of the Acer
All round Lighting Illuminates Fagus sylvatica hedging, 1m wide, divides spaces and the the centre ofcreates the a backdrop for the planting. All mainwillplaza hedges be 1.5m high to allow Clear Views across the park for Safe night use
Trees are used throughout the park to Divide and Segment areas. The trees not only act as a natural division between these spaces but as Protection from the Wind and provide Shade for park users
Tree Planted Bund. This bund acts as a wind barrier for this section of the park. It also adds height and interest with a mixture of trees planted to give seasonal change
A Swale is used to take excess surface water and create an Alternative Planting Style to the rest of the park
Ungalvinised Industrial Pipes form arch sectionsEachover the All round Lighting seat has a Strip Of Illuminates Natural Plantingwill creeping paths. Different size pipes the centre of the around the sides to create a scale mainbe plazaused to createsmall haven and of Tranquility in for Safe night use an otherwise large expanse an Industrial Feeling of hard materials
Each seat has a Strip Of Natural Planting creeping Pleached Quercus Ilex reinThe Main Plaza opens out Secondary Circulation Routes. force the Clean Linesto create from theamain circulation These routes have been creat- around theLinear sides of the park. The pleached route, to form a wide space ed to be smaller, more Intimate Tranquility in Seating. Views panels haven Slow Wind of Speed with Inbuilt Paths, surrounded by planting small across the space and will have across the space and park on both sides and have screenan otherwise large expanse 2m clear stem to allow Clear are clear ing and wind protection with across the park trees on either side of Views hard materials
Ungalvinised Industrial Pipes form arch sections over the paths. Different size pipes will be used to create scale and an Industrial Feeling
Prometheus Park A
1:200 Sections Section A-A
Prometheus Park 1:200 Sections Section A-A
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:50 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 031
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:50 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 031 0
Prometheus Park 4m 1:200 Sections Section A-A
Sections 1:200
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:50 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 031 0
A Skate Park gives older kids and teenagers a place to play and Socialise, alongside being able to use the Graffiti walls to express themselves
Living Walls and planting on the graffiti walls, help Break up the Mass of Concrete with seasonal interest and movement
Staggered Hedges give varying depth to this area dividing activity spaces from pathways and open areas of park
Interactive Water Feature connected to the end of the canal. Large granite blocks form the seating element, which can be used for Sunbathing or climbing
Fagus Hedges are used to separate and Compartmentalise this area from the main park, along with giving Shelter from the wind
A single line of Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ flank the edge of the Interactive Water Feature to give Shade to the area. Benches will line this route for seating
Various wall throughout this section have been created as Climbing Walls for children and to be used for Grafitie Art. C20 poured concrete forms these Walls of varying heights
park creating nterest. The a filtration he water clean urface water
A line of pleached Quercus Ilex’ Planting sits back from the Canals discet the park creating line the central spine of planting canal edge Contrasting with Movement and interest. The the clean concrete edge have a filtration along the canal. These treesfeatures acttowillkeep as system the water clean and take excess surface water a Wind Barrier and reinforce runoff the linear theme of the design and the Division of Space
A Jetty gives park A line of pleached Quercusup Ilex’ and A Jetty gives park users views line the central spine of planting users views up and along the canal. These trees act as down the canals. Harddown the canals. Harda Wind Barrier and reinforce the wood slats will create linear theme of the design and a Balustrade for wood will create the Division ofslats Space safety a Balustrade for safety
Planting cascades over the edge of Planting cascades over theand edge of creates Ungalvanised Industrial Pipes form the paving an Informal the paving and creates an Informal arch sections over the paths. Different Barrier between the path pipes will be used to create scale Barrier betweensize path and the canal andthe an Industrial Feeling, with the main pipe being a Water Outlet into the and the canal canal
A Skate Parkform gives older kids Ungalvanised Industrial Pipes and teenagers a place to play and Socialise, alongside being Large multi stem Acer Griseum areover planted the paths. arch sections Different able to use the Graffiti walls to in the Raised Planters which further divide themselves the internal park areas. Each will be uplit at size used toexpress create scale night and arepipes under plantedwill with lowbe growing Groundcover to keep Clear View and an Industrial Feeling, with the main pipe being a Water Outlet into the canal
give varying Water Feature conLarge multi Staggered stemHedges Acer Griseum areInteractive planted depth to this area dividing activity nected to the end of the canal. from pathways and open Large granite blocks form the in the Raisedspaces Planters which further divide areas of park seating element, which can be for Sunbathing or climbing the internal park areas. Each will be used uplit at night and are under planted with low growing Groundcover to keep Clear View
Living Walls and planting on the graffiti walls, help Break up the Mass of Concrete with seasonal interest and movement
Fagus Hedges are used to separate and Compartmentalise this area from the main park, along with giving Shelter from the wind
A single line of Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ flank the edge of the Interactive Water Feature to give Shade to the area. Benches will line this route for seating
Various wall throughout this section have been created as Climbing Walls for children and to be used for Grafitie Art. C20 poured concrete forms these Walls of varying heights
Prometheus Park 1:200 Sections Section B-B
B Planting sits back from the canal edge Contrasting with the clean concrete edge
Sections 1:200
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:50 @ A1 Canals discet April the park2015 creating A line of pleached Quercus Ilex’ Movement and interest.032 The line the central spine of planting DWG: features will have a filtration 0 0.5 1 1.5 system to keep the water clean and take excess surface water runoff
along the canal. These trees act as 2 4m a Wind Barrier and reinforce the linear theme of the design and the Division of Space
B A Jetty gives park users views up and down the canals. Hardwood slats will create a Balustrade for safety
Planting cascades over the edge of the paving and creates an Informal Barrier between the path and the canal
Ungalvanised Industrial Pipes form arch sections over the paths. Different size pipes will be used to create scale and an Industrial Feeling, with the main pipe being a Water Outlet into the canal
Large multi stem Acer Griseum are planted in the Raised Planters which further divide the internal park areas. Each will be uplit at night and are under planted with low growing Groundcover to keep Clear View
Hedges provide a tactile Backdrop to the interactive water feature. With so much hard landscaping the hedges soften the area, while Providing Privacy
Granite Blocks of Varying Height allow Safe use of this space for children and adults of All Ages and Abilities
A line of Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ run alongside the feature to provide Shade during hot summer days
Gardenesque Planting fills these borders, creating an area to Amble through Inspecting the Plants The pleached Quercus Ilex and Fagus hedging Screen and Protect diners from the wind
Grass combined with granFagus hedges divide and screen this area, ite setts creates a Pathway making a Private Intimate Space within a Suitable for Year Round much larger park, but still Retinaing Clear Use, giving park users multiEye Level Views out across the park Multi stem Acer griseum The Acer griseum create While creating Glass Balustrades Strong Linear Lines Industrial Pipe Pergola ple routes through the park in raised beds flank the Shade and Privacy for the compartmentalised spaces allow Clear Views Reinforce the context takes centre stage framing Entrance to the formal Dining Terrace.
diners, segregating them From The Main Plaza and community centre
Planting and trees Frame one of the main routes into the park, giving the scheme a Sense of Scale
A space that Slow Users Down as they Amble onward towards the Arts Centre, with views open close to hand, the Canal, and others obscured by the overhanging Acer
Drifts of Planting create a natural Safety Barrier between the path and the canal
Hedges provide a tactile Backdrop to the interactive water feature. With so much hard landscaping the hedges soften the area, while Providing Privacy
Where planting cant be used, Upright Hardwood slat Balustrades create a safe barrier that doesn’t completely block views
Granite Blocks of Varying Height allow Safe use of this space for children and adults of All Ages and Abilities
A Clinical and Intentionally Clean Walkway Contrasts with the Gardenesque planting behind the hedge.
a Long View up the main axis route
of the park within the Thamesmead Estate
Industrial Pipe Arches straddle the main entrance creating an Ominous Feeling, sparking thought into the minds of Park Users while Drawing Them In
across the canals while keeping users safe
The large Acer griseum Hangs Overhead while the pleached Quercus frame the view to the right, creating a Sense of Security and Shelter
To Contrast and Compliment, enclosed and intimate spaces have been Balanced with wider open areas within the park
the scheme still allows for Long Views Across The Park
A Major Circulation Route that is Safe, open and well lit at night. It further Enhances and Reinforces the Theme of the park and its context
To Contrast and Compliment, enclosed and intimate spaces have been Balanced with wider open areas within the park
Industrial Pipe Arches straddle the main entrance creating an Ominous Feeling, sparking thought into the minds of Park Users while Drawing Them In
Sequential Sketches 1:200
Prometheus Park 1:200 Sequential Sketches Stuart Charles Towner
Planti one o the pa Sense
Mixed planting of Quercus, Malus and Pyrus to form a shelter belt to reduce wind from the SW
Pleacehed evergreen Quercus Ilex will be used as wind breaks throughout the park
Line of Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ to provide shade for the interactive water feature area
Planted borders will contain a mixture of bulbs, perennials, grasses and shrubs, supported by the structural planting of trees and hedges as seen on this plan
Fagus Sylvatica - 1.8m feathered - cut back to 1.5m when planted. All hedges will be 1m wide, planted at 500mm centres, in double staggered rows with a metal chain-link fence in the centre to stop park users from cutting across the hedge lines. All hedges will not exceed 1.5m in height, leaving a clear view across the park, yet acting as a wind barrier
Open Grass Areas:
All areas of open grass, with specified uses or not, will be laid to turf. The turf will be of commercial grade and made up of the following grass mix: 45% Strong creeping red fescue 25% Slender creeping red fescue 25% Chewings fescue 15% Browntop bent
Tree Specification: 4no Quercus x turneri ‘pseudoturneri’ – 12/14 girth, 2m clear stem 11no Acer griseum - Mutli stem with a least 5 breaks 36no Pyrus calleryana ‘Autumn Blaze’ – 12/14 girth, 2m clear stem 19no Malus x moerlandsii ‘Profusion’ – 12/14 girth, 2m clear stem 32no Quercus Ilex - 12/14 girth, pleach panel 1.8m x 1m, 2m clear stem
Soil Preparation: Topsoil: All topsoil to be prepared to a minimum depth of 450mm with the addition of well rotted stable manure for planting areas. All tree pit soil to be prepared to a minimum depth of 600mm
Prometheus Park 1:200 Softwork Layout & Structural Planting Mutli stem Acer griseum as feature trees for their autumn colour and shape and form. Growth habit to be restricted to 8m
Pleacehed evergreen Quercus Ilex will be used as wind breaks throughout the park
Pleacehed evergreen Quercus Ilex will be used as wind breaks throughout the park
Multi stem Acer griseum as feature trees for their autumn colour and shape and form. Growth habit to be left to natural form and size
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:200 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 035 0 1
Datum +0.0mm = Existing road level
Softworks & Lighting 1:200
Open to a r creep chew areas
+0.150mm +0.150mm Planting under the multi stem Acer Griseum migrates into the edge of the mown grass to create a Soft Blending of the planting and grass
Benches located within the planting give park users a Secluded spot to sit, while enjoying clear views through the pergola, which frames the Acer Griseum. The Twisted Stems of the Acer Juxtaposed with the clean upright pipes of the Pergola arches
Low Level Planting drifts under the multi stem Acer Griseum to give Clear Views out from the pergola walk, through the ornate and twisted stems of the Acer
Lighting along the main circulation routes is lower level than the plaza. 4m high Marshalls Aubrilam Sumu columns line the route casting out Perfect Circles of light
Along the Tertiary Route more Benches are located. These are placed face to face to create Intimate areas where Groups can stop and talk, while sitting amongst the planting
All seating areas for Benches have a Hard Surface - 100 x 100mm granite setts
Soft Landscaping: Trees:
Acer Griseum - Multi stem tree planted into a prepared tree pit with underground platypus root anchor system and watering tube B
Pyrus calleryana ‘Autumn Blaze’ - 14/16 girth with a 2m clear stem, planted in prepared tree pits with underground platypus root anchor system and watering tube
Malus profusion - 14/16 girth with 2m clear stem, planted in prepared tree pits with underground platypus root anchor system and watering tube
Fagus sylvaticus - All hedges will be planted in double staggered rows with a chain-link fence in the centre. All hedges to be maintained to a width of 1m and a maximum height of 1.5m
Mixed Planting - For full specification please see separate planting plan and schedule. All planting areas will be a mixture of perennials for seasonal interest, along side a restrained palette of shrubs for further structure +0.125mm
Open Areas - All open areas of grass will be laid to a robust commercial turf, a mixture of strong creeping red fescue, slender creeping red fescue, chewings fescue and browntop bent. All grass areas to be maintained on a fortnightly basis.
+0.150mm +0.150mm
6. A
Grass Sett Path - 100 x 100mm granite setts are set into the grass to form tertiary routes through this area, allowing alternative routes through the park at all times of the year
Granite Paving - 600 x 900mm Fransisco granite, flame textured slabs laid in stretcher bond, form the surface for the main plaza and primary circulation routes. This product reinforces the use of modern materials within the Thamesmead estate +0.125mm
Granite Setts - 100mm x random length setts form the fine detail edge to the permeable pathways and part of the double sett detail edge to the main plaza
Yorkstone Setts - 300 and 200mm x random length Greenmoor rustic Yorkstone setts form the edge detail all paved areas. The traditional choice of material contrast with the modern materials of Thamemead
4. +0.150mm
Pergola Wall - C20 poured concrete will form the backbone structure of the main pergola. The poured concrete wall will be left with joints and impressions to give a raw finish, mirroring the harsh and cold surrounding Thamesmead estate
Pergola Structures:
Pipe Pergola: Ungalvanised steel pipes form the pergola structure. These huge pipes echo the industrial feel of Thamesmead and will provide a shaded seating area in the centre of the park
1. +0.450mm
Pipe Arches: Arches mirroring the main pipework pergola create a semi shaded secondary walkway off the primary circulation route. These arches frame views of the multi stem Acer Griseum
Prometheus Park
Ungalvanised Metal bins are located throughout the park for litter, further enhancing the Connective Theme of the main elements of the scheme and its materials.
Benches have been grouped together in the main plaza to enable Large Groups to Congregate and use the space. The Benches are Double Sided and have been constructed out of matching ungalvanised pipes to the pergola. Hardwood slats have been used to top the bench for comfort
Benches outside the main plaza have matching hardwood slat tops but have a base constructed of C20 poured concrete. This matches the main pergola concrete wall and the surrounding Thamesmead estate
In front of each of these 3 benches are Windows cut through the wall. These give Unique Framed Views down the line of the planting and out over the grass
Drifts of Planting blend into the grass at the ends of the borders creating a Natural Flow from the well ordered and managed planting areas into the softer areas of grass
Grani flame the su lation mode
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:50 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 041 0
Datum +0.0mm = Existing road level
Grani form ways the m
Yorks length the e choic mater
1:50 Design Detail
2. High Level Lighting illuminates the main plaza at night with Marshalls Aubrilam Sumu Columns
Hard Landscaping: Paving:
Grass set in this a park a
Pergo the b poure impre harsh
Pipe P pergo indus shade
Design Detail Plan 1:50 +0.150mm
Pipe A Arche create prima
Ungalvanised Industrial Pipes form arch sections over the path creating a Secluded and Shaded walkway. This creates atmosphere and interest
Each Arch section has Inbuilt Linear Lighting that illuminates the path from above
The multi stem Acer Griseum form Strong Diverging Angles with its clear lower branches. This Contrast with the Clean Upright form of industrial pipes
The planting further supports the Contrast of Shape and Form, with the Stipa echoing the branches of the Acer and the Digitalis, the strong upright form of the pipework
Stipa gigantea planted on the edge of the main path creates a Sense of Calm as park users walk past. A Tactile plant that will last throughout the winter, its golden glow during late afternoon and evening will further enhance a feeling of Calm and Tranquillity
The repeated cloned form of the Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ reinforces the Clean Linear layout of the park. It helps divide the spaces and adds shade to the seating areas below
A Windows in the wall overlook strips of planting. These Windows give an Alternative View through the planting, the Contrasting upright Forms echoing the Acer and Pergola Pipes
A Poured Concrete Wall and Industrial Pipe Pergola dominates the central plaza, and creates a shaded seating area. The industrial feel of the feature Blends the scheme with the Surrounding Context of industrial london
Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ sit in contrast to the sharp clean form of the concrete wall, while Reinforcing the simplicity of its form, with the Repeated, Cloned, Shape of the tree
Climbing plants such as Lonicera and Actindia will be planted in planting pockets on the top of the wall. These climbers will then scrabble and clothe the wall to give an air of nostalgia, Nature Reclaiming over the manmade
Climbing plants such as Lonicera and Actindia will be planted in planting pockets on the top of the wall. These climbers will then scrabble and clothe the wall to give an air of nostalgia, Nature Reclaiming over the manmade
Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ sit in contrast to the sharp clean form of the concrete wall, while Reinforcing the simplicity of its form, with the Repeated, Cloned, Shape of the tree
Wide mixed borders of grasses, shrubs and perennials Divide The Space, creating paths with different outlooks. The Undulating Planting opens and closes to give different views across the park
Wide mixed borders of grasses, shrubs and perennials Divide The Space, creating paths with different outlooks. The Undulating Planting opens and closes to give different views across the park
B Prometheus Park 1:50 Sections Sections A-A & B-B
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:50 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 042 0
Tactile Planting such as the tall flower heads of Stipa gigantea and Domes of Geranium phaeum, Nestle right up to the Seats
Sleek granite Paving ends under the flowing and Cascading edges of the Planting, Blending the two together
Benches are set into the planting to create Intimate and enclosed spaces to sit.
The drifts of Stipa gigantea Evoke a Sense of Calm as the breeze rustles through the seed heads and foliage. A breath of warm air blowing into a secluded and shady seating spot
Plants like Farfugium japonicum give a Sense of Scale to the area with its huge and glossy leaves
Climbing plants such as Actindia and Lonicera wrap their tendrils around the pipework above, creating a Latticework of Shadows on the floor below
The large Industrial Pipe Pergola provides a Shelter from the sun, creating an enclosed seating area to rest
Windows in the concrete wall create Unique Views down the length of the planting on the rear
A mixture of Plants such as Dryopteris, Mahonia ‘Cabaret’ and Pachysandra Drift Out, blending plant species that require more sun in outlying areas of the planting
Planting drifts of Stipa gigantea Partially Screens Views into areas creating movement and Intrigue
Blocks of Mahonia ‘Cabaret’ are used as Backdrops to areas cutting off views and enhancing others
The Pipework Frames the Long View, creating a sense of Movement along this secondary circulation route
Climbers, Actindia and Lonicera, clothe and hang off the pipework overhead Evoking a Feeling of Wilderness and Abandonment
The Planting, Rodgersia, Euphorbia and Pachysandra Cascades over the edges of pathways to further enhance this feel of nature reclaiming
Shapes within the Planting Reinforce the man-made structures, with the strong Upright form of the Digitalis echoing the upright forms of the pipework
Planting at the rear of the concrete wall drifts out to Blend in with the Grass, while fingers of grass lead in between dividing the planting
Shade cast by the wall creates a Unique Planting area adjacent to the rear
The Planting Grounds the large Concrete Wall, while giving the plants a contrasting smooth backdrop
The Upright Forms of the pipework Echo the repetitive habit of the Cloned Pyrus used throughout the park
The views line up with the Acer griseum stems, creating a focal point. The Gnarled and Angled Stems of the Acer contrasting with the Clean Uprights of the Pipework
Planting opposite seating areas is Left Open to create Views Through the planting, out under the Acer griseum
Low planting, Luzula nivea and Liriope muscari, flows out from under the Acer griseum blending into the grass, creating a Light and Airy Feeling
The Low Planting under the Acer creates Views Through the lower branches, enhancing and supporting the theme of the park
Prometheus Park 1:50 Sequential Sketches Stuart Charles Towner Scale N/A @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 043
Sequential Sketches 1:50
Exterior Ligh
70omm Rusty con blend in to the ou to weather as they brown colour. The throws it in all dire
In Groun
Targetti Mini
Inground linear fix aluminium body an safety glass, white s body
Targetti Mon
Recessed projecto aluminium body an parent polycarbon resistant
Targetti Line
The Lineos creates lines. The small size whole dimensions, complex installatio
Wall Ligh
Targetti e-Fo High Level lighting throws a wide circle of light for Safety lighting of plazas
Uplighters Illuminate the delicate Tracery of Branches in the Acer griseum creating a Dramatic effect as leaves and branches blow in the wind
he pipe path directarea with w
Pools of Light create a safe route while the low level of lighting allows the Silhouettes of Surrounding plants and features to be washed with a Gentle Glow
Medium Height lights illuminate main circulation routes with Circular Pools of Light.
Linear Strip lights in the floor mark the Transition between areas
Medium Height lights illuminate Main Circulation routes with circular pools of light, one overlapping the next along the path
Strip Lighting under the pipe work illuminates the path directly below, washing the area with an Atmospheric Glow
Uplighters Illuminate the delicate Tracery of Branches in the Acer griseum creating a Dramatic effect as leaves and branches blow in the wind
Pools of Light create a safe route while the low level of lighting allows the Silhouettes of Surrounding plants and features to be washed with a Gentle Glow
Medium Height lights illuminate main circulation routes with Circular Pools of Light.
Recessed wall m emission equipp Anodized alumi and extra clear silk printed fram
Small Recessed Lights set into the ground Illuminate the Grass Sett Path. These light the pathway with a Dramatic Starlight Glow
Recessed lights Act as a Guide for this Circulation route
Medium Height Lights illuminate the Main Circulation Routes throughout the park
Uplighters Illuminate the delicate Tracery of Branches in the Acer griseum creating a Dramatic effect as leaves and branches blow in the wind
Medium Height lights illuminate this eating area with a Gentle Glow to create a Relaxing Atmosphere
High Level Lighting throws a wide circle of light for Safety lighting of plazas
Promet Prometheus Park 1:200 Night Sketches Stuart Charles Towner Scale N/A @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 045
Exterior Lights UK, Rusty Cone, 70cm High Bollard used for the illumination of Secondary and Tertiary Circulation Routes around the park. These mark non essential routes for use at night Uplighters Illuminate the delicate
Lighting Concept
Tracery of Branches in the Acer griseum creating a Dramatic effect as leaves and branches blow in the wind
Targetti Mini Mercure LED Ground Strip lights mark major Axis Points within the park. These lights mark the change of use within the path circulation routes, from Primary High Level Lighting throws a Medium Height lights illuminate this into Large Plazas eating area with a Gentle GlowWalkways to wide circle of light for Safety create a Relaxing Atmosphere
lighting of plazas
Targetti e-Folio Recessed Wall light for illuminating the sides of the granite seating in the interactive water feature. These lights are for Decorative Illumination and Safety
1:200 Ligh
Stuart Charl Scale 1:200 @ April 2015 DWG: 037 0
Scented flowers.
comes Alive with Golden Browns and Reds during this season Reds during this season
mn Section 1:50 Autumn Section 1:50 Evergreen Mahonias give Strength to the Heads covered in Heads Frost add an extra Heads of theSeed StipaHeads gigantea last Stipa gigantea last Evergreen Mahonias give StrengthSeed to the Seed covered in Frost addSeed an extra of the S1 winter planting, alongside the Pachysandra dimesnion to the winter landscape adding the great upright winter planting, alongside the Pachysandra dimesnion to the winter landscapethrough the winterthrough winter adding great upright structure and Movement. structure and Movement.
S1 nitens ‘Cabaret’ flowers during the late Mahonia summer and autumn with Burnt Orange, Highly Scented flowers.
Summer S2
Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ turn a Briliant Orange during the autmn before dropping their leaves
Robust Digitalis flower stems last well Robust Digitalis flower stems last w S2 through the winterthrough adding the Depth to winterthe adding Depth to border with their Dark Hue. border with their Dark Hue.
Acer griseum turns bright red in the autumn bringing Vibrance to a park that comes Alive with Golden Browns and Reds during this season
er Section 1:50 Winter Section 1:50 Autumn Pyrus ‘Autumn Blaze’ turn a Briliant Orange during the autmn before dropping their leaves
S1 Autumn Section 1:50
Seasonality 1:50
1:50 S
Acer griseum turns bright red in the autumn bringing Vibrance to a park that comes Alive with Golden Browns and Reds during this season Evergreen Mahonias give Strength to the winter planting, alongside the Pachysandra
S1 Seed Heads covered in Frost add an extra dimesnion to the winter landscape
Seed Heads of the Stipa gigantea last through the winter adding great upright structure and Movement.
Robust Digitalis flower stems last well through the winter adding Depth to the border with their Dark Hue.
Stuart Scale N April 2 DWG:
Key: Granite Paving & Setts: 011 053
01 050
Pipe Arch
Marshalls Fransisco flame texture granite paving, laid in stretcher bond pattern with 10mm pointing joints. Slabs 1250mm x 900mm - For use on secondary circulation routes
Lighting 1 Sett Edge 2
02 050
Planting Edge 1
03 050
Grass Sett 1
04 050
013 053
Sett Edge 1
Marshalls Greenmoor Yorkstone paving setts, riven texture, laid in linear lines as per the hardworks drawing with 10mm pointing joints. Setts 100, 200 and 300mm wide x random lengths.
Lighting 3
Marshalls Fransisco granite setts, picked finish, laid in a linear line as per the hardworks drawing with 10mm pointing joints. Setts 100 and 200mm wide x random lengths
016 057 Resin Bound Path
Granite Paving 1
Marshalls Fransisco granite setts, picked finish, laid in a stack bond as per the hardworks drawing with 10mm pointing joints. Setts 100 x 100 x 100mm
09 051
07 051
Marshalls Fransisco granite setts, picked finish, laid in a staggered bond as per the hardworks drawing with 25mm joints. Setts 100 x 100 x 100mm
Walls: 012 053
Feature pergola wall will be RC20/25 poured concrete. All corners to be left unworked as cast in sheet metal.
Lighting 2
Permeable Surfaces:
Granite Paving 2 Grass Sett 2
05 050
Granite Sett 1
014 054
08 051
Tree Pit
Permeable surfaces will be Sureset resin bound, 6mm golden beige, laid over a 50mm tarmac base course, over a type 3 DOT sub base for permeable drainage. Under all permeable surfaces will be Aquacells to take surface water, which in turn are connected to rainwater harvesting tanks
017 058
06 050
Features: Pipework Pergola
Feature pergola will be constructed out of vary width ungalvanised pipes.
015 55/56
Feature Pipework arhces will span sections of path. Each on will be constructed out of vary width ungalvanised pipes.
Lighting: Marshalls Aubrilam Sumu Column:
4m Cylindrical glue laminated timber shaft, produced with sawn planks from sustainably managed forests. Timber finished with three coats of woodstain (Aubrilam HTE process). Cylindrical flush base in galvanized steel and powder coated polyester finish. Pole covering cap in formed galvanized steel
Exterior Lights UK Rusty Bollard:
70omm Rusty cone bollards are simply built to last and blend in to the outside environment being designed to weather as they get older and turn in to a dark rust brown colour. The opal diffuser softens the light and throws it in all directions
Drainage: All sufaces will have a fall of 1:80, directions laid out in plan. Surface water will be taken away by French Drains, see detail 1 or Slot rain, see detail 10 Slot Drain
010 052
Prometheus Park 1:50 Hardworks
Hardworks 1:50
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:50 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 046 0
14 054
5. 4. +0.150mm
1. Sectional Elevation 1
Sectional Elevation 2
Section 1 Section 2
Construction Drawing 1:50 2. High Level Lighting illuminates the main plaza at night with Marshalls Aubrilam
Ungalvanised Metal bins are located throughout the park for litter, further enhancing the Connective Theme of
Benches have been grouped together in the main plaza to enable Large Groups to Congregate and use the space. The Benches are Double Sided and
Benches outside the main plaza have 200 300 400 slat 500mm hardwood tops but have a base c of C20 poured concrete. This matche
15 056
5. 4. +0.150mm
1. +0.450mm
2. High Level Lighting illuminates the main plaza at night with Marshalls Aubrilam Sumu Columns
Ungalvanised Metal bins are located throughout the park for litter, further enhancing the Connective Theme of the main elements of the scheme and its materials. Section 2
Section 1
Plan 1:25
Benches outside the main plaza have matching hardwood slat tops but have a base constructed of C20 poured concrete. This matches the main pergola concrete wall and the surrounding Thamesmead estate 0 0.25 0.5 1 2m
Benches have been grouped together in the main plaza to enable Large Groups to Congregate and use the space. The Benches are Double Sided and have been constructed out of matching ungalvanised pipes to the pergola. Hardwood slats have been used to top the bench for comfort
Fixing Detail 1:5
In front of each of these 3 benches are Windows cut through the wall. These give Unique Framed Views down the line of the planting and out over the grass
15 054
Scale Bar 1:25
Scale Bar 1:5
Prometheus Park 1:50 Construction Details Pergola 2 Stuart Charles Towner Scale As Per Item @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 056 Sectional Elevation 1
Construction Drawing 1:50
0.25 0.5
Prometheus Park 1:50 Construction Details Pergola 1 Sectional Elevation 2
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:25 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 055
Pipe Arch
16 057
Section 2 Section 1 Plan 1:25
Fixing Detail 1:5
0.25 0.5
Scale Bar 1:25
Sectional Elevation 1 1:25
Sectional Elevation 2 1:25 Scale Bar 1:5
Prometheus Park 1: 50 Construction Details Pipe Arch Stuart Charles Towner Scale As Per Item @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 057
Construction Drawing 1:50
Sarcococca hookeriana var. hookeriana 'Ghorepani' Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers' Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' Fagus sylvaticus
24 9 13 34
Stipa gigantea Luzula nivea Liriope muscari
7 44 22
10 10 21 28 28 24 4 9 10 42 45
64 4 6 48 35 45
3L 3L 3L 3L 3L 3L
Size -‐ cm
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena'
Stipa gigantea
3 30-‐40
Density p/m2
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown
Planting Area s2hould be in the lower third Specification -‐ Breaks (branches)
Bushy, min 9 breaks. Plant to be kepted cropped to 2x3m
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump
5L 3L 5L 3L 3L 3L 3L 3L
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Bushy, min 5 breaks Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown
Planting Area 5 Specification
Density p/m2
Column12 Column122Column2
Size -‐ cm
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Pallida' Mahonia nitens 'Cabaret'
14 18
60-‐70 30-‐40
Stipa gigantea
3 30-‐40
5 4 7 5 5 5
Pot size -‐ Litre
6 10 28 7 19 28 3 44
Specification -‐ Breaks (branches) should be in the lower third
10L 5lt
Bushy, min 9 breaks. Plant to be kepted cropped to 2x3m Bushy, min 5 breaks
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump
5L 3L 3L 5L 3L 3L 5L 3L 5L 3L
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown
Column12 Column122Column2
Bulb Specification
Density p/m2
Size -‐ cm
5 2 4 7 5 5 5 5 3 5
Pot size -‐ Litre
6 10 21 105 17 8 19 25 14 53
Specification -‐ Breaks (branches) should be in the lower third
Bulbs Anemone nemerosa Allium obliquum Allium vineale Galanthus nivalis Galanthus elwesii Scilla venna
400 340 2000 200 200 300
50 20 30 50 50 60
Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease
Bulb Mix 1: 2000no Allium vineale
Bulb Mix 2: 300Scilla venna 100no Galanthus nivalis 100no Galanthus elwesii 340no Allium obliquum
Bulb Mix 3: 400no Anemone nemorosa 100no Galanthus nivalis 100no Galanthus elwesii
Prometheus Park 1:50 Planting Plans Planting Plan 2
Planting Plan & Palette 1:50
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:50 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 049 0 1
Fully rooted pot system, healthy Bulb/Root Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns
3L 3L 3L
Fully rooted pot system, healthy Bulb/Root Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns
10 6 6
5 6 6
3L 3L 3L
Fully rooted pot system, healthy Bulb/Root Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns
10 10
5 5
3L 3L
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump
12 12
6 6
3L 3L
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown
Column12 Column122Column2
Planting Area 2 Specification
Size -‐ cm
Specification -‐ Breaks (branches) should be in the lower third
Bushy, min 5 breaks
3 30-‐40
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump
3L 3L 5L 3L 3L 5L 3L 5L 3L 5L 3L
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns
5L 5L
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy base Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy base
Stipa gigantea
Digitalis parviflora Actaea rubra Pachysandra terminalis Digitalis ferruginea gigantea Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' Sedum 'Matrona' Smyrnium perfoliatum Cimicifuga simplex atropurpurea Cimicifuga japonica Dryopteris dilatata Rodgersia podophylla
21 5 140 7 9 10 16 24 21 12 56
Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze'
5 7 5 6 5 5 6 6 8 5
Actindia delicosa Lonicera fragrantissima
4 3
Column12 Column122Column2
Bulb Specification
Semi mature, clear stem 2m min
Size -‐ cm
Specification -‐ Breaks (branches) should be in the lower third
Bulbs Anemone nemerosa
Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease
Allium obliquum Allium vineale Camassia quamash Galanthus nivalis Galanthus elwesii Scilla venna
174 840 720 400 200 480
20 30 30 50 50 60
Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease Dry, clean bulbs free from mould and disease
Bulb Mix 1: 174no Allium obliquum 480no Scilla venna 100no Galanthus nivalis
Bulb Mix 3: 720no Camassia quamash 100no Galanthus elwesii
Bulb Mix 2: 840no Allium vineale
Bulb Mix 4: 400no Anemone nemerosa 300no Galanthus nivalis 100no Galanthus elwesii
Prometheus Park 1:50 Planting Plans Planting Plan 1 N
Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:50 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 048 0 1
Bergenia 'Overture' Filipendula rubra 'Venusata' Ligularia 'The Rocket' Pachysandra terminalis Digitalis ferruginea gigantea Digitalis ferruginea Sedum 'Matrona' Rodgersia podophylla Farfugium japonicum 'Giganteum' Geranium sanguineum
3L 3L 3L
5 6 6
Mahonia nitens 'Cabaret'
Semi mature, clear stem 2m min Semi mature, single clear stem 2m min
5 6 6
10 6 6
Bergenia 'Overture' Ligularia 'The Rocket' Pachysandra terminalis Smyrnium perfoliatum Verbena hastata 'Rosea' Rodgersia podophylla Euphorbia characias subsp. Wulfinii Geranium sanguineum
12/14 12/14
10 6 6
Multi stem, container grown, fully rooted, min 3 breaks
Column12 Column122Column2
Planting Area 4 Specification
Iris Mix 1 Iris chrysographes Digitalis ferruginea Digitalis ferruginea gigantea Iris Mix 2 Iris chrysographes Digitalis parviflora Digitalis ferruginea Iris Mix 3 Iris chrysographes Digitalis ferruginea Digitalis ferruginea gigantea Geranium Mix 1 Geranium himalayense 'gravetye' Geranium phaeum 'Rose Madder' Astrantia Mix 1 Astrantia 'Moulin Rouge' Astrantia major 'Claret'
5 5 5 5 5 6
6 3
Plant Mixes
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Fully rooted pot system, healthy Bulb/Root Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, 2-‐3 healthy crowns Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy crown
Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump
Pot size -‐ Litre
Acer 'Griseum'
3L 3L
Digitalis parviflora Digitalis ferruginea gigantea Smyrnium perfoliatum Rodgersia podophylla Geranium sanguineum Salvia x sylvestris 'Blauhugel'
7 20-‐30 7 20-‐30
3L 3L 5L 3L 3L 3L 3L 3L 5L 3L 3L
111 34
Specification -‐ Breaks (branches) should be in the lower third
6 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 6
Density p/m2
Luzula nivea Liriope muscari
Size -‐ cm
Pot size -‐ Litre
Density p/m2
Planting Area 3 Specification
Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Malus x moerlandsii 'profusion'
Bushy, min 7-‐8 breaks Bushy, min 6 breaks Bushy, min 6 breaks Bushy, Feathered from base, bare root Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump Full pot, fully rooted pot system, healthy clump
Pot size -‐ Litre
Column12 Column122Column2
5L 10lt 10lt BR 5L 3L 3L
Astrantia major 'Claret' Astrantia 'Moulin Rouge' Bergenia 'Overture' Geranium himalayense 'gravetye' Geranium phaeum 'Rose Madder' Iris 'Tycoon' Digitalis ferruginea Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' Sedum 'Matrona' Rodgersia podophylla Salvia x sylvestris 'Blauhugel'
40-‐50 1000-‐1200 1000-‐1200 1800 3 30-‐40 7 20-‐30 7 20-‐30
Specification -‐ Breaks (branches) should be in the lower third
Pot size -‐ Litre
Size -‐ cm
Pot size -‐ Litre
Column12 Column122Column2
Planting Area 1 Specification
Density p/m2
Density p/m2
Planting Area 1
Sett Edge 1
Sett Edge 2
01 050
Planting Edge
02 050
Sett Edge 1
Planting Edge
Grass Sett 1
03 050
04 050
Grass Sett 1
Grass Sett 2
05 050
Sett Edge 2
01 050
04 050
Grass Sett 2
03 050
Planting Edge
02 050
Granite Sett 1
05 050
Granite Sett 1
03 050
06 050
06 050
Prometheus Park 1:50 Construction Detail 1 Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:5 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 050
Prometheus Park 1:50 Construction Detail 1 Stuart Charles Towner Scale 1:5 @ A1 April 2015 DWG: 050
Construction Details 1:50 Granite Sett 1
06 050
Slot Drain
10 052
Construction Details 1:50
Lighting 1
Lighting 2
11 053
12 053
Lighting 3
Construction Details 1:50 0
13 053
Stuart Charles Towner Garden & Landscape Design www.stuartcharlestowner.co.uk