AS Film Studies FM1 Practical Application of Learning - Feedback Reflective Analysis

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Molly Oakden

Words: 775

Reflective Analysis

Double-space written work please My film sequence is part of the climax

of a horror genre

and set in a forest during a

zombie apocalypse. The plot follows two people, Charlotte and Sam, trying to survive during a zombie apocalypse. My aim was to follow the conventions

of horror genre to create

suspense and a feeling of un-easiness throughout the film. The scene starts with a fade up from black

to reveal a forest; I did this to set the scene and

thought that a forest was a conventional setting for the zombie-horror genre. This then dissolves

into an extreme close up

show the theme of death and decay

of a dried up leaf in shallow focus

, I intended to

which is a common theme in the zombie-horror

genre. This shot then dissolves to a shot of a small wall that has partially fallen down and looks very derelict, which also links to the zombie-horror. This shot then dissolves into a close up

of two people’s feet, walking slowly

character’s feet first as it is an enigma code

, from left to right-I introduced the

that causes the audience to question who

these characters are and why they are there. This question is soon answered in the next shot, I used a long-shot

and a tilt up

to reveal the two main characters.

One thing that I could have improved in my film sequence is the Mise-en-Scene, more specifically, Sam and Charlotte’s costumes. The clothes that they are wearing are quite fashionable and very clean which is not conventional of zombie films, makeup on each of their faces to make them look dirty/bruised

however I did use

to show that they had

been in this forest for a long time, this was supported by their performance. Their facial expressions

and body language

show that they are on guard and know that they are not 1

Molly Oakden

Words: 775

safe. The proximity

of Charlotte and Sam, especially towards the end, also shows that they

are very comfortable with one another. I use a range of camera angles

and camera movements

angle that I thought worked well was when I used a low angle

in my short sequence, one mid-shot

in a shot of

Sam and Charlotte which shows these characters as being quite powerful, I did this to contrast the high angle medium long shot that I use later on after the threat is revealed to show that they are inferior to the threat. An interesting camera movement that I use is a POV shot whip pan.

I use this just before the threat is revealed to build tension as it as it

adds the enigma code of where and what the threat is. ? I use a range of sound in my short sequence, one of the main ones being music. I used fast paced music in the chase sequences to fit with the zombie theme and horror genre that I intended to convey in my short sequence.

I also used sound effects, which I added whilst

editing the sequence, for a twig snapping and when the zombie is stabbed, these sound effects functioned as diegetic sound. diegetic sound

In my short sequence there is a lot of ambient

such as: wind, birds and rain. This establishes the setting


and also links

to the zombie theme, these are all natural sounds and so it could show that this zombie apocalypse is down to nature and shows how much power it can have. I use a match cut on action

in my sequence, this is when Sam puts his finger on his lips to

Charlotte, telling her to be quite, non-verbally

. I cut from the front of Sam’s face to the

back of his head. This action is quite small however I think by using this match cut on action it highlights it and causes the audience to feel even more on edge.

Towards the end of

my sequence Sam and charlotte have a short conversation; I used the 180° rule using shot reverse shot

and an eye-line match. 2


I did this to fully show each of their

Molly Oakden

emotions in their facial expression

Words: 775

s whilst helping the viewers to not be confused.

ORIENTATE? SALIENT? COHESION? I use slow motion right before Charlotte is bitten by the zombie, I don’t think that it worked well as it confuses the viewers in thinking that Charlotte has gotten away as the zombie is in slow motion and this relates to the horror genre however it is suddenly very close to her. Overall, I think that I conveyed the zombie theme and horror genre in my sequence well. This was through the use of semic codes, referential codes and symbolic codes.

7/10 B UL3 – good, but elaborate on how micro features make meaning and generate response/s


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