Vl cef final 07102013

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COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT AND TOURISM COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY, RESEARCH AND ENERGY The Secretariats 03.10.2013 Final /VA/ND/CR VOTING LIST on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Connecting Europe Facility Rapporteurs: Dominique Riquet, Inés Ayala Sender, Adina-Ioana Vălean 2011/0302(COD) – TRAN/7/07795 & ITRE/7/07797 - COM(2011)0665 – C7-0374/2011


Compromise text as agreed with Council


The financial envelope of the CEF set out in Article 5 of the agreed text is based on the calculations of the European Commission (reflecting the Commission’s indicative breakdown on the MFF as well as the annual breakdown of the CEF budget in 2014-2020 prices).

Rap. position




The financial amounts set out in this Article are pending a final verification by the EP's services in the light of the development regarding the MFF agreement.

In favour






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