1 minute read
One Health Benefits
Data shows the current state of Claverito is that of moderate to severe food insecurity. A problem that desperately needs a solution
Current Malnutrition Stats
Current data shows that many residents are overweight or obese. The goal is for the gardens to help bring access to healthier food.
Animal Species that Benefit From the Gardens
Cant Have One Without the Other
77 bird species around Claverito Many fish swim the Amazon River
The needs of the people of Claverito is very important. These gardens will reduce hunger, will provide an economic opportunity, and will hopefully provide future opportunities with the city of Iquitos
14 species of reptiles and amphibians documented around Claverito
11 Species of butterflies and beetles around Claverito
Gardens will add biodiversity and fill in vegetation gaps in the area
Many local animal species will benefit either directly or indirectly from the presence of the floating gardens