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Beauty Standards in the Fashion Industry
From a young age we are taught to dress up pretty, skinny, tall, be blonde and be thin girls. They had to have makeup on, tiny dresses, high heels and even dogs in purses. This isn’t even a close reflection to the endless pages of runway models with bronzed flawless skin, shiny hair, a tiny waist with flattering or revealing clothing. We have been taught to recognise models as beautiful women wearing clothes and associate body characteristics and specific body features with the idea of fashion and who can wear certain things. Photoshop then continues to edit their bodies creating more insecurities and flaws as well as a very toxic industry that puts nearly every girl under pressure to look a certain way. The endless possibilities of diets and Botox and plastic surgery just creates an unrealistic image associated with fashion. It can also be supporting larger and more curvier bodies having the same effect on the opposite end of the spectrum creating unrealistic ideas and standards.
FASHION and its Influences on Everyday Life
Fashion influences our everyday life whether we like it or not. We can appear more friendly and make ourselves appear taller or shorter. What we wear on the outside, is also like a mask of who we are, and how we represent how we feel on the inside. There are so many examples of what we wear that plays a part in our everyday lives such as when we meet new people. When we go for interviews, we try and represent a side of ourselves that is committed to the job, organised and respectful. We dress to fit the roles that are needed, we wear uniforms at school as a way to make us all equal and prevent bullying for example. Though when we are not in any of these roles and just going out shopping, we can express ourselves in any way we wish. We can make people see us as peaceful and calm by wearing blue or lovable by wearing pink. Through our clothing we can almost control how people feel about and see us. Our clothing influences our social interactions,
how much respect is given to us, and can also determine outcomes. I believe fashion does influence our everyday quite significantly because as humans, we do unfortunately judge a book by its cover, and for people it’s what we look like on the outside. We can show authority through clothing, job positions and personality just through different fabrics. Through fabrics transformed into garments, when we wear clothes that make us feel good, confidence naturally follows. The confidence that can be achieved through wearing clothing that makes us feel good, can also change outcomes from showing assertiveness and feeling more confident to speak in public or even as small as speaking in front of the class. I feel that more people should feel comfortable enough to explore different fashion aesthetics, as some people are pressurised to fit in with what the large majority of society wants. Try new aesthetics and see what makes you feel the most confident!
First impressions are everything, the way you dress shows the person you are meeting how you’re feeling and if you care to be meeting them. Like they say, first impressions are everything. It is important to dress for the occasion. An excellent example of this is the outfit you would wear when attending an interview or business meeting. Although it is important to show who you are as a person it is also important to show the employer that you are serious about working within the company and that you are professional. Wearing gym gear for example would not be an acceptable business/interview attire as it shows you are careless about attending and would rather be working out. An acceptable outfit would consist of a shirt or blouse with tailored skirt or trousers, a blazer or cardigan. One could also decide on a tailored dress that is modest and professional. Shoes should also look quite simple but professional a great example of this would be a loather or low heel pumps. You can find many of these items on the high street and online for affordable prices! ‘Primark’ and ‘Newlook’ do a wide range of both Men’s and Women’s formal clothing in a range of sizes for affordable prices! This is a very respectful approach to a business career situation.
As students, we are at the age when dating begins to approach, and many people may be asked out on a first date! Although this may seem daunting, it is important to dress to impress and a big part of that is also related to your personality so it’s great to dress in what your comfortable in. If you are very feminine, you could try a dress with some pumps or heels-or turn it into a casual look and add some trainers or ‘Converse’. Jeans and a nice top are a great option if you are more comfortable in that type of outfit- great for both genders! Many of these pieces are available on the high street and are very affordable. Within fashion, price and store is not important, if you are comfortable and confident in what you’re wearing! First impressions in fashion are so important to show who you are as a person and are highly encouraged!