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The region’s first dedicated children’s hospital has taken another step forward this week by submitting a planning application to Cambridge City Council consisting of early designs for Cambridge Children’s Hospital. The submission of the formal ‘reserved matters’ planning application builds on the existing outline planning permission which was granted for the site previously. The move comes after the early designs and floor plans were shared with the Council’s planning committee in August. Built on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, the hospital will care for children and young people from across the whole region – Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire - but also nationally and internationally, as a ‘hospital without walls’. Embedding genomic and psychological research alongside clinical expertise in physical and mental child health, Cambridge Children’s Hospital will be a brand new state-of-the-art hospital designed to take care of the whole child, not just their illness. With an estimated total footprint of around 36,000sq m, including 5000sq m of research space, the drawings are an early indication of how this innovative hospital might look when it opens in 2025. The plans also include details of possible future development for the hospital beyond 2025. Meanwhile, work continues on developing the Outline Business Case, which has to be approved by HM Treasury, and on the fundraising campaign which was announced earlier in 2021. There is still much further to go before building work can begin and the vision for this muchneeded facility is realised.

Andrew Tollick, Senior Programme Manager for Design and Construction, Cambridge Children’s Hospital, said: “This is a big milestone for Cambridge Children’s Hospital, not only in planning terms, but in sharing our vision for ‘a whole new way’: one that integrates children’s mental and physical health services alongside world-class research to provide holistic, personalised care in a state-of-the-art facility.” An international design team, comprised of experts from Turner & Townsend, Hawkins\Brown, White Arkitekter, Ramboll and MJ Medical, with support from Planning Consultants, Bidwells and Fire Consultants, Alfor, have been engaging with staff from across the partner organisations about how the hospital should work. Members of Cambridge Children’s Network, which is made up of children, young people, parents and carers from across the region, have also been instrumental in helping shape how the facility might look and feel in these early designs. The environmental impact of CCH has been a major consideration in the development of these plans.

Cambridge Children’s Hospital aims to be an exemplar in sustainability as part of its role in providing a safer future for all. The hospital will include as many outdoors spaces as possible, including gardens, courtyards and terraces to provide access to nature and spaces for play and relaxation that support biodiversity and wildlife. The main hospital building will itself be enclosed within a wide landscaped green perimeter that recreates the feel of a summer meadow. Clinton Green, Director at Turner & Townsend and Design Team Project Director, said: “Reaching this major milestone is a great achievement and testament to the collective efforts and innovative approach from all involved. The design team have worked in close collaboration with the Client but also with young people, their families and staff to ensure that the design provides a welcoming and healing space for those who work or visit. We are looking forward to continuing this partnership approach as the Outline Business Case is concluded and the project moves into the next phase of development.” Building work is due to start in 2023 and Cambridge Children’s Hospital is due to open in 2025. The hospital will sit opposite the Rosie Maternity Hospital on Robinson’s Way.

You are with your friend and they seem very quiet – you get the sense that they want to tell you something but they just can’t seem to.

Then they tell you that they have been abused.

It can be really hard to know what to say and what to do. When the abuse is then reported, which is the right thing to do, unfortunately for a lot of people the world changes at that moment. What should be a moment of support, help, reassurance, relief and the start of being safe can often, in reality turn into confusion, uncertainty, loss of control and regret. This shouldn’t be how it is. You should be able to feel in control and informed. Despite the best efforts of police officers, social workers and other professionals, the reality of going through an investigation, waiting for legal processes and outcomes is difficult and long. It has been far too long for this support to have become available for young people who have experienced abuse and who do not know who to tell, what to say, what will happen and whether they will be believed. Survivors in Transition (SiT) is a Charity in Suffolk which has supported adult survivors of sexual abuse for the last 11 years. The Tope project was set up last

year to provide free, confidential support for young people 13+ who have or are experiencing abuse. Tope provides a quick response to young people who ask for help. We ensure that young people can express their needs, get help with self-esteem, build resilience, be provided with face-to-face support sessions and, if need be, receive therapy by fully qualified therapists. The sessions help young people understand what has happened and why abuse and trauma affects people so much, both at the time and in the future. “ I now feel I am worth something and recognise that I deserve a good life. I am starting Uni in September and I’m allowing myself to feel pride in my achievements”.

Feedback from people who have had sessions to help them is incredibly positive. It is highly likely that most people know someone who has experienced some form of abuse or experienced abuse themselves. For many people it can be unclear where and how to get help. Most

young people tell their friends first, which can be difficult for them and their friends – Tope can help you work out what to do and how you want to do it. You do not need to have reported the abuse which is what makes it a unique service in Suffolk – we’ll work at your pace and won’t do anything without discussing it with you first. We believe that you should have some control over this process. Jo Grant, the Project Manager is running focus groups to gather the voice and opinions of young people to shape how the service can best meet their needs. Tope needs to be easily accessible - young people need to know about it and be able to easily ask for the help that they deserve, and young people have a big part to play Your input to help shape the service, provide feedback and receive some support is warmly invited – whether this is through providing feedback for social media communications, focus groups or just suggestions of how to we can best help then please do get in contact. It can be really challenging to know how to cope with trauma and abuse – if you need help get in touch through our website, there are loads of ways to make initial contact including a webchat service and a simple self-referral to get the support that you deserve.



The truth spills out of me just like the bottom of your morning coffee does as you empty it down the drain before seeing me. 9:00.

Although we have to distance ourselves because of the virus in the air, the coffee beans grinded between your teeth still manage to travel towards me with every ‘mhm, and how do you feel about this?’. But I’m scared to let my coffee spill down the drain, just like yours, because I keep thinking and thinking of the what ifs. What if I spill it on me? What if I spill too much? What if I’m not finished?

What if you don’t like my coffee? I was never good at making coffee; Mum, Dad, Nan, Grandad would always grit their teeth and smile through the bitter taste. The image of them scrunching up their face but telling me ‘No it’s good, thank you.’, has stained the bottom of my mind just like the coffee grounds stain the bottom of the cup in a deep ring-like shape that seems almost impossible to remove. Just like how it seems almost impossible to remove the image of their faces, and the stains at the bottom of my cup. My brother makes good coffee. People prefer his coffee. Whilst mine stays stagnant at the bottom of the cup, as you leave it on the side, unfinished. Acknowledged, but it’s not as important.

So as you sit me down and ask me the mandatory questions, I add a bit more sugar to my coffee, to sweeten it up. I soften the first sip, so I can avoid seeing another scrunched up face that’s full of doubt. Because I know you’ll doubt my coffee.

I add a few more sugar cubes and drops of milk until you give me a smile and as you swallow it whole, you tell me in confidence ‘I don’t think you need these sessions anymore’. And I take my coffee, which now tastes even more bitter than it originally did because I’m left with a complicated mixture that if I spill, I know will not come out. So I carry it with caution, because as I am walking away with my back turned to you, I realise I added way too much milk back there and now my coffee is swishing about, lapping over the edges with each step. Ready to spill. A few more falling onto my top, that’s stained too, useless.

But it’s spilling too quickly as it drops onto my sleeves, coating them along with my hands as they scorch in the liquid trying to wipe away as much as I can whilst my hair falls like a curtain in front of me and sticks to my blushed face. As I try quickly to take what’s left of it around the corner so I can empty it all down the drain… ‘Hey, are you okay?’ In that tone.

I knew right then, that my coffee was going to spill. The words pushing my cup right over, drenching me in the bitter taste I was trying to avoid. This is why I don’t share my coffee. It always leaves me in a mess that I have to clean up by myself.



I’m sure as kids we all kept that one diary that lasted for no more than 2 days with a constant thought we would “keep it up.” Even if you didn’t, I know I did, and back then I didn’t realise how beneficial it would’ve been to continue writing. Now – with that in mind – I’ve come to realise, writing down your feelings in a journal every day can really help you come to terms with how you’re feeling. Every day only negative thoughts would take over and carrying that weight was only a burden. That’s why I turned to journalling: not only did it help me figure out why I was feeling a certain way, but it also helped me focus more on the positive parts of my day. If you’re someone like me who constantly struggles with anxious thoughts, bottling all that up will only hurt you more. Writing down these feelings can help reduce stress and anxiety. Highlight your problems or fears and help yourself understand why you feel this way; recognising a trigger can help you avoid similar issues later in life. Looking back to past entries, I’ve found I really improved with both handling my feelings and understanding them. Some things, without even realising, I have stopped overthinking completely. Being able to track your growth and progress over time really helps you grow stronger as a person, and it’ll really help you see the brighter side of every situation. Don’t only let your bottled feelings out, write about all your accomplishments and achievements too! In due time, looking back will not only make you feel good but also heavily boost your self-confidence. Unfortunately, you may feel you haven’t achieved much. If so, set goals for yourself and watch as you complete these goals over time.

Just remember, start small and basic. Putting too much pressure on yourself by trying to make it pretty or even legible will only stress you out more. Don’t write too much at first. Even a few sentences a day can make a difference. You wouldn’t want to be bored of it before you even start, right? That is your private place. Don’t worry about it making sense; just let your story unfold.



Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder that is common but hugely misunderstood. I was diagnosed with OCD in 2011, at 18 years old, and I’m still learning about my disorder and installing effective coping strategies into my daily life. Before my diagnosis, I had a minimal understanding of what OCD was, although as I’ll explain, OCD is very misunderstood. The diagnosis can often be used as a throw-away remark in response to someone’s desire to have their house or self ‘neat and tidy’. This is one of the most common misconceptions, to the point where it can often be glamourised and be seen as a ‘cool problem’. It is also not possible to be ‘a little OCD’ and using remarks like this can be incredibly damaging and dismissive of individuals’ real experiences. OCD can be extremely distressing and impact all areas of someone’s life.

Let’s have a look at what OCD is:

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be broken down into two main areas: obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions describe unwanted and intrusive thoughts and images that someone may experience. These intrusions can cause a lot of distress to someone as they often appear without warning, for example, while someone is carrying out their normal daily activities and despite someone’s efforts, they can’t be ‘made’ to disappear. Compulsions are behaviours that someone may carry out because of their intrusion. This may be an attempt to minimalise the impact of the thoughts or images or because they believe that if they do not carry out their compulsion, something terrible may happen to them or a loved one. Common compulsions include behaviours such as ‘checking’, ‘washing’ or saying a word or phrase a set amount of times. Compulsions are just not physical but can also be mental, such as counting.

What to do if you think you are experiencing OCD:

If you’re worried that you might be experiencing unwanted thoughts or images that might be associated with OCD then it’s a good idea to speak to a professional. In the first instance, you might want to consider speaking to your GP who may then refer you for a further assessment.

Treatment for OCD usually includes Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). This talking therapy works by talking about your

intrusions, challenging them and seeing if you can replace them with more helpful thoughts. CBT might also include looking at past trauma using tools such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EDMR) therapy. In some circumstances, medication may be used to help lessen the effects of OCD. There are also ways to explore CBT and self-help tools without engaging in a professional service. The following resources are my own recommendations based on my own experiences. It’s important to note that what may work for one person, may not be as effective for another.

There are a few apps that I switch between which offer mindfulness activities as well as journaling tools. Self-Care: This is a CBT Self-Care Journal. ‘This app is designed to help you take better care of your emotional well-being with proven, easy-to-use, and self-guided CBT techniques’. When you log in to this app, you are given three options: Worry less; Improve mood; and Track mood. You are asked which of these are your main goal. Once you’ve selected an option, you then are asked how familiar you are with CBT. If you are not very confident with your understanding, you are introduced to the technique with an example and opportunity to check your learning. You are then able to select your current mood and journal the reasons for it. You are then able to free type journal e entries and track your mood over days and weeks. Headspace: Offers Meditation and mindfulness for any mind, any mood, and goal. There are paid elements to this app however, there are discounts available if you look online and for students you can receive cheaper subscriptions with a valid NUS card or Unidays registration. I like that this app offers a range of mindfulness activities including yoga and meditation and addresses topics such as money, eating and injustice. The app also tailors a number of exercises for you to do through the day, so you can practice mindfulness from the moment you wake, until you go to bed.

In addition to apps, I have begun to explore Instagram accounts which raise awareness of OCD, particularly other individuals who talk about their own experiences. Accounts I recommend include;

@ocddoodles @the_ocdproject @obsessivelyeverafter

OCD can be very scary but there are people who can support you through your experiences. You can also find out more information at ocdaction.org.uk and ocduk.org

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