rep 2 assignment 2 Xin Zhou a1760275

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PLACE Site history Site anlysis Shade and shadow study Luminosity


Seek light is being nature Precedent study Reflection Mobility exercise


FORM To scale of light pavilion 3D View & Perspective Structure Outside & Inside Movement Opacity

MATERIAL Light defines spaces Interior view Structure Detailing Filtration



T his location is between the braggs and ingkarni Wardli. Completing the

newly developed science and research precinct on the University’s North Terrace campus, The Braggs spans 10,000 sqm across six levels, includes a 420-seat lecture theatre, and houses both research and undergraduate laboratories. The Braggs, named after two of its greatest alumni, 1915 Nobel Laureates Sir William Henry Bragg and his son, Sir William Lawrence Bragg. Their use of X-rays to determine crystal molecular structure continues to be used in medicine, chemistry, physics, mining and biology, learn. The building houses the University's world-leading Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) and other learning and research facilities. With over 10,000 square meters of research and teaching facilities, The Braggs has a unique professional laboratory that includes glass processing, fiber optic manufacturing, luminescence dating and atmospheric sensing. Enter the math lawn through the braggs and see the beautiful view of the original entrance to the Barr Smith Library. To the west of the site is the barr Smith library, which was named after Robert Barr Smith and was funded in 1932 by his son, Tom Barr Smith. Robert Barr Smith donated £9,000 to buy books. In 1920, his family donated an additional £11,000 in the form of a donation. In 1928, his son Tom Elder Barr Smith donated £30,000 to Barr Smith's library building. The new Ingkarni Wardli building, which houses the Department of Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences. Kaurna's name means “the place to learn or explore”, recognizing the special relationship between the University of Adelaide and the Kaurna, the original guardian of the land where the university is located. The first building on campus was given the name Kaurna, which was also the first sixstar Green Star rating for Australia's open education building in 2010. The building is the largest of the university's extensive reconstruction projects.


O2 Night-time

00 600





Place Social Character


Place Social Character







Between the braggs and ingkarni Wardli is composed of two

grassland. Pedestrians can pass through the path or directly across the grass. Pedestrians’ walking paths are multi-faceted and can be passed on all four sides.

This location can be used as a venue for school activities, exploring optical venues, group discussion venues, pedestrian crossings, coffee and gossip.

utc+ 9.30 7.22 9.00

utc+ 10.30 12.22 9.00

utc+ 9.30 7.22 12.00

utc+ 9.30 7.22 3.00

utc+ 10.30 12.22 12.00

utc+ 10.30 12.22 3.00



Ground view

Ground view



Engineering and Maths. Sciences

Ingkarni Wardli

The Braggs Building


Aerial view

Molecular Life Science

Aerial view

Barr Smith Library


LUMINOSITY The definition of luminosity is emitting or

reflecting usually steady, suffused, or glowing light.The state of producing or reflecting bright light; the state of appearing to shine. In the definition of luminosity for architecture, zaha has outstanding results.Each of her dynamic and innovative projects is built on more than 30 years of urbanization, revolutionary exploration and research in the interrelated areas of architecture and design.Her aggressive geometric design is characterized by a sense of fragmentation, instability and movement. This fragmented style unites her with an architect as known as the “deconstructionist�.


The zaha project not only has a unique shape and structure, but also fully combines the influence of lighting on the building. Light compensates for the gap between architecture and our perception. We can better sense the building and shape by reflecting light. Such as the Guangzhou Opera House streamlined shape combined with artificial illumination to create a visual liquid flow effect. The use of facets on buildings gives a shiny appearance through form and reflection. The combination of continuity and fluidity and lighting, combined with the unique characteristics of different materials, reflects different visual perceptions. Use the lights on the building to increase the tension of the wall. Such as the Vitra Fire Station (Weil am Rheine,1993)- The light between the wall and the ceiling enhances the linear structure with sharp edges.Use light to break the original building structure.The light work in contact with the concrete exterior wall, increasing the tension of the linear wall while increasing the linear pattern language.

Zaha Hadid is a revolutionary designer. Once known as the “Queen of the Curve”, she developed a highly expressive architectural style, known for its sculptural look and sinuous interior. Instead of using hanging or wall-mounted luminaires to illuminate her interior, Hadid chose to use hidden lighting almost exclusively, which would ruin the fluidity of her space. She does not use the effect of the luminaire to add visual effects but to focus all of the attention on the light itself. She seamlessly integrates these hidden luminaires into her design, using their light to render curves and create a sense of movement. such as the Museum of XXI Century Arts (Rome, 2009).Concrete curved walls, suspended black stairs, and open ceilings capture natural light. Zaha Hadid puts forward “a new fluidity with multiple perspectives and broken geometries designed to reflect the chaotic mobility of modern life”. The bottom of the suspended staircase is equipped with a fluorescent tube embedded in a light diffusing film and an acrylic back glass. From below, these lights guide visitors to the gallery. From above, light scatters through the ground floor, causing the stairs to become dematerialized.





O2 Tree

Seeking light from nature, each

branch has a different growth direction, The branches are criss-crossed to form numerous gaps with different shapes. The layering of the branches causes different gap sizes to form different light and shadows.


O3 2 Dimension

F rom the branch to a two-

dimensional line segment and geometr y.The gap created by the intersection of light segments is missed to form a shadow. Exploring the influence of light on space through the geometry of metaphor.

O4 3 Dimension

Inspiration comes from nature, slowly evolves into a three-dimensional

architecture, connects buildings to trees, explores light from nature and applies it to architecture. The planes of the two layers are stacked together to form a denser and multi-angled shadow. The propagation of light through the shadows causes the space to change visually, and the light makes the building have different meanings. Light passes through the gap to form light rain. The sunlight is illuminated from different angles to form a plurality of different shaded parts in the place, so that the place has visual effects such as extension and separation.


The entire building consists of one rectangular exhibition visual of design

halls built on the middle of an open space. The northern end of the exhibition hall is in the form of two layers of superposition, the purpose of which is to form a meticulous shadow. The entrance to the exhibition hall is located on the west side of the architectural. Every time you enter from the entrance, you will experience different light rains.


Void passes through the twists and turns of the new

building to create a space that is absent. Irregular cuts like branch in the upper part of the building scatter light in every corner of the building. The overlapping of light spots gives people the feeling of forming a void and mystery. The gap is filled with glass, and part of the light penetrates directly into the building by the sun and the other part of the light is reflected by the building Braggs into the inside building, forming a more colorful and rich light and shadow.Light defines the entire space, in stark contrast to the interior space in a closed building. Light changes by daylight.

visual of design

Experiential Views


Back Entry

T he space of the church is defined

by light, a strong contrast between light and the body. The church creates a closed space mainly through thick concrete walls. The main reason is to create a place for everyone and create a region for themselves in society. When the external factors of the urban environment require that the walls have no openings, the interior must be particularly full and satisfactory. Louvre Abu Dhabi that pattern is repeated in various sizes and angles in eight overlays. Each beam must penetrate eight layers before it appears and then disappears. The result is a cinematic effect as the path of the sun progresses throughout the day.

Church of the Light

The Church of the Light (sometimes called the "Church with Light") is the main chapel of the Ibaraki Kasugaoka Church


Louvre Abu Dhabi

The Louvre in Abu Dhabi is an art and civilized museum whose meshpatterned dome allows the sun to filter, like a subtle protective light rain.





eflection is meaning the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it. Reflection is a creative way to add a touch of art to these buildings. These architectural designs have outstanding unique exterior features such as reflective materials and mirroring technology that reflect light, capture images of surrounding objects, and even integrate into the environment in some cases. Light reflection makes the building no longer boring.New glass materials make buildings more tense. Such as Elbphilharmonie- The new glassy construction resembles a hoisted sail, water wave, iceberg or quartz crystal,the Herzog de Meuron glass elements that bend inward and outward distorted the perception of the city, water and sky. In a blue or diffuse sky, a unique curve reflects light into a bright line. The glass has a diamond shape, and the outer unevenness better explains the twisted reflection. The building forms a unique gleam under the influence of light.The changes in daylight and clouds are reflected on the surface of the building, and each moment is different. Light can change architecture and make buildings different,the locus of meaning in architecture has shifted from the internal space-form towards the external surface. The reflection of light is not limited to glass materials, and the titanium coating can also perform perfect light reflection. Such as Guggenheim Museum Bilbao that is one of the most admired works of contemporary architecture. The appearance of the external curve of the building is random. The architect said that "the randomness of the curve is designed to capture light." The museum seamlessly blends into the urban environment, and it is wavy in the cloak of titanium. "Excellent reflectors are also reminiscent of fish scales." This brilliant aesthetic is transferred from the glass to the metal in the titanium cladding. Become a treasure of the city. The light is reflected on the titanium cladding, Unique dynamic image enhances his design and the changing architectural appearance makes the building full of novelty and vitality. It also makes it better integrated into the urban environment.Light reflection effectively improves the architectural language. These reflective buildings are sure to make people on the street completely fascinated by these art structures.


The reflection of light is not only on the surface of the reflective object. Such as Messe Basel New Hall that This important architectural and urban planning element defines the southern end of the Metropolitan Plaza and is illuminated from above by a spacious circular opening. Herzog&de Meuron strategically adjusts the size of the hall and reduces the size of its surroundings with the articulated twisted faรงade. This is not only a decorative element, but also a practical means of regulating the exposure of natural light to adjacent properties and providing a new social space for the museum and a specific view of the city of Basel. The Metal stretch gesture introduces a linear interpretation of light reflection. It also avoids the tediousness of the architectural.










Elevation 1:200



section 1:200


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

2 Seminar rooms Exhibition Reception area Reading/ Relaxing space Storage space Disable access Female Toilet Male Toilet 09 Unisex Toilet 08 Small Library 07 06


05 3D View


building is divided into closed spaces The interior of therooms, toilet and storage space. And

such as 2 seminar open spaces such as exhibition, reception area, reading space, disable access and small library. Separate the space by a diagonal wall in the middle. The angle at which the wall is inclined echoes the gap in the roof, and the sunlight is refracted to the wall, visually dividing the space into different shapes.






← ←


← Inside Movement

Inside Movement



All light sources are hidden

in the mosaic structure and the projection of natural light, emitting just the right direction of the light.The use of monochromatic light and shadow effects in buildings creates a rich and dramatic look and feel experience. Outside Movement


OPACITY The quality of lacking transparency or translucence,


the state of being opaque, or the degree to which something is opaque. The word opacity could also mean the quality of being difficult to understand or know about, especially because things have been intentionally kept secret or made complicated. These are the basic characteristics of the surface. Considering these factors early can help you avoid dealing with only the space defined by the wall. The opaque surface is completely completely separated on both sides. The result is a physical and visual separation. The transparent surface allows for a complete visual connection while forming physical isolation. Translucent surfaces create partial visual isolation by full or partial physical isolation. A matte or sandblasted glass wall allows light to communicate with certain visual cues while preventing physical connections. Grids or other types of screens allow for slightly more visual information while allowing sound and air to flow. The low position of the sun in the northern region creates a long shadow, so sunlight enters the building from the side rather than entering the building from above. In contrast, summer nights emit diffuse light. The architects used a white surface to balance the long, dark winter. Such as Henning museum of contemporary art. White surface provides high intensity light reflectivity that can maximize indoor brightness.

Scandinavian countries have poo and long summer days. The specia the lack of light, and the white su promote the bright room. White high reflectivity to maximize int during dark winters. In a limited tim is performed with a white surfac fully utilized, and the light is far outside world. The power of pu is not the only feature of the No environment. Natural pulse an modes or dramatic light and sh belong to the unique Nordic addition, light will define space an to architecture. Among them, relig reveals various time concepts. D in religion, some churches have a in the morning liturgy with unique some of which are closed at n the sun, while others suggest light enhances contemplation. F Pirkkala Church in Käpy and Sim an outstanding example of a dram light and shadow. The glass in the acts as a lens and mirror to cre projection of sunlight, which is in the morning, at noon, and at n sunlight and turn sunlight into mo

or light in winter al weather causes urface can visually e surface provides ternal brightness me, light reflection ce, and sunlight is brighter than the ure white volume ordic architectural d light vibration hadow transients light method. In nd give new ideas gious architecture Due to differences ttracted attention e lighting patterns, oon to welcome t that only soft For example, the mo Paavilainen is matic sequence of church of Pirkkala eate a contrasting a different scene night. Avoid glaring ore abstract light.



Aerial view


light defines spaces

The exterior of the building is made of concerte, and use monochrome and high contract to emphasize on where light lives. Light illuminates the building, and the monotonous dark colors highlight the bright daylight. There is a door on the front and back of the building, so can see the Botanic Garden in the building. Because there are two doors on each side of the architectural, pedestrians can enter the building from more directions.The exterior of the building is made of concrete. The material used for the gaps such as the branches is glass. The interior materials selected are glass and wood. The architectural interior construction is generally open and the walls are perpendicular to the roof. Light penetrates into the room from the gaps in the building, forming different spots. Light can change space. Direct light into the room to divide the architectural into multiple faces from a visual perspective. Light becomes a diversified architectural language.The building is a warm world that combines light and shadow, reflection and calm.Lights and shadows are an integral part of architectural design.Although bright and full of complex light, standing in the exhibition hall, we can hardly see the existence of any lamp. Ground view







Interior views


Wood wall


Interior views




Appom Stool Sub Sill


Siding Plaster & Lath

Glass Detail

Sill Framing

Precast Concrete Plank Solid CMU

Horiz Joint Reinforcement

Bearing & Bearing Strip

Grout & Vertical Reinforcing as REQ'D

Concerte Bearing Wall Detail




F iltration is the removal of particles from liquids (or

gases) by solid particles and other substances (or hot gases with solid particles) in the medium, under the action of propulsion or other external forces, so that solids and other substances Liquid (or gas) separation operation separation.Create a dynamic solar building with flowing and personalized lighting lines. A unique way to use light to render a contemplative space. There is a unique representation in each religion. Even if the divine light and visible light are different, visible light will be most similar to the celestial body, thus connecting the two spheres. Light makes people yearn for the sky, light to dedicate the natural universe. Color and light interactions produce extremely high sensitivity. For example, the Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut at Ronchamp interacts with the sun to make the red voids more rosy. The sun is filled with high gaps between the east wall and the south wall, and the light passes through the deep holes of the south wall. Light rain makes the original indoor space different. Different lights also give believers different feelings. There is no stained glass, but glass. People can see the clouds, the movement of the leaves, and even the passing people through the glass. �

Light becomes a diversified architectural language.Light is associated with divinity and holiness. Even if the sacred light is different from the visible light, the visible light will be most similar to the celestial body, thus connecting the two spheres. Le Corbusier expressed a high degree of sensitivity to the interaction of color and light in his sacred architecture. His position as an outspoken agnostic seems to be very contradictory, and he hopes to open the soul to the poetic realm.such as Church at Firminy, Le Corbusier believes that architectural ideas are integrated into his newer designs, while leaving a space inspired by religion.Natural light enters through a light box and a series of openings that point directly to the Orion constellation. Light boxes are designed to illuminate the lighting at specific religious holidays.

Light fundamentally changes the visual effect of architecture, visually resisting, eroding and transcending the power of the church's mission. Light weakens institutional discipline.The power that draws attention to the sky and its ordinary miracles - in fact, is to use light to dedicate the natural universe. The light in the building makes the day and night cosmic scenes mysterious together. Light makes his sacred architecture sacred. His dynamic light layer transcends the static building volume.In Le Corbusier architecture, lighting technology appears in many languages to dedicate his sacred architecture.The elements of day, night, light, shadow, and pattern are blended together in the building, giving full play to light as an important part of architecture.Light gives the building a sacred religious mission, different stories and the power of nature.




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