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Fiskerihavnen Kirkegård
Design solution
Complimenting that of the accompanying church, the site has been divided into 12 zones representing each of the 12 disciples. Zones 1 & 12 represent the reactivated sidewalks,to engage passes by in everyday experiences of nature. Zones 2-11 take the form of linear planting beds. Mirroring this linearity from the surrounding shipping containers, the planting beds vary in height and length forming a layered environment of coastal plants, while also creating a maze-like terrain for users to explore. Existing streetlamps have been reused and are placed at points of permeability in the planting beds as a means of way finding through the site. The character created by the round-a-bout to the east of the site has been maintained, activating the island as vantage point to sit and observe.

Using evidence collected prior, the site is organised by the type and amount of activities the design facilitates. Close to the church is a large open area surrounded by seating, this is to accommodate the needs of the church and allow people to engage communally. As the site moves away from the church small and large pockets start to form within the planting bed. These pockets are able to facilitate passage through the beds, spaces for small groups to occupy and multiple small niches for individual contemplation and reflection.

Triangle of Supportive Environments (Grahn, 2014)
Outgoing Involvement
Active Participation
Emotional Participation
Direct Inward Involvement
Theory of Gerotranscendence (Tornstam, 2005)
Focus on the Individual
Focus on Activities
Focus on Organisation
Coastal Planting Plan
Coastal Grasses
Leymus arenarius
Ammophila arenaria
Coastal Perennials
Crambe maritima
Galium verum