Mexican Bid Book SES 2017

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International Student Energy Summit 2017: México noun /ɪntəˈnaʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ /ˈstjuːd(ə)nt/ /ˈɛnədʒi/ /ˈsʌmɪt/ /ˈtwɛnti/ /sɛv(ə)nˈtiːn/ /méhhiko/ The most amazing event that any enernerd, anywhere in the world, can ever wish to experience.




Team Cover Letter_________________________________________________________________ 6 MĂŠxico: Walking through an Energy Revolution ______________________________ 11 UNAM: The Backbone of the Mexican Energy Revolution______________________ 17 The Host City: Where and Why?__________________________________________________ 23 The Schedule______________________________________________________________________ 49 The Vision__________________________________________________________________________ 57 The Conversation_________________________________________________________________ 65 TheEngagement____________________________________________________________________73 Legacy______________________________________________________________________________ 81 The Team____________________________________________________________________________87 The High Level Budget______________________________________________________________99 The High Level Partners__________________________________________________________109 The Mexican Magic________________________________________________________________126 Appendices _______________________________________________________________________ 129


Dearest Student Energy Management Team, Board of Directors, and past ISES Chairs, This Bid Book contains thousands of words, that placed one after the other, describe a vision of what we want for the International Student Energy Summit 2017, but if you were to retain only two of these words, let them be the following: Thank You We are thankful that you created an organization with such noble goals, we are thankful that past ISES events have inspired this team to strive for the bettering of our global society. We are thankful for the energetic, enernerdistic, and energizing work that you have done during the past seven years. We are profoundly thankful to be a part of the movement. We are thankful for the opportunity that you are giving us to organize ISES 2017, such a beautiful idea. We are thankful because putting this bid together has taught us so much, and made us so close not only to one another but also to the Mexican Energy Community, that kindly invites you to spend June 2017 in our ever welcoming country. We are also thankful for one last thing: last year, you gave us the opportunity to permanently become a part of Student Energy’s history by choosing us to organize the Latin American Student Energy Summit, LASES. It was, and remained to be until now, the most important and rewarding project in which any of us had ever participated. One amazing thing about it is that none of us thought that we were even capable of organizing such an event; it was also nourishing to learn that here in MÊxico we have the support we need to make our ideas come to reality, and also to get to know Student Energy’s amazing team, that from the distance inspired us to construct something in which we believed in. Most importantly though, LASES taught us what it feels like to have a positive impact on young eager minds, that through our work, went back home being more informed, united, and above all, inspired to challenge the current energy system. Keeping track on most of them, we have learned of projects that they have started and that are already having an impact in their respective communities. For this, we thank you again.

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Team Cover Letter

Being composed by LASES team members at its core, the ISES 2017 Bidding Committee has been enhanced by the addition of new young minds that come from a variety of educational contexts. This can do nothing but enrich our creative process and strengthen the proposal that you are approaching now; we can’t wait for you to meet the team that has put together this Bid. Now, we ask you to make us a part of Student Energy’s history once more. We want to overcome our late achievements and surpass our capabilities. We want to get, once more, the feeling that we have positively influenced the ambitions of young students from around the world. We think that ISES is the perfect tool to do that, and we are convinced that México, for a myriad of reasons that you will explore throughout this Bid Book, is the perfect country for ISES to take its next big step. We have put together this proposal with great care, dedication, and passion. We wish for you to enjoy it as you advance through its pages as much as we have enjoyed conceiving it. Please, as you read, remember that this vision for ISES and its description represent our way of saying thank you for the marvelous journey and privilege that has been being a part of Student Energy. It’s also a please. A big, big please. We hope that your wishes for ISES’ next edition might find themselves one step closer to come true as you approach the end of this document. If so, we would be delighted to make that happen. You have much to read, dear Student Energy member, so without further introduction, we will leave you to it. Let’s continue to fuel the future together. Best regards, The ISES 2017 Mexican Bid Organizing Committee.

Team Cover Letter

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OFICIO: IER/DIR/344/2015

Meredith Adler Executive Director Student Energy Present The Instituto de Energías Renovables (Renewable Energy Institute, IER) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM), as a potential host institution, acknowledges the fact that in order to host an ISES event, a basic licensing agreement will be signed (pending review and negociation) which will include the following key items: -­‐

Agreement to hold an ISES event sometime during June 2017 that upholds Student Energy brand standards, professionalism, and caliber.


Agreement to take on financial and legal liability for the International Student Energy Summit 2017 and provide overall governance of the planning committee to ensure they stay in budget and fulfill all contracts.


Agreement to pay a one-time $5000 licensing fee for the rights to the ISES brand, network, and resources.

UNAM is one of the most important cultural projects worldwide. Its roots date back to the year 1551, making it one of the oldest universities in America, and today, with more than 300,000 students, it is the 15th largest university in the world. With more extension than most cities, and even bigger than some countries, the University has thousands of buildings around the whole country dedicated to teach and to research. The Central Campus alone, Ciudad Universitaria, has more than a thousand buildings of which 138 are libraries possessing around 5 million books. It is also one of the few campuses in the world to be considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. UNAM has more than 37,000 professors, of which 11,000 are full time researchers. It is thanks to this myriad of knowledge-generators that this is the University with the most scientific production in any Spanish speaking country. Energy research, of course, is a very important topic that the University takes very seriously. We have formed thousands of petroleum engineers over the course of more than 60 years, and we have masters and PhD programs on Energy Engineering focused on several areas of interest, ranging from conventional to renewable energy sources. The University understands that in order to satisfy the growing energy needs of our global population in a sustainable way, it is necessary to develop new technology and human resources prepared to serve this specific purpose. Current students will fuel the energy transition. This is why we recently created the IER undergraduate program, hosted by the Renewable Energy Institute. This new program will prepare current students to transition the world towards a sustainable energy future based in the correct management of renewable resources. We just graduated our first class this year.

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Host Institution Letter


The IER has the mission of doing basic and applied scientific research on energy, with emphasis on renewable resources. We boost the development of sustainable technologies, we form specialized human capacities, and we spread the acquired knowledge for the bettering of our country, region, and planet. We are a Latin American referent and the main institution in Mexico working on research and innovation on these matters. This University, being the most important in our country and Latin America, cannot fail to reflect, and influence, the path that our society is taking. As energy multidisciplinary studies become more and more important every day, we are doing and will continue to be doing what is necessary to take this world towards a sustainable energy future. Past ISES have shared this vision, and I think ISES2017 should navigate in this direction. It would be an honor for me, the Institute I direct, and the University, to host ISES 2017. Sincerely yours,

Dr. J. Antonio del RĂ­o Portilla Director Instituo de EnergĂ­as Renovables, UNAM E-mail:

9 Host Institution Letter 9

10 II. Team Cover Letter


MĂŠxico: Walking through an Energy Revolution


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Magical place of a multicultural heritage, México is an outstanding country. With an estimated population of 121 million people, it is the 11th most populated country in the world. Its 2 million square miles make it the 14th largest country in the globe. It is also the 14th economy of the world thanks to its thriving industry that has been able to keep growing even during the recent world crisis.

Mexican people are regarded by many as the friendliest folks you are likely to find. Our hospitality is legendary, and not without reason. Mi casa es tu casa is as true between Mexicans as it is for our foreign visitors. The current Mexican society is a mixture of several cultures from all over the world, but we remain proud of our original ancestors: Aztecs, Olmecs, Mayas, and Zapotecs just to mention a few. These mother cultures left us an invaluable cultural legacy along with an enriching idiosyncrasy; some of their cities, such as Tenochtitlán, were the largest and most active urban areas at the time of their discovery by European explorers. México is the largest Spanish speaking country in the world, but we also have more than 60 indigenous languages being actively spoken; we are second only to India in this matter. This diversity pushes the Mexican mindset to recognize the value of cooperation and dialogue between different peoples. We are also proud of our biodiversity: 12% of the world’s species are endemic to México, making it the third most biodiverse nation on Earth. For example, 39% of all marine mammals either live in or visit the Sea of Cortés during their lifetimes, and practically all Grey Whales are born there.

Ángel de la Independencia 12 12

México: Walking through an Energy Revolution

Submerged in the southeast of México and being the heart of the millenary Mayan Palacio Nacional de Bellas Artes culture lies Yucatán, the land of cultural legacy, great tradition and friendly people. Talking about its history and beautiful scenery might be getting into a magical world full of stories, legends and delicious food that fill the imagination. The land that never ceases to amaze. The land of textures that blends the past and the present in a combination of colors and flavors. History modernity here the like world. Certainly, we are a major attraction for and tourists from allmix around in no other place around the world. México is the 10th most visited country by international tourists and the 1st in Latin America. This is in part because we have 32 UNESCO World Heritage Sites (WHS), one of which is our University’s Central Campus. This makes us the 6th country with the most WHS worldwide, and the 1st in all of America. Also, Mexican cuisine is the first national cuisine Yucatán is full of emotions, it is the land where it all begins anew. Yucatán has to be granted the World Heritage Status. Did you expect any less from an unique cultural and historical legacy, it is a land filled with aweing features to the country that invented chocolate? Mexican gastronomy is simply frame the summit, from incredible archaeological sites to magnificent colonial outstanding, being a key component of our identity as a whole. towns and historical haciendas. Dive into the Mayan World in the state’s majestic pre-hispanic sceneries: México’s last name could be Energy, from the richness of its spiritual archaeological sites with ancient buildings and ceremonial centers, which portray rituals in those colossal pyramids to its wide presence and potential in oil an almost perfect architecture. Chichén Itzá, considered World Heritage and one and gas industries. The famous Mexican petroleum company Pemex was of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, the great Uxmal, city of Kings Amidst the for years a forceful bulwark that supported the Mexican economy and Jungle, Ek Balam, and Mayapan, are just a few examples of the Mayan legacy: it is the nation’s progress remarkably well within its own constraining factors. one of the greatest civilizations the world has seen. With the Mexican Energy Reform, the country aims to withdraw that much pressure from the company, enabling it to renovate itself by applying People in Yucatán have learned how to mix their ancient beliefs, celebrations a modernization spiral and providing a wide scenario for investment, and customs with their everyday modern life, so the original culture can exist given the fact that México will still be a prime player in the Global Energy and as alive as ever. The handicrafts, gastronomy, music and folklore, framed in a Industry. Among such biodiversity mentioned up to now we cannot leave rhythm of colors, flavors, sounds and textures, are the proof that this land is filled behind the vast solar, wind, geothermal, biomass or hydro potential in of culture and waits for you with arms wide open. Experience all this and more in the nearest future. Renewables find in Mexican students and scientists Yucatán’s beautiful colonial towns, with a deep historical legacy, and enjoy the a society ready to explore and spur its own full creativity and endeavor, colonial cathedrals, churches and architecture. Feel the magic ambience in your setting sustainability as a priority. Over the next decades we expect a visits to “the white city” of Mérida; Izamal, magic town, or the heir of the colonial rampant growth in the world’s energy demand and Mexican companies, times: Valladolid. Delight your senses with the delicious gastronomy of Yucatán, people and government are accordingly getting ready for it. considered to be of the finest amongst the already famous Mexican cuisine.


13 México: Walking through V. The Host an Energy City: Where Revolution and why? 13 13

Being a historical Latin American leader with a strategic position between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and a bridge between North and South America, México shares the inside perspectives from both its developed and developing neighbors. Located in that key position, Mexican leadership in international agreements is far-reaching, as an example we have the proposal for the Green Fund, the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions for COP21 model which is being mirrored by developing countries, and finally its recent request for joining the International Energy Agency, to mention a few. We must not forget one of México’s most prominent sources of energy: its committed, active, and entrepreneurial youth.

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México: Walking through an Energy Revolution

Chile: the keystone of the Mexican cuisine

MĂŠxico: Walking through an Energy Revolution

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Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso of UNAM

UNAM is one of the most important cultural projects worldwide. Its roots date back to the year 1551, making it one of the oldest universities in America, and today, with over 300,000 students, it is the 15th largest university in the world. With more extension than most cities, and even bigger than some countries, the University has thousands of buildings around the whole country dedicated to teaching and research. The Central Campus alone, Ciudad Universitaria, has more than a thousand buildings of which 138 are libraries possessing around 5 million books. It is also one of the few campuses in the world to be considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. UNAM has a faculty of more than 37,000 professors, of which 11,000 are full time researchers. It is thanks to this myriad of knowledge-generators that this is the University with the most scientific production in any Latin country. Energy research, of course, is an important topic that the University takes very seriously. We have formed thousands of petroleum engineers over the course of more than 60 years, and we have masters and PhD programs on Energy Engineering focused on several areas of interest, ranging from conventional to renewable energy sources, and from sociology and economy to natural sciences and new technologies. The University understands that in order to satisfy the growing energy needs of our global population in a sustainable way, it is necessary to develop new technology and human resources prepared to serve this specific purpose. 18 18

UNAM: Releasing Potential Since 1551

This University, being the most important in our country and Latin America, cannot fail to reflect, and influence, the path that our society is taking. As energy multidisciplinary studies become more and more important every day, we are doing and will continue to be doing what is necessary to take this world towards a sustainable energy future. The Renewable Energy Institute of UNAM (IER-UNAM) has the mission of doing basic and applied scientific research on energy, with emphasis on renewable sources. We boost the development of sustainable technologies, we form specialized human resources, and we spread the acquired knowledge for the bettering of our country, region, and planet. We are a Latin American referent and the main institution in Mexico working on research and innovation on these matters. Students of today will fuel the energy transition. This is why we recently created the Renewable Energy Engineering undergraduate program, hosted by the Renewable Energy Institute. This new program will prepare current students to transition the world towards a sustainable energy future based on the correct management of renewable resources. We just graduated our first class this year. In addition to our academic activities, UNAM has a profound involvement in both the public and private sectors. We have signed hundreds of partnerships with companies and governmental offices, several of which regard the energy matter. Also, we have a network of directors of research research centers, faculties, schools, and that constantly Submerged ininstitutes, the southeast of México and being the heart of theacademies millenary Mayan work together towards the achievement of our common goals. culture lies Yucatán, the land of cultural legacy, great tradition and friendly people. Talking about its history and beautiful scenery might be getting into a magical Outside of Mexico, UNAM alumni have done brilliantly. world full of stories, legends and delicious food that fill also the imagination. TheMario land Molina, Octavio Paz, and Alfonso García Robles have each been awarded that never ceases to amaze. The land of textures that blends the past and the a Nobel Prize of Chemistry, Peace respectively. Every Mexican that present in a combination of colorsLiterature, and flavors.and History and modernity mix here like has been awarded with the Asturias Prince Award, nine in total, studied in in no other place around the world. UNAM. Similarly, all Mexican winners of the Cervantes literature award, the most important in Spanish-speaking countries, are alumni of this University.


Yucatán is full of emotions, it is the land where it all begins anew. Yucatán has an unique cultural and historical legacy, it is a land filled with aweing features to frame the summit, from incredible archaeological sites to magnificent colonial towns and historical haciendas. Dive into the Mayan World in the state’s majestic pre-hispanic sceneries: archaeological sites with ancient buildings and ceremonial centers, which portray an almost perfect architecture. Chichén Itzá, considered World Heritage and one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, the great Uxmal, city of Kings Amidst the Jungle, Ek Balam, and Mayapan, are just a few examples of the Mayan legacy: it is one of the greatest civilizations the world has seen. People in Yucatán have learned how to mix their ancient beliefs, celebrations and customs with their everyday modern life, so the original culture can exist and as alive as ever. The handicrafts, gastronomy, music and folklore, framed in a rhythm of colors, flavors, sounds and textures, are the proof that this land is filled of culture and waits for you with arms wide open. Experience all this and more in Yucatán’s beautiful colonial towns, with a deep historical legacy, and enjoy the colonial cathedrals, churches and architecture. Feel the magic ambience in your visits to “the white city” of Mérida; Izamal, magic town, or the heir of the colonial times: Valladolid. Delight your senses with the delicious gastronomy of Yucatán, considered toFacultad be of thede finest amongst the already famous Mexican cuisine. Palacio de la Medicina of UNAM Palacio de Minería of UNAM 19 UNAM: Releasing Potential Since 1551 V. The Host City: Where and why? 19 19

More recently though, teams of UNAM students have been excelling in energy-related international competitions. You might have heard of the Solar Decathlon. During its 2014 edition at Versailles, UNAM’s project, CASA UNAM, was highly ranked in several of its categories. It got the first position in the category “Engineering and Construction”, the second in “Urban Design, Transportation & Affordability”, and the third in “Sustainability”. The head of the engineering team, Angélica Rodríguez, is now an active part of this Committee. Another international competition in which UNAM’s participation makes us very proud is the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Petrobowl 2015. As you may know, Petrobowl is a world-wide competition that matches SPE university chapters’ petroleum engineers against one another. This year was the first year in which the winner was not a university from the United States; the winner was UNAM’s team. The captain of this team, César Meza Orozco, is too an active member of this Organizing Committee. He was also awarded with the MVP distinction. Other prominent universities that participated in this contest are University of Texas, Austin (2nd place), Delft University (3rd place), University of Aberdeen, University of Salford, Badung Institute of Technology, and University of Calgary. UNAM, with its highly regarded national and international reputation, constantly being ranked as the top university in Spanish-speaking countries, could perfectly present an outstanding bid on its own. Additionally, we are partnering with other prestigious Mexican universities to make sure that we have only the best of the best supporting us. These partnerships will be detailed in further sections. UNAM’s postulation is lead by the Renewable Energy Institute (IER-UNAM), directed by Dr Antonio del Rio Portilla. The current Mexican Energy Sector could not be explained without Dr del Rio’s or the Institute’s work. IER-UNAM houses the most important Renewable Energy Research and Development being done in all of Latin America. Its faculty works directly with companies and government to promote the energy transition here in México, and they are widely consulted in terms of legislation when new bills are being drafted.

Home to one of the most advanced solar concentrators of the world, the IER-UNAM holds several state of the art laboratories that are used in the knowledge-generation process in which it excels. Also, it is one of the few Institutes in Latin America that promote an innovation culture, looking for integral multidisciplinary development that improves the quality of life of our society.

Universitary Museum of Contemporary Art of UNAM 20 20

UNAM: Releasing Potential Since 1551

The IER-UNAM hosts several high-level undergraduate, graduate, and PhD programs focused on renewable energy. Its students are relatively few, compared to the more than 300,000 total UNAM students, but they undergo a harsh selection process to ensure that only the best get to study there. This allows the faculty, composed by nothing but high level researchers, to pay close attention to the intellectual development of the students. The students, on the other hand, are used to having a close interaction with Latin America’s top minds on Renewable Energy Research and Development. Finally, the Renewable Energy Institute is the head of the Mexican Center of Solar Energy Innovation (CEMIE-Sol), a conglomerate of more than 40 companies and research facilities that aims, with very heavy government funding, to use solar energy technologies to develop Mexican solar energy companies that work with their own generated knowledge. To conclude this chapter, we would like to make notice of Submerged one of the greatest advantages in the southeast of México and being the heart of the millenary Mayan provided by UNAM as a national university: culture lies Yucatán, the land of cultural legacy, great tradition and friendly people. its presence spread the whole Talkingthroughout about its history and beautiful scenery might be getting into a magical country. As weworld think of the place in which we full of stories, legends and delicious food that fill the imagination. The land want ISES 2017that to take place, the possibilities never ceases to amaze. The land of textures that blends the past and the are endless. Continue to athe next chapter to present in combination of colors and flavors. History and modernity mix here like find out how and why we chose our host city. in no other place around the world. Solar Concentrator of the Renewable Energy Institute of UNAM

CULTURE Yucatán is full of emotions, it is the land where it all begins anew. Yucatán has an unique cultural and historical legacy, it is a land filled with aweing features to frame the summit, from incredible archaeological sites to magnificent colonial towns and historical haciendas. Dive into the Mayan World in the state’s majestic pre-hispanic sceneries: archaeological sites with ancient buildings and ceremonial centers, which portray an almost perfect architecture. Chichén Itzá, considered World Heritage and one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, the great Uxmal, city of Kings Amidst the Jungle, Ek Balam, and Mayapan, are just a few examples of the Mayan legacy: it is one of the greatest civilizations the world has seen. People in Yucatán have learned how to mix their ancient beliefs, celebrations and customs with their everyday modern life, so the original culture can exist and as alive as ever. The handicrafts, gastronomy, music and folklore, framed in a rhythm of colors, flavors, sounds and textures, are the proof that this land is filled of culture and waits for you with arms wide open. Experience all this and more in Yucatán’s beautiful colonial towns, with a deep historical legacy, and enjoy the colonial cathedrals, churches and architecture. Feel the magic ambience in your visits to “the white city” of Mérida; Izamal, magic town, or the heir of the colonial times: Valladolid. Delight your senses with the delicious gastronomy of Yucatán, considered to be of the finest amongst the already famous Mexican cuisine. Solar Concentrator of the Renewable Energy Institute of UNAM 21 UNAM: Releasing V. The Host Potential City: Where Since 1551 and why? 21 21


The Host City: Where and Why?


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We are very proud of the process we went through to present you with the best possible venue.

The bidding process of the states At the beginning of the process we went through to present you with this bid, we were convinced about where in México we wanted to hold ISES 2017. Nevertheless, as ISES became clearer and clearer in our minds, we decided that we had to forget all presumptions about Mexican cities and start again. UNAM is a huge university, having campuses throughout many Mexican cities. This gives us enormous versatility as to where to host ISES 2017. We held an internal Mexican bidding process to make sure that we had only the best of the best to present to you. Through the Mexican Tourism Ministry, which has given us a lot of support, we invited the states, through their own tourism ministries, to bid for ISES 2017: The Bidception. Three finalists came to Mexico City to give us oral presentations. Basically, they had to tell us about aerial connectivity, convention facilities, cultural richness, energy-related matters happening in their state, and the financial support that we would get from their state government if we chose that state as the venue for ISES 2017. The three bids that got into the finals were all fascinating, the first thing that crossed our minds was “we want to organize three ISES”. Nevertheless, because of a number of reasons that we shall describe in this chapter, we chose the City of Mérida, capital of the State of Yucatán. We are convinced that few cities in the world could offer the Summit that Mérida can provide. Mérida happens to be the heart of the great Mayan Culture.

Casas Gemelas at Mérida 24 24

The Host City: Where and why?

Cusaman Cenote

Submerged in the southeast of México and being the heart of the millenary Mayan culture lies Yucatán, the land of cultural legacy, great tradition and friendly people. Talking about its history and beautiful scenery might be getting into a magical world full of stories, legends and delicious food that fill the imagination. The land that never ceases to amaze. The land of textures that blends the past and the present in a combination of colors and flavors. History and modernity mix here like in no other place around the world.

CULTURE Yucatán is full of emotions, it is the land where it all begins anew. Yucatán has a unique cultural and historical legacy, it is a land filled with aweing features to frame the summit, from incredible archaeological sites to magnificent colonial towns and historical haciendas. Dive into the Mayan World in the state’s majestic prehispanic sceneries: archaeological sites with ancient buildings and ceremonial centers, which portray an almost perfect architecture. Chichén Itzá: considered World Heritage and one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, the great Uxmal: city of Kings Amidst the Jungle, Ek Balam, and Mayapan, are just a few examples of the Mayan legacy: it is one of the greatest civilizations the world has seen.

The Host City: Where and why?

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People in Yucatán have learned how to mix their ancient beliefs, celebrations and customs with their everyday modern life, so the original culture can exist and is as alive as ever. The handicrafts, gastronomy, music and folklore, framed in a rhythm of colors, flavors, sounds and textures, are the proof that this land is filled of culture and waits for you with arms wide open. Experience all this and more in Yucatán’s beautiful colonial towns, with a deep historical legacy, and enjoy the colonial cathedrals, churches and architecture. Feel the magic ambience in your visits to “the white city” of Mérida; Izamal, magic town; or the heir of the colonial times: Valladolid. Delight your senses with the delicious gastronomy of Yucatán, considered to be of the finest amongst the already famous Mexican cuisine.

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The Host City: Where and why?

Zaci Cenote

The geographic position of Yucatán, the ethnical composition of its inhabitants and this linkage with European principal ports made possible the flourishing of people with a remarkable vocation of poetry, music and arts. In the XX century, some famous musicians took old poetry and mixed it with beautiful music, creating the golden age of Yucatán songs, which are to be enjoyed throughout ISES 2017. We are the heirs of this great richness, which we need, want and wish to share with all of you and future generations. We’ve designed the Summit such that the above mentioned can be enjoyed by ISES participants, enriching the ISES experience as a whole. The potential is endless.

NATURE Yucatán is a place where natural richness is all around. It has natural reserves and parks that possess a huge biodiversity. They comprise one of the most important rainforest locations worldwide. Reserves like Lagartos River and Celestún River allow for bird watching of over 400 different bird species, like pink flamingos, appreciation of magnificent vegetation and endless possibilities of having a relaxing time of nature connection. The impact of the Chicxulub meteorite around 65 million years ago, which happened to smother dinosaurs off the face of the Earth, generated a great web of undersea caverns known as cenotes, places with immense beauty. Cenotes are one of the natural marvels we can find in Yucatán. To the Mayan culture, they represent the direct door to the underworld, and nowadays many of them are open to visitors. Fauna and Flora observation, swimming, snorkel, zip-lining, rappel, kayak and many other activities can be practiced in these natural formations. Some of them keep archaeological traces, as they were used as ceremonial centers. Bathe in the sun, walk in the sands, and chill in the waters of the Mexican Caribbean. Yucatán beaches, in more than 370 kilometers of extension, offer to the visitors magnificent sceneries and a comfortable experiences with all the facilities needed to feel like home, the closest of them, Progreso, being less than half an hour away from Mérida. Jaguar or Balam, las called by the Maya People

The Host City: Where and why?

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ENERGY Yucatán’s energy matrix is composed of a diverse mix arranging conventional sources, biomass, wind and solar power, with plans for the launch of two additional wind farms in the upcoming months. Still, most of the state’s renewable energy potential is yet to be explored. With that in mind, a State Energy Commission is underway, with the colaboration of international experts and under the guidance of the United Nations, to develop the production of wind and solar energy from the Yucatán Peninsula.

YUCATÁN IN THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY SCENE In 2014 Mérida witnessed the signature of Memorandum of Understanding in Matter of Energy Integration with Focus on Natural Gas, in which energy ministers from Central America committed to the development of infrastructure which will provide transport and distribution of natural gas from México to Guatemala and Central America. This year Yucatán hosted both the Second Ministerial Meeting of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) and the Sixth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM6), which jointly reunited ministers and senior energy officials from over 30 countries from all continents in Mérida.

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The Host City: Where and why?

Yucatán and Mérida have recently been the scene of prominent international energy meetings, laying an ideal ground to receive ISES in 2017.

THIS AND MORE HAPPENING IN YUCATÁN 3rd Mexico Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Summit and 6th Summit of the Association of Caribbean States in 2014 Consultive Councils of Mexican electricity parastate company Federal Eelectricity Comission (CFE) in 2014 and 2015 2016 Closing Ceremony of UNESCO’s International Year of Light


The Host City: Where and why?

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A cluster within the Science and Technology Park of Yucatán

RESEARCH AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN ENERGY Yucatán holds one of México’s most dynamic academic lives with the presence of over 80 higher education institutions, around 60 of which are based in or around Mérida. With such diversity and potential, the academic and research efforts in energy are not the exception. Yucatán has excellent academic excellence training, postgraduate and research centers in renewable energy; such as the facilities of the Southeast Laboratory of Renewable Energy (LENERSE) in the Yucatán Scientific and Technological Park (PCTYUC) which is linked to the experts of the region with the private initiative to research and innovate in renewable energy. The Postgraduates Program in Science in Renewable Energy of the Yucatán Center for Scientific Research (CICY), also at PCTYUC covers aspects of renewable energy, with a focus on biofuels and the technology of hydrogen from renewable sources.

Both programs are registered in the National Council of Science and Technology’s (CONACYT) National Program of Postgraduate Studies of Quality (PNPC), which is a reflection of its high academic level and enables the possibility of applying for scholarships from CONACYT, a sponsor of LASES and highly potential sponsor of ISES 2017 in México.

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The Host City: Where and why?

UNAM IN YUCATÁN Our University’s presence in Yucatán was a key factor in defining Mérida as the host city proposed for ISES 2017. UNAM is part of Yucatán’s System of Research, Innovation, and Technological Development (SIIDETEY), and has three campuses in Yucatán alone: Yucatán Academic Unit, or Sisal Campus, a seaside complex focused on ecology, biodiversity, aquaculture and coastal sciences and management, with the presence of the University’s School of Sciences (FC-UNAM), School of Chemistry (FQ-UNAM), and Institute of Engineering (II-UNAM). Peninsular Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEPHCIS), based in Mérida, with the mission of preparing human resources and providing post-graduate studies in these areas, strengthening UNAM’s presence in the region and links with the Caribbean and Central America. Amongst its diverse lines of research are ethics & environment, perception of natural resources, philosophy and sociology of science and technology, to name a few. Science and Technology Unit at the Yucatán Scientific and Technological Park (PCTYUC), functioning and in development stage with green building techniques in a property of over 120 acres, and focused on conservation science, genetics, signal analysis and

UNAM School of Chemistry Unit at PCTYUC The Host City: Where and why?

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computational applications in health and biosciences; it holds laboratories, cubicles, green areas, and more. In aims to decentralize, grow and diversify its research and education lines, with the participation of FC-UNAM, FQUNAM, the Institute of Research in Applied Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS-UNAM). We are backed by the state government’s support, and also have a broad institutional assistance and presence locally, guaranteeing that every on-site detail concerning the planning of ISES 2017 in Mérida is properly overseen.

YUCATÁN GOVERNMENT SUPPORT We are very grateful to say that the Yucatán State Government is at this stage our most enthusiastic partner. Their commitment of not only sponsoring, but partnering to collaborate with us to make ISES 2017 the most welcoming and extraordinary experience possible. This, added to all the features Mérida and Yucatán had on their own, made of Mérida the decided winner of our inner host city bid (a.k.a. The Bidception). Therefore, the list of the in-kind contributions already offered, and found in detail in the Appendix, presents only part of the support to be given by the Yucatán State Government for ISES 2017. As a preview, it includes all seven venues for ISES 2017 with no fee, welcome cocktail for the Summit, cultural presentations, ISES Team inspection visits expenses, gifts for VIPs, and much more.

MÉRIDA When we talk about taking the best of Yucatán, Mérida is the focal point to begin the journey to all the routes of the Mayan World. Over four centuries ago, the White City created its vocation as the center of the political, economic and cultural activities of the state. Founded in 1542 above the Mayan city of Tho, in the colonial period it turned into the headquarters of the Spanish government in the peninsula. Today, with museums, parks, markets and outdoor coffees, Mérida is a fascinating and cosmopolitan city. 32 32

The Host City: Where and why?

The White City has a great cultural party every day of the year. Visitants from the entire world live an experience that takes them out of the commonness, because in Mérida you can always find a spectacle to experience. Throughout its history, Mérida has been in a constant process of evolution, striving to preserve its cultural traditions that give moral values and stories to the land. Today the city presents itself as a modern and dynamic place, with all the infrastructure and facilities that a first world city can offer.

CONNECTIVITY Yucatán’s geographical position makes it an accessible destination for the world, with connections by air, sea and land to allow thousands of visitors to arrive. In 2014, a total of around 1.5 million people visited the state, of which 22.9% were foreigners. Yucatán is an open destination to the world, allowing a fast and safe connectivity, counting with two principal airports: the International Airport of Mérida Manuel Crescencio Rejón and the Chichén Itzá Airport.

Mérida’s Cathedral

The International Airport of Mérida is located in the south of the city, this is the second largest airport of the region, just after Cancún’s. According to the Official Airline Guide (OAG), available seats to Mérida during 2015 will be 937,350 for national flights, and 167,288 for international flights. An alternative way to arrive to Yucatán by air is to use the International Airport of Cancún. The airport counts with more than 50 international connections from over 20 international airlines, and is located under 3 hours away from Mérida by land, with buses running at least hourly between the two cities. An arrangement of additional, ISES-specific bus runs from Cancún Airport is foreseen.

Mexican airport

The Host City: Where and why?

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ACCOMMODATION The city of Mérida holds more than 140 hotels with over ten thousand rooms of different categories, offering excellent services to visitors. The Convention Center zone alone has over 700 rooms, with the recommended hotels being the following: Fiesta Inn Hotel - 166 rooms Holiday Inn Express Hotel – 125 rooms Hampton Inn Hotel – 130 rooms City Express – 130 rooms Mesón de la Luna Hotel – 45 rooms Misión Express – 118 rooms Additionally, the trendy Colón-Montejo area, close to downtown Mérida and roughly 15 minutes away from the Convention Center zone, has over 1,400 rooms in different hotel categories, ranging from the well-known Hyatt Regency, Fiesta Americana, and Presidente Intercontinental to smaller hotels and beautiful hotel-boutiques. There is plenty of room in Mérida for delegates, speakers, partners, volunteers, partners, and everyone else joining ISES, with a wide variety of options for pre or post summit accommodation.

Casa Lecanda Hotel Boutique in Mérida 34 34

The Host City: Where and why?

Hotel Presidente Intercontinental in Mérida


Theater’s Lobby

Armando Manzanero Theatre Located in Downtown Mérida in a recently renewed Art-Deco building, its premises opened as a movie theater in the 1950’s and it now serves as an important cultural forum, which has won important awards for its lighting, decoration and architecture. Entering the luxurious lobby follow the main hall, with a capacity of 1,200 viewers, a movie hall for 227 people, and an art room for 101 attendants. Please try to picture the majestic Opening Ceremony of ISES 2017 being held on this stage.

Armando Manzanero Theatre Main Hall The Host City: Where and why?

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Athenian Contemporary Art Museum of Yucatán

The MACAY Revolution Passage Next to the Cathedral of Mérida is located the Athenian Contemporary Art Museum of Yucatán (MACAY), which was originally the Episcopal Palace. This building, of colonial architecture, hosts the most important contemporary art collection of the Mexican Southeast. Between MACAY and the Cathedral lies the Revolution Passage, a semi-open hall sparkled with art, and perfect to host hundreds of people in a networking cocktail event.

The MACAY Revolution Passage

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The Host City: Where and why?

The Siglo XXI Convention Center & Great Museum of the Mayan World Complex Yucatán Siglo XXI Conventions Center (CCSXXI) is located in the north side of the city of Mérida. This modern building reminds us of the greatness of the Mayan architecture. It is easily accessible from the Historical Center and from the International Airport, by car 20 and 25 minutes away, respectively. The Conventions Center has a total surface of 84,000 square meters with an indoor surface of 20,900 square meters and a parking lot for 1,534 cars and 66 buses. The convention hall can be divided into various spaces for plenary and simultaneous sessions, being able to accommodate 6,500 attendants in total. The indoor area also counts with a pressroom, 6 commercial movie theaters with a capacity of around 200 people each (available for ISES activities), and space for services and concessions. This Conventions Center was renovated last year, granting it with the most modern design features, facilities and technologies, and has recently been host to prominent international events. We’re offering a world-class venue for a world-class event such as ISES.

Movie theaters at the Convention Center

Uxmal I Conference Hall at the Convention Center The Host City: Where and why?

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Great Museum of the Mayan World (GMMM) is an avant-garde cultural space that holds some of Yucatán’s greatest treasures. Its objective is to present Mayan culture not as an archaeological relic but rather as a live culture. Due to its modern and innovative architecture and museographic design it has won several awards, the latest was being considered the best emerging cultural destination at the ‘Leading Cultural Destination Awards’ in London this year. With wide terraces, an IMAX projection room, and a spectacular night dynamic lighting, it will set the ideal ambience for ISES events, providing a mixture of history, culture and modernity.

Open terrace at GMMM

Museum entrance 38 38

The Host City: Where and why?

Great Museum of the Mayan World (GMMM)

This complex provides a variety of modern spaces for plenary or simultaneous sessions, creative interactive and networking activities, cultural presentations, and much more. The venue’s potential for integrating even more new and innovative ideas is infinite.

The Host City: Where and why?

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The Animaya Zoo Esplanade

The Animaya Zoo Officially named the Bicentennial Zoo Park of MÊrida and located inside the city, it opened in 2010 in commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the Mexican Independence and provides an experience similar to a safari’s. Furthermore, it has an astonishing entrance esplanade, flanked by an immense Mayan stele and carefully lit to provide a majestic scene amongst the wild for a night ISES social event.

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The Host City: Where and why?

The Science and Technology Park of Yucatรกn (PCTYUC) The Science and Technology Park is an extensive space strategically located to promote the integration of academy, government and the private industry, as well as contribute to the formation of human resources in key areas, while giving dynamism to sustainable development by putting to its use scientific knowledge and technological innovation. Opened in 2008, it aims to contribute to the creation, development and incubation of innovative tech-based companies. Within its vast facilities 11 Research Centers and 68 Higher Education Institutions have presence, reuniting over one thousand researchers in the fields of biotechnology, information technologies, technologies for sustainability and energy research, the focus of the Southeast Renewable Energy Laboratory (LENERSE). Prestigious institutions like the Mexican Space Angency, Texas A&M University, the Mexican Academy of Science, and of course UNAM, all have presence here. Roughly 30 minutes away from the Convention Center Zone, submerged in the Yucatรกn rainforest and home to yet another UNAM Campus, the PCTYUC provides wonderful and wide spaces for interactive and dynamic activities, plenary sessions, the Giga Picnic, and much more in an atmosphere filled both by nature and innovation.

Model of the Science and Technology Park of Yucatรกn The Host City: Where and why?

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Izamal Izamal, magic town of Mayan-origin people and colonial beauty. It is famous for its ochre yellow painted buildings, founded on top of the ruins of ancient Mayan temples. Also known as the “City of Three Cultures”, it is a place of coexistence of the prehispanic and colonial pasts, as well as contemporary México. Upon receiving ISES 2017, the locals will engage in a town-wide festivity with displays of local traditional music, dances, and craftsmanship, welcoming the visitors with the most astounding, folkloric, and fun way to this beautiful town. Overlooking all of Izamal is the Ex-Convent of San Antonio de Padua, a beautiful former Franciscan Monastery dating from 1561, with high ochre yellow painted walls and 75 splendid arcs. It possesses the world’s second-largest enclosed atrium, only behind the Vatican’s. Here also takes place “The Light of the Mayas”, a multicolored show in The Arcs of the Franciscan Monastery, with minutes of mixing architectural illumination, sound and projection of images, providing a unique experience to introduce the ISES 2017 Gala Dinner. Located 65km east of Mérida in the middle of forested hills, it also happens to be 100% fed by renewable energy. Need any other reason to witness the magic of Izamal?

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The Host City: Where and why?

Dinner at Izamal Convent’s Atrium

Ex-Convent of San Antonio de Padua atIzamal

Izamal street The Host City: Where and why?

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Detail on Mèrida Cathedral’s Gate

Mérida’s alleys

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The Host City: Where and why?

Merida’s Cathedral

Downton Mérida The White City has a great cultural party every day of the year. Visitants from the entire world can always find a spectacle to experience, and some say the best of this city is its gastronomy. Before the Opening Ceremony and on their way to the reception cocktail, delegates will be able to roam downtown Mérida and experience its stunning colonial architecture, its colors and its food firsthand.

Lucas de Galvez market

Prior to the summit and with the local Government’s aid, we will hand-pick the places recommended for ISES attendees to try the exquisite Yucatecan cuisine, while arranging with the establishments a list of suggested dishes, with recommendations regarding spice and specific food preferences or requirements, to be read in English. An ISES distinctive banner will be on all of these establishments’ entrances, allowing delegates to mingle, explore and enjoy together one of the world’s finest cuisine (or just a regular pizza if they prefer), without concerns and within a two-blocks radio from the main plaza. Mexican hospitality will embrace dialogue, dancing, and a sense of community within ISES delegates.

The Host City: Where and why?

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Mérida’s street

Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Main Building 46 46

The Host City: Where and why?

Other Potential Venues Mérida’s rich colonial heritage provides a vast array of options to host ISES events, making it even difficult to pick them. Some other iconic buildings in Mérida fit for receiving ISES are: Teatro Peón Contreras Teatro Daniel Ayala Pérez Centro Cultural de Mérida Olimpo Centro Cultural Carlos Acereto Museo de la Canción Yucateca Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Main Building

Peón Contreras Theatre

Museo de la Canción Yucateca

ISES experiences and memories will take on a whole new level in Mérida.

The Host City: Where and why?

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Mé tán in

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Day ZERO 1. Field Trip 2. Opening Ceremony B. Day 1 1. SESSIONS AT CCSXXI 2. GMMM Cocktail C. Day 2 1. SESSIONS AT CCSXXI 2. ANIMAYA Zoo Dinner D. Day 3 1. PCTyUC ACTIVITIES 2. Izamal

La Mansi贸n Hotel

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The Schedule

Here is a brief account of the Summit written by a hypothetical ISES 2017 attendee. All the venues that are mentioned were described in the previous section. The objectives of this account are thought for schedule description purposes, so the contents of the sessions are not included. We will speak about those in the following section.

GETTING TO MÉRIDA After waiting for a couple hours at the Houston airport, my flight finally took off. I wanted to fly via Miami, but the Organizing Committee bought my ticket that way. They bought it for me because I will be staying in Mérida for two whole weeks, doing volunteering work in a nearby community after the Summit. I got to Mérida, México, on June 13 2017. Not much happened on that day, except that I got to walk around downtown Mérida, located just 15 minutes away from my hotel. I liked it very much, Caribbean colonial cities have a charm that is hard to find somewhere else. One of the first things that got my attention was how easy it was for people to smile at me. I got back to the hotel, finished preparations, and went to sleep after a delicious light dinner.

Day Zero Main Cathedral

The next day, June 14th, I got up early to assist to the daytrip, in Chichen Itzá. I had always heard wonders about this archeological site. The buses left the hotel at 9am, and we got there at about 10 in the morning. A guided tour in my language was available without cost, which really helped me to understand the beauty and importance of the site. We got back and had some free hours to roam Downtown Mérida and enjoy the ISES selected cuisine with fellow delegates, while some continued to get ready for the Opening Ceremony. The Ceremony began at around 6:30pm, and was held at the beautiful Armando Manzanero Theatre in downtown Mérida, half a block away from the main plaza. It started with an awesome cultural spectacle featuring a folkloric ballet with a typical Yucatecan orchestra, after the Ceremony itself we went out to have the Inauguration Networking Cocktail, a two minute walk away at the MACAY Revolution Passage. ISES 2017 had begun.

La Quinta Montes

The Schedule

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Dinner at Izamal Convent

Day 1 My roommate and I woke up early. By 07:30 we were already having breakfast at the hotel, which was conveniently located at walking distance (really, I did not walk for more than 120 seconds) from the main venue of ISES 2017: The Great Museum of the Mayan World and Convention Center complex. The day was heavy, full of activities and interesting things to do and watch. We had two coffee breaks and a buffet lunch made of typical food. One thing that was cool was that there were people from three different religions sitting at my table, but we could all eat what was served. Sessions continued after lunch and finished at 7pm. At that time, we had one hour to relax before having a cocktail and light dinner, while enjoying the lights show at the esplanade of the the Great Museum of the Mayan World.

Day 2 Again, we woke up early and had enough breakfast to get ready for the second full day of sessions, having place again at the Great Museum of the Mayan World and Convention Center complex. Lunch and coffee breaks were similar; menus were different but yet again delicious. I was foolish to think Mexican food was all about burritos! After sessions finished at 7pm, we got ready for dinner at the Animaya Zoo. It was very fun, with lots of interesting dynamics happening throughout. One of my favourite speakers was sitting at my table; it was very enriching to have a conversation with him. The place was beautiful and the food was even better than at lunches. We got back to the hotel in buses at around 11pm, which is late, but it was not a problem because day three is supposed to be lighter. Or so I thought. 52 52

The Schedule

Day 3 Buses were waiting for us at the hotel at 9am. We left for the Science and Technology Park of Yucatán. The place was awesome, and there were a lot of different activities to choose from. Some of them happened to the open air, which was refreshing. I attended a handson workshop that was given by an expert in what I am interested on. Then I participated in a work session aimed at improving the energy accessibility in a nearby community. After that, we all had the GigaPicnic, a huge open air picnic in which we all had the chance to have light headed conversations about what we had lived during the past two days. I was amazed at the speakers’ accessibility and eagerness to have conversations with young students like myself. After the GigaPicnic we headed back to the hotel to catch a breath and prepare ourselves for the Gala Night at Izamal. Buses left from the hotel to Izamal at 5pm. That afternoon was magic; Izamal left us completely breathless: locals organized a town-wide festivity with displays of local traditional music, dances, and craftsmanship. Overlooking Izamal was the Ex-Convent; one of the most beautiful buildings I have seen in my life. An impressive cultural event took place, and we had a proper gala dinner in which the quality of the food, the entertainment activities, the music, and the dance in which we all participated made it one of the best afternoons of my life.

Siglo XXI Convention Center

“ The Light of the Mayas” at Izamal Convent

The Schedule

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The Schedule

Hacienda Xcanatun

The Schedule

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II. Team Cover Letter




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II. Team Cover Letter

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Casas Gemelas a

58 58

The Vision

at Mèrida

Theme Our Theme is the convergence of two stories. On one hand, we have Latin America. The region will need to double its electricity generation by 2030, which represents a new installed capacity of approximately 600 GW. This challenge also represents an opportunity to transform the energy industry of the region in aims to make it more sustainable. Even as it is right now, with a staggering 54% of its energy necessities being supplied by hydroelectric generation, Latin America is the cleanest energy producing region of the world. Our non conventional renewable potential is unparalleled, especially because we are not only rich in sun, or wind, or geothermal energy, but all of them are widely abundant throughout the region. It is a region of potential. Several Latin American countries are estimated to continue to profit from a stabilized growth rate that will allow them to invest more and more in energy security. Some of them even want to become self-dependent in the middle term. Investment both local and foreign in non-conventional renewable energy sources has also been growing every year, doubling the installed capacity from 2006 to 2012, and giving the region the potential of becoming the first destination for investment on these kind of energy sources worldwide. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of work to be done. The potential is endless, and in Latin America, thanks to our millenary ancestors’ respect, love, and constant interaction with their Mother Earth, we have vernacular ways of doing things that take different viewpoints into consideration, being always in harmony with other members of society, with nature and the environment. This philosophy accounts for energy as a means for providing development and wellbeing, rather than an end itself, which switches the perspective, and thus the tone of the energy and sustainability conversation. This practice is slowly being adopted in the rest of the world, but it needs speeding up. Capitalizing potential is only good when it is done with respect to the planet we live in, its biodiversity, and the different peoples that inhabit it. On the other hand, we have students. Throughout history, there have been 873 Nobel Laureates in all categories since 1901. 48 people have been awarded with the Fields Medal of Mathematics. There are currently 196 recognized heads of state, and around 180 Ministers of Energy. Lists of influential characters of the world rarely exceed 100 names. Few people are considered to be affecting world issues at their core but, what about youth? What can 800 students do, if each is treated as a potential world-changer? What if they were provided with the right ideas, the right examples, and then put together with other like-minded students? This has an infinite potential for transforming the world.

The Vision

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We will gather 800 students from around the world. 800 students that have the potential to achieve what it takes to be part of any of the lists we mentioned, the future Nobels, Fields and Energy Ministers. They collectively have the potential to transform the world as we know it today, to transition it to a sustainable one, to create the energy technologies, the international treaties, the national policies, the companies that will take us there. They will be selected to come to ISES 2017 and during four days will be presented with the tremendous opportunity of being inspired and enhanced into becoming these leaders. Being a part of those lists or not then turns out to be irrelevant; truth is, all of them have the potential to change this world. None of them is already excluded from this future. Such is the true definition of the word “student�: an entity of potential. We have the chance to trigger something within them that will change their paths forever. This will happen if they meet the right people, if they receive the right information, and if they are inspired to strive towards the bettering of their communities, regions, and global society; both individually and as an active, connected network. As you can see, there is something in common between Latin America and students. They both represent entities of potential, that presented with the right information, connections, and inspiration, can become something that we do not yet know of, something that changes the world, sets the example, and provides us with a path to get to the sustainable energy future we all want. How do we address this opportunity? How do we say the right things? How do we exploit these latent world of possibilities?

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The Vision

Lights show at Chichén Itzá

The Vision

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Ek Balam, Jaguar God of the Night, was one of the most important Mayan emblems and a keystone of ancient Mesoamerican cultures. He was the fierce lord of the underworld, not only did kings and nobles descend from it, but it was a central part of the ancient myth of Creation, fueled by the energy of the universe. Traveling in our psyche since the Olmecs thousands of years ago, this majestic feline stands out as an icon of leadership, endurance and strength. A powerful warrior replete of dynamism, shown in its brimful colors and claws that speak of a supremacy transcending this world. Balam, the Jaguar, can still be seen marauding the rainforests all the way from México to far beyond the Amazonia, being part of the region’s identity and speaking on behalf of all the species of this region, which happens to be the world’s most biodiverse. In our proposed logo half of Balam’s face can be seen with its eyes looking directly into the viewer’s. The spirit of our logo, just like the potential of youth and the Latin American region, may have been difficult to notice at first, but once identified, are impossible not to be seen while being glanced at. This is the motto of our Summit, this is the potential ready to be released.

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The Vision

The Vision

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64 II. Team Cover Letter




nD Maya


We have finally arrived at the actual content proposed for ISES 2017 MĂŠxico. So far we are set in a beautiful city, with wonderful venues and a unique vision, but which are the right topics, speakers and sessions required to sparkle the releasing of this potential?

ENERGY IN LATIN AMERICA: REGIONAL ISSUES Latin America is a vast region of the world, peculiar for its massive amount of resources but a yet underdeveloped economy. No other region has the same potential in terms of non-conventional renewable energy sources, while at the same time, carbon based fuels reserves are also among the largest in the world. We have just talked about this in the previous section. During the last few years, Latin American countries have been capitalizing this potential, experimenting a continuous economic growth that will surely not decelerate in the years to come, nurturing the deployment of new policy frameworks and innovation while expanding its energy matrix. This provides with attractive panoramas to investors and entrepreneurs both local and foreign. Energy in Latin America is not a scarce resource. Actually, for a region considered to be in development, energy is fairly available even in semi-remote areas. The issue is how to use this energy to grow, and how do we use it to develop a better, more fair society, in harmony with the region’s cultural and natural wealths. The energy growth taking place right now should also provide welfare and new jobs locally, which is not always the case, being most of the techonologies implemented of imported origin, and not necessarily the best suited for each locality. Energy availability doesn’t mean justice, and certainly not in Latin America. Several generation developments such as hydroelectric dams or wind power farms have damaged the lives of communities surrounding these developments, there is still little comprehension on how to use energy to improve the lives of the peoples, rather than powering the voracious growth of the enormous cities that can be found here. In addition to its non-conventional energy resources, Latin America is a region in which Oil & Gas companies find a lot of potential to develop innovation, fostering profitable practices under a sustainable context that is being demanded more and more everyday by local governments. Some of the largest companies in the region are state-owned Oil & Gas utilities, and Pemex, Petrobras and PDVSA prove to be regional development engines, each playing a key role in their respective developing and quickly growing economies. This is a unique phenomana around the world which poses complex aditional challenges to be tackled and opportunities to be seized. Public policy in terms of energy is actually very strong and competitive, with brilliant lawmakers passing promising legislation. The same is true for other aspects of sustainability and climate change. The problem lies in the application of the law, where national governments differ in some aspects and even dispute over generalities that should be long overcomed. In terms of cooperation within the region, countries have started having more serious conversations between them, fostering a much needed dialogue in aims of achieving the common wish of growing collectively and sustainably. Multinational grids and pipelines are under way, and yet there is still much to be done in uniting and integrating the Latin American countires and peoples.

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The Conversation

TOPICS TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION FOSTERING INNOVATION Culture and Mindset of Innovation What is the ideal context to foster innovation? How can we develop a society with innovation in mind? How does innovation change the world? How to innovate? Technology Appropiation Sometimes technology development is not enough, and certainly is not the only ingredient in innovation. How do we make sure that developed technology reaches innovation? How do we use technology for the bettering of our society? Thinking Outside the Box How the craziest ideas can change the world. How sometimes we must not look for solutions in the obvious places. Breakthrough innovators will inspire breakthrough thinking. Nanotechnology & Bioengineering for energy applications are just an example. Photovoltaic Technology Capex The key to cheaper Photovoltaic technologies might not be in the materials used, but in the Capex of their construction. Is there potential? How is this a challenge for other renewables? TRANSMISSION & EFFICIENCY Energy Storage What is the future of energy storage? How can energy storage change the way we consume energy? Is energy storage the key to a successful renewable energy industry? How can energy storage change the energy market? Energy Transportation Energy trasnmission accounts for a massive percentage of the total cost of the electric industry, as well as considerable losses. How can we make energy transportation more efficient? Are local grids better than nation-wide ones? Generation Efficiency How can we use the same resources to generate more energy? How much energy are we losing to poor efficiencies? A challenge for both conventional and renewable sources, where in the world is this more of an issue? Reducing the Energy Demand Before changing the way we produce energy, we need to change the way we consume energy. Lower consumption rates for the same outcome will allow more sustainable technologies to

The Conversation

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FOSSIL FUELS IMPACT REDUCTION Carbon Capture & Storage Will it someday become profitable? What are the technological challenges in CCS? Will we be able to simply extract CO2 from the atmosphere? Case studies, possible impacts. How big of a solution is CCS? Non Conventional Fossil Fuels Do non-conventional fossil fuels have a role to play in the global energy transition? For how long will we need them? Do we need them? Is their environmental impact asessed correctly? The Overlooked Innovation Potential The fossil fuels industry is one that has continuosuly grown and evolved for decades, aided by one technological breakthrough after the other. In a world still mostly dependent on these sources, innovations in this area well under way, while being opaqued by new renewable technologies. Which will these be? What are the opportunities? FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES Renewables Mix A mix of Innovative Ideas: renewables are more powerful when combined. How do combined renewable generation plants work? How much will renewables continue to grow? What is the real potential? The Ever Cheaper Solar PV How cheap will solar PV get? When will its cost stabilize and what will that cost be? Which are the innovations that will take us there? How much speculation is there? Nuclear: Next-Gen Reactors and the Road to Fusion Where are we? How many years until its profitable? How many years until it’s achieved? Will we eventually live in a fusionpowered planet? Potential fusion economy.

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The Conversation

GLOBAL ENERGY DYNAMICS ENERGY AND PEACE Energy Geopolitics What is the relation between global allocation of energy resources with geopolitical and corporative interests? How does this affect the global economic, political and social landscape? Energy and its Relation with Global Conflicts Not always visible at first sight, energy is a strategic resource key in the arise and of worldwide conflicts. How are today’s conflicts related to energy? Can Renewables Bring Peace? Renewable energy could end the dependence of countries on oil and gas, removing them from the profits equation. It would also relieve stress from hidrocarbon-strategic regions. Could that bring peace to stressful regions and countries? ENERGY TRENDS Energy Goals 2030 & 2050 Renewable energy goals are being set worldwide for the upcoming decades. We’ll explore which they are, their viability and the roadmap to tackling them. The High-Consumption Curve Shortcut Developed countries followed an energy intensive path with high environmental and social costs, until recently trying to shift down. How can developing nations skip this peak and advance with local ideologies and innovations? Global Impacts of Low Oil Prices How do low petroleum prices affect the global fossil markets and opportunities for renewables? What are the causes? Which is the macroeconomic impact? ENERGY-DEVELOPMENT LIAISON Is Energy a Development Trigger? We’ll analyze the relation between energy and development as a highlight in the aspirations of economical growth and social welfare in harmony with the environment. How does energy development affect a country’s growth? Energy Development in Fossil-Dependent Economies Many developing nations around the globe are striving to transition to renewables, while the economic development they need is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. How could we priviledge environmental impact over basic human needs provided by still hidrocarbon-based economic growth? What are the alternatives for sustainable development of these nations? Which is the role of countries which already developed with a high carbon footprint?

The Conversation

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MARKETS & REGULATIONS ENERGY REFORMS AND LEGISLATION WORLDWIDE A Global Energy Legislation Is a global energy reform needed? What could be the steps for a normalized legislation? Could there be benefits from this? What would the benefits be? Energy Reforms Worldwide Mexico’s current energy dynamism is vastly fueled by the recent Energy Reform, which generated some controversies. How have Energy Reforms worked so far? Which are their outcomes? Energy Indicators How can we generate globally coherent indicators to better direct our efforts? What is the potential of better indicators? How would they impact in better policy making? Politics: Means or Obstacles for Energy Regulation What drives political will in energy? When will legislation be an ally of a sustainable energy panorama? How could good politics encourage better legal frameworks, incentives and agreements? ENERGY IMPACT ON THE GLOBAL MARKET Competitiveness Role in the Energy Sector How can more competitiveness improve the energy sector? Case study: Pemex before and after competition for the Mexican energy market. Sustainable Trading How can global trade trends be more sustainable? What measurements can be put in place to transition towards a sustainable trade? What improvements will sustainable trade provoke on the normal lives of normal citizens? Carbon Markets & Other Incentives Where is the carbon market standing after COP21? What countries are using it to make profit? What countries are paying for extra pollution? Does it work?

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The Conversation

ENERGY NETWORKS & ALLIANCES Energy Consumption in the 21st Century How will energy consumption change during the 21st century? How will the final consumer’s approach to energy change? Will it change at all? What could change that? International Energy Organizations What is their actual influence? What impact do they have on the global economy? What impact do they have on global energy generation and consumption? How will they continue to affect global energy trends? Multi-national Energy Zones How wil multi-national energy grids change landscape? Could they boost energy development and integration regionally? Could we ever think of the “internet of energy”?

The Conversation

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Central to the summit’s purpose is to unite the participants and facilitate the interaction and the creation of a network between them. This is also one of the main challenges when organizing a Summit with 800 delegates. In an attempt to incentivise students to really engage in conversation, debate, and joint generation of proposals while interacting with each other and with the movement itself, there will be different opportunities and ways to sparkle the dialogue.

Great Hands-On Case Study Competition This is a team competition that will start one month before the Summit. Students will be provided with a real energy case study from Yucatán, and required to provide an integral multidisciplinary project as a solution. Teams would be arranged by us based on diversity: we want students from around the world, from different study fields to face the challenge of getting to know each other only through online means, and having to come up with a professional solution to a real problem. This will also give them a glimpse of what the XXI century’s work dynamics looks like: more and more it becomes necessary to work with people that are thousands of miles away from you on a daily basis. In addition, this competition has already been discussed with local partners in Yucatán. Companies, research facilities, and higher education institutions would be more than willing to participate, even sponsoring the winning project and its creators to make the solution happen in real life. We realize that this is a competition that favors students that register with enough anticipation, but that might be a good thing in terms of the quality of the result, and also because of the pressure it might add for students to register on time. Moreover, the winning team will have a space during the Summit to present their results. This will allow other delegates to witness what students are capable of when properly stimulated.

LASES 2014 Opening Ceremony 74 74

The Engagement

Multisectorial Role Playing Debate Problems are often approached differently depending on where you are standing, this leads to solutions that are not always representative of all perspectives. The energy sector and its related issues are most polarized, and this polarization leads to barriers when trying to find solutions. We invite participants to take the place of a specific sector: public, private or the academy, and defend their position in a debate that will simulate a discussion among the real sectors on a specific topic. The participants will apply to be part of this debate and will have to prepare in advance. We expect the contributions of real actors from every sector to facilitate the positions and choose a representative from the pool of participants. This debate will also give a glance to participants and viewers of how real life negotiations on controversial energy topics take place.

Keynote Speech by OLADE Executive Secretary

Poster Presentations We believe in what every participant has to bring to the movement. Delegates involved in different projects will have the opportunity to submit their work and generate a poster that will be displayed somewhere in the Convention Center for the duration of the Summit. Participants will be able to watch the posters at any given time, but there will be a specific designated moment for the delegates to have a tour of the presentations and receive explanations from the people involved. With this we seek to boost networking and foster collaboration among students with similar interests and compatible experiences.

Innovation Jam Two minds think better than one. What about 800? The issues around energy are numerous and even more so are the solutions that we can think of if we work collectively. Participants will be separated in different topics, proposed by students themselves, and related to the energy sector. They will have to come up with a description of the present situation, what are the main issues, and work together brainstorming ideas to develop possible solutions. A brief presentation of the results will take place in the Summit and once it is over the information will be gathered in order to make it available and continue the discussions after the summit.

The Engagement

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LASES 2014 Delegates

Collaborative seating During sessions, both plenary and simultaneous, we intend to present unexpected seating arrangements, different from the usual: individual chairs row after row. We think this provides a scenery that focuses little on student interaction. For example, we want to organize seating by tables; each table seats four students and at the end of the sessions tables will have one minute to think of a question; maximum one question per table. The questions are sent to the moderator via an application of course, such as Pigeonhole. This will incentivise students to talk with their tablemates in order to agree on a question. Also, people must change places between sessions.

Students on Stage ISES is a summit for students and by students, so why not have students take the stage? Students have a lot to say, and can have the most intriguing and unthought-of views on current issues. We want student voices to be heard. For certain panels, we will have a seat amongst world leaders reserved for a student. To find this student, we will open a contest months prior to ISES to make sure we give that seat to the most knowledgeable and eager student, with ISES Team and Student Energy members, as well as senior experts, being the judges. She or he will then have the opportunity to get deeply prepared on the topic, aided by contest runnerups and leading experts, and make the best of being the voice of fellow student delegates. 76 76

The Engagement

Energy Model United Nations (EMUN) We have found so far that many ISES delegates are students who constantly attend MUNs, and this is for a reason. This Model provides an engaging opportunity where many delegates can participate, dialogue and learn simultaneously. Why not take it to the field of energy? And why not, for the first time, actually have delegates representing their countries? Candidatures for delegations shall be opened three months prior to the summit. After two months of submissions and selection, one month prior to ISES, Delegates and Delegation Spokesmen will be selected for each country, and then given the opportunity to fully get prepared for a rich, dynamic, and informed EMUN. EMUN will have real UN Moderators, and discussing UN Agenda Topics, to be voted on on-site by the delegations, and which could be, for example, regarding SE4ALL objectives, the energy related SDGs, and more. EMUN will have sessions parallel to other simultaneous interactive activities. A resolutive or release that shows the views and ideas of the delegates will be shared with all ISES participants.

What Energy Means to the World’s Youth What is energy? The answer depends on whom this question is asked to. Throughout the whole Summit, many delegates will be interviewed about what energy means to each, which will then be collected in a short video that encompasses visions from different countries, regions, cultures, religions, levels of higher studies, fields of studies, urban or rural background, and more, focusing on the ideological perspective. Because, how can we set ground for dialogue when we don’t get the context? How can we solve a problem we don’t fully understand?

Art & Energy: The ISES Mural Solutions to energy have been approached from many angles, but how about art? How could it aid to solve our energy challenges? Looking back at Mexican arts & culture we find the birth of Muralism: a reflection of society’s concerns and opportunities, rendered gracefully in national iconic buildings’ walls. In ISES 2017, we will provide a space where all participants can place any creative burst they have: an idea, opinion, feeling or message they would like to share with ISES delegates and the world. Making use of local, natural pigments, delegates will be able to approach this wall-wide canvas and share whatever comes to their minds. It will be a space where drawings, ideas, inspiring quotes, or whatever creative means students find, will construct a new kind of ISES legacy.

Student Alliances Labs We’re going to be over 800 students. How can we get to find those who are the most likely to engage in discussion or collaborate with? This is an area of opportunity we have found in previous ISES: how can we get the right people to talk to each other? For two of the simultaneous sessions, we propose doing something different: dividing delegates, first by region, then by field or studies or activity. What could happen if we reunited all students from Africa or Europe together? We will connect students within the regions, aided by the Student Energy Regional hubs, and strengthen this local networks to have a more active global one. Through innovative activities, students will be encouraged to link with each other. We’ve found cases of students from similar organizations who never get to meet during the Summit, and strive to turn this around. On the other hand, what if we gathered all technology developers, or entrepreneurs, or economists, each separately? Which could be the new alliances formed? The potential outcomes are endless.

The Engagement

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Workshops and Giga Picnic at the Yucatán Science and Technology Park One of the features of LASES that delegates enjoyed the most were our workshops at UNAM’S Institute of Renewable Energy, on our last day of activities. Being able to interact, closely hear from experts, get handson with new technologies and solutions, and have fun while learning together, after having getting to know each other the previous days, was an experience many of them now cherish. We want to bring this to ISES, having our last day activities at the Park. Being in the middle of the rainforest and with dozens of research institutions’ facilities on site, it can hold carefully put workshops and interactive activities. Be it state of the art technology, sustainable living, entrepreneurship, anthropology, or so on, PCTYUC is fit for workshops for all energy interests and fields of study, providing delegates with new tools for engaging in action. The interactive component of the Program’s content comes to live, ending in the most friendly and dynamic energy lunch, the Giga Picnic.

Union through the Mexican Fiesta Spirit As you may have probably already read in our Venues section, we’ll have unusual interaction opportunities where the delegates interact with the cities and amongst them, such as Downtown Mérida’s gastronomic exploration or Izamal’s Carnival. We Mexicans are well-known for our warmth, hospitality, and awesome party spirit. It has been easily seen in previous ISES, how Mexican fiesta has helped create new, friendly and long-lasting connections, resulting in a more united and active network,

LASES 2014 Cultural Showcase 78 78

The Engagement

an outcome we are definitely pursuing with ISES 2017. Without losing focus on the summit’s sessions, we believe our music, our dances, our food and our spirit will set the ideal ambience for delegate bonding and interaction throughout the summit and specially in our Social Events.

These are some of the ideas we’ve come up with so far, releasing the potential of uniting some the world’s most active and bright students around energy. Some of them require work with experts and delegates prior to the summit, which is anticipated with excitement. We know interaction is at the core of ISES value, and are sure that if being given the opportunity, we could take educating, uniting, and inspiring students to a whole new level. We would like, well after ISES 2017 México, being able to say the word “legacy” when describing ISES in Mérida and its impacts.

International Solar Energy Society President at LASES The Engagement

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Mayan Archaeological Site

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We are convinced that it is a responsibility of ISES as an event to give back to the place where it is held. We are sure that the students’ experience will be further enriched if they can get to feel what it is like to have an influence in real, applied projects. Yes, we are preparing delegates to be the leaders of tomorrow, but we also want them to realise that their passion can have long-lasting positive impacts today. Nothing is as inspiring as witnessing the fruits of one’s own dedication. This idea will be the backbone of our interactive sessions, competitions, networking events, and local collaborations. We have already made potential partnerships with local companies and higher education institutions that are more than willing to work with us in this matter. At least a couple of potential sponsors have also made clear that seeing ISES has a local positive impact would gladly push them to broaden the funding provided. We think the coherence of this chapter needs no more explanation. Some of these ideas have already been discussed with partners such as the Mexican Energy Ministry, the Petroleum and Energy Institute of Yucatán, and Grupo Dicas. You will be able to learn more about these partners in subsequent chapters. Some of the ideas that would help us meet this goal are the following: Offering bursaries, even flight bursaries, to students willing to stay more time in Yucatán in order to do volunteer work. This work would be completely related with energy matters, and there are several local and national NGOs that would be more than willing to help us with the logistics of this initiative. We mentioned a contest in the last chapter. The central subject of the contest could be closely related to a real, local problem that needs a real, local solution. It would provide even more tangible results if the winning team’s project is sponsored, and then applied, in the Yucatán region. Again, local partners are more than willing to get involved in this, sponsoring the competition and overseeing the application of the winning project.


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The Mexican Energy Industry is booming, and the search for specialized Human Resources is and will continue to be on its peak for the next few years. It would be very interesting for both sponsors and delegates if ISES could provide a real matchmaking mechanism through which jobs and/or internships can be created. Apart from the obvious interest that companies have manifested in this mechanism, the Mexican Energy Ministry has offered to sponsor summer or semestral internships in MĂŠxico for at least 10 students. It has also offered to talk with Energy Ministries from other countries to do so as well. Another objective of ISES 2017 regarding this chapter is to attract more mexican students to the energy discussion. We wish for our team to be composed of at least 20 students that had nothing to do with the energy sector beforehand, and ideally, they will find it is a passioning thing to do with a lot of potential for personal growth. It is a reality that after being involved in the Mexican student energy community for more than two years, one can easily come to find the same faces event after event. This is a good thing, but fresh acquaintances would be lovely to find. This is also a project in which the Latin American Student Energy Hub will be involved regardless of whether we get to host ISES or not. MĂŠxico is about to become part of the International Energy Agency. ISES will provide the perfect context for sa new announcement: it can be the partnership itself, its work plan, or its objectives. While discussing this matter with the Mexican Energy Ministry, we suggested that the official announcement could be made during ISES 2017. Even more so, what about an international agreement regarding energy and youth? So many different parties will be gathered there that it would make it the perfect scene for that. Can you picture ISES being part of historic youth and energy agreements? One last point that we find interesting is the development of key issues to be presented exclusively at ISES. Several groundbreaking notions have previously been introduced to the world during congresses or summits, and so these congresses or summits have made their way into the pages of history because of the notions that were introduced during their activities. We think that ISES could provide the conditions for this to happen, and so instead of talking only of issues that have already been developed, we could have at least one or two speakers to present something completely new to the global community.


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Celestún River Natural Reserve

Pre and Post ISES ENGAGEMENT ISES brings together some of the world’s most eager and brilliant students. However, most delegates are not connected with each other, and get to meet for the first time at ISES. On the other hand, after all the excitement and networking that takes place during the summit, it gets difficult to maintain the network connected and keep track of all attendees. What if we could find a way to connect students prior to the summit, engage them in dialogue, joint activities, and more, such that ISES is a meeting of people from around the world and across regions who are already engaged in conversation and working together? And what if we could extend this interaction and network after the summit? Via the Latin American Regional Hub, we’ll make sure to build a platform where this can take place, where students can find each other before, during or after the summit, looking for peers with same interests, fields of action, region, university or organization. We will provide this permanent Meeting Point for students to gather, the basis of an active, dynamic network. ISES will boost the Latin American Hub as much as the Hub will boost ISES, creating the perfect synergy and way to channel all the excitement, momentum and connections built at ISES. We would love to see this ideas happen, and we have the means to make them happen. New ideas that follow this line of thought will surely arise during the organization process of the Summit. It is through these ideas that ISES will evolve to be, starting with ISES 2017, a historic Summit that will set a new bar and quality standard not only for future ISES, but also to youth summits around the world. Throughout this Bid Book we have largely talked about the Summit that we imagine and want to organize. This might be a good time to introduce you to the team that will make it happen.


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II. Team Cover Letter





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The proposed Organizing Committee is a strong, united team that continues to apply the dynamics that worked during LASES, but with the addition of new members. One of the reasons is that several LASES team members are not students anymore, and are succeeding in jobs and initiatives within and outside of Mexico. Another reason, the most important, is that we believe that anything can be improved, and our team was not an exception. When we ventured to invite new people to be a part of this initiative, we found nothing but good surprises. All of us have been involved in energy, one way or another, since before this bidding process. Between all of the members, we have assisted to every ISES event since Vancouver (or our most senior members have). Also, our new recruits are people deeply involved in energy matters that have already participated in international events, including ISES.

LASES Team at Gala Dinner

LASES Team Meeting

It is important to note that we do not have two students studying the same thing; even if we are all focused on energy, our areas of interest go from International Relations to Engineering, going through Economy and Political Sciences. The engineers are diverse as well: we have a Renewable Energy Engineer and a Petroleum Engineer, going through a mechanical and a mechatronic. All of us have participated in international competitions or events that have demanded a great amount of work and the ability to get good results under stress. Our capabilities are already proven. One of our greatest victories in terms of team consolidation is that for the first time the central team, located in Mexico City, is closely working with a passionate group of students that are located in north of the country. Actually, this second team intended to bid for ISES 2017 in a separate proposal. Both groups quickly discovered the advantages of working together, providing this bid with a national outreach that heavily enriched this proposal. Another important aspect is that we have established a mechanism to further expand the size of this team, specially towards January 2017, and it is not purely through mere volunteering. In Mexican universities it is mandatory to make a “Social Service� in order to graduate. This is a system through which students give back to their country before finishing their studies. A mandatory number of work hours is demanded.

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The Team

A meeting with potential ISES 2017 Partners

It typically corresponds to a full semester with a half-time job. This service is not paid, and can only be done with organizations that are recognized by universities as suitable for their students to work in. One of our big successes during the organization of this bid, is that we have already agreed on this with three of the most important Mexican universities. One of them is of course UNAM, and the other two are ITAM and CIDE. ITAM and CIDE will be described in another chapter, but both their relevance in México and the quality of their students is unquestionable. These partnerships offer us a great advantage in terms of recruiting team members that will be investing important work hours during the organization of the Summit. Also, the academic approach of ITAM and CIDE is very different than that of UNAM’s. Even if UNAM will be leading the Organizing Committee, having students from other universities shall provide different points of view that will do nothing but enrich the final product: ISES 2017. Actually, the team that put together this bid already has students from ITAM, and the experiment has been most successful. Finally, we’d like to mention that we believe in more efficient than numerous teams. We were 18 to organize LASES. Nevertheless, the LASES experience was overwhelmingly difficult for some of us, and we clearly recognize the necessity of having more team members; at least 20 more team members, specially towards January 2017. That said, we will be recruiting in accordance to need. There are several ways through which this will be a successful process. Also, in terms of team organization, we do not see the need to change it from what has worked in the past both for ISES and LASES. The Team

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The Team

The Team

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Santiago Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros Harispuru, Chair of the Organizing Committee: Santiago is a 6th semester Renewable Energy Engineer student from the Renewable Energy Institute of UNAM. He is interested in developing technology to close the energy consumption gap between developed and underdeveloped México. Last year, he won a national technology development contest with a project that turned rural wastewater treatment plants into power generation facilities. He is currently scaling the technology. He has been involved with Student Energy since the Latin American Student Energy Summit, in which he started working as Program Lead. He then moved to managing hospitality, student relations, and the bursary program. During the last two years he has given conferences, workshops and talks about Renewable Energy and sustainability. During his free time, he enjoys writing about himself in third person. Jorge Luis Hinojosa Magaña, Director of the Student Energy Latin American Hub: Jorge has always looked for ways to engage youth into being agents of change and being one himself, particularly in the areas of energy and sustainability. He believes new innovations and ways of thinking can transition the world to a sustaiable future. Jorge is a finishing student of Mechanical Engineering at UNAM, where he was President of the School of Engineering’s Energy and Environment Society. His activities there eventually lead him to the International Student Energy Summits in Vancouver, Trondheim, and Bali. Jorge chaired the Latin American Student Energy Summit in 2014, which inspired him to extend his works on this field, to now participate in this bid, and to have further plans for the region. Jorge also adventured as an entrepreneur as cofounder of Rennueva, an award-winning startup built around sustainable polymer recycling technologies he co-developed, now active in Mexico City. Angélica Rodríguez, Finance Director: Her personal goal is to contribute in a significant way on the solution of the biggest challenges in the present and future; this through the development and integration of sustainable technological projects.This year, she got her masters degree in engineering at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. On 2012 she got a degree in Mechatronic Engineering also at UNAM. She is currently studying to get a degree in Administration and she is specializing on Architecture. She has been part of many innovative projects in robotics, aerospace, energy and sustainability, being a central part of the project “Casa UNAM” that successfully competed during the Solar Decathlon at Versailles in 2014, being its Finance Director and Project Engineer.

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The Team

César Luis Meza Orozco, Program Vice Chair: César is a Petroleum Engineering Student at UNAM. As team captain he achieved the 2015 Petrobowl World Championship and also secured the MVP recognition of the tournament. Founder of an Agribusiness Start-up with aims to improving the competitiveness of the mexican agricultural sector. Since he can remember, he has always been interested in the global energy scene and energy improvement technologies. He is also an enthusiast of space exploration, future trends and human/technology progress.

Ivana Zoe Sterlini Silva, Sponsorship Vice Chair: Ivana Sterlini never thought of becoming a geological engineer, her path had clear indications of a more bohemian life, since she is better known for her painting, designing, and writing than for her knowledge of science. However life had another path in mind for her. At the age of 19 she discovered her passion for energy while attending UNAM’s School of Engineering, which led her to attend ISES 2011 and later on become part of the LASES Organizing Committee as Key Account Manager for Oil & Gas Companies, in the Sponsorship Team . Consistent with her free spirit and nature-care philosophy it was clear that she would strive for green and sustainable energy. Today she is focused on alternative energies, sites remediation and wants to learn about green economy.

Ana Gabriela Monroy Chaparro, Marketing Vice Chair: An internationalist that imagines a different world with opportunities for young leaders in Energy topics. She is a student that connects scientific knowledge with social problems around the world, because she believes in multidisciplinary solutions for global problems. As a young Mexican leader, she has been a delegate in many international conferences, including past ISES in Bali, and she participates in Model United Nations representing México, also being the MUN coordinator at UNAM’s School of Political and Social Sciences.

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Alejandro Navarro Elenes, Regional Vice Chair North: Alejandro was interested in postulating for ISES 2017 with his own University, but after careful consideration chose to join to the team in Mexico City. He is doing a masters degree in Renewable Energy Engineering, and is passionate about organizing events that boost networking in pro of a sustainable energy future. He has been a Student Energy Volunteer for more than two years now, participating actively in several of its initiatives. Isabel Mejía Fontanot, Markets and Regulations Program Lead: Born and raised in Mexico City, Isabel Mejía Fontanot is currently studying a double major in Economics and Political Science and a minor in Political Economy at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). She is the founding member and President of the group with a stake in sustainability at her university: Green ITAM. Isabel is committed with change and finding new ways to solve current problems, because of that she works constantly as an activist in her community and has been president of numerous student organizations. She has been a volunteer for over six years at different NGO’s in Mexico, Perú and Ecuador and studied abroad during the last three summers. Isabel strongly believes in using evaluations to answer critical policy questions and ensure that policy is informed by scientific evidence. Thus, she currently works in research projects related with political economy, corruption, transparency and parliamentary studies. Diego Pineda, Global Energy Dynamics Program Lead: Diego is a student of the ninth semester in economics and international relations at ITAM. He is very interested in how the international community works and how the economic variable determines many of the scenarios. He is also very passionate about the environment and sustainable ways of life, which brought him to develop a special curiosity on the energy sector, specially through his work at ITAM’s Center for Energy and Natural Resources. He is a very hard working person that loves to put his effort in projects that have a positive impact on the society.

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The Team

Ariel Goldin Marcovich, Technology and Innovation Program Lead: Ariel has been studying Engineering since 2010 but his interest in the way things work go back to his childhood. He has excellent leadership skills and has developed projects that bring together his many passions: environment, sciences, sustainability and community service. He was Social Media Manager at LASES and is currently president of the SOEMA, a student association that seeks to make Engineering students actively involved in the environmental, energetic and social transition. When he develops an interest he delves into it with passion until he masters it on an intellectual and technical level, be it cooking, rock-climbing, or trying to solve social problems with Engineering. Alexia Dosal, Logistics Director: Former member of the first Latin American Student Energy Summit organizing team, Alexia is a 20 years old student enrolled in the School Of Environment at McGill University. Originally from Mexico, she has always been passionate about the environment and social well being. Alexia has developed a strong commitment with her region and the world, and seeks to promote a paradigm change to ensure a better future led by sustainability principles and values. She has participated in youth initiatives related to the energy transition, climate change, social justice and the Latin American region. Also, she is part of other students initiatives at her university that promote sustainable living and collaboration. Furthermore, she has been involved in different educational projects, believing in the potential of education as trigger for change. Alexia is a devoted student, constantly fighting for what she thinks is right and inviting others to join the conversation. Paulina Cordero Mote, The Best Designer: Paulina is finishing her Graphic Design Career at Universidad Iberoamericana. Throughout her studies, she has had several jobs that have further developed her capacities as a designer. She joined the ISES 2017 UNAM Postulating Committee to develop the aesthetics of the proposal, going from the logo design to the color palette. She is eager to see ISES happen in MĂŠxico and continue working with this passionate team.

The Team

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Dearest Student Energy Management Team, Board of Directors, and Past ISES Chairs, It is my pleasure to present you with this Bid Book. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed doing my part in putting it together. I remember the first time I heard about energy in school: “Energy is not created or destroyed; it is only transformedâ€?. I remember the classroom, the teacher that said it, and even the people that were seating next to me. I remember going back home and noticing that something had been triggered within me. I had found my passion. The concept of transformation, and how energy could take so many different forms and still be the same thing in essence both puzzled and fascinated me. As I grew, I only found that statement to be more and more truthful. The world of energy is the world of transformations, it is the world in which one problem has many solutions. It is the world in which one issue transforms into another, andt is a world capable of driving human development into never before imagined horizons, but it is also a world capable of provoking conflicts, tensions, and dark interests. This depth only goes on and on. Sustainability and the improvement of energy practices aimed at the bettering of our global society is my favorite subject in any given conversation, and has been so for some years now. After working in the Organizing Committee of the Latin American Student Energy Summit, I learned that the potential of global networks is endless, and that those must be harnessed if we want to improve the way we approach energy issues. I also learned about the potential of young students, and about the potential of the region I live in. Multidisciplinarity became my new religion. While continuing with my studies, I have dedicated a vast amount of time to better connecting myself to the Mexican Energy Sector, and to stay informed on what is happening on the global side of things. Going to as much conferences as possible became a priority, and I even gave some myself during the past year. I feel as ready as I am ever going to be to chair the International Student Energy Summit, and 2017 might be the only chance that I am going to get. Not only it is a perfect moment for me to do it, but it is also a perfect moment for my country to host such an event. MĂŠxico is going through very important energy reforms that have activated the national energy market enormously. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to bring these elements together and make of ISES 2017 something completely out of this world. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to thank you for giving us a chance at bidding for ISES 2017, on June 14-18; hoping that your decision favors UNAM and this Organizing Committee. I can be sure that you would be surprised by every bit of the Summit that we are able to put together. Best Regards,

Santiago EM Harispuru

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The Team

Dearest Student Energy Management Team, Board of Directors, and ISES Chairs It is with great pleasure that I greet you once more. I have been witness to Student Energy’s history and evolution, and taken a little part in it myself along with the most amazing group of students I’ve ever met. It is an organization of which we are deeply fond of and whose vision we share and in a way made our own. Our passion for energy and sustainability has definitely been boosted by this movement. Ever since attending the International Student Energy Summit 2011, we were awed by its magic and spirit, and inspired by the students we met there. We joined a movement we have not been able to stop being part of ever since, which we consider most fortunate. Chairing the Latin American Student Energy Summit last year was, without a doubt, one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I’ve had. It is difficult to say what was the best of it all, whether gathering so many passionate and committed students to make it come to life, or the extraordinary three days during which we were joined by the most eager and bright students from over the region, and knowing that we may have influenced them into becoming the energy leaders our future needs. We want take on a more ambitious goal and continue fueling this movement, now in a global scale, taking that experience to the next level, propelled by what we have learned and all the positive connections made with students, academic and governmental institutions, companies and NGOs, both in Mexico and outside. If you knew of or heard about LASES being great, expect to be amazed by this ISES proposal carefully and passionately put together by LASES Team members, now joined by new diverse, incredibly talented, and committed student minds. This opportunity is also presented in the threshold of what we know will be an exciting adventure, the launch of the Student Energy Latin American Hub. We cannot possibly imagine a more powerful synergy than it could be between the Hub and ISES 2017 in México, aiding along with the support of all of our potential partners, with whom we are already thankful of, to provide the most amazing International Student Energy Summit the world has ever seen in our beautiful city of Mérida, Yucatán. We now invite you to trust us once more, and Release the Potential together. Best regards,

Jorge Luis Hinojosa Magaña Soon to be Executive Director Student Energy Latin America

The Team

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The High Level Budget

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High Level Budget The first principle under which we constructed a high level budget is the idea that we want ISES 2017 to be a high level Summit. This means we want the delegates to feel like they would during the summits in which world leaders participate, with no expenses spared in terms of the quality of important components such as the venues, the food, transportation, cultural events, and so on. These should all be world-class. We are convinced that one of the ways in which students will be inspired to become the leaders we want them to become, is to treat them like if they were the leaders that they admire today. The budget is not constructed on a “that seems expensive� basis. We imagined the perfect Summit, and then we figured out its cost: that cost is our worst case scenario fundraising goal; the good case scenarios involve us raising even more money so we can further develop the whole experience.

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The High Level Budget

After we chose the city in which we want ISES 2017 to take After we chose the city local in which want ISES 2017 toManagement take place, we contacted local and certified place, we contacted andwe certified Destination Destination Management (DMCs)Ministry via the local Companies (DMCs) via Companies the local Tourism to beTourism certainMinistry to be certain about the prices of some things.ofThis was things. very important, because the prices we are used to in Mexico City about the prices some This was very important, may be verythe different, higher depending on be a number because prices both we are usedortolower, in Mexico City may very of factors that are irrelevant to different, the purposes this text. bothof higher or lower, depending on a number of factors that are irrelevant to the purposes of this text. Having asked the DMCs for local prices, and after talking with the Government of Yucatán to negotiate what we they offer us, we for aretourists now certain ofaround the cost of most of the Summit. The Certainly, arewould a major attraction from all prizes we put in theisbudget things such as transportation, accommodation, food, cocktails, the world. México the 10thfor most visited country by international furniture, systems, illumination, and venue costswe are real and fixed costs. They will touristsdinners, and thesound 1st in Latin America. This is in part because nothave change if we get World ISES. We think this is useful to avoid 32 UNESCO Heritage Sites (WHS),specially one of which is surprises because as we said, prizes change a lotCampus. even within UNAM’s Central ThisMexico. makes us the 6th country with the most WHS worldwide, and the 1st in all of America. Also, Mexican Actually, Mérida to betoconveniently cuisine is we thehave first found national cuisine be granted unexpensive, the World more so when compared to Mexico City.Status. This has a surprise the quality of thethat events that usually take place in Heritage Didbeen you expect anygiven less from the country Mérida, but chocolate? having double-checked these prizes with outstanding, not one, not two, but seven different DMCs invented Mexican gastronomy is simply webeing can be certain about the Méridaas is a conveniently unexpensive. a key component oftruth: our identity whole.

Submerged in the southeast of México and being the heart of the millenary Mayan culture lies Yucatán, the land of cultural legacy, great tradition and friendly people. Talking about its history and beautiful scenery might be getting into a magical world full of stories, legends and delicious food that fill the imagination. The land that never ceases to amaze. The land of textures that blends the past and the present in a combination of colors and flavors. History and modernity mix here like in no other place around the world.

CULTURE Yucatán is full of emotions, it is the land where it all begins anew. Yucatán has an unique cultural and historical legacy, it is a land filled with aweing features to frame the summit, from incredible archaeological sites to magnificent colonial towns and historical haciendas. Dive into the Mayan World in the state’s majestic pre-hispanic sceneries: archaeological sites with ancient buildings and ceremonial centers, which portray an almost perfect architecture. Chichén Itzá, considered World Heritage and one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, the great Uxmal, city of Kings Amidst the Jungle, Ek Balam, and Mayapan, are just a few examples of the Mayan legacy: it is one of the greatest civilizations the world has seen. People in Yucatán have learned how to mix their ancient beliefs, celebrations and customs with their everyday modern life, so the original culture can exist and as alive as ever. The handicrafts, gastronomy, music and folklore, framed in a rhythm of colors, flavors, sounds and textures, are the proof that this land is filled of culture and waits for you with arms wide open. Experience all this and more in Yucatán’s beautiful colonial towns, with a deep historical legacy, and enjoy the colonial cathedrals, churches and architecture. Feel the magic ambience in your visits to “the white city” of Mérida; Izamal, magic town, or the heir of the colonial times: Valladolid. Delight your senses with the delicious gastronomy of Yucatán, considered to be of the finest amongst the already famous MexicanChichén cuisine. Itzá 101 Budget 101 Budget 101 101 V. The XII. The Host The High High City:Level Level Where Budget and why? 101

The only major part of the budget that is still subject to relative speculation is represented by the cost of the speakers’ fees and flights, and Student Energy’s plane tickets. This is hardly a problem, for plane tickets have fairly stable prices and we still put them in the budget as if every flight was going to be a very expensive flight. Regarding speaker fees, we believe they should be non-existent: a speaker that would charge money to inspire 800 future energy leaders to tackle the sustainable energy challenges that lay ahead is a speaker with whom we do not identify. Nevertheless, it is possible that we find someone that would be worth the fee. We shall see. For the time being, into the budget it goes. Without further explanation, let us take a look at the actual budget.

Montejo Street in Mérida

The following budget is an actual day by day approach to what the Summit is going to cost. Later on we will take a look on a different way of presenting these costs.










Fixed Price

Site Entrance Tickets




State Contribution

Food (lunch box)




Fixed Price

Guides (multilingual)





102 102

The High Level Budget

Fixed Price $35,492.12



city in which we want ISES 2017 toTOTAL take COST CONCEPT After we chose the COST AMMOUNT place, we contacted local and certified Destination Management Venue $25,000.00 1 $25,000.00 Companies (DMCs) via the local Tourism Ministry to be certain Cocktail 850was very important, $348,500.00 about the $410.00 prices of some things. This Opening Show $25,220.00 1 $25,220.00 because the prices we are used to in Mexico City may be very different, both higher or lower, depending1 on a number of factors Audio + Lights $20,000.00 $20,000.00 that are irrelevant to the purposes of this text. Shuttles $5,000.00 6 $30,000.00 SUBTOTAL OPENING $448,720.00 Certainly, we are a major attraction for tourists from all around the world. México is the 10th most visited Day country international 1 (CCby - Zoo) tourists and the 1st in Latin America. This is in part because we CONCEPT PRICE AMMOUNT TOTAL COST have 32 UNESCO World Heritage Sites (WHS), one of which is Venues (Zoo + CC) $70,000.00 1 6th country $70,000.00 UNAM’s Central Campus. This makes us the with the Audiovisuals & Projection $205,000.00 1 $205,000.00 most WHS worldwide, and the 1st in all of America. Also, Mexican cuisine is $47,200.00 the first national cuisine to 1be granted$47,200.00 the World Furniture Heritage Status. Did you expect any less from the country that Lunch $460.00 900 $414,000.00 invented chocolate? Mexican gastronomy is simply outstanding, Coffee Breaks $80.00 900 $72,000.00 being a key component of our identity as a whole.

REMARKS State Contribution State Contribution State Contribution State Contribution Fixed Price $27,195.15

REMARKS State Contribution Fixed Price Fixed Price Fixed Price Fixed Price

Transportation (Buses)




Fixed Price

Dinner at the Zoo




Fixed Price

Drinks (Open Bar)




Fixed Price

Furniture at the Zoo




SUBTOTAL DAY 1 $2,172,040.00

CONCEPT Venue Audiovisuals & Projection Furniture Coffee Breaks

$80.00 $460.00

CONCEPT Venue Transportation Audiovisuals & Projection Furniture Giga Picnic Workshops Materials

Fixed Price $131,638.79

Submerged in the southeast of México and being the heart of the millenary Mayan 2 (Great the Mayan World - Convention Center) culture liesDay Yucatán, theMuseum land of of cultural legacy, great tradition and friendly people. Talking about beautiful scenery might beCOST getting into a magical COST its history and AMMOUNT TOTAL REMARKS world full of stories, legends and delicious food that fill the imagination. The land $80,000.00 1 $80,000.00 State Contribution that never ceases to amaze. The land of textures that blends the past and the $205,000.00 1 $205,000.00 Fixed Price present in a combination of colors and flavors. History and modernity mix here like 1 $47,200.00 Fixed Price in $47,200.00 no other place around the world.

CULTURE Cocktail and Light Dinner Museum $410.00 Lunch



Fixed Price



Fixed Price



Fixed Price

SUBTOTAL DAY2where $1,187,200.00 $71,951.52 Yucatán is full of emotions, it is the land it all begins anew. Yucatán has an unique cultural and historical legacy, it is a land filled with aweing features to Daysummit, 3 (Yucatán Scientific and Technologic Park sites - Izamal Dinner) colonial frame the from incredible archaeological to Gala magnificent AMMOUNT TOTAL COST REMARKS towns andCOST historical haciendas. Dive into the Mayan World in majestic pre-hispanic sceneries: $56,000.00 1 the state’s $56,000.00 State Contribution archaeological sites with ancient19buildings and ceremonial centers, which portray $7,894.74 $150,000.00 Fixed Price an almost perfect architecture. Chichén Itzá, considered World Heritage and one $100,000.00 1 $100,000.00 Fixed Price of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, the great Uxmal, city of Kings Amidst the $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Fixed Jungle, Ek Balam, and Mayapan,1are just a few examples of the Mayan legacy: it isPrice $200.00 $180,000.00 Fixed Price one of the greatest civilizations 900 the world has seen. $50,000.00







People in Yucatán have learned how to(Izamal) mix their ancient beliefs, celebrations Gala Dinner and customs with their everyday modern life, so the original culture can exist Venue $50,000.00 1 $50,000.00 State Contribution and as alive as ever. The handicrafts, gastronomy, music and folklore, framed in a Dinner $603.20 900 $542,880.00 rhythm of colors, flavors, sounds and textures, are the proof that this land isFixed filledPrice Drinks (Open Bar) 900 Fixedin Price of $394.40 culture and waits for you with arms wide $354,960.00 open. Experience all this and more Yucatán’s beautiful colonial towns, historical legacy, and enjoy thePrice Furniture $286,000.00 1 with a deep $286,000.00 Fixed colonial cathedrals, churches and architecture. Feel the magic ambience in your Tent $30,000.00 1 $30,000.00 Fixed Price visits to “the white city” of Mérida; Izamal, magic town, or the heir of the colonial Transportation $196,596.80 1 $196,596.80 Fixed Price times: Valladolid. Delight your senses with the delicious gastronomy of Yucatán, Donation to the Town of Izamal considered $58,000.00to be of the finest amongst 1 $58,000.00 the already famous Mexican cuisine.Fixed Price SUBTOTAL DAY 3 $2,104,436.80



103 Budget 103 103 V. The XII.The Host TheHigh High City:Level Level Where Budget Budget and why? 103 103

Miscelaneous Expenses CONCEPT




Marketing Fees




Website | Design




Administration Fees




Photo + Film




SE Licencing Fee




Inspection Visits to Mérida


Speaker Fees


State Contribution $600,000.00



$47,878.79 USD
















Extended Team















Fixed Price





Fixed Price





Fixed Price





Fixed Price



Speakers Team Extended Team







$700,054.28 USD



$70,005.43 USD



$70,005.43 USD



$840,065.13 USD


Monumento a la Patria in Mérida 104 104

The High Level Budget


The next approach observes the budget divided into different general categories. After we chose the city in which we want ISES 2017 to take place, we contacted local and certified Destination Management Companies (DMCs) via the local Tourism Ministry to be certain about the prices of some things. This was very important, because the prices we are used to in Mexico City may be very different, both higher or lower, depending onVenues a number of factors that are irrelevant to the purposes of this text.



Certainly, we are a major attraction for tourists from allState around $168,000.00 Contribution the world. México is the 10th most visited country by international Great Museum of the Mayan Statewe Contribution tourists andWorld the 1st in Latin America. This is$25,000.00 in part because have 32 UNESCO World Heritage Sites (WHS), one of which Armando Manzanero Theatre $25,000.00 State is Contribution UNAM’s Central Campus. This makes us the 6th country with the Animaya Zoo $25,000.00 State Contribution most WHS worldwide, and the 1st in all of America. Also, Mexican cuisine is the first national cuisine to be granted theState World Pasaje de la Revolución $5,000.00 Contribution Heritage Status. Did you expect any less from the country that Izamal Convent invented chocolate? Mexican gastronomy is$50,000.00 State Contribution simply outstanding, being a key component Yucatán Scientific and Technologic Park of our identity as a whole.$0.00 State Contribution

Convention Center



$18,060.61 USD

Conferences Concept


Audiovisuals & Projection Furniture SUBTOTAL

Submerged in the southeast of México and being the heart of the millenary Mayan $510,000.00 Fixed Price culture lies Yucatán, the land of cultural legacy, great tradition and friendly people. $144,400.00 Talking about its history and beautiful scenery Fixed mightPrice be getting into a magical world full of stories, legends and delicious food that fill the imagination. The land $654,400.00 $39,660.61 USD that never ceases to amaze. The land of textures that blends the past and the present in a combination of colors and History and modernity mix here like Food & flavors. Beverage in no other place around the world.




Opening Ceremony Cocktail Breakfasts



$204,000.00 State Contribution $0.00 Included in Accommodation

Yucatán is full of emotions, it is the land where it all begins anew. Yucatán has Lunches (days 0, 1, 2, & 3)an unique cultural and historical legacy, $315,000.00 Fixed Price it is a land filled with aweing features to frame theCocktail summit, from incredible archaeological sites to magnificent colonial Great Museum of the Mayan World $106,000.00 Fixed Price towns and historical haciendas. Animaya Zoo Dinner (including Fixed Price Dive furniture) into the Mayan World in$670,960.00 the state’s majestic pre-hispanic sceneries: archaeological buildings and ceremonial Izamal Gala Dinner (including furniture) sites with ancient$1,213,840.00 Fixed Pricecenters, which portray an almost perfect architecture. Chichén Itzá, considered World Heritage and one SUBTOTAL $2,509,800.00 $152,109.09 USD of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, the great Uxmal, city of Kings Amidst the Jungle, Ek Balam, and Mayapan, are just a few examples of the Mayan legacy: it is one of the greatest civilizations Transportation the world has seen.

Journey (all round trips)



People in Yucatán have learned how to mix their ancient beliefs, celebrations Chichen Itzá Daytrip and customs with their everyday$287,000.00 modern life, Fixed so thePrice original culture can exist and as alive as ever. The handicrafts, gastronomy, music and folklore, framed in a Opening Ceremony - Hotels (Shuttles) $30,000.00 Fixed Price rhythm of colors, flavors, sounds and textures, are the proof that this land is filled Hotels - Animaya Zoo $150,000.00 Fixed Price all this and more in of culture and waits for you with arms wide open. Experience beautifulPar colonial towns, with a deepFixed historical Hotels - Yucatán Scientific Yucatán’s and Technologic $150,000.00 Pricelegacy, and enjoy the colonial cathedrals, churches and architecture. Feel the magic ambience in your Hotels - Izamal Gala Night visits to “the white city” of Mérida;$196,596.80 Izamal, magicFixed town,Price or the heir of the colonial times: Valladolid. Delight your senses with the delicious gastronomy of Yucatán, Airport Shuttles $50,000.00 Fixed Price considered to be of the finest amongst the already famous Mexican cuisine.



$52,339.20 USD

105 Budget 105 105 V. The XII.The Host TheHigh High City:Level Level Where Budget Budget and why? 105 105

Expenses Concept



Comment $100,000.00 Speculative

Website | Design

$50,000.00 Speculative


$20,000.00 Speculative


$15,000.00 Speculative

SE Licencing Fee

$82,000.00 Fixed Price

Inspection Visits to MĂŠrida

$45,000.00 State Contribution

Speaker Fees

$600,000.00 Speculative



$55,272.73 USD

Planes Concept

Individual Cost















Extended Team






$89,393.94 USD

La Casa Azul 106 106

The High Level Budget

This is a budget of what the Summit is going to cost. Because most of the prices are real, and this is not a speculative budget at all, we did not want to include incomes that are going After to webechose city in which we want ISES mostlythe speculative and undermine the 2017 realityto of take the prices with which this budget is place,presented. we contacted local certified Management There areand a few ideasDestination in the budget that you might have noticed and that are Companies (DMCs) viafor thethe local be certain being introduced firstTourism time intoMinistry an ISES to budget. about the prices of some things. This was very important, becauseMost the prices we arewe used to want in Mexico Cityanmay betovery importantly, really to make effort pay plane tickets for 100 delegates. different, both higher depending on a number of factors We do not want or tolower, receive only the students that can afford the trip: it is important to notice that are to the purposes of this thatirrelevant a lot of brilliant minds do not text. possess the funds, and it would sadden us to hold the Summit without them. Another new idea is to not give away a lot of admission fee bursaries, Certainly, we are a major attraction for tourists from around as opposed to previous ISES and LASES itself. We all want almost everyone to pay, but we would the world. México the is the 10th mostfee visited country bySetting international also reduce admission considerably. it at 200 USD seems reasonable to us. tourists and 1st ininclude Latin America. Thisthat is initpart we included: participation in all the This feethe would everything has because historically have events, 32 UNESCO World Heritage (WHS), one which accommodation, mostSites meals. Also for theoffirst timeisin ISES, we want to cover the cost UNAM’s Campus. This makes us the 6thtocountry with the of aCentral fourth night of accommodation due the extensiveness of the experience that we are most proposing. WHS worldwide, and the 1st in all of America. Also, Mexican cuisine is the first national cuisine to be granted the World HeritageThe Status. Did you expect fromthe thesummit country revenues with whichany we less will pay arethat divided in different categories, and invented chocolate? gastronomy issure simply outstanding, we have done anMexican extensive job to make that we will be able to raise enough money. Some beingofa it, key component of our identity as a whole. actually, has already been committed by the State of Yucatán, and will be confirmed as soon as we win the postulation. This sponsorships are detailed in the budget that you just saw in the previous pages. Other sources of revenue will be of course our University, public and private enterprises. In the next section we will go further into this matter, but a very general outlook is described in the next the southeast of México and being the heart of the millenary Mayan Submerged culture lies Yucatán, the land of cultural legacy, great tradition and friendly people. Talking about its history and beautiful scenery might be getting into a magical world full of stories, legends and delicious food that fill the imagination. The land Renevue that never ceases to amaze. The land of textures that blends the past and the present in Ammount a combination of colors and flavors. History and modernity mix here like Comment Revenue Source in no other place around the world. Secured Material Sponsorships $852,020.00

Direct Funding


CULTURE$2,310,000.00 Delegate Admission Fees SUBTOTAL

Secured funding during the meetings that we have already had With a $200 USD admission fee paid by 700 out of 800 delegate

Yucatán is$8,277,020.00 full of emotions, it is the land where it all begins anew. Yucatán $501,637.58 USD has an unique cultural and historical legacy, it is a land filled with aweing features to frame the summit, from incredible archaeological sites to magnificent colonial towns and historical haciendas. Dive into the Mayan World in the state’s majestic pre-hispanic sceneries: archaeological sites with ancient buildings and ceremonial centers, which portray an almost perfect architecture. Chichén Itzá, considered World Heritage and one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, the great Uxmal, city of Kings Amidst the Jungle, Ek Balam, and Mayapan, are just a few examples of the Mayan legacy: it is one of the greatest civilizations the world has seen. People in Yucatán have learned how to mix their ancient beliefs, celebrations and customs with their everyday modern life, so the original culture can exist and as alive as ever. The handicrafts, gastronomy, music and folklore, framed in a rhythm of colors, flavors, sounds and textures, are the proof that this land is filled of culture and waits for you with arms wide open. Experience all this and more in Yucatán’s beautiful colonial towns, with a deep historical legacy, and enjoy the colonial cathedrals, churches and architecture. Feel the magic ambience in your visits to “the white city” of Mérida; Izamal, magic town, or the heir of the colonial times: Valladolid. Delight your senses with the delicious gastronomy of Yucatán, considered to be of the finest amongst the already famous Mexican cuisine. Progreso Bay 107 Budget 107 107 V. The XII.The Host TheHigh High City:Level Level Where Budget Budget and why? 107 107


The High Level Partners


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la I


Siglo XXI Convention Center

It is only through working with High Level Partners that we will achieve to cover a High Level Budget. This might be the part of the bid of which we are the most proud of, and it is without a doubt the one that took us the most hours in meetings, phone calls, and emails. This is an extensive section, but this extensiveness is only a reflexion of the job we have done so far. We want to be very clear about the fact that fundraising will be successful. The recent aperture of our energy market to foreign investment has attracted, and will continue to attract, a myriad of companies that will be working to establish themselves in the good eyes of the Mexican Government and Academic Sectors. We thought this would provide a huge opportunity for us, and we were not mistaken. We approached all the heads of the Mexican Energy Sector; they are all aware that we are bidding to bring ISES 2017 to MĂŠxico. Their excitement is obvious, since as we stated before, energy is probably the most important public affairs issue being treated in MĂŠxico today. Every meeting only opened doors to more meetings. The result of this process is that now we can safely say that we are supported by a carefully woven web of important players in the Mexican Energy Sector. We can divide them into three major categories: Government agencies Academic institutions Companies

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The High Level Partners

Before detailing the support that we have secured in case we organize ISES 2017, we would like to assure you that we will have no legal problem whatsoever in receiving and managing national or international donations. We will explain this in a thorough way after we finish with this section. We would like to note that all of the following support descriptions are backed by a signed letter that you will be able to find in the Appendix.

Government Agencies: All the government agencies that we have approached have confirmed their interest in sponsoring ISES 2017. Secretaría de Energía, (National Energy Ministry, SENER): They are a LASES 2014 Founding Partner, and as stated by their letter that you will find in the Appendix, they were very happy about the results of the Latin American Summit. Since then, we have been in contact for a different number of reasons that involve several exciting projects. SENER has expressed its clear interest to sponsor ISES 2017. In addition to this, their connections to the industry are endless, and we can use them to find even more sponsorships. In their offices we have always found nothing but open doors, and they like to get involved in brainstorming sessions and the generation of new ideas and projects. SENER, more than a sponsor, is a key partner that has proven, and will continue to prove itself a central part of our capabilities as Organizing Committee. In addition to this, they have also expressed a profound interest in working with the Student Energy Latin American Hub. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, (National Science and Technology Council, CONACyT): CONACyT is also a LASES 2014 Founding Partner. Our relationship with them, specially through our directors at UNAM, is also in a very good shape. They love to support events like ISES and would to sponsor us again. Secretaría de Turismo, (National Tourism Ministry, SECTUR): We did not approach them during LASES simply because we didn’t think of it, but it was definitely a mistake. Their support during the last two months has been invaluable; it was through them that we were able to organize The Bidception in which Mexican states postulated before us so we chose the perfect venue for ISES 2017. Also, it is important to mention that through the Mexican Council for Touristic Promotion, one of SECTUR’s offices, we have already received a sponsorship for postulating our country to host ISES 2017. We have not touched it, though, we will decide its purpose once we win ISES.

The High Level Partners

111 111

Gobierno del Estado de Yucatán, (Yucatán State Government): They were quick to jump on board as soon as they found out that we were bidding. They won the bidding process and hence were chosen by us as our proposed ISES 2017 host state and city. They have offered very valuable support during the past weeks, and have also committed to sponsor an important part of the Summit. They have already connected us with local companies that have demonstrated the same interest. More on that later. We would not feel as comfortable to organize ISES 2017 in Yucatán as we do without the ground support of their Government. US Agency for International Development’s Mexico Low Emissions Development Program, USAID-MLED: USAIDMLED was also a sponsor of LASES 2014, and they too were very happy with the results of our collaboration. They have expressed their interest in becoming a Founding Partner, but their current funding program ends in August 2016. They will not know until October 2016 if they can continue to fund initiatives such as ours. Nevertheless, we were assured that there are ample possibilities for this to happen. We are looking forward to work with them again.

Academic Institutions: We are deeply proud of UNAM, and specially of its Renewable Energy Research Institute. It is true that it is the most important cultural project in all the Spanish-speaking countries, and the knowledge-generation that happens within is simply massive. Nevertheless, we recognize the existing potential in partnering with other Mexican universities and academic institutions: a multidisciplinary Summit will be organized by a multidisciplinary team. Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNAM, (School of Engineering, FI-UNAM): FI-UNAM is one of the leading engineering schools in Mexico and Latin America, having amongst its alumni engineers who have built much of the country’s infrastructure, conducted most innovative research, and collaborated with a wide variety of companies, government institutions, research centers and institutions both nationwide and internationally. Proud host and partner of LASES, is again looking to provide the Organizing Committee with its full guidance and support. FI-UNAM students have been delegates in all four ISES so far and are at the core of the ISES 2017 Organizing Committee.

112 112

The High Level Partners

Instituto de Ingeniería de la UNAM, (Institute of Engineering, II-UNAM): The Institute of Engineering is the most important Mexican research institute in terms of their production focused on applied engineering. They have partnerships and connections with major engineering firms, both national and international. Their Director, Dr Alberto Noyola, has also expressed the Institute’s full support to ISES 2017. They will likely sponsor ISES and also set us important meetings with potential partners. Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico, ITAM): ITAM is one of the most important Mexican universities in terms of national impact. Alumni from ITAM tend to hold important public offices, and often lead successful businesses. It has educated brilliant economists, lawyers, and diplomats. Recently, it created ITAM’s Center of Energy and Natural Resources (CERN), with which we have proudly signed an agreement to collaborate. CERN’s knowledge and connections will prove to be more than useful during the organization of ISES 2017. Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (Center for Research and Teaching in Economics, CIDE): CIDE is a Mexican center for research and higher education, specialized in the fields of social sciences, with an international-grade level of excellence. It is one of Mexico’s top think-tanks. They too have recently started doing economic research applied in the Energy field, and they too will prove to be a major academic ally. They will not directly finance ISES, but will be sure to help us, through their connections, to secure more funding. Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas (Electric Research Institute, IIE), is a public enterprise dedicated to innovation, technological development and applied scientific research, in order to develop technologies applicable to the electrical and oil industries, providing support to the Energy Sector in electrical generation, transmission, and distribution processes. They are excited to collaborate with us in terms of industry connections, and could eventually provide funding themselves.

The High Level Partners

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Dr Alejandro Ríos, Masdar Institute: Dr Rios is one of our favourite mentors. He is Director of the Bioenergy Research Consortium at Masdar Institute, and participated as speaker in LASES 2014. He has issued a recommendation letter for the Organizing Committee that we found most inspiring. It was great to see that our work was so highly appreciated by such an important member of the global energy community. He too expressed that if we win, he will strive to help us in any way possible.

Other academic partners: The Aspen Institute México Mexican Academy of Energy Law, AMDE University of Guadalajara, UdeG Technologic Institute of Petroleum and Energy, ITPE UNAM Academic Unit of Yucatán, SISAL UNAM Peninsular Center in Humanities and Social Sciences, CEPHCIS-UNAM UNAM Science and Technology Unit of Yucatán

Companies: One of our best qualities as an Organizing Committee is the great relationship that we hold with important national and international companies that are based in México, in part thanks to the enormous amount of connections provided by the Renewable Energy Research Institute. Due to the important Energy Reform that México is going through, during the following one to three years the necessity of specialized Human Resources in the energy field will increase substantially. This provides us with a perfect timing, for energy companies are more than interested in funding events that bring them closer to high level energy students. This was our main approach when meeting with representatives of these companies. Shell México: The Organizing Committee has important connections with the President and Director of Shell México because of certain projects that have occurred in the last year and a half. Shell was the first company that we approached, and the result was more than positive. Not only they are deeply interested in funding ISES at a Founding Partner level for sure, but also they will prove to be more than just sponsors. Their disposition to help with whatever they can is something we are very grateful of. To begin with, they offered to set up offices for us within their corporative building. Also, they got us a spot to give a presentation during a reunion of an association called ARHIP. Next point.

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The High Level Partners

The Petroleum Industry Human Resources Association, ARHIP: The ARHIP is an association formed by all the leaders of the petroleum industry private sector; they work together to ensure that México has the best to offer in terms of Human Resources. We gave a presentation about ISES 2017 in front of all of them; you could say we saved a huge amount of time and resources by doing this. Not only ARHIP itself has agreed to fund ISES 2017, but also several of its member companies have jumped to express interest in doing so themselves. It has more than 20 member companies, and the list grows every month. Some of the companies that we will continue to list here came out of this presentation. National Association of Solar Energy, ANES: ANES is one of the most important players in the ever growing Mexican Renewable Energy Industry. They organized the ISES 2013 Meeting, no, not the Student Energy ISES: the International Solar Energy Society 2013 Meeting. Their President was most accessible; ANES has deep ties with the Renewable Energy Research Institute of UNAM, which coordinates this bid. ANES has 80 affiliated renewable energy companies. If we win the ISES 2017 bid, we will get meetings with all of these companies. The President of ANES insisted that several of this companies would without a doubt be interested in sponsoring ISES 2017. This Association will be one of our most important funding sources during the organization process. Mexican Association of Solar Photovoltaic Energy, ASOLMEX: ASOLMEX is the most important conjuncture point for the Mexican PV Industry players. In a similar way as ANES, it reunites 47 PV energy generation companies. They too expressed their full support to ISES 2017. Also, if we win the bid, it is certain that we will get meetings with all of these companies, some of which are amongst the largest players in Solar PV worldwide. Mexican Center for Solar Energy Innovation, CEMIE-Sol: CEMIE-Sol is an integral nationwide project that structures a consortium that generates synergy in favor of the sustainable exploitation of solar energy in México. It plans the scientific research and technologic development in this sector. The consortium is consolidated by institutions and businesses all over the country, referents in the solar energy discussion. It is conformed by 10 private companies and 47 research institutes. They too back us up. Mexican Center for Wind Energy Innovation, CEMIE-Wind: CEMIE-Wind is an integral nationwide project that structures a consortium that generates synergy in favor of the sustainable exploitation of wind power in México. It plans the scientific

The High Level Partners

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research and technologic development in this sector. The consortium is consolidated by institutions and businesses all over the country, referents in the wind power discussion. It is conformed by 10 private companies and 46 research institutes. Just as CEMIE-Sol, CEMIE-Wind is excited to see ISES 2017 happen in México. They jointly dispose of a budget of around 1 billion Mexican pesos (around 60 million USD). GreenMomentum Inc. is a market intelligence firm focused on the Latin American cleantech and energy industries. They focus on the design, implementation and financing of economic development opportunities in Mexico and Latin America through entrepreneurship and innovation in clean technology. They both assess Mexican SENER and organize the most important cleantech entrepreneurship event in Latin America. GreenMomentum is a potential partner interested in supporting the Organizing Committee with guidance on the newest innovation trends and contact with the main players in cleantech entrepreneurship in the region and around the world. Grupo Dragón is the energy branch of Grupo Salinas, one of the leading business consortiums in Mexico and Latin America. Grupo Dragón is pioneer in geothermal power in Mexico, also working in large scale wind, solar energy projects. Grupo Salinas’ philosophy of combining resources efficiency with social responsibility aligns with our vision, making them most interested in partnering with and supporting ISES 2017 both through Grupo Dragón and through Kybernus, their nation-wide and multidisciplinary young leadership platform. Other companies that have expressed interest in partnering with the ISES 2017 Organizing Committee of UNAM as a result of a direct contact, sponsoring the event, are the following: Petrofac Diavaz LATINA Pemex Halliburton GrupoR

Grupo México Chevron lilCore Electrifica Grupodicas Energon Solar

We have also partnered with Non-Governmental Organizations and Civil Associations that could provide useful infrastructure and connections during the organizing process of ISES 2017 as Strategic Allies:

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The High Level Partners

As you can see, we tried to pay a visit to the biggest amount of potential partners possible. It was impossible to do so in two months while developing the other sections of the bid and trying to survive exams and school projects at the same time, so we aimed at the most representative ones: associations, consortiums, and conglomerates that will give us access, once we win the bid, to more than one hundred different companies that have every reason to want to sponsor ISES 2017. We are certain, like we said at the beginning of this section, that the fundraising process would be a successful one. The companies, academic institutions, and government offices that we either contacted directly with a positive outcome or are represented by the associations, consortiums, and conglomerates whose support we have, are the following:

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The Mexican Magic

Throughout this Bid Book we have made an effort to describe the Summit that we envision. México is a wonderful country going through a perfect moment to host ISES 2017, energy being one of the most important conversation topics in all academic, private, and public energy sectors. Money is flowing and changing directions, and it will continue to do so for some years. UNAM is the best possible university to host a summit of this caliber; its regional reach is unparalleled even at a global scale: few universities have as much influence in their countries and regions as UNAM does in México and Latin America. In Mérida, Yucatán, we found a dreamlike destination to host ISES; not only its cultural, natural, and historic wealth is as vast as any around the world, but also the quality of the Summit that we will be able to pull out will set a new high standard for ISES to come. The venues that we have chosen all possess great beauty, while being historically relevant to the country, region, and continent. The support from the local government, backed in this bid by a signed letter from the Governor, will prove to be very useful. For instance, everything that they have offered us, when translated to what we are going to save in spendings, more than puts them into the category of Founding Partner. Our vision, theme, and conversation will be not only interesting, but also pertinent and coherent. It is not only what the Global Society can teach to México and Latin America, but also what this part of the world can teach to everyone else. Through our engagement and legacy programs, that will be constantly supervised and fully developed, we make sure that ISES 2017 will become an unprecedented event in which networking and local impact will be taken to a whole new level. A historical level. The budget that we have put together is comprehensive and already constitutes a very useful tool, for most of the prices that are listed in it are fixed and confirmed real prices consulted with local service providers in Mérida. Also, we imagined the perfect Summit and instead of cutting things back to adequate to an easy-to-raise budget, we expanded the usual initial budget to meet the requirements of the Summit that we imagine. To support this budget, we made an unprecedented pre-fundraising labor that connected us with all the leaders of the Mexican Energy Sector, and we were very successful in doing so. This is the first time that so many companies, government agencies, and academic institutions are so eager to host an event like ISES in México. This is all backed up by an extensive amount of support letters from top actors that you will find in the Appendix. We hope that this Bid found you well, and that you enjoyed sharing our vision while you read it. Please, allow us to insist one more time: Let ISES 2017 happen in México. Best regards, The ISES 2017: México Bid Organizing Committee

The Mexican Magic

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128 II. Team Cover Letter



f the

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LASES ______________________________________________________________________________133

Letters of Support_______________________________________________________________137

Team appendix____________________________________________________________________201

List of Potential Speakers______________________________________________________223







After a delegation of Mexican students from UNAM’s faculty of engineering (who have attended the ISES twice before), won the venue for the first Latin American version of the summit to take place at UNAM, the adventure had begun. Latin American Student Energy Summit (LASES), was the most successful regional event from the Canadian organization Student Energy in 2014. This initiative intends to bring a version of their pioneering International Student Energy Summit (ISES) to different regions of the world, where they educate students about current issues in global energy management, inspire them to challenge the current system, create awareness and a network between students, experts and companies. ISES has enthusiastically received much recognition for their work, such as Ban Ki Moon’s congratulations and support. LASES took place in Mexico City, from the 19th to the 21th of June 2014. Shaped by a number of conferences, interactive sessions, workshops, cultural/social events, and the opportunity for networking beyond expected. The intention was to gather around 300 like-minded students from the region, who share interest in the regional and global energy matters, discussing their ideas, challenging the energy sector, inspiring and redefining their role. Compared with their counterparts around the globe, LASES was the summit with the best number of attendance, with the most diverse conference options, more web-visits, and the best in social network interactions.

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LASES team accomplished to congregate 288 students from all sorts of disciplines from 18 countries, and because of the fantastic job of the sponsorship team who managed to get collaboration from GE, USAID, Ritz Carlton, SENER, CONACYT, Magazine Mexicanísimo, and others LASES was capable of giving 128 scholarships to attend (including plane tickets and accommodation). In addition to those sponsors, LASES counted with National Geographic in Spanish edition alliance for the promotion part. Thanks to the program team, the event had as well 40 speakers, from which stand out Fernando César Ferreira (Executive Secretary of the Latin-American Energy Organization-OLADE), Alejandro Rios (Mexican Engineer in Masdar Institute), David René (President of the International Society of Solar Energy-ISES), Laurence H. Goulder (Environment and Energy Politics Director of Standford University), Hugo Ventura (Chief of the Energy and Natural Resources Unity of the Economic Commission for Latin-America and the Caribbean -CEPAL), Vladimiro de la Mora (General Director of General Electric Infrastructure Queretaro-GEIQ), among many others. As well as for the sterling workshop topics, such as Solar Dehydration, Solar Concentration, Geothermal Energy, Sustainable Mobility, Energy Leadership, Astrophysics: The Solar Constant, within others. LASES measures such great success as a result of the effort given by the marketing, program and sponsorship teams conformed by students that belonged to the Society of Energy and Environment-SOEMA of the Faculty of Engineering (UNAM) at the start and then grew to students from many Mexican universities. It was the opportunity to discuss, exchange, and share with people we admire, it was culture, youth, energy, solutions, collaboration, knowledge, friendship, and most of all it was the intention of empowering the change.


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136 II. Team Cover Letter





urbin T r e ow




INDEX I. Government Agencies

SENER_________________________________________________________________________140 SECTUR_______________________________________________________________________142 Gobierno del Estado de Yucatán___________________________________________________144 Turismo Yucatán________________________________________________________________145

ii. Academic partners

IER (Instituto de Energías Renovables)______________________________________________146 FI (Facultad de Ingeniería)________________________________________________________148 II (Instituto de Ingeniería)_________________________________________________________150 ITAM_ ________________________________________________________________________152 CIDE _________________________________________________________________________154 Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas_____________________________________________155 Masdar________________________________________________________________________156 Instituto Tecnológico de Energía y Petróleo (ITPE)__________________________________157 The Aspen Institute______________________________________________________________158 Academia Mexicana de Derecho Energético (AMDE)________________________________160

ii. COMPANIES Shell__________________________________________________________________________162 ARHIP_________________________________________________________________________164 Asociación Nacional de Energía Solar (ANES)______________________________________168 Asociación Mexicana de Energía Solar Fotovoltáica (ASOLMEX)________________________170 CeMIE - Sol____________________________________________________________________172 CeMIE - Eólico__________________________________________________________________173 Abengoa_______________________________________________________________________174 Green Momentum_______________________________________________________________176 Grupo Dragón__________________________________________________________________178 Latina_________________________________________________________________________180 Grupo México__________________________________________________________________182 Grupo R ______________________________________________________________________184 LiCore_________________________________________________________________________186 Electrifica______________________________________________________________________188 Grupo Dicas____________________________________________________________________189 Energon Solar__________________________________________________________________190

ii. NON - GOVERNMENTAL ORGAnizations ONU _________________________________________________________________________192 SOEMA________________________________________________________________________193 Kybernus______________________________________________________________________194 Diálogos_______________________________________________________________________196


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OFICIO: IER/DIR/344/2015

Meredith Adler Executive Director Student Energy Present The Instituto de Energías Renovables (Renewable Energy Institute, IER) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM), as a potential host institution, acknowledges the fact that in order to host an ISES event, a basic licensing agreement will be signed (pending review and negociation) which will include the following key items: -­‐

Agreement to hold an ISES event sometime during June 2017 that upholds Student Energy brand standards, professionalism, and caliber.


Agreement to take on financial and legal liability for the International Student Energy Summit 2017 and provide overall governance of the planning committee to ensure they stay in budget and fulfill all contracts.


Agreement to pay a one-time $5000 licensing fee for the rights to the ISES brand, network, and resources.

UNAM is one of the most important cultural projects worldwide. Its roots date back to the year 1551, making it one of the oldest universities in America, and today, with more than 300,000 students, it is the 15th largest university in the world. With more extension than most cities, and even bigger than some countries, the University has thousands of buildings around the whole country dedicated to teach and to research. The Central Campus alone, Ciudad Universitaria, has more than a thousand buildings of which 138 are libraries possessing around 5 million books. It is also one of the few campuses in the world to be considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. UNAM has more than 37,000 professors, of which 11,000 are full time researchers. It is thanks to this myriad of knowledge-generators that this is the University with the most scientific production in any Spanish speaking country. Energy research, of course, is a very important topic that the University takes very seriously. We have formed thousands of petroleum engineers over the course of more than 60 years, and we have masters and PhD programs on Energy Engineering focused on several areas of interest, ranging from conventional to renewable energy sources. The University understands that in order to satisfy the growing energy needs of our global population in a sustainable way, it is necessary to develop new technology and human resources prepared to serve this specific purpose. Current students will fuel the energy transition. This is why we recently created the IER undergraduate program, hosted by the Renewable Energy Institute. This new program will prepare current students to transition the world towards a sustainable energy future based in the correct management of renewable resources. We just graduated our first class this year.

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The IER has the mission of doing basic and applied scientific research on energy, with emphasis on renewable resources. We boost the development of sustainable technologies, we form specialized human capacities, and we spread the acquired knowledge for the bettering of our country, region, and planet. We are a Latin American referent and the main institution in Mexico working on research and innovation on these matters. This University, being the most important in our country and Latin America, cannot fail to reflect, and influence, the path that our society is taking. As energy multidisciplinary studies become more and more important every day, we are doing and will continue to be doing what is necessary to take this world towards a sustainable energy future. Past ISES have shared this vision, and I think ISES2017 should navigate in this direction. It would be an honor for me, the Institute I direct, and the University, to host ISES 2017. Sincerely yours,

Dr. J. Antonio del RĂ­o Portilla Director Instituo de EnergĂ­as Renovables, UNAM E-mail:

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Mexico City, November 23rd 2015

DR. ANTONIO DEL RÍO PORTILLA DIRECTOR INSTITUTO DE ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO LETTER OF SUPPORT On behalf of The Aspen Institute México I hereby extend our most sincere acknowledgement for this great initiative, while we express our full support to the candidature of the

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) to be the host of the fifth International Student Energy Summit in 2017. The Aspen Institute México is an organization of the civil society, based in Mexico City, which develops activities linked to education, leadership and public policies, through the promotion of open dialogues, plural and nonbiased, on issues and topics of relevance to society. Ideals, values, leadership and dialogue, compose the essence of the Aspen Institute México’s activities which include seminars, activities of broadcasting culture and science, analysis forums on public policies, leadership initiatives as well as education and training programs. The Aspen Institute México is part of a global network headed by the Aspen Institute in the United States. Over six decades past its foundation, it currently has presence in ten countries and has become the benchmark for debate and leadership forums. I can, with all certainty, acknowledge UNAM as an institutional source of diversity, thought and academic excellence, being a key motor of the development of our country and the Latin American region. This house of studies, throughout its history, has also demonstrated its international transcendence. With that basis we can assert that the University has the capacity to bring a high level of professionalism and innovative ideas, which complemented with the support of the Mexican industry, the country’s natural and cultural wealth, as well as the hospitality that characterizes us, will make of ISES 2017 an extraordinary experience, which will undoubtedly inspire the participants to deepen on the subjects approached, create work networks, and undertake new ventures.

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PARTNERSHIP INTENTION LETTER On behalf of ARHIP –Asociacion de Recursos Humanos de la Industria Petrolera AC- I hereby extend our most sincere acknowledgement for this great initiative, while we express our full support to the candidature of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México to be the host of the fifth International Student Energy Summit in 2015.

In ARHIP, we are aware of the prevailing need of transitioning towards a sustainable energy future, and we see in young students the potential leaders who will successfully approach this great challenge, while meeting the energy demand of a growing population.

ARHIP recognizes the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México as an institution source of diversity, thought, and academic excellence, being a key motor of the development of our country and the Latin American region. This house of studies, throughout its history, has also demonstrated its international transcendence. With that basis we can assert that the University has the capacity to bring a high level of professionalism and innovative ideas, which complemented with the support of the Mexican industry, the country’s natural and cultural wealth, as well as the hospitality that characterizes us, will make of ISES 2017 an extraordinary experience, which will undoubtedly inspire the participants to deepen on the subjects approached, create work networks, and undertake new ventures.

Currently, the energy sector in Mexico is of high relevance, given that it is in the middle of a technological and legislative transformation and strengthening process, allowing us to foresee an ideal panorama for 2017 to gather bright young minds from across the world in a joint effort to positively transform the global energy ambit.

ARHIP is an association with around 50 companies to be part of It. Dedicated to the oil, gas and energy sector in México. All those companies operate in the states of Campeche, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Nuevo León and México City. Companies principal activities Ave. Melchor Ocampo 193 Torre “A” Piso 11. Col. Verónica Anzures. México D.F. C.P. 11300. Tel. +52(55)5262-8100 Ave. De los Encinos #1000 Parque Industrial Villa Florida. Reynosa, Tamaulipas. C.P. 88715. Tel. +52(899)9291771

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México, D.F. a 01 de Diciembre de 2015 SANTIAGO EM HARISPURU CHAIR ISES 2017 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE INSTITUTO DE ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO PARTNERSHIP INTENTION LETTER On behalf of ANES I hereby extend our most sincere acknowledgement for this great initiative, while we express our full support to the candidature of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México to be the host of the fifth International Student Energy Summit in 2015. In ANES, we are aware of the prevailing need of transitioning towards a sustainable energy future, and we see in young students the potential leaders who will successfully approach this great challenge, while meeting the energy demand of a growing population. ANES recognizes the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México as an institution source of diversity, thought, and academic excellence, being a key motor of the development of our country and the Latin American region. This house of studies, throughout its history, has also demonstrated its international transcendence. With that basis we can assert that the University has the capacity to bring a high level of professionalism and innovative ideas, which complemented with the support of the Mexican industry, the country’s natural and cultural wealth, as well as the hospitality that characterizes us, will make of ISES 2017 an extraordinary experience, which will undoubtedly inspire the participants to deepen on the subjects approached, create work networks, and undertake new ventures. Currently, the energy sector in Mexico is of high relevance, given that it is in the middle of a technological and legislative transformation and strengthening process, allowing us to foresee an ideal panorama for 2017 to gather bright young minds from across the world in a joint effort to positively transform the global energy ambit. ANES has the mission of facilitating a discussion forum, and in general, the divulgation and promotion of the use of Solar Energy in its direct and indirect manifestations. This means Av. Insurgentes Sur No. 1748-303, 01030 Col. Florida, México D.F., México Tel:+52(55) 5601-8763|e-mail:|

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we conveniently work with wind power, biomass, and hydraulic energy companies as well. Also, we have a decided and firm influence on government organisms that conform Mexican energy policy, using solid technical and scientific arguments. We have a clear conscience of the transcendence of the different forms of solar energy. ANES is one of the most important players in the Mexican Renewable Energy Sector. Being the national representation of solar ISES, its reach is extensive in terms of the amount and quality of the companies it works with. We organized the ISES 2013 Meeting here in México. Along with many actors in the Mexican energy sector, we are looking forward to have UNAM be elected as the host to organize ISES 2017, in which case the Organizing Committee will have our full support, the details of which we will negotiate once it is official that ISES 2017 will be held in Mexico. In ANES we reaffirm our commitment on becoming part of this great project that implies hosting ISES 2017 in Mexico, granting the UNAM Organizing Committee our best recommendation, knowing that they will put together a diverse and successful summit. Sincerely, ATENTAMENTE

M. en I. José Alberto Valdés Palacios Presidente ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE ENERGIA SOLAR A.C.

Av. Insurgentes Sur No. 1748-303, 01030 Col. Florida, México D.F., México Tel:+52(55) 5601-8763|e-mail:|

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OFICIO número: CeMIE-Sol/707/2015

Meredith Adler Executive Director Student Energy PRESENT The Centro Mexicano de Innovación en Energía Solar (Mexican Center for Solar Energy Innovation, CEMIE-Sol) is an nationwide project structured as consortium that generates synergy in favor of the sustainable exploitation of solar energy in Mexico. It plans the scientific and technologic development in this sector, integrating and executing a portfolio of strategic projects toword innovation The consortium also consolidates institutions and businesses all over the country, referents in the solar energy discussion. The group is led by the Instituto de Energías Renovables (Renewable Energy Institute, IER) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM), and is conformed by 57 entities, academic and business. Its objectives are to boost the generation of entrepreneurial services and products on a basis of solid innovation, knowledge and human resources generation, strategic solar energy management, and technology development. In this letter, I wish to express the CEMIE-Sol’s full support to UNAM’s bid to host the International Student Energy Summit 2017. We consider that our mission fully aligns with Student Energy’s, and that it is through young minds that we will be able to transition our world towards a sustainable energy future. Our connections with enterprises, academic institutions, and government offices will prove useful for the Organizing Committee: it is certain that at least some of the consortium’s members will be very interested in sponsoring ISES 2017. We wish to thank Student Energy’s interest in holding ISES 2017 in Mexico, and we are certain that if Student Energy favors the Mexican Bid, everyone in the Mexican energy sector will be excited to participate in order to make of ISES 2017 an unforgettable event. Sincerely yours,

Dr. J. Antonio del Río Portilla Responsable Técnico del CEMIE-SOL E-mail:

Privada Xochicalco s/n, Col. Centro, Temixco, Morelos, México. CP 62580 Tel. 01 777 362 00 95

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Mexico City, November 25, 2015 DR. ANTONIO DEL RÍO PORTILLA DIRECTOR INSTITUTO DE ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO LETTER OF SUPPORT On behalf of GreenMomentum Inc. I hereby extend our most sincere acknowledgement for this great initiative, while we express our full support to the candidature of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México to be the host of the fifth International Student Energy Summit in 2015. GreenMomentum recognizes the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México as an institution source of diversity, thought and academic excellence, being a key driver for the development of our country and the Latin American region. This house of studies, throughout its history, has also demonstrated its international transcendence. With that basis we can assert that the University has the capacity to bring a high level of professionalism and innovative ideas, which, complemented with the support of the Mexican industry, the country’s natural and cultural wealth, as well as the hospitality that characterizes us, will make of ISES 2017 an extraordinary experience, which will undoubtedly inspire the participants to deepen on the subjects approached, create work networks, and undertake new ventures. In particular, we acknowledge the work of IER is highly relevant for the future of energy sector in Mexico and the deployment of local capabilities for clean technologies, being recognized as one of the top influencer in academic and research areas nationwide. GreenMomentum Inc. is a market intelligence firm focused on the Latin American cleantech and energy industries. We focus on the design, implementation and financing of economic development opportunities in Mexico and Latin America through entrepreneurship and innovation in clean technology. With a vertically integrated approach, GreenMomentum provides support to cleantech and energy startup companies seeking to scale up their operations and technology, develop new market opportunities, finance their expansion and R&D activities, leverage their intellectual property

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Andrés de la Concha 12, Col. San José Insurgentes, C.P. 03900, México, D.F. Of: +52 (55) 2624 1388 / 4444 9143

or develop new business models to successfully overcome the challenges of Mexico’s dynamic energy market.

In GreenMomentum we are aware of the prevailing need of transitioning towards a sustaina ble energy future, based on an eco-innovation economy, and we see in young students the potential leaders who will successfully approach this great challenge. We see in innovation and entrepreneurship in clean technologies the opportunity to provide sustai nable energy access and development, and in young students the potential inventors and entrepreneurs who will transform them from ideas into realities, shaping their environments and positively impacting society, like some members of the ISES UNAM Organizing Committee are already doing and with whom we’ve working closely for the past two years. Along with many actors in the Mexican energy and cleantech sector, we are looking forward to have UNAM being elected as the host to organize ISES 2017, in which cas e the Organizing Committee will have our full support and aid with our 6 years expertise and international network in the fields of cleantech and sustainable energy innovation, the details of which we will run deeper into once it is official that ISES 2017 will be held in Mexico. In GreenMomentum we reaffirm our commitment on supporting this ambitious yet possible project that implies hosting ISES 2017 in Mexico, granting the UNAM Organizing Committee our best ether a diverse, successful and high level summit. recommendation, knowing that they will put tog


Luis Aguirre-Torres, PhD President & CEO GreenMomentum Inc

Andrés de la Concha 12, Col. San José Insurgentes, C.P. 03900, México, D.F. Of: +52 (55) 2624 1388 / 4444 9143

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30 de noviembre 2015


PARTNERSHIP INTENTION LETTER On behalf of Grupo R I hereby extend our most sincere acknowledgement for this great initiative, while we express our full support to the candidature of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México to be the host of the fifth International Student Energy Summit in 2015.

In Grupo R, we are aware of the prevailing need of transitioning towards a sustainable energy future, and we see in young students the potential leaders who will successfully approach this great challenge, while meeting the energy demand of a growing population.

Grupo R recognizes the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México as an institution source of diversity, thought, and academic excellence, being a key motor of the development of our country and the Latin American region. This house of studies, throughout its history, has also demonstrated its international transcendence. With that basis we can assert that the University has the capacity to bring a high level of professionalism and innovative ideas, which complemented with the support of the Mexican industry, the country’s natural and cultural wealth, as well as the hospitality that characterizes us, will make of ISES 2017 an extraordinary experience, which will undoubtedly inspire the participants to deepen on the subjects approached, create work networks, and undertake new ventures.

Currently, the energy sector in Mexico is of high relevance, given that it is in the middle of a technological and legislative transformation and strengthening process, allowing us to foresee an ideal panorama for 2017 to gather bright young minds from across the world in a joint effort to positively transform the global energy ambit.

Grupo R is a conglomerate of companies dedicated to the oil, gas and energy sector in México. With more than 5,000 employees nation-wide Grupo R operates in the states of Campeche, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and is headquartered in México City. Its principal activities include: offshore and Grupo R Melchor Ocampo 193 Torre A Sexto Piso Col. Verónica Anzures. Delegación Miguel Hidalgo. México, D.F. CP 11300 Teléfono:55.5262.8000

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onshore drilling including ultra -deep water, operation of gas fields, off

shore construction and

maintenance services, oil & gas infrastructure, EPC projects and specialized transport of onshore drilling rigs. A pioneer in the oil and gas industry in Mexico, Grupo R has been constantly evolving to expand its services throughout the value -chain of the oil and gas industry. The company is an active participant in developing the Mexican economy due to its commitment and leadership in the oil and gas sector. The acquisition and operation of three semi -submersible drilling rigs propel led Grupo R to the forefront of the offshore drilling industry in México. Grupo R is the first Mexican company to drill in Mexican ultra


deep waters. Bicentenario, a semi -submersible rig, operates at water depths reaching 9,500 ft. Our professional crews a nd proficient workforce have allowed us to achieve outstanding results and a safe work environment throughout all of Grupo R companies. The Mexican Energy Constitutional Reform which passed in December 2013 will allow Grupo R to broaden its market presence . Grupo R has an exceptional position in the industry and welcomes new players and investment to México.

Along with many actors in the Mexican energy sector, we are looking forward to have UNAM be elected as the host to organize ISES 2017, in which case t

he Organizing Committee will have our full support,

the details of which we will negotiate once it is official that ISES 2017 will be held in Mexico. In GrupoR we reaffirm our commitment on becoming part of this great project that implies hosting ISES 2017 in Mexico, granting the UNAM Organizing Committee our best recommendation, knowing that they will put together a diverse and successful summit.


MDTH. Lic. Beatriz Adriana Morales Huerta Gerente de Recursos Humanos

Zona Norte

Melchor Ocampo 193 Torre A Sexto Piso Col.

Grupo R Verónica Anzures. Delegación Miguel Hidalgo. México, D.F. CP 11300 Teléfono:55.5262.8000

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Laboratorio de Investigación en Control Reconfigurable AC RFC: LIC110316IAA Ernesto Perrusquía No. 30 Colonia Constituyentes del Parque Querétaro, Qro. C.P. 76147

Querétaro, Qro. A 26 de Noviembre de 2015. DR. ANTONIO DEL RÍO PORTILLA DIRECTOR INSTITUTO DE ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO Presente A nombre del Laboratorio de Investigación en Control Reconfigurable AC (LiCORE AC) me permito extenderle nuestro más sincero reconocimiento por esta gran iniciativa, al mismo tiempo que hacemos expreso nuestro total apoyo a la candidatura de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México para ser anfitriona de la quinta cumbre International Student Energy Summit (ISES) en 2017. En LiCORE AC somos conscientes de la imperante necesidad de movernos hacia un futuro energético sustentable, y vemos en los jóvenes estudiantes a potenciales líderes que abordarán con éxito este gran reto. LiCORE AC reconoce a la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México como una institución fuente de diversidad, pensamiento y excelencia académica, siendo un motor clave del desarrollo del país y de la región latinoamericana. Esta casa de estudios, a través de su historia, ha demostrado también su trascendencia internacional. Por ello podemos afirmar que la Universidad tiene la capacidad de aportar un alto nivel de profesionalismo e ideas innovadoras, que complementadas con el apoyo de la industria mexicana, las riquezas naturales y culturales del país, así como la hospitalidad que nos caracterizan, harán de este evento ISES 2017 una experiencia extraordinaria, que sin duda inspirará a los participantes a profundizar en las temáticas tratadas, generar redes de trabajo y emprender nuevos proyectos. Actualmente el sector energético en México es de suma importancia, ya que se encuentra en medio de un proceso de cambio y fortalecimiento de la infraestructura tecnológica y legislativa, vislumbrando así una panorama en 2017 ideal para reunir a las jóvenes mentes brillantes de todo el mundo en un esfuerzo conjunto para transformar positivamente el ámbito energético global. LiCORE AC está trabajando en el desarrollo de un Transformador inteligente de estado sólido (TIES), piedra angular de las futuras Redes eléctricas inteligentes (REI) y nos parece de sumo interés el que ISES 2017 sea en México pues plantea una oportunidad única de reunir a los

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estudiantes, futuros profesionistas del sector energético en donde evidentemente se aplicará éste transformador, y plantearles las oportunidades que se abren en nuestro país de cara a la reforma energética. Nos daría mucho gusto que la UNAM ganase la candidatura para organizar ISES 2017, en cuyo caso el equipo de organización contará con todo nuestro apoyo, cuyos pormenores negociaremos una vez que sea oficial que ISES 2017 sucederá en México. En LiCORE AC, reiteramos nuestro compromiso, haciéndonos partícipes de este gran proyecto que implica recibir a la ISES 2017 en México, otorgando al comité organizador de la UNAM nuestras mejores recomendaciones, sabiendo que brindarán una cumbre diversa y exitosa.

Atentamente. “Impulsando la tecnología hecha en México”

______________________________________ M. en C. Natalia de Jesús Nila Olmedo PRESIDENTE LiCORE AC

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30 de Noviembre de 2015.

Presente En nombre de Energon Solar y la comunidad de empresarios de la industria de la energía solar, extiendo un agradecimiento al esfuerzo que se llevara a cabo para organizar esta iniciativa que nos es benéfica para todos los consumidores de energía del país. Son en estas cumbres donde se juntan los lideres del país a dialogar y planificar estrategias de energías renovables para el futuro de México. Con la nueva reforma energética, cuyo gran porcentaje de trabajo esta enfocado a generación de energía con gas natural, tenemos que actuar rapido y con fuerza para promover los recursos renovables que tenemos en el país y buscar explotarlos. Estas convocatorias reúnen no solo a los emprendedores, sino a los inversionitas y lideres de opinión, haciendo de la experiencia muy enriquecedora para los asistentes. Cuentan con nosotros para apoyar en lo que podamos y si es necesario para concientizar con una plática o panel de discusión. A sus órdenes, Atentamente.

Ing. Diego Calvillo Garza Gerente de Marketing Energon Solar

T. 19335083

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Mexico City, November 30th 2015 Advisory Board and Management Team Student Energy On behalf of the United Nation’s Environment Programme (UNEP) in Mexico, I herewith extend our most sincere acknowledgement for this great initiative, while we express our full support to the candidature of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México to be the host of the fifth International Student Energy Summit in 2017. The United Nations Environment Programme is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. In our mission to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations, we see in young students the potential leaders who will successfully approach this great challenge. UNEP Mexico recognizes the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) as an institution source of diversity, thought and academic excellence, being a key motor of the development of our country and the Latin American region. UNAM, throughout its history, has also demonstrated its international transcendence. With that basis we can assert that the University has the capacity to bring a high level of professionalism and innovative ideas to the organization. Furthermore, complemented with the support of the Mexican industry, the country’s natural and cultural wealth, as well as the hospitality that characterizes Mexico, we believe that UNAM will make the ISES 2017 an extraordinary experience, which will undoubtedly inspire the participants to deepen on the subjects approached and create new networks. Currently, the energy sector in Mexico is of high relevance, given that it is in the middle of a dynamic technological and legislative transformation and strengthening process, allowing us to foresee an ideal panorama for 2017 to gather bright young minds from across the world in a joint effort to positively transform the global energy agenda. Along with many organizations promoting sustainable development in Mexico, we are looking forward to having UNAM being elected as the host to organize ISES 2017, in which case the Organizing Committee will have our full support and guidance, aided by our broad network of institutions and experts both in energy sustainability as well as related foreign affairs. UNEP Mexico reaffirms its commitment on becoming part of this great project that implies hosting ISES 2017 in Mexico, granting the UNAM Organizing Committee our best recommendation. Sincerely, Ma. Dolores Barrientos Alemán Representante PNUMA México OFICINA DE REPRESENTACIÓN EN MÉXICO MEXICO’s REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE Calle del Oro No. 17, Colonia Roma Norte, C.P.06700, México D.F., Email:

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Mexico City, November the 19th 2015

Student Allies Intention Letter ISES 2017 Mexico Management Team The Sociedad de Energía y Medio Ambiente (SOEMA), a student association of the Engineering Department of the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), has been part the Student Engery movement since 2011. Back then, some of its members attended the Vancouver International Student Energy summit. Since, we have maintained close ties with Student Energy by attending every ISES since Vancouver, sharing SE’s content and finally by hosting LASES in 2014. We are now extremely excited by the opportunity to be a part of ISES 2017. The SOEMA is currently constituted of fourteen members and half of them form the Board. Well positioned in our Department and widely connected with other student as well as external organizations, the SOEMA is a very active association with a widely spread network. By this means, we express our full support and commitment for the organizing committee. We will contribute with everything we can offer, in particular with diffusion of through our network, help in the relations with the UNAM, provide members for the team, link the team with other organizations and mobilize the student community as volunteers for the summit.

Ariel Goldin President of Energy and Environment Association

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hen c i h C t


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Dearest Student Energy Management Team, Board of Directors, and Past ISES Chairs, It is my pleasure to present you with this Bid Book. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed doing my part in putting it together. I remember the first time I heard about energy in school: “Energy is not created or destroyed; it is only transformedâ€?. I remember the classroom, the teacher that said it, and even the people that were seating next to me. I remember going back home and noticing that something had been triggered within me. I had found my passion. The concept of transformation, and how energy could take so many different forms and still be the same thing in essence both puzzled and fascinated me. As I grew, I only found that statement to be more and more truthful. The world of energy is the world of transformations, it is the world in which one problem has many solutions. It is the world in which one issue transforms into another, andt is a world capable of driving human development into never before imagined horizons, but it is also a world capable of provoking conflicts, tensions, and dark interests. This depth only goes on and on. Sustainability and the improvement of energy practices aimed at the bettering of our global society is my favorite subject in any given conversation, and has been so for some years now. After working in the Organizing Committee of the Latin American Student Energy Summit, I learned that the potential of global networks is endless, and that those must be harnessed if we want to improve the way we approach energy issues. I also learned about the potential of young students, and about the potential of the region I live in. Multidisciplinarity became my new religion. While continuing with my studies, I have dedicated a vast amount of time to better connecting myself to the Mexican Energy Sector, and to stay informed on what is happening on the global side of things. Going to as much conferences as possible became a priority, and I even gave some myself during the past year. I feel as ready as I am ever going to be to chair the International Student Energy Summit, and 2017 might be the only chance that I am going to get. Not only it is a perfect moment for me to do it, but it is also a perfect moment for my country to host such an event. MĂŠxico is going through very important energy reforms that have activated the national energy market enormously. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to bring these elements together and make of ISES 2017 something completely out of this world. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to thank you for giving us a chance at bidding for ISES 2017, hoping that your decision favors UNAM and this Organizing Committee. I can be sure that you would be surprised by every bit of the Summit that we are able to put together. Best Regards,

Santiago EM Harispuru

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Dearest Student Energy Management Team, Advisory Board and ISES Chairs It is with great pleasure that I greet you once more. I have been witness to Student Energy’s history and evolution, and taken a little part in it myself along with the most amazing group of students I’ve ever met. It is an organization of which we are deeply fond of and whose vision we share and in a way made our own. Ever since attending the International Student Energy Summit 2011, we were awed by the magic and spirit of this movement, and inspired by the students we met there. We joined a movement we have not been able to stop being part of ever since. Chairing the Latin American Student Energy Summit last year was, without a doubt, one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. It is difficult to say what was the best of it all, whether gathering so many passionate and committed students to make it come to life, or the extraordinary three days where we were joined by the most eager and bright students from over the region and knowing that we may have influenced them into becoming the energy leaders our future needs. We want take on a more ambitious goal and continue fueling this movement, now in a global scale, taking that experience to the next level, boosted by what we have learned and all the positive connections made with students, academic and governmental institutions, companies and NGOs, both in Mexico and outside. If you knew of or heard about LASES being great, expect to be amazed by this ISES proposal carefully and passionately put together by LASES Team members, now joined by new diverse, bright, and eager student minds. This opportunity is also presented in the threshold of what we know will be an exciting adventure, the launch of the Student Energy Latin American Hub. We cannot possibly imagine a more powerful synergy than it could be between the Hub and ISES 2017 in México, aiding along with the support of all of our potential partners, with whom we are already thankful of, to provide the most amazing International Student Energy Summit the world has ever seen in our beautiful city of Mérida, Yucatán. We now invite you to trust us once more, and Release the Potential together. Best regards,

Jorge Luis Hinojosa Magaña Soon to be Executive Director Student Energy Latin America

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As a student of Petroleum Engineering, since I was a kid, I came to realice that energy might be the most important concept in the whole universe. I remember i was asked: “What is energy?” I was shocked to realice that i might have my own definition of energy inside my head, but still, didn´t quite knew how to put it in words. That day, the little version of me went home eager to learn more about energy. Since that day i recognized that energy was everywhere, from the tiny viruses and microbes up to the scale of solar systems and galaxies. From that day on I decided to stick on to the subject. So I grew up to roll in the Petroleum Engineering Degree here at UNAM, and as part of this great university, I can tell that UNAM has all the experience and quality to hold a world class event. The group of which i am proud to be part is highly diverse, very dyamic and with lots of ideas. But above all, every one of us is a leader and ouststanding student of its own branch, both on hard and soft skills. We have put a lot of effort on the bid, hoping to meet your standards and expectations. It is our burning desire to hold the best ISES to date, to host a Summit that is able to make a strong positive impact on the assistants and on the exhibitors as well. As for Mexico, we trully believe that Mexico, and specifically Merida, has all the elements to hold a world class event, as the city itself is submersed in a rich and friendly atrmosphere of culture and history. Be certain that should our bid be selected among them all, we will definetely give the best ISES to date as we have the expertice and also the support from our sponsors and colaborators. You surely won´t be dissapointed. Sincerely. César Luis Meza Orozco

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As a student of geological engineering I was interested in sustainable energy, but it wasn’t until I attended ISES 2011 that I realized that was going to be my life path. That was the first time I attended to a summit of such scope, mainly because it was my first approach to an international event focused on students. Not only did I have an amazing time with the people I met there, but I came back home impressively inspired to learn and study. Inspired to create something myself that might actually change at least one problem in my city, country, or world. Probably my strongest thought when I came back was the wish that my classmates and friends had the opportunity to be part of something like ISES soon enough. Fortunately some of them had travel to international conferences and had a bigger vision on the country and world problems, but sadly most of them did not. Gladly last year I had the opportunity to be part of the organizing team for LASES in Mexico City, making part of that wish come true. It was a very enriching experience in which I did not only learn a lot but fortified my friendship with the other members of the team which of course are fully committed to sustainable energy. Being part of the sponsorship team gave me more clear and solid tools of negotiation and improved my leadership skills. As for my participation on the event logistics I gained more experience for the next goal; bringing ISES to our home. It has been said over and over that a great solution for many problems in the world would be education, and that certainly is the road I would emphasis when speaking about México and Latin America. Mérida it’s not only more than ready to host such an event for students, but it’s ready to contribute in terms of knowledge and cosmovision. We have anciently understood ourselves as part of nature and not as owners, we are now happily returning to our roots. With UNAM’s support, being a university well known around the world for its innovation and science significance, I am sure Mérida would leave its magic signature on ISES journal. México is in a very particular time of change in which we, the youth, should take action in the direction we would like to move through. All along with the fact that our country will continue to be a very important player in the energy field for the many years ahead. Sincerely. Ivana Zoe Sterlini Silva Mexican Geological Engineer with a Projects Investment Diploma (UNAM)

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As a mexican student of International Affairs, I think ISES 2017 is a great opportunity to share all the knowledge and culture that Latin America has since ancient times which is growing up and is changing nowadays. It is known that in Mexico , Latin American Student Energy Summit (2014) was an amazing experience where delegates from many countries participated and contributed with new ideas about energy challenges, so this successful initiative should be repeated in an International Student Energy Summit. The potential of the region is invaluable and we could be a perfect place to connect many countries and agents in the same place thinking about energy. As I am an internationalist, the global vision that I have allow me to understand global problems from every country in different regions around the world. This kind of perspective give me the opportunity to show that a multidisciplinary team is possible and the most important message that we would like to communicate is that our potential must be used to built new ways to think energy problems with different tools. In fact, as a student of Social sciences I know how international Organizations in Energy work and how politics, laws, regulations and global dynamics could help to change the way that humanity get in touch with nature and natural resources. The energy challenges demand multidisciplinary solutions with new proposals that impact our next reality. Development is a key point if we are thinking about energy ,and this year United Nations started to work on Sustainable Development Goals for this reason we considered that a new international agenda means changes, options and mistakes that enerneds must analyze as a part of a movement. I know ISES 2017 in Mexico will be awesome because since past ISES 2015 in Bali,Indonesia I thought that connected the unconnected is a strong message but is not enough. We should release our potential in every aspect of our life because we are agents and not only spectators of global problems and Mexico is a country that every day show us how to make a better place. Our culture, gastronomy, philosophy, education and entrepreneurship represent a treasure that we could be show in ISES 2017 as a potential that is not different in Latin America. Sincerely. Ana Gabriela Monroy Chaparro

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I believe that making of energy an important topic in every field, could lead us to solve many of the problems that our society faces, by allowing us to build better change proposals, focused on efficient ways of doing things, with sustainable development as a permanent part of our visions. Student Energy has students from all over the world in their sights, and every two years, the magic happens. Organizing Committees give their best to be the headquarters, to bring together hundreds of students in what will be the experience of their lives. Looking for the brightest students, ISES is looking forward. It is thinking in 5, 10, 20 years later. ISES knows the change we need, is now. Through ISES, Student Energy does what many parents and professionals forget to do: listen to what students have to say. It is a space where your opinion may count, a lot. The opportunity to experience the professional phenomena of sharing knowledge with other students, other visions, other ways of doing things. Students seek to learn how people from other parts of the world, who have lived different environments and faced different challenges, look at these problems our world faces. The scope and the mechanisms vary with the country, the size and the perspective of the situations to solve. I trust that living this experience, will lead to an improvement of the cooperation between the nations involved, not only in a technological and scientific matter, but also in a better understanding of each other’s cultures. Historically, Latin American students’ participation in previous ISES has not been the best. With Mexico as headquarters, we open a huge window for Center and South American students, traditionally displaced, to approach this opportunity, to connect with other students around the globe. Mexico will be the bridge between the unconnected, and the world. The characteristic abundance of natural resources in America, as water and energy, are now being treated as a single topic, with the UN water-energy nexus priority, and with sustainability as the main axis of development. Through ISES, Student Energy is contributing to form in a unique way the professionals of the future. In some years, these professionals will look back, and remember these experience as one of the most satisfying and productive of their lives. A personal statement lies in the belief that most of our problems are not technical, don’t come from a lack of technology. The main reason of why things that should be done are not, is political. Each one of us should aspire to be a decision maker, so we can be, and be part, of the change we need. Only this way, we might see our deepest dreams come true. Let’s go and fight for them. Let’s go, and decide wisely. ISES gathers all the other topics with the social part, that part that will allow the biggest changes of our society to happen. ISES 2017 looks to be the best ISES ever seen. To the students around the globe: Mexico waits for you with arms open wide. Mexico is always ready to receive new cultures, new voices, and new friends. In this country, you will always have a friend to count on. Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Alejandro Navarro

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Santiago Espinosa de los Monteros Harispuru Tabasco #166 col Roma ! Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City 06700 Mobile +5215559478686 ! Mail:

Curriculum Vitae as of December 2015 Date of birth I was born on December 12, 1992. I am 22 years old.

Languages -

Español : 100%


Français : 95%


English : 95%


Italiano : 50%


Deutshce : 50%

Studies - I studied elementary School in a Montessori system at Venezuela, Canada, and México. - My middle and high school happened at the Liceo Franco-Mexicano, a French institution based in Mexico City. - I am currently a 6th semester student of Renewable Energy Engineering at the Renewable Energy Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (IER-UNAM).

Work Experience • I was an Outward Bound guide.

Summer 2011

• Community Manager at Escándalo Networks, an advertising agency based in Mexico City.

Summer 2012

• Vice Chair for the Latin American Student Energy Summit 2014 (LASES2014)

January 2014 – July 2014.

• Chair of the Organizing Committee of the ISES 2017 Mexican Postulation (actual) • Project Manager of the Student Energy Latin American Hub (starting on January 2016) • I teach private lessons in Maths and Physics

Acknowledgments • In November 2014, I won a second place award for the Concurso InterUniversitario de Ciencia y Tecnología Vive conCiencia, a Mexican nationwide technology competition. I presented a nonconventional energy generation system for municipal water treatment plants.

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Participation at events of interest • International Renewable Energy Symposium 2013, Renewable Energy Institute • National Congress for Energy Students 2013, Renewable Energy Institute • Second Eco technologies National Congress, 2013, Ecosystems Research Institute • National Congress for Energy Students 2014, Renewable Energy Institute • Latin American Student Energy Summit 2014, National Autonomous University of Mexico • National Congress for bioenergy experts, 2014, Ecosystems Research Institute • Vail Energy Forum 2015, Beaver Creek, Colorado, Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy • Shell Leadership Forum 2015

Given conferences and workshops •

Conference at the Liceo Franco Mexicano, in Mexico City, about second generation bioenergy

Wind turbines workshop at the Liceo Franco Mexicano in Mexico City

Wind turbines workshop at the Energy Society of the Engineering Faculty of my university

Areas of Interest • I have developed interest for second-generation biofuels, most notably in the municipal water treatment sector • I have developed interest for solar thermal technologies • I have taken courses on innovation, patenting, and the transfer of technology • I am interested in energy markets and regulations • I am interested in energy global dynamics

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Age: Date/place of birth: Address: Home phone: Mobile phone: E-mail: Facebook:


Personal Drivers ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Work that has an impact Being an agent of change Fostering innovation and action Working towards a sustainable future Social responsibility and equality Energy and development

25 March 23rd, 1990. Mexico City, Mexico Fujiyama 112-2, Col. Las Águilas. Del. Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, Mexico (+52) 55-6728-2475 (+521) 55-1492-7891 /

Jorge Luis Hinojosa @jl_hino

Expertise Areas ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Engaging youth Innovation and entrepreneurship sustainability Leading Team Work Mechanical Engineering Sustainability and energy


Studies University:

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering. To graduate in 2016. Mexico City, Mexico.


Personal Skills Spanish - 100% English - 90% French - 30%

    

Public relations abilities Vision for new ventures Leadership and Team Work Project planning and development Converting ideas into results

Recent Training (2014-2015)

Entrepreneurship in Sustainability, by GreenMomentum Inc., leading consultancy firm for cleantech in Latin America

Media Training, by Keep Engaged PR Agency Personal Coaching Program Graduate, by Misión:México, leading personal coaching firm in Mexico Challenges on Democracy and Citizen Participation Workshop, by Kybernus Geopolitics Workshop, by Kybernus

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Professional Experience Sociedad de Energía y Medio Ambiente, Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM . (Society of Energy and Environment, School of Engineering, UNAM). President (Feb. 2013 – Feb. 2015 ). Student group participating in the attendance and organization of events, such as forums, conferences, and workshops within and outside the University; and developing projects around sustainability, the environment, climate change and renewable energy. Significant Results    

Finalist at the “Do it in short film” national contest by Fundación Cinépolis and BBVA Bancomer, 2011, as producer of the short film “EPS Foam in Mexico” Development of the first University EPS Recycling Program in Latin America at UNAM, 2011 Organization of Reciclatón 2012 and 2013, open cultural event on environmental and recycling education Articles and radio interviews published at UNAM’s local media channels

Latin American Student Energy Summit. Chair (Oct. 2013 - June 2014). Organization of a student forum aimed at educating, uniting and inspiring over 300 students from Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss sustainable energy resource management and the role students will play in the energy development in the region, alongside parallel meetings in North America, Europe, and Affrica Significant Results    

348 participants from 18 countries and 60 universities from Latin America and the Caribbean Raised funding and stablished sponsorship agreements jointly valued at around 135,000 USD 17 partners and allies including Mexican Energy Ministry (SENER), Mexican National Science and Technology Council (CONACYT), General Electric, US Agency for International Development, and National Geographic en Español Top level speakers such as the chief directives from the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) and the International Energy Society (ISES)

Rennueva. Co-founder and President (Aug. 2013 - ). Cleantech startup focused on recycling. Developing and upscaling technology for recycling expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam, business model building, fundraising, entrepreneurship competitions and training, planning strategy.

Important Achievements Relevant International Events

+ Delegate at the 2011, 2013 & 2015 International Student Energy Summits in Canada, Norway and Indonesia + Lecturer in various forums and seminars regarding energy, sustainability, entrepreneurship, and youth + Rapporteur at the Global Social Business Summit 2014 + Judge at the Social Impact Challenge, Harvard Initiative for Latin American Relations’ biannual conference, Mexico 2014

As an Innovator and Entrepreneur

+ Santander Prize for Business Innovation, Mexico 2014 with Rennueva. + Cleantech Challenge Mexico 2014, 3rd place with Rennueva + Co-development of patent-in-process EPS recycling technology + Part of the Government of Mexico City’s Innovation Agenda with Rennueva + Nominated Student Icon by The OGM - Oil and Gas Industry News, Canada + Representative of Kybernus, youth leadership platform by Grupo Salinas

Jorge Luis Hinojosa Magaña


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César Luis Meza Orozco Lázaro Cárdenas, 466-1203, Tlatelolco, Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México. 06900 +52 1 55 20 27 92 43

Gender Masculine | Birthdate 17/06/1991 | Nationality Mexican

EXPERIENCE Jan 2014– Present

SPE´s Petrobowl Team Member at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México TEAM CAPTAIN for the 2015 Petrobowl. As a team: Latin American and Caribbean Champions, World Champions. As an individual: Petrobowl MVP (Most Valuable Player) Petrobowl is a fast paced contest organized by the SPE where universities around the world compete to demonstrate who the best is. Topics in the tournament cover all aspects of the E&P sector like Geophysics, Geology, Reservoir Characterization, Drilling, Production, Refining, Business Development, Health Safety and Security. Also non-technical topics are required: History of the Oil Industry, Current Oil Business Topics, Geopolitics, Global Oil and Gas Statistics. Being part of the team requires additional sacrifices and many hours of additional work. Since 2015 my role as team captain is to bring the team together and organize the training sessions.

Aug 2011 – Present

Undergraduate in Petroleum Engineer

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) México City, México. UNAM´s degree in Petroleum Engineering covers all the aspects of Petroleum Engineering. It is regarded as the best Mexican University. Petroleum Engineering graduates are highly regarded. Last year I teamed up with colleagues to develop an Android Application for PVT Properties, My role was to develop the App Pseudocode. One year as Thermodynamics assistant, also an active SPE Student Chapter Volunteer. Currently I am on my last semester. 9th of a 9 semester Degree.

Dec 2014 – Jan 2015

Field Intern at Halliburton Tabasco, México

Rig Pass Certification by IADC. License R164584 Got first-hand experience on several Oil Field Service Operations by the different Service Lines of Halliburton. Stayed for consecutive days on Rig sites learning the procedures on different operations. I also learned and assimilated the company´s values and methods. July 2014 – Aug 2014

Field Intern at Pemex Tabasco, México

My first experience on the oil field. Visited numerous well locations enhancing my knowledge of Drilling and Production Engineering. Learned the Business Scheme of an operator company and how to manage the relations with the Service Companies.

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CĂŠsar Luis Meza Orozco

LANGUAGES Full Proficiency Limited Proficiency

Talents Habilities

Spanish, English (Cambridge Certificate PET) German (A2 by the Austrian Embassy in Mexico), Portuguese

Leadership, efficiency oriented, creativity, tenacity, keen to learning. I always try to improve myself. Punctuality, Responsibility, Analytic Perspective, Proactive, Good Communication Skills. I view myself as an extroverted, I can easily integrate into any group. I also handle myself good while under pressure.

Additional Info I consider myself as a passionate about the Oil Industry as it really is the base of all human activities. They way Oil and gas is everywhere around us is fascinating. Another aspect of the industry that allures me is how the world politics and economics move around oil. Oil and gas is really the base of all human activity It may sound like a clichĂŠ, but my everyday goal is to be a better person than the day before, I try always to improve myself. One more thing, I will receive the Petroleum Engineering certificate in about one year, until then, I am still an undergraduate.



Motorsport, Extreme Sports, History, Business Development, Swimming, Dancing, Singing.

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Ivana Sterlini





UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO Facultad de Contaduría y Administración

BRIGHT 2015 -Sales-

Investment Projects Diplomate

Start-up dedicated to spread solar panel suscriptions in Mexico.


lases 2014


-sponsorship kam-

The goal was to obtain the budget needed for the Latin American Student Energy Summit (LASES). The team accomplished it by using the Key Account Manager technic, getting a capital contribution of 2 million Mexican pesos (in cash & in kind). Collaborated widely in the logistics.

Bachelor of Geological Engineering




-Dam Safety Risk Modeling Intern-


Researched and analyzed the current global normativity on the subject. Merged the information with the hydraulics department studies on 8 mexican dams. Designed models for existing dams based on the values of such studies, using Global Mapper, Iber and Autocad. Participated on the edition of final reports.

interested in energy and sustainability +analysis, development & design of green projects +green economy



-Logistics Managment-


Company focused on creating cultural events; from concerts to art exhibitions. Centered on the main art soloist worldwide.


Office, Autocad, Global Mapper, Iber.



Ideas Leadership Creativity Assertiveness

•SOEMA Member, Sociedad de Alumnos de Energía y Medio Ambiente. Facultad de Ingeniería UNAM, CU.

Design Project Managment Investment Projects Analysis Work Under Pressure Responsibility Team work

•Participated on the International Student Energy Summit (ISES). Organized by University of British Columbia,

Vancouver, Canada (2011).

•Mineralogy Curse Applied to Gemology, Facultad de

Ingeniería UNAM (2012).

•Part of the Sponsorship Team of the Latin American Student Energy Summit (LASES), regional event that belongs to ISES. UNAM, Mexico City (June 2014).

LANGUAGE SKILLS .............................................................................................................................................................................

•Development of a solution for battery pollution among the Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares ICN, UNAM (CURRENT). SPANISH Mother language

ENGLISH Advanced level

INTERESTS .............................................................................................................................................................................

PORTUGUESE Advanced level

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FRENCH Basic level

Ivana Sterlini

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Ana Gabriela Monroy Chaparro

An entusiatic mexican student that is changing the world.

112 Guamuchil Street, MĂŠxico, DF. 04369 Mobile:5548721527 PERSONAL STATEMENT As a student of International Relations I study all kind of problems around the world so as a young leader, I am changing the environment as I can, by steps and with most of possibilities to share my experiences with people from different countries. I am 20 years old and I know that is a perfect time to be part of a movement with ISES 2017, because it is an opportunity to built new solutions for international problems like an international team. I am a student that love all international topics, for this reason I analyze many of them like poverty, development, health, religion and


in many places around the world.

International Organizations like United Nations System and World Trade Organization are examples of the diversity of topics that I could study in my career and I know that is not easy for all . In fact, my knowledge about different international topics, languages and countries allows me to understand what kind of diversity inhabits our world and how we can find points in common about international affairs. This kind of ability make me feel so proud about my

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country, my continent and my world because is a combination of complex factors and we have the opportunity to get involved with them. It is true that I consider as a main challenge environmental problems, in fact climate change and energetic transition are part of my research , but I am interested in Russia as a powerful country in Foreign Affairs (I am studying Russian language) and Arabic world with an Islamic appreciation (I will study Arabic language too) . One of my specialties is energy distribution around the world and how it could be a reason for war. EDUCATION Actually I am studying in National Autonomous University of Mexico, an amazing career that is called International Relations. I have a lot of experience in United Nations Model in my country because I know that we can express our ideas about how we can change the world for a better place and our projects are tools to do it. I have participated in more than ten of this event as a delegate, Conference Officer in MONUUNAM and right now I am Faculty of one of the most important team in my country: MUNDE from FCPyS , UNAM. It is an enormous commitment in my life due to this imply effort to teach others about how a model UN works. I have been delegate and staff in many national events because my University is the most important in Mexico and it let me improve my skills and obbiusly my knowledge. Last year I was volunteer in Latin America Student Energy Summit 2014 and it was amazing. This year I was delegate in International Student Energy Summit (ISES 2015) in Bali Indonesia and it was an international event that change my mind and my view about the world because I understood the importance of Asia nowdays and it lets me connect the unconnected. I am one of the most outstanding students of the International Relations Program in my country so I am a proactive member of my community that is worried about next years in our planet. Now, I am working in a mexican inititative about Student Energy that means the first Student Energy regional office and I will work as a research assistant in my University.

INTERESTS In my free time I read books as a hobbie because I love them, I am a tourist of my country and I enjoy so much visiting museums and cultural activities. I usually research for new aspects

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about our world an I read magazines and news during the day to get information that make built my own ideas about politics. I am interested in change our life sharing my ideas, my energy and my passion because these are important skills as a future leaders. I would like more about Europe because I wonder it as a source of knowledge and the diversity of countries that are there is a appealing situation for me . As a friendly Mexican girl I have many friends around the world, and one of my goals is to bring youth to influence the international situation due to we can not forget the challenges that are waiting for us. We are the present and our planet, our countries, our life are demanding new actions for old problems nowadays and as agents from our countries we can explore another ways of diplomacy and negotiation to improve general agreements in many global problems.

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CV Alejandro Giovanni Navarro Elenes 2014 Renewable Energies and Energy Saving Occupation: Address: Zip Code: City: Born Date: Mail: Telephones:

Master degree student Fuente Pachuca #635 Villa Fontana 45615 Tlaquepaque, Jalisco March 20th 1993 6691003217 (cel) 016691331667 (home)

Professional profile Planning, design and construction of generating, approaching and energy saving systems. Knowledge in production, distribution and energetic goods and services consumption, with a vision of sustainability and efficiency; planning, development and project application.

Work experience February 2014 – today Leader of the Research & Projects Department Ingeniería Integral y Ecológicas MR, S.A. de C.V. Developing of productive and research projects. August 2014 – August 2015 Principal’s Assistant – Energy Engineering Academic Program Universidad Politécnica de Sinaloa Administrative management of the Principal’s office, support researcher.

Education and formation August 2015 – today Master in Sciences in Engineering of Water and Energy Universidad de Guadalajara – Centro Universitario de Tonalá August 2011 – December 2014 Energy Engineering Universidad Politécnica de Sinaloa / Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Formation cycles: 1st cycle: (AUG ’11 – JUL ’12) 2nd cycle: (AUG ’12 – JUL ’13) 3rd cycle: (AUG ’13 – JUL ’14)

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Specialization in thermal-wind energy Specialization in photovoltaic-hydrogen-biomass with energy saving Specialization in hydro-nuclear energy

CV Alejandro Giovanni Navarro Elenes 2014 Titled with the thesis “Industrial Energy Audit: analysis of installations and processes of an industrial bakery for the application of energy conservation opportunities” November 2012 - March 2013 Course of industrial electrical installations Centro de Capacitación para el Trabajo Industrial (CECATI), Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. August 2008 - July 2011 Schooled High school, Physics-Math specialization Unidad Académica Preparatoria Rubén Jaramillo, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa January 2006 - December 2008 Children English Saturday Program Centro de Estudio de Idiomas, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mazatlan, Sinaloa

Prácticas profesionales September 2014 - December 2014 BIMBO DEL PACÍFICO S.A. DE C.V., Mazatlan, Sinaloa Searching of energy conservation opportunities, through analyzing the industrial processes in an industrial bakery. Elaboration of an Integral Energy Diagnostic. November 2013 - December 2013 Internships: ABB, Servicio y Control Industrial, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Work and research assistant Employed characterization methods for biodiesel quality determination. Assisted several processes in biodiesel production from residual oils transesterification. November 2012 - December 2012 Internships: Central Termoeléctrica José Aceves Pozos, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Work assistant Researched basic components of a thermoelectric generation plant. Assisted the application of the 5 s quality process.

Congresses, courses and workshops attended November 2015 // Mazatlan, Sinaloa 1er Congreso Internacional de Sustentabilidad y Desarrollo Energético Taught the workshop “Identification of Energy Efficiency Opportunities for users in Low and Middle Voltage” November 2015 // Culiacan, Sinaloa V Simposio de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Energías Renovables Attended the workshop “Basic Seminar for FRONIUS Inverters” Attended the workshop “FRONIUS Service Partner” November 2015 // Celaya, Guanajuato

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CV Alejandro Giovanni Navarro Elenes 2014 Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals Celaya 2015 Presented the paper titled "Demonstration of real efficiency in fluorescent lighting technologies: power factor in nonlinear charges” ISSN: 1946-5351 ISBN: 978-1-939982-18-6 October 2015// Mazatlan, Sinaloa 3er Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores del Estado de Sinaloa Presented the paper titled “Proposal of a calibration system for studying solar simulators for photovoltaic technologies” July 2015// Mazatlan, Sinaloa 2nd Workshop of Identification of GHG Mitigation Opportunities Collaboration with the Organizing Committee, managing the event’s logistics, attended as an assistant. June 2015 // Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit 2do Congreso Internacional de Energías Renovables y Mantenimiento Industrial Attended masterly conferences and papers about renewable energy development. November 2014 // Temixco, Morelos 2do Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Energías Renovables Presentation of the paper titled “Energy Conservation Opportunities for Users with Low and Middle voltages” Attended the workshop “Energy Efficiency” September 2014 // Mazatlan, Sinaloa 2do Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores del Estado de Sinaloa Presented the paper “High oil content crops for biodiesel production in Sinaloa” Presented the paper “Diagnostic of the electric energy consumption of residential sector in Mazatlan” February - August 2014 // Mazatlan, Sinaloa & Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit Programa Interinstitucional para el Fortalecimiento de la Investigación y el Posgrado del Pacífico (PROGRAMA DELFIN - VERANO CIENTÍFICO) Development and presentation of the Project “Analysis of oilseeds for biodiesel production in Sinaloa” June 2014 // Mazatlan, Sinaloa Expociencias Regional Pacífico 2014 Presented the Project “Projection of a sustainable residential” April 2014 // Mazatlan, Sinaloa 13er Congreso Nacional de las Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y Tecnológicas (INFORO 2014 - Congreso Internacional de Investigación de Academia Journals) Presented the paper titled “Conditions of efficient use and saving of energy in the residential sector” ISSN: 1946-5351 ISBN: 978-1-939982-02-5

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CV Alejandro Giovanni Navarro Elenes 2014 June 2013 // Mazatlan, Sinaloa Expociencias Regional Pacífico 2013 Presented the Project “Take Care: Environmental education software” September 2012 // Mexico, Distrito Federal Foro Universitario de Energía 2012 – Congreso Mexicano del Petróleo Attended conferences about renewable energy projects and prototypes. May 2012 // Culiacan, Sinaloa Diálogo Estatal Sobre Cambio Climático Attended conferences about public policies around climate change, the conservation of water resources and sustainability in Mexico.

Abilities Software Architectural and engineering Design, Structures Simulation AutoCad, Google Sketchup, Lumion Image Editing, Text presentation Adobe: InDesign, Photoshop. Microsoft Office: Word, Power Point Data management Microsoft Office Excel, MatLab Of specific application Dialux I have experience as a manager of projects and institution’s departments, also planning major events, organizing people. Organizational abilities for individual or teamwork. I enjoy working over objectives, with vision, and always with a sense of responsibility and the indispensable constancy to achieve them. Good interpersonal relationships in all my environments.

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CONTEXT Sheeraz Haji Dr José Luis Fernández Zayas Bill Gates Dr Angela Belcher Dr Tonio Buonassissi

CEO, Cleantech Group Inc. Director, Electric Research Institute and Mexican Center for Wind Energy Innovation Founder, Microsoft Bio & Nano Research Lead, MIT Head of the Solar Pothovoltaic Innovation Lab, MIT

TRANSMISION AND NETWORKS Teofilo de la Torre Jerome Guillen Jose Antonio Galdamez Bontha Prasada Rao Lyndon Rive JB Straubel

President of the Electricity Institute Costa Rica ( how Costa Rica is now 100% on Renewable energy?) Tesla´s Worldwide Service and deliveries on how to develope a Grid for Electric Cars Director Serna Honduras (Energy Ministry) in Honduras and its exponential growth of clean energies Knowledge Network Leader at World Energy Council on How to Achieve the best performance on a Generating Plant SolarCity CEO on innovative Financing for Solar Energy Tesla CTO

CONSUMPTION Brad Bullington BRIDGELUX CEO, More efficient LED Jeremy Jaech CEO of Verdiem on Monitoring and controling energy remotely and hence, cutting waste José Jorge Vasconcelos de Lima Minister of Energy of Brasil (how in 2001 Brazil's total electricity consumption wil be reduced by 25%)

FOSSIL FUELS IMPACT REDUCTION R. Allen Reaves Jr. Kelper Project Generation and Senior Production Officer on how to develope a Cero Emissions Coal Plant thanks to CCS James Tour Rice University on CO2 Sequetering directly at the oil wellhead Tingzhen Ming / Renaud de Richter Climate Engineers, fighting climate change with GeoEngineering (Weather Modification)

FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES Bernard Bigot Charles D Ferguson Aaron Mandell Russel Stothers Andrew Perlman Karl Shoene Jonathan Wolfson Derek Sutherland

Director General at Iter on the Current Status of Fussion President of the Federation of American Scientists on the Current Status of Fussion CEO of AltaRock Energy on transforming Geothermal Energy a Main Source of Energy CleanCurrent Energy, Chief in Operations, on Extracting Energy from Marine Currents CEO of Great Point (biomass to natural gas) CEO of Inentec / From waste to SYN GAS Solarzyme CEO on Biofuels from Algae University of Washington / Young leader in Nuclear Fussion

ENERGY AND ITS WORLDWIDE VALUE Yumkella Kandeh Chair of UN-Energy Dr Ivan Vera Secretary of UN-Eenergy on Susteinable development of Developing Countries Joseph E. Aldy Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and a Nonresident Fellow at Resources for the Future Associate at the Belfer Center’s Middle East Initiative, and a professor in the Department of Political Science at the American Holger Albrecht University in Cairo (AUC) Laura Diaz Anadon Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School

ENERGY TRENDS Kelly Twomey Sanders Fernando César Ferreira Fatih Birol David Crane Daniel Fong Eesha Khare

University of Texas at Austin, Water Consumption - Energy Consumption, The Nexus Secretary OLADE Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) NRG Energy CEO on Ivanpah Solar plant LightSail Energy, on how to solve energy´s intermittency problem with air compression and water heating Intel´s Young Scientist Award Winner, on how to supercharge your smartphone in just seconds

ENERGY-DEVELOPMENT LIAISON Alicia Bárcena ECLAC Executive Secretary Angel Gurria Secretary-General, OECD UN Executive Secretary (UN Executive Secretary will be changed) Ban Ki Moon Ex Executive Secretary UN Jose Mujica Ex Prime Minister of Uruguay Jim Yong Kim President of the World Bank Group Sylvia Virginia Larrea Lead Energy specialist for IDB Helen Clark Administrator, UN Development Programme (UNDP); Former Prime Minister of New Zealand

ENERGY REFORMS & LEGISLATIONS WORLDWIDE Pedro Joaquin Codwell Mexican Ministry of Energy Lord Nicholas Stern Chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at LSE and President of the British Academy Ene Lynn Orr Founding Director Precourt Institute , Standford University. Ian Parry Expert of Environmental Fiscal Policy on the current Energy price reforms Francois Moisan Leader of Energy Efficiency Policies at World Energy Council on Generation Efficiency 224 Klaus Willnow Leader of Energy Efficiency Technologies at World Energy Council on Generation Efficiency 224 Potential Speakers Francois Austin Leader of the Oliver Wyman Energy Practice on the Energy Trilema Ind

Jim Yong Kim Sylvia Virginia Larrea Helen Clark

President of the World Bank Group Lead Energy specialist for IDB Administrator, UN Development Programme (UNDP); Former Prime Minister of New Zealand

ENERGY REFORMS & LEGISLATIONS WORLDWIDE Pedro Joaquin Codwell Mexican Ministry of Energy Lord Nicholas Stern Chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at LSE and President of the British Academy Ene Lynn Orr Founding Director Precourt Institute , Standford University. Ian Parry Expert of Environmental Fiscal Policy on the current Energy price reforms Francois Moisan Leader of Energy Efficiency Policies at World Energy Council on Generation Efficiency Klaus Willnow Leader of Energy Efficiency Technologies at World Energy Council on Generation Efficiency Francois Austin Leader of the Oliver Wyman Energy Practice on the Energy Trilema Ind

ENERGY IMPACT ON THE GLOBAL MARKET HE Abdalla Salem El-Badri Secretary General OPEC Muhammad Yunus Nobel Laureate Professor Maroš Šefčovič Project Leader of Energy Union on the Advantages of a shared electrical grid among countries Roberto Azevêdo Director-General of the World Trade Organization

ENERGY NETWORKS & ALLIANCES Caio Koch-Weser Vice Chairman, Deutsche Bank Group; Chair European Climate Foundation Takehiko Nakao President of the Asian Development Bank Edgar Hertwich Expert of United Nations Environmental Program Kristin Skogen Lund Director-General of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise

THE ENERGY PERIPHERY Achim Steiner Enrique Leff Olivier Appert Gotthard Bechmann Joseph Aldy Bill McKibben

UNEP Executive Director One of the key environmental thinkers in Latin America IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Writer of "Oil and Honey"

YOUTH LEADERSHIP Daniel Gomez Iñiguez Taylor Wilson Anish Harsh Thakkar

CEO of Solben on how to develope an Energy Start Up The boy who built a fussion reactor Developer of Sun King latern, a cheap LED latern taht replaces smoky kerosene lanterns all around Africa and South Asia

YOUTH EMPOWERMENT Lorena Aguilar Zihan Lig Neri Oxman

Global Senior Gender Adviser and head of the Global Gender Office. Founder and chief executive of TechBase, the first tech accelerator for women-led start-ups in China Architect and designer, expert in Environmental Design. Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS & YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP Co-funder of ieeTECH, a social enterprise of young entrepreneurs that look for efficient engineering solutions to current problems Victoria Alonso Perez in the farming industry Richard Lunt Inventor of Invisible Solar cells at Ubiquitous Energy / Michigan State University Qichao Hu Developer of Polymer Ionic Liquid at MIT, He claims its batteries are safer, tinier and can hold twice as much energy than lithium io Xiaodi Ren, Damian Kair Energy Systems Cofounders, Creators of Potassium Air batteries with three times the capacity of lithium ion batteries. Won a Beauchamp, Kate Fisher prize by DoE in 2014 SunSaluter, on how a low cost solar panel, tracks the sun across the sky, helping empoverished people to get clean water and Eden Full power Co Funder of Co-Founder at Takachar (sustainable waste management solution project), Associate Client Manager Sophie Ni Delegates To find this students, we will open a contest months prior to ISES, as part of our Student On Stage initiative

Potential Speakers

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