Student Handbook 2014 / 2015

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A Warm Welcome from the International Centre

11 Welcome to Aarhus 13 From A to B: Transportation in Aarhus and Beyond

WHAT IS UNIVERSITY? 20 The Political and Administrative Structure 22 The Academic Structure HAVE YOUR SAY 26 On Your Degree Programme 27 At Your Faculty 28 At University 30 THE STUDENT COUNCIL

GETTING STARTED WITH STUDIES 33 Canteens 36 Student Committees 38 New Study Habits 40 Buying Books THE FUN 44 The Kapsejlads 45 Friday Bars THE SERIOUS 48 Student Jobs and Career 49 InterResource: Career Success Stories and Advice 51 Having Problems?

AARHUS CULTURE 55 Getting Your Cultural Fix 55 Cinemas 56 Theatre 58 Music 59 Museums 60 The Library 61 Godsbanen SECONDHAND GUIDE 62 Aarhus C 62 Aarhus N 62 Aarhus V 63 Viby J 63 Secondhand Events 64 Secondhand Online 66 SPORTS IN AARHUS “HYGGE” IN AARHUS 68 Activities 68 Aarhus Outdoors 72 Green Oases 72 Danish Bodega Culture EAT CHEAP AND HEALTHY 74 Healthy Alternatives 74 Lunchbox 74 Groceries 75 Recipe: Pizza 75 Recipe: Spaghetti Bolognese 77 EATING OUT IN AARHUS 79 STUDENT DISCOUNTS 80 #DISCOVERCITY

Editor-in-chief Bjarke Sølverbæk Contributing editors Sara Jeppesen Sune Koch Rønnow Michael Woodward Authors Anne-Mette Sønderby Bonde Julie Blond Nielsen Mia Hee Jessen Michelle Madsen Regina Fjendbo Sune Koch Rønnow DE, BY BON D ØNDER L ETTE S EARS O -M Y E 2 2 N N A iversity rhus Un and a A t a i l Science ess for Martin Politica op. eakn Studies ol hip h Has a w old scho

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Photographer Karen Svenning Jønsson Laura Østergaard Thorsten Iversen AU Kommunikation: Poul Ib Henriksen, Jesper Rais, Lise Balsby, Anders Trærup, Roar Lava Paaske, Søren Kjeldgaard, Lars Kruse, Maria Randima, Bygningsstyrelsen & Hans Henrik Tholstrup Jørgen Weber Luftfoto Visit Aarhus: Claes Bech-Poulsen, Martin Dam Kristensen, Poul Erik Østergaard, Anders Hede, Kim Wyon, Steffen N. Christensen Graphic Designer Thomas Illeman Sales Associate Tom Poulsen

ÅR MIA HEE JESSEN, 25 YEARS OLD MIA HEE JESSEN, 25 Studies Bachelor of at VIA Administration Studies irt for her 25th birthGot a One Direction T-sh one in her friend group day and was the only n’t allowed to get her was who n etow hom in her always came last. scooter tuned so she

Publisher Zeuner Grafik A/S Cirkulation 17.000 ex ISBN 87-87019-22-1

MICHELLE MA DSEN, 24 YE ARS OLD Studies Engli sh and Comm unication at Aarhus Unive rsity Is terrified of jellyfish and ha sa weakness for boy bands.

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Studenterrådet ved Aarhus Universitet Fredrik Nielsens vej 2-4 8000 Aarhus C Telephone: 87153864 E-mail:

Dear fellow student! Welcome to Aarhus University and congratulations on getting accepted to your programme! You can look forward to embarking upon a number of very special years that will change you for life. I hope that you will find that both Aarhus and the University welcome you with open arms. You will soon discover that being a university student isn’t all about reading seemingly endless amounts of text or attending long lectures held by professors in a long monotonous monologue. Being a student also involves a lot of great experiences and social activities. This Student Handbook is an attempt to compile all the various offers that are available to you, both here at the University and also in the city of Aarhus. Over the next few days you will be bombarded with information about different activities you can take part in and it can be difficult to remember it all at once so I hope that this handbook will help to make sure that you don’t miss out on anything. The older students you meet at the beginning of your time at University will have lots of advice on how to get the most out of your time as a student. If I were to give you one piece of advice, I would say that you should get involved. Get involved



in your local Friday bar, party committee, academic society or student political organisation. When you join a committee or society you develop a much larger network and meet people from different years and lines of study. You will soon learn that becoming involved in an organisation at University can mean that you spend most of your days and evenings here on campus. In this handbook there is also information about The Student Council. As well as being responsible for producing this handbook we also host the annual Student Fair and Denmark’s Largest Friday Bar and Sports Day. These events are organised for students, by students and aim to make your introduction to university life easier. But The Student Council at Aarhus University is much more than that. We also represent the students’ voice at the University, the Council of Aarhus and the Danish Parliament. So if you experience a problem during your time here as a student, I encourage you to contact The Student Council as this is exactly why we are here. We believe that we stand stronger when we stand together. Good luck with your studies, Allan Graversen Vesterlund Chairman of The Student Council

Bliv medlem på

BLIV MEDLEM AF IDA OG FÅ MASSER AF FORDELE I IDA bliver du en del af et stærkt fællesskab, der hjælper dig godt og grundigt igennem din studietid. Vi tilbyder bl.a. billige studieforsikringer, arrangementer på dit studiested, en attraktiv studiekonto, netværk og rådgivning. Første studieår er gratis. Herefter koster studiemedlemskabet 20 kr. pr. måned. Og du kan endda blive medlem i dag!

Læs mere på

international full degree and exchange students and aims to make your experience in your new home as exciting and enjoyable as possible. With information ranging from getting to know Aarhus and understanding AU to life both at and outside of the university, this Student Handbook has been produced to help you make the most of your new life in Aarhus!

Welcome to Aarhus, Denmark and Aarhus University! We hope you have had a pleasant journey and that you are looking forward to your stay here. Year after year Aarhus University and the International Centre (IC) welcome an increasingly large and diverse group of international students. The University believes in the growing importance of students having an international dimension in their education and is a strong supporter of international mobility, both factors the International Centre is proud to support. The International Centre maintains international partnerships and combines a wide range of services for international students, PhDs and visiting scholars, one aspect of which you are reading now. This Student Handbook, made in cooperation with The Student Council at Aarhus University, caters to both



The International Centre is proud to be based in the Dale T. Mortensen Building, a place dedicated for international students and named after Aarhus University’s 2010 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences. The IC acts as the central service point for all incoming international students where you can get non-academic guidance throughout your studies at the University. Everyone at the International Centre aims to provide you with the best services we can offer and we look forward to assisting you in making your time here in Aarhus the best experience possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to visit the International Centre or to call/email us.

Sincerely, The International Centre Aarhus University

WHERE ARE WE LOCATED? Aarhus University International Centre Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, building 1650 DK-8000 Aarhus C HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US? Phone: +45 8715 0220 Email: Web: OPENING HOURS Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 - 14:00

TELEPHONE HOURS: Monday – Thursday 09:00 - 15:00 Friday 09:00 - 14:00 CURRENT STUDENTS PORTAL FACEBOOK ’Aarhus University’ ’Aarhus University Incoming wwInternational Students’ TWITTER @IntCentreAU




Life in Your New City

Welcome to Aarhus – Jutland’s capital, the City of Smiles, the world’s smallest big city. It goes by many names. Aarhusians believe they live in the capital of Jutland because the city is Denmark’s second largest with its 260,000 inhabitants. 44,300 of them are students at the city’s many educational institutions. The three largest are the Aarhus University, VIA University College and Business Academy Aarhus. As a student, you certainly won’t find yourself bored in Aarhus as the City of Smiles has much to offer. During the summer months, Tivoli Friheden welcomes amusement park lovers

and a number of festivals take place around the city. The beaches north and south of the city centre, as well as the many parks around the city, provide cheaper thrills easy access to life outdoors. The cultural scene in Aarhus is also lively and vibrant year-round. Aarhus Theatre, Musikhuset Aarhus and ARoS are among the most popular places to seek culture in the city, but it is often also the small venues, theatres and art exhibitions where the greatest experiences await. This Student Handbook gives you a guide to Aarhus as a student city and provides inspiration for your new life as a student in Aarhus.

Life in Your New City



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Life in Your New City

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There are many ways to get around in Aarhus as a student. Many students cycle. There are bike paths in most areas of the city and there are many places to park your two-wheeled friend. Cycling is the easiest way to get around Aarhus and most places are reachable within cycling distance. Major supermarkets such as Bilka, Kvickly and Føtex offer new, but cheap, bikes from around DKK 1,000. Alternatively, you can purchase a second-hand bike at the police auction held on the first Wednesday of every month. Another possibility is to look for a second-hand bike in newspapers such as Gul & Gratis ( and Den Blå Avis (www.dba. dk; in Danish only). Facebook groups

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and bike shops often offer a third option for finding second-hand bikes, though they are in limited supply and can be hard to come by. The Student House also rents bikes for students at DKK 650 per semester (plus a DKK 600 deposit). It is possible to rent a bicycle for a shorter period of time in Aarhus. Companies such as bikes4rent ( offer special rates with student discounts. During the summer, Aarhus provides city bikes which you can use free of charge. You release the bike from the stand by depositing DKK 20, which you get back when you return the bike to one of the 58 designated parking places in the city. For further information, rø

Life in Your New City


including a city map of where to find parking places, please visit Travelling on four wheels The yellow buses are ubiquitous. The A-Lines (1A, 2A, etc.) are the main lines and leave up to every 10 minutes. Travel by bus within Aarhus is split into 13 zones and single tickets (which you can purchase on the bus for DKK 20) can be used within 2 zones for up to 2 hours. Aarhus is the only city in Denmark where passengers enter through the back door (or in the middle on bendy buses) on yellow buses and exit through the front. Buses that travel further out of the city are regional bus companies and are usually blue. On these buses, you enter at the front and buy or show your ticket to the driver. You can save money by buying a Multiride ticket (10 rides per card) in one of the city’s many kiosks. This reduces the cost of one trip to DKK 14. If you are going to be travelling by bus everyday however, a “period card” is even cheaper. The Off Peak Multiride ticket is also worth checking out as it gives a 20% discount on trips made outside rush hour. If you travel Monday - Friday between 11 and 13, Monday - Friday between 18 and 7 or on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays, you would benefit from investing in an Off Peak Multiride ticket. Night buses operate on Friday and Saturday night with varying hours of operation. They are double the price of a regular fare, which means that if you are riding with a Multiride ticket, you must stamp it twice. Be sure to check the schedule, as there are fewer bus routes at night. You can check ticket types, timetables, zone maps, etc. at Alternatively, you can plan your journey at where you can type in your departure location and arrival destination. Rejseplanen has also de-


Life in Your New City

veloped a mobile app, which you can download to your smartphone. If you have to get back from town and are either not in a state to cycle or have missed the night bus, you can call Aarhus Taxi at 8948 4848 or DanTaxi at 7025 2525. Travelling eastwards? If you are heading to Copenhagen you can take Linie888. It is a bus service that runs between Aarhus and Copenhagen all week. Departing from Aarhus Bus Station, you can ride to Valby in three hours and to Copenhagen Airport in three and a half hours. You can take the bus as a student from Monday – Thursday for just DKK 150. However, during peak travel times (Friday – Sunday), a student ticket is DKK 225 whilst the so-called “red tickets” for student discounts of DKK 150, require travelling at slightly odd or earlier times. There is also the option to buy “blue tickets” for DKK 100, but the route is longer and only runs once a day. Alternatively you can travel by train to the capital (or elsewhere in Denmark). DSB is the Danish railway network that runs to all regions of the country. When you’re a student you can get a DSB Wildcard, which is a highly recommended discount card available to both students and young adults. If you travel between Monday - Thursday or on Saturday, you get a 50% discount. If you travel on the busiest travel days of the week (Friday and Sunday), you get a 25% discount. A Wildcard costs DKK 185 for one year or DKK 99 for 6 months. If you don’t want to invest in a Wildcard, you can keep an eye out for DSB’s cheap discount tickets, called DSB Orange. These offer large discounts but you have to be quick because these tickets become sold out very quickly. For more information about ticket prices and timetables or to book your tickets, please see DSB’s website.

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Life in Your New City


Aarhus Cykelby

Life in Your New City




It can be difficult to make heads or tails out of what a university actually is and how it differs from a high school. This section attempts to provide an overview of the characteristics of a university and the various educational programmes that it offers to help you understand your new school. The university as the institution we see today is very old indeed. Its role as society’s educational centre has roots all the way back to the 1200s. Back then, it was mainly the clergy that attended university and the main focus was on interpreting and comparing the works of Aristotle with Christian texts. The first universities were found in Bologna, Paris and later in Oxford but they have since

spread all over the globe. Today the main aims of universities are education and research. Aarhus University performs both of these tasks and has recently, with the implementation of a new strategy, added another two tasks: knowledge exchange and talent development. Today, Aarhus University comprises around 40,000 students after a number of fusions with the Engineering College of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Herning Institute of Business Administration and Technology and the School of Education. The educational programmes offered by the University span over many aspects of society, from theology and molecular biology to management and engineering studies.



THE POLITICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE As a student it can be very useful to know a little about the University’s structure and know who makes what decisions so you know where to contact if you encounter problems or want to exercise some influence! The University Board is the highest authority at the University. The University Board consists of 11 members. There are six external members and five employees of the University. There are two spaces for students in The University Board. Andreas Birch Olsen and Heidi Klokker Andersen from the Student Council were voted into these spaces by students in the Autumn 2013 election. The student members maintain their positions for one year and it is their task to represent the students’ interests and fight for their cause. The University Board’s



job is to manage the University’s interests within education and research as well as establish guidelines for the organisation, long-term running and development of the University. In addition to this, it is The Board’s responsibility to decide how the University’s funds should be distributed among the various faculties and to approve the University’s budgets. Underneath The University Board in the administrative hierarchy is the Rectorate, which consists of the University Rector, Brian Bech Nielsen, Vice Rektor, Berit Eika and the University Director. The Rectorate is in charge of the day-to-day running of the University, the framework of which is established by The University Board. The Rectorate, along with the Deans of the four faculties, comprises the Senior Management Team at Aarhus University. Each faculty has a Dean as its senior au-


Aarhus Kommune



thority figure. The Dean is employed by the Rector and is responsible for ensuring the quality of the education, teaching and research in his or her faculty. On top of this, it is the Dean’s task to approve the curricula, which describe and define the faculty’s various educational programmes. At the institute level, the senior authority is the Institute Leader. The Institute Leader is employed by the Dean and is responsible for the daily management of the Institute. The Institute Leader must, just like the Dean, ensure the cohesion between the Institute’s teaching and research. Each education or group of educations also has a Board of Studies and a Director of Studies. The Director of Studies is a member of the Board of Studies, which is a committee consisting of an equal number of students and employees of the University. The Board of Studies is responsible for organising and developing the educational programmes. The Board of Studies is in charge of following up on evaluations and suggestions for changes to the curriculum and approving the lesson plans. It is the Board of Studies that you should write to if you wish to apply for dispensation to take an exam under different conditions or if you wish to lodge a complaint over a grade you have been given.

Each faculty contains a number of departments, which are smaller units responsible for specific lines of study. There are twenty-seven departments and various centres of research that may be of interest to you. Teaching at Aarhus University is generally structured around lectures, seminars and practical exercises. Students are expected to take active part in the academic discussions during class. Many professors require students to make one or two oral presentations during the semester. As these presentations are prepared in groups, it is a good idea to join a study group as soon as the semester begins. As interaction and dialogue between professors and students are highly encouraged, the academic atmosphere may appear relaxed and informal for many international students. Just like any other university, Aarhus University has high academic standards and requires that international students keep up with these standards. There are a number of different teaching systems found in the different faculties at Aarhus University, including AULA, CampusNet, FirstClass and Blackboard. Different faculties use different systems and

THE ACADEMIC STRUCTURE Aarhus University is made up of four faculties representing their subject areas. Aarhus University is made up of the following four faculties:

4 Arts


4 Science and Technology

Science & Technology

4 Health


4 Business and Social Sciences

School of Business and Social Sciences




Dagbladet Børsen



it’s important that you know how to use the one relevant to you, as most communication between you and both your professor and classmates will happen within the system. Check with your programme coordinator and/or faculty to learn how to set up and use the relevant system.

you to attend 75 % of all course lessons and participate actively in class.

Danish is the primary language of instruction, but there are also a number of courses taught in English. In this case, textbooks are written in English. You should be aware that you are expected to be proficient in both oral and written English at a sufficient level for academic studies. A high level of responsibility and active participation is expected of the student. Danish university education is not a guided tour. It is up to the individual student to get the most out of what is offered.

Oral examination on the examination syllabus

Oral examination on a set subject plus the examination syllabus

Written examination on a topic from the examination syllabus

Assignment on a fixed subject (take-home exams)

Assignment on an optional subject (take-home exams)

The examination system at the Danish universities is unlike most other systems in Europe. Your final grade depends only on the official exams you complete during the semester – you are not graded for oral presentations during class, papers you submit for class, attendance and participation, or other small projects (individual or group-based). Most courses will have a single final examination. Some courses may require



The exams will be written or oral. There are five frequently used examination methods at Aarhus University. How frequently each examination form is used varies from faculty to faculty:

Examinations may be offered in English and sometimes in German or French if students request this. This is, however, subject to the consent of the examiners involved. There are two different types of written examinations. In the first type of examination, you sign up for a class and the lecturer will distribute a list of the books and articles you are expected to read during the semester. This will be the basis for the exam at the end

of the semester. In the second type, you are expected to make your own examination syllabus and find books and articles, which are related to the academic subject in your class. It is very important to register for exams in advance (or make sure that you are registered for the right examinations). In most departments, students must sign up for exams about a month after the beginning of the semester. You may not be allowed to take your exams if you fail to sign-up in due time. Check with your department for the examination signup deadline! You can sign up via the Self-service system ( The examination sign-up procedure var-

ies from department to department. At some departments you register automatically when you register for a course. At other departments you have to fill out a form online for each course. We encourage you to ask your coordinator, mentor or student counsellor about it to make sure you know the right procedure. The Danish grading system can be confusing to those not used to how it works. The grading system in Denmark applies to all educational institutions. This seven-point scale allows you to easily convert your Danish grades to ECTS credits according to the EU’s European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.

Danish Grade ECTS Grade Definition 12 A For an excellent performance dis- playing a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material, with no or only a few minor weaknesses. 10 B

For a very good performance dis- playing a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant mate- rial, with only minor weaknesses.

7 C

For a good performance displaying good command of the relevant ma- terial but also some weaknesses.

4 D For a fair performance displaying some command of the relevant material but also some major weaknesses. 02 E For a performance meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance. 00 Fx For a performance which does not meet the minimum requirements for acceptance. -3 F For a performance which is unacceptable in all respects. University


At university you can make your opinions known and get involved in student life in many different ways. The Student Council has provided an overview of some of the many opportunities that you have to make a difference.

ON YOUR DEGREE PROGRAMME Student Council If you want to influence anything from the physical framework to the academic content of your programme, you can get involved in your local student council. Your local student council is made up of a group of students from your degree programme that work to promote the students’ interests. This is a unique opportunity to express what elements of your degree work well and to air any frustrations you might have with your education. You are able to make a real difference working alongside other students in your programme. Your student council gives you a unique opportunity to improve your studies and to create a more pleasant study environment whilst at the same time meeting students from other stages of the degree. The Board of Studies Decisions made by The Board of



Studies have great relevance for your studies. The representatives sitting on the board assess teaching evaluations, the programme’s overall quality as well as process applications for dispensation, merit transfer, etc. In other words, The Board of Studies is responsible for everything that goes on with your programme. The Board consists of an equal number of representatives for students and teachers/researchers so there is a great opportunity for direct influence as a student. The representatives for the students in the Board of Studies are usually elected by the Student Council and the Academic Committee as the people engaged in these student bodies usually have their finger on the pulse in terms of which matters are of importance to students. If you wish to be elected as a representative in your Board of Studies, you are expected to participate in approximately 3-5 meetings per semester. You can also be elected as a substitute, which gives you the right to join meetings and get an insight into the work that they carry out but without having the right to vote on matters. Friday Bar and the Party Society Do you want to be responsible for making sure that the students on your programme have a cool and fun place to meet up each week?

Or would you like to meet lots of students from different stages of your programme or also get to know some Danes? Then you should consider getting involved in your local Friday bar and influence how your Friday bars should be! You can, for example, decide which beers you should sell, how the Friday bar should be decorated and which events you should hold. As a member you can decide for yourself how many bar shifts you want to have. Students, who, Friday after Friday are able to enjoy lovely cold beers in good company, appreciate your efforts. Just like the Friday bar, the Party Society is an important part of the social life on campus. The Extracurricular Lecture Societies Quite a large part of the academic life at university takes part outside of

the compulsory reading and scheduled lectures. Some examples are the various extracurricular lecture societies that give you many opportunities to learn more about the topics that interest you and also give you a taste of the many other exciting subject areas that are found at the University. Most degree programmes have their own extracurricular lecture society. You can be part of ensuring that the lectures are of a high standard, making the lectures interesting for as many students as possible, inviting guest speakers and sorting out practical things on the day.

AT YOUR FACULTY Academic Council The Academic Council is an advisory body for the Dean. The Academic



Council processes and discusses important subjects such as the distribution of funds, the academic structure, research and education. The Academic Council consists of representatives from the research staff (professors and PhD students) as well as student representatives, all democratically elected. If you wish to influence the Dean’s decision making, which impacts the way your education and lessons are executed, you can do so through your student council by running for election to the Academic Council. There are approximately three meetings per semester.

AT UNIVERSITY The Student Council The Student Council is a political student organisation that works independently of party political interests to promote the students’ conditions and interests. The Student Council is a union comprised of all students at Aarhus University and each individual student is represented in The Joint Council. The Joint Council consists of democratically elected representatives from all the institutes at Aarhus University. In The Joint Council you can work to ensure the students’ rights and general conditions at Aarhus University and at a national level. The Student Council is your connection to all of the levels where education and research are dealt with: • • •


On each degree programme in the form of the local student council. At University level where two student representatives sit in the University Board At the local government level where they try to influence the political agenda in the City Council especially in areas such


as housing and student jobs. At the national level where they cooperate with the other Danish universities and further educations to influence the politicians in government

If you want to be involved in influencing the management of Aarhus University and in improving the conditions and rights for all students, the Student Council is the place to focus your efforts. Political Student Societies At the University there are many different political student societies for you to join. In these societies you can discuss politics from a party political angle, or attend talks on various societal issues. The societies are: Denmark’s Liberal Students, the Conservative Students and Frit Forum, which is a student organisation founded on social democratic values. On top of these three societies, Green AU participates actively in the political debates at the University and strives to make Aarhus University more environmentally sustainable. Do It Yourself If you have a great idea for a project to carry out at the University you don’t necessarily have to go through one of the above-mentioned channels. If you are up for it, you can take the initiative and do it yourself. To get started you can track down the many possibilities for financial and technical support available to students at the University. You can, for example, apply for financial support at the Student Council’s Activities Fund, which aims to support academic, social or political events and societies. The party societies HUMBUG, ØF and the now traditional Kapsejlads (Regatta) in the University Park are examples of initiatives started by students. Don’t limit yourself by anything but your own imagination!

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Igen i år slår Studenterrådet dørene op til Danmarks største studiemesse den 1. til 3. september, hvor 85 udstillere vil fylde Aulaen og Vandrehallen med gode tilbud til dig som studerende. De gode tilbud omfatter alt fra tilbud på rejser og computere til mere kulturelle tilbud. Vi glæder os til at se dig i september! University


The Student Council is the students’ voice at the University and represents the various levels of the University to ensure students as much influence as possible. From the student councils at each degree programme, the Board of Studies and



the Academic Council to the Board at Aarhus University and the Danish Students’ Association, which works with student conditions on a national level, The Student Council is involved in it all.

FREDAG 12. SEP (10-24)


THE ECLECTIC MONIKER VILD $MITH OG MEGET MERE... Fredag den 12. september kommer der atter liv i Aarhus Universitets smukke Universitetspark, når Studenterrådet og Aarhus Universitets-Sport inviterer til Danmarks Største Fredagsbar og Idrætsdag. Der er endnu en gang lagt op til en kæmpe fest, hvor du dagen lang kan hygge dig sammen med andre studerende fra hele Aarhus. Programmet er spækket med forskellige sportsturneringer, festforeningernes store dyst i ølbowling, kolde fadøl og musik leveret af nogle af Danmarks bedste livebands. Du kan læse mere om arrangementet og se dagens program på www., hvor du også kan melde dig som frivillig medhjælper.
















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Life as a student

UNIVERSITY CANTEENS The canteens at the University are great alternatives to your packed lunch and it is often cheaper to buy food here than downtown. You might be more inclined to go to the nearest canteen, but there is a difference in the price, quality and atmosphere in the different locations! Each faculty usually has a number of canteens around, but here are some of the ones that we suggest are worth having a visit: The Gathering Place Most students know where the Student House is and that is why Stakladen is an easy and neutral place to meet up when you have lunch plans with students from other departments at the University. A lot of employees eat here, students work in groups here and, for a lot of people, the place exudes great memories from the different events and concerts that have taken place there.

The LÌreruddannelsen (teacher education) canteen is also known for their good and cheap food. The delicious salad buffet, the crispy sandwich or the daily special can keep you going the rest of the day and your wallet the rest of the month. Out of the ordinary The canteen at Physics has the most amazing view in all of Aarhus! The canteen at Chemistry is known for its extraordinarily delicate and beautifully served food (but it is a bit more expensive). Last but not least, you should visit the new canteen at the School of Business and Social Sciences, the Caf’inn, which has big, open rooms with modern decor.

The Inexpensive One Mathematics Canteen (the cake canteen) is known for its good and solid food (and cake) and large selection at a low cost. You can get a canteen-card that gives you a 10% discount on everything, which can also be used in the canteens at Physics and Chemistry. The canteen at Mathematics is also open in the evening and offers a big and delicious all-you-can-eat buffet.

Life as a student






The Food Philosophy of Studenterhusfonden ‘Studenterhusfonden’ runs canteens, a conference center, a bakery, a café and a guesthouse in the area around Aarhus University. Since March 2014 we have been undergoing a transformation process in which we work from the concept: COMMON SENSE AND SMART ENERGY It is our vision to provide you high quality food with a local identity/nordic origin – cooked from scratch. The core of our concept is the origin of food and professional craftsmanship. The menu reflects the seasons – giving you the opportunity to eat varied food of the highest seasonal quality. We only use organic fruit and vegetables – striving to increase the total organic use. We do that because we believe that responsibility goes beyond ourselves. We believe that GREEN ENERGY IS SMART ENERGY. 34

Life as a student




Where to find us? •





Dale’s café




Peter Sabroe

Gustav Wieds vej




Frederik Nielsens Vej 4,8000 Aarhus C Phone: 87153910 E-mail: Life as a student


STUDENT COMMITTEES Reasons why you should consider joining a student committee: you meet students other than the ones at your department and it gives you a break from theories and books. You can tend to your interests while at the same time add some points to your résumé. There are a number of committees for every interest and study, small and big; some relevant to your education and some not. Keep an eye on the notice boards, flyers and the University’s conferences to find the committees and events that are relevant to you. The big student committees First of all, there are the big and broad student committees. These are committees that improve the general conditions for students and are therefore worthy of your support.

Besides Student House Aarhus, SAMS and Studenterlauget, one of the biggest committees is The Student Council. They work hard to give the students political influence, both at Aarhus University and on a national plane. Besides that, they also offer activities like study fairs and courses. The Student Council has actually already done something for you, if you are reading this. They are the makers of The Study Calendar, the student magazine Delfinen (The Dolphin) and, along with the International Centre, this Student Handbook. Along with Aarhus University Sport, the Student Council is also behind Denmark’s Largest Friday Bar and Sports Day. The smaller student committees Aarhus University Sport, or AUS, is the official athletic association at Aarhus University. They make it easier

4 Studenterrådet: 4 Aarhus Universitets-Sport: 4 Aarhus Studenterradio: 4 Commerciel Magazine: 4 Studentermagasinet Delfinen:


Life as a student

trænger du til noget at rive i? Så få dig et spændende studiejob i hjertet af Aarhus. Bliv en del af et ungt salgsteam med et ekstremt stærkt socialt sammenhold. en med Scan kod g mød mobilen o ollegaer dine nye k o! ide på vores v · telefon 8620 6969 Life as a student


for students to play sports and exercise. AUS is granted money from Aarhus University, which they share with independent sport clubs in Aarhus within different sports. On their homepage, you can see the different clubs they collaborate with. There are also different lecture committees like Studenterkredsen and Kakofoni. Studenterkredsen focuses on theology, philosophy, aesthetics and politics, while Kakofoni focuses more on the literary aspects. For example, they have had visits from the famous writer Søren Ulrik Thomsen and the word juggler and rapper Per Vers. Another place where you can volunteer is at Aarhus Student Radio. You can listen on 98.7 FM where many students from Arts, Health and BSS work together to create a different kind of radio channel. They call themselves a grassroots radio station that challenges the conventions of radio. Another place where students can learn and participate actively is for the many journals and magazines. Almost every department or faculty has some sort of paper or magazine where the students are the readers as well as the writers. There are magazines such as Kandestøberen, Kontekst, Delfinen, and more.


Life as a student

NEW STUDY HABITS Now that you have started at university, there is a great possibility that the amount of reading you have to do will be greater and more intense. Therefore, it is a good idea to acquire some good study habits. From homework to self-discipline If you just graduated high school (or an equivalent to this), you are probably used to doing homework, consisting of a certain amount of papers, exercises or reading that you know exactly when to hand in or when to have finished. At the university, there is far less structure and it is your own responsibility to read relevant materials and practice solving problems. Most teachers have a minimum amount of reading that you have to do, i.e. the curriculum. The curriculum is often divided into different themes that will be taught in class. Thus, a type of schedule with homework for the individual classes will occur automatically. Still, it is a very good idea that you structure your own reading by acquiring the relevant material as quickly as possible and also make your own elaborate reading schedule. If possible, you can even make a timetable where you determine when it is time to study and when you have time for other activities.

Try I T out ! www.i t-sum m er unive rsity .dk

>_gå nye veje... Når du vælger efter din bachelor, tager du et innovativt valg. Du kan komme til at udvikle og udnytte it-teknologi inden for det område, du brænder for, hvad enten det er ledelse, kommunikation, design eller noget helt fjerde.

Life as a student


It is highly recommended that you join study groups or establish your own. Study groups are good, not only when you are preparing for exams but also in your everyday life. It is nice to share ideas and find support in study groups and, at the same time, your obligations to the group can help you keep your spirit up and strengthen your self-discipline. Use the study halls You are not alone. Everyone can have difficulties concentrating while reading. At home, time flies with procrastination and interruptions, so you should definitely try to use the study halls at the university. In the study halls you will find absolute silence and a common understanding that the most important thing right now is to read. This can help you focus and concentrate. You have access to the study halls at your own institute at all times and you can also use all the other study halls at the other institutes. Furthermore, you can use the large study hall at the State and University Library. It is open during their official opening hours. If you fall in love with a study hall outside your own institute, you need to have your study card activated as a key card at the institute in question. This allows you around-the-clock access.

The Student Council offers courses on study techniques, speed-reading and on how to improve your memory when studying. These courses are in the daytime and are offered both in spring and autumn. The International Centre also offers workshops on exam preparation, study techniques, internships and more.


Life as a student

BUYING BOOKS As a student at the University you have to go through an immense amount of reading and most of the time you have the responsibility of gaining access to the curriculum. You can buy your books new, but if you are willing to spend a little more time, there are great possibilities of acquiring the material in another way. New Books Stakbogladen is an academic bookstore at Aarhus University. There is always a lot of material there and it covers almost all subject areas. Stakbogladen’s main location is at the Student House but the Maths Institute has a location for scientific books. Remember your study card because there is a 10% student discount. Furthermore there are distributors at the individual institutes where it is possible to find books for your subject area. Used books The Internet is a mecca for finding used books! is the most important. Here you can compare prices from the different publishers and buy used books from other students or sell books yourself. You can avoid paying the delivery fee and the wait if you go directly to the seller’s home address and pick up the books. To find study books in other languages, or are great and have a large selection. At you can, among other things, download compendiums and guidelines for free. Remember to keep an eye out for notices about books from other students at the different noticeboards in the common areas of your institute. If you do not find it necessary to own the books yourself, you can try and charm your way into borrowing the books from an older student. Be aware of which edition of the book you are to buy. Often, there is

not much difference in the content, but it could be difficult to follow the curriculum because the page numbers and paragraphs are changed in the new editions.

At, you can find a lot of academic articles and some textbooks that have been uploaded for everyone to use.

Borrowing Books Libraries As a student, it is a must to register as a borrower at the State and University Library’s website. Once you have done this, you can order all sorts of material over the Internet that can be picked up at the library. The books are not accessible like in regular libraries but are found by the librarians in the book tower that is the landmark of the library in the middle of campus. When you are registered, you also have access to online databases of academic articles and journals, e-books, encyclopaedias and dictionaries that you can download and use.

In the centre of Aarhus you will find the large, common library Hovedbiblioteket (the main library) and there are also a lot of smaller local libraries. These can be found at You can choose to have material sent to a local library closer to your home to make it even easier to pick it up.

Life as a student



Stakbogladen stocks a wide varity of • Academic and educational books • Course textbooks • Dictionaries • Fiction • Paperbacks • Book holders • Student planners • Ring binders • Flap elastic files • Block notes • Notebooks and writing pads • Staplers and punches • Calculators • Pens, pencils and writing supplies • Printer paper • Print cartridges • AU merchandice

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Visit us and get the most fantastic offers on books and paper products


Life as a student

- Your campus bookshop at Aarhus University


How to find us. Welcome!

Studenternes Hus tel 86128844 Naturfag tel 86128744

Stakbogladen Birk Birk Centerpark 15 AU-Herning stakbogladen_birk@hih.

Life as a student



cieties like Umbilicus, Svederen and TÅGEKAMMERET dedicatedly fight for the trophy “The Golden Bedpan”.

Every year at the end of April/beginning of May, about 20,000 students gather around the University Lake for the annual battle: The Kapsejlads (Regatta)!

The societies invest time, blood, sweat, tears and livers in the months preceding the battle. It is possible to spot members from the different societies practicing their techniques in the lake already in February.

Already during the morning hours, the University Park looks like a festival site. Dedicated students spend the night in tents to make sure they have the best seats. There are breakfast gatherings with homemade buns, schnaps and bitters. Beer, banners and bad cell-reception are also recurring parts of the event. The Kapsejlads is a battle between the different party societies in the most important and significant joust of the year! It is an expanded beer-baton, including a lake, canoes and several heats, where so-


Life as a student

The Kapsejlads opens with magnificent intros by the different societies and the race is commentated by famous Danish commentators. After the presentation of The Golden Bedpan, the students go to after parties all around the University. It could be the official after party at Klubben (at the School of Business and Social Sciences, Campus Fuglesangs Allé) with live music and DJs, at your own Friday bar or the annual celebration at Eforen (the dorm’s bar).

FRIDAY BARS: AN OASIS IN THE LIFE OF ANY STUDENT Written by UNIvers and International Centre The concept? Every Friday around midday, each department will set up a small bar in a canteen or a classroom where beer, soft drinks and more will be served. Some bars also feature live music or incorporate themes. This concept is known as the Friday bar (“fredagsbar”) and it has become a major part of university life for almost all students at AU. The Friday bar Within the space of the first few days (or even the first few hours) of their careers at the University of Aarhus, students are introduced to the phenomenon of the Friday bar. For many students, the Friday bar is the focal point of student life and experience shows that you don’t need soft, white easy chairs or expensive and

trendy lighting to create the kind of ambience that students love. All you need is a bare room like a canteen or classroom, some neon lighting, a long row of battered, mass-produced tables and some hard wooden chairs – as long as there are enough students in the room, a bit of music, and plenty of cheap beer! An idea that was simply meant to be Today Friday bars seem like an entirely natural feature of the study environment at the University of Aarhus, but this was not always the case. Friday bars are actually a relatively recent phenomenon that probably originated in the 1980s. According to CAMPUS’s information, the first Friday bar was held at the Department of Economics. H.P. Myrup, a former professor and pro-rector at the University of Aarhus, was once the chairman of the canteen committee at the Department of Economics. And in this capacity he often Life as a student


1. Stakladen, Studenterhus Aarhus

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heard students complaining that they lacked a place to meet and hold parties. H.P. Myrup couldn’t really take such complaints seriously – as a student in the late 1940s and 1950s, he was one of the pioneers of the great University parties that once attracted young people from all over the city. “I knew what it took to make a good party back in those days, and I felt that the students ought to simply sit down and find the kind of party that suited them in the 1980s. But I did


Life as a student

give them the chance to buy cheap beer via the canteen – providing that they paid for their own live music”, explains H.P. Myrup. The result was a Friday bar for students of Economics, and the concept has been a huge success – you could almost call it an idea that was simply meant to be. The Friday bar spread like wildfire to other departments throughout the University.



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Finding your oasis Nowadays, Friday bars can be found all around the different Aarhus University campuses and within the different faculties. “At Friday bars you get the chance to meet your fellow students and perhaps a few teachers as well. You start to feel that you belong at the department – something that would never happen if you simply met up with a few friends at a café in town. In other words, the Friday bar is a vital aspect of any

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good study environment,” said Mikkel Krogsholm, former “student life spokesperson” for the Student Council. With over 20 different Friday bars to choose from, taking part will surely help make your experience at Aarhus University unique and unforgettable.

Life as a student


STUDENT JOBS AND CAREER A lot of students choose to have a job while studying. As a foreign student following a higher educational programme, you are allowed to work 37 hours per week (EU & Nordic citizens) or 15 hours per week (other foreign citizens), as well as full-time during the months of June, July and August. Work authorisation is granted when you apply for a residence permit/certificate. If you are a Nordic citizen, you can work without a permit. If you want to find a job, you can choose to look for an academically relevant job that offers experience and a network. You can also choose to do something completely different – work as a waiter, shop assistant, nursery assistant, etc. No matter what you find, it gives you experience, it looks good on your CV and last but not least, it supplements your financial stability. All residents of Denmark, as well as people staying in Denmark for more than six months, are fully liable to taxation. This means that any income earned in Denmark is subject to taxation in Denmark. Any income earned in another country is subject to tax in that particular country. Denmark has entered into double taxation agreements with a number of countries in order to avoid tax being paid on the same income in both


Life as a student

countries. Prior to departure, you should contact the local tax authorities in your home country to settle this matter. As soon as you arrive in Denmark and accept employment, you must contact the local tax authorities in your municipality. They will issue an electronic tax card, which your employer needs in order to calculate your taxes. The Danish tax rules are quite complicated so it is important that you talk to the local tax administration before taking up work. If you do not have an electronic tax card, your employer must withhold 60% of your salary. If you are interested in working with innovation and entrepreneurship, you have a lot of possibilities. Aarhus University offers, among other things, StudentervĂŚksthus Aarhus and STARTit, which are places for academic sparring and development of ideas for Friday bars. Other initiatives in Aarhus are the KaosPilots, VIDEA and LadiesFirst.

4 4 4 4

INTERRESOURCE: CAREER SUCCESS STORIES AND ADVICE Written by InterResource Mihaela Georgieva Mihova, International Business and Economics Brave and ready for new adventures, Mihaela came to Denmark when she was only 18 years old. She started her bachelor in Business Administration and Economics, at the former Aarhus School of Business. She took the profile called International Management, because she wanted to dive into the global aspect of the programme. Today, she is a student in International Business and Economics at Aarhus University, in the last semester, writing her master thesis and also working for Siemens, Denmark. She has had different student jobs, study relevant jobs and many other volunteering activities. To begin with, in Bulgaria, she has worked as a Fitness instructor. Once in Denmark, she started working in a supermarket, because she wanted to be financially

independent. Afterwards, she worked with a company called Flintholm Global Telemarketing, within the area of business and research. This very proactive young woman also volunteered for United Nations, for different projects within the area of International Diplomacy and Political Science. Inspirational and Positive piece of advice Her first recommendation regards the job search and the interview: I would advise students to be proactive and to apply for jobs that they find interesting and they have sincere keen into the positions. I am sure this will be very visible to the interview. When you go there and you have to express your motivation, it’s really better and easier when you find the job challenging and exciting. Prepare in advance how you can contribute to the tasks and to the team, and what else you can bring from your past – abilities that you consider they are core for you. Further on, she continues talking about the additional help students can find within their own career centre: I attended the CV and Cover Letter Seminar from InterResource, which

Life as a student


was extremely useful because, before that, my CV reflected the Bulgarian job market. I would definitely recommend these. I also had a meeting with a career counsellor, face-to-face, where I could have private feedback. Last, but not least, she encourages you to be clear of what is your interest! I didn’t apply for any kind of positions just to have an internship – I was really picky! I think this is very good because it increases your chances to be invited to an interview. And don’t be afraid to contact companies, even if you don’t know anybody, because that was also my case: I didn’t know anyone before applying to Siemens. I don’t believe you always need a network in order to land a job.

InterResource is an EU- and mid-Jutland funded project with the goal of increasing the awareness to Danish companies that international students can be a value-added resource to a company’s dynamics. The aim is to help create a professional network in Denmark for international students, and to guide them in finding study-relevant positions during their education, and after in the form of a fulltime job, especially focusing on the mid-Jutland region. Read these Success Stories in further detail and find out more about InterResouce by visiting InterResource’s website at


Life as a student

Marcin Gadomski, Computer Science After only 7 months of living in Aarhus, Marcin has successfully managed to find a student relevant job. He is a student assistant at Center for Community Driven Research (CODER) at Aarhus University. CODER scientific mission is to merge theoretical and experimental research with online community efforts aiming to allow Internet users to find solutions to complex scientific challenges encountered in quantum physics. In a fancier way, his job title is Java Game and Website Developer: I have two projects. One of them is to create collapsible menu in Java. Besides this, I am rebuilding the whole website for so it can work faster. My main responsibilities are giving ideas and coding: I am creating ideas and presenting them to my boss, which he generally accepts and develops further. He is working 10 hours per week, in a team of 11 members where every person has specific tasks and the working language is English: Through games we are collecting some kind of values, which we can use to build a quantum computer. He describes his job as a free way of working: Actually, I am working from home and going to the office only when I have to introduce them a new idea or I receive a new project. His recommendation for the other international students Don’t give up! Even if you are in a cleaning or other service jobs, don’t stop looking for a relevant job! With a bit of luck, you’ll find your own student relevant position.

4 The Information Centre, building 1448, Phone 8715 0720. 4 The Student Chaplains, The Student House, Phone 6020 2640. 4 The Student Council’s Legal Aid, The Student House, Phone 8715 3878. 4 Student counselling, Ryesgade 23, Phone 7026 7500. At you can book a conversation or chat anonymously and also find information and links on in-house and external places of aid.

HAVING PROBLEMS? Sometimes, studying at university can be tough. Many students experience having problems with motivation, loneliness, their own well-being, fear of exams or academic doubts during their time of study. But there are a lot of other things that can affect your studying; it could be illness, mental issues, bullying, heartbreak, a death in the family or other personal issues that can take up space and remove focus from your studying. Perhaps you are considering changing your major, dropping out or taking leave.

If you are having problems, you can start by going to the study counsellors affiliated with your faculty. You can also go to the University’s common guidance centre, the Information Centre. Here, you can receive overall help with practical things, but also guidance and, if necessary, they can refer you to a place where you can get the help you need. Above you will find information on some of the many possibilities you have as a student for free and anonymous help.

Life as a student





Life as a student



Life as a student



Life as an Aarhusianer

GETTING YOUR CULTURAL FIX Once you’re at that point in your studies where you need to do anything other than read or sit and stare with a lukewarm beer at the Friday bar, it’s time to look around at Aarhus’ many cultural offerings, including various kinds of theatres (or performing arts, if you will), several cinemas, exciting music venues, museums, and many more. Stay up-to-date If you don’t bother to stay updated on the websites for the different cultural offerings in Aarhus, check out or the app Aarhusguiden to get a nice overview of what’s being offered in the city. Sometimes you end up finding events that you otherwise would have never heard of!

do TøseTirsdag (Girly Tuesday), MachoMandag (Macho Monday) and Date Night, where they make the cinema experience a little more special. Cinemaxx gives a DKK 15 student discount – so remember your student ID! Nordisk Film Biografer Aarhus C is located at Skt. Knuds Torv right at the start of the pedestrian street. They show many of the same films as Cinemaxx, but here you can score a free popcorn if you checkin on Facebook. There is a DKK 15 student discount on tickets and in the cafe you can get two cups of coffee for the price of one. In Trøjborg you can visit Nordisk Film

CINEMAS In Bruuns Galleri you will find Cinemaxx, which has a wide options of films to choose from. Most of them are Hollywood movies, but if you want to see animation movies in their original language, Cinemaxx is the place to go. Cinemaxx also has many showings in 3D and, if you want it a bit more fancy, the First Class-views that are smaller halls with better seats and waiter service. Every month they

Life as an Aarhusianer


Biografer Trøjborg, and here they have the same discounts as the one in Aarhus C. The difference is that the selection here is not just big Hollywood films. They also show several films from other places in the world and if you are into Danish films, they are almost always shown in Trøjborg.

with a student discount on tickets before 18:00. If you enjoy a late showing, you can venture up to the Paradis Café and grab a drink. Paradis Café is open Wednesday through Saturday from 20:00.

If you are into the very niche films from around the world, Øst For Paradis is worth checking out. The building has just been renovated with new theatres and a large, delicious café area where you can easily grab a cup of coffee, even if you’re not there to see a film. The cinema hosts many different events including screenings with a presentation before the film, morning premieres with breakfast or events with wine before the movie. Earlier screenings are cheaper,

If you’re more into theatre or other performing arts, there’s plenty to see in Aarhus. The major players are Aarhus Teater, which has everything from new drama, classical pieces (often in reinterpretations) and musicals. Students get tickets at half price Monday through Thursday. You must book early to get good seats to the big performances, so check the program, even before the season starts.


Life as an Aarhusianer


FÅ 2,5 L POPCORN* Medbring denne annonce

RABAT PÅ BILLETTEN Spar penge på biografbilletter


Alle typer kaffe, undtagen iskaffe *Ved fremvisning af gyldig biografbillet og studiekort.



Marianne, IHA


Lars, AU

Joanne, ASB

Læs mere om studierabat på NFBIO.DK


Gælder i

Gælder i

Nordisk Film Biografer Aarhus C Skt. Knuds Torv 15 - 8000 Aarhus C

Nordisk Film Biografer Trøjborg Life as an Aarhusianer 57 Tordenskjoldsgade 21 - 8200 Aarhus N

Musikhuset Aarhus is often visited by traveling theatres, but it is also where you will find classical concerts, stand-up comedy, lectures and much more. Keep an eye on their programme and remember that there is a DKK 80 student discount on selected events. The major scenes include Svalegangen, which puts on many of their own as well as visiting productions. Student tickets for these performances are DKK 95 and student tickets for their puppet theatre are DKK 50.


Life as an Aarhusianer

For smaller theaters, check out Katapult, Gruppe 38, Teater Refleksion and Rosenteatret, where you can find more traditional theater. Theatres like Bora Bora and Granhøj Dans focus more on dance performances. All of these places are generally less expensive than Aarhus Teater, but remember the student card or check discounts on their websites.

MUSIC If you want to check out the music scene, there is a wide range

in terms of both genres and ticket prices. Tivoli Friheden hosts Fed Fredag every Friday during the summer with many different artists. Musikhuset is great for jazz and classical concerts, Train and Voxhall are good for bigger concerts with more famous artists and bands, Fatter Eskild and Gyngen are great for the smaller, more local concerts and many of the bars around the city have live music regularly so just keep your eyes open and you’re sure to come across something.

MUSEUMS When you are a student, the ticket prices at many of the museums in Aarhus are quite cheap. It is also a good idea to buy a season ticket most places, which would allow you to bring a guest for free. ARoS does not need a big introduction. Experience Olafur Eliason’s Your Rainbow Panorama, Boy, the collection of modern art and much more. For DKK 200, you can be a member of Aros27 and bring a guest for free for a year. In the same category, Kunsthal Aar-

Life as an Aarhusianer


hus, although somewhat smaller, is also worth a visit. If art is not your cup of tea, Den Gamle By (The Old Town) might be an option. Here you will find live reenactments throughout most of the year, so there is a good opportunity to gain insight into the “old days”. If Den Gamle By is not old enough, Moesgaard Museum and Vikingmuseet are also good options. Moesgaard Museum is being rebuilt, but will open again in October 2014. Antikmuseet, Steno Museet and Naturhistorisk Museum (Natural History Museum) are located on the Aarhus University campus. You can also take a trip to Risskov Psychiatric Hospital and visit Museum Ovartaci. Here you can learn about the history of psychiatry and experience art that is made by the mentally ill. The museum is named after a former patient who was quite productive. If you have been in the Cathedral


Life as an Aarhusianer

in Aarhus, you might as well head over to either Besættelsesmuseet i Aarhus 1940-45 (Occupation Museum) or the Kvindemuseet (Women’s Museum), which shows the life of women from the beginning of civilisation to now. The museum has permanent exhibitions and special exhibitions that change. Both museums are located right by the Cathedral and the Latin Quarter, providing a good opportunity to get a cup of coffee to digest the experiences with.

THE LIBRARY Currently, Aarhus’ Main Library is located at Mølleparken, but will be moving to a new building at the harbour in 2015. The project is called Urban Mediaspace Aarhus and is part of the visual enhancement of the waterfront. It was said to be much more than the library - it aims to become a central meeting point and destination for everyone in town.


their programme.

Godsbanen is Aarhus’ latest cultural center. Here you’ll find theatres, working artists, workshops for rent, open stage events, the music venue Radar and the restaurant Madværkstedet Thorvalds with student-friendly prices. There are many great events at Godsbanen, so it’s worth keeping an eye on

The area also includes a skate park, a milk bar, Institut for X, and B-huset. If you do not know what to do on a Friday evening, there is always something going on here.

Life as an Aarhusianer


During their time at university, most students become familiar with a secondhand store; some find cheap, used textbooks, some buy new furniture for their dorm, while others just drop off all the clothes hanging unused in the closet. And that should definitely not be seen as a bad thing, as recycling is much more than just old junk. Who wouldn’t want to buy a newly released book with a few turned pages for well below half price?! Student life can be expensive enough, so why not save money on, for example, furniture, clothing, books, kitchen stuff, or more? The Secondhand Guide is divided into the different areas in Aarhus so it’s easy to find your local secondhand treasures.


Vestergade 37, 8000 Aarhus C Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 10-17 and every 1st Saturday 11-14

Da Capo

Borggade 9, 8000 Aarhus C Opening hours: Mon-Thurs 14-17:30, Friday 14-18 and Saturday 11-15

Kirkens Genbrug (Danmission) Jægergårdsgade 66, 8000 Aarhus C

So Ein Ding Nørre Allé 17, 8000 Aarhus C

IM Genbrug Nørre Allé 59, 8000 Aarhus C

Rodekassen Frederiks Allé 117, 8000 Aarhus C

Fund Fredensgade 42, 8000 Aarhus C


Åbogade 36, 8200 Aarhus N Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-17 and Saturday 10-13

Blå Kors

Paludan Müllers Vej 38, 8200 Aarhus N Opening hours: Mon-Thurs 10-17

Genbrugsen Tordenskjold

Tordenskjoldsgade 2, 8200 Aarhus N Opening hours: Mon-Fri 11-17

Also visit:



Jægergårdsgade 51, 8000 Aarhus C Opening hours: Thurs-Fri 14-18 and Saturday 11-15

Jens Baggesens Vej 84, 8200 Aarhus N Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-17.

Also visit:


Aarhus Retro og Trend

Folkekirkens Nødhjælp Genbrugsbutik

Frederiks Allé 137, 8000 Aarhus C

Frelsens Hær Nørregade 46, 8000 Aarhus C


Life as an Aarhusianer

Silkeborgvej 285 8230 Åbyhøj Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-17 and Saturday 10-14

Genbrugsland (by Bazar Vest)

Edwin Rahrs Vej 32, 8220 Brabrand Opening hours: Tue-Fri 10-17.30 and Saturday plus every 1st Sunday 11-16

Also visit: d’In Genbrug Anelystparken 21, 8381 Tilst

4 Bispetorvet: see 4 Ingerslev Boulevard: see lions/ 4 Mølleparken: see

VIBY J Brugtvareterminalen

Øllegaardsvej 3, 8260 Viby J Opening hours: Wed-Fri 11-18 and Sat-Sun 10-16

d’IN Genbrug

Skanderborgvej 212, 8260 Viby J Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-17 and Sat 10-13


and selling of clothes. If you’d like to sell clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry, etc., you can buy a stand for DKK 175. The event is held in Stakladen across the street from the State Library. Check for dates and times.

There are several secondhand events in Aarhus where you can sell the clothes you don’t wear or renew your wardrobe at student-friendly prices.

Bagagerumsmarked There’s something special and rural about visiting a “bagagerumsmarked” (trunk market), where the lingo is casual and the spirits are high – if the weather is good, that is. At a bagagerumsmarked you can buy everything from used clothes, antiques, and furniture to books and kitchenware. Remember to haggle!

Studenterhuset Studenterhuset host the “Second Hand Bazar” several times throughout the year, with primarily the buying

Mega Kup! The sales event Mega Kup! has become so popular that they moved to a new location in 2014. The event now takes

Grundtvigsvej 4, 8260 Viby J Opening hours: Mon-Fri 11-17


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place at Turbinehallen, close to Aarhus Rutebilstation. Here (mostly) girls sell piles upon piles of used clothes, bags, shoes, books, jewelry, and other special items for low prices. The entrance costs DKK 40 and from there on out it’s up to you to decide how much you’ll spend. Remember cash! For more information about dates, opening hours, and prices, check out

SECONDHAND ONLINE If you’re not a big fan of the atmosphere, the smell or just generally do not have much time to go secondhand shopping, which sometimes can be quite time consuming, you can actually buy secondhand online. Most people are familiar Gul & Gratis, Den Blå Avis and Trendsales, but there are also new initiatives, for example, the Kirkens Korshær in Aarhus, who in 2014 launched a secondhand online store that makes it easy to find, among other things, used furniture and books:


Life as an Aarhusianer

Facebook There are many groups on Facebook where it’s possible to buy used items or make a bargain. Below is a guide to relevant groups if you live in Aarhus and are interested in used clothing, furniture, and free stuff. Simply search for the group name that is put in quotation marks. Clothes, jewelry, bags, etc.: • “Second hand FB store” • “We love secondhand” • “Tøj Bazaren” Furniture, interior, books, etc.: • ”Køb, salg, bytte Aarhus (Uden regler)” • ”Køb, salg og bytte i Aarhus omegn” • ”Køb og salg i Aarhus og omegn” Free things: • ”Storskrald i Aarhus kan du finde her”


Danske Bank

Life as an Aarhusianer


The main sports team in Aarhus is the football club AGF. Even though the team’s results may vary, it has always been the rallying point for sports in Aarhus. The club is often referred to as GF or the Whites because of their white shirts. They play at NRGI Park, which can hold a crowd of 20,000, meaning it should be possible to get a ticket for their home matches. Tickets cost around DKK 80 with a student discount. Another sports team is Århus Handball, which resides next to NRGI Park at the NRGI Arena. The Arena can hold a crowd of 2,500. The club was formed in 2001 by several handball


Life as an Aarhusianer

clubs in Aarhus who joined forces to have a team at the elite level. As a student, you only have to pay DKK 50 for a home match. Bakken Bears is, without a doubt, the best basketball team in Denmark these days and they are also from Aarhus. They play at the Vejlby-Risskov sports centre, which can hold a crowd of 1,800. Here, it is even cheaper to buy a ticket costing as low as DKK 30 depending on the match. Prices and popularity are connected in the sports world of Aarhus, which also has Jydsk Væddeløbsbane (The Racing Track of Jutland), where

it is possible to legally bet on animals. Exercise in Aarhus It is not enough only to exercise your brain, you also need to keep your body up to speed! You have great options for this in Aarhus where the offers line up. There is, of course, the classic option of going to a gym like Fitness DK or Fitness World, but there are also alternatives to this. If you are looking for a gym, Aarhus University Sport is a great place. For only DKK 950 a year you can exercise in their well-equipped gym whenever you want. Another option is a new trend in exercising: Crossfit, which improves your strength and physical condition. Aarhus Crossfit, located at the harbour, is a place where there are both beginner and advanced classes. There are also outdoor places for exercise in the different parks and forests, which are open to the public.

Check out more about various sports activities in Aarhus at the following sites: 4 Running and biking routes: solstrå 4 Winter bathing: 4 Crossfit: 4 Aarhus University Sport:

healthy activities. There are ten in total, found in places like Riis Skov, Mindeparken, Tangkrogen and by Læssøesgade. An alternative to the gyms could be the public swimming pool “Spanien”, which was recently renovated. They also have a wellness bath along with a swimming pool. For the swimming enthusiasts, there are also several winter bathing clubs in Aarhus.

There are simple machines and equipment where you can keep in shape before indulging in un-

Life as an Aarhusianer


ACTIVITIES Push homework aside and take your funniest friend to stand-up at Thorups kælder. There is free standup Monday through Thursday from 20:00. Here you’ll find both familiar and new names trying out material. If you’re a karaoke king or queen, you can express yourself at Tir Na Nog on Wednesdays and Sherlock Holmes on Thursdays, where you’ll find singing the whole night through. Sherlock Holmes also holds a quiz night on Mondays and every day except Friday and Saturday you can grab a student discount at the bar.

some peace and fresh air outdoors. Whether you need somewhere to go for a run, find your next date or make a fire and sleep in a shelter for the weekend, there are a lot of areas of natural beauty right where you live. Beaches If you love relaxing with the sun, sand and water, you should bring your new fellow students to one of the lovely beaches in Aarhus. Den Permanente (the permanent) is

AARHUS OUTDOORS If you sometimes need to get away from your homework and the noise of the city, you should go looking for

4 Den Permanente – Aarhus C → Bus 17 and 20 4 Åkrogen – Aarhus N (Risskov) → Bus 20 4 Moesgård Strand – Aarhus S (Højbjerg) → Bus 18


Life as an Aarhusianer

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Life as an Aarhusianer


4 Riis Skov – Aarhus C → Bus 17 and 20

closest to the inner city. This beach has a popular winter swimming club, if you are into that. If you want to make a little trip out of it, grab your bicycle and go a couple of kilometres outside of town where there are a couple of great beaches. Åkrogen is, among other things, known to be a great place for windsurfing and has been named one of the seven best beaches in the world by a Canadian Newspaper. In the other end of Aarhus you will find Moesgaard Beach, which is very family friendly and surrounded by beautiful nature.

year. But be aware; in May, the whole forest stinks of onion because the wild garlic is blossoming!

Nature If you love getting lost in nature, go to Riis Skov, which is the most visited forest in Europe. Here, it can be very difficult to avoid runners and dog-walkers. On the other hand, the forest is situated along the coast with a gorgeous view of the ocean, making it possible to not only enjoy the forest and its features, but also go to the beach and go for a swim. There are ideal running conditions and there are a lot of different outdoor events throughout the

If you need a little exercise, you should go to Brabrand Lake. It is surrounded by Brabrand Stien (the Brabrand path) which is a great route for cycling, skating, running and walking. If you follow the path around the lake, you will get to the banks of the lake; walk through forest and alongside fields. Benches are conveniently placed along the path where you can relax and enjoy the view. It is also possible to go canoeing and spend the night in shelters. The water of the lake is unfortunately not


Life as an Aarhusianer

4 Brabrand Sø – Aarhus V (Brabrand) → Bus 12 4 Marselisskovene – Aarhus S (Højbjerg) → Bus 18, 19 og 20

I Skolegade i Aarhus C, ligger der en hyggelig lille bar, lige om hjørnet fra Åboulevarden, hvor du altid er velkommen. I 10 år har vi leveret Rock og øl til Aarhus, i en atmosfære der emmer af Kærlighed, Respekt og Galskab. Du kan også høre Metal, Reggae & Balkan. Mandag Pink Cheese Quiz film- og musikquiz med udfordrende spørgsmål.

Tirsdag Hells Kitchen Livemusik med fri entré, billige fadøl og et tidligt sluttidspunkt, så du kan komme op onsdag.

Fredag Strange Days Byens underligste fredagsbar, med fransk stemning og hang til vin og absinth. DER ER ÅBENT 7 DAGE OM UGEN ÅRET RUNDT, OG DU FÅR RABAT PÅ DIT STUDIEKORT. SØNDAG-TORSDAG 19-03 // FREDAG 14-05 // LØRDAG 19- 05.

I efterårsferien fejrer vi Escobars 10 års Jubilæum med masser af livemusik og underholdning. Velkommen til Aarhus og til din nye stambar. International student? You are more than welcome. Escobar is Rock, Livemusic and cheap beer.






very clean so swimming is not advised. The Marselis Forests consist of many smaller forests that are spread along the coast south of Aarhus. Closest to Aarhus is Marselisborg Deer Park where you can feed the sika and deer, hear them roar in autumn and look at the wild boars all year. In the Marselis Forests there are also great conditions for mountain biking and sleeping in shelters. Tip: You can find out more about the wonderful spots of nature in Aarhus at, where there also is a review of shelters, places for bonfire, hiking routes, running routes and more.

GREEN OASES The sun is shining, the weather is gorgeous and you want to sunbathe, grill and hang out with your friends. In this situation you should feel very lucky that you are living in Aarhus as this city is brimming with lovely parks that are just begging for you to relax and play in them – the botanical gardens, the University Park, Riis Skov and the City Hall park, just to name a few! The Botanical Gardens is one of the city’s largest and oldest parks and is especially popular during the summer when citizens of Aarhus flock to its midst to grill and relax. The park is also home to approximately 6,000 different plants, which makes it even more worth a visit for people with green thumbs. The University Park is the green heart of AU’s campus and is the location of many memorable annual events, such as the Kapsejlads and Denmark’s Largest Friday Bar. The park is also a favourite escape for students between classes. Riis Skov is the name of the wooded area just north of the harbour. The hilly terrain and the well-connected system


Life as an Aarhusianer

of paths makes Riis Skov a true favourite amongst the many runners of the city. The park near City Hall is in the centre of the city. This small park is surrounded by throng of life on all sides but is still very popular amongst residents who use it for sunbathing, picnics and getting a break from the stresses of city living.

DANISH BODEGA CULTURE When you miss mom’s cooking or find that you can’t swallow another bite of pasta with ketchup, there are plenty of places in the city where you can find a meal just as good as when mom makes it. Bodegas in Denmark give you the chance to hang out with friends and grab some comfort food for cheap prices. Den lille kro at Nørre Allé has the Danish meals stegt flæsk (crisp fried pork slices) and karbonader (cutlets). Opening hours are Monday to Saturday from 11:30-23:00 and Sunday from 11:30-21:00. Restaurant Bennys in Guldsmedgade has the same concept and has amazing tartlets and Danish openfaced sandwiches (smørrebrød). Open Monday to Saturday from 11:0022:00 and Sunday from 17:00-22:00. If you need something to wash down the meal or need to find a real pub atmosphere, then look no further than Guldhornene, where you’ll get music you can sing along to and the opportunity to be knighted, which requires that you drink 10 fadbajere (draft beers) in one evening after which you’ll then get your name on a mug at the bar! You can also visit Bodegaen to find a real Danish bodega atmosphere, good music, cheap prices and a great “Aarhus vibe”.



Life as an Aarhusianer


HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES Is it possible to live healthy while living on a student budget in Denmark? The answer is yes, but in return you will have to spend some extra time in the kitchen. Here you’ll find recipes for healthier meals at lower prices, good advice on what to take with you on your packed lunch and a guide on how to combine healthy and cheap while shopping.

LUNCHBOX It is important to have a good lunch with you when you have a long day at university and packing a lunch is a great way to make sure you don’t go hungry. Without nourishment, it can be hard to stay focused and frequent trips to the canteen aren’t the best for your student budget. Plus, it can be hard not to be tempted by the cakes! Sometimes finding what you want to take with you to class can be hard. Here is some inspiration for what a good lunchbox (Madpakken in Danish) could contain – apart from the usual, boring sandwiches: Leftovers from yesterday’s dinner, homemade pølsehorn, mini pizzas, tuna salad/chicken salad, muffins with eggs, vegetables and meat, tunfrikadeller (Tuna meatballs), boiled eggs/egg salad, pasta salad, knækbrød with various toppings such as fruit or vegetable sticks (for example,


Life as an Aarhusianer

carrots, cucumber, bell pepper) and cottage cheese, wraps with chicken and salad or simply a classic sandwich with rye bread and your favourite topping. If you’re interested in some of the Danish foods above, ask a Dane in one of your courses for a good recipe. It’s a great way to break the ice!

GROCERIES How do you get ahold of all the ingredients to make both healthy and nutritious dinners and good lunches without having spent your entire budget by the 15 of the month? Here you can find some great advice.

4 Tilbudsavis+ 4 Pricerunner 4 Apps for your local supermarkets (for example, Netto, Fakta, Rema1000, etc.) where you can find both grocery coupons, hours of operation, and easy and inexpensive recipes. You also have the opportunity to create a shopping list in most apps. 4 Min

PIZZA Meat loving students will love Metzaen, which is a type of pizza where the pizza dough is substituted with meat. With this meal, you’ll get lots of good proteins instead of empty carbohydrates. Recipe for approx. 4 people: 800-1000 g ground beef or chicken 2 eggs 1 onion 3 garlic 2 tbsp. flour, oatmeal or bread crumbs Spices (salt, pepper, oregano, etc.) Tomato paste + Topping Directions Chop and slice the onion and garlic and mix together with the meat. Place the meat on a baking sheet with paper and use your hands to shape the “crust” in the shape of a pizza - you can choose either to make one big pizza or several smaller ones. Bake in the oven at 200C for approximately 15 minutes.

Once this is finished, smear the “crust” with tomato paste and add your favorite fillings, for example, ham, pineapple, bell peppers, onions, mozzarella, and grated cheese and finish baking for 5-7 minutes longer. The meal can be eaten as is, or it can be served with a salad, garlic oil, or whatever else you like on your pizza. Enjoy!


Recipe for approx. 4 people: 500 g ground beef 2 cans peeled or diced tomatoes 1 can of tomato paste 200 g carrots 50 g of onion 150 g leek A dash of red wine 2.5 cups water 3-4 bay leaves 1 cinnamon stick or cinnamon powder Balsamic Salt and pepper Spaghetti, pasta, cabbage or squash

The white pasta for DKK 4 in Fakta with either ketchup or meat sauce made of ground beef and a can of peeled tomatoes is a student classic that could use an update. This recipe requires a little more time than a regular pasta with meat sauce, but the return is absolutely fantastic and makes for great leftovers for the next day.

Directions Cut all the vegetables finely. Heat a pot with some butter and let the vegetables cook for a few minutes. Add meat, tomato paste and tomatoes to the pot. Add water and a splash of red wine. Next add the bay leaves and cinnamon and let the meat sauce simmer for 2-5 hours (the longer the better). Season with balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and a bit of chili. If you want the ultimate healthy version and want to spare the empty calories, then a finely chopped cabbage or finely grated squash is a perfect substitute for white pasta. Bon appetit! Life as an Aarhusianer


Apps On your smartphone, you can download apps that help you save. It is not always the best option to just go in Fakta or Netto and buy everything you need, as you can save a lot of money by checking out the weekly offerings at the various supermarkets around town. There are often great savings on, for example, eggs, nuts, fruit, meat, or vegetables if you just take the time to see where the deals are. If you buy in bulk when there’s a great sale, you’ll surely be able to save a lot during the year as meat, fruits, and vegetables can keep in the freezer longer. Frozen fruits are excellent in smoothies or with Scandinavian Skyr (a yogurt type meal) for breakfast. Plus, frozen fruits are just as healthy as fresh and save you money by not having to throw anything out. “Dated Items” More and more stores, such as


Life as an Aarhusianer

Rema1000, Netto, and Kvickley, have taken on the concept of “dated items”, meaning that instead of throwing food out that is about to expire, they sell the goods for around half price so that they are able to make a quick sale since people would rather not pay full price. Not only is it good for the environment, but great for poor students on a budget, too! Facebook On Facebook you will find the group “Et sødere SU-liv. Aarhus” where there are student-friendly tips, tricks and deals that can make your life a little more fun - all in Aarhus. Though some of it may be in Danish, everyone can post if they find, for example, good deals on gym memberships, great deals on clothes, and much more. It is not only food and supermarket deals here, so this page is ideal for all kinds of bargain hunters

Globen Flakket

Café Stiften

Globen Flakket is a cosy café at the corner of the river by Skolegade. The café is especially known for its cake buffet for only DKK 35 every afternoon. So if your grandmother is visiting, it would be a good idea to take her here and have some apple pie and a cup of coffee to end a lovely day – maybe after a trip to “Den Gamle By” (The Old Town). Furthermore, Globen Flakket also serves brunch, lunch and dinner.

Café Stiften is a healthy café in the heart of Aarhus that offers delicious salads, freshly squeezed juice and tasty smoothies. If you need a break from your shopping spree or need a good time with your friend, Stiften is the perfect place to do so.

Åboulevarden 18, 8000 Aarhus C

Dale’s Cafe

Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, 8000 Aarhus C

If you are meeting up with your study group, Dale’s Café is the perfect place. The café is situated by the International Centre and has free WiFi. For a small amount, you can buy sandwiches, great cakes and quality coffees. Furthermore, the café has a wide selection of beer.

Banegårdspladsen 11, 8000 Aarhus C

Løve’s Bog og Vincafé

Nørregade 32 , 8000 Aarhus C

Løve’s is a café for literature lovers and wine appreciators. Along the walls there are bookcases filled with books on everything from philosophy and politics to the classics. The café has a concept called “buy a book and have a free cup of coffee”. Every Sunday they invite you in for an afternoon in the company of a famous Danish writer. Furthermore, they have jazz nights, poetry cafés and other literary events quite often.

Life as an Aarhusianer


At Løve’s you can sample more than 50 different kinds of wine. If you want to throw a birthday party, bachelor party or just a celebration, Løve’s gladly sets up lectures on wine and wine tasting.

served. Take your friends by the hand and begin your night out with a Strawberry Daiquiri at Faust!

Restaurant Soja 2

Cross Café is in the heart of Aarhus and serves brunch, lunch and a 3-course dinner. The atmosphere is cosy and the mood of the place is great. In the summer, they have tables and chairs outside by the river, much coveted by people of all ages.

Vestergade 36, 8000 Aarhus C

Soja 2 is a Japanese restaurant with tasty Japanese and Chinese dishes. It is especially known for its top-quality running sushi with fresh products and beautiful details. Furthermore, the menu offers various wok dishes, spring rolls and an amazing chicken dumpling. Café Faust

Åboulevarden 38, 8000 Aarhus C

Faust is a nice café by the river. In the daytime it offers great sandwiches, pasta dishes and the highly recommended Faust Burger. In the evening, the lounge vibe takes over as the beautiful and colourful cocktails are


Life as an Aarhusianer

Cross Cafe og Restaurant Åboulevarden 66, 8000 Aarhus C

Slap Af Studsgade 8, 8000 Aarhus C.

In the heart of the Latin Quarter, you will find Slap Af (meaning “relax” in Danish). The very cosy café in the daytime is transformed in the evening into a nightclub with DJs and exotic drinks. Have a Blackberry Daiquiri or a Raspberry Mojito while you enjoy the nice and relaxed lounge atmosphere.

You will probably soon to find that your budget does not extend far in expensive Denmark, but fortunately there are many places where you can get a discount by showing your student ID. If you need your wardrobe revamped, check out stores such as Message in the pedestrian street or TopShop in Magasin. They offer a 10% discount when you have a valid student card. Many stores have a small sign at the counter where they state that they have student discounts on their items. Many hairdressers in Aarhus also offer good prices for students. The salon Per offers 10% and AR Cut offers 20% off a haircut (and coffee and cakes, too). Remember that hairdressers are only open on certain days of the week so remember to check the times. Do you need an ice cream in the sun, a cheeseburger on the go, or coffee to warm you up? Then check out Paradis Is on Nørregade or by Bruuns Galleri, McDonald’s at St. Torv or Det’ Kaffe on Guldsmedgade. These places offer a 10% discount to all students. Discounts can be found at many other cafes and restaurants around town as well. Café Charlies offers

really great burgers with a 20% discount Monday to Friday from 14-20 if you show your student ID. Sunset Boulevard restaurants will upgrade your medium sized menu to a large one - all you need to do is have a valid student ID with you! There are also a lot of discounts outside of food and clothes as well. Aarhus minigolf is located by the river downtown and has 3 floors. Every Thursday you can come down and challenge your friends for free as long as you show your student ID. And Yogaskolen (Yoga School) on Vestergade and Ringgard Dance Team offer students 15% off if you feel like getting a bit of exercise. There are plenty of places that offer student discounts all over Aarhus and this is only the start. Be sure to keep an eye out for the student discount sign at the counter of your favourite shop, and check out where it’s easy to find more. IMPORTANT! If there are no dates on your student ID, it’s a good idea to have a current enrollment confirmation from your university in your wallet or on your mobile phone so you can show it if the stores ask for it. Some places will refuse the student discount if you don’t have this!

Life as an Aarhusianer


Starting university can be an overwhelming challenge - moving to a new city, making new friends, cooking for yourself, managing study and maybe even a part-time job. You don’t necessarily know what are the best places to have a cup of coffee, beer with your new mates or where are the hidden spots to go for a walk or study. This is when getting all the answers should be as simple as possible. We believe that having all these information just one click away from the beginning is what makes a great student city easy to be part of. This is where DiscoverCity comes handy! Who we are We are students just like you! We all share different international ex-


Life as an Aarhusianer

periences from studying or working abroad that bring in a diversity of perspectives. But most importantly we share the need for the lacking unified place to explore the hidden gems in Aarhus. What we do Aarhus is the city with the highest percentage of students in Denmark and the fact that you are reading this means that it is also a vibrant and attractive student city. We created a simple, visual, interactive and personal place for people like you to find all the necessary information and unexplored spots in your city. Furthermore, every two weeks we introduce one of these places in more depth in our newsletter and on our blog.

Discover City - Denmark @DiscoverCityDK Take the action and share @discovercitydk (# discovercitydk) your discoveries! We believe that as a local student you have the best insights and therefore, we invite you to add the es you love and thus co-create the environment around you and your friends. Check out our website to find out how to add your favourite place on the map or how to write a review of that hip coffee shop you just vising Aarhus Kommune, Aarhus Uniited! versity, VisitAarhus and Copenhagen Capacity. Read more about the Youth Who we love Goodwill Ambassadors of Denmark We have established a strong strucprogramme where the project was ture of partnerships in Aarhus includborn at d r i b b b /m al yo us f i

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Life as an Aarhusianer


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Events calendar

It is not without reason that Aarhus will be the European Capital of Culture in 2017. Aarhus hosts a number of festivals and events during the year. Here is a brief overview of some of the most popular: AARHUS FESTIVAL From 30th August to 8th September, Aarhus transforms itself into a mecca for culture vultures – a carnival of many dimensions. All art forms are represented at Aarhus Festival with different events being held all over town. Aarhus Festival isn’t just reserved for theatres, museums and music venues. The Festival is also held in the streets where artists are given free reign of the city centre. GRIMFEST Danmarks Grimmeste Festival (Denmark’s Ugliest Festival) is held each year in Aarhus at Grimhøjvej in Brabrand. The rebellious festival differs from the larger Danish festivals like Smukfest and Roskilde Festival by keeping ticket prices down and letting the musical focus be on upcoming bands. SUMMER.CHILLOUT.AARHUS If you enjoy chilling, grilling, music and festive crowds, then this Culture Works event is the place to be. The centre of Summer.Chillout.Aarhus is a combination of talented Aarhus-based DJs providing sweet, sweet tunes for

your sunbathing session and ice-cold beer. Come and chill. and OPPENHEIMER’S AFTERNOON Every year (since 2009) Oppenheimer’s Afternoon chooses six upcoming and interesting Danish bands to play at their event. The event intends to reduce the distance between the music industry and new musicians. There is a significantly low entrance fee, cold drinks on sale and exciting music to listen to. So regardless of whether you consider yourself a music connoisseur or just want a bit of inspiration, there are good times to be had at Oppenhaimer’s Afternoon. DENMARK’S LARGEST FRIDAY BAR AND SPORTS DAY The Student Council at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Sports transform the University Park into a huge Friday bar every September and bid all students welcome. The day starts with sports games, cold drinks and a big beer bowling tournament and slowly moves into concerts and relaxing with other students. STUDENT FAIR Whilst living on a student budget, it can be difficult to make the pennies Events calendar


stretch - but fear not! At the beginning of each academic year in September, The Student Council organises a student fair! There are great deals to be had on everything from insurance to cinema tickets when a sea of businesses take over the Aula with their stands. CULTURE NIGHT Culture Night is designed to shine a light on the cultural life in your city. Culture Night is held in Aarhus in October and the whole city is involved in the project. Cultural institutions, private individuals, clubs, businesses, societies, etc. open up their doors and invite people in for an exciting variety of experiences. J-DAY The snow falls on J-Day (the day when Tuborg’s Christmas beer is released) and that is a day to celebrate in Denmark! Santa’s sexy helpers sell the special Christmas brew and all the University bars are decorated in fancy blue glitter. Blue and white spotted Santa’s hats are everywhere and everyone starts to look forward to a glorious Christmas.


Events calendar

GLÖGGLICH Christmas is the time for love when you reunite with old friends. The music venue Train sets the scene for a great homecoming party each year on the 22nd December where you can give your friends a hug and wish everyone a very merry Christmas. MUSIC AARHUS FESTIVAL In January, the Music Aarhus Festival will be held at Voxhall, Train, Atlas and RADAR for the second time. There are six days of free and exciting music to spice up your January and warm your wintery soul. and facebook. com/musikaarhusfestival SPOT FESTIVAL This festival is dedicated to upcoming Danish bands. In May, these bands let rip in the middle of the city. Kashmir and Mew, two successful Danish bands, have once played at Spot Festival. MEJLGADE FOR DIVERSITY This one-day street festival transforms the street of Mejlgade into a celebration of diversity. The festival started in 2005 as a demonstration against racism but has now evolved into a culture and music festival for 30,000 visitors. The festival is run solely by volunteers.

KAPSEJLADS (REGATTA) The party society at the Medicine faculty, Umbilicus, invites everyone to the highly publicised and ritual Kapsejlads (Regatta) in May where the various party societies at the University battle each other on the University lake. This is a day of partying for all students in Aarhus where beer starts to flow at 8am and famous Danish radio hosts provide a running commentary to the day’s proceedings. POP REVO Pop Revo Festival introduces you to great indie music in May. Voxhall and Atlas are the venues that “dig up alternative legends and introduce you to your new favourite bands.” The festival started in 2004 and is definitely worth a listen and a visit!

NORTHSIDE FESTIVAL NorthSide is one of the youngest but biggest festivals in Aarhus. It takes place in the middle of June in the beautiful surroundings at Ådalen, just outside of downtown Aarhus. The festival has previously boasted big Danish names like Nephew, Quadron, Trentemøller, MØ, and many others. SCULPTURE BY THE SEA This outdoor art exhibition was introduced by the Crown Prince couple and inspired by a similar concept in Australia. The sculptures are displayed along the coast at Marselisborg during the whole month of June. Various artists from all over the world are given free reign of the bay area and give Aarhus a free and artistic experience.

Events calendar




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