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Noen ville kalt det Jesu blod, andre kjenner det som Frankrikes største eksportvare. Druenes vakre saft finnes i mange farger og smaker, både frisk, fruktig og fyldig. Vi inviterer til en smakskveld du sent vil glemme!
Lørdag 02.oktober 21:00
Er du student på budsjett, men også glad i noe godt i glasset? La de rødstørknede lepper og nysgjerrige nesebor geleide deg gjennom smaksopplevelsen. Vi stiller også med quiz og andre festligheter i løpet av kvelden. Dette er en helaften du ikke vil gå glipp av!
Rødt eller hvitt - hva er din favoritt? Finn det ut sammen med oss!
NB: Arrangementet har 18-års aldersgrense. Teglverket, Det Akademiske Kvarter
Foto: FreeImages.com/Ale Jaeger
Rødt eller hvitt - Finn din favoritt
THE OCEAN 28.8.2021 – 31.10.2021
SIDSEL MEINECHE HANSEN 12.11.2021 – 16.1.2022
MARTINE SYMS 12.11.2021 – 16.1.2022
FILE UNDER FREEDOM 28.1.2021 – 3.4.2022
TIR–SØN 11:00–17:00 TOR 11:00–20:00 WWW.KUNSTHALL.NO
Kunsthall 3,14 aims to question the present for the future, creating dialogue through art, and nurturing a process of interpretation and understanding. The art and projects exhibited should be relevant; Presenting projects that often are closely linked to current and pressing social issues. Part of this approach is never shying away from the political.
Kunsthall 3,14 has a long-standing history of breaking the mold and branching out from the mainstream. Over the past 30 years, the institution has been instrumental in bringing forth the unknown, and challenging established discourse. The result is an institution that always breaks new ground and implements cross-cultural and transnational understandings.
Kunsthall 3,14 is one with a global perspective, incorporating important contributions by artists from around the world. The institution actively pursues emerging artists and their developing artistic endeavours, while also featuring leading artists encouraging a greater range of artistic practices, as such a wider spectrum of artworks can be experienced.
KUNSTHALL 3,14 | Vågsallmenningen 12 - BERGEN [ Tue. - Fri.: 11-17 / Sat. - Sun.: 12-16 | Free entrance ]