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It's our turn!
Despite Covid-19 meaning everything happened a bit later than planned, we’ve recruited 14 new Student & Young Farmer Ambassadors to represent young people in farming for the next year. They're a great bunch, so without further ado, let's introduce you to them!
Bizza Walters West Midlands
My name is Bizza, and I am a farmer's daughter from Warwickshire. We farm mainly sheep and arable, but have other enterprises such as a small feed merchant business. I am really passionate about agriculture, especially topics surrounding buying locally and seasonally, and am so thrilled to have been accepted onto the programme.
I am really looking forward to the year ahead, meeting new people and attending events, and learning more about this ever-changing and fascinating industry. Sophie Bould-Lynch South West

I am 23 years old and live in Devon. I have a degree in Rural Business Management and currently work as a Saputo Standards Inspector, Red Tractor auditor for dairy, beef and lamb farms and relief milker. I would like to gain knowledge and experience, and meet other likeminded people within the industry.

Erin McNaught NFU Cymru
I am a beef and sheep farmer taking over my family farm in North Wales, while also working on a local regenerative dairy farm. I also train and trial sheepdogs. Through this programme, I hope to further develop my understanding and passion for the agricultural industry.
Dan Hawes South East
I’m Dan, 26, with an arable background in Suffolk, but now living and working in Kent for a farm producing strawberries and other soft fruits for the British market. I hope to gain some great friends, share ideas and learn from others, while doing my bit to promote our industry.

Emily Brown East Anglia
I am the current President for Harper Adams Students' Union, having studied BSc (Hons) Agriculture with Farm Business Management from 2017-2021. I'm from a farming family in Bedfordshire and have been strongly involved in Bedford Young Farmers as well as having a keen interest in equality, diversity and inclusion in the agricultural industry. I also love getting out and active in the countryside.

Sian Eleri Davies NFU Cymru
I graduated from Aberystwyth University with a BSc Hons in Agriculture with Business Studies in 2019. I now help to run the family enterprise, incorporating store cattle, breeding ewes, broiler chickens and arable. The arable sector is mainly based at the Glanusk Estate, of which we are tenant farmers. An active member of YFC, I am excited to help showcase the best of British agriculture to the public and I feel privileged to be part of the programme. Gareth Staples-Jones North West

I think being an NFU Student & Young Farmer Ambassador is a great platform to show how a person who isn't from a farming background can break into the industry and what you can expect along the way, as well as explaining the role farming plays in our country.

Mike Wilkins South West
I grew up on my family’s arable farm in Wiltshire and subsequently studied agriculture at the RAU. I now manage a 3,200ac mixed estate in Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, and still also help out on the family farm. As an ambassador I want to be a champion and advocate for the fantastic work our industry is doing for food and environment. Edward Lord West Midlands
For the past six years, I have been supporting my father’s dairy contract farming business in North Shropshire. I study Agriculture with Business Management at Aberystwyth University and have recently written an article in the Farmers Guardian detailing my belief in the importance of a mentor to help and to inspire you.
My passion is sustainability, aiming to showcase to the public British agriculture's role in tackling climate change and the steps we’re taking as an industry to be sustainable. By completing the programme, I hope to publicly sell agriculture as a legitimate career pathway, showcasing agriculture's vast opportunities to current farmers, new entrants and the wider public
Mary Raymond NFU Cymru

I grew up on a mixed farm in Pembrokeshire, Wales. My passion is cows and sheep, and I love spending a lot of my time with them when I’m not in university. I’m so happy to be a part of the ambassador programme, especially to meet new people and learn more about the industry I love.

Hannah Buisman South West
Having studied languages at Durham University, I returned to the family farm. Alongside arable work and establishing a new farm vineyard, I have set up ‘Spot the Crop’ signs and my own agriculture information website, ‘Agri Unwrapped’. As an ambassador, I hope to connect with like-minded individuals, while creating a greater dialogue with those outside farming circles to further public understanding of British agriculture.
Thomas Saunders East Anglia
I come from a mixed farming background and this has led to me discovering many opportunities within Young Farmers. I am looking forward to learning more about the political lobbying of the NFU and being able to contribute to the voice of the NFU through my passion for education, whilst I am currently studying at Harper Adams University. Jess Langton East Midlands

I’m a 21-year-old, 4th generation dairy farmer from Derbyshire milking the pedigree herd of Lachlan Holsteins. I am also in my third and final year of studying BSc Animal Science at the University of Nottingham. Alongside this, I work part time at Genus ABS as a reproductive management specialist on their Insights Programme and sit on the NFU Dairy Board as one of their appointees.
As an ambassador, I’m hoping to encourage a greater connection between the countryside and members of the general public, whilst broadening my own knowledge of different sectors and the policies impacting agriculture. I’m excited and looking forward to meeting my fellow, like-minded ambassadors and working with them to create a more diverse and inclusive industry!

Rebecca Wilson North East
Growing up on the family mixed farm in the heart of North Yorkshire meant that I combined studying with practical farm work. The ambassador programme will allow me to meet people with different and complementary ideas and to promote engagement across the agricultural community.
Keep up to date with how the ambassadors get on over the next year by following @StudentFarmer on Instagram and Twitter

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