Student Hubs Impact Report 2012-13

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Impact Report 2012-2013


Find out more about what we’ve achieved and how we Hub in the following pages.









Who we are & Why we Hub

Growing future leaders

A community of students making change happen

Getting results & Case studies

Providing opportunities to engage

Youth Social Action & Looking forward

This year we have impacted


students in the UK.

Making student action more effective

Finances, Thanks & Support us

Student Hubs is transforming the nature of student social action. Six years into our mission, we are supporting over 20,000 students across the country to be the leaders tackling the greatest social and environmental challenges that we face today. We want to effect a culture change in UK universities so that student-powered social change becomes the norm, not the exception. To achieve this, Student Hubs inspires students about their power and potential to shape a better world, connects them to opportunities to make a difference during their time at university, and supports them to become civic leaders in their future lives and careers. You can find out more about the activities and initiatives which help us to achieve this on pages 8-23. In our inaugural Impact Report you will find out more about who we are, what we do and why we Hub. The whole team - staff and students - have achieved some amazing feats, and we are proud to present them to you here.

As a result,

82% 90% and

Adam O’Boyle Executive Director

feel more motivated to take action on social and environmental issues now... think that we inspire students to continue taking action in the future. IMPACT REPORT 12-13 | 3

Who we are

Meet the team

We are a group of young people with the passion, skills and determination to change the way students and universities think about society and their role in it.


Student Hubs employs young people.


On average, our staff are less than years old, but have achieved a lot in our short lifetimes.

40,000 ÂŁ1.74m Collectively, we have volunteered over

hours to help our local communities

and we have raised for charity.

Our student leaders


We are a grassroots, student-led organisation. We could not exist without our 150 student leaders who spend over 15 hours per week inspiring social change. Our students inspire more of their peers about their power to shape a better world - at university and beyond. They organise some of the UK’s largest student conferences attracting delegates from across the country and around the world. They lead local projects, creating new volunteering opportunities and tackling issues in their own communities. They run campaigns to meet the demands of society’s most pressing challenges and raise money for the causes close to their hearts. They set up their own social enterprises to promote sustainable social change. Credit: Mike Massaro

Investment in young leaders, like our students, is crucial to improve our communities and society in the long-term.


Why we Hub

We believe that students hold

We are a national organisation with branches in eight UK universities. Through our programmes, students engage with six issue areas: community action; international development; social enterprise; education; environment and sustainability; and social impact careers. Our vision is of a society in which every student engages with social and environmental challenges during their time at university, empowering them to become socially active citizens for life. Our mission is to transform student involvement with social and environmental challenges, supporting a new generation of active citizens to achieve positive change now and in the future.

Theory of Change Students have the power and potential to shape a better world: if we empower and inspire them to become more socially active and aware, then they will create positive social change both now, and in the future.

the power and potential to shape a better world. 1. We think that MORE STUDENTS should be involved in social action whilst at university. Attracting a greater number of students to participate in social action activity will help to create a culture change at UK universities, so that student-powered social change becomes the norm and not the exception. 2. We want these students to be DOING MORE, so that they are inspired not just to learn about social and environmental issues, but also to take action on them. 3. If students can MORE EFFECTIVELY plan, run and evaluate their interventions, then they will create greater positive social change. 4. We aim to inspire students to engage with social action FOR LONGER, both during their university careers and after they graduate. By providing a wide range of opportunities at university, and through our careers information events and graduate support network, we hope that more students will become socially active citizens for life.

“Through re-connecting young people with their communities we are creating a generation of active citizens, so that tomorrow’s young people will recognise that society will only be as strong as its contributors. Student Hubs is an important part of this change, and it has been inspiring to see the staff and students at work” Nick Hurd MP, Minister for Civil Society IMPACT REPORT 12-13 | 7

A community of students making change happen

The UK must develop a new generation of volunteers, social entrepreneurs, campaigners and citizens to tackle the social and environmental issues that we all face. But not enough young people are engaging with these issues: only 50% of students think that volunteering is a mainstream activity, even if they volunteer themselves. We think it should be 100%. That’s why we are working to get more students involved in social action during their time at university. But how? Over the past 6 years, we have developed a unique model that builds a community of students making change happen - to make student involvement in social action accessible, ‘normal’ and even cool. As a result, we have revolutionised the level of engagement with social and environmental issues at the universities where we work.

This year... Over

10,000 students have attended an event or conference to learn more about social or environmental issues.


students have regularly volunteered their time, energy and skills to support their local community.


33% have not been involved in social action before.


A community of students making change happen

“Student Hubs is quite simply the best. You’ve always been supportive and inspiring and made it easy and fun to do social impact work.”

We aim to appeal to all students and not just the ‘usual suspects’, to build a community of students making change happen. Here are two of the initiatives that we have supported this year to achieve this goal.

London Climate Forum Organising events to attract more students to social action is one method to achieve this outcome. The London Climate Forum 2012 attracted 400 delegates to a weekend packed with talks, interactive workshops and networking sessions. Professor Robert Winston delighted the audience with his address about science and society. We wanted to organise a climate conference with a strong science and technology theme, to attract students with a science background who might otherwise be disengaged with this topic. The impact of the London Climate Forum was felt long after the conference itself, contributing to a greater community of student changemakers at Imperial College. The Environment Society had more signups at the conference than they did at the Fresher’s Fair, and a subsequent call for environmental ambassadors and carbon audit volunteers proved hugely successful.

Cambridge Ethical Network Another way to achieve this outcome is simply to bring like-minded students

together. We established the ‘Ethical Network’ to strengthen and support the student charity scene at Cambridge University, a diverse, vibrant group of societies that campaign, fundraise, volunteer and advocate. Something as simple as bringing these groups together in one room to discuss plans, dates for events, shared challenges and opportunities for collaboration has had a huge impact, leading to more coordinated activities throughout the year. By working together, we have raised the profile of all our activities - ultimately helping to scale up the reach and impact of social action in Cambridge.

Bigger and better Next year, we want to reach even more students to increase our – and their – impact on society. We will launch a new website for each of our local Hubs, to improve our communications with students; we will increase the size of our local support teams to reach more students at our existing Hubs; and we will increase the size of our network by partnering with at least one new university. In particular, we aim to: • Work with more students, at least 40% of whom have not been involved in social action before; • Attract over 12,500 attendees to our conferences and events; • Place at least 1750 student volunteers in local community projects.

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Providing opportunities to engage

The main barrier to young people’s civic engagement is a disempowering lack of opportunities to make a difference. 95% of students think that students should do more to tackle social and environmental issues - but they often don’t know how. That’s where we come in. We want to make it easier for students do more to address the world’s most pressing challenges, so that they feel empowered to make a positive difference in society now, as well as in the future. How do we make this happen? Our Hubs make it easy, fun and rewarding for students to get involved in events, projects, training and new initiatives. We seek new opportunities for students to take action, as well as providing some of our own - from volunteering projects, to conferences, to placements in non-profit organisations. For example, since 2009 Oxford Hub has increased the number of community projects available for students to volunteer fivefold.

This year... We have supported student-led projects in the community.


We have incubated new volunteering, campaigning, social enterprise or educational projects set up by students.



of students tell us that they are more motivated to take action on social or environmental issues, as a result of the Hub. IMPACT REPORT 12-13 | 13

Providing opportunities to engage

“When you are exposed to the myriad of opportunities out there, you certainly feel like there is a strong network of people who can offer support and opportunities. Even the expansion of my knowledge about social issues motivates me, as I realise just how much needs to be done!�

We organise opportunities for students to take action on social and environmental issues, and provide ongoing support to ensure that these initiatives are meaningful and worthwhile. Here are just two examples of new opportunities that we have supported this year, for students to do more for their communities.

Code Club A key way to achieve more student social action is to set up new projects where there is a clear need or gap in provision. Code Club allows students to use their specialised skills to help others: whilst many students at Imperial College know how to code, there were no previous opportunities for them to share their knowledge and love of coding with local children. By placing students in schools and providing them with Code Club teaching resources, students were given the opportunity to put their computing know-how into practice. 100% of the volunteers placed so far have been male, contrasting with most other student projects and showing the importance of tailoring opportunities to students’ interests.

Growing student social enterprise Most of the 80 new student initiatives that we have incubated this year have received funding through the HEFCE UnLtd social enterprise programme. This

programme finds, funds, and supports students to learn more about social enterprise and to set up their own projects. Six of our Hubs have provided ongoing support to these student entrepreneurs, providing them with training, advice, connections with the sector, and one-to-one support to help get their project off the ground and to ensure that these projects are effective and impactful. Of the students that we have supported, 96% have said that they are more likely to continue their engagement with social enterprise in the future, as a result of this programme. To find out more about an individual student’s experience, see Madeleine’s story on p.28.

Bigger and better Next year, we want to support even more social action activity at UK universities. We will improve our incubation programme, to help more students set up new and impactful initiatives for their local and global community; and we will provide more support to students inspired by our conferences and events, to take action on the issues they have learnt about. In particular, we aim to: • Achieve at least 85% of students reporting that they are more motivated to take action on social and environmental issues; • Support over 100 local projects; • Incubate at least 95 new social action initiatives set up by students.

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Making student social action more effective

The best intentions can go awry. When student initiatives are not well planned and well delivered, they can do more harm than good. Students are a transitory population and when project leaders move on, a good project can fall apart. It is difficult for students to have a long-term impact without a supportive infrastructure behind them. We believe that it is vital to help students tackle issues that they care about more effectively, so they can really make a difference to their communities and society. What do we do to help? We educate and inspire students through our conferences and speaker events so that they have a stronger understanding of how they can challenge the status quo; connect them to the people and projects who are getting it right; and support them by providing training and advice, and the infrastructure needed to ensure that projects remain impactful in the long-term.

This year... Over


students have been trained to become more effective changemakers in the not-for-profit sector.


feel better equipped to take action on social or environmental issues thanks to the Hub.


of students feel more knowledgeable about social or environmental issues.

IMPACT REPORT 12-13 | 17

Making student social action more effective

We want student social action to be effective and impactful, so that students can really make a difference to the issues they care about. We connect students with the experts so they learn more about the world’s challenges, and what they can do to address them. Here are two examples.

HubWorks For student social action to become more effective, training is essential. HubWorks is a three day workshop to equip students with the skills and support they need to develop great ideas into fully fledged projects, run in partnership with Ashoka UK. Over the three days attendees identify the need their project will address, learn how to assess its impact, discover techniques for effective communications, create a fundraising strategy, and develop project plans to help get their idea off the ground. One student said “this has been the most mind-blowing intensive workshop that I have attended. The Ashoka Fellows and Student Hubs staff have been amazingly useful and informative.”

Impact International Impact International is a UK-wide programme aiming to make student involvement in international volunteering more effective. It is vital to inspire

“I certainly feel more motivated to take action on social issues… I now have a more informed view of the current situation with the training and the experience that Student Hubs has given me.”

critical engagement, encouraging students to reflect on the ethics of volunteering overseas and to engage with current debates in the sector. To achieve this we have run training and discussion events, developed an extensive online resource base, and fostered debate through social media and blogging. One attendee of our national training day reported that “it really made me think about the subject and the implications of volunteering abroad”. We believe that this engagement will help more students to become more effective volunteers, with an understanding of the complex issues of sustainability, community ownership and responsible tourism.

Bigger and better Next year, we want to further improve the quality of student social action across the UK. We will grow the scale of Impact International to support more students thinking of volunteering overseas; and we will provide more structured training programmes like HubWorks, tailored to the needs of different students. In particular, we aim to: • Train over 1,700 students to become more effective changemakers; • Achieve 80% of students reporting that they feel better equipped to take action on the issues they care about; • Achieve 88% of students reporting that they have learnt more about social and environmental issues, thanks to our events and programmes. IMPACT REPORT 12-13 | 19

Growing future leaders

Professor Andrew Hamilton, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, with winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Civic Awards for commitment to positive social change.

The students of today are the consumers, decision makers and leaders of tomorrow. It is vital to invest in these future leaders and to inspire them about their power and potential to shape a better world. We know that their university experience is an formative time for students, and we want it to be their first step into a life of social leadership - so that they will continue to tackle social and environmental challenges, for longer. How? We provide students with information about - and routes into - socially impactful careers. We run the UK’s largest non-profit internships programme, and help other charities and social enterprises to recruit the best graduates. We have also set up a graduate network to facilitate graduates in any sector to continue taking part in social action, no matter their choice of career.

This year...


of students believe that we inspire them to stay involved in social action for the rest of their lives, as well as at university.


of students who have engaged with the Hub have changed their career or life plans, to help tackle social or environmental issues.


think that the non-profit or social enterprise sector seems like a more attractive or accessible career option. IMPACT REPORT 12-13 | 21

Growing future leaders

“In depth discussions led to a massive boost in my knowledge about social issues and my motivation to help tackle them… The ideals and philosophies of the Hub have definitely filtered into my everyday behaviour and conversations.”

We want to inspire students to stay involved in social action for the rest of their lives, as well as at university. As a result, all of our projects and programmes have a focus on influencing students for the long-term, but the Social Impact Internship Scheme is our biggest initiative.

Social Impact Internship Scheme We want more students to consider the non-profit sector as an exciting and accessible career choice. You can find out more about the scheme itself on page 27. Here, Storm, an intern with London Youth, explains how we have had a big impact on her life and how she has been inspired to pursue a career in youth work. “I first heard about the Social Impact Internship scheme through my involvement with Bristol Hub. I’d volunteered before and I always wanted a job that helped people, but I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant in practice! The scheme seemed like an ideal opportunity because it provides a route into the charity sector, and I love the fact they match you with a host organisation which mirrors your interests. I was placed with London Youth, and as a result of my experience I have now been working with them for over a year - I was very lucky! Without Student Hubs, I don’t think I would ever have found the London Youth opportunity

because I didn’t even know what youth work was. I would never have considered it as a career before – now I’m really passionate about youth work and so the scheme has opened a lot of doors for me.”

Bigger and better Next year, we want to provide better support for students looking to pursue a career in the non-profit sector. We will provide more careers information, we will support other non-profits to recruit the most committed and talented students, and we will grow our graduate network to offer more opportunities for social action after university. In particular, we aim to: • Impact more students’ life or career plans, so that 45% are inspired to help tackle social and environmental issues in the long-term; • Grow the Social Impact Internship Scheme, placing 150 students in the summer of 2014; • Improve our data systems so that we can better understand how many students continue to engage in social action after leaving university.

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Getting results Schools Plus Schools Plus enables students to tackle educational disadvantage in some of the UK’s greatest university cities. Students apply for this year long structured programme to tutor disadvantaged children in Oxford, Southampton and London. Each project is tailored to the needs of the local school and the pupils, allowing students to harness their energy and enthusiasm where it is needed most. Passionate and knowledgeable students are in a unique position to support pupils to achieve their academic potential. We aim to increase pupils’ interest, knowledge and confidence in their studies, as well as equipping students with the skills and experience they need to enter the education sector after graduating. Tutors commit to the programme for a full academic year, so that they make a sustained impact on pupils’ academic achievements. In partnership with Teach First, we provide students with the training and support that they need to be effective tutors and to better understand why educational disadvantage is such a pressing issue in the UK.

Here’s what tutors, teachers and pupils had to say about the programme.


of teachers reported that Schools Plus had a positive impact on pupils’ confidence in tackling tasks for a subject.


of teachers thought that Schools Plus had a positive impact on pupils’ knowledge of the subject.


of teachers said that Schools Plus had a positive impact on pupils’ interest in the subject.

No teachers thought that there had been negative impacts as a result of the scheme.

“I would like to work with the Reading Plus tutors for as long as I can” School Pupil, Oxford “With the help of Maths Plus tutors we were able to raise achievement in maths from last year. The majority of students who were tutored met their target grade and achieved a C grade or above.” Adrian Rees; Acting Vice Principal of the Oxford Academy “I love being involved in Schools Plus, a project I feel really passionate about. It’s given me the chance to really feel like I’ve been able to help someone and there is a real sense of community amongst the tutors too.” Student, Oxford Brookes University IMPACT REPORT 12-13 | 25

Getting results SVW 2013 Student Volunteering Week is a national celebration of the positive impact that students have on their local and global communities through volunteering. In February 2013 we organised the Week in partnership with the National Union of Students (NUS), with support from Barclays. Some of the headline achievements included:

8,000 20 200

students participated in events at over


Higher and Further Education institutions in the UK.

national features and blog posts were written including a profile in Guardian Students and Community Action, Cosmo on Campus and Third Sector Online.

students, MPs and sector professionals attended a Parliamentary Reception which featured a speech from Nick Hurd MP (Minister for Civil Society).

Social Impact Internship Scheme The Social Impact Internship Scheme is the largest work placement scheme for the not-for-profit sector. This scheme is aimed at students who want to pursue a socially impactful career, but don’t know where to start. We find out what issues they care about, what skills they would like to learn, and place them in an organisation that matches their needs and interests. Crucially, we provide ongoing support for both the interns and the hosts, to ensure that the placements are as beneficial as possible for both parties. We’re particularly proud of the positive impact that the scheme has had on our partners who have hosted an intern. 96% said they would recommend the scheme to other organizations 91% said they would host an intern again through the scheme 87% said their intern made a valuable contribution to their organization “Student Hubs did a fantastic job of matching us with a hardworking intern, passionate about working for a good cause, and who was an invaluable addition to the team.” Eradicating Ecocide “The two students were everything you could hope for: great attitude, great energy and they really delivered on the projects they were given… We really cannot recommend the experience highly enough.” Aspire

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Case Study Madeleine Ellis-Petersen

Madeleine signed up to The Week at her Freshers Fair, and volunteered with two Oxford Hub initiatives, OxGrow and Schools Plus, during her first year of university. She enjoyed getting out of the Oxford bubble and meeting new people, saying “I didn’t want to spend my whole life in the library!

For me, the Hub is the best thing ever. There are so many things to do around Oxford, so it’s great to have one go-to point which connects you to opportunities. Taking part in the opportunities which the Hub offered affirmed my previously ‘idealist’ belief that communities can be the leaders in social change. I have learnt that even the small projects can make a big difference. With the support of Oxford Hub, an impossible idea to launch a student-led social enterprise on Hogacre Common suddenly seemed possible. With their help I applied for grant funding, and won a grant of £5,000 from the UnLtd HEFCE programme to get my idea off the ground. The Hog Roast is a vegetarian café that aims to be as eco-friendly as possible. We minimise waste, composting all food waste and using energy from a wind turbine to power the kitchen. It’s all about encouraging people to engage with environmental issues in an easy way - through food! The Hog Roast is attracting more and more people every week, and we’re growing a real sense of community around it. Working with the Hub on this project has definitely developed my skills - but, most importantly, I’ve become a ‘yes’ person. If someone has an idea I think, ‘that’s awesome, let’s make that happen’.

Case Study Galane Luo

Galane’s feet barely touched the ground during his first two years at university. But, in his third year, an opportunity to join the Cambridge Hub student committee caught his eye.

I thought Cambridge Hub had great values, so I applied for the position of School Liaison Officer on the student committee. I wanted to see if I could help make a difference. With the help of the Cambridge Hub and Student Hubs team, I felt confident to take on the challenge. By liaising with pre-existing tutoring groups, Cambridge Hub could provide services that no one had previously thought to offer - such as hosting school workshops aimed at raising social, environmental and ethical awareness in students. I really think that Student Hubs’ most important role is to inform and inspire people. You can provide people with the opportunity to make a difference, but they have to be aware that the issue exists first. Being on the Cambridge Hub committee has really opened my eyes to the world of teaching and education.

My involvement with the Cambridge Hub committee really got me thinking about how I could continue tackling social and environmental challenges in my careers. Although I’m now undertaking a MA in Maths, I’m keeping an open mind about joining the Student Hubs Graduate Scheme afterwards. Student Hubs has made me aware of and inspired me to get involved with social issues; in the future, I would really like to continue working on these issues alongside my career!

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Case Study Siân Whyte

After university Siân was unsure what career path to follow. A friend told her about Student Hubs’ Social Impact Internship Scheme, which was a perfect fit for her: passionate about youth-led social action, she wanted to be part of an organisation where she could feel like her work was having immediate impact as the organisation grew - as well as having impact ‘on the ground’.

My internship with Student Hubs allowed me to develop new skills and take on lots of responsibility. I did have experience elsewhere in the sector, however, it was attending the Emerge Conference which gave me real confidence and clarity of mind to know that I wanted to pursue a career in research and impact measurement. Student Hubs’ conferences are great at exposing students to a wide range of challenges - but it was the session on social impact which inspired me to look for a job in that sector. Student Hubs is particularly good at taking individuals and supporting them to develop themselves. The new ideas and challenges with which they inspire students really prepare them for jobs in the not-for-profit sector. What they need to do now is to think more about how to reach the ‘unusual suspects’, and think about how they can reconcile their commitment to individual support and personal relationships with the scale of their vision.

Case Study Dominic Weinberg

Dom came to university knowing that he wanted to get involved in social action activities. I always felt like I wanted to use my skills to make the world a better place. During my fourth year I applied for several consultancy jobs, but I knew I wasn’t really motivated about working in the business sector and ultimately preferred to pursue an ‘ethical’ career. The Social Impact Internship scheme seemed like a great opportunity to do something interesting with my summer. “At my placement with the National Council for Voluntary Youth Services (NCVYS), I wrote a policy consultation about the minimum wage and apprenticeships, undertook some preparation for the party conference season and carried out research for NCVYS on environmental youth work. I really enjoyed the work and it helped me realise that working on youth policy was something I could see myself doing longer-term. “I have Student Hubs to thank for giving me the opportunity, which undoubtedly contributed to my later taking on a permanent position at NCVYS. I’m now the Policy Manager, representing the youth sector to government and other organisations. I’ve been here for four years and I still can’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing!

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Youth Social Action

Youth Social Action In 2012 the Cabinet Office commissioned a review into the take up of youth social action programmes across the country. Our executive director, Adam O’Boyle, joined their advisory board to develop a quality framework that identifies key indicators of impactful youth social action. We also co-founded Generation Change, a coalition of organisations aiming to increase the quality, quantity and impact of youth social action in the UK. The quality framework commits organisations to deliver and demonstrate the double benefit of youth social action. This means seeking high quality opportunities for volunteers to develop skills, as well as to achieve social impact for the wider community. We believe that our work achieves this double benefit, by empowering students to have a positive impact on their local and global communities. Our students develop leadership capabilities by setting up new conferences, developing new ventures and taking part in training programmes. They plan, and problem solve; learn new communications skills; and enhance their employability. Our communities benefit through the many projects that enable students to have a positive impact. Our Schools Plus programme (pp.24-5) allows students to tackle educational disadvantage on their doorsteps. The Social Impact Internship scheme (p.27) has, over the past four years, supported over 70 small non-profit organisations delivering social impact. In total, we support 97 volunteering projects enabling students to dedicate their energy and skills for their local community.

Looking Forward

Credit: Mike Massaro

Looking Forward We’re hugely proud of what we have achieved in the last 12 months, and with more staff and more students than ever before, we are confident that we can have an even bigger impact next year. As you can see on pages 11-23, we have set ourselves some pretty ambitious targets for growing our scale and improving the outcomes of our programmes. But we are also ambitious to improve our understanding of what impact we have, and how exactly we achieve it. Without this understanding, it is difficult for any charity to learn from experience and to drive improvements in their work. There’s plenty more for us to learn in 2013-14. We want to: • Improve our data systems so that we can better track the impact of our interventions on individual students and alumni. • Solicit feedback from more of our stakeholders, to build a clearer picture of how we have impacted them. • Undertake more research into student social action nationally and internationally, so that we have a better understanding of the context of our work. • Better assess our longer-term impact by increasing the scope of longitudinal studies on Hub graduates. If you would like more information about the methodology used in this report, or on our impact analysis more generally, please contact alice.thornton@

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We are hugely grateful for the support of our funders, and those who have provided resources in-kind, over the academic year 2012-13. With your support we were able to grow by 140% in comparison to the previous year, launching Hubs in new universities, rolling out programmes such as Schools Plus in new locations, and developing national campaigns such as Student Volunteering Week. Ensuring as ever to grow in a sustainable way, we continued to diversify our income streams, in particular focusing on growing our self-generated income which now counts for 15% of our total turnover. We received approximately 25% of our income from trusts and foundations, 25% from corporate partners, 20% from our host universities, and remaining funds from third sector partners, public funding, and donations from individual supporters. It is what we were able to achieve with these resources that makes us so thankful for our supporters – using them to continue to benefit increasing numbers of students, partner organisations and local community members. The chart to the right shows the breakdown of our expenditure – and what we achieved with this:

More Students Our events and communications are a hugely powerful way in which to inform and inspire our student audience about social issues – and to ensure that the social action ‘scene’ at universities is a vibrant and attractive one. Last year, we allocated 41.1% of our expenditure towards achieving this outcome, enabling us to effect a culture change in UK universities so that studentpowered social change becomes the norm, not the exception.

Doing More Our community projects are the primary way in which we connect students with opportunities to make a difference, enabling them to take action on issues they care about. Last year, 35.3% of our costs were dedicated towards achieving this outcome, empowering students to make a positive difference in society now, as well as in the future.


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M E f fec ore ti v e l

More Effectively By offering high-quality training programmes and access to world-class speakers on social and environmental issues, we make student social action more effective and impactful. This outcome cost us 14.5% of our expenditure last year, in order to improve students’ understanding of social issues and to develop the skills that they need to take action.

For Longer Our Social Impact Internship scheme was the main form of expenditure to achieve this outcome. This scheme and other careers-related events have enabled us to inspire more students to stay involved in social action in the long term; 9.1% of our overall expenditure was spent to achieve more students becoming active citizens for life. You can find our full financial records in our Annual Reports on the Charity Commission website. If you are interested in funding our work, or in setting up a Hub at your University, please see page 39.

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Thank yous Student Hubs would like to take this opportunity to thank our supporters from 2012-13, who together make our work possible. Funders are acknowledged here in bold text. Abi Hinton; Abi Taylor; the team at Accenture; Adam Grodecki; AKU Society; Albert Chong; Amy Birchall; Jacqueline Lim & Team at Volans; Andrew Bartley; Andrew McCracken, Andrew Burroughs and Helen Eccles and the team at the Royal College of Physicians; Anna Burton, READ International; Anna Dominey; Anna Trichkine; Annabel Smith; Anne Edwards; Aranya Tharumakunarajah; Ashmolean Museum; Aspire; Awards for All; Ayako Mori; Ben Haydon, Hogacre Common; The Community Investment and Graduate Recruitment teams at Barclays; Ben Metz; Blueprint for Better Business; Breandan Kearney; CAFOD; Caroline Huang; Charity Comms; Charlotte Edwards, Teach First; Childreach International; City Year; Claire Hardesty, Evan Hancock and Kerry Hyde at SOAS; Cliff Prior and the UnLtd team; Dave Coles, KickStart Ghana; David Owens; David Ross and the team at Deloitte; Dominic Heslin-Rees; Ecotricity; Elizabeth Chick; Emily Frost; Emily Loud; Envision; Eradicating Ecocide; Fellowship of Reconcilliation; Fiona Ellison, Eimear Galvin and Rosie Hunnam, NUS; Francesca De-Munnich-Langford; FRANK Water; Friends of the Earth; Gavin Bate, Moving Mountains; Gemma Rocyn Jones; George Green’s School; Give More; Go Low CIC; Greentraveller; Guide Dogs UK; Hannah Ashley; HART; Henry Ashworth and the team at the Portman Group; Housing for Women; Hub Islington; Hub Westminster; Into University; JAGS Foundation; Jake Leeper; Jan Matern, Emerge Venture Lab; Jens Tholstrup; John Mellor; Jonathan Jenkins and the team at Social Investment Business; Jonny Gutteridge, Engineers Without Borders UK; Judy Barrett; Kathleen Soriano; Katri Hastings; Katy Neilson, O2 Think Big; Leonard Cheshire Disability; Liam Black and the Wavelength team; Lincoln Smith, EWB-UK; London Youth; Louisa Johnson; Louise Goux-Wirth; Luca Ferrini; Lucy Binfield; Lucy Nightingale, Sri Lanka Volunteers; MakeSense; the team at Man Charitable Trust; Mark Carlyon-Smith, Sarah Hardwick, Paul Higham and Chris Wrighton, Allianz UK; Mark Cheng, Rob Wilson and the Ashoka team; Martina Gant, KOP Africa; Max Wakefield; Michael Hill, Barclays; Mitzvah Day; National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society; National Trust; NCVYS; nfpsynergy; Nick Hurd MP; Nicola Blackwood MP; Nicole Evans; Overseas Development institute; OxFizz; Paul Gilbert; Penny Daly; People & Planet; Polly Akhurst, Talk to Me London; Priyank Shah; Rachel Stephenson; Randa Fahmy; READ International; Restless Development; Ridzwan Razalee; Rob Chuter; Rob Wilson and the team at Ashoka; RSA; Ruth Whateley, SIAA; Samuel Poskitt; Sara Bennett; Sarah Feldman; SCSN; Shane Brogan; Shindy Lall; Sian Whyte, Citizens Advice; Signhealth; Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship; SOS; SPLASH; Stafford Long; Stephen Bubb; Stephen King; Storm Lawrence, London Youth; Student Minds; Sustainability East; Tasha Unwin; The Brilliant Club; The Guardian Social Enterprise Network; The Hackney Pirates; The Leprosy Mission; The Oxford Academy; The Papworth Trust; The Winch; Tony Juniper; Tris Lumley; United World Colleges; Vicki Baars; Vicky Burrows; Victoria Auyeung; Victoria Clayton; Voluntary Action Harrow; Whole Education; William Jensen; Willy Oppenheim, Omprakash; WVRS; Yellow Submarine; Young Achievers Trust; Youth in Action Student Hubs staff: Adam O’Boyle; Alice Robinson; Alice Thornton; Amy Anderson; Anna Machin; Caroline Wood; Carys Roberts; Charis Sharpe; Elena Lynch; Emily Dunning; Francis Wight; Graham Read; Hannah Macdiarmid; Jim Riddiford; Jon Whitehead; Josh Rhodes; Laura Steele; Rachel Egan;

Rhiannon Horsley; Ruth Taylor; Ruth Whincup; Sara Fernandez; Sarah Hewett; Sonali Campion; Will Normington; Zoe Conn Bristol Hub: Alice Lord; Anvi Mridul; Chris Willmore, University of Bristol; Christa Mpundu; Clare Prosser, Scott Farmer, Alice Peck and Jemma Harford, UBU; Daniel Nott; Dave Jarman, RED; Ella Montgomery-Smith; Foodcycle Bristol; Francesca Gage; Gwilym Owen; Helen Steiger; Ina Bakalova; Ione Bingley; Jack Farmer; Jess Brightwell; Jonathan Broad; Josiane Smith; Karl Belizaire from UnLtd; Katia Bazar-Rosen; Katie Irving; Lara Parkinson; Lily Thomas; Lou Matter, RSA; Louise Eldridge, Christian Aid; Lucie Machin; Lucy King; Lydia Greenaway; Martin Wiles, Aisling Tierney, Hannah Tweddell, Rose Rooney, Chris Jones, Sophie Ross, Gill Nash, John Brenton, Sam Fitzsimmons and the team at Bristol University Sustainability Department; Matthew Holland; Max Wakefield; Mia Rafalowicz-Campbell; Monika Rzesniowiecka; Ollie Yorke; Orla Gill; Ottilie Wilford; Philippa Bayley, Cabot Institute; Philippa Walker, University Press Office; Pritesh Mistry; Rachael Shillitoe, Envision Bristol; Rachel Bloom; Rachel Reid, IntoUniversity Bristol; Rob Looker, Knowing & Growing; Roger Zhang; Rosalie de Lisle; Sahar Shah; Sam Fry, Shaun Miller and Will Pritchard, Basecamp; Sara Whittam, Julia Mitchell, Caroline Higgins, Hannah Mossman and Jennifer Smith, University of Bristol Careers Service; Sarah Feldman; Sian de Bell; Sophie Kobewka; Suzi Millar; The FairTrade Cafe; The Multi-faith Chaplaincy; University of Bristol Hospitality Services; Val Bishop from African Initiatives; Yan Zhang; Zoe Pither, Widening Participation Brookes Hub: Alison Honour; Brian Marshall; Chew CY; David Hartley; David Whittingham and the team at OBSU; Ellie Massey; Fee Chandler; Helena Mitchell; Hilary Lowe; Jeff Willmore; Jess Latto; John Raftery; John Thiel; Laura Wheatley; Lynette Basha; Manoj Paudel; Paul Inman; Business Development Office; Richard Huggins; Ridzwan Razalee; Roberto Daniele; Sarah Brice; Sebastian Blake and the Sustainability Team; Shini Rajannan; Sue Holton and the Careers and Employment Centre; Oxford Brookes University Vice-Chancellor’s Office Cambridge Hub: Cambridge City and County Councils; Cambridge RAG; Celeste Wee; Cole Charitable Trust; Daniel Macmillen; Ele Gower; Ellen Thomas; the Environment and Energy Section at the University of Cambridge Estate Management Department; FLACK; Future Business; Galane Luo; Hannah Todd; Helen Lilley; Humanitarian Centre; ideaSpace; Judge Business School Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning; Katrina Barnes; Katy Davis; Ken Banks; Lillie Dore; Liz Waters; Mary Stables; Murray Edwards Garden; Phil Howell, Geography Department; Pippa Smith; Rachael Corbishley; Rebecca Trevalyan; Selena Lv; The Cambridge Union Society; Tony Juniper; Transition Cambridge; Trinity Engage; University of Cambridge Careers Service; the team at the University of Cambridge Public Engagement Department; Victoria Lee; Volunteering @ Anglia Ruskin Students Union; Yeoh Lai Lin Imperial Hub: Abdalla Salim and the staff of the Helping Hands Supplementary School; Alan Jay; Annalisa Alexander; Bruno Cotta; Carla Slaughter, Mary McClory and the staff of St. Cuthberts with St. Matthias CE Primary School; Chloe Zhao; Courtney Boyd; Dave Ward; Dhanvi Bosamia; Father Kidane Lebasi and the staff of the Gheez Rite Supplementary School; Help a Capital Child; Hugo Paquet; Humera Ansari; Imperial College Union; Jamal Almuallem and the staff of the Eritrean Children and Parents’ Association; James Clark and the staff of Bishop Challoner Catholic College; Karen Chamberlain and the staff of Lilian Baylis Technology College; Keni Thomas and; Jason Flavien at the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Council; Leslie Uzan; Liana Jikia-Gogritchiani and the staff of

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the First Georgian Supplementary School; Linda Ogbuehi and the staff of the Response Computer and Homework Club; Madaline Maxwell; Marie Shkay; Mark Hammond; Martha Romero and the staff of the Masbro Community Centre; Mercers’ Company; Mustapha Zouaoui and the staff of the Moroccan Supplementary School; Phil Power; Rameez Kaleem and the staff of the City Circle Supplementary School; Roberta Iley; Sara Muir; Shirley Simmonds and the staff of the Pimento Project; Sophia Swidzinska, Teach First; Steve Tran; The Brightside Trust; Val Patterson Oxford Hub: Abbas Kazmi; Amanda Poole; Anne Edwards; Ariel Gregory; Ben Girling; Bishop Colin Fletcher; Bob Price; Caroline Huang; Caroline Taylor; Charlotte Smart; Children in Need; CHK Charities; Eleanor Ives; Fleur Nash; Florence Avery; Fraser Eccles; Henry Owen; Hester Burn; Jennifer Brennan; Joellyn Heng; John Huxley; John Tertan; Jonathan Black and the team at Oxford University Careers Services; Joshua Powell; Julia Chen; Karen Xi; Keith Zimmerman and the team at Oxford University Student Services; Laura Groome; Lindsey Mepham and the team at Oxford University Development Office; Lord Lieutenant Tim Stevenson; Louis Trup; Madeleine Ellis-Peterson; Mark Mills; Maureen O’Neill; Michael Blake; Natasha Stotesbury; Nathalie Cooper; OUSU; Oxford University Department of Education; Oxford University Events Office; Oxford University Van Houten Fund; Pablo Simko; Patrick Stockwell; Phil Clare and the team at Knowledge Exchange; Polly Streather; Raphaelle Vallet; Roulin Wang; Sarah Blakemore; Sarah Illingworth; Sarah Santhosham; Singer Foundation; Sophie Chen; Stephanie Kemp; Szi Leung Southampton Hub: Aleesha Adams; Alex Harvey; Amy Nicolass; Ant Douglas; Chloe Green; Danny Hutley; Florence Hodesdon; Izzy Norris; Jaki Booth and the team at SUSU; Jamal Mehmood; Jo Ash and the Southampton Voluntary Services Team; Julia Kendall; Julie Parfitt, Vicky Ransley and the team at Career Destinations; Laur Evans; Laura Luff; Mariam Elbadri; Matthew Robinson and the staff at Bassett Green Primary School; Mohamed Ibrahim; Nicola Moore; Nola Godbert; Olli Niyi-Awosusi; Pathik Pathak; Russell Brown and the staff at Regents Park Community School; Sai On Lewis Tang; Serena Dempsey; Serena Patel; Sophie Bradfield; SUSU Organ Donation Society; Tasha Unwin; Zara Livingston Warwick Hub: Anekha Sokhal; Annabel Lim; Arpuda Reddy; Ben Frew; Benjamin Clifford; Callum Calvert; Caroline Lallis; Chris Maughan; Connor Schwartz; Cooperative Community Fund; Dominic Heslin-Rees; Emily Scurrah; Felix Thomson; Frances Ellis; Hannah Ashley; Hannah Wheatley; Harshil Shah; Ivana Ojukwu; James Gillard; Joanna McGilvray; Joe Brandim-Howson; Katri Hastings; King Leung; Mame Ewurama Orleans-Lindsay; Nathaniel Shiers; Pete McNally; Peter Rose; Phoebe Demeger; Polly Foster; Richard Groves and all at Student Careers and Skills; Rohan Mulchandani; Sarah Clarke; Silkie Cragg; The Co-op; Warwick University Vice Chancellors Office; Warwick Politics and International Studies; Warwick SU; Warwick Volunteers

References: All percentages quoted refer to the results of our student survey, undertaken in JuneAugust 2013, with 259 responses. The following are exceptions: Page 14: all percentages refer to the results of our survey of HEFCE UnLtd Award Winners supported by Student Hubs, undertaken in July 2013, with 23 responses. Page 25: all percentages refer to the results of our survey of teachers whose pupils have participated in Schools Plus, undertaken in May 2013, with 19 responses. Page 27: all percentages refer to the results of our survey of host organisations, undertaken in September 2012, with 23 responses. Pages 28-31: all case study participants were interviewed in September 2013.

Fund us

Support Us

We couldn’t create the impact that we do without the support of our funders. If you’ve been inspired by this Impact Report and would like to learn more about how you can support our work through giving financially or in-kind, please get in touch with Anna Machin (

Start a Hub We are always looking to increase our impact by partnering with more universities across the UK. If you are interested in setting up a Hub at your institution, please get in touch with Francis Wight ( We can also offer access to tailored projects, events, training opportunities or programmes for your students. Please get in touch for more information.

Partner with us If you are a non-profit or social enterprise, we can help you to involve more students in your work. Get in touch with Alice Thornton ( for full information on the publicity and outreach services that we offer. We are always looking for speakers, trainers and advisors on any aspect of social action to get involved in our initiatives. Please get in touch if you’d like to help our students to achieve more.

Host an intern Next year, we will place 150 exceptional students in non-profit organisations as part of our Social Impact Internship Scheme. See page 27 if you would like to find out more about the benefits of hosting one of these students in your organisation. To express an interest, please contact Francis Wight (

Contact us 01865 264154


Design by Graham Read; Photos by Graham Read/Student Hubs/as labelled; Copy by Zoe Conn, Alice Thornton and the team at Student Hubs; Produced by Alice Thornton

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To find out more about Student Hubs visit or email us at With many thanks to our founding partners:

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Student Hubs is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1122328.

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